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View Full Version : [3.5/PF] The War-Frenzy [Base Class]

2013-01-08, 03:22 PM
This class was spawned from a number of ideas for fixing or replacing the Barbarian class, at a higher power level (vaguely aiming for Tier 3, for those who like the tier system). It is the result of a few months of brainstorming and work, and intended to replace the Barbarian wholesale. This work was first posted on MinMax, and is being ported here for increased exposure, especially with the former boards down. A collaboration with veekie.


Post 1: Index
Post 2: Base class (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14494677&postcount=2)
Post 3: Madnesses (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14494684&postcount=3)
Post 4: Beast Totems (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14494693&postcount=4)
Post 5: Conversion/integration notes, suggestions, and guidelines (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14494704&postcount=5)
Post 6: Changelog (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14494716&postcount=6)
Post 7: Q&A, feats, and miscellany (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14494722&postcount=7)

Without further ado:

2013-01-08, 03:26 PM

"Take this! My love! My anger! And all of my sorrow! HRAARGHH!"

-Domon, war-frenzy of Fury

Every man alive knows the rush of emotion, the single moments in which nothing else seems to matter but oneself and the object of one's love, hate, or fear. To some cultures, these are the moments of exaltation, momentary shards of enlightenment in which everything is seen clearly, unobstructed by stray thoughts. In others, this purity of passion speaks of the divine, the sacred war-fury bestowed by the gods to their chosen. As with all things, there are those who take this to its extreme: warriors who intentionally work themselves into prolonged trances of such pristine emotion, a state of mind so intensely focused that all other thought processes are filtered through the looking-glass of the emotion in question.
To anyone else, such a state of mind is nothing but inconceivable madness. To the War-Frenzy, it is the most sublime enlightenment possible, an emotion of such strength that it actually physically and mentally empowers them far beyond the bounds of humanity.

War-Frenzies are, without exception, larger than life. They live and breathe their passion, leaving observers dumbfounded at their intensity and conviction. Each War-Frenzy internalizes an emotion, fanning it to tremendous heights, sufficient to seize the hearts and souls of their friends and foes alike. As warriors, they are natural field leaders, taking the fight to the enemy, with primal ferocity overruling strategies.
The War-Frenzy traditionally comes from cultures which glorify such fits of passion, most frequently from primitive cultures, but also as devotees of gods of war, fury and passion alike. Indeed, many particularly devoted knights also count War-Frenzies among their number. No formal training is required, only dedication, for the burning passions and terrors they rouse lie in the heart of every man and beast.
Abilities: The War-Frenzy is primarily a martial character, and thus has Strength or Dexterity as their primary ability score, depending on their choice of fighting style, as encouraged by their particular type of madness. Secondary ability scores are divided between Constitution and Charisma.
Constitution is important for hit points, as in addition to being likely to recieve damage as a frontliner, terminating a trance inflicts subdual damage upon the War-Frenzy, which makes it more convenient if they can avoid knocking themselves out.
Charisma, on the other hand, governs the War-Frenzy's save DCs, as well as their significant social skill access.
Races: Any. War-Frenzies infrequently stem from more straitlaced cultures, but anyone can tap into the madness within.
Alignment: Any, except those embracing the Madness of Chaos can't be Lawful, and Chaotic characters cannot choose the Madness of Order.
Starting Gold: 5d4x10(125 gp)
Starting Age: As Barbarian.

Class Skills
The War-Frenzy's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (all) (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex)
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + int)x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + int

Hit Dice: d12

{table=head]Level|Base[br]Attack Bonus|Fort[br]Save|Ref[br]Save|Wil[br]Save|[b]Special
1st|+1|+2|+0|+0|Madness I
2nd|+2|+3|+0|+0|Damage Reduction 2/-
3rd|+3|+4|+1|+1|Beast Totem I
5th|+5|+4|+1|+1|Madness II
6th|+6/+1|+5|+2|+2|Uncanny Dodge
7th|+7/+2|+5|+2|+2|Beast Totem II
8th|+8/+3|+6|+2|+2|Share Madness
9th|+9/+4|+6|+3|+3|Madness III
11th|+11/+6/+1|+7|+3|+3|Beast Totem III
12th|+12/+7/+2|+8|+4|+4|Pure Mind
13th|+13/+8/+3|+8|+4|+4|Madness IV
14th|+14/+9/+4|+9|+4|+4|Improved Uncanny Dodge
15th|+15/+10/+5|+9|+5|+5|Beast Totem IV
16th|+16/+11/+6/+1|+10|+5|+5|Sanguine Vitality
17th|+17/+12/+7/+2|+10|+5|+5|Madness V
18th|+18/+13/+8/+3|+11|+6|+6|Desperate Surge
19th|+19/+14/+9/+4|+11|+6|+6|Beast Totem V
20th|+20/+15/+10/+5|+12|+6|+6|True Clarity[/table]

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The War-Frenzy is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as light armor, medium armor and shields.
He is also proficient with one exotic weapon, exotic armor, exotic shield or improvised weapons. If he chooses improvised weapons, he never takes a nonproficiency penalty for using any improvised weapon.
His choice of additional proficiency is made at his first level of War-Frenzy, and cannot be changed.

Madness: As a swift action, a war-frenzy can work themselves into a trance that lasts until the end of the encounter if activated during an encounter, or for a number of minutes equal to her class level if activated outside of an encounter. At first level, choose one of the Madness types outlined below and in post 3; this choice cannot be changed later. While in a trance, the character gains access to all the bonuses and abilities appropriate to her Madness and level, but the intense focus of emotion necessary for entering and maintaining a trance prevents her from readying actions or delaying her turn (she can still make attacks of opportunity as normal). A trance can be ended at any point as a free action. At the end of any trance, the character takes nonlethal damage equal to her character level.
As a swift action, the war-frenzy can force her madness to surge out of control for one round. While in this state, referred to as a surge, all numerical bonuses the first-level Madness ability grants (such as bonuses to attack rolls or bonus attacks of opportunity, but not benefits of feats) are doubled. At the start of the character's next turn after entering a surge, the trance ends and she suffers additional drawbacks (typically in the form of conditions), the effects of which are detailed in the individual Madness entries.

The available Madnesses are detailed in post 3 [link]. They are [list of Madnesses].

Damage Reduction (Ex): At level 2, a war-frenzy gains damage reduction 2/-.

Beast Totem: At level 3, choose a Totem from the list of Totems outlined below and in post 4. At the appropriate levels, the character gains the abilities granted by the totem.

The available Totems are detailed in post 4 [link]. They are [list of Totems]

Hardy (Ex): At level 4, a war-frenzy gains a +4 natural armor bonus to AC. This stacks with any extant natural armor she may have.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 6th level, a war-frenzy gains Uncanny Dodge, as the barbarian class feature (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/barbarian.htm#uncannyDodge).

Share Madness (Su): At 8th level, a war-frenzy gains the ability to mentally share her trance with her allies. While in a trance, willing allies within 30 feet of her gain half the numerical bonuses she gets from her first-level Madness ability as morale bonuses. At the end of the trance, affected allies take nonlethal damage equal to their respective hit dice. If the war-frenzy enters a surge, affected allies may choose to enter a surge as well, doubling the bonuses they gain just as she does, but if they do, they suffer the drawbacks as well when the trance ends. Allies that choose to not have their bonuses doubled lose those bonuses at the end of the trance as normal, but do not suffer from the drawbacks.

Mettle (Ex): At level 10, the war-frenzy gains the Mettle ability, as the crusader class feature.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At level 14, a war-frenzy gains the Improved Uncanny Dodge ability, as the barbarian class feature (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/barbarian.htm#improvedUncannyDodge).

Pure Mind (Ex): Starting at level 12, a war-frenzy gains a second chance against any enchantment spell that would affect her, as the rogue special ability (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/rogue.htm#specialAbilities) Slippery Mind.

Sanguine Vitality (Ex): Starting at level 16, the war-frenzy counts every minute in which she does not engage in strenuous activity as a full night's rest for purposes of healing hit point and ability damage and may recover one temporary negative level per minute without need for a Fort save. For purposes of this ability, strenuous activity is defined as any action that would cause a Staggered character to lose a hit point (including any standard action and some lesser actions). If the character actually rests (defined as sleeping or else refraining from any moderately demanding activity), she instead treats each minute as a full day of complete bed rest and may recover two negative levels per minute.

Desperate Surge (Ex): Once per day, when she would die or be reduced to -1 hit points or less, a war-frenzy of 18th level or higher can heal herself as if a Revivify spell and a Heal spell with caster level equal to her HD had been cast on her as an immediate action.

