View Full Version : Diablo 2 - Act two, Radament's Lair

2013-01-10, 07:48 PM
Lut Gholein

It has been a grueling week of travel beneath a ruthless sun and dodging the extraordinarily dangerous beasts indigenous to this harsh place, but at last, you arrive at the city of Lut Gholein. Its walls are polished, its streets are swept, and the scents of the city are strong - after staying for so long at the Rogue encampment, it is not difficult to see why it is called the Desert Jewel.

Apparently, Warriv is well known and liked in these parts, for the mercenaries guarding the gates give you no trouble, and within minutes, you find yourselves socializing with what seems to be the city's very elite, including Lord Jerhyn himself, leader of the city. He is a young man, and eager to tell you the names of everyone he believes is important for you to meet during your stay in Lut Gholein - but still, you get the distinct impression that his attention is not on the pleasant conversation, but rather something that is troubling him greatly.

For a recap on other NPCs, the important ones Jerhyn talks about are:

Drognan and Lysander trade in magic.
Fara trades in arms and armor, and has gifts of healing.
Elzix runs the main inn.
Greiz is the mercenary captain of the mercenaries guarding the gates.

2013-01-11, 08:07 PM

Paavo walks into the inn and beckons to Elzix.

"Barkeep! A pint of your best lager, and then a second one so I can drink it while I wait for the first," Paavo says as he grins, sitting down at the bar.

"By the way... we're looking for this fellow. Strange lad, tortured by .. inner demons, you might say. Have their been any other foreigners come through these parts recently?"

2013-01-12, 12:45 AM

Dusty and ill-tempered after the long trip, Tatsuhiro seeks out the most convenient bath-house. Surely there's one somewhere... and if not, there might be more than one wanderer causing trouble for the desert city.

2013-01-12, 11:16 AM
Biscuit looks at the city and lets out a sigh, glad that he could finally stop running from the beasts out in the desert to sit in a chair for hours and not be on the look out for something trying to kill him.

He wanders the city for a while before eventually stopping in a bar and just flops down into a chair so he can properly relax.

2013-01-12, 06:29 PM

After the tour of the town, Corretha waypoints back to the rogue encampment. She picks up the items she commissioned from Charsi and lets everyone know they have arrived in Lut Gholein.

She spends a little time ensuring the rogues are fairing well and that evil's hold on the region has indeed lessened. She then returns to Lut Gholein, sharing any news gained with her companions.

2013-01-14, 08:29 PM
Lut Gholein

After settling in, bathing, and sampling the beverages at Elzix's excellent inn, the onset of evening brings the group to Atma's Tavern, by reputation, a rather more lively place. Although someone mentions something about a recent tragedy...

You haven't been there long when a big, muscular, beer-bellied man introduces himself as Geglash and all but attacks Paavo with the offer of a drink, apparently he is quite interested in tales of the far north.
Of course, a few moments later, he's spilling gossip.

"You're looking for that foreigner? I suppose you've come to help save this city. You needn't bother. What you need to stop is Jerhyn blockading the harbor, not chasing after some clown everyone seems to think is the herald of the pandemonium or something."
"Anyway, Greiz seems to have this place locked down nice and tight. Not that I couldn't have done the same! I've proven my valor in combat plenty of times!"

2013-01-15, 11:42 AM

"Save the city? Why does it need saving? And why is the harbor blockaded?"

2013-01-16, 09:34 PM
Atma's Tavern

Just as Geglash gets ready to explain how nothing is wrong, the another of this city's more harried-looking citizens invites herself to the conversation. It is Atma, the woman you have identified as the tavernkeeper.

"I can tell you why we need saving."

"For some time now, we have been under siege by an evil power. They say it has attacked the merchant ships sailing to Kurast, and Jerhyn has the ships still remaining moored until the situation is resolved."

"But that's out in the desert. What's worse..."

"In the sewers below our city, there now lurks a horrid creature that hungers for human flesh. The creature has killed many, including my son and my husband."

"You have a reputation as heroes. I don't expect this of you, but if you want to help me avenge them, I would be grateful."

2013-01-16, 10:04 PM

Paavo eyes the tavernkeeper, and then drains his beer with a purpose.

"When I was a wee lad, my father gave me a piece of wisdom," he says slowly as he gets up from his barstool and adjusts his sword scabbard.

"'Son', he said, 'If you think something might want to eat you, it's better to kill it before you find out for certain. '"

He grins and continues, "That, and 'barkeeps make for particularly satisfying debtors.'"

2013-01-17, 03:25 PM
Biscuit listens to the wise advice and then gives his own.

My Da' didn't give me wise advice like that, but he told me that "if the townspeople are ever talking about a horrid creature it is probably nothing worth worrying about."
He pauses for a moment.
My Da' got was rather skeptical of the monster that lives in the sewers that nobody has ever seen.

2013-01-17, 04:45 PM
Atma's Tavern

"There is a sewer entrance through a trap door just up the street."

"Please be careful though, that beast has taken enough from us already."

As the decision that this sounds like a plan worth pursuing once you have rested and sobered up, you notice that a man at the tavern has been paying keen attention, and looking rather like he wants to say something.

Tavar, that would be you!

2013-01-21, 09:17 PM
Lut Gholein

@Everyone, minus Aldrick
Waking up after the night's jubilations, you come to the decision that as long as you are prevented from further chasing the Dark Wanderer, the idea of chasing down this phantom in the sewers is as good an idea as any. Only Gerrin declines to join, but he received a letter of some kind during the night that apparently left him deeply troubled.

After finding the trap door Atma told you about, you allow yourselves to fall into the darkness of the sewers, one by one.

You quickly realized that even though the sewers are in full use, they must be older than the current city. The history of Lut Gholein's architecture can be found here in layers, the ruins having accumulated over the centuries into a veritable maze of tunnels, old and new.

You are walking along one of the newer, and thus worse-smelling tunnels when you suddenly notice that your footsteps and the sound of the filth streaming past are not the only things moving here in the darkness - something else is coming towards you, straight ahead.

(Everyone roll a DC 10 Fortitude save or be sickened by the stench. This is not poison.

Roll listen checks if you want to try to pinpoint the location of the sound.)

After overhearing the self-proclaimed band of heroes being told about this phantom in the sewers, you decide to take a look for yourself.

It takes you most of the following morning, but you obtain a bundle of torches and find an entrance near the docks leading down into the dark, dank, smelling sewers.

You quickly realized that even though the sewers are in full use, they must be older than the current city. The history of Lut Gholein's architecture can be found here in layers, the ruins having accumulated over the centuries into a veritable maze of tunnels, old and new.

You are walking along one of the newer tunnels when you suddenly notice that your footsteps and the sound of the filth streaming past are not the only things moving here in the darkness - a moving mass is coming towards you, from straight ahead.

(In addition: Roll a DC 10 Fortitude save or be sickened by the stench. This is not poison.)

2013-01-21, 09:38 PM
Ryuu Tatsuhiro

Hardly thrilled about traipsing around through sewage, but mollified by the bath, Tatsuhiro wings his way forward taking special care not to touch anything... and is assaulted by one of the foulest smells of his life.

Fort: [roll0] - pass if not a 1.

Listen: [roll1]

Darkvision 60
Blindsense 50
See Invisible

2013-01-21, 10:08 PM

Fort: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2013-01-22, 09:31 PM
The Sewers

Tatsuhirso easily determines that you are dealing with one humanoid (or at least a two-legged creature), about 100' ahead, wearing armor by the sounds of it.

EDIT: Like so. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)Green goo = sewage, light brown = walkway, dark brown = walls.

2013-01-22, 09:35 PM
Ryuu Tatsuhiro

"Ugh, someone's down here? By choice?" He glances around. "Er... besides us? Does anyone want to take bets on it being the guy we're looking for, or a fellow adventurer trying to go it alone?"

2013-01-22, 09:49 PM

Paavo smirks a bit and replies to Ryuu.

"It's probably some sweet lass lured down here by your magnificence. Pucker up and go give her a kiss!"

2013-01-22, 10:06 PM
The Sewers

Tatsuhiro is distracted from acting on Paavo's encouragement, as he suddenly senses that something is stirring up an awful lot of smell there in the sewage.

Quite a few somethings.

Surprise round for Tatsuhiro!

There seems to be some kind of commotion going on ahead. Fortunately for you, the voices sound human, since your last torch just died prematurely.

Yes, you're the white question mark in the darkness. You'll be in the initiative once it starts. :smalltongue:

Map up(dated) (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-01-23, 12:49 AM
Ryuu Tatsuhiro

"Pfah, just because you're.... oh, nevermind, we've got more immediate concerns."

Deciding that anything coming up from beneath that putrid water has got to be hostile, or at least a serious danger of getting his robes befouled, Tatsuhiro launches a pre-emptive Thunder Breath on the rising foes.

Fly to G6, with as much elevation as can be managed under the circumstances.

Sonic breath downwards and to the NW. Should catch everyone but M4, M5, and N5 for [roll0] sonic, Ref DC 24 half.

2013-01-23, 03:00 PM
Biscuit looks around the sewer and comments on the smell.
Anyone got a peg to put over our noses?

Fort Save: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2013-01-23, 04:58 PM

Doing her best to ignore the sewers assault on her senses, the mage decides to play it cautiously, waiting to see what approaches.

[roll0] vs DC 10

Delay action until first hostile creature comes into sight.

Upon seeing them, [roll1] to determine usual things. What they are, weaknesses, usual tactics, etc.

Arcana +22; Local, Planes +20; Nature, Dung., Religion +13

2013-01-23, 07:22 PM
The Sewers

Reacting to something imperceptible to the others, Tatsuhiro seizes the initiative and blasts the sewage with a thundering shout, splashing the foul liquid all over the path ahead, and bringing up an uncomfortable spike in the smell.

Before anyone gets a chance to question the wisdom of stirring these waters, the location of the threat becomes obvious: Something is definitely stirring down in the sewage. And you can't think of any nice things that could possibly come out of that thing.

Round 1 begins!

Yet to act in round 1: Everyone.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-01-24, 11:36 AM

Moving carefully forward, Aldrick prepares to charge forward if necessary.

Move to U6.

Ready action to Partial Charge if an Enemy reveals itself.

2013-01-24, 03:10 PM
Biscuit moves about, careful not to step in the bog.

Move to I5, ready an action to use Fan the Flames if an enemy appears out of the bog or further down the corridor.

2013-01-24, 04:16 PM

Paavo moves forward, prepared to strike at the first target to appear out of the water.

Move to H6.
Ready an action to use Claw At The Moon on the first target in range. Power attack for 3, using sword 2-handed.

[roll0] for [roll1]. If hits, DC 14 Fort save or target is stunned for 1 round.

Jump check vs. target's AC: [1d20+48] here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14587271&postcount=1371). If successful, add [roll2] damage and get a +4 on any crit confirmations.

If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll3] , strength trip check: [roll4]. If successful, extra attack: [roll5] for [roll6]

Current HP: 168
Current AC: 25
Enemies in my threatened area take a -9 penalty on attacks vs. anyone except me.

2013-01-24, 04:26 PM

Corretha is still, trying to determine what is down there.

Delaying until Knowledge rolls resolve.

2013-01-26, 11:27 PM
The Sewers

The air is thick with tension and, even more uncomfortably, with spatters of sewage as the surface rolls and boils with the motion of creatures underneath.

Yet to act in round 1: Aldrick (See OOC thread), Biscuit (See OOC thread), Edmond, Tatsuhiro.

2013-01-27, 04:26 AM

Keen eyes peer out for the first sign of attack....

Ready action to breath the same way. [SEE THREAD: 27] sonic, Ref DC 24 half.

2013-01-28, 09:28 PM
The Sewers

Biscuit attempts to maneuver through the sewage, but finds that the thick goo provides poor footing, and doesn't get as far as he had hoped.

Edmond, concern ringing out from him in a chorus of music, attempts to come to his aid, but slips one one of the smelly blobs resulting from Tatsuhiro's latest blast of sound... and falls face-first into the sewage, where he promptly disappears.

Biscuit is stuck as if in a deep bog (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/wilderness.htm#marshTerrain).

Edmond is currently MIA.

No sooner has Edmond gone under as the creatures begin to surface.

They are not your allies. They are definitely undead, they barely resemble the humans they used to be. But somehow, the sight of their filth-covered, hulking forms rising from the canal is absolutely terrifying on a level most walking dead simply aren't.

And they are coming for you, Paavo and Biscuit taking the brunt of the attack, although both retaliate viciously before the terrifying situation truly sets in.

Paavo successfully topples M3. He is aware that the creature has damage reduction.
Biscuit may perform his Fan the Flames before you have to deal with...

Fear effects!

Everyone make five separate Will saves, DC 22.
Failing the first save paralyzes the victim for [roll0] rounds.
Failing the second save paralyzes the victim for [roll1] rounds.
Failing the third save paralyzes the victim for [roll2] rounds.
Failing the fourth save paralyzes the victim for [roll3] rounds.
Failing the fifth save paralyzes the victim for [roll4] rounds.

If Paavo is not paralyzed, monsters M3-M5 all provoke an AOO from him.

Attacks on Paavo:
M3: [roll5] for [roll6] damage. If it hits, he must make a DC 22 Fortitude save.
M4: [roll7] for [roll8] damage. If it hits, he must make a DC 22 Fortitude save.

Attacks on Biscuit:
M1: [roll9] for [roll10] damage. If it hits, he must make a DC 22 Fortitude save.
M1: [roll11] for [roll12] damage. If it hits, he must make a DC 22 Fortitude save.

