View Full Version : Character Concept: Jorrick, the Rusted Shield

2013-01-09, 09:11 PM
I need a few tips and tricks for a character that just turned level 16.


Just like the All-father travels hidden amongst Men, so too shall I roam, hidden from view, until justice is needed

character build:

Changeling Cleric of Odin (Domains: War and Trickery) 1/Paladin 4/Grey Guard 10/Warshaper 5 (maybe??)

Stats: (3d6, in order of how the stats are, unfortunately)

Str 16
Dex 8
Con 15
Int 14
Wis 16
Cha 16


1.- Power Attack
3.- Extra Smite
6.- Divine Might
9.- Nymph's Kiss
12.- Practiced Spellcaster
15.- Servant of the Heavens (I have not used the feat's benefit since I took the feat, so I guess I could remove it)
18.- ??? (Once I get there :smalltongue:)


lvls 1-5 Jorrick was born in the life of a slave, with nothing to call his own. He barely lived from the scraps his wealthy owner gave to him, fighting amongst his fellow slaves, as well as forcing him to wear a special collar to recognize him, as to avoid using his shape-changing abilities. As the boy grew, his owner saw the boy's potential to fight, and was placed to train in the pits. There, an old one-eyed slave, renowned gladiator and wisest amongst the slaves, taught him the use of spear and shield, of using his full might to deliver powerful blows. As the boy turned to his teenage years, he already had several victories to him. He was not happy, but it gave him strength... Strength he needed to free his fellow slaves, and overthrow his master. One day, after a particularly bloody combat, Jorrick turned his spear towards his master, and the slaves fought valiantly beside him. The battle was long, but victory was won, with the retreat of his former master, and the death of the guards and slave-traders. Sadly, the old slave died in the uprising, putting Jorrick in a terrible depression. Then, the old man stood up, and revealed his identity: He was Odin, the All-father. And had chosen Jorrick to become his cleric, due to his bravery and cunning. Jorrick traveled far and wide, spreading the word of the old god in whispers in the taverns and alleyways, promoting self-reliance and to fight against tyrants. As time went on, he took the mantle of the paladin, forsaking his shape-change to only that of one: A half-elf.

As time went on, his fame as an honorable warrior and valiant paladin was growing, so much that when he visited a port-city, the mayor and several of the most prominent merchants welcomed him with a feast in his honor. He at first denied the honor, claiming his actions were only to defend the meek and innocent, but the mayor insisted, and so in that party, to Jorrick's surprise, found out that the mayor was his former master's son, whom also took slave trade, but as a clandestine activity.

Jorrick enraged within himself, and left the party early. Through contacts of people that sympathized with him, he found out the mayor had several nobles and merchants in his pocket, so as to avoid justice if his slave trading business was noticed. Jorrick almost lost his faith in justice, and in All-Father, but in the end, he prayed for guidance.

In his prayers, a raven appeared: It muttered to him that there could be a way to bring justice to the mayor, but he needed to trust in the All-Father, and travel North, to a city known for its Thieve's Guild. Jorrick trusted the raven, and left the city, changing shape for the first time in years. This time, as a dwarf.

lvls 6-10 Upon arrival, he was welcomed with the stench of disease and decay: Both literal and figurative. But, in that decay, there was some sort of order. The learned the guild had recently been squashed from within, and that slowly, the city was rebuilding itself. He learned of the existence of an order of paladins under the church of Odin that did not fully followed the Code, that were more like self-righteous spies than knights. As he entered the guild, and went through the different tests, the knights gave him the mantle of the Gray Guard, and it was here that the half-elf Jorrick died, and the Rusted Shield was born. One of his first missions was to rescue the main priestess from a hag coven: A dryad. Jorrick faced the coven, and fought valiantly against the vile monsters, and was able to free the priestess. In time, the two developed a deep relationship, and it seemed that the two were inseparable, but alas, duty called them both, and Jorrick was forced to leave the dryad to his duties as a knight and gray guard.

He traveled in disguise to different cities, along his brother knights and a group of like-minded adventuring group that calls itself The Scourge of Tyrants (a changeling warlock, an illumian wizard with hints of warmagic, and a halfling that abandoned his former monk trappings, and embraced the druidic path ever since), and took down cults and corrupted nobles with cunning and tactics he previously thought were dishonorable. He saw the effectiveness of this way, and thanks to his shape-changing skills, he was able to take on different guises, to add to his, he also retook the Trickster mantle, and used to further obscure his real identity, and finally, with these tools in hand. He was ready to bring justice to the mayor.

lvls 11-15 As he returned, he took the shape of a drow, and entered through the tunnels, and whispered the rumor that a drow slavelord had come to acquire halfling slaves. Days passed, and the mayor welcomed -in secret- Jorrick (know the drow known as Alush) to his home. When the mayor knew what was going on, it was already too late: Jorrick drew his spear -disguised as a walking stick- deep into his head, and the slaves were freed. The guards reacted too late, and they were overwhelmed by the number of slaves who fought alongside the know-called Jorrick the Rusted Shield.

The death of the mayor was only a few months ago, and now The Scourge of Tyrants have set their eyes on a city whose noble houses have devoted their faith and trust to the cultists of a duke of the nine hells.