True Clarity: At level 20, the war-frenzy gains one final ability from her Madness. These are described in each individual Madness, under the header True Clarity.

War-Frenzies have two main class features that determine their specializations: a type of Madness and a Totem, which grant a burst of power and permanent enhancements respectively. Madnesses augment at least one skill each, in addition to bolstering a style of combat, while Totems further expand these capabilities.
Additionally, they possess an extensive list of class skills, though not many skill points or high Int to work with. Depending on their choice of Madness and Totem, they would be competent at several of movement skills, social skills or stealth.
The War-Frenzy is thus a primarily martial character, and would best solve problems by the application of force, but can bring a number of skills to bear, if not as broad a selection as skill-focused characters.
Combat: War-Frenzy tactics vary dramatically by their choice of Madness and Totem, as each promotes a particular combat style. However, universally, the War-Frenzy will enter a trance at the start of combat in order to take advantage of the class's primary feature. Below, each type of Trance and Totem is described.
Despair - A defensive form, the Madness of Despair greatly augments your defensive metrics, whether against status effects or damage. This is also one of the riskier trances, as while you gain a large number of hit points, if there is insufficient healing available after combat, you are liable to die from damage. Tactically, you place yourself close to allies, and absorb much more attacks than they can, while passively depleting your enemies offense. It can be worthwhile to become proficient in heavier armors and/or wield a shield to take even more advantage of attack interception.
Duty - The Madness of Duty is all about teamwork, and attacks of opportunity. Surround and chip at enemies with strike after strike. It would be well to gather allies who can take advantage of flanking effectively, particularly rogues or even other frenzies of Duty.
Fear - The Madness of Fear works by attacking from ambush. You will rapidly mitigate the penalties for sniping enemies and inflict fear effects with missile attacks. As damage is derived off the base ranged attack and extra attacks, you would want to raise these as much as you can.
Fury - The archetypal barbarian, the Madness of Fury excels in hitting extremely hard, and taking advantage of combat maneuvers. This, of course, means favoring a large two-handed weapon, along with feats that improve a combat maneuver type of your choice, particularly tripping and grappling. Finally, the Surge for Fury grants an immense amount of strength, allowing for truly devastating finishing blows...if you hit, of course.
Joy - The Madness of Joy makes use of extreme mobility, using hit and run tactics to maximum effect. As such, a focus on Tumble and wielding reach weapons is invaluable in minmizing exposure to AoOs, while using lighter armors to maximize movement. Your base speed will be significantly greater than anyone not using magical enhancements, and you can thus make use of it to strike past the front line.
Cat's Eye - Cats are ambush predators, and their capabilities reflect that. They make use of uneven visibility and mobility conditions to strike hard, fast and withdraw before the victim can react. Two-weapon fighting and natural weapons alike are preferred styles of felines.
Horned Beast - Bull-headed doesn't even begin to describe it. The Horned Beast is the quintessential charger, and with a sufficiently thick head, you don't even need a weapon to do it.
Land Titan - Large and in charge is the name of the game for the Land Titan; they fight by hitting harder than anyone, and withstanding more blows than anyone. They funnel enemies to them, the better to crush them more swiftly.
Little Trickster - The Little Trickster seeks victory through lies, illusion and misdirection. While lacking in direct offensive capabilities, the havoc caused by an abundance of illusions cannot be underestimated. As such, most Little Tricksters favor Madnesses which allow them to maintain a distance, taking maximum advantage of the resultant confusion.
Pack Hunter - Pack Hunters are team players, rewarding particularly varied skill sets to cover each others gaps, they tend to fight in close formations. It works particularly well with stealth tactics, ensuring that everyone has at least minimum competency rather than forcing one scout to strike out alone.
Storm Runner - Your steed is your brother and closest ally, so you fight as one. Archery and mounted charges are your primary talents, keeping away or closing the distance as you choose.
Winged Death - Death from the sky is their credo; Winged Deaths command the air, using a mixture of melee and close range missile combat to dominate. Whether you choose to take advantage of heightened mobility and remain out of reach, or take the melee to your foes wherever they go, this totem will support those capabilities.
Advancement: War-Frenzies have two main choices in their type of Madness and Totem; once determined, this sets the way for the rest of the class.
While most characters that choose this path will remain War-Frenzies all the way, the abilities granted are easily compatible with a variety of martial class types, especially martial adepts.
Additionally, prestige classes that improve Rage will also improve the benefits of a Trance (see post 5).
Resources: A lone War-Frenzy without a cultural or religious tradition backing him up has nothing to rely on but his wits and personal allies. Those belonging to a warrior caste, however, can expect free access to food and healing where available.

"Is he possessed?"

War-Frenzies inspire awe and no small amount of unease in strangers. The idea of someone wholly hurling themselves to the depths of emotion scares those who cannot concieve of letting go of their restraint. They lead, as the ones who dare to strive beyond the possible.
In many cultures they hold respected positions as warriors and shock troops, striking first and foremost. Faiths of passion, war, vengeance or even devotion and honor count them among the faithful, those who take their deities' teachings beyond all reason.
They tend to be bound by their honor, powerfully passionate people who find it difficult to do otherwise. To openly lie or betray is to betray their burning conviction. This is not to say they are not without guile, for many are indeed nothing but trickery, but liars and traitors are rarely driven by such powerful passions.
Daily Life: Most War-Frenzies live like they fight, riding their emotions like a rampaging dinosaur. They infect their very mannerisms and actions with a large dose of grandstanding. Those of Fear and Despair instead withdraw inwards, dragging others into the same pits of gloom and doom. For anyone observing, it would not take long for their presence to become noticable.
A smaller number master their emotions instead of letting them rampage freely. These rare ones understand full well the power of their passions, which is all the more reason they should choose and act dispassionately, unleashing the beast only after the course is set by a clear mind and soul. The dichotomy can cause them to be even more unnerving than their compatriots who wear their hearts on their sleeves. They are calm and tranquil like the open sea...only when you plumb the depths do you appreciate the forces beneath the surface.
Lifaash Whitaris NG Human, Cat's Eye War-Frenzy of Joy 7. Heir to House Whitaris, Lifaash is a devotee of the goddess of celebration. She is best known socially for regularly throwing wild parties, but when the need arises, she stalks the night to take care of crime with another kind of celebration.
Jarl Garth Wyrmjaw CE Gnome, Land Titan War-Frenzy of Fury 11. Garth won his way from slavery into leading the frost giant tribe that took and abused him. He makes up for his natural size with sheer ferocity, infamously ripping off the previous leader's lower jaw as his weapon of choice and slaying all challengers, winning his epithet in the process. He leads this tribe in a bloody war against their own kind, in pursuit of revenge for his own fate.
Organizations: Few organizations are entirely dedicated to War-Frenzies, but many take advantage of their membership. Amongst these are the churches of Heironieous and Hextor, which contain a fair number in their lay followers, not entirely graced by the divine but making up for it and more with their devotion. Many of these come to their calling later in life, finding true loyalty and passion in times of hardship.
Gods of love, wrath, vengeance and other great passions also count War-Frenzies within their armed branches, or rather, worshippers who turned their devotion into a force of arms. These usually share similar types of madness, in which they find the sacred trance to motivate themselves.
Tribal warrior lodges also contain an overwhelming number of War-Frenzies, often grouped under common lodge totems. For them, it is a rite of passage to be inducted, and they are trained since youth to fall into the battle madness without losing themselves.
Finally, organized militaries, royalty and nobility tend to contain a fair number of War-Frenzies, particularly those with extremes of patriotism. These tend to form the centerpieces of specialized units, but less commonly used as ordinary foot, with the War-Frenzy finding it difficult to maintain formation while holding their passions at a riot.

NPC Reaction
Mood swings, fits of wrath, mania. Civilized society finds such a loss of restraint and decorum, exposing their feelings for the world to see, barbaric yet strangely compelling. People wish they could be like you, acting on what they WANT to do rather than what they are expected to. Law enforcement gives you strange looks because you exhibit all the signs of a potential criminal, yet control your emotion like a chained lion, to strike where YOU choose rather than lash out randomly. You catch their eyes, steal their hearts, and upset the public order.
Elsewhere, in frontier lands and warrior cultures, your might and decisiveness earns you respect from others. Even enemies acknowledge your dedication, even as they fear and hate you. You are the one who would forge kingdoms out of the wilderness, to unite people who have never been.

