View Full Version : HELP!! Item shopping!

2013-01-07, 04:56 PM
So in our game, our gm give us a gold mine. We have acquired 3 million gold coins and we each get 750,000 to spend. I am trying to come up with things to buy for my character, a 6th level halfling cleric of st cuthbert. We are going to be probably fighting orcs and red dragons.

So far the only item i have is the Belt of (Magnificance/Awesome) which gives +6 to all attributes. I don't know where this item is and what it does exactly and its cost. Can someone help on that?

Also, i have the alot of the books for 3.5 beyond the core. I am looking to get items that can help the party solve problems of various kinds that we run into.

I have a max of 750,000 miss the cost of the belt. any items i purchase have to be able to be carried by a lantern archon, who is buying the items for us. I rarely get involved in combat or choose to, since my chars stats were built to make him a caster so he has low str, 8 currently. Any advice and such would be thankful.

My halfling, Sir Barak Humanbane, has the following items currently:
Ring of telepathy for Anne, his cohort/wife, another halfling
Undead bane heavy mace
Pearl of power, 1st
wand of cure light wounds, 1st, 14 charges
Scrolls- 3 cure light wounds, 5 cure moderate wounds
Potions- Fly, 2 Cure Moderate wounds, Waterwalk

Thanks in advance.

2013-01-07, 05:09 PM
You'll find the belt in Miniatures Handbook. Tome of Understanding is another thing you might find useful. Some sort of interdimensional storage space you can lug around would be great. And you still have plenty to spare after all that.

You could consider several strategies, such as going for something that can't easily be taken away (since the DM may feel inclined to do so soon). Your god might also have something to say about how you choose to spend this incredible wealth.

Let me just take this time to express my concern about 6th level characters getting the wealth by level of of 20th level characters.

2013-01-07, 05:27 PM
A 6th level character with (almost) 20th level WBL (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MontyHaul)??

Oh well. For all of your shopping needs, Go to Shax's (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148101). (Sadly, Shax's used to link you to Bunko's, but that needs updating now.)

2013-01-07, 05:29 PM
Remember all the 20th level commoner fighter vs lvl 13 Wizard threads? With lvl20 WBL and some way to pump UMD, you can pretend to be a high level wizard and beat actual casters.

2013-01-07, 05:52 PM
What? we only had kill the spiders infesting the mine, which we mined twice of gold since we got sent backward in time 175 years. So i have only 550,000 left to spend then. Ahhh, what to buy?

2013-01-07, 06:56 PM
What is this about purchased items need to be carried by a lantern archon? This seems weird, and a big restriction, since these small creature have a strength of 1, and no hands/limbs/body slots to speak of.

Please clarify.

2013-01-07, 07:06 PM
Forget adventuring. Buy yourself a castle and live like a king for the rest of your life.

2013-01-07, 07:14 PM
Get yourself a cowl of warding nao. It is probably the best use of a head slot in the entire game. Yes, it is 200K. But you will still be wearing that thing even if you make it to level 31. Mind blank, freedom of movement, spell turning... So many of the strongest wizard I win buttons are completely negated, often by sending them back on the caster! Further, don't worry about being grappled or stuck to anything.

No more fear, no more suggestion or mind reading or dominate. (No more mind affecting spells can target you.) No one can find you via divination. Put death ward on your armor. A +5 Nat. armor, +5 ring of prot., +5 cloak of resistance. You've been set back less than 400k by this point, leaving you more than enough money to get your preferred method of flight and some way to negate stun effects.

2013-01-07, 07:16 PM
What book is the cowl in? We were using the lantern archon to money across the ocean to buy stuff and return with our stuff, so the items have to be conceivably teleported by him. Thats all.

2013-01-07, 07:20 PM
What book is the cowl in? We were using the lantern archon to money across the ocean to buy stuff and return with our stuff, so the items have to be conceivably teleported by him. Thats all.

It is in both Magic of Faerun and the Magic Item Compendium.

2013-01-07, 07:48 PM
We were using the lantern archon to money across the ocean to buy stuff and return with our stuff, so the items have to be conceivably teleported by him. Thats all.

So, assuming the lantern archon is somehow the source of the teleport (?), then it's max load is 7.5lbs, so that is the max it can carry in a single teleport, as per the spell. A much bigger issue than what it buys, though, is the money, which weighs 1lbs/50gp. So the max gold coins it can carry is about 350gp, which is going to seriously complicate stuff if you can't convert it into something lighter, like gems, which in turn is totally reliant on gems being negotiable currency....

Is the creature helping you really a lantern archon? From the Monster Manual:

Lantern archons are very friendly and usually eager to give what
assistance they can. However, their bodies are just gaseous globes,
and they are much too weak to render any material aid. Lantern
archons speak in soft, musical voices.
Maybe the DM is just glossing over the fine points here, but this is hardly the creature to send on a shopping spree for you. It also has no ability to teleport.

2013-01-07, 08:00 PM
So, assuming the lantern archon is somehow the source of the teleport (?), then it's max load is 7.5lbs, so that is the max it can carry in a single teleport, as per the spell. A much bigger issue than what it buys, though, is the money, which weighs 1lbs/50gp. So the max gold coins it can carry is about 350gp, which is going to seriously complicate stuff if you can't convert it into something lighter, like gems, which in turn is totally reliant on gems being negotiable currency....

