View Full Version : [SW Saga] Character suggestions

2013-01-10, 12:12 AM
Hi all!

My Jedi shadow recently died aboard Revan's flagship (or was left to die by a cowardly Jedi along with my Wookiee Jedi friend and a captive Jedi we freed). So I'm looking to create a a new character to continue the campaign with, and I'm having a bit of trouble deciding, and was hoping some brainstorming from the community here would give me a good character.

First a rundown of the current party, because I don't want to step on toes:

The Jedi: The survivor of the last session is a "generalist" Duros Jedi who hasn't focused on anything to the detriment of anything else. He's got quite a few force powers (no duplicates) and makes an average duelist. He specializes in high mobility combat (attacking and fleeing) with his lightsaber.

The Mandalorian: the dead wookiee's player hashed out a rough guideline for his character before I left the session, where he wanted to basically be Boba Fett. He's a Taung Soldier/Gunslinger/Elite Trooper specializing in rifles and aimed attacks (talents and feats that augment aiming), while wearing medium Beskar'gan with flamethrowers and missile launchers integrated into it.

Initially, I was wanting to come to the field with a Noble/Officer specializing in the talents that let me turn my enemies against eachother (True Betrayal, Recruit Enemy, etc.) but I'm backing away from it since being warned that mind-affecting effects might not be so useful for a while in the campaign (I'm taking that to mean that the main opponent will shift from Sith troopers to Droids).

Anyway, I'm looking for a fun level 10 character that would add something to the group (both are pilots), and am leaning to making a techie (Tech Specialist & Superior Tech), but am having trouble deciding what the rest of the character should be since those are only 2 feats, and I can't seem to find any classes or talents that synergize (even thematically) with it.

2013-01-10, 02:45 AM
Scoundrel makes a decent skill monkey chassis, if I recall correctly, into an assassin making you still ver useful in combat. Although if you want to go skill monkey all the way, check out Ace Pilot, a dip into Jedi allows you to grab the Force Pilot talent. Also, ... I can't think of anything else, haha

2013-01-10, 10:13 AM

Let's say the character is a Gotal, but get your GM to authorize a change: Normally, a Gotal doesn't like being around droids, because their electromagnetic fields are picked up by their horns. But what if your Gotal is a bit different, and actually understands the 'feelings' of droids and machinery, rather than those of organics, as a normal Gotal does? This led the Gotal to become a talented technician, something not usually seen.

In game terms, you could drop their Energy Reading and Sensor Cones powers, and replace it with 'Electronic Affinity' that grants you some bonus to Mechanics checks, dealing with or battling droids, etc? That would be up to your GM.

Take whatever class of Soldier, Scout, Scoundrel, or Noble you like, making sure to train Deception, Mechanics, and Use Computer, and taking Skill Focus: Mechanics. Go into the Improviser prestige class, looking at talents like Improvised Device, Custom Model, and Capture Droid (if you think a lot of enemy droids are in your future.)

You can also dip into the Saboteur prestige class. Either take some of the Turret talents, for extra firepower, or maybe Device Jammer and Droid Jammer, to really mess with your electronic foes. The Unexpected Results class feature is also fun, basically giving you a 5% chance every time someone tries to hit you, that their weapon is broken.

In character, these talents and features can be part of your story of being sensitive to and maybe even interacting with electronic fields. Maybe those turrets are responding to your thoughts? Maybe those devices and droids are failing (or being captured or improved) because you're 'wanting' them to? When someone rolls a 1 on you, maybe that's your unique field 'harming' their weapon, if it's got electronics?