War-Frenzies add a large serving of front-line leadership to any group they are in. While they, and anyone they augment, may be limited in their ability to make effective use of adjusting initiative, they also make a variety of nonstandard fighting styles more applicable and a coordinated Surge can rip through enemy defenses in a high risk finishing move.
However, they make parties containig them value condition removal and post-combat healing more, due to the side effects of their trances, particularly when shared and surged.
Each War-Frenzy also helps supplement the party's skill expert, with capabilities in physical and social skills, whether to overcome physical obstacles, join in coordinated scouting, efforts, or sway people to their wills.
Adaptation: The War-Frenzy is inherently a flexible class, representing the Viking Berserkergang and the Japanese Samurai with similar ease. As such, it can natively fit into most settings without major changes.
Madnesses can be expanded to encompass more specific emotions than the broad sweeping ones used here.
The Totems of the War-Frenzy, while reflecting archetypical beasts, can also be renamed freely to match such things as the elements, weather, tools, environments or even gods, as appropriate to the setting.
Adding new Totems and Madnesses can also help them fit into particular roles in setting more easily, though care should be taken that each Madness describes a particular style of combat, and that they should adhere to the power scale and flexibility as defined by existing options. Totems and Madnesses should be internally synergistic, at least in part.
Madnesses have abilities at levels 5, 9, 13, 17, and a capstone at 20. Madness trances all apply to a specific, and often synergistic, way of fighting. For the capstone, you gain a permanent benefit or expand your Madness abilities further. Each trance also grants a scaling bonus to 2-3 combat statistics, and another scaling bonus to 1-2 non-combat options, which both double on a surge.
Totems, on the other hand, have more varied capabilities, with abilities at levels 3, 7, 11, 15, and 19. Generally, the abilities at 3rd and 11th have primarily noncombat applications, while 7th, 15ths and 19ths are combat oriented abilities.
Goblin Vengeance (EL 7) - A bad memory from past adventures resurfaces, as a Skinklespit, goblin Cat's Eye WF 7 of Fear emerges to dog the party's heels. Sniping and steadily costing nerves and wounds, the party must slay this last survivor of the goblin tribe or pay for the death of his father.
A matter of Honor (EL 10) - 3 Pack Hunter Totem War-Frenzies are after a party member for offending their honor. The commanding officer is a WF 9 of Pride, accompanied by two WF 8 of Duty, armed with naginata and mounted on warhorses. They want satisfaction, one way or another.
Orcish Avalanche (EL 16) - A new warlord has risen to unite the orc tribes to war once more. As the party holds the mountain pass against the relentless horde, their leader, Gorgath of the Broken Mountains and his gang of 8 berserks(Land Titan WF 15 and 12 of Fury) emerge to break this deadlock wide open and ruin the lands beyond.

Epic rules are provided here for the purpose of completeness only. They are not recommended to be used straight.
Hit Die: d12
Skill Points: 4+Int mod

Madness: The epic War-Frenzy's trance duration and statistical bonuses continue to accrue at their existing rate.

Share Madness: The range of Share Madness increases by 30ft at level 21 and every three levels after.

Desperate Surge The epic War-Frenzy gains an additional use of this ability at level 22 and every 4 levels after.

Bonus Feats The epic War-Frenzy gains a bonus feat every 3 levels after 20th.

2013-01-08, 03:28 PM

Madness of Despair
"So many ends happen before my eyes, behind my back, every day. Why should my own stop me?

Nobody wins. The Frenzy of Despair, or Grief, knows that all is lost the moment that blades are drawn. Blood will be spilled, lives cut short, and nothing can avoid it. It is a passive, deadening enlightenment, inuring the warrior with the resignation that there is nothing left but to keep fighting anyway. She who gives in to despair magnanimously bears the world on her shoulders, taking on punishment physical and magical meant for others. What is one more wound, one more grievance, in the face of all suffering in existence? All is lost, so there is nothing more to lose.


Madness of Despair (Ex): While in a trance, you gain a +2 bonus to all saves and to Autohypnosis checks. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th level and every four levels thereafter, to a maximum of +6 at level 17. In addition, for every +1 bonus to saves your trance grants you, you gain bonus hit points equal to your hit dice (so twice your hit dice at 1st level, up to six times your hit dice at level 17). These are not temporary hit points, and are not lost first the way temporary hit points are. When your trance ends after a surge, you are Sickened for 10 minutes. If your trance ends after a surge while you are Sickened, you instead become Nauseated for 1 hour. You cannot enter a trance while Nauseated.

Hopeless Burden (Ex): At 5th level, while in a trance, you may, as an immediate action, interpose yourself between a single attack or a spell or ability affecting an area and any number of allies within your melee reach. If the attack has a single target, you become its new target instead. If you block a spell or ability affecting an area, it does not affect any of the allies you guard, only you. Any targets outside your melee reach or that you do not choose to guard are still affected as normal.

Rain of Sorrow (Ex): Starting at 9th level, when you use your Share Madness ability, instead of providing a bonus to your allies, you may use the aura of emotion to impose a morale penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls equal to the bonus you would normally grant to enemies within the aura. Affected enemies are entitled to a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 class level + your Cha modifier) to negate the penalty at the start of the trance or when they enter its area, but enemies that were affected and subsequently leave and reenter the area do not get a new save. These penalties are doubled if you enter a surge, but the affected enemies are not subject to the conditions you suffer afterwards.

Echoes of Emptiness (Su): At level 13, once per round per enemy when an enemy deals damage to you with an attack while you are in a trance, you can force that enemy to make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 class level + your Cha modifier). If the enemy fails the save, they are Slowed, as the Slow spell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/slow.htm), for 2 rounds. If an enemy fails their save against this ability multiple times while still Slowed, the durations stack.

Teardrops in the Ocean (Su): At 17th level, while you are in a surge, you become immune to all forms of damage, including ability damage, regardless of source. Further, you become immune to all effects that allow a save, and if an effect doesn't allow a save, you may make a Fortitude or Will save (chosen by the DM, as appropriate to the effect) to negate it. Determine the DC using the appropriate rules for the type of effect in question.

True Clarity
Soul-Freezing Despair (Ex): You may activate the Echoes of Emptiness ability any time an enemy damages you (but still only once per round as an immediate action), regardless of whether you are in a trance or not. In addition, any enemy taking penalties from your Rain of Sorrow ability is also Slowed, as the Slow spell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/slow.htm), for as long as she remains in the aura.

Madness of Duty
"A city is well-defended that has a wall of men instead of bricks."

All are one. The true warrior is never alone: He fights for something greater, as part of something greater. Those he fights with and for are his friends, his family, his religion. The Frenzy of Duty finds his truth in shared purpose, in fulfilling his role in a union as the other parts fulfill theirs. Soldiers joined by duty form a whole that would not function were its parts separate, like a living, breathing body; a miracle on par with the gods. Thus is the soldier's exaltation: Any man can surpass another, together they can surpass eternity.


Madness of Duty (Ex): While you are in a trance, you and allies within your melee reach gain a +2 bonus to AC, and to attack and damage rolls against flanked enemies, as well as to Sense Motive checks. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th level and every four levels afterward, to a maximum of +6. When you share the benefits of this trance with the Share Madness ability, affected allies grant the respective bonus to allies within their melee reach as well as gaining it themselves (note that the bonus type is still morale). When your trance ends after a surge, you are Entangled for 10 minutes. If your trance ends after a surge while you are Entangled, you instead become Staggered for 1 hour. You cannot enter a trance while Staggered.

Harmonized Blows (Ex): Starting at level 5, if you are in a trance while an ally hits an enemy within your melee reach with an attack, that enemy provokes an attack of opportunity from you.

Resonant Maneuver (Ex): At 9th level, if two or more of you and all allies benefiting from your Share Madness aura threaten the same enemy, each of those creatures gains the benefits of flanking that enemy.

Shared Assault (Ex): Starting at level 13, whenever you hit an enemy with an attack while you are in a trance, that enemy provokes an attack of opportunity from your allies.

With One Mind (Ex): At 17th level, when you enter a surge, all allies who can see you may immediately take one standard action. This action may only be used to make an attack (whether melee or ranged) or a charge. Affected allies may use this standard action to charge as if they were restricted to taking only a standard or move action on their turn.
Taking this action does not affect the subjects' places in the initiative order.

True Clarity
Unity in Duty (Ex): Whenever you and any allies roll initiative, you and each of your allies may set their initiative count to that of the ally who achieved the highest initiative roll (or yours, if yours is highest). All affected characters act normally on their new initiative count starting in the first round (or surprise round, or on whichever round combat was joined in) of combat, as if that had been their initiative count from the start.

Madness of Fear
"Make them go away make them go away make them go away..."