Is the creature helping you really a lantern archon? From the Monster Manual:

Maybe the DM is just glossing over the fine points here, but this is hardly the creature to send on a shopping spree for you. It also has no ability to teleport.

Yeah, all good points. But if the GM is saying that it has teleport, it is clearly A. another creature or B. the GM homebrewed Lantern Archons to be stronger. Which he has the right to do. So, yeah, as the player I personally wouldn't question it. ;P

2013-01-07, 08:06 PM
Yeah, all good points. But if the GM is saying that it has teleport, it is clearly A. another creature or B. the GM homebrewed Lantern Archons to be stronger. Which he has the right to do. So, yeah, as the player I personally wouldn't question it. ;P

Ah, good point; I had assumed that the player character had somehow arranged for this help, what with it being a cleric and all. Though I guess he's rather too low level to be able to use lesser planar ally.

If the DM came up with the fix, then go with it. Still, it means that you can't invest in that fortress/castle solution. At least not directly; probably could afford a number of daern's instant fortress (55000gp, DMG) with that much. I think somewhere it suggested that you can position these next to each other to make a larger structure (Stronghold Builders Guidebook, probably), though there are some minor problems you might need to solve if you do this.

2013-01-07, 09:07 PM
We have an npc cleric with access to plane shift, that used lesser planer ally to summon a lantern archon. From what i could recall, the archon could transport up to 50lbs of nonliving material.

From what i can tell, our mission will be fighting orcs and trying to turn the tide. I am guessing that we won't be really setting up fortresses to live in, unless we manage to stop the orcs from winning the war.

The page on Lantern Archons: Here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/archon.htm#lanternArchon)

2013-01-07, 09:32 PM
We have an npc cleric with access to plane shift, that used lesser planer ally to summon a lantern archon. From what i could recall, the archon could transport up to 50lbs of nonliving material.

From what i can tell, our mission will be fighting orcs and trying to turn the tide. I am guessing that we won't be really setting up fortresses to live in, unless we manage to stop the orcs from winning the war.

The page on Lantern Archons: Here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/archon.htm#lanternArchon)

Oh, nevermind Phelix-Mu, looks like I was wrong! Do you know that the DM will go for this solution? (Archons do all get teleport, but apparantly it is greater teleport which I didn't know and which would allow their solution.) Also, is your DM pretty open as far as what magic items you want that you could afford, or do you have to buy what items happen to be available?

2013-01-07, 09:35 PM
He agreed to let Adam, another player, get the belt of magnificance no problem so i don't think its an issue. He wouldn't let me spend gold to do research or anything to find a dragonorb, so i guess only artifacts are out. Plus, according to the in-game history, the old world was full of magic items. That means we can get whatever we want.

2013-01-07, 09:42 PM
He agreed to let Adam, another player, get the belt of magnificance no problem so i don't think its an issue. He wouldn't let me spend gold to do research or anything to find a dragonorb, so i guess only artifacts are out. Plus, according to the in-game history, the old world was full of magic items. That means we can get whatever we want.

Cool cool. Unless your DM is fairly Monty Haul, though, you may want to invest in at least a +5 tome to your greatest stat. Because that much gold at such a low level is either gearing up for a very high powered game or I smell a reckoning...

2013-01-07, 09:52 PM
Cool cool. Unless your DM is fairly Monty Haul, though, you may want to invest in at least a +5 tome to your greatest stat. Because that much gold at such a low level is either gearing up for a very high powered game or I smell a reckoning...

Indeed, a +5 tome (of understanding if you are a cleric) should be the first thing that you ask the DM for, since it gives you a +5 inherent bonus to wisdom. This means that, once you read the book (pretty sure it takes a week), nothing can take this investment away from you. It's kind of pricey (137500gp, IIRC), but the investment is well worth it.

A necklace of prayer beads (DMG) is also a good investment for a cleric; bead of wind walking can seriously change a low level campaign, but bead of karma is the real one that shines in the long term.

Silva Stormrage
2013-01-07, 10:46 PM
Starmantle cloak (In Book of Exalted Deeds) in a low level campaign is godly too. It makes you immune to nonmagical weapons. Unless your DM plans on sending pure high level enemies at you (which will increase your wealth by level even more) you will be running around immune to a lot of enemies.

2013-01-08, 04:37 PM
On what page is the cowl of warding? I am having trouble finding it in the magic item compendium.

2013-01-08, 04:46 PM
On what page is the cowl of warding? I am having trouble finding it in the magic item compendium.

It might not be in there, if so sorry, I didn't mean to waste your time. I know for a fact it is in Magic of Faerun and thought it was in the MiC but it may not be.

2013-01-08, 04:57 PM
I'll add the Hathran mask of true seeing, a 75,000 gp face slot item from Unapproachable East that grants (yeah, you guessed it) continuous true seeing.

2013-01-08, 07:38 PM
Here are some handbooks for item shopping for you...


http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:NdEtspDNLeAJ:brilliantgameologists. com/boards/index.php%3Ftopic%3D12795.0





With that much money, you might want to look into buying a mobile airbase...


I created a cheaper/budget version of that guide:
