View Full Version : Negative energy items (3.5)

2013-01-07, 07:43 PM
Due to some interesting in game circumstances my character now heals from negative energy and is harmed by positive energy. So I am essentially undead for the purposes of healing. So my question to anyway that can answer is: where can I get some items to heal me? We have a cleric, dragon shaman, healer (MHB) and I'm a rogue. My DM is pretty liberal so I can probably talk him in to almost anything but I'm having trouble finding anything outside of a wand of inflict or vigor. Thoughts?

2013-01-07, 07:55 PM
So my question to anyway that can answer is: where can I get some items to heal me?

Bloodsweets, Ghostwalk p. 70. Essentially, "inflict light wound" candy for undead. 50 GP each, although you can eat three at a time as a full-round action.

2013-01-07, 08:34 PM
With a liberal DM, Black Sand is by far the best.

If you go strictly by RAW, there aren't any good healing items for undead. Even wands of Lessor Vigor won't work (though since it only requires you to be living, they work fine for gravetouched souls). There's also Bitterleaf Ointment, to squeeze out a bit of cheap extra healing when you rest. For undead, I think the most cost effective item is Wand of Inflict Light Wounds. At least, I haven't been able to find anything better.

I think the problem is that they don't expect people to play as undead so they never bothered creating any good healing items.

2013-01-07, 10:35 PM
Even wands of Lessor Vigor won't work (though since it only requires you to be living, they work fine for gravetouched souls).

Really? I hadn't heard that previously. Can you give a brief quote?

2013-01-07, 10:40 PM
Target: Living creature touched. Spell compendium, p229.

OP isn't undead, though, (at least he never said he was).

Silva Stormrage
2013-01-07, 10:40 PM
A dip in dread necromancer would be one solution. At will negative energy touch attack.

An item that would work would be the Rod of Enervating Strike (MiC Page 57) which deals 1d8+5 negative energy damage on each attack, 3d8+15 on a crit. Refluff it to deal a type of damage that you are resistant to (Or add merciful if you can become immune to nonlethal damage). Or give it to your weakest member and just attack yourself XD. A bit odd in gameplay but it should heal you.

2013-01-07, 11:18 PM
It's not that odd. There's an item in MiC that deals positive energy damage on a successful hit. The fluff is that it's used by Clerics of Pelor to detect undead the hard way. Hopefully Pelor has a policy for all the people he accidentally kills for no reason.

2013-01-08, 02:52 AM
Due to some interesting in game circumstances my character now heals from negative energy and is harmed by positive energy. So I am essentially undead for the purposes of healing. So my question to anyway that can answer is: where can I get some items to heal me? We have a cleric, dragon shaman, healer (MHB) and I'm a rogue. My DM is pretty liberal so I can probably talk him in to almost anything but I'm having trouble finding anything outside of a wand of inflict or vigor. Thoughts?

Have the Cleric cast Black Sand once to kill something. This gives you a permanent bit of the stuff. Put some in your boots. Now you have fast healing 1d4 (or 1d6, I can't remember).


Silva Stormrage
2013-01-08, 04:08 AM
Have the Cleric cast Black Sand once to kill something. This gives you a permanent bit of the stuff. Put some in your boots. Now you have fast healing 1d4 (or 1d6, I can't remember).


Its 1d4, note that some DM's have a problem with the temporary black sand becoming permanent.

2013-01-08, 07:17 AM
I know the OP asked for items, but if you can heal from negative energy, you are the exact party member that a Shadowsun Ninja wants!

2013-01-08, 07:20 AM
Its 1d4, note that some DM's have a problem with the temporary black sand becoming permanent.

One can hardly blame them for that, but the spell does say it.


2013-01-08, 08:50 AM
Note that by RAW, Black Sand doesn't actually heal undead. But if you're GM is lenient enough to let you have it in the first place, they'll almost certainly rule that it does heal you.

2013-01-08, 09:11 AM
Depending upon level and wealth, scrolls of Harm would be a good choice for any serious "healing" needs. Since you're healed by negative energy, your DM (if he is nice) should also give you the rest of the benefits of Heal (healing ability damage, blindness, deafness, etc) as necessary. As a rogue I assume you have a good enough UMD skill to use it, or will at the levels when needed.

Furthermore, if you have access to magic item crafter(s) then any existing healing item should be easily re-purposed into negative energy; since all of the cure/inflict heal/harm spells are of the same level, any positive-energy healing item should be the same price. That brings in the usual healing item suggestions, like a negative energy healing belt.

2013-01-08, 10:12 AM
Ritual of Dark Flames (FR:LoD) costs 100gp and 1,200xp. It bestows the ability to take 2 points of temp Wis damage to shoot a <HD>d6 Negative Energy Ray.

Wands of Lesser Restoration work fine on Undead and 75% of the time you only need a single charge.

2013-01-09, 12:31 AM
Awesome ideas here, thanks. I am not undead, my DM was clear on that, I just heal through negative energy, so kinda like a tomb tainted soul thing without the 1/2 positive energy part. I've looked at black sand but the main problem I see with that is that it does create darkness, which would be awesome, if I had darkvision. As it is, I'd just be blind all the time. But it deals negative energy, no reason it shouldn't heal me.

2013-01-16, 04:53 PM
also note that fast healing isn't a positive energy effect so anything to give you that would be good. like the aura from your parties dragon shaman

2013-01-16, 05:37 PM
Or the Positive Energy Plane.