Death lurks everywhere. This realization is the essence of fear, the oldest instinct of mankind. It is the knowledge that every breath you draw could be your last, that every shadow could be your doom. People claim it antithetical to the warrior, glorifying courage and hiding their panic of fear itself. The Frenzy of Fear is the terrified prey that lashes out, the fugitive that will hide anywhere if it saves his skin, the lone guerrilla in the night. They who give their minds to terror ride their fear into battle, the primal, raw will screaming "I want to live". It is to be followed, not overcome. Death is everywhere, but you need not make it easy.


Madness of Fear (Ex): While in a trance, you gain a +2 bonus to ranged attack rolls, AC, Hide checks, and Move Silently checks. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th level and every four levels afterward, to a maximum of +6. In addition, while in a trance, the penalty you take to Hide checks while sniping is reduced by 5 at 1st level, by 10 at 5th level, by 15 at 9th level, and by 20 (i.e. eliminated entirely) at 13th level. From level 17 on, you instead gain a +5 bonus to Hide checks while sniping. When your trance ends after a surge, you are Shaken for 10 minutes. If your trance ends after a surge while you are Shaken, you instead become Frightened for 1 hour. You cannot enter a trance while Frightened.

Prey or Hunter (Ex): Starting at level 5, while in a trance, you gain the benefits of the Shot on the Run feat, even if you don't meet the prerequisites. When you make use of the feat's benefit, your attack's damage is multiplied by the number of attacks in a full attack action you would be entitled to due to your base attack bonus (normal damage up to BAB +5, double damage starting at BAB +6, and so on). In addition, you may make a Hide check to hide after attacking, as per the sniping rules, as part of the move action you take along with your attack.

Spreading Panic (Su): At 9th level, you can choose to supress your Share Madness ability until the start of your next turn in order to channel it into a ranged attack as a standard action instead. A target that is hit by this attack must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 class level + your Cha modifier) or be Frightened for one round, then Shaken for another 1d4 rounds. On a successful save, the target is instead Shaken for 1 round. This ability can be used in conjunction with the Shot on the Run feat, and benefits normally from the damage multiplier you receive while using it. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

Cornered Prey's Reflexes (Ex): Starting at level 13, while in a trance, you threaten all squares within 30 feet of you with any ranged weapon you wield, allowing you to make attacks of opportunity with it. In addition, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity for making ranged attacks within another creature's threatened squares.

Hidden Between Heartbeats (Su): At 17th level, while you are in a surge, you become completely undetectable, as per the Superior Invisibility spell (SpC).

True Clarity
Pandemic Fear (Ex): Your Spreading Panic ability ignores immunity to fear effects and mind-affecting effects, but a target normally immune to fear effects or mind-affecting effects gains a +5 on its save. In addition, whenever a creature fails its save against your Spreading Panic ability, that creature radiates an aura of fear out to 30 feet for as long as it is either Frightened or Shaken. Any creature within this aura is subject to your Spreading Panic ability as if it had been hit by the attack, either when the aura is generated or upon first entering it. Once a creature successfully saves against an aura of fear, it is immune to all other auras created by you for 24 hours. Creatures you declare as allies are immune to this aura and all subsidiary auras.

Madness of Fury
"You may have huge teeth, and sharp scales, and snore smoke, and breathe fire. But you do not— I repeat— You do not! Hurt! My! Friends!"

All must perish. To the Frenzy of Fury, nothing else matters but the complete destruction of whatever she sets her eyes on. There is no cause or reason, only rage. Her enemy must die, for the unmitigated gall of existing. The wall in front of her must fall, for standing in her way to the next target. Those who lose and find themselves in Fury waste no time with petty justifications or senseless tantrums. There is only the target and one overwhelming blow, and then there is no more target. What offends their senses must be gone, and everything is offensive.


Madness of Fury (Ex): While in a trance, you gain a +4 bonus to Strength and the benefit of the Power Attack feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#powerAttack), even if you don't meet the prerequisites. The bonus to Strength increases by +2 at 5th level and every four levels thereafter, to a maximum bonus of +12 at level 17. When your trance ends after a surge, you are Sickened for 10 minutes. If your trance ends after a surge while you are Sickened, you instead become Nauseated for 1 hour. You cannot enter a trance while Nauseated.

Relentless Destruction (Ex): Starting at level 5, your attacks automatically overcome damage reduction and hardness while in a trance.

Thundering Wrath (Ex): At level 9, once per round per creature when you hit an opponent with an attack while in a trance, you may also make a bull rush, disarm, grapple, sunder, or trip attack against that opponent as a free action. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the target for doing so, even if you normally would.

Sweeping Ruin (Ex): Starting at level 13, when you make a single attack as part of an action while in a trance, you can choose a number of squares you threaten equal to the number of attacks you could make in a full attack action and apply your attack to all creatures in those squares equally. Each square you designate this way must be adjacent to at least one other square chosen. If doing so would be more advantageous (for example, if you are attacking a swarm), you may treat this as an effect affecting an area.

Obliterating Hate (Ex): Starting at level 17, when you are in a surge, you may make a single attack as a standard action. This attack automatically threatens a critical hit if it hits. You still need to confirm the critical hit as normal. Any critical hit that is confirmed this way ignores a target's immunity to critical hits, whether from creature type, magic items, being an object, or any other source, but a target normally immune to critical hits gains a +10 bonus to its AC against the confirmation roll.

True Clarity
World-Shattering Fury (Ex): When you use the Sweeping Ruin ability, instead of choosing a number of squares you threaten equal to the number of attacks you could make in a full attack action, you may apply your attack equally to every valid target in all squares you threaten, including creatures, objects, and even the scenery.

Madness of Joy
"Make love? Make war? What's the difference?"

Life is beautiful. Those who give themselves fully to Joy understand this simple fact better than any other, and they would share it with the world. Like a playing child, the Frenzy of Joy whips innocently to and fro, enjoying themselves in war and peace. She flickers over the battlefield, sharing laughter with her allies and pain with her enemies, all in good fun. What color is more vibrant than the crimson of blood? What sound more clarion than laughter? What sensation is truer than the infinite freedom of bliss she experiences by simply living and moving? Everything is beautiful. Life is a party, and war is the music.


Madness of Joy (Ex): While in a trance, you gain a +2 bonus to melee attack and damage rolls, Performance checks, and Tumble checks, and a +20' bonus to all move speeds. The attack, damage, Perform, and Tumble bonuses increase by +1 at 5th level and every four levels thereafter, to a maximum of +6 at level 17, while the speed bonus increases by +10' at each of these levels, to a maximum of +60' at level 17. When your trance ends after a surge, you are Fatigued for 10 minutes. If your trance ends after a surge while you are Fatigued, you instead become Exhausted for 1 hour. You cannot enter a trance while Exhausted.

Racing Euphoria (Ex): Starting at level 5, while in a trance, you gain the benefits of the Spring Attack feat, even if you don't meet the prerequisites. If your base attack bonus is at least +6, you also gain the benefits of the Bounding Assault feat (PHB II). If your BAB is at least +11, you gain the benefits of the Rapid Blitz feat (PHB II) as well. You similarly need not meet the prerequisites to these two feats.

Blur of Motion (Ex): At 9th level, you gain concealment in any round you move your full speed while in a trance.

Cadence of War (Ex): At level 13, while in a trance, you may, as a full-round action, move up to twice your speed and make a single melee attack against every creature you move past. You provoke attacks of opportunity for this movement as normal.

Garden of Celestial Bliss (Su): Starting at level 17, whenever you hit a creature with a melee attack while in a surge, you may force that creature to move using a mode of movement you possess along a route you designate, up to your speed in that mode of movement, even if the target has a slower speed or does not possess that movement mode at all.
This forced movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. If the victim succeeds on a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your class level + your Cha modifier), she is merely forced to take a five-foot step in a direction you designate (even if she already moved on her turn).

True Clarity
Joy Unbound (Ex): You are permanently treated as under the effects of a Freedom of Movement spell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/freedomOfMovement.htm). While in a trance, every ally benefiting from your Share Madness aura also gains this benefit as an extraordinary ability.

2013-01-08, 03:29 PM

Cat's Eye

The cat is a solitary, observant hunter. It moves with speed and precision, watching its prey from hiding and striking only when the time is right. The Cat's Eye knows exactly where its target is, but its target knows not where it is until everything is over in a flash of claws.
The Cat's Eye Totem governs all manner of great cats, as well as other creatures that use similar tactics. Tigers and panthers are its most prominent representatives; lions fall under its purview as well, but fit as well or better into the Pack Hunter Totem.


Eye of the Cat (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain Low-Light Vision, Darkvision out to 60 feet, and Blindsense out to 5 feet per class level.

