View Full Version : Underused spells

2013-01-09, 04:48 PM
This isn't so much about spells that are good, but about spells that are cool, yet seem to always be forgotten and way underused in play and official material.

I am a huge fan of faerie fire. It's not quite glitterdust but has a much longer duration and is one level lower. I think the real obstacle is, that for some inexplicable reasons, it's exclusive to druids. I think it should be on the wizard/sorcerer list as well, and then people would use it a lot more. Not only does it negate strealth, there are so many more cool uses for it, like adding cool effects to objects or even yourself.

Similar, produce flame, which also is druid only and totally shouldn't be. Your hand is on fire and everything you touch gets set on fire. Only 1d6+5 points of fire damage, but that's enough to set almost anything made out of wood and other burnable materials on flame. And if a spot is hard to reach, you can even throw it once per caster level. It's the ultimate pyromancer spell.

Edge of Dreams
2013-01-09, 05:16 PM
Ventriloquism. Awesome spell for creating minor distractions and just generally messing with people. I've got a player who occasionally uses it to make people think his pet monkey can talk.

2013-01-09, 05:53 PM
This isn't so much about spells that are good, but about spells that are cool, yet seem to always be forgotten and way underused in play and official material.

I am a huge fan of faerie fire. It's not quite glitterdust but has a much longer duration and is one level lower. I think the real obstacle is, that for some inexplicable reasons, it's exclusive to druids. I think it should be on the wizard/sorcerer list as well, and then people would use it a lot more. Not only does it negate strealth, there are so many more cool uses for it, like adding cool effects to objects or even yourself.

Similar, produce flame, which also is druid only and totally shouldn't be. Your hand is on fire and everything you touch gets set on fire. Only 1d6+5 points of fire damage, but that's enough to set almost anything made out of wood and other burnable materials on flame. And if a spot is hard to reach, you can even throw it once per caster level. It's the ultimate pyromancer spell.

Honestly, both of those spells are well-documented and heavily used on Druids in my experience. As for them being Druid-exclusive, I kinda like it; gives them an unique flair and those spells are easy to perceive as nature-y. This way Druids feel a bit different from the other divine (and arcane) casters; indeed, they sorta fall between those as an archetype.

That said, I could write an essay on underused spells but not right now.

2013-01-09, 07:25 PM
Ventriloquism. Awesome spell for creating minor distractions and just generally messing with people. I've got a player who occasionally uses it to make people think his pet monkey can talk.

I really liked taking my Cleric, casting ventriloquism and then silence on my armor and then complete the verbal part of my spells outside the silenced area

2013-01-09, 07:32 PM
I really liked taking my Cleric, casting ventriloquism and then silence on my armor and then complete the verbal part of my spells outside the silenced area
Not sure if that works, as ventriloquism is an illusion, not a transmutation, so it's not actually your voice and so can't provide the verbal component to a spell you are casting.

2013-01-09, 07:49 PM
hmmm, perhaps you are right. But I was a new player and it was a cute trick and it got me in trouble lots, so my DM allowed it

2013-01-09, 07:50 PM
Regal Procession (SpC) - when you first look at it's Mount/CL, so basically a way to provide horses/transportation for your entire party. However it works great as a battlefield control spell since it can fill up area with horses. Works nicely in naval combat since you could use it to fill up the deck of an enemy ship (it could potentially sink the ship because of the weight of the horses + barding + regalia). Quite amusing with the feat Invisible Spell as well.

2013-01-09, 07:53 PM
Regal Procession (SpC) - when you first look at it's Mount/CL, so basically a way to provide horses/transportation for your entire party. However it works great as a battlefield control spell since it can fill up area with horses. Works great in naval combat since you could use it to fill up the deck of an enemy ship (it could potentially sink the ship because of the weight of the horses + barding + regalia).

Hah, I never thought about using Regal Procession to clutter the field, but that's rather hilarious. Especially since you can move through your own "allies". Wall of Horseflesh, perhaps.

2013-01-09, 08:13 PM
Regal Procession (SpC) - when you first look at it's Mount/CL, so basically a way to provide horses/transportation for your entire party. However it works great as a battlefield control spell since it can fill up area with horses. Works nicely in naval combat since you could use it to fill up the deck of an enemy ship (it could potentially sink the ship because of the weight of the horses + barding + regalia). Quite amusing with the feat Invisible Spell as well.

I saw you suggest the same spell like a year ago in a conversation about naval warfare didn't I? I know I've heard this suggestion before lol.