M6-M10 are still submerged (M10 is under the mini-bridge).

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

@CorrethaCorretha identifies these creatures as Horadrim preserved dead, the embalmed remains of lesser Horadrim mages. Some force must be animating them for nefarious purposes.

In the moments before fear threatens to shut down her mind, she remembers a crucial fact: The embalming liquid is highly flammable.

2013-01-29, 10:23 PM

Paavo shudders for a moment, then lashes out at the creature he felled. Realizing the situation had suddenly turned dire, he retrieves a magic trinket to shield himself.

Immediate action to activate my Third Eye Freedom as soon as I'm paralyzed.

AoO on M3:[roll0] for [roll1] damage.

Free action to take the left hand off my sword.
Move action to retrieve my Talisman of Undying Fortitude.
Standard action to activate the Talisman.

Current AC: 25
Current HP: 168
Current SR: 20
Talisman ends before my turn on Round 5. Paralysis ends before my turn on Round 6.

Enemies in my threatened area take a -9 on attacks vs anyone except me.

2013-01-31, 08:02 AM
Aldrick creeps closer, only to stop suddenly, becoming almost completely still.

use standard action from last round to move to R6. Then get paralysed for 4 rounds.

2013-01-31, 09:29 PM
The Sewers

Tatsuhiro, for once not full of bravado, limply falls the short distance to the floor below, while Corretha, Biscuit and Paavo each draw upon their respective protective magics to keep going despite the supernatural fear. Paavo barely pauses, recovering in time to chop off the hand of the monster that reached for him.

From ahead, you can hear the armored someone clang to the ground as well - whoever he is, he is no more immune to the monsters' effects than you are.

Biscuit still owes us the Fan the Flames he readied earlier.

Yet to act in round 2: Biscuit, Corretha.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-02-01, 03:18 AM

Feeling her body freezing up, Corretha releases all of the energy from an earlier spell. Moving even more fluidly then usual, she targets the one closest to Paavo with a spell, attempting to aid her ally.

"If you have any sort of fire, now is the time to use it. They're highly flammable."

Swift: Discharge Heart of Water.
Free: Speak
Standard: Cast [roll0] vs Touch AC.
If hit, [roll1] to M4 and half as much to M1, M2, M3 and M5. (This assumes I can't target those underwater. If I'm wrong, they're all included as well).

M1, M2, M3 and M5 are entitled a DC 17 Reflex save to take quarter damage instead of half.

2013-02-01, 05:41 PM
The Sewers

The creature Corretha is aiming for is relatively slow and clumsy - but their aura of fear must still be fouling up her aim, as the orb she fires sails well clear of its intended target.

Biscuit still owes us the Fan the Flames he readied earlier. And he must act in this round.

Map unchanged.

2013-02-02, 05:20 AM
Will Saves:
[roll0] 1
[roll1] 2
[roll2] 3
[roll3] 4
[roll4] 5

Fan the Flames, targetting M2
Crit Confirm:

2013-02-02, 05:25 AM
Biscuit, swings with his axe at the monster.

[roll0] Fort Save
Hp: 48/66
2 rounds left of paralysis.

2013-02-03, 02:25 PM
Biscuit, able to move, swings his axe and then puts some space between him and the monsters.

Attack 1:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]

Attack 2:
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Crit Confirm: [roll5]
Switch to Press the Advantage, move an extra 5 ft per 5 ft step.
5 ft step to C5 due to the aforementioned stance.

2013-02-03, 06:35 PM
The Sewers

Biscuit scorches one of the monsters badly as it emerges from the goo, the gout of flame searing it more deeply than you would have guessed. He follows up with two rapid chops of his axe, both of which connect, but the creature does not seem to be particularly disturbed.

The monsters continue their relentless assault, more of them emerging to the surface. The waves of dread wash over the party each time a new one comes into view, but those vulnerable to them have already succumbed, so they do little but slide uncomfortably across the magical defenses of those still standing. Their more physical attacks, on the other hand, are not so easily ignored.

Upon second reading, let's say the FoM allows movement through that goo. Damn that spell not specifying what it's supposed to do.

Biscuit, too, is dealing with damage reduction.

M1, M2 and M3 provoke an AoO from Paavo. If they are not stopped, they attack:

M1@Biscuit: [roll0] for [roll1] damage
M2@Biscuit: [roll2] (Paavo's penalty included) [roll3] damage
M3@Corretha: [roll4] (Paavo's penalty included) [roll5] damage
M4@Paavo: [roll6] for [roll7], [roll8] for [roll9], [roll10] for [roll11]
M6@Tatsuhiro: [roll12] (Paavo's penalty included) [roll13] damage
M7@Paavo: [roll14] for [roll15] damage
M8@Paavo: [roll16] for [roll17] damage
M9 and M10 are still submerged.

Anyone struck by one of these monsters must make a DC 22 Fortitude save. (Once the save is failed once, it need not be made again. It doesn't have any immediate, obvious effects.)

Yet to act in round 3: Biscuit, Corretha, Paavo. (Edmond?)

Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0a)

2013-02-03, 09:25 PM

Unleashing as much magical energy as she possibly can, the mage sends fire all throughout the sewers.

Corretha largely absorbs the hit, taking only two damage after her Temp HP.

Free: 5 ft step backward.
Swift: Use a charge on my circlet to quicken cast Lesser Orb of Fire at M3.
[roll0] for [roll1].
Standard: Cast Maximized Chain'd Lesser Orb of Fire.
[roll2] vs M6.
If hit, M6 takes 40 Fire Damage. All other targets (everyone except M9?) take 20 Fire Damage and are entitled to a DC 17 Reflex for half.

2013-02-03, 09:26 PM

Gloves of Fortunate Striking kick in, allowing reroll on my second attack.


2013-02-04, 04:00 PM
The Sewers

Corretha's conflagration collides with every one of the creatures in sight, chunks of their unclean flesh blasted off as the spells ricochet through the narrow tunnel. Once the lights fade again, one of the creatures has succumbed to the fires. But as it collapses, it begins hissing as it releases a small cloud of noxious gas, which quickly drifts over to Biscuit where he is facing his pair of opponents.

M3 dies in a 5' explosion of (instantaneous) gas. Biscuit must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or take [roll0] points of Con damage.

Yet to act in round 3: Biscuit, Paavo. (Edmond?)

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-02-04, 05:43 PM
Biscuit, clearly wounded by now decides it would be prudent to get away for a bit to patch himself up.
He disappears from in front of the creatures and then reappears down the hallway away from them.

Initiate Shadow Jaunt, teleport to M5 as a standard action.

Poison save:
Iron Heart Focus if it fails:
Hp 28/66

2013-02-04, 10:54 PM

Paavo slashes at the things as they head toward the less martially-inclined members of the party, keeping his guard up as best he can against so many enemies.

Does my Talisman render the Fort saves unnecessary? If not:

AoO on M1: [roll3] for [roll4]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll5] , strength trip check: [roll6]. If successful, extra attack: [roll7] for [roll8]. If the trip is successful, I *think* this negates its attack on Biscuit.

Full attack, fighting defensively with Combat Expertise for -5 against M6, switch to M7 if it dies. Using sword one-handed, no Power Attack:

1st iterative:[roll9] for [roll10]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll11] , strength trip check: [roll12]. If successful, extra attack: [roll13] for [roll14]

2nd iterative:[roll15] for [roll16]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll17] , strength trip check: [roll18]. If successful, extra attack: [roll19] for [roll20]

3rd iterative:[roll21] for [roll22]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll23] , strength trip check: [roll24]. If successful, extra attack: [roll25] for [roll26]

Current AC: 30
Current concealment: 20%
Current HP: 92
Current SR: 20
Talisman ends before my turn on Round 5. Paralysis ends before my turn on Round 6.

Enemies in my threatened area take a -9 on attacks vs anyone except me.

Edit: also, swift action to use a charge of my Shadow Cloak for 20% concealment next round.

2013-02-06, 01:48 PM
The Sewers

Paavo has inflicted half a dozen cuts on the creature trying to beat down on the paralyzed Tatsuhiro, but still its horrible, now mangled form keeps moving, now reaching for Tatsuhiro's throat. The remaining few emerge to swarm Paavo as he attempts to guard his companion's paralyzed body, while those who can't get close enough turn their attentions to the more vulnerable Biscuit and Corretha.

M1 attacks Corretha. [roll0] for [roll1].
M2 provokes AoO from Paavo and attacks Corretha. [roll2] for [roll3].
M4 attacks Paavo. [roll4] for [roll5], [roll6] for [roll]2d8+10[roll], [roll]1d20+10[roll] for [roll]1d6+3[roll]
M5 provokes AoO from Paavo and Biscuit and attacks Biscuit. [roll7] for [roll8].
M6 performs Coup de Grace on Tatsuhiro! Provokes AoO from Paavo. If not interrupted, Tatsuhiro must make a DC [roll9] Fortitude save or die.
M7 attacks Paavo. [roll10] for [roll11], [roll12] for [roll]2d8+10[roll], [roll]1d20+10[roll] for [roll]1d6+3[roll]
M8 attacks Paavo. [roll13] for [roll14], [roll15] for [roll]2d8+10[roll], [roll]1d20+10[roll] for [roll]1d6+3[roll]
M9 provokes AoO from Paavo and attacks Tatsuhiro. [roll16]*for [roll17].
M10 attacks Tatsuhiro. [roll18] for [roll19].

Yet to act in round 4: Biscuit, Corretha, Paavo. (Edmond?)

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-02-06, 03:54 PM

Corretha does her best to avoid being hit by the creatures, but can't quite create the distance she'd otherwise like.

She retaliates by continuing her fiery assault

Is the sewage basically water? Assuming they can't stand on it, but are instead attacking out of it I do the following:

Immediate: Jaunt to D4 (-5 ft elevation, so in the water/sewage) to avoiding M1's attack.

I have a swim speed, if that matters at all. If they move in numerical order that means that M2 will assumedly follow me. He can't reach me in a 5 ft step since he'd need to move North then down in elevation and you can't move diagonally around corners, meaning he still provokes from Paavo. Now Paavo, please stop him from attacking me, in addition to the one million other things you have going on this round. :smallbiggrin:

Now, assuming he still ends up near me, I shall cast defensively (auto pass).

Standard: Chained Orb of Fire.
[roll0] vs M7 Touch AC for [roll1].

If it hits, every target except M7 takes half of the above damage and is entitled to make a DC 20 Reflex save to further reduce it by half. In addition, all targets damaged must make a DC 20 Fort save or be Dazed for one round.

2013-02-07, 12:15 AM

Paavo tries his best to trip the monster before it gets to Corretha, but finds himself unable to aid her more. He glances at the stricken dragon-man next to him but his blade can only parry so much...

AoO on M2: [roll0] for [roll1]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll2] , strength trip check: [roll3]. If successful, extra attack: [roll4] for [roll5]

Swift: activate the second charge on my Talisman.

Full attack on M6, moving to M10 if it dies. Using sword one-handed, Combat Expertise for 5, no Power Attack.
1st iterative: [roll6] for [roll7]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll8] , strength trip check: [roll9]. If successful, extra attack: [roll10] for [roll11]

2nd iterative: [roll12] for [roll13]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll14] , strength trip check: [roll15]. If successful, extra attack: [roll16] for [roll17]

3rd iterative: [roll18] for [roll19]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll20] , strength trip check: [roll21]. If successful, extra attack: [roll22] for [roll23]

Current AC: 30
Current HP: 70
Current SR: 20
Talisman ends before my turn on round 7. Paralysis ends before my turn on round 6.

Enemies in my threatened area take a -9 on attacks vs. anyone except me.

2013-02-08, 11:04 AM
Biscuit remembers his training in combat and focuses all of his strength into a final blow to try and kill the monster in a single strike.

Activate Chain of Personal Superiority and Chain of Overwhelming Force.
Deal an extra 5d6 damage on the next attack and gain a +2 Insight bonus on strength and constitution.
Damage: [roll1]
Overwhelming Force: [roll2]
Crit Confirm:
Faming: [roll4]
HP 21/76
Strike: Stone Bones
DR 5/Adamantine until my next turn.

Ft step to 5O because of my stance.

2013-02-08, 04:39 PM
The Sewers

Paavo turns around sharply, chopping off the leg of the monster going after Corretha, allowing her to escape. What's worse is that the momentary distraction is enough for one of the others to get its slimy fingers around Tatsuhiro's paralyzed neck...

And with a single, loud *CRACK*, the dragonlord dies. Paavo's blade returns a moment later, dispatching the monster that broke Tatsuhiro's neck, but the damage is done.

Distressed by the event, Corretha and Biscuit's attention falters, turning what should have been debilitating strikes into ineffective swings and fireworks.

As Biscuit retreats down the tunnel, he notices something the party had almost forgotten about in all the commotion - the armored someone they had heard approaching earlier, lying as paralyzed as Tatsuhiro had been.

Everywhere, the monsters keep attacking relentlessly, apparently not satisfied until everyone present is as dead as they are.
Just realized I've been completely forgetting about lighting since the surprise round. I guess Tatsuhiro set something on fire!

Paavo's third iterative didn't hit. Neither Corretha's nor Biscuit's attacks hit.

M6 explodes. Paavo must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or take [roll0] points of Con damage.

FYI: All the monsters are damaged to some degree, M9 the least, M7, M8 and M10 also in OK shape. M1, M4 and M5 are rather banged up. M2 is hanging on by a hair.