Pouncing Rush (Ex): Starting at level 7, you may make one attack with each weapon you wield and each natural attack you possess as a standard action. This standard action may be used with the Spring Attack feat as if it were an attack action (but not with the full attack action).

Silent Runner (Ex): At level 11, your base speed for every mode of movement increases by +10 feet. This bonus increases to +20 feet at level 15 and to +30 feet at level 20. In addition, you ignore the penalties to Hide and Move Silently checks for moving more than half your speed, attacking, running, or charging.

Unseen Watcher (Su): At 15th level, your Blindsense ability improves to Blindsight with the same range, and you may hide even while observed, regardless of whether or not you have cover or concealment. This ability counts as Hide in Plain Sight for purposes of meeting prerequisites and interacting with other abilities or effects.

Knives Like Claws (Ex): Starting at 19th level, you may ignore the natural armor and armor bonuses to AC of any flat-footed target you attack. In addition, you may use the Power Attack feat with light weapons. When using the Power Attack feat in conjunction with light weapons or natural weapons, you add twice the number subtracted from your attack rolls to your damage rolls, as if attacking with a two-handed weapon.

Horned Beast

The life of the Horned Beast is fulfilling in its simplicity: Pick a direction, lower your head, and keep running when you hit something. Strong, noble, and legendarily stubborn, the Horned Beast looks only forward and stands fast in its conviction, no matter what.
The Horned Beast Totem is associated with any creature that fights using its head and/or is known for stubbornness, such as rams, bulls, or even pachycephalosauri (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pachycephalosaurus). Gazelles and similar creatures also qualify, but fit the Storm Runner Totem more closely.


Sheer Stubbornness (Ex): At level 3, your base Will save progression becomes Good. Recalculate Will saves accordingly.

Use Your Head (Ex): At level 7, you gain a primary natural Gore attack dealing 1d8 points of damage if you're Medium (scale appropriately for sizes other than Medium). This natural attack deals double damage on a charge. Increase the multiplier on a charge by 1 each at levels 11, 15, and 19 (to x3, x4, and x5, respectively).
This natural weapon can manifest itself in any appropriate way, whether as horns or just a very strong headbutt.

Heedless Momentum (Ex): Starting at level 11, you gain a bonus equal to your class level to Strength-based skill and ability checks. Double this bonus if you move at least twice your speed (whether by a double move, a charge, running, or otherwise) immediately before making the check.

Never Stop (Ex): Starting at level 15, whenever you charge or run, you may ignore difficult terrain and move through opponents' spaces without provoking attacks of opportunity. Whenever you move through a creature's space in this way, you can make a free overrun attempt against that creature. If the overrun succeeds, you may make an attack against the overrun creature as a free action. If it fails, you still continue unimpeded.

Immovable is Nothing (Ex): At level 19, when you hit a creature or object with an attack at the end of a charge, you may send that creature flying in a straight line away from you to a distance of 5 feet per 5 points of damage dealt. If the target hits a creature or object on the way, it and the obstacle both take 8d6 + three times your Str modifier points of damage and continue flying the rest of the way (repeat as necessary if there are multiple obstacles, with every creature and object involved taking the damage).
For massive obstacles composed of multiple sections, such as walls, each section is treated as a separate object for purposes of the ability, taking damage and flying along with the target (probably in the form of rubble) as normal.

Land Titan

The Land Titan governs all it oversees, commanding attention and respect through the sheer gravity of its presence. It shapes the world with its stride and moves obstacles like toys. Unstoppable and immovable, nothing stands before the Land Titan.
The Land Titan Totem encompasses all very large land-bound animals (generally, but not always, herbivores). Elephants, a great wealth of prehistoric creatures, and a number of large beasts of burden fall under its purview. Rhinoceroses and the like are more closely associated with Horned Beast, but also fit.


Might of Titans (Ex): Starting at level 3, you gain a bonus to Strength- and Constitution-based skills and ability checks equal to your class level.

Body as Mountain (Ex): At level 7, you gain the Powerful Build ability, as the Half-Giant racial ability (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicRaces.htm#halfGiants), though your actual height or build need not change. At levels 11, 15, and 19, your virtual size category increases by another one each (you are treated as two size categories larger at level 11, and so on, subject to the usual limitations of Powerful Build).

Tectonic Thews (Ex): Starting at 11th level, you may move up to one five-foot cube per five class levels of inanimate, nonliving material you can reach as a standard action. Apply common sense to the definition of "nonliving" - soil counts even if it's riddled with microorganisms. Moved material is removed from its original space and placed in any adjacent space(s) or space(s) within your reach. As part of moving it, the material may be formed into rough shapes, walls, and similar structures without intricate details.
Substances significantly harder than dirt or loam (as a rule of thumb, anything a Move Earth spell could not move) require a break check at the usual DC to move unless the entire amount of material can be encompassed in the ability's volume. If a movement of material would somehow trap a creature (e.g. within walls with no way out, or in a pit deeper than the creature can climb out of in one action), a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Cha modifier) negates the entrapment and deposits the creature in the nearest sufficiently free adjacent space.

Heart of the Earth (Ex): Starting at level 15, as an immediate action once per round, you may gain temporary hit points equal to your class level for one minute.

Unstoppable Force (Ex): At level 19, whenever you voluntarily move by any means, you may move through opponents' spaces and make a free overrun attempt against any creature whose space you move through. These overrun attempts function as normal, except you do not provoke an attack of opportunity for entering the opponent's space and ignore the size limits on overrun attempts. When you successfully overrun a creature in this way, you may make an attack against it as a free action, to a maximum of a single attack per creature per round.
Additionally, you may attempt to move through inanimate objects in your way by making a break check at the usual DC. If the check succeeds, the object (or section of it, if a large object or wall) is destroyed and you continue on without wasting any movement. You may even attempt to break through Walls of Force, in which case the break DC is (20 + the effect's caster level).

Little Trickster

The trickster breaks the rules of gods and men. Flamboyant and agile of body and mind, it cheats, misleads, and confounds those who would think themselves its betters. Unbound by the expectations of the strong, the little folk take every possible approach in their pursuit of goals, striking at the weaknesses hidden within strength. The Little Trickster takes victory and defeat alike in stride, knowing that victory is merely for the present and defeat an opportunity to turn things around in the end.
The Little Trickster Totem covers small animals, especially those portrayed as trickster archetypes in folklore. The fox, mouse, and hare are all good examples. Small cats may also fall under this Totem, when not represented by the Cat's Eye Totem.


Smoke and Mirrors (Su): Starting at level 3, you may create minor illusions as a swift action at will. These illusions can be either visual or auditory and last for 1 round, disappearing at the start of your next turn. This ability counts as a Figment effect, but is not a spell and thus does not emanate an aura of illusion. If interacted with, the illusion allows a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Cha modifier) to disbelieve it.
Auditory: An auditory illusion creates a sound emanating from a point you choose within 5 feet/class level of you. Use the Ghost Sound spell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/ghostSound.htm) as a guideline for the kinds and volume of sounds you can produce.
Visual: A visual illusion creates a purely visual figment (i.e. it doesn't include sound, temperature, smell, and so on) as visualized by you. You may move the illusion within a radius of 5 feet/class level around you.

Safety Among Enemies (Ex): Starting at 7th level, as an immediate action at will, you may impose a 20% miss chance on a single attack targeting you. If that attack misses (for any reason), you may change the attack's target from you to another valid target in range (if a ranged attack) or reach (if a melee attack) of the original attack.
Use the result of the original attack roll to determine whether the redirected attack hits (do not apply any miss chances you benefit from, but do apply miss chances of the target's as appropriate). If the redirected attack hits, it resolves normally as if the new target had been the target of the attack all along.

Painting the Fool (Su): Starting at level 11, you can disguise creatures and objects with a touch as a standard action at will. If you wish to disguise an unwilling creature (or an object attended by an unwilling creature), you must succeed on a touch attack or a regular attack with a weapon to affect the target, and the target gets a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Cha modifier) to negate the effect.
The affected creature or object can be made to look like any other creature or object up to one size category larger or smaller. This illusion covers all senses (even exotic senses like blindsense, blindsight, or mindsight). If used to create a disguise, this grants the target a +10 bonus on the Disguise check. The illusion lasts for 10 minutes per class level, but can be dismissed ahead of time by you as another standard action. A creature that interacts with the illusion is entitled to a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Cha modifier) to recognize it as such.
This ability counts as a Glamer effect, but is not a spell and thus does not emanate an aura of illusion.

Bait and Switch (Su): Starting at level 15, as an immediate action once per encounter, you may have any number of target creatures within 100 feet of you (including yourself) swap positions among themselves. Any creatures that swap positions with each other must be touching the same surface (whether the ground, the wall of a house, or the same body of water). Unwilling creatures get a Will save to negate the position swap (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Cha modifier).

