View Full Version : Hurling Goblins at Enemies [PF]

2013-01-10, 06:06 AM
We're playing a goof campaign, trying not to be very serious or RAW. So that's the only reason we're even considering this:

One of our players wants to play a hurling barbarian.
He wants to throw goblins in spiked armor.

Playability/balance/range problems aside, how much damage should this do? And should the goblins take damage?

I found some interesting house-rules for stuff like this.
A creature thrown takes 1d6 damage per 10 feet thrown, as per falling damage rules. A creature hit with a thrown object takes that same damage, plus the thrower's strength, plus the damage of the object (small armor spikes in this case.)
This makes the goblins one-shot attacks, as they take tons of damage per use... but it's awesome.

Opinions? Ideas? Rules?

2013-01-10, 07:32 AM
Someone else had similar ideas. (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2l8dg?Pathfinder-Hurler)

What you said sounds about right. I reckon if the goblin is in full armour, it will count as a hard object too.

You could do this by RAW by combining body bludgeon with Raging throw or two-handed throw, but in a silly campaign like this it's better just to streamline the process. Besides, a helpless goblin projectile basically counts as an object, and the description of hurling indicates you can hurl any object 1 size smaller than yourself.

Speaking of: the hurling rage-powers (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian/archetypes/paizo---barbarian-archetypes/hurler) could be (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian/rage-powers/paizo---rage-powers/hurling-lesser-ex)a general guideline/good (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian/rage-powers/paizo---rage-powers/hurling-ex)to make the player more powerful (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian/rage-powers/paizo---rage-powers/hurling-greater-ex)but it's up to you. Also consider reckless abandon+power attack (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian/rage-powers/paizo---rage-powers/reckless-abandon-ex)