View Full Version : The Bane of My Life

2013-01-09, 10:42 PM
Backstories. Can never come up with good ones. And ones that do take a loooaaad of time. So any ideas? Character's a 30 year old Half-Elf Druid. She's neutral evil. Roll's: 18, 17, 17, 15, 14, 7. And the 7 goes in charisma. Not very friendly person.

2013-01-09, 10:53 PM
30 years isn't that old for a Half-Elf.

Just saying. Anyways, for a backstory that I would use for that?

-Druid- originally lived in a small, superstitious town after being abandoned by her human mother for being a half-elf. -Druid- was the perfect little girl, however. Always helping around, never failing to be polite to others, and generally being nice.

Until, that is, she accidentally animated a tree.

The people drove her out with pitchforks, leaving her for dead in the forest. There, something came out from the shadows, its intent unknown in its eight glowing eyes.

It turned out to be a giant spider (By relative standards), and it was awakened on touch by the girl. It had a malevolent mind, but for some reason cared for her. They bonded, and became family. Its evil tendencies passed on to her, and she left the cave with it, intent on wreaking hell on those who made her life as such, with only nature for her companion.

2013-01-09, 10:55 PM
Backstories. Can never come up with good ones. And ones that do take a loooaaad of time. So any ideas? Character's a 30 year old Half-Elf Druid. She's neutral evil. Roll's: 18, 17, 17, 15, 14, 7. And the 7 goes in charisma. Not very friendly person.

From your stats, race and alignment here are the first things that come to mind:

At an early age they were shunned from their human community as being a freak. They were forced into the wild where they basically existed without much contact with sentient races hence the lack of social skills.

Anger at being rejected and shunned has led them down a brutal path of survival and they resent the so called, "civilized" folk. Now they consider closer ties to the creatures of the wilds and are basically barbaric, unclean, and uneducated. Quick to anger and primal instincts have taken over making them an ultimate predator.

2013-01-10, 12:16 AM
Not only does this woman have an ugly half-elf face with a massive hook nose, dirt-brown eyes, and gangly black hair, mouth locked in a massive perpetual snarl, she's short and bean-shaped, and she makes no attempt to hide her figure. Her fingers are short and stubby, her arms thick as dogs, her chest thicker still and oval-shaped. She walks quickly, hunched over and shifting, eyes glaring accusingly. She has clearly never bathed in her life, and possess the rank odor of one who hasn't wiped in months. Anyone with the misfortune to look this woman in the face sees green scum in her yellow buck teeth, her wet pimpled nose dipping down almost onto her lips like an eagles' beak. Any respectable person will avert his eyes from this loathsome beast, hoping to be rid of it as soon as possible, for staring too long may cost him this morning's breakfast. She loudly breathes garlic into your face, saying nothing for a minute while looking you up and down, like you were a piece of insect between her toes, quietly deciding how to torture you.

She is irritable to all, hurling insults on all who disagree with the "right" way, never stopping until the "correct" way is done. Those who cross into the forbidden areas of the forest, or who take more than their share of the hunt find themselves tortured for days, then impaled as a warning at the forest's border. Although blessed with incredible speed, strength, cunning, and wit, she clearly suffers from several disorders including dyslexia and extreme autism, entering a screaming violent frenzy for minutes when inconvenienced. Her only friends are animals, because people are smart enough not to cross the path of this despicable wretch.

Her magic makes her wrath all the more terrible. With extreme cunning she traps all who mess with her, then transforms into some dread monster (as though she could be more monstrous) and disables them, before slowly peeling back the skin, just to hear the desperate screams of dead men.

2013-01-10, 12:42 AM
And the 7 goes in charisma. Not very friendly person.

You know that a low charisma can mean you're timid, shy or guarded also. Having a 7 Charisma doesn't mean you're an ******* it means you can socialize well.

2013-01-10, 03:23 AM
I find the most important thing for a backstory is the campaign setting. Druid would be very different in Dark Sun, Eberron, Grayhawk, and Ravenloft.

What's the setting?

2013-01-10, 05:13 AM
You know that a low charisma can mean you're timid, shy or guarded also. Having a 7 Charisma doesn't mean you're an ******* it means you can socialize well.

Could also take it as being extraordinarily socially inept; with the NE alignment in mind, this could be translated as confusion as to how to react to cultural gestures and such, often eliciting violent responses to benevolent intents or amicable actions.