View Full Version : Arcane Duelist fun

2013-01-07, 01:55 PM
So, I just recently came across this guy (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20030224a) and all of it's abilities seem pretty fun!

Currently thinking Factotum 3/Fighter 1/Warblade 3/Arcane Duelist 10/Legacy Champion 3

I figure Factotum could finesse the arcane requirement for AD while making up for the BAB loss with INT bs. Warblade grants me blood in the water which'll allow me to make full use of all of AD's abilities (not to mention more INT synergy). And Fighter is, as always, the obligatory bonus feat/full BAB filler.
I wasn't sure how to cap this off, so I just went with LC advancing AD for more Flurry of Swords.

What can you guys tell me about the Arcane Duelist? I'm sure there are greater sick combos out there.

2013-01-07, 02:02 PM
Factotum does not actually cast spells.

Fable Wright
2013-01-07, 03:00 PM
Hexblade 4 could be a good lead in; you have a way to use Charisma to synergize with Apparent Defense, 1st level spells, a full BAB, and a walking debuff just in case.

There is a neat trick with Dexterous Attack, though; with Power Attack and a 2-handed weapon, you can add your BAB to the damage for free by Power Attacking for full and Dexterous Attacking for full at the same time. After which, you can trade BAB for damage on a 1-for-1 basis.

The only problem with the class, of course, is the BAB and lack of advancing spellcasting. I mean, seriously? Half BAB for class features like that? Not worth it. Not by a long shot. If it was full BAB, it would be a decent class, and if it was 3/4 BAB, it wouldn't be too bad. But half BAB?

2013-01-07, 03:36 PM
I think Arcane Duelist is one of those classes that's better in gestalt, like Hulking Hurler, since the second class makes up for the weaknesses in the first. The difference is that Hulking Hurler is worth taking on its own outside of gestalt. Arcane Duelest? Not so much.

2013-01-07, 06:53 PM
I hear you can do interesting things with a Bard base. Swashbuckler might work if you use the Arcane Stunt ACF in the PHB2, which grants you a SLA in exchange for... something.

2013-01-07, 10:47 PM
Hexblade 4 could be a good lead in; you have a way to use Charisma to synergize with Apparent Defense, 1st level spells, a full BAB, and a walking debuff just in case.

There is a neat trick with Dexterous Attack, though; with Power Attack and a 2-handed weapon, you can add your BAB to the damage for free by Power Attacking for full and Dexterous Attacking for full at the same time. After which, you can trade BAB for damage on a 1-for-1 basis.

The only problem with the class, of course, is the BAB and lack of advancing spellcasting. I mean, seriously? Half BAB for class features like that? Not worth it. Not by a long shot. If it was full BAB, it would be a decent class, and if it was 3/4 BAB, it wouldn't be too bad. But half BAB?

Isn't that the idea behind the class though? You're not a good fighter so lay on the finesse? I'd imagine the power attacking/dexterous shenanigans would make up for the lack of BAB, not to mention giving weapons an extra keen if you so fancy. Crit fish on one or two full attacks and soon your BAB doesn't even care. Or is the cut in BAB that abject?