View Full Version : [PF] New Dwarven Subraces

2013-01-08, 10:50 AM
I'm currently working on a Pathfinder Campaign set in the Five Kings Mountains, and thus this campaign will be an all-Dwarf campaign.

With that, I'd like to come up with ~7 Dwarf Subraces to allow my players a bit of variety beyond that of the standard dwarf race plus the alternative racial choices from the Advanced Race Guide, though many of those choices will be included in the various subraces.

However, one thing I'd like to avoid is taking obvious subraces from previous D&D editions, as I want these subraces to be more unique to Golarion. One of the main difficulties I'm having is coming up with names. The idea is to have these races almost extinct in current times, but more common around the era of when Dwarves first reached the surface of Golarion thousands of years ago.

Therefore, they need to be relatively unadapted for surface-living, so things such as hating dragons, elves, humans, etc are not going to work. All subraces also gain the 'xenophobic' language racial trait, and thus only speak Dwarven and may choose from only four languages due to high intelligence. These are Undercommon, Orc, Goblin, and Terran. All ideas I'm mainly taking from the ARG, and I'm aiming to keep all subraces around the standard 11 Racial Points for Dwarves. Give or take 1-2.

So far, here are my ideas:

'Common' Subrace
Almost identical to the standard Dwarves in the CRB. Since Giants are presumably unknown underground (I think), change their Defensive Training to work against Humanoid (Orc). Everything else remains the same.

These guys are also the most common, and are the only subrace that has truly survived to modern times.

'Noble' Subrace
The noble version of the standard Dwarves. Their ability score modifiers are +2 Con, +2 Cha, -2 Wis. They are as durable as normal dwarves, but far more charismatic and beautiful (in a Dwarven sense), but are so full of themselves that they are easily fooled.

Due to their noble statuses, they are less prone to engaging in combat, and thus lose both the hatred and defensive training abilities, but gain various linguistic skills, perhaps a spell-like ability even. I'm thinking Moment of Greatness for such an ability.

'Warrior' Subrace
This subrace is built for combat, even moreso than the standard dwarves. Their ability score modifiers are +2 Str, +2 Con and -2 Cha. They're strong, durable, but a bit weak in the social department, as most dwarves are.

While all dwarves keep the Stability racial trait, these ones also will gain the Relentless racial trait, as well as a bonus feat, oriented around defense. Most likely I'm thinking Defensive Combat Training, so that all dwarves of this subrace are trained to resist combat maneuvers of any type. However, they lose most, if not all, of their various skill bonuses, as well as their resistance to spells and poison.

'Primitive' Subrace
Think of the Gully Dwarves from Dragonlance. Thats what I'm sort of aiming for with these guys. +2 Con or Dex (Not sure yet), +2 Wis, -2 Int. They're as strong and perceptive as normal dwarves, but less intelligent.

Their bonuses will orient more around survival, sneaking, etc. I'm thinking they should gain some kind of natural camouflage in underground enviornments (In fact, I'm thinking of naming them Rock Dwarves to describe their rock-like appearance), as well as have a natural armor bonus. They may be given a natural attack (Slam) as well, but lose their dwarven weapon familiarity trait.

'Crafty' Subrace
When I say crafty, I don't mean rogue-crafty. I mean craftsmen, artisans, etc. +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Cha. They're more intelligent, but less wise and perceptive as usual dwarves.

One big thing I want them to have is the racial trait that gives them 3 Skill Focus feats over their lifetimes. Depending on what the particular character is focusing on, these could greatly help them out. Other than that, I haven't much decided on what to give 'em.

'Agile' Subrace
These dwarves would, sadly, be the elves of the dwarven world. Agile, perceptive, but just as gruff as usual dwarves. +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Cha. This would mean that, for a dwarf, they're a bit flimsy, but not so much as an elf.

I haven't put much thought into this subrace yet, but they could be skilled at crossbow warfare instead of the standard axe and shield combination. They may also make excellent scouts, and be good at perception. However, their role overlaps a bit with the 'primitive' subrace.. so I'm not so sure.