Rabbit Hole (Su): Starting at level 19, once per round when you hit a creature with an attack, you may cause that creature to hallucinate wildly unless it succeeds on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Cha modifier). The creature perceives an environment you dictate, as per a Mirage Arcana spell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mirageArcana.htm) at a caster level equal to your class level. Once per round as a free action, you may change the environment the creature perceives, including moving the volume of effect. You may also apply the effect by itself as a touch attack, in which case doing so takes a standard action, but otherwise works as described above.
This ability counts as a Glamer effect, but is not a spell and thus does not emanate an aura of illusion.

Pack Hunter

The Pack Hunter knows that strength lies in unity and loyalty. Where one of the pack is strong, the entire pack has that strength. The eyes of one is the eyes of the many. No one foe can be stronger than the pack united. Relentless and ever vigilant, none can escape the Pack Hunters' pursuit.
The Pack Hunter Totem is comprised of creatures who are defined by their social order. Wolves and lions are the most iconic beasts of this nature, though herd animals like bison, or even insects like army ants can belong to this totem.


Echoes of the Pack (Ex): Starting at level 3, all allied creatures within 30 feet of you gain a bonus equal to half your class level on all Wisdom-based skill and ability checks. At level 11, the range of this ability doubles to 60 feet.

Pack Tactics (Ex): At 7th level, you and all allies within the range of your Echoes of the Pack ability can move 10 feet instead of 5 when taking a 5-foot step.
Any allied war-frenzies of the Pack Hunter Totem within range can instead move 15 feet with a 5-foot step.

Unity of Hunters (Su): Starting at level 11, you and all allied creatures in the range of your Echoes of the Pack ability may choose to use the skill ranks of any other allied creature in range when making a skill check (but not for any other purposes, such as qualifying for feats or prestige classes). For example, if one ally within range has 11 ranks in Hide and another has 0, the latter could treat her ranks in Hide as 11 for purposes of calculating her total Hide modifier.
You may also telepathically communicate with any allied war-frienzies of the Pack Hunter totem within range, as if connected by a Mindlink power.

One for the Team (Ex): Starting at level 15, if more than one of you and any allies within the range of your Echoes of the Pack ability would be affected by the same spell or effect, any one affected creature may choose to have the effect affect only herself.

Pack Downs Behemoth (Ex): Whenever you or an ally within range of your Echoes of the Pack ability successfully damage an opponent with an attack or spell, the target takes a cumulative -1 penalty to AC and all saves, and any damage reduction, hardness, or energy resistance it has is reduced by 5 for one round.

Storm Runner

Thundering hooves upon the plain, the Storm Runner rides the living storm as his loyal steed. Storm Runners embody the strength of sheer speed, the peerless unity of man and mount on the charge. More so than any other beast, the Storm Runner is only part of a whole, one with his brother steed, one with the herd.
The Storm Runner Totem is composed of above all, fast, social riding animals. While the most iconic of these is the horse, the needs of the environment also allows for other mounts, such as the riding lizard for tunnel dwellers, or dolphins for sea-going cultures, so long as they are faster than their riders, serve as steeds, and live in groups. The Totem can encompass a range of creatures within each archetype, Horse totems may begin with ordinary horses, gaining access to pegasi with greater strength.


One of the Herd: At level 3, you gain the services of an animal companion, as a Pathfinder Druid of your class level, linked below for easy reference.You may only choose animals according to your level outlined in the list below. Some animals may become available at later levels; this is usually because they only become large enough to ride with a level 4 or level 7 upgrade. If a mount that would be available to a Druid at a lower level is only listed on the table starting at a higher level, it is not available for a War-Frenzy before that level.
While you are riding your mount and in a trance, your mount gains the full benefits of your first-level Madness ability along with you. Additionally, any allied mounts riding with you (i.e. riding with the same destination as you in a group) don't need to make fatigue checks for hustling during overland movement.

Allowed animal companions by level and character's size:
Level 3
Camel (Large)
Horse (Large)
Ashworm (Medium)
Aurochs (Medium)
Axe Beak (Medium)
Badger, Dire (Medium)
Bat, Dire (Medium)
Camel (Large)
Cave Spider, Riding (Medium)
Dolphin (Medium)
Elephant (Medium)
Elk (Medium)
Horse (Large)
Kangaroo (Medium)
Lake Spider, Riding (Medium)
Lizard, Riding (Medium)
Megaloceros (Medium)
Orca (Medium)
Pony (Medium)
Weasel, Dire (Medium)
Level 4
Axe Beak (Large)
Badger, Dire (Large)
Cavern Spider, Riding (Large)
Elk (Large)
Manta Ray (Large)
Weasel, Dire (Large)
Gecko, Giant (Medium)
Goblin Dog (Medium)
Manta Ray (Large)
Ram (Medium)
Shark (Medium)
Level 7
Ashworm (Large)
Aurochs (Large)
Bat, Dire (Large)
Elephant (Large)
Griphon (Large)
Lake Spider, Riding (Large)
Lizard, Riding (Large)
Megaloceros (Large)
Orca (Large)
Pegasus (Large)
Pteranodon (Large)
Griphon (Large)
Pegasus (Large)
Level 9
Quetzalcoatlus (Large)

The following mounts are also available at the levels indicated on the table:
Starting Statistics
Size Medium; Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Attack sting (1d4 plus poison); Ability Scores Str 15, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2; Special Qualities low-light vision, tremorsense 30 ft.

Poison (Ex): Injury, initial and secondary damage 1d6 Str. the save Dc is Constitution-based.

7th-Level Advancement
Size Large; Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft.; AC +2 natural armor, Attack sting (1d6 plus poison); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex -2, Con +4

Poison (Ex): Initial and secondary damage 1d8 Str. All other traits stay the same.

Badger, Dire
Starting Statistics
Size Medium; Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 10 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6), 2 claws (1d4); Ability Scores Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 10; Special Attacks Badger Frenzy(Str +2, Con +2, AC -2, Con rounds); Special Qualities low-light vision, scent.

Badger Frenzy (Ex): When the dire badger takes damage, it flies into a frenzy for a number of rounds equal to its Constitution modifier. Under the effects of this frenzy, it gains +2 Str and +2 Con, but takes a -2 penalty to AC. It can still be ridden and steered as normal.

4th-Level Advancement
Size Large; Speed 40 ft., burrow 20 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8), 2 claws (1d6); Ability Scores Str +4, Dex –2, Con +4.

Badger Frenzy (Ex): As the base Badger Frenzy above, but the badger gains +4 Str, +4 Con instead. The AC penalty remains the same.

Cave Spider, Riding
Starting Statistics
Size Medium; Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6 plus web); Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 2; Special Attacks Web; Special Qualities darkvision, tremorsense 30 feet.

4th-Level Advancement
Size Large; Speed 50ft., climb 50ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8 plus web); Ability Scores Str +4, Con +2.

Web (Ex): As the monstrous spider (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/monstrousSpider.htm)'s Web ability. In addition, the riding cave spider can activate this ability when it hits an enemy with its bite attack to entangle that enemy unless the latter succeeds on a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 spider's HD + spider's Con modifier). If the save fails, the target is entangled, witht he usual Strength or Escape artist check to break free. This use of the ability does not count against the amount of webs the spider can throw per day.

Starting Statistics
Size Large; Speed 30 ft., fly 80 ft. (average); AC +1 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8), 2 claws (1d6); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 10; Special Attacks pounce, rake (1d4); Special Qualities low-light vision, scent.

Lake Spider, Riding
Starting Statistics
Size Medium; Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 20 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6 plus poison); Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 2; Special Attacks poison; Special Qualities darkvision, water walk.

Water Walk (Ex): Lake riding spiders benefit from a permanent natural version of the Water Walk spell.

Poison (Ex): The save DC is Constitution-based. Initial and secondary damage 1d4 Dex.

7th-Level Advancement
Size Large; Speed 50ft., climb 50ft., swim 30 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8 plus poison); Ability Scores Str +4, Con +2.

Poison (Ex): The save DC is Constitution-based. Initial and secondary damage 1d6 Dex.

Lizard, Riding
Starting Statistics
Size Medium; Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.; AC +1 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8); Ability Scores Str 13, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 1, Wis 10, Cha 5; Special Qualities Low-light vision.

7th-level Advancement
Size Large; Speed 50 ft., climb 50 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (2d6); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex –2, Con +4.