M1 attacks Corretha. [roll1] for [roll2], [roll3] for [roll4], [roll5] for [roll6].
M2 attacks Corretha. [roll7] for [roll8].
M4 attacks Paavo. [roll9] for [roll10], [roll11] for [roll12], [roll13] for [roll14]
M5 attacks Biscuit. [roll15] for [roll16], [roll17] for [roll18], [roll19] for [roll20]
M7 attacks Paavo. [roll21] for [roll22], [roll23] for [roll24], [roll25] for [roll26]
M8 attacks Paavo. [roll27] for [roll28], [roll29] for [roll30], [roll31] for [roll32]
M9 attacks Paavo. [roll33] for [roll34], [roll35] for [roll36], [roll37] for [roll38]
M10 attacks Paavo. [roll39] for [roll40], [roll41] for [roll42], [roll43] for [roll44]

Yet to act in round 5: Biscuit, Corretha, Paavo.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-02-08, 06:35 PM

Paavo hacks at monster attacking Corretha as it leaves itself vulnerable for a moment.

AoO on M2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14676814&postcount=1410): [roll0] for [roll1]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll2] , strength trip check: [roll3]. If successful, extra attack: [roll4] for [roll5]

Edit: rest of actions pending Corretha's turn.

2013-02-08, 11:17 PM
The Sewers

Paavo slices open the monster's belly as it approaches Corretha, immediately causing it to fall down and start hissing away the poisonous gas locked within its body.

Corretha must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or take [roll0] points of Constitution damage.

Yet to act in round 5: Biscuit, Corretha, Paavo.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-02-09, 04:37 AM
Biscuit falls onto the floor unconscious, his body no longer able to cope with the damage.
Health, -6.
Roll to Stabilize.
Lose one HP to -7

2013-02-09, 06:36 AM

Corretha takes a hit from the relentless undead, but upon his second swing, he finds his target has vanished.

A quick look around is all it takes to spot the mage again, but nothing can be done to stop her from casting yet another spell.

OK, so, again, assuming they move in numerical order, I allow M1 to take his 5 ft step, and allow him his first attack, which hits me. This brings me to 31/50 HP, but more importiantly locks M1 in position after I Jaunt away.

Immediate: Jaunt to E3, even elevation (so +5 from current elevation).

Standard: I cast Evard's Black Tentacles, centered on the top right corner of F5. This will catch every opponent except M5.

Every enemy except M5 must make a grapple check.

M1: [roll0]
M4: [roll1]
M7: [roll2]
M8: [roll3]
M9: [roll4]
M10: [roll5]

Move: To A3

2013-02-09, 09:35 PM
The Sewers

Corretha and Biscuit both take hits. Corretha, expecting the blow, rolls with it and manages to outmaneuver her clumsier foe. Out of reach, she gets the opportunity to cast a spell, with wild success, conjuring a writhing mass of tentacles, grasping at all but the monster fighting Biscuit on the other side of the bridge.

Which is highly unfortunate, as the last hit Biscuit takes is the one that finally sends him over the edge, knocking him cold into the filth.

M1, M7, M8 and M10 are grappled by the tentacles.

Yet to act in round 5: Paavo.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-02-10, 01:23 AM

Paavo seizes the opportunity presented by the sudden onslaught of the tentacles, giving one of the monsters a quick smash before jumping over the head of one of the entangled ones.

Paavo exhorts his closest comrade to action. "CORRETHA!! SHOOT THEM!!"

Standard: Revitalizing Strike on either M9 or M4 (whichever is more damaged). Combat Expertise for 5, no Power Attack.
[roll0] for [roll1]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll2] , strength trip check: [roll3]. If successful, extra attack: [roll4] for [roll5]
If hits, Paavo heals [roll6].

Move: Jump to C3: [roll7]. Tumbles to prevent AoOs: [roll8], [roll9]

Swift: White Raven Tactics on Corretha.

Current AC: 30
Current HP: 17 (plus results of Revitalizing Strike)
Current SR: 20

Enemies in my threatened area take a -9 on attacks vs. anyone but me.

2013-02-10, 01:54 AM

Taking heed of Paavo's sage advice, Corretha SHOOTS THEM!

Every creature in the area of my EBT must succeed on a grapple check or take further damage.

M1: [roll0] or take [roll1]
M4: [roll2] or take [roll3]
M7: [roll4] or take [roll5]
M8: [roll6] or take [roll7]
M9: [roll8] or take [roll9]
M10: [roll10] or take [roll11]

Swift: Quickened Lesser Orb of Fire on most visibly injured one.
[roll12] for [roll13]

Standard: Maximized Lesser Orb of Acid targeted at M1.
[roll14] for 40 Acid Damage

2013-02-10, 10:58 AM
The Sewers

Paavo, failing to land a solid hit in this now terribly confused melee, jumps out to return to Corretha, granting her the opportunity to fire off another elemental salvo. The orbs shatter loudly against the solidly entangled monsters, nearly destroying a pair.

On the other side of the tentacle field, the monster that knocked Biscuit out turns its attention to another vulnerable target - the armored newcomer.

M1, M4, M7 and M9 are grappled. M10 is not grappled, but didn't have the movement to get away anyway, so it's subject to the tentacle situation again when it's your (Corretha's) turn.

M1 and M4 are critically damaged, others less so.

M5 charges Aldrick: [roll0] for [roll1] damage.

Yet to act in round 6: Aldrick, "Biscuit", Corretha, Paavo.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-02-10, 11:58 AM

Paavo catches his breath for a moment and puts away his magic talisman as its magic fades, taking only an opportune moment to attack the nearby critter as it grapples with the tentacles.

Move: put my Talisman back in my Handy Haversack.
Swift: recover maneuvers
Free: put my left hand back on my sword
Standard: attack M1. [roll0] for [roll1]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll2] , strength trip check: [roll3]. If successful, extra attack: [roll4] for [roll5]

Current HP: 17
Current AC: 25

2013-02-10, 12:09 PM
Biscuit still can't get up and continues to lie there, bleeding slowly.

Also, is it 91-100 or 1-10 to stabilize?

2013-02-10, 03:05 PM
The Sewers

With the monsters trapped in the mass of tentacles, Paavo easily dispatches one of the more mangled ones.

Meanwhile, Biscuit continues to bleed...

Yet to act in round 6: Aldrick, Corretha.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-02-10, 03:42 PM

The mage reaches for her necklace, her hand searching for one of the larger pearls. Having found it, she seems to draw out power, leaving the bead seemingly duller.

Meanwhile, her relentless orb assault continues.

Move: Retrieve Pearl of Power, Level 2
Standard: Use Pearl of Power, Level 2 to recover Maximized Lesser Orb of Fire.
Swift: Activate Circlet to Quicken cast a Lesser Orb of Fire at M4.
[roll0] for [roll1]

2013-02-10, 03:44 PM
The undead's attack is stymied by the massive shield the newcomer carries, an object with more in common to a door than a defensive implement. This seems to shake the man out of his stillness, hefting the door with two hands on the edge, swinging it much like a giant, flat club.

While doing so he starts a small chant, bolstering the fallen warrior nearby.

Immediate action: Close Wounds on Biscuit: [roll0] hp healed. Casting defensively, auto-success(minimum roll is 18 against a DC of 17.)

Full Attack on the Undead M5:[roll1] Damage: [roll2]+[roll3](Holy)
[roll4] Damage: [roll5]+[roll6](Holy)
[roll7] Damage: [roll8]+[roll9](Holy)

Note, AC is +2 vs undead(30).

2013-02-10, 03:46 PM

Also, the rubbery black tentacles continue their assault.

If M4 somehow dies from this damage, redirect attack at next most visibly injured one.

M4: [roll0] or take [roll1]
M7: [roll2] or take [roll3]
M9: [roll4] or take [roll5]
M10: [roll6] or take [roll7]

2013-02-12, 04:53 PM
The Sewers

The back of one of the most weakened monster breaks audibly as it wrestles with the tentacles, allowing Corretha to redirect her efforts to the ones with more fight left in them.

The newcomer springs to action, and at once proves he is no stranger to combat. His retaliatory strikes against the undead burn and blast it with holy energy, damaging it greatly, and the spark of energy he sends to Biscuit is enough to restore his consciousness.

M4 died by tentacles, M7 got the orb instead.

Enemy status:
M5: Near death
M7: Badly injured, grappled
M8: Injured
M9: Barely injured, grappled
M10: Injured, grappled

Yet to act in round 6: Biscuit!

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-02-12, 05:19 PM
Biscuit picks himself up and limps down the corridor to try and get some safety and patch himself up.

On a Grand total of 1 hp.

Manifest Vigor, spend 10 pp to give myself 50 temporary hp.

Move to T4.

2013-02-12, 06:02 PM
The Sewers

The monsters keep struggling against the tentacles, but even those who manage to break free don't make much progress when it comes to actually escaping the field.

Those not caught, however, do not seem to care much for the troubles of their kin, one keeping up its melee with the newcomer, and the other chasing after Biscuit.

M8 moves to catch up with Biscuit.
M5 attacks Aldrick: [roll0] for [roll1], [roll2] for [roll3], [roll4] for [roll5]
On a successful hit, Aldrick must make a DC 22 Fortitude save (not repeating once he has failed once).

Enemy status:
M5: Near death
M7: Badly injured
M8: Injured
M9: Barely injured
M10: Injured, grappled

Yet to act in round 6: Aldrick, Biscuit, Corretha, Paavo.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-02-12, 09:15 PM
Once more Aldrick continues his assualt, despite several of the undead's limbs reaching past his defenses.

Fortitude Saves : [roll1]

Since you didn't list negative effects on the save, I imagine that it would only come into play later.

Full Attack. [roll2] Damage:[roll]2d6+ Holy:
[roll4] Damage:[roll]2d6+ Holy:
[roll6] Damage:[roll]2d6+ Holy:[roll7]

HP: 100/121

2013-02-13, 03:59 PM

Paavo sees the monster tailing the newly revived Biscuit, and decided to put himself between friend and foe.

Taking a running leap, he springs across the battlefield, landing between Biscuit and the hideous creature.

Move: move to M3.
Swift: use Sudden Leap ([roll0]) to S4. Tumble to avoid AoO from M8: [roll1]
Standard: use Revitalizing Strike on M5. Fighting 2-handed, using Combat Expertise for 5, no Power Attack. [roll2] for [roll3]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll4] , strength trip check: [roll5]. If successful, extra attack: [roll6] for [roll7]
If hits, heal myself for [roll8].

Current AC: 30
Current HP: 17 (+ results of Revitalizing Strike).
Current SR: 20

Enemies in my threatened area take a -9 on attacks vs. anyone but me.

2013-02-14, 08:48 PM
The Sewers

Aldrick mightily bludgeons the creature in front of him, and although it puts up a strong defense, it is battered nearly to pieces. Moments later, Paavo comes flying through the field of tentacles, landing feet first in the filth, and finishes the monster off with a single, quick strike.

Poison cloud! Aldrick must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or take [roll0] points of Constitution damage.

Paavo gets his healing.

Enemy status:
M7: Badly injured
M8: Injured
M9: Barely injured
M10: Injured, grappled

Yet to act in round 6: Biscuit, Corretha.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-02-15, 01:58 PM

Focusing on the creatures entangled in her spell, Corretha continues her fiery assault.

M7: [roll0] vs [roll1] or take [roll2]
M9: [roll3] vs [roll4] or take [roll5]
M10: [roll6] vs [roll7] or take [roll8]

Standard: Cast Max'd Lesser Orb of Fire at M10.
[roll9] for 40 Fire Damage

2013-02-15, 06:50 PM

Having successfully traded his place on the front lines with the less wounded Paavo, Biscuit focuses on renewing his energies.

The Vigor manifesting mentioned earlier.

The Sewers

Corretha has little success in aiming through the tentacles, and one of the remaining monsters breaks free. It lands a small distance from Aldrick, dripping gore and filth on to the stone beneath. The one chasing after Biscuit doesn't lose a step even though Paavo got in the way, changing targets smoothly.

M8 attacks Paavo: [roll0]*for [roll1] - BUT provokes an AoO before doing so.

Enemy status:
M7: Badly injured
M8: Injured
M9: Injured
M10: Badly injured

Yet to act in round 7: Aldrick, Biscuit, Corretha, Paavo.

Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-02-15, 07:33 PM
Giving a mighty yell, Aldrick charges forward, almost completely obscured from the enemy by his shield.

Charge to L6. Full attack:[roll0] Damage:[roll1] Holy:[roll2]
[roll3] Damage:[roll4] Holy:[roll5]
[roll6] Damage:[roll7] Holy:[roll8]

HP: 100/121
Ac 28 vs undead

2013-02-16, 12:02 AM

Paavo takes a quick swing at the monster engaging him, then skips away behind the suddenly more hale Biscuit.

AoO on M8:
[roll0] for [roll1]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll2] , strength trip check: [roll3]. If successful, extra attack: [roll4] for [roll5]

Standard: Foehammer on M8, using Combat Expertise for 5: [roll6] for [roll7] +[roll8], bypasses DR. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll9] , strength trip check: [roll10]. If successful, extra attack: [roll11] for [roll12].
Move: tumble to avoid AoOs to U3 [roll13]
Swift: if Biscuit is still in range after he takes his turn, use White Raven Tactics on him.

Current HP: 14
Current AC: 30
Current SR: 20

Enemies in my threatened area take a -9 on attacks vs anyone but me.

2013-02-17, 08:01 PM

Corretha targets the injured enemy who escaped from her spell.