'Devout' Subrace
Of all of the subraces, these guys would probably be the most devout of the group, if not the most charismatic. I'm thinking for these guys, they should get the 'flexible' racial ability trait, and thus have a +2 Wisdom, +2 Cha, with no penalty. This would cost them more in points, of course.

As for abilities, they would probably be lucky (blessed by their gods), but less greedy, perhaps having some various magical abilities or abilities that increase their caster level with stone or what-not. Haven't given this one much thought yet, either.

So, any ideas for names, racial traits, etc?

Edit: This post brought me to being a 'Dwarf in the Playground'. Perfect timing, considering the post's subject! :smallbiggrin:

2013-01-08, 11:10 AM
Why not base them off of minerals or similar substances?

You can have 3 "stone" races, 3 "metal" races, and 1 "gem" race, or something like that

Iron dwarves- your warriors

Gold dwarves- the devout group

Copper (or mithral) dwarves- the agile ones (on a side note, an "agile" dwarf seems to run counterintuitive to the usual stereotype, but oh well)

Diamond dwarves- the noble class

Granite dwarves- the commonest bunch

Obsidian dwarves- the craftsmen (fluffwise, obsidian was used to make some of the first tools, long before the dwarves and other races learned the art of metal-work)

Sandstone dwarves- the most primitive group (because sandstone is soft, making it a poor substance for carving tools or architecture beyond simple caves, and it doesn't contain metal or gems for mining)

2013-01-08, 11:19 AM
I like your ideas.. and the Warrior Dwarves I was leaning towards calling them Iron Dwarves already, so I can't agree more.

The Noble dwarves I were considering calling the Gold Dwarves, as I had planned on making their hair the color of gold or platinum, along with gem-colored, golden, or silver eyes. Diamond is a good name though, as well.

And yes, I do realize an 'agile' dwarf is a bit of an oxymoron.. but its no wonder they went all-but extinct in the thousands of years before the common age of Golarion, eh? :P

2013-01-09, 08:17 AM
Why not base them off of minerals or similar substances?

You can have 3 "stone" races, 3 "metal" races, and 1 "gem" race, or something like that

Iron dwarves- your warriors

Gold dwarves- the devout group

Copper (or mithral) dwarves- the agile ones (on a side note, an "agile" dwarf seems to run counterintuitive to the usual stereotype, but oh well)

Diamond dwarves- the noble class

Granite dwarves- the commonest bunch

Obsidian dwarves- the craftsmen (fluffwise, obsidian was used to make some of the first tools, long before the dwarves and other races learned the art of metal-work)

Sandstone dwarves- the most primitive group (because sandstone is soft, making it a poor substance for carving tools or architecture beyond simple caves, and it doesn't contain metal or gems for mining)

Actually, Sandstone was much used for carving.. just got around to wiki'ing this stuff. The reason it was much used for carving was because it was soft - it was commonly used in architecture as well.

I still like the idea of using stone/metal to name the dwarves, though. I'm just going to probably switch it around a bit.

Obsidian will be the primitive dwarves, as Obsidian was used as a primitive weapon and tool material, and the fact that it is easily broken, but also extremely deadly at the same time.

Iron Dwarves will remain the warriors. Gold will be the Noble dwarves, as gold is one of the most sterotypical representation of greed, which many nobles generally are - greedy.

Copper representing the 'agile' dwarves is a good fit, although I'm going to be modifying them to not quite be 'agile'. Instead, they're going to be good shots with ranged weapons and have a keen eye. They won't, however, be more agile than the standard dwarf.

That just leaves the common dwarves, the craftsmen, and the devout ones. I'm considering doing Marble for the Craftsmen, as Marble was long used as a favored crafting and sculpting material.. Granite could still work for the common dwarves, due to its hardness and common usage.

The Devout ones.. they should be a cut above the rest, as the Dwarves have always been very religious. I need to do a bit more reading on the Dwarves, and see if I notice anything from that that fits.