2013-01-09, 11:07 PM
Regal Procession (SpC) - when you first look at it's Mount/CL, so basically a way to provide horses/transportation for your entire party. However it works great as a battlefield control spell since it can fill up area with horses. Works nicely in naval combat since you could use it to fill up the deck of an enemy ship (it could potentially sink the ship because of the weight of the horses + barding + regalia). Quite amusing with the feat Invisible Spell as well.

I want to make a character based around this and other mount/horse spells, though I only know phantom steed off the top of my head.

I'm sure my DM would laugh his butt off and give extra XP for this.

2013-01-09, 11:48 PM
Animal Messenger - lets you do the (movies) Gandalf trapped on Orthanc thing. Or, from the other end, the guy just gets news from some random bat or something, which is of earth shaking importance.

Summon Swarm, Creeping Doom, Insect plague, etc. Especially the higher level ones are usually underpowered for their level, but awesome nonetheless.

Treestride - because stepping out of a tree to save the day is just awesome.

Rainbow Pattern - because rainbow to the face. Prismatic spray and color spray are awesome too, but I'm positive color spray isn't underused or underpowered.

Geas/Quest/Lesser Geas. Because now you can be a questgiver, and possibly without consent too.

Guards and wards - because some of the defenses are underpowered except against low level opponents, but really funny if they worked.

Mass invisibility - because the moment an invisible unexpected army reveals itself is just awesome.

Mark of justice - now you can be judge and jury, and not need to be executioner.

2013-02-08, 05:27 AM
Havent seen it mentioned much honestly but weaponshift just seems entertaining to me. Especially if you use the meta feat to change it to a ray instead of touch range. Mild use but just love the idea of someones sword suddenly becoming a sap.

2013-02-08, 05:40 AM
Spell I really like is Bone Fiddle. The idea is just too awesome. :smallsmile:

2013-02-08, 05:47 AM
I've always wanted to use Extract Water Elemental, but I've never gotten the chance.

2013-02-08, 05:48 AM
Rejuvinative Cocoon (SpC) Sure it imobilizes someone for a round, but it's still basically a 5th level heal spell. Plus, it gives the target decent protection for that round, meaning anyone threatening them is likely to move away to other targets.

Also, like the regal procession idea. I wonder, is there anything stopping those horses from taking attacks at your enemies? (Granted, they'd be secondary attacks, and have crap damage, but still, free attacks to go with your battlefield control ain't bad.)

2013-02-08, 06:16 AM
Also, like the regal procession idea. I wonder, is there anything stopping those horses from taking attacks at your enemies? (Granted, they'd be secondary attacks, and have crap damage, but still, free attacks to go with your battlefield control ain't bad.)

Only the difficulty of inciting an untrained animal (worse, a whole group) to make potshots at your command.

2013-02-08, 07:04 AM
Only the difficulty of inciting an untrained animal (worse, a whole group) to make potshots at your command.

In a dungeon this spell could be awesome, a tight passage, cast this spell, order them to go into that direction, cast some sort of panic on them, watch your trampling wall of horses run through the corridors, basically distracting a nice bunch of the dungeon, where you can with scrying eyes see what enemies lurk in the close proximity as they will certainly see that ruckus... might be a one-timer in a dungeon but still....

2013-02-08, 08:00 AM
Because warlocks can use shatter once per round for forever with the baleful utterance invocation, I spent a few game sessions thinking "Wow, shatter could be really handy here!" It's more applicable than you'd expect.

2013-02-08, 08:08 AM
I've always wanted to use Extract Water Elemental, but I've never gotten the chance.

I've been updating my Druidzilla spells (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12183941&postcount=4), and I added that one to the list. Against a large or huge creature already softened up by the party, it lets you combine two spells into the same standard action: direct damage spell (1d6/CL, save for half) plus either a SNA5 (large elemental) or SNA6 (huge elemental).

Another spell I've been reconsidering as much more effective than I previously thought:

Impeding stones from Cityscape. Originally I thought this was a fallback for when your DM won't let you use entangle. However, now that I'm looking at it again... I think it's even better than entangle.

Previously, I thought the treehugger version of grease was path of frost from Dragon Magic, but the area of effect is too darned small to be all that useful unless you Sculpt it. However, impeding stones creates difficult terrain that requires a Ref or balance check, so it incurs the flatfooted condition on anyone standing in the area of effect that doesn't have 5 ranks in Balance. Even if you do make the Ref save or have the skill ranks in Balance, it still incurs a -2 attack penalty while you're standing in the area of effect. Like entangle, it requires a Concentration check to cast a spell. But unlike entangle, the -2 attack penalty and the Concentration check are required even if you made the Ref save and have enough Balance ranks.