Players may choose the following as an alternate advancement for a Horse mount (instead of the 4th-level advancement).
7th-Level Advancement
Speed 60 ft., fly 120 ft. (average)

Weasel, Dire
Starting Statstics
Size Medium; Speed 30 ft., burrow 15 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC +1 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6), 2 claws (1d4); Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 6; Special Attacks Wounding; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent.

Wounding (Ex): A living creature damaged by the dire weasel continues to bleed, losing 1 hit point per round thereafter. Multiple wounds do not result in cumulative bleeding loss. The bleeding can be stopped by a DC 10 Heal check or the application of a cure spell or some other healing magic.

4th-Level Advancement
Size Large; Speed 40 ft., burrow 30 ft., climb 30 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8), 2 claws (1d6); Ability Scores Str +4, Con +2.
Thunder Across the Plain (Ex): At 7th level, you no longer suffer any penalties to ranged attacks when taking a double move or running while mounted, and may make a full melee attack even if your mount moves more than five feet. Additionally, while you are riding it, your mount gains a +20' bonus to all move speeds. The speed bonus increases by another +10' at levels 11, 15, and 19.

Running Free (Ex): Starting at level 11, no effect can reduce your move speed or that of your mount. Additionally, if you or your mount could move over or around an obstacle (a pit, a wall, or similar) in a single move action by any means, you may automatically do so without wasting any movement and continue past the obstacle unimpeded and unharmed, as if you had moved through it.

Call the Herd (Su): At level 15, you may summon up to one copy of your mount per three class levels once per day as a full-round action. These copies are identical in all respects to your mounts, sans any equipment except barding, except as follows. Your mount and all copies share a single pool of hit points equal to your mount's hp; damage to any of the copies or your mount is deducted from this pool and all of the copies, as well as your mount, die when the pool reaches -10. The copies cannot take actions unless directed by a rider, but otherwise have the same range of options available to them as your mount does. At the end of the duration, the copies, whether alive or dead, and any barding they were summoned with vanish with enough forewarning to dismount safely.
If you use this ability within 100 ft. of an allied war-frenzy of the Storm Runner totem, that ally may add her mount's maximum hit points to the shared pool of the summoned mounts, and either of you may opt to replace her mount with a copy of the other's.

Storm Strike (Ex): Starting at level 19, whenever you make an attack while mounted, you can choose one 5-foot square that you threatened (for melee attacks) or that was in range (for ranged attacks) at any point during your turn for every 5 feet you moved on your turn before making the attack, and apply your attack to all targets in those squares equally.

Winged Death

Death comes from above. The bird of prey, king of the sky, can see anything and fly anywhere. To its landbound quarry, it is death incarnate, inescapable and awesome. You cannot run from the Winged Death, for it flies faster.
The Winged Death Totem includes all birds of prey, especially diurnal, as well as other large airborne predators. Eagles, hawks, and pterodactyls all fit into its purview. Smaller birds generally fall under the Singing Breeze totem.


Horizon Sight (Ex): Starting at level 3, the interval at which you take penalties to Spot checks increases to 20 feet (i.e., you take a -1 penalty to Spot checks for every 20 feet the target is away from you, rather than every 10 feet). At levels 7, 11, and 15, the interval increases by another 10 feet each. Starting at 19th level, you no longer take any penalties to Spot checks from distance at all.

Comet Throw (Ex): Starting at level 7, you may use your Strength modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier on ranged attack rolls with thrown weapons. In addition, you may treat your ranged attacks with thrown weapons as melee attacks for purposes of any Madness ability that would only work with melee attacks if attacking within the first range increment, and your first range increment with a thrown weapon you wield as your melee reach for purposes of Madness abilities that operate within your melee reach.
This ability counts as the Brutal Throw feat (Complete Warrior) for purposes of meeting prerequisites.

Death on Wings (Su): Starting at level 11, you gain a fly speed equal to twice your base land speed, with average maneuverability.

Eyes of the Sky (Su): Starting at level 15, you may perfectly see through any impediment to your vision (darkness, fog, smoke, and so on) short of a solid, opaque object, mundane or magical, as though it weren't there.
In addition, when you have line of sight to a target or any space that target occupies, your ranged attacks with thrown weapons may target it as if you had line of effect to it and ignore all cover and miss chances, including total cover and total concealment, as well as the Mirror Image and Greater Mirror Image spells and similar effects, that the target may benefit from.

Explosive Takeoff (Ex): Starting at level 19, you may move up to your speed as a swift action. When you do, this ability deals sonic damage equal to 1d6 per level plus your Str modifier to creatures and objects within a 60-foot burst (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/spellDescriptions.htm#area) of your starting position. A Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Cha modifier) halves this damage. You yourself are not affected by the burst.

2013-01-08, 03:30 PM
The War-Frenzy and Pathfinder
If using the War-Frenzy class in a Pathfinder campaign (or a campaign using parts of the Pathfinder rules or similar houserules), apply the following changes, as applicable:

Replace the skill list with the following:
Acrobatics, Autohypnosis, Climb, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nature), Perception, Perform, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Stealth, Survival, Swim.
The Share Madness, Echoes of Emptiness, and Spreading Panic abilities are considered [emotion] effects. All Madness of (emotion) abilities are considered [emotion] effects as well, but they apply to the user rather than a target (so if you're immune to [emotion] effects, you can't trance).
The Madness of Joy adds its bonus to Acrobatics checks rather than to Tumble checks.
The Madness of Fear adds its bonus to Stealth checks rather than to Hide and Move Silently checks.
Under the Cat's Eye totem's Knives Like Claws ability, ignore the sentence "In addition, you may use the Power Attack feat with light weapons. " Replace the sentence "When using the Power Attack feat in conjunction with light weapons or natural weapons, you add twice the number subtracted from your attack rolls to your damage rolls, as if attacking with a two-handed weapon." with "When using the Power Attack feat in conjunction with light weapons or natural weapons, you add +3 to damage for every -1 subtracted from the attack roll, as if attacking with a two-handed weapon."
Replace the Ashworm mount's poison with the following:
Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude (Con-based); Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; Effect 1d3 Str; Cure 1 save
With the 7th-level advancement, it becomes Cure 2 consecutive saves.
Replace the Lake Riding Spider mount's poison with the following:
Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude (Con-based); Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; Effect 1d2 Dex; Cure 1 save.
With the 7th-level advancement, it becomes Cure 2 consecutive saves.

The War-Frenzy and the Barbarian
As noted in the OP, the War-Frenzy is intended as a replacement for the Barbarian class. When adjudicating the interactions of abilities, feats, effects, and so on that mention the Barbarian class, use the following guidelines.

In general, consider Madness to be equivalent to Rage (e.g. if a PrC's levels would stack with Barbarian levels for purposes of Rage, allow it to stack with War-Frenzy levels for purposes of Madness instead).
If the PC would be allowed flat access to a more powerful form of the Rage ability (e.g. the Rune-Scarred Berserker PrC allowing access to Greater Rage), instead allow it to increase the PC's Madness bonus by one 'tier' and grant the next higher Madness ability.
The conditions applied after ending a trance with a surge are intended to balance out the fact that Madness can be used at will. Think twice before allowing abilities or feats to remove them.
Ignore effects that would modify an inapplicable trait, such as Extra Rage.
Either ignore effects that would apply a flat increase to Rage's base capabilities (e.g. Reckless Rage), or adjudicate them on a case-by case basis, at the DM's discretion.

2013-01-08, 03:32 PM
Reserved for the changelog.

2013-01-08, 03:33 PM
Q&A, Feats, and Miscellany

On the Storm Runner's animal companion

By the way, Stormrunner references the Pathfinder Druid, and then you have a Pathfinder adaptation section. Is this on purpose? Does the 3.5 War-Frenzy use the Pathfinder Druid animal companion feature?

Completely intentional. The 3.5 Animal Companion feature was judged too open-ended for our purposes, since we need to balance the Totems against each other. The PF AC doesn't outright give you a second player character like the 3.5 variant tends to do. For the same reason, we hand-picked the companions that are actually available and at what levels.

On Damage Reduction and Hardy

The DR seems a bit odd in that it comes in as a small (albeit level-appropriate) value at level 2 and then never does anything else as you gain levels. Ditto for the sudden and significant +4 natural armor bonus at 4th.

Yeah, both of those are basically pure filler. For the DR, we wanted an amount that was significant at the level you got it, but wouldn't end up causing problems with Madnesses or Totems that gave other significant (scaling) means of damage mitigation at higher levels. For the natural armor, we chose the bonus to offset the lighter armor many WFs would be wearing.
In either case, we're open to alternatives. For the record, our design scheme was for the abilities you get at 2nd/6th/10th/14th/18th to be the classic Barbarian stuff and for 4th/8th/12th/16th(/20th) to be emotion-based transformative abilities.