M7: [roll0] vs [roll1] or take [roll2]
M9: [roll3] vs [roll4] or take [roll5]

Cast Lesser Orb of Fire.
[roll6] vs M10 for [roll7]

And thats my last [Fire] spell under level 5.

2013-02-18, 08:47 PM
The Sewers

Paavo fails to stop the monster's charge completely, only nicking it as it comes, but the back swing is delivered with full force, slicing deep into the creature, which through some ill fortune remains standing.

Aldrick has more luck, nearly flattening the recently escaped one with the charge of his shield. It staggers back, making it easy prey for Corretha's fire spell, which nearly instantly destroys what's left of it.

Poison death cloud! Aldrick must make a DC 20 fortitude save or take [roll0] points of Con damage.

Enemy status:
M7: Badly injured
M8: Badly injured
M9: Injured

Yet to act in round 7: Biscuit! (Possibly twice, see Paavo's WRT)

Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-02-19, 12:40 PM
Biscuit focuses to regather his maneuvers and then steps and cleaves into the nearby creature,

Full-round action to recover maneuvers.
5 ft step to S4
Full-Round Attack M8.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]

Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Crit Confirm: [roll5]

Readied Stuff:
Moment of Perfect Mind
Rapid Counter
Disarming Strike
Fan the Flames
Stone Bones
Shadow Jaunt
Iron Heart Surge
Iron Heat Counter

2013-02-20, 10:07 PM
The Sewers

Biscuit, rejuvenated, takes the opportunity to slice at the monster now engaging Paavo, managing two shallow cuts into its thick hide, even though his weapon is ill suited to the task.
Not able to effectively retaliate while Paavo is present, the monster keeps barreling on in a now-desperate attack.

The other remaining two monsters writhe helplessly among the tentacles.
Attack Paavo, if it survives an AoO from Paavo and Biscuit: [roll0] for [roll1]

M7: Badly injured
M8: Badly injured
M9: Injured

Yet to act in round 8: Aldrick, Biscuit, Corretha, Paavo.

Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-02-21, 11:58 AM

Paavo hacks again at the unholy thing.

AoO: [roll0] for [roll1]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll2] , strength trip check: [roll3]. If successful, extra attack: [roll4] for [roll5]

5' step to V4.
Full attack on M8, Combat Expertise for 5, no Power Attack:
1st iterative:[roll6] for [roll7]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll8] , strength trip check: [roll9]. If successful, extra attack: [roll10] for [roll11]

2nd iterative:[roll12] for [roll13]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll14] , strength trip check: [roll15]. If successful, extra attack: [roll16] for [roll17]

3rd iterative:[roll18] for [roll19]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll20] , strength trip check: [roll21]. If successful, extra attack: [roll22] for [roll23]

Current HP: 14
Current AC: 30
Current SR: 20

Enemies in my threatened area take a -9 on attacks vs. anyone but me.

2013-02-21, 01:54 PM
Aldrick races towards the last free enemy.

double move to P3

2013-02-21, 09:53 PM
The Sewers

While Aldrick comes around to flank the monster, Paavo manages to get in two more quick hits, but neither has the stopping power needed to bring the creature down.

M7: Badly injured
M8: Near death (this is a really weird description for an undead creature, BTW :smallbiggrin:)
M9: Injured

Yet to act in round 8: Biscuit, Corretha.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-02-22, 12:25 PM
Biscuit tries to put the creature out of its misery with a gout of flame.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Flaming: [roll2]
Crit Confirm: [roll3]

Fan the Flames (Touch Attack)
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Crit Confirm: [roll6]

Readied Stuff:
Moment of Perfect Mind
Rapid Counter
Disarming Strike
Stone Bones
Shadow Jaunt
Iron Heart Surge
Iron Heat Counter

2013-02-23, 03:00 AM

Exausted from expending such a vast amount of energy in such a short time, and with the fight now solidly going their way, Corretha takes a moment to recover.

M7 [roll0] vs [roll1] or take [roll2]
M9 [roll3] vs [roll4] or take [roll5]

Ready action to cast Lesser Orb of Cold if an opponent hits an ally. If possible, after they hit but before damaging. If not, then I guess after damaging.

[roll6] for [roll7]

End turn.

I'm trying to conserve a little bit here. :smalleek:

2013-02-24, 11:40 PM
The Sewers

Biscuit's opportunistic strike deals little damage, save for that dealt by the flames of his blade. It serving as a reminder of the creatures' flammability, he follows up with a gout of flame, and this nearly destroys it - but what little remains of it falls upon Paavo with all of its remaining strength.

Full attack on Paavo!
[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]
[roll4] for [roll5]
If one hits, the remaining attacks don't, it being destroyed by an orb of cold.
EDIT: Corretha's Orb remains uncast.
EDIT2: It was out of range anyway! :smallbiggrin:

M7: Badly injured
M8: Near death
M9: Injured

Round 9 begins!
Yet to act in round 9: Everyone.

Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-02-25, 11:21 PM

Paavo steps away from the creature, knowing it will try to take him with it as it dies with its death explosion.

5' step to W5.

Full attack on M8, Combat Expertise for 5, Power Attack for 2:
1st iterative: [roll0] for [roll1]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll2] , strength trip check: [roll3]. If successful, extra attack: [roll4] for [roll5]

2nd iterative: [roll6] for [roll7]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll8] , strength trip check: [roll9]. If successful, extra attack: [roll10] for [roll11]

3rd iterative: [roll12] for [roll13]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll14] , strength trip check: [roll15]. If successful, extra attack: [roll16] for [roll17]

Current HP:14
Current AC:30
Current SR: 20

Enemies in my threatened area take a -9 on attacks vs. anyone but me.

2013-02-26, 12:06 PM
Biscuit is rather irritated that they are using so much resources on a simple group of black undead, so he just steps and hacks into a nearby creature.

5 ft step to T4
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Flaming: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Crit Confirm: [roll6]

2013-02-26, 03:48 PM

Stepping up to the edge of her spell, Corretha rejoins the fight.

Move: To C3

Standard: Lesser Orb of Cold at M7.
[roll0] for [roll1]

Swift: Activate Circlet to quicken Maximized Lesser Orb of Acid at M9.
[roll2] for 40 Acid Damage.

That is my last Quicken charge. Still have three spell recovery charges though, luckily. Will be using those post battle.

2013-02-26, 03:50 PM

Also, tentacles.

M9 [roll0] vs [roll1] or take [roll2]

2013-02-27, 08:05 PM
The Sewers

At long last, the creature has slowed down enough for Paavo, who leans well into the blow, to brain it. Its fumes start wheezing out immediately, but this time, no one is caught.

Corretha doesn't slack in her efforts either, keeping up a barrage on both of the monsters still standing.

Paavo killed off the guy near Biscuit, Biscuit can get a new turn.

M7: Near death
M9: Badly injured

Yet to act in round 9: Aldrick, Biscuit.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-03-01, 05:17 PM
Aldrick moves towards the enemy the freed itself, but stops well short of the mark. His posture makes clear he's waiting for the thing to comes within range.

Move to L3, ready action to attack if something comes into Range.

2013-03-04, 09:32 PM

Biscuit hurries up to join Aldrick in the melee.

The Sewers

Corretha's heart skips a beat as yet another creature emerges from the sewage just behind her...

Until she realizes it is not one of the mummies, but Edmond. He is barely recognizable as he stands up, coughing up filth, but he's otherwise alive and healthy.

Just as well, because the last creature finally breaks free of the tentacles, and prepares to join the other monster, which is headed rapidly towards Aldrick.

Aldrick's readied action fires off!

If this doesn't kill it: [roll0] for [roll1] damage on Aldrick.

M7: Near death
M9: Badly injured

Yet to act in round 10: Everyone (including Edmond! [But not Tatshiro])

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-03-04, 11:36 PM

The last of the enemies having escaped her spell, Corretha undoes the magic binding it into existence.

Dismiss EBT.

2013-03-04, 11:47 PM

Still spitting out bits of things probably best not thought about, Edmond closes the gap between himself and the remaining foes, fingers flashing through the patterns of a spell. A moment later two enormous, ephemeral wings of rippling arcane energy sprout from his back and lash out in a dozen lightning fast attacks.

Move to G-3, Wings of Flurry (on everything except allies, obviously). [roll0] force damage, Reflex DC 19 half. On a failed save, enemies are dazed for one round.

2013-03-05, 03:41 PM
Biscuits moves and hacks into a creature violently, relishing every drop of blood or the sight of an organ being damaged.

Move to K5
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Flaming: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Crit Confirm: [roll6]

2013-03-05, 10:06 PM
The Sewers

Edmond's powerful magical assault quickly reminds the remainder of the party why the fight had been going less than optimally so far by tearing one of the weakened monsters, just before cut in retaliation by Aldrick, into pieces and leaving the sole remaining one in very bad shape.

Biscuit can re-do his action due to, again, him suffering a frag theft.

M9: Near death

Yet to act in round 10: Aldrick, Biscuit, Paavo.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdEV6N1dvdzc0ZFJuTEVDb3FaYjc1a Xc#gid=0)

2013-03-06, 04:46 PM

Paavo leaps once more into the fray, hacking at the last enemy, but positioning himself carefully out of reach and keeping his guard up given his heavy wounds.

Move: Move to N4.
Standar: attack M9 with Claw at the Moon, Power Attack for 2, Combat Expertise for 5: [roll0] for [roll1] and Jump check vs. target's AC: [roll2]. If successful, add [roll3] damage. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll4] , strength trip check: [roll5]. If successful, extra attack: [roll6] for [roll7].

2013-03-06, 09:23 PM
The Sewers

Paavo comes soaring in at the last monster from as high as the ceiling allows, landing with the full force of his leap behind a blow. It hits, barely, but the graze is enough to sever one of its vertebrae, and it promptly collapses.

With no tentacles or monsters remaining on the field of battle, the labored breaths of the party echo oddly through the tunnels.

And, now that you have time to look more closely, you see something shining beneath the filth...

One more DC 20 fort save or Biscuit takes [roll0] points of Constitution damage.

Encounter over!

You quickly discover that in place of each of the monsters' hearts is a (once removed and cleaned) brilliant gemstone, probably a factor in their reanimation or mummification process. Each is worth 1500GP.

2013-03-06, 09:30 PM

With a flick of his fingers, Edmond begins the long process of cleaning himself head to toe with a novice's cantrip. His surly glare (after having cleaned the muck from his eyes and mouth) makes it clear he doesn't want to talk about what just happened.


2013-03-08, 03:07 AM
Space filling rubbish, black to be different

2013-03-08, 11:51 PM
The Sewers

Sitting in the dark, dank depths of the sewers next to the bodies of numerous monsters and one friend, the party must make a decision as to how to proceed.

The discussion is getting underway when Biscuit feels his skin tightening painfully where he was struck by one of the mummies - some lingering effects of their touch.

Biscuit must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or take [roll0] points of Constitution damage and [roll1] points of Charisma damage.

I'd like to remind you that most of his current HP is temporary.

2013-03-09, 11:02 AM

Bleeding, bruised, battered and bone-weary, Paavo picks up the body of the fallen dragon-man, hoists it over his shoulder, and starts trudging back to town.

"We need to get his body back to Fara. Perhaps she can save him from returning as one of those things."

2013-03-09, 12:49 PM

The fight over, Corretha takes a second to recover a portion of her depleted spells. She nods in agreement with Paavo.

Use 1 Pearl of Power (first level) to recover Maximized Lesser Orb of Acid. Use 2 PoP level 2 to recover Maximized Lesser Orb of Fire and Maximized Lesser Orb of Acid. Use three Circlet charges to recover Heart of Water.

Recast Heart of Water.

3/4 PoP 1's remaining.
0/3 PoP 2's remaining.
0/3 Circlet charges remaining.

2013-03-13, 11:58 AM
Fort Save:


2013-03-13, 09:15 PM

As one of the party collapses, wounds finally taking their toll, Aldrick races over. Grabbing the man by his hand, he raises his arm, a look of mild concentration on his features, before letting go.

Biscuit looks much improved from the attention, no longer looking liable to follow his friend.

"No sense making more work for Fara. That will get you back to some real medicine, though. Name's Aldrick. Heard you were planning on trying to solve some problems around town, thought I might be able to help."

Cure light wounds. [roll0], so the minimum will get Buiscuit back on his feet.

2013-03-14, 02:37 PM

Biscuit drags himself to his feet, trying to get up without damaging his armour and axe, while still getting up in a dignified way.

So, zombie undead things are very painful. How do we make sure we don't get our arses kicked the next time we fight them?

2013-03-17, 09:59 PM
The Sewers

The party, judging itself to be in no condition to fight on, quickly retreats back to Lut Gholein the way Aldrick came, through an entrance near the docks rather more official than the trap door through which the rest of the party entered.

Once back in the blissfully fresh (if dry and dusty) air of the surface, you are relieved to find that Tatsuhiro has already returned to life, and barely worse for the wear. After asking around, you collectively head out towards a woman of many talents named Fara, who apparently doubles as both the city's most skilled blacksmith and most skilled healer. Her healing powers prove a full match for Akara's, and you are quickly made whole again...

Save for Biscuit, some of whose injuries seem more deep-rooted than the rest. Fara instructs you to come back tomorrow, when she may have a better chance to prepare.

And although her healing powers weren't wholly unsatisfactory, you have become used to dealing with a much more productive blacksmith - Charsi.
The end of the day takes you back to meet her at the Rogue Encampment, which still hasn't been fully restored. As expected, you are greeted with open arms.

A new day!