Speaking of which... area of effect is a 40' radius, same as entangle, which blows grease and ice slick out of the water. Range is medium instead of long, but then how often do you need to debuff someone from 400' away?

You don't have to argue with the DM if plants are present. It works on any terrain that has stone, brick, or earth, which generally covers 90-95% of everything the PCs ever stand on (biggest exception that springs to mind is on board a ship). That covers worked stone, unworked stone, underground, city streets, everything outside, nearly everything inside.

One more discovery: coral growth from Shining South mayh be better at creating walls of stone than wall of stone.

Feathers has already been mentioned in other threads, but this is a much better version than overland flight: druids get it a spell level earlier, it can be cast on the entire party, and if you turn everyone into eagles (fly 80'), it's double the speed.

I did some comparisons with the various "lava" spells, and I think scalding mud (Sandstorm) is the best of the "kill it with lava" spells, even if it doesn't really use lava.

And finally... deadfall looks pretty darned nifty. 1d6/CL damage, but it's *untyped*, 20' radius, and no "save for half", it's save vs. prone.

2013-03-01, 02:54 PM
I've always wanted to use Extract Water Elemental, but I've never gotten the chance.

Used recently to great effect. Very satisfying. :)

2013-03-01, 06:50 PM
sonorous hum: it concentrates on your spells for you! how cool is that?

dispel fog: a real oddball from player's guide to faerun. works like dispel magic but only on fog spells (fog cloud, acid fog, freezing fog, cloudkill, etc) so who cares? well, it's a 2nd and you can cast it on an area preventatively! 1 min/lvl. if fog comes in the area, it can't! even deals a little damage to creatures in gaseous form (fort save too, so give the middle finger to some vampires)

junglerazer: situational, but a really great "smart" spell that will only damage creatures of certain types if one of your allies (or you) is getting ganged up on.

2013-03-01, 07:08 PM
ive always wanted to use curse of lycanthropy (spell compendium) because if they fail their save, they die and you get 1d6 wererat allies...how cool is that. And even though ive never used it, once i was bored and made a short sword that pretty much cast this at CL 15 everytime it hit someone. So awesome!

2013-03-02, 09:56 PM
Just stumbled across this one:

Lesser Fireball (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/wn/20020227a).

2013-03-02, 10:04 PM
Just stumbled across this one:

Lesser Fireball (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/wn/20020227a).Aww, if that had Fireball's area, it'd be great.

2013-03-02, 10:17 PM
Summon Instrument (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/summonInstrument.htm) cantrip
From SRD:

This spell summons one handheld musical instrument of your choice. This instrument appears in your hands or at your feet (your choice). The instrument is typical for its type. Only one instrument appears per casting, and it will play only for you. You can’t summon an instrument too large to be held in two hands.
bold mine

Be large,
become Enlarged
huge creatures can carry x4 the weight compared to a medium creature
lifting of the ground (i.e.: holding in two hands) is x2 that weight.

assuming Str 24 :that would be about 5600lb.
need to block a hallway? gigantic tuba out of nowhere!

x1 Bonus points for applying the MM feat invisible spell.
x2 bonus points for for flying invisibly and dropping invisible marching drums on a battle field.
x3 bonus points for dodging DMGs out of nowhere.

2013-03-02, 10:43 PM
Summon Instrument (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/summonInstrument.htm) cantrip
From SRD:

bold mine

Be large,
become Enlarged
huge creatures can carry x4 the weight compared to a medium creature
lifting of the ground (i.e.: holding in two hands) is x2 that weight.

assuming Str 24 :that would be about 5600lb.
need to block a hallway? gigantic tuba out of nowhere!

x1 Bonus points for applying the MM feat invisible spell.
x2 bonus points for for flying invisibly and dropping invisible marching drums on a battle field.
x3 bonus points for dodging DMGs out of nowhere.

use a pipe organ

2013-03-02, 10:48 PM
Aww, if that had Fireball's area, it'd be great.

I was thinking more along the lines of: Aww, whose a cute widdle Fireball?

