View Full Version : Disabling Targets

2013-01-09, 12:01 PM
Now, I'm actually asking this about a game that I'm DMing, so worst case scenario I can wave my magic wand to make something be a 'thing that can be done', but I don't really like doing that when I'm pretty sure I don't have to.

Basically what I'm trying to do is figure out a good way a character of around level 8-12 can disable targets, preferably in a sustainable manner.

I'd like the character to play as a more rouge style, and didn't know if there are any sneak attack alternatives for instance, that can be used to paralyze, or incapacitate rather than just kill.

If nothing else, I figure I can change up his style a bit by having him learn something like "Ghoul Touch", but if there are other, potentially better options, I'd rather use those.

2013-01-09, 01:00 PM
If the targets don't need to be concious, just apply non lethal damage til they drop, then once an hour, have the rogue punch them to keep them down.

2013-01-09, 01:07 PM
Daze effects. Shield Slam, Anvil of Thunder, Boomerang Daze, Killoren Smite, Dragonmark Smite, Devoted Inquisitor, Cabinet Trickster, Dire Flail Smash, Ironsoul Forgemaster, Arcane Focus soulmeld, Psionic Focus soulmeld, Incarnum Blast invocation, Dahlver-Nar vestige, Scion of Dantalion, Dazing Strike maneuver, and probably other things I'm forgetting.

2013-01-09, 01:20 PM
If the targets don't need to be concious, just apply non lethal damage til they drop, then once an hour, have the rogue punch them to keep them down.

Actually now that I've looked through the rouge a bit more carefully, I noticed something I'd forgotten. I was thinking that sneak attack damage had to be lethal, but it looks like you CAN do non-lethal as long as you use the right weapons...

Do you know of any good ways to stack up non-lethal damage? I know the "Merciful" weapon enchant can add a d6, but I'll probably have the guy use his fists, so weapon enchants probably won't work (A few levels of kensei may work instead though...)

Daze effects also look nice, but none of them last terribly long. Might make a good opening move though.

2013-01-09, 02:11 PM
I believe that there is a feat in Book of Exalted Deeds that allows a rogue to deal damage with sneak attack with any weapon, but I'm not quite sure. I definitely do remember that there is a feat that allows more sneak attack vs. evil creatures, but I can't remember if the nonlethal damage one was specific to rogue.

Not sure about any other ways to stack nonlethal damage. I would also mention that some of the things that are immune to sneak attack are also immune to nonlethal damage. Still a good option if you are trying to avoid those murder charges or a guilty conscience.

2013-01-09, 03:35 PM
Just pick up a Sap, or a Truncheon. Nonlethal damage all day. Cheap, no penalties, no limits.

2013-01-09, 04:08 PM
Now, I'm actually asking this about a game that I'm DMing, so worst case scenario I can wave my magic wand to make something be a 'thing that can be done', but I don't really like doing that when I'm pretty sure I don't have to.

Basically what I'm trying to do is figure out a good way a character of around level 8-12 can disable targets, preferably in a sustainable manner.

I'd like the character to play as a more rouge style, and didn't know if there are any sneak attack alternatives for instance, that can be used to paralyze, or incapacitate rather than just kill.

If nothing else, I figure I can change up his style a bit by having him learn something like "Ghoul Touch", but if there are other, potentially better options, I'd rather use those.

Flash pellets blind targets 1 rd then dazzled 1 rd after. Only DC 15 Fort negate though. Found in Complete Adventurer.

Edge of Dreams
2013-01-09, 04:10 PM
There's a couple prestige classes out there that actually may help with this. Justicar (from Complete Warrior) is one, I think - it focuses on doing non-lethal damage in order to capture criminals alive. It gets the ability to attack for non-lethal damage with any weapon at zero penalty, a non-lethal equivalent of Sneak Attack (that should stack with any existing Sneak Attack dice), Improved Grapple, the ability to do Strength damage, the ability to hog tie a grappled foe, skill bonuses when tracking down criminals, and the ability to guess where a criminal will go next.

It's actually a pretty fun class for doing vigilante justice in the style of Batman.