Goood posts tomorrrow. Bad shape now.

2013-03-19, 09:31 PM
The Rogue Encampment

One of the new arrivals to the encampment is of a type of creature normally known for being rare and reclusive - a dragon.
This one, a near hatchling, had reached word of the man Tatsuhiro's great respect for all things draconic (including himself), had traveled far to reach the encampment, only to arrive after the party's departure. By the reports, the creature had been making quite a stir with its annoyance these last few days, but with Tatsuhiro returned, they quickly fall to conversation.

While words of draconic boom over the encampment, the others turn their attention to Charsi, who immediately turned the Malus to use in creating personalized weapons for the new-forged heroes.

New items here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14928922&postcount=482). Next to the other imbue items, so they don't get spread everywhere.

2013-03-20, 08:40 PM
The Sewers

Once rested, outfitted with new magic item straight from Charsi's forge, all that remains is a stop at Fara's for inquiries about the progress of a cure for Biscuit's affliction before plunging back into the sewers of the city.

It doesn't take long to backtrack to the site of yesterday's battle, the scorch marks of the walls unmistakable.
But of the monsters you destroyed, there is no sign.

Worried, but continuing on, you eventually stumble out of the active sewer system, and into a part of it more dry, filled with more sand, and air that is stagnant rather than actively stinking.
You have been making progress through the labyrinth of tunnels when Aldrick hears that you are not alone - from somewhere ahead, his practiced ear picks up the all-too-familiar creaks of animated bones crunching against one another.

But as soon as he has heard it, the creaking is immediately silenced, as if the creature stopped moving.
Up to two castings of CL 7 Break Enchantment can be had for 280 GP each in town (the cheapest you can find). Fara has diagnosed it as being necessary for real treatment to begin, but she is not certain of it being successful.

You are currently headed south along a dusty, dark tunnel. It is rectangular in shape, 20' wide, 10' high. There is no one in sight the next 60', and the corridor does not turn.

You are not in combat yet.

2013-03-21, 04:02 PM
Aldrick focuses, utilizing the power of two of his items, becoming able to simply sense the undead.

Detect Undead. I'll start the detection facing forward, though I will want to check behind as well.

2013-03-21, 04:08 PM

Paavo moves forward cautiously, alert for any danger and whispering to his colleagues, "Stay sharp now..."

Move forward 30' and make a LIsten check: [roll0]

2013-03-21, 09:44 PM
The Sewers

Even with focused senses, there is now no sign of any undead.

At least not as far as Aldrick and Paavo are concerned.

2013-03-21, 11:09 PM
Ryuu Tatsuhiro


Tatsuhiro rolls his eyes at his new wyrmling companion. "Of COURSE I heard it. Who do you think you're travelling with, some dirt-loving buffoon?"

"Mrack!" It nips at his ear, and Tatsuhiro sighs.

"Fine, fine, you're a powerful and useful ally and I should be grateful you've honored me with your presence. Now be quiet a moment so I can figure out where exactly the sound is coming from. No use knowing something's there if you don't know where."

Darkvision 20'
See Invisible

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2013-03-22, 01:01 PM
Walking slowly forward, Aldrick keeps concentrating on the spell.

Walk 30ft forward, thus scanning another 30ft section.

2013-03-22, 07:35 PM

Calmly tapping himself with the ruby-tipped wand, Edmond once more assumes his favored reptillian form before stowing the wand away.

Alter Self, form of: Troglodyte!

Bet you didn't see that one coming.

2013-03-23, 02:26 AM
Biscuit bends his knees slightly and then sniffs the air for anything distinctive.

Switch stance to Hunter's Scent, gain scent.
Looking for any distinctive scents such as anything unusually clean or filthy.

2013-03-24, 10:30 PM
The Sewers

While others prepare, Aldrick takes point and keeps scanning the tunnel for signs of undead, but still, nothing comes within the range of his magic.

Biscuit sniffs around as well, but the only unexpected scent is that of the fresh sewage they passed through earlier. His best guess is that some of it has passed through here, but even so, he does not possess the skills to know in which direction or how long ago it did.

In fact, you are almost ready to start believing Aldrick had imagined the whole thing when suddenly, far ahead, the darkness blossoms into a bright, red fire.
It is gone as quickly as it appeared, but the ghost of the fireburst burns bright on your retinas, definitely proving that something is going on right in front of you.

Some Spellcraft may be in order.

Let's see what happens in at least one more round of actions.

Map up. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

(This is assuming that Paavo did his usual Sunrod-gig.)

2013-03-24, 11:12 PM

The mage searches her mind for what the magical effect may have been, and tells her companions anything she can remember.


2013-03-25, 04:36 AM

Tatsuhiro sighs, and shrugs at his draconic companion. "You know what that was?"

"Mrack. ......brrrrrrrack?"

"Hmm. Yes, indeed. In fact, I can do one better."

I have to post this now because of time constraints; if further information from Corretha suggests an alternate course of action, Tats will of course adjust accordingly.

Move: fly forward to D15, closer to the roof.

Reactive Spot: [roll0]
Reactive Listen: [roll1]

Standard: Chilling Fog, blocking off the entire tunnel, centered right at the bottom of the visible portion of the map (or elsewhere as further information implies). [roll2] cold to anything inside it at the start of their turn.

Chilling Fog, btw, has 210' range... and if I make a second, the first one disappears. If this ends up going for several rounds, Tats will step it back by its radius (NOT its diameter) each round.

2013-03-26, 10:04 PM
Aldrick edges closer to the flash of light.

30ft closer, and still concentrating on my cone.

2013-03-30, 07:14 PM
The Sewers

The sewers take on an even more ominous outlook as Tatsuhiro blocks the tunnel ahead with a thick, chilly vapor, making it just that much easier to imagine some new kind of horror lurking about.

Listening intently for sounds of firebursts, Tatsuhiro is the first to notice something - not an explosion of fire, but the sound of a flying arrow, one that comes to a dead stop in the fog.

Immediately following the sound of the arrow, the flash of more firebursts can be seen through the fog. It is hard to judge distances with the light so muffled, but you can definitely tell that each of them is was closer or more intense than the last.

Still no reading from Detect Undead. If there's an intelligent creature within 100', they aren't communicating.

We are now in initiative.

Yet to act in round 1: Everyone.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

2013-04-02, 02:30 PM
Biscuit moves forward into the fog, at the head of the party and crouches down.

Move to E14 or E6, whichever is the direction we didn't just come from. Ready an action to stand up if anything hostile or unknown comes within 15 ft of him.

2013-04-02, 08:56 PM

Paavo slowly advances with the rest of the party.

Maintain relative positioning with Tatsuhiro until Something Happens.

2013-04-02, 09:29 PM
The Sewers

While Tatsuhiro regains his breath, the party advances in a burst of movement. He is just about ready to shift the fog forward once more, when there's a new explosion. But this time, it's in the middle of the group.

Spellcraft success is actually automatic for Corretha (even without seeing components), now that I checked. That was a good-old Fireball. The bead came from straight ahead, through the fog. Its center was the D12:E13 intersection, 5' elevation.

Corretha, Edmond, Paavo and Tatsuhiro take [roll0] points of Fire damage, reflex save DC 19 for half.

Yet to act in round 2: Everyone.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

2013-04-03, 09:11 PM

Paavo hurries forward, putting space between himself and his friends so that one spell can catch them all at once.

Move: move to C24.

I might use my Standard yet depending on other party actions (most likely the Solid Fog moving).

2013-04-04, 06:08 AM
Biscuit switches stances and then shuffles up the hallway.

Stance changed to press the advantage.
I can make an additional 5 ft step as a free action each round or 5 ft step through difficult terrain.

Move to C20.

Use Adaptive Style to re-prepare maneuvers.
Disrupting Strike
Rapid Counter
Battle Leader's Charge
Fan the Flames
Flashing Sun
Shadow Jaunt
Iron Heart Focus

2013-04-04, 09:39 AM

Airily brushing off the little flakes of soot shocked loose from his companions, Tatsuhiro glides forward well above the muck, and with a dismissive wave of his hand moves the Solid Fog to clear their path.

hp: 146/154. Made the save, and Dragon Mantle's giving Fire Resistance 9.

Unlike the other fog, I can't clear this one with fire. Ernir, am I allowed to dismiss my own active ability as a standard action? If not, I'll simply toss one a suitably far ways behind us, since the text clearly states that making a second dismisses the first.

Move to D22, still 10' up.

2013-04-06, 08:45 PM
The Sewers

Tatsuhiro clears the tendrils of fog away, and the party keeps edging forward.

The more perceptive members notice that lying in the dust, where the southern end of the fog used to be, are several arrows. The tips are facing you.

Yet to act in round 2: Aldrick, Edmond, Corretha, Paavo (standard action)

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

2013-04-06, 08:52 PM

Without any sense of the enemy, Aldrick decides to press onward.

Move 40ft forward, to E28

2013-04-08, 01:14 AM

Edmond hurries forward, strumming a faint melody. The worst of his burns fade away even as the air around the others seems to briefly solidify into shimmering barriers.

Move to D-19, Aria of Perseverance. [roll0] healing to Edmond and the most injured ally within 30 feet, then all allies within 30 feet gain DR 5/adamantine and SR 19 until the end of Edmond's next turn.

2013-04-08, 01:27 PM

standard action to move to C34.

2013-04-08, 02:53 PM

The mages magical defenses protect her entirely from the flames. She advances with her allies.

Move to F22

2013-04-08, 08:33 PM
The Sewers

Impatient with the current pace, Paavo rushes forward, the others following behind more cautiously.

Possibly wise decision, as Paavo finds himself the target of at least four arrows. Each is of them is flame-tipped, and can be seen roaring in from the darkness ahead before they explode in small flashes of magic.

More Burning Hands! Also, these arrows are Flame Arrows (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/flameArrow.htm).

Attacks for Paavo:
[roll0] for [roll1] + [roll2] fire damage. Regardless of whether it hits, Paavo takes [roll3] fire damage, reflex DC 17 for half, SR [roll4] negates.
[roll5] for [roll6] + [roll7] fire damage. Regardless of whether it hits, Paavo takes [roll8] fire damage, reflex DC 17 for half, SR [roll9] negates.
[roll10] for [roll11] + [roll12] fire damage. Regardless of whether it hits, Paavo takes [roll13] fire damage, reflex DC 17 for half, SR [roll14] negates.
[roll15] for [roll16] + [roll17] fire damage. Regardless of whether it hits, Paavo takes [roll18] fire damage, reflex DC 17 for half, SR [roll19] negates.

Yet to act in round 3: Everyone.

Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

2013-04-09, 07:06 PM

I'm in a rush, so....

hp: 146/154

Move to C28. That's the limit of my movement right now.

Chilling Fog at.... center it at D50. 20' radius. [roll0] cold damage.

2013-04-10, 01:15 PM

Double move to E29

2013-04-11, 05:46 AM
The Sewers

Not quite fancying receiving the same treatment as Paavo, Tatsuhiro again blocks the corridor ahead with tendrils of fog, the outskirts of it dancing in the shadows.

Yet to act in round 3: Aldrick, Corretha, Edmond, Paavo

Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

2013-04-11, 01:22 PM

Move to F32

2013-04-12, 11:00 PM

The man says something, almost too fast for you to hear, and time seems to slow to a crawl, as he races ahead.

Haste on everyone but Edmond. Then move forward to D 40.

2013-04-13, 06:06 AM

Momentarily lagging behind his allies, Edmond hurries forward.

Double move to E-31

2013-04-13, 10:10 AM

Paavo hurries forward to the edge of the cloud.
move to C-46

2013-04-13, 08:42 PM
The Sewers

Paavo follows the trail of the fog closely, Aldrick following a shorter distance behind, while the rest hide back inside the darkness of the tunnel.

The vanguard can hear clearly what is going on - the arrows continue to be fired, but with fog thick as water blocking the way, they pose no threat.

Paavo and Aldrick hear two arrows fired from somewhere ahead, before clattering the floor inside the fog a few moments later.

Yet to act in round 4: Everyone.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

2013-04-14, 08:51 AM

With a butter-wouldn't-melt-in-my-mouth smirk on his face, Tatsuhiro wings his way down the corridor.

hp: 146/154

Move to C40.

New Solid Fog at D60 if possible, or as close to it as can be managed.

2013-04-14, 08:20 PM
The Sewers

As Tatshurio's fog jerks forward, for the first time since the barrage began, an opening to the left is revealed.

Your character's left = right on the map.

Yet to act in round 4: Aldrick, Biscuit, Corretha, Edmond, Paavo.

Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

2013-04-14, 11:53 PM

The mage keeps pace with her allies.

Move to F42

2013-04-15, 08:59 AM

Paavo rushes forward and ducks into the opening to the left.
"'Get me out of this barrel', says the fish!"

Move: move to G55 and maybe further depending on map reveal. Current movement is 80' per action due to haste.

Rest of turn waiting for map reveal.

2013-04-16, 08:28 PM
The Sewers

The less impetuous members try to keep up, but Paavo has both a target and magical aid, and hurries around the corner he just sighted.

And is greeted by a burning arrow. Once the flash burns out, he can see his assailant, at point-blank range. It is a skeleton of black, charred bones, as if the corpse from which it was animated had been roasted slowly. Its eyes and the tip of the arrow it is stringing to its bow burn with subdued, red flame. While not enough for illumination, the small fires certainly make its mouthless grin look more wicked.

[roll0] for [roll1] plus [roll2] fire. Regardless of whether it hits, Paavo takes [roll3] fire damage, reflex DC 17 for half, SR [roll4].