The Trickster
2013-03-02, 10:57 PM
One of my favorite characters was Loki, a Spellscale Bard. Loki enjoyed singing (obviously), fashion, and he...well...enjoyed the company of other men. It was suppose to be a silly character that I was only going to play for a session or two, but he was far too fabulous to get rid of, and my fellow party members enjoyed him (not to mention my fiance thought the whole idea was hilarious :smalltongue: )

Anyway, the party was attempting to escape from a tyrant who was waging war with a neighboring country, when we were attacked by two much higher level "barbarian" men. The fight was suppose to lead to us being captured by the tyrant, but like many players, we said "To heck with plot!" It was here that I used the spell Miser's Envy.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Bard 2, Sorcerer 3, Wizard 3,
Components: V, S, M,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One living creature and one object (see text)
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates and None (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes and No (object)

When you cast this spell, you designate a target creature and a target object, both of which must be within the spell's range.
If the target creature fails its saving throw, it becomes consumed by a powerful desire for the object.
For the duration of the spell, the creature seeks to obtain the object (going so far as to attack anyone holding or wearing it).
Once the creature gains possession of the object, it protects the item greedily, attacking anyone who approaches within 30 feet or who otherwise appears to be trying to take the object away.
Dragons, due to their greedy nature, take a -4 penalty on their saving throws against this spell.

Loki smiled as he aimed his spell toward the first barbarian, and the poor soul, failing his will save, became consumed by a desire to posses the other barbarians loin cloth. The party killed the poor, defenseless second barbarian who was now being "grappled" by his own teammate. By the time the first barbarian achieved his goal, hoisting the deceased barbarians undies in the air in triumph, the battle was all but over. It was one of my proudest, yet most shameful moment as a D&D player yet. :smallbiggrin:

I love Miser's Envy. :smalltongue:

2013-03-02, 11:11 PM
It's kind of a high level trick, but Helping Hand (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/helpingHand.htm) is funny.

Normally you use it to guide people to you, which is kind of a silly use of a 3rd level spell. However, it's an Evocation that finds someone. And puts a perfectly visible hand right next to them. Glitterdust or Faerie Fire or whatever, and suddenly the greater invisible/HiPS person who is giving you grief is found. Particularly nice against the Hide skill, since See Invisible doesn't help. You do have to have a physical description of the person, but it's amusing.

It's high level because prepping a 3rd level spell for something so situational is silly when you only have 3rd level spells, but reasonable when you have 8th level spells.

2013-03-03, 02:37 AM
Mass Bull's Strength, Mass Bear's Endurance, etc. - There are a lot more useful 6th level spells, and by the time you can cast them usually those who need it most already have an enhancement item.

Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom, Eagle's Splendor - only useful to increase spell DC, but at least the Paladin can appreciate the saving throw improvement. However, generally there are better 2nd level spells and spellcasters really don't need them.

Mass Cure Wounds - Way too weak for their level. Make them two levels lower and they might see some use.

Regenerate - You never cast this spell. You never need to. The only possible use is if you use a called shot house rule system that can sever body parts. Pathfinder's Called Shot rules actually mentions the spell, the first time ever the spell is referenced other than in the spell section.

Cause Minor Wound - Other than humor value for Harm/Quicken Cause Minor Wound, there's no point.

Minor Image - You start by casting Silent Image. It works fine for your purposes until you are ready to cast Major Image.

Protection From/Magic Circle Against/Dispel (Non-Evil) - Because unless you absolutely know for sure you'll be fighting an opponent of a specific non-Evil alignment, you're never wrong to protect yourself against Evil.

2013-03-03, 02:57 AM
Protection from Law/Chaos is genetically use I find. Protection from Good tends to come off poorly, even as an NPC spell. Lahm's Finger Darts is a cool spell, but always needing a restoration after is... Obnoxious.

2013-03-03, 03:14 AM
One more discovery: coral growth from Shining South may be better at creating walls of stone than wall of stone.

It can be but be careful. DMs like to use the same silly tricks to prevent the use of this spell that they use to stop entangle.

PROTIP: Coral armor is grown into shape and can be found in Arms & Equipment Guide.

2013-03-03, 04:26 AM
Regenerate - You never cast this spell. You never need to. The only possible use is if you use a called shot house rule system that can sever body parts. Pathfinder's Called Shot rules actually mentions the spell, the first time ever the spell is referenced other than in the spell section.

How about if you foolishly used spider climb near a medusa? :smallwink:

2013-03-03, 06:11 AM
Regenerate - You never cast this spell. You never need to. The only possible use is if you use a called shot house rule system that can sever body parts. Pathfinder's Called Shot rules actually mentions the spell, the first time ever the spell is referenced other than in the spell section.