On Sweeping Ruin

Sweeping Ruin: The current wording allows for non-contiguous attacks if you have 4+ attacks, which I don't think is the intent.

Example: x indicates attacked spaces
-- --

Technically unintended, but I don't think it's a big problem.

On Explosive Takeoff

Is that (level + Str)d6, or (level)d6 + Str for Explosive Takeoff?

The latter.

Ending a trance involuntarily

What can end a trance involuntarily?

The Calm Emotions spell, which ends a Barbarian's Rage and thus should interact similarly with trances as per the conversion notes. Other similar effects (say, coming too close to someone with Vow of Peace) could do the same. Finally, it cuts off unforeseen interaction with any homebrew material that might happen to be capable of ending one.

Addendum: In Pathfinder, anything which interacts with [emotion] effects also interacts with trances, so anything which ends an [emotion] effect will similarly end a trance.

Immunity to nonlethal damage and trancing

Can being immune to nonlethal damage protect you from the nonlethal at the end of trance? You can't prevent the conditions via immunity, but what about the damage?

It can. We judged this to be acceptable, as the nonlethal damage isn't as big a balancing factor as the conditions are intended to be, and unconscious constructs or undead feel kind of odd. Besides this, constructs and undead already take a hit to hp due to lacking a Con score.

On One for the Team

What if multiple creatures try to take One for the Team? Who gets it?

I'd say that comes down to a meta-game decision between the respective players of the characters attempting to do so (or the DM decides, if it's all NPCs).

On feats granted by Madnesses

Does (or should) the Madness of Fury's Power Attack benefit qualify a character for Power Attack-dependent feats, or do so only when entranced?

For note, if it does so only when entranced, then Power Attack is an even less useful feat tax than it was previously. I'm sure you already know this, thus the spoiler.

As written, these feats will not count for prerequisites, requiring you to take the actual feat separately if you want to take any feats or prestige classes requiring it. We have judged this to be acceptable and will stand by it.
In the case of Power Attack, it is the prerequisite for most of the usual suspects in the realm of "way too much damage". Since the whole point of the Madness of Fury is to provide a thoroughly respectable amount of damage even without major optimization, we consider a feat tax on those who want to go into the lands of ridiculous overkill acceptable. The purpose of Power Attack as a free benefit is to assert the theme of the Madness and to ensure a baseline competence at what a Fury War-Frenzy is supposed to be good at, not to provide a bonus feat on the way to Rocket Tag.
In the case of Spring Attack and Shot on the Run, the feats bypass impractically long trees and are already at the end of those trees as it is, with few if any feats we are aware of still branching off of them. Those that do aren't generally any good.

Also, if a War-Frenzy of Fury surges, does the numeric bonus from their Power Attack also double?

While in this state, referred to as a surge, all numerical bonuses the first-level Madness ability grants (such as bonuses to attack rolls or bonus attacks of opportunity, but not benefits of feats) are doubled.



Chivalry in Loss
Many thanks to sirpercival for the idea.
The enlightened warrior knows he shoulders all sorrow of the world with every strike of his weapon. Yet, it takes a special kind of madness to race for the privilege to bear more of it still, so that others may suffer less.
Prerequisites: Hopeless Burden class feature
Benefits: When you use your Hopeless Burden class feature, you may move up to your speed as part of the immediate action used to activate the ability, guarding any designated allies within your melee reach after you move, as described under the ability.

Biting Dread
Many thanks to sirpercival for the idea.
When terror reigns the battlefield, the prey, already familiar with it, rides it like a wave of blood to turn flight into pursuit.
Prerequisites: Madness of Fear class feature, War-Frenzy level 5th
Benefits: When sniping (see the Hide skill description), your critical multiplier increases if attacking a creature suffering from a fear-related condition. If targeting a shaken creature, your critical multiplier increases by +1. If targeting a frightened creature, it increases by +2. If targeting a panicked or cowering creature, it increases by +3.

As Ants Beneath My Feet
Many thanks to sirpercival for the idea.
The Titan cannot be bothered to notice the vermin crawling about its feet, but the vermin take heed of its every step.
Prerequisites: Body As Mountain class feature, size Huge or larger
Benefits: The first time you deal damage to a creature at least two size categories smaller than you in a round, that creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your BAB + your Cha modifier) or be dazed for 1 round.

2013-01-08, 03:35 PM
And a last one for luck (and in case a post gets too long eventually). Now the actual work and the posting can begin!

2013-01-08, 03:56 PM

2013-01-08, 05:03 PM
Glad to see you over here...

2013-01-09, 12:31 PM
Glad to see you over here...

Glad to be here. In celebration of the occasion, there should be a new Totem or two upcoming sometime.

2013-01-18, 09:56 AM
Glad to be here. In celebration of the occasion, there should be a new Totem or two upcoming sometime.

As promised. You know how all totems have a fancy two-word name that describes their subject to sound cooler?

Well, this one doesn't.


No poetic paraphrase or title can do justice to the true apex predator. It is elemental fury given form; proud, glorious, awesome. Its wrath leaves behind frozen wastes, burning mountains, molten cities, glassed sands. It lives in, is, all these things. It is the Dragon.
The Dragon totem represents any and all true dragons. Creatures of the Dragon type that aren't true dragons (such as wyverns or pseudodragons) fall under other totems.


Presence of Majesty (Ex): At third level, you gain Dragontouched (Dragon Magic) as a bonus feat, even if you don't meet the prerequisites. In addition, whenever you make an attack, charge, or enter a trance or surge, up to once per round, every enemy within 30 feet of you who witnesses that action must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your class level + your Cha modifier). Creatures that fail are shaken for one minute. Creatures that succeed on the save are immune to this ability for 24 hours. This effect does not stack with itself or other fear effects (an already shaken creature does not become frightened, for instance). This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

Starting at level 11, this effect may stack with other fear effects, including itself. It can still only activate once per round at most. In addition, the duration of the effect increases to 10 minutes.

At level 19, this ability's duration increases to 1 hour, and creatures that fail their save are frightened instead of shaken.

Wyrm's Radiance (Su): At level 7, pick one of the following energy types: Acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. You gain energy resistance 10 to that type of energy. In addition, whenever your Presence of Majesty ability activates, you may choose to deal 10 points of damage of that type to all creatures within its range. The energy resistance and amount of damage dealt each increase by 10 at level 11, 15, and 19 (to 20, 30, and 40, respectively).

Regal Dominance (Ex): Starting at level 11, all creatures that fail their save against your Presence of Majesty ability have their attitude towards you improved by one for each degree of fear condition they suffer from, up to a maximum of Helpful (+1 if shaken, +2 if frightened, +3 if panicked; cowering is considered the same degree as panicked). If a creature affected in this way would become inclined to help you, doing so takes priority over fleeing from you, if mutually exclusive.

Wyrm's Wings (Ex): At level 15, you gain a fly speed equal to four times your base land speed, with poor maneuverability.

Form of Awe (Su): At level 19, your type permanently changes to Dragon. In addition, you gain an alternate form that you may freely assume or shed as a full-round action with indefinite duration. This alternate form has the same traits as your original form, except as stated below:

Your size changes to Colossal and you take on the appearance of a titanic dragon made of solid energy (of the type you chose at level 7). Your ability scores do not change.
You gain the natural weapons (1 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Wings, 1 Tail Slap), as well as the Crush and Tail Sweep special abilities (save DC equal to your Presence of Majesty's), of a Colossal true dragon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dragonTrue.htm). The reach of these natural weapons is the same as a Colossal true dragon has with its natural attacks. Weapons you wield meld into your form and cannot be used, but you may apply any enhancement bonus and magical weapon properties of a melded weapon to each of your natural attacks. If you wielded more than one weapon, you may choose which weapon's enhancements to apply to each natural attack. If doing so would be advantageous, you may treat all damage dealt by your natural weapons as energy damage of the type you chose at level 7.
Your armor and any shield you wield meld into your form and cannot be used, but you still gain the benefit of any magical properties of those items other than the enhancement bonus to AC. Your natural armor bonus increases by an amount equal to the sum of your previous armor and shield bonuses to AC or +20, whichever is higher.
The energy resistance gained from your Wyrm's Radiance ability becomes immunity to that type of energy.
The fly speed you gain from the Wyrm's Wings ability doubles, but its maneuverability becomes clumsy.
The range of your Presence of Majesty and Share Madness abilities doubles.

A true seeing spell reveals both your original form and this alternate form, regardless of what form you are in: both forms are equally true expressions of your self. If you die in either your original form or this alternate form, your corpse does not change forms, but if you die in a different form, it reverts to your original form.