Yet to act in round 4: Aldrick, Biscuit (see OOC thread), Edmond, Paavo (standard action).

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

2013-04-16, 11:11 PM

Paavo retaliates with a punishing blow.

Move to H57 with the rest of the movement from my Move action.
Standard: attack the archer (4/17/2013 ??) with Foehammer, using sword 2-handed, Power Attack for 2:
[roll0] for [roll1] + [roll2], automatically overcomes DR. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll3] , strength trip check: [roll4]. If successful, extra attack: [roll5] for [roll6]

Reflex save vs. arrow (DC 17): [roll7]
Edit: total of 11 damage from the arrow (reflex save + fire resistance)

Current AC:26
Current HP: 135
Current SR: 20

Enemies in my threatened area take a -9 penalty on attacks vs. anyone but me.

2013-04-17, 05:14 AM

Hearing her ally engage something as he rounds the corner, Corretha hurries forward.

I only used 1 move action last post, and even then not all of it.
Move to F55

2013-04-18, 06:38 AM
The Sewers

Paavo strikes the skeletal archer with force that looks sufficient to cleave apart bone, but his aim is poor after suffering the flash of flame, and the monster dodges easily.

Yet to act in round 4: Aldrick, Biscuit (see OOC thread), Edmond.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

2013-04-18, 04:00 PM
Silently cursing their lack of light, Aldrick whispers a short prayer, and suddenly his shield casts a strong, flickering light.

After the others move forward, he follows.

Aldrick casts Light!

he'll move forward another 60ft, to d52, once the other have moved up if they wish. Basically, don't want anyone to be left in the dark..

2013-04-29, 07:33 PM

Edmond follows Aldrick's lead down through the now well-lit corridor, closer to the action.

The Sewers

The skeletal archer, sidestepping takes aim, draws, and launches an arrow straight for Corretha. But before it reaches the mage, it explodes, showering Corretha and Paavo with searing sparks!

The archer provokes an AoO from Paavo moving from I55 to L55.

If the AoO doesn't suffice to stop it, Paavo and Corretha take [roll0] points of fire damage. Reflex DC 17 half, SR [roll1].

Yet to act in round 5: Everyone.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

2013-04-29, 08:12 PM

Moving forward with supernatural speed, Aldrick rams into an archer with all the force he can muster.

Move to K55, single attack on BA1.

[roll0] [roll1]+[roll2] holy

2013-04-29, 11:23 PM

Paavo moves forward and smashes the archer, encouraging Aldrick to do the same. "Finish him before more come Aldrick!"

Move: Move to L56.
Standard: attack BA1 with Revitalizing Strike, no Power Attack: [roll0] for [roll1]. If it hits, heal Paavo for [roll2]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll3] , strength trip check: [roll4]. If successful, extra attack: [roll5] for [roll6]
Swift: White Raven Tactics on Aldrick.

2013-04-30, 07:53 PM
The Sewers

Paavo does his very best to stop the archer in its tracks, but his attacks are slightly too ambitious, and the creature escapes.
His vigor does, however, inspire Aldrick, who comes around the corner and successfully lays down some holy fury.

Yet to act in round 5: Aldrick (White Raven Tactics), Biscuit, Corretha Edmond, Tatsuhiro.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

2013-04-30, 10:45 PM

"Well that was interesting. How long do you think it'll take them to do all the messy work now that we're here?"


"Without, of course. What, do you think I like demeaning myself to playing whack-a-mole with skeletons?"

"Brak! Breeak..."

".........point. But it's not my preference, and there are others here far better at mayhem than I. Let them have their base pleasures, I say. Lord knows they'll never appreciate the more refined tastes we share."

"Breeeaaaak brak."

"Heh. Isn't it though."

double-move to D52

2013-05-02, 07:12 AM
Revitalized, Aldrick manages an impressive flurry of blows, ending with an overhead smash, driving the skeleton into the floor.

Full attack:
[roll0] + [roll1]+[roll2]
[roll3] + [roll4]+[roll5]
[roll6] + [roll7]+[roll8]
[roll9] + [roll10]+[roll11]

Gotta love haste.

2013-05-03, 04:34 AM
The Sewers

The skeleton is in no way prepared to defend against Aldrick's furious assault, each blow cracking some of its exposed bones until the last breaks its skull, extinguishing the fire in its sockets.

Yet to act in round 5: Biscuit, Corretha, Edmond, Tatsuhiro.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

2013-05-03, 01:37 PM

Completely unaffected by the fire, the mage watches as her allies quickly destroy the skeleton.

She waits, knowing there are more enemies near by.

5 ft to G55

Ready action to cast Max Lesser Orb of Acid at the first foe to appear within range.

End turn.

2013-05-04, 06:20 PM
Biscuit Sprints

Move to E28

2013-05-06, 05:22 PM

Edmond steps into the torchlight, ready for anything.

Move to G56, readies some action that won't trigger. :smalltongue:

The Sewers

As the remnants of the first skeletal archer you encountered hit the floor and start dissolving to dust, Tatsuhiro notices more stepping on to the field, only to be trapped in the fog.

More archers enter play! They are not "visible" except to Tatsuhiro's Blindsight. Some of you may have heard.

Yet to act in round 6: Everyone.
Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

2013-05-07, 01:58 PM

Paavo gets his sword at the ready and moves to the edge of the cloud.

Swift + Standard: refresh manuevers.
Move: move to G58.

2013-05-07, 05:14 PM
Biscuits continues to sprint down the hallway hearing the sounds of battle

run to E52 and if it's not too late to F57 if I can take advantage of the haste spell.

2013-05-07, 06:24 PM
Aldrick move to the edge of the cloud, and waits.

Move to E56.

2013-05-08, 05:37 PM
The Sewers

The tension in the air rises as the party takes up position, ready to take on the comers.

Yet to act in round 6: Corretha, Edmond, Tatsuhiro.

Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0) (Including fixing the Burning Archer color)

2013-05-08, 07:19 PM

Move to C54. Total Defence, for AC 36

2013-05-11, 01:35 PM
Edmond and Corretha

Edmond and Corretha hold their positions.

The Sewers

The enemies the party has been waiting for finally reveal themselves. Two more of the skeletons emerge at the edge of the fog, burning eyes and frost-coated bones making an odd contrast.

Tatsuhiro can sense one more, still lurking out of sight.

Yet to act in round 7: Everyone.

Tatsuhiro can roll me 2 rounds' worth of cold damage on them, too.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

2013-05-12, 10:04 AM

Paavo unleashes a furious assault on the nearest archer.

Full Attack on BA4. Power Attack for 1 (offset by Haste bonus).

Haste freebie: [roll0] for [roll1]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll2] , strength trip check: [roll3]. If successful, extra attack: [roll4] for [roll5]

1st iterative: [roll6] for [roll7]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll8] , strength trip check: [roll9]. If successful, extra attack: [roll10] for [roll11]

2nd iterative:[roll12] for [roll13]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll14] , strength trip check: [roll15]. If successful, extra attack: [roll16] for [roll17]

3rd iterative: [roll18] for [roll19]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll20] , strength trip check: [roll21]. If successful, extra attack: [roll22] for [roll23]

Current HP: 135
Current AC: 27
Current SR: 20
Haste ends Round 14.

Enemies in my threatened area take a -9 penalty on attacks vs. anyone but me.

2013-05-12, 10:33 AM

Woof. Busy, tired, and late. Sorry for lack of RP.

Shift Solid Fog up to E20 or so, and move to C56

2013-05-12, 05:10 PM
As the fog disperses, Aldrick smoothly steps forward, swinging his shield to easily crush his opponents.

Five Foot Step to E57 after fog clears.

Full attack, first on BA3. Excess attacks directed at BA4. PA for 2.

Attack[roll0] Piercing:[roll1] Holy:[roll2]
Attack[roll3] Piercing:[roll4] Holy:[roll5]
Attack[roll6] Piercing:[roll7] Holy:[roll8]
Attack[roll9] Piercing:[roll10] Holy:[roll11]

2013-05-14, 05:51 PM
The Sewers

Tatsuhiro's fog breaks, and Paavo steps in to lay down some damage on the nearest skeleton. It proves tough to break with a sword, but the assault is still forceful enough to knock it off its feet.

The one engaged by Aldrick is more wary, however, and manages to dodge each and every one of his blows, the shield either whooshing past or sliding harmlessly off non-vital bones.
You're almost definitely imagining it, but its lipless grin seems especially mocking right now.

Paavo is (again) dealing with damage reduction.

Archer 2: -
Archer 3: -
Archer 4: Injured, prone

Yet to act in round 7: Biscuit, Corretha, Edmond.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

2013-05-17, 06:47 PM

With enemies in sight, Edmond can not resist the temptation to show off his newfound offensive powers, and unleashes a pair of ephemeral draconic wings.

Was the WoFlurry CL 11? I think so.

Saves: [roll1], [roll2], [roll3]

2013-05-17, 07:17 PM

Despite these archers not having eyeballs, Corretha suspects they do not appreciate being blinded.

Glitterdust on BA2 and BA3.

Saves: [roll0], [roll1]


Blade high, Biscuit finally joins the battle.

Disarming Strike on BA2. [roll2] for [roll3].

2013-05-17, 07:31 PM
The Sewers

The combined attacks leave all but two of the skeletons reeling, and the only one not immediately overwhelmed with its eye sockets momentarily extinguished. It tries its best to move away, but stumbles, badly enough for anyone close enough to see the opportunity...

Archer 2: Barely injured, blind
Archer 3: Injured, dazed
Archer 4: Near death, prone, dazed

This is the biggest AoOfest we've gotten in this game, I think. I want to see what happens. :smalltongue:

Aldrick, Biscuit, and Paavo can make an AoO against Burning Archer 2 as it fails to tumble away.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

2013-05-17, 09:31 PM
After his series of misses, Aldrick tries to hit once more.

AOO: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

2013-05-21, 05:35 PM
The Sewers

Paavo and Aldrick both clip the skeleton as it stumbles back from the melee, but it is far from being destroyed.

Blindly, it fires an arrow that flies past Aldrick's shield, and strikes the ground behind him...

and explodes.

[roll0] fire damage for everyone. Reflex DC 19 for half.

Spell Penetration for Paavo: [roll1]

Archer 2: Injured, blind
Archer 3: Injured, dazed
Archer 4: Near death, prone, dazed

Round 8 begins! Yet to act in round 8: Everyone.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0) (unchanged)

2013-05-21, 08:47 PM

Cocking an eyebrow at the nigh-trivial (to him) attacks of the skeletons, Tatsuhiro shrugs at his draconic ally and sends a blast of sonic force towards the animated warriors.

hp: 143/154 Made save, Fire Resist 9.

Sonic breath, SE, catches all three. [roll0] Sonic Damage, Ref DC 24 Half.

2013-05-21, 08:48 PM
Emerging from the Fire, Aldrick rains a flurry of blows down upon the two skeletons, each one charged with unusual energy.

Sacrifice a second level spell to Arcane Strike. Gain +2 to attack, +2d4 to damage.
Full attack, first on BA3. Excess attacks directed at BA4.

Attack[roll0] Piercing:[roll1]+[roll2] Holy:[roll3]
Attack[roll4] Piercing:[roll5]+[roll6] Holy:[roll7]
Attack[roll8] Piercing:[roll9]+[roll10] Holy:[roll11]
Attack[roll12] Piercing:[roll13]+[roll14] Holy:[roll15]

2013-05-22, 07:47 PM

Paavo steps in the middle of the archer pack, raining blows on the unholy things.

Reflex save vs DC 19(5 fire res): [roll0]

5' step to G59
Full attack on BA4, excess to BA3. Power attack for 1 (offset by Haste bonus).

Haste bonus attack:[roll1] for [roll2]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll3] , strength trip check: [roll4]. If successful, extra attack: [roll5] for [roll6]

1st iterative:[roll7] for [roll8]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll9] , strength trip check: [roll10]. If successful, extra attack: [roll11] for [roll12]

2nd iterative:[roll13] for [roll14]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll15] , strength trip check: [roll16]. If successful, extra attack: [roll17] for [roll18]

3rd iterative: [roll19] for [roll20]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll21] , strength trip check: [roll22]. If successful, extra attack: [roll23] for [roll24]

2013-05-23, 06:46 PM
The Sewers

Mostly shrugging off the fireball, the party advances. Tatsuhiro's breath rips apart the most damaged skeleton in a flash, despite its best efforts to defend itself. Aldrick finishes off a second, the monster no match for the supernaturally enhanced shield. Paavo catches the last one, knocking an important-looking bone away from one of its feet, but it remains animated.

Can't do all the turns myself right now, so I guess Jarian, Koury and Hazzard have a bit more time.

Archer 2: Badly injured, prone, blind.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDhWaUFaaW9HUG5MckRKUzl2eDBnY 2c#gid=0)

2013-05-23, 08:43 PM
Charging forward, Aldrick attacks.

Charge to E60, assuming BA3 is meant to be dead and gone.
Attack[roll0] Piercing:[roll1] Holy:[roll2]

2013-05-24, 05:50 PM
The sewers

Aldrick rushes towards the last, downed archer, and within moments, its unlife has been bludgeoned out of it.

The skeletons rapidly fade to dust and ashes, but a few items remain. Their bows do, but so do a few that must have belonged to the humans they once were...

You find the following loot:

4x Masterwork Bone Bows, each with a market value of 275 (1100 total)
[roll0] potions of Cure Serious Wounds
[roll1]*100 + 250GP
Vanguard Treads (MIC 145). In short, boots that allow you to ignore difficult terrain and protect against bull rushes/some grapples.

