View Full Version : Replacing Polymorph

2013-01-07, 04:43 PM
Greetings! In the campaign I run, I have banned polymorph since I believe it can lead to a game spiraling out of control quickly. I have not bothered to make a tweak to it or anything. It has simply been banned. My group is fine with the decision, seeing as they have many other spells available.

My problem comes when monsters have this spell as a SLA. It is fair that, if the PCs cannot cast it, neither should the monsters/NPCs. I was looking at the spell in question- 4th level, and was thinking of giving the monster in question (ogre mage) a replacement for polymorph. It does not need to be a transmutation spell, but ideally, something at the same level as the excluded spell.

If any of you have some ideas as to what would go well thematically for this monster (I know polymorph was great, since they are these deceiving devil ogres from oriental myths), I would be most grateful.

Thank you in advance.

EDIT: We had a similar problem with an Astral Deva, but thankfully, I replaced polymorph with Break Enchantment (using the 4th level paladin version) because it seemed to fit an angel at the time and place where it was encountered.

2013-01-07, 04:50 PM
I've soft-banned Polymorph too, but my players don't mind monsters having it still.
That said, if you want ogre mages to be able to do the same sorts of things as usual, you need to give them something that lets them impersonate people. Enlarge/Reduce and Disguise Self could fill that role. To give them something of Polymorph's combat potential without overdoing it, maybe give them Stoneskin, Bull's Strength and/or Cat's Grace.

Just suggestions of course.

2013-01-07, 05:08 PM
I would just give them some type of Alternate Form (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#alternateForm) ability. It's not nearly as problematic as straight-up Polymorph abilities.

2013-01-07, 10:45 PM
Thank you for the imput! In oder to give monsters a distinct feel, I may rule monsters with that inherent ability to keep it. So as to differentiate them from "regular casters".