It's not that hard to imagine a game where events occur that can lead to a need to use of this spell; being sliced up on an altar of an evil cult before rescue, selling bodyparts as spell components or whatever, having some graft in place of one of your real parts and wanting to go back, etc. Hell, for lower-magic world it makes for a good quest for some characters to find someone who can cast Regenerate and to get them to cast it for purpose X. But yeah, the combat system definitely doesn't place much risk on losing arms or legs.

2013-03-03, 07:36 AM
Summon Instrument (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/summonInstrument.htm) cantrip
From SRD:

Be large,
become Enlarged
huge creatures can carry x4 the weight compared to a medium creature
lifting of the ground (i.e.: holding in two hands) is x2 that weight.

assuming Str 24 :that would be about 5600lb.
need to block a hallway? gigantic tuba out of nowhere!
use a pipe organ

No, no, no; it has to be a Grand Piano.

2013-03-03, 09:12 AM
Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom, Eagle's Splendor - only useful to increase spell DC, but at least the Paladin can appreciate the saving throw improvement. However, generally there are better 2nd level spells and spellcasters really don't need them.

They're also useful for skill boosting, especially Eagle's Splendor. Admittedly, Share Talents and Friendly Face are much better, but they all stack.

2013-03-03, 09:48 AM
It can be but be careful. DMs like to use the same silly tricks to prevent the use of this spell that they use to stop entangle.

Hmm... for some reason I missed that "living, submerged" thing. I was thinking that any piece of coral will do, including the piece you use as a material component. Even if the DM wouldn't allow that (since the material component is consumed), drawing a second piece of coral and dropping it at your feet are both free actions. But it has to be living and submerged.

I suppose you could break off a piece of living coral and stick it in a vial of water, and then toss that wherever, but I'm not sure how long it would last as "living".

That's ok, though. I found a much more interesting "wall" spell in BoVD: wall of chains (Sor/Wiz 3).

PROTIP: Coral armor is grown into shape and can be found in Arms & Equipment Guide.

Yes, but once you're wearing it as armor, it's no longer living (and probably not submerged).

There is a suit of "Living Coral" armor in Stormwrack (p. 106), but it was an attempt to update the Moon Ivy armor from A&EG, and unfortunately they didn't update any of the most confusing things (Does the medallion occupy the neck slot? Does the armor bonus degrade/grow over 2 hours? How much darkness before it dies? How much light keeps it alive?). More importantly, how many people want to wear something that has "Stinging Polyps"? Also, for the purposes of coral growth, unless you're underwater it's probably not submerged.

need to block a hallway? gigantic tuba out of nowhere!

use a pipe organ

No, no, no; it has to be a Grand Piano.

Unfortunately, the spell specifically rules all of these out:

You can’t summon an instrument too large to be held in two hands (such as a harp, piano, harpsichord, alphorn, or pipe organ).

Even a tuba requires two hands to be held. Sousaphone... maybe, but it's a stretch.

I prefer handbells. Can be held one-handed, and if you get big/strong enough, it'd be the same size as a church bell, and those can go up to 16.5 tons. Each 200 lbs = 1d6 improvised weapon damage.

2013-03-03, 10:35 AM
Even a tuba requires two hands to be held. Sousaphone... maybe, but it's a stretch.

I prefer handbells. Can be held one-handed, and if you get big/strong enough, it'd be the same size as a church bell, and those can go up to 16.5 tons. Each 200 lbs = 1d6 improvised weapon damage.

It doesn't say that it can't be held in two hands. It says that it can't be too large to hold in two hands.

2013-03-03, 10:46 AM
And we were talking about a Huge creature.

2013-03-03, 12:16 PM
It doesn't say that it can't be held in two hands. It says that it can't be too large to hold in two hands.

Ah, good point. Tuba it is. Or glockenspiel. Can't go wrong with killing something with a glockenspiel.

2013-03-03, 12:38 PM
Summon Instrument (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/summonInstrument.htm) cantrip

Use it to summon a "Steel" flute from Secrets of Sarlona. Preferably one made of whatever metal is needed at the time.

2013-03-03, 12:54 PM
Unfortunately, the spell specifically rules all of these out:

Even a tuba requires two hands to be held. Sousaphone... maybe, but it's a stretch.

I prefer handbells. Can be held one-handed, and if you get big/strong enough, it'd be the same size as a church bell, and those can go up to 16.5 tons. Each 200 lbs = 1d6 improvised weapon damage.

we were talking about getting really big and then having your carrying capacity as such that you could hold a piano/pipe organ/etc in two hands

Lahm's Finger Darts is a cool spell, but always needing a restoration after is... Obnoxious.

bind naberius [/problem]

2013-03-03, 01:06 PM
"Shout" is fun to use for people who have played Skyrim. Aside from 5d6 sonic damage, on a failed save, those in the cone effect are also deafened (20% spell failure) for 2d6 rounds. And that cone is 30 ft.

I have yet to run into a crystaline creature though (for 1d6 per level up to 15d6). : /

2013-03-03, 01:30 PM
Protection from Law/Chaos is genetically use I find. Protection from Good tends to come off poorly, even as an NPC spell. Lahm's Finger Darts is a cool spell, but always needing a restoration after is... Obnoxious.

At level 7 you can deal 3d4 dex damage with no saving throw or need to make an attack role. For a level 2 slot. If you maximize it you can paralyze a dragon pretty handily. Taking 3 STR damage seems like a small price to pay for being able to solo a dragon at level 7.

2013-03-03, 03:38 PM
Rejuvinative Cocoon (SpC) Sure it imobilizes someone for a round, but it's still basically a 5th level heal spell. Plus, it gives the target decent protection for that round, meaning anyone threatening them is likely to move away to other targets.

You should read Saph's Seven Kingdoms Campaign Journal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=139572).

That spell really gets a workout.

2013-03-03, 03:45 PM
"Shout" is fun to use for people who have played Skyrim. Aside from 5d6 sonic damage, on a failed save, those in the cone effect are also deafened (20% spell failure) for 2d6 rounds. And that cone is 30 ft.

I have yet to run into a crystaline creature though (for 1d6 per level up to 15d6). : /

I've had two characters, in two different campaigns, use this one. It is hard to know which spells are truly underused.

2013-03-03, 03:52 PM
I've had two characters, in two different campaigns, use this one. It is hard to know which spells are truly underused.

Yeah... in the past 3 years of D&D... it wasn't until this year I ever saw anyone use Shout (me) in 4 different face to face games. It is a mid level spell, but my current group has been bumping 10-12 levels for the past year and that includes 3 people who are capable of using it. I also don't see a lot of people advocating Shout in various forums either : /

The google results for "D&D Shout" is vastly different than "D&D Fireball" in terms of types of results (forum discussions, etc.)

I use a laptop sometimes when playing, so before doing "Shout" I'll play a specific part of this song (http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqO8LpE0GU4http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqO8LpE0GU4)

2013-03-03, 04:17 PM
Keep these spells coming, there are a lot of great ones here :smallbiggrin:. I'm going to have to use some of these spells for my Druid/Wizard Arcane heirophant

2013-03-03, 04:18 PM
I was thinking more along the lines of: Aww, whose a cute widdle Fireball?

Easily mistaken for a Fiery Burst, that people with that Feat can pump out all day. ;)

2013-03-03, 06:13 PM
junglerazer: situational, but a really great "smart" spell that will only damage creatures of certain types if one of your allies (or you) is getting ganged up on.
Plus, two or three wizards with a bodyguard can make a bitchin' permanent jungle road. Eventually:smallsmile:

2013-03-03, 06:18 PM
They're also useful for skill boosting, especially Eagle's Splendor. Admittedly, Share Talents and Friendly Face are much better, but they all stack.

Using up a 2nd level spell slot for a +2 to the roll is inefficient. Cast Guidance if you must and move on.

2013-03-03, 07:57 PM
A) Guidance (and Divine Insight and Guidance of the Avatar) are divine only. B) They only apply to a single skill check.

It's not often that you'll need Eagle's Splendor, but it isn't useless.

2013-03-03, 08:04 PM
Using up a 2nd level spell slot for a +2 to the roll is inefficient. Cast Guidance if you must and move on.

As for skill busting from a 2nd level spell there is Guidance of the Avatar (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a).
It is the ultimate "don't-worry-guys-I-got-this" spell. Craft it into a wand and you just made every skill-monkey obsolete. Or give it to a skill-monkey and make DMs around the multiverse cringe in pain.

To contribute
Hide from Animals,
cast invisibility and then hide from animals, makes guard dogs not care about you. at low levels this can be very helpful.
on its own, this can also help you if you get tracked by someone with bloodhounds.