[roll2] arrows.

2013-05-29, 04:43 PM
The Sewers

After having scooped up what little the skeletons were carrying in terms of valuables, the quest continues through the tunnel to the east.

Very soon thereafter, you can tell you are getting close to... something. The once pungent smell of the sewers is slowly giving away, but the feeling of something being terribly wrong about the area only gets stronger. The occasional sight of the footprint of a clearly skeletal foot doesn't make the atmosphere less gloomy either.

After a while of marching through steadily older tunnels, you reach an ancient trap door.
If there were stairs here once, they have long since rotted away, leaving nothing but a hole gaping into the blackness below.

Tatsuhiro can feel the floor 30' down, but there is nothing but darkness you can see, even in Sunrod-light.

It's about an hour since your last encounter.

2013-05-29, 06:51 PM
"Hm. If we go down, how do we get back up?"

2013-05-29, 09:31 PM

Paavo unties his half-burnt sunrod and hands it to Tatsuhiro, lighting a new one and fixing it in place to his forearm with more twine.

"Here you go, Your Pomposity, take this and wing your way down there and see what you can see."

Turning to Aldrick, he says, "Either His Flappiness gives us a ride, or I jump us back up, or we find a different way out, or we starve to death down there. Three outta four ain't bad!"

2013-05-30, 04:27 AM

"....excuse me?" The sneer in his reedy voice is so thick you could carve it up and call it foie gras. "It almost sounded like you referring to me, there. But that can't be right, since it also sounded like you were begging for my help."

He leaned over, and a gout of flame sixty feet long and hot enough to flash-cook a roast issued down the pit, illuminating it for a few moments. But he made no move to touch the offered light, and his arms remained crossed on his thin chest.

2013-05-30, 08:55 AM

Paavo watches the flame for a moment, then sighs and says, "Well, I guess that solves what happened to the stairs."

2013-05-30, 03:54 PM
The Sewers

The gout of flame rushes forward, but a short distance below the trap door, its light is sharply diminished. Still, you can make out that it strikes the floor below. In the momentary flash, you still manage to make out that the reason you don't see anything isn't just that the light is dimmed - the floor itself is simply dark.

Magical darkness (that is, shadowy illumination) up to 20' from the floor below, looks like!

2013-05-31, 10:15 AM
Not trusting magical darkness to just randomly be present, Aldrick focuses for a few seconds once more, attempting to find any undead.

Detect Undead.

2013-06-01, 05:24 AM
Ryuu Tatsuhiro

After necessary anti-Undead scouting has been done, Tats will put the Solid Fog for the others to fall into. Probably with a suitably mocking comment. I swear I had one earlier, but it completely slips my mind. I'm sure you guys have the idea. :smalltongue:

2013-06-01, 08:21 AM
The Sewers

After failing to find any undead from the vantage point, Tatsuhiro prepares your descent by creating a cushion of only mildly dangerous fog, the upper tendrils of it barely sticking out of the darkness below.

But, as if in response to the fog, someone starts speaking below. The words are ancient and clearly imbued with power, but none of you manage to make out the meaning.
No one who was paying attention (currently playing + made the Listen check) managed to identify the spell.

2013-06-01, 09:05 AM
Ryuu Tatsuhiro

Tatsuhiro pauses, listening, then blinks for a moment. "After you", he smirks at Paavo.

2013-06-01, 11:32 AM

Paavo stares at Ryuu for a moment with a wild gleam in his eyes.

"Huh. And I'd thought you were some kind of bat thing.. turns out YOU'RE A CHICKEN!"

With that, Paavo turns and jumps off into the darkness and the fog, giving the blood-curdling war-cry of his tribe as he plummets. "BOOOOOYAAAAAAAAKAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"

Move: jump off into the fog.
Standard: after reaching the bottom, Lion's Heart Roar vs. all enemies within 30', DC: [roll0] or cower for one round.

2013-06-01, 06:57 PM
Landing on the ground, Aldrick takes a standard defensive position.

Total Defense =+4 dodge AC.

2013-06-01, 08:35 PM
Ryuu Tatsuhiro

Casually tossing the Chilling Fog off down the sewer tunnel they came from, the dragon-man winged his way down to his fellows.

Park him 5' above the darkness.

2013-06-03, 11:06 AM
The Sewers

Not wasting any time with idly pondering what that spell could be, the party plunges down into the darkness. The fog breaks the worst of the fall nicely... but comfort is scarce. The sand below you is leaves your skin numb where you touch it, clearly, the chamber is imbued with some kind of dark power.

Tatsuhiro is the first to see that in the chamber below, just barely out of sight from the opening above, there is a large-sized throne. On this throne there sits a mummified creature, clad in an ancient tunic, and holding a scepter.

As if the creature had been awaiting your arrival, it slams its scepter against the throne as soon as you land. Immediately, a thin but red-hot tower of molten sand arises from the floor and towards the hole through which you entered, blocking it off.

Most of you scramble out of the way in time, but not Corretha and Edmond, who are engulfed by the wall! Thankfully, their cries are not long. Instead, you hear the creature on the throne speak.

"Hahaha! Do you believe you will live again, as I, Radament, have?"

Aldric, Biscuit and Paavo take [roll0] points of negative energy damage.

Everyone takes [roll1] points of fire damage from the heat of the wall.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdGxhcnZLamoyRGpTcFBlaWU5MTZ1S Hc#gid=0)

2013-06-03, 12:19 PM
Accepting the damage, Aldrick focuses his energies, and everything slows down for the party. Walking at what would normally be a slow walk, Aldrick seems to sprint out of the darkness, towards the voice.

Caste Haste, affecting everyone.

Move action to I8.

2013-06-03, 04:21 PM

Biscuit throws out a flame towards Radament before taking cover behind a nearby pillar.

Fan the Flames:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]

Move to L16

2013-06-04, 09:00 AM
The Sewers

The fog is dispersed, and the fight commences for real. Hasted by Aldrick, Biscuit fires a jet of flame against the mummy, but the shot is not Biscuit's best, and it sails past the creature's shoulder.

Yet to act in round 1: Paavo, Tatsuhiro

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdGxhcnZLamoyRGpTcFBlaWU5MTZ1S Hc#gid=0)

2013-06-04, 12:16 PM

Paavo moves forward carefully, distracting the creature to give Aldrick an opening to get in close.

Move: move to I10.
Standard: attack Radament with Douse The Flames, Combat Expertise for 5, no Power Attack: [roll0] for [roll1]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll2] , strength trip check: [roll3]. If successful, extra attack: [roll4] for [roll5]. If it hits, opponent cannot make AoOs for one round..
Swift: White Raven Tactics on Aldrick.

Current AC: 32
Current SR: 20
Current HP: 140

Haste lasts until Aldrick's turn in round 12.

Enemies in my threatened area take a -9 penalty on attacks vs. anyone but me and cannot cast defensively.

2013-06-05, 01:09 AM

"Any idea who this 'Radamadawhoozit' fellow is?"


Tatsuhiro rolls his eyes dramatically. "Well, obviously. I have eyes, don't I? Fat lot of good you are."

At this, the drake on his shoulder nips his ear hard enough to draw blood. They glare at eachother for a long moment, but eventally Tatsuhiro turns back to the matter at hand. "Well, when in doubt, go with what you know..."

hp: 143/154. No damage from the wall due to Fire Resist 9. That Dragon Mantle is paying for itself!

Move: Fly to I12.

Swift: Gloves of Eldritch Admixture

Breath towards Radament, augmented to [roll0] Sonic Damage, Ref DC 24 Half

2013-06-06, 12:31 PM
The Sewers

Paavo strikes the creature's arm that is holding the scepter perfectly, pinning it to the throne. Despite being momentarily defenseless, it does not seem greatly damaged by it, however.

It changes somewhat when Tatsuhiro joins with his sonic breath, whirling up the dark sands and abrading the monster's dead skin.


Paavo is dealing with Damage reduction.

Radament: Barely injured.

Yet to act in round 1: Aldrick.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdGxhcnZLamoyRGpTcFBlaWU5MTZ1S Hc#gid=0)

2013-06-06, 07:52 PM
Making the most of the opening given to him by his allies, Aldrick charges in, shield ready to smash his foe down.

Turns out Enlarge person takes too damn long. Especially since I don't think I can cast it on multiple people without stuff like, a minute casting time.

Charge to F9. Use Holy Surge Enchantment(additional d6 of damage). PA for 2.
Attack: [roll0] Damage:[roll1] [roll2]

2013-06-08, 09:15 PM
The Sewers

Aldrick's shield slams against the creature on the throne, but he finds out that its wrappings hide some kind of metal armor, which successfully protects it from the blow with a loud CLANG!

Regardless, it does not seem entirely pleased with the treatment, as Paavo notices it gathering the energies required for a spell.

Radament casts a spell, provokes an AoO from Aldrick and Paavo.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdGxhcnZLamoyRGpTcFBlaWU5MTZ1S Hc#gid=0)

2013-06-08, 09:31 PM
Aldrick tries to smash him down again.

Hmm...a 12 isn't enough to hit him. That's not encoraging.
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

2013-06-08, 10:04 PM

Paavo seizes the opportunity as the creature begins its spell and slashes at it.

AoO: [roll0] for [roll1]

2013-06-10, 01:43 PM
The Sewers

Paavo and Aldrick manage to get in each others' way when trying to interrupt the monster, and its spell goes through.

Immediately, two more dark, large undead rise from the sands on the floor, surrounding Aldrick. They look vaguely human, but covered in dark sand and twisted by evil powers as they are, it is rather hard to tell.

One starts hammering Aldrick, the other turns its attention to Paavo, as the monster on the throne rises to its full height and starts rattling out a laugh.


Undead minions attack.

Against Aldrick: [roll0] for [roll1]
Against Paavo: [roll2] for [roll3]

Yet to act in round 2: Everyone.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdGxhcnZLamoyRGpTcFBlaWU5MTZ1S Hc#gid=0)

2013-06-10, 05:53 PM
The Sewers

Just because being ineffectually bludgeoned by undead monsters isn't enough, you can feel the life being sucked out of you bit by bit.

Aldrick, Biscuit and Paavo take [roll0] points of damage. Forgot to include this one!

2013-06-10, 08:01 PM
Surrounded, Aldrick falls back on his formative experience: Barfights. If the enemy outnumbers you, good! That just means you're less likely to hit your own side.

Following this logic, he unleashes a barrage of blows against the Mummy, seeking to take him out before he summons more minions.

Sacrifice a 4th level spell slot, giving +4 to attack and +4d4damage for one round.

Attacks: [roll0] Regular Damage [roll1] Arcane Strike[roll2] Holy[roll3]
Attacks: [roll4] Regular Damage [roll5] Arcane Strike[roll6] Holy[roll7]
Attacks: [roll8] Regular Damage [roll9] Arcane Strike[roll10] Holy[roll11]
Attacks: [roll12] Regular Damage [roll13] Arcane Strike[roll14] Holy[roll15]

2013-06-10, 08:45 PM

Paavo steels himself, focusing his efforts on his blade instead of his footwork now that his enemies are close.

5' step to H10.

Swift: change Determination, pull 3 from Peerless Athlete and place into Weapon Master.
Full attack in Radement, no Power Attack, Combat Expertise for 5.
1st iterative:[roll0] for [roll1]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll2] , strength trip check: [roll3]. If successful, extra attack: [roll4] for [roll5]

2nd iterative:[roll6] for [roll7]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll8] , strength trip check: [roll9]. If successful, extra attack: [roll10] for [roll11]

3rd iterative:[roll12] for [roll13]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll14] , strength trip check: [roll15]. If successful, extra attack: [roll16] for [roll17]

Haste bonus attack:[roll18] for [roll19]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll20] , strength trip check: [roll21]. If successful, extra attack: [roll22] for [roll23]

Current HP: 137
Current AC: 32
Current SR: 20

Enemies in my threatened area take a -9 on attacks vs. anyone but me and cannot cast defensively.

2013-06-10, 10:09 PM
Ryuu Tatsuhiro

Pffa. More undead. You'd swear every single body that had ever died, and then some, were down here somewhere ambling about on their own. Ah well. They all went down more or less the same.

Swift: activate gloves of Eldritch Admixture.

Sonic breath catches all three. [roll0] Sonic Damage, Ref DC 24 Half.

Move to E17, 10' up

2013-06-11, 10:16 AM
The Sewers

Aldrick and Paavo rain blows upon the creature, but its defenses prove formidable, and the attacks do little but rip away the tunic, exposing the armor beneath.

It also manages to shield its face from the worst of Tatsuhiro's breath, but its slower minions fare less well, what flesh remains on them being stripped away in chunks.

Radament: Barely injured
Undead minion 1: Badly injured
Undead minion 2: Badly injured

Yet to act in round 2: Biscuit.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdGxhcnZLamoyRGpTcFBlaWU5MTZ1S Hc#gid=0)

2013-06-16, 09:11 AM

Biscuit speeds towards Tatsuhiro while calling upon his internal reserves to prepare for his next assault.

Activate Blink from Wraith Band.
Manifest Strength of My Enemy.

Move to F17.

The Sewers

The two minions bludgeon Aldrick, although with limited effectiveness due to the warrior's thick armor, huge shield, and Paavo's constant interference.

More worryingly, Radament manages to take a step back, and begins conjuring forth the energies of a spell. "You will all return as part of MY legion!"

Everyone but Tatsuhiro takes [roll0] points of negative energy damage.

Attacks against Aldrick: [roll1] for [roll2], misses on 1: [roll3]
[roll4] for [roll5], misses on 1: [roll6]

Radament begins casting a spell! Radament provokes an AoO from Paavo.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdGxhcnZLamoyRGpTcFBlaWU5MTZ1S Hc#gid=0)

2013-06-17, 09:07 AM
The Sewers

The creature's tough hide and armor once again protect it from harm, and the spell is finished, its energy focusing into a dark bolt that it slams towards Paavo at point-blank range.

Touch attack @ Paavo: [roll0]. If it hits, Paavo must make a DC 19 Fortitude save or collapse from pain!
SR roll: [roll1].

Radament: Barely injured
Undead Minion 1: Badly injured
Undead Minion 2: Badly injured

Yet to act in round 3: Everyone.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdGxhcnZLamoyRGpTcFBlaWU5MTZ1S Hc#gid=0)

2013-06-17, 09:35 AM
Ryuu Tatsuhiro

Move to G14. Potentially puts me in R's reach, but they don't exactly seem the melee bruiser type and it's the easiest way I can find to catch both of the minions in the breath.

Swift: Gloves of Eldritch Admixture. Last charge.

Standard: breath, catching all three. [roll0] Sonic Damage, Ref DC 24 Half

2013-06-18, 08:17 PM

Paavo grimaces as the dark eldritch bolt strikes him, but shrugs it off, screaming "The son of Katam is not stricken so easily, foul mage!" as he teleports to a more advantageous position to continue the assault.

Swift: activate a charge of my Shadow Cloak to teleport to G12.
5' step to F13.

Full attack on Radament, no Power Attack, no Combat Expertise, with Haste and flanking bonuses:
1st iterative:
[roll0] for [roll1]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll2] , strength trip check: [roll3]. If successful, extra attack: [roll4] for [roll5]

2nd iterative:
[roll6] for [roll7]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll8] , strength trip check: [roll9]. If successful, extra attack: [roll10] for [roll11]

3rd iterative:
[roll12] for [roll13]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll14] , strength trip check: [roll15]. If successful, extra attack: [roll16] for [roll17]

Haste bonus attack:
[roll18] for [roll19]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll20] , strength trip check: [roll21]. If successful, extra attack: [roll22] for [roll23]

Current AC: 27
Current HP: 136
Current SR: 20

Enemies in my threatened area take a -9 penalty on attacks against anyone but me and cannot cast defensively.

2013-06-18, 08:41 PM
Once more Aldrick closes with the giant foe and launches a series of attacks, pulsing with channeled arcane energy.

Five Foot Step to F10

Sacrifice a 4th level spell slot, giving +4 to attack and +4d4 damage for one round.

Flanking gives +2(total bonus +6).

Using 2 more uses of Holy Surge(total of 3)

Attacks: [roll0] Regular Damage [roll1] Arcane Strike[roll2] Holy[roll3]
Attacks: [roll4] Regular Damage [roll5] Arcane Strike[roll6] Holy[roll7]
Attacks: [roll8] Regular Damage [roll9] Arcane Strike[roll10] Holy[roll11]
Attacks: [roll12] Regular Damage [roll13] Arcane Strike[roll14] Holy[roll15]

2013-06-20, 03:58 AM
Biscuits moves out of cover towards Radament and swipes with his axe.

Moves to G12
attack: roll]1d20+11[/roll]
damage: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Flaming [roll2]
20% chance of attacking missing due to Blink.

2013-06-20, 12:54 PM
The Sewers

Tatuhiro's breath passes harmlessly over the group once again, but the monsters catch the full brunt of it. While Radament is clearly powerful enough to shrug off the effects, his minions are less able, and are flensed down to the bone. Their remains quickly start crumbling, rejoining the sands.

Paavo's initial attacks fail to penetrate Radament's defenses, but the last catches him in the ankle. It deals relatively little damage, but it does manage to unbalance the creature, sending it to the ground. He begins shouting out what is probably some kind of protest, but it is quickly silenced as Aldrick arrives and starts beating down on him, shield glowing with power. Biscuit, too, joins the fray, but fails to land a proper hit in the confusion.

The monster looks significantly worse for the wear after the beating, but still it rises.

Radament stands up. He provokes an AoO from Aldrick, Biscuit, and Paavo.

Radament: Prone (so far), badly injured.

Aldrick, Biscuit and Paavo take [roll0] points of damage.

Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdGxhcnZLamoyRGpTcFBlaWU5MTZ1S Hc#gid=0)

2013-06-20, 01:32 PM
Aldrick attacks once more, bringing his full strength to bear upon the rising undead, before returning to his more measured flurry of blows.

Five Foot Step to F10

Sacrifice a 4th level spell slot, giving +4 to attack and +4d4 damage for one round.

Flanking gives +2(total bonus +6).
AOO(I believe this one get's +4 for being against a prone target Therefore, I'll be power attacking for -4, IFF this AOO happens before the current round):Attacks: [roll0] Regular Damage [roll1](+8 if PA goes through) Arcane Strike[roll2] Holy[roll3]

Attacks: [roll4] Regular Damage [roll5] Arcane Strike[roll6] Holy[roll7]
Attacks: [roll8] Regular Damage [roll9] Arcane Strike[roll10] Holy[roll11]
Attacks: [roll12] Regular Damage [roll13] Arcane Strike[roll14] Holy[roll15]
Attacks: [roll16] Regular Damage [roll17] Arcane Strike[roll18] Holy[roll19]

2013-06-20, 07:40 PM

Paavo chops at the foul thing as it tries to stand up again.

AoO on Radament, bonus for attacking a prone opponent not included: [roll0] for [roll1]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll2] , strength trip check: [roll3]. If successful, extra attack: [roll4] for [roll5]

2013-06-22, 07:50 PM
The Sewers

With Radament down on the ground, the fight goes somewhat better - even though the effectiveness of his armor is undiminished, he is in a vulnerable position, and the blows rain down. One of Paavo's catches him as he tries to stand up, and the monster is promptly knocked down again.

"No! This cannot be!", he shouts as he reaches up, a bolt of dark energy in each mummified hand. The bolts race towards Aldrick and Paavo...

Aldrick and Paavo take [roll0] points of strength damage. Fort save DC 21 halves the damage.

Radament: Prone, Near Destruction.

Yet to act in round 4: Everyone.

Map unchanged. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdGxhcnZLamoyRGpTcFBlaWU5MTZ1S Hc#gid=0)

2013-06-23, 03:56 PM
Resisting the black bold, Aldrick hammers on the fallen undead, pulverizing bone with his heavy shield.

Sacrificing what I believe is my last 4th level slot to get the usual bonuses. Full attacking.

Attacks: [roll0] Regular Damage [roll1] Arcane Strike[roll2] Holy[roll3]
Attacks: [roll4] Regular Damage [roll5] Arcane Strike[roll6] Holy[roll7]
Attacks: [roll8] Regular Damage [roll9] Arcane Strike[roll10] Holy[roll11]
Attacks: [roll12] Regular Damage [roll13] Arcane Strike[roll14] Holy[roll15]

2013-06-23, 04:54 PM

Paavo strikes out at Radament again.

Revitalizing Strike at Radament: [roll0] for [roll1]. If it hits, [roll2] healing on Paavo.

2013-06-23, 06:50 PM
Ryuu Tatsuhiro

"Pffah, is that all this was about? Hardly seems worth going down to these musky sewers over. Goodbye, Radamaladingdong. I'd say it was nice knowing you, but it really wasn't."

Breath: [roll0] Sonic Damage, Ref DC 24 Half

2013-06-25, 02:31 PM
Biscuit flicks his axe out twice out at Radament, flashing with each strike.

Use the Wraithstrike SLA from his ring.
All attacks until next turn are touch attacks.
Attack 1:
Crit Confirm:[roll2]

Attack 2:
Crit Confirm:[roll6]

2013-06-25, 06:36 PM
The Sewers

Radament takes a massive beating, some of his defenses overwhelmed by Aldrick, bypassed by Biscuit, or just plain ineffective against Tatsuhiro. He is torn half to shreds, sands leaking from the holes in his wrappings.

He stumbles back a step, about to fall, when some dark force flashes through the chamber with an audible *snap*, and the sands stop flowing, though he looks little less haggard than before.

"Goodbye? No, not quite yet!" he shouts with what sounds, for what was so recently a venerable undead lord, an embarrassing lot like desperation, and tries once more to scramble to his feet.

Aldrick, Biscuit and Paavo take [roll0] points of damage.

They can also take an Attack of Opportunity.

Radament: Prone, Near Destruction.

Note to self: When surrounded, knowing how to Teleport is an important trick that you should not forget about.

Map unchanged (again). (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdGxhcnZLamoyRGpTcFBlaWU5MTZ1S Hc#gid=0)

2013-06-25, 09:03 PM
With all his might, Aldrick smashes his shield down on the fallen undead.

AOO(is this still the former round? And are you adding in the +4 for attacking someone prone, or should we be doing that?

-4 for +8 to damage.

Attacks: Regular Damage [roll1] Arcane Strike[roll] 4d4 Holy 2d6

2013-06-25, 10:08 PM

AoO, prone bonus not included: [roll0] for [roll1]

2013-06-27, 05:51 PM
The Sewers

Radament scrambles away from the melee, at terrible cost to his undead flesh. Weapons rake against his back, piercing his now-battered armor in places, but he gets away.

Far enough away to again evoke the energies of a spell. Sands begin streaming from his outstretched hands, hot and fast enough to strip away unprotected skin!

Everyone takes 1.5*[roll0]=46 points of damage. Reflex save DC 22 for half.
Aldrick, Biscuit, and Paavo must succeed on a DC 22 Fortitude save or be knocked prone. Tatsuhiro must succeed on a DC 22 Fortitude save or be blown [roll1]*10=10 feet east.

No spell resistance.

Radament: Really really near Destruction.

Yet to act in round 5: Everyone.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdGxhcnZLamoyRGpTcFBlaWU5MTZ1S Hc#gid=0)

2013-06-27, 09:17 PM
Rising to slowly to his feet, Aldrick concentrates for a moment, and reapears some distance away, on the other side of the monster.

Move action to stand up.

Standard action to teleport to C17

2013-06-27, 09:38 PM

Clearly pissed off at being knocked on his ass by the spell, Paavo stands up in a flash and hammers at the mage's fading armor.

Swift: use my boots to stand up. No AoOs.
5' step to E13.
Full attack on Radament, no power attack, no combat reflexes, includes flanking.
1st iterative:[roll0] for [roll1]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll2] , strength trip check: [roll3]. If successful, extra attack: [roll4] for [roll5]

2nd iterative:[roll6] for [roll7]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll8] , strength trip check: [roll9]. If successful, extra attack: [roll10] for [roll11]

3rd iterative: [roll12] for [roll13]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll14] , strength trip check: [roll15]. If successful, extra attack: [roll16] for [roll17]

Haste bonus attack:[roll18] for [roll19]. If hits for 10 damage, knockdown trip touch attack: [roll20] , strength trip check: [roll21]. If successful, extra attack: [roll22] for [roll23]
Edit : formatting

2013-07-01, 06:37 AM
Ryuu Tatsuhiro

Tatsuhiro brushes dust from his robes as he floats back up. "Congratulations, Radamant. That actually hurt. Slightly. Now taste MINE!"

Swift: Scepter of the Pompous Dragonlord, 4d6

Maximize Breath, Empower Supernatural Ability Sonic Breath

99 Sonic Damage, Ref DC 24 Half

2013-07-01, 04:10 PM
The Sewers

Paavo's rush catches the badly battered Radament in a vulnerable spot, and he falls to his knees, the damage finally enough to decouple his bones from his will. He begins to say what are likely to be his last words...

"I -"

but is interrupted by Tatsuhiro's monstrous roar, which overshadows everything for a few moments.
When the dust settles, the undead is gone, nothing remaining but his belongings.
Said belongings include a scroll that floats slowly toward the ground - who knows how it survived the blast.


Listed value is the sell value. (As usual, right?)

Mace of the Dark Children (4006GP , MIC 53)
Third Eye Clarity (1500GP , MIC 141)
Periapt of Wis +4 (8k GP)
Masterwork Full Plate (825 GP)
[roll1] potions of Cure Serious Wounds
1x purple potion.
1x tome.
1x scroll.

Giving you a tiny window to react.

2013-07-08, 05:41 PM
Lut Gholein

Having defeated the monster that plagues the city at night, the party returns... smelling of sewage and fewer in number, but loaded with loot, some of it rather mysterious.

Returning to Cain with the items, he quickly begins marking off most of them as common, known items, only pausing slightly to make a remark.

"You should tell Atma that Radament is dead. It may help to ease the weight of her mourning."

The book gives him pause, but eventually, he manages to come up with an explanation of what it does. "I take it the trip back went... unusally well?"
Book of skill

As long as this is carried, all allied creatures gain a +1 bonus on saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks when in combat.

I can draw up a true statblock if desired, but that's pretty much the effect.

The purple potion will grant the benefits of the Heal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/heal.htm) spell upon the imbiber, but it will heal only 50 HP.

But what really interests him is the scroll. He retires to his tent, not emerging until hours later, well into the desert night.

"Now this is a treasure! You have uncovered the lost Horadric Scroll! What a fortunate turn of events... especially since I alone, as the last living Horadrim, had the knowledge required to read the runes it bears."

"The Horadric Mages, after binding Baal within Tal Rasha, magically sealