View Full Version : Goblins of CHult

2013-01-10, 02:49 AM
I'm told the Batiri worship their gods as dinosaur totems. Anyone know which species arelinked to what god?

2013-01-10, 01:45 PM
No goblin fans present?

2013-01-10, 04:59 PM
I’m not positive my understanding is they worship one deity who is worshiped through the form of the largest and most impressive local critters.

I don’t believe that they have a t-rex god so to speak. Keep in mind from the little bit I’ve looked into chult it has had some pretty substantial changes between editions so be carfull when looking for info there.

2013-01-10, 08:23 PM
Anyone know what book introduced them before 3.5?

2013-01-10, 08:32 PM
the ring of winter 1992 seems to be the first book a novel it was latter

expanded with the jungles of chult

if i recall correctly back then goblins were just "idol" worshipers with no real god.
and in third edition it was decided that those "idols" were actually aspects of the god of chult

2013-01-11, 02:10 AM
Thanks awa!