View Full Version : New(ish) to DM'ing, need help/ideas!

2013-01-09, 12:09 AM
Hello All.

As the title suggests, I have DM'ed only a few sessions, maybe 5 at the most. I've spent years playing, and at the request of my group decided to try my hand at DM'ing. I picked up Red Hand of Doom and started running it.

I ran into an issue with my players, though.

There are three PC's, but I'm really only having problems with one. He is fairly new, but a great Roleplayer. He's also tends to play incredibly twisted, evil characters.

So I don't ruin the RHoD, for anyone...
After getting to Drellin's Ferry for the first time, I ran into my first real threat to the campaign. After taking a phone call, I came back to learn that my PC's led by this one player, were plotting to essentially murder everyone in town. Luckily, I was resourceful enough to avoid disaster, but I would like some opinions on what to do here.

The party moved on into the Witchwood, and cleared out Vrath's Keep.

None of the characters have done anything overtly evil, but I know something or another is going to happen soon. Any thoughts, suggestions, or other comments?


2013-01-09, 12:29 AM
Would them committing acts of evil be detrimental to the story line or the gameplay? If not I say let them. Being evil in D&D is often fun and hilarious.

When my players go off the wall like that I usually just find another way to get them to the next part of the story. The trick is doing it subtly.

I am not familiar with Red Hand of Doom so I don't know specifically if this is helpful but what is the main purpose of the town they want to destroy? are there multiple characters that are important to the story in that town or is there just one? If it's just one then I say let them do it, figure out how to get them the important stuff from it another way.

That's how I do it, anyway, hope it helps.

2013-01-09, 01:44 AM
I think evil campaigns are some of the funnest campaigns. I would allow them to do as they please, biggest reason, is that it pleases them. Dont forget the entire purpose and most important fact, is to have fun. Let the PCs change the story with their actions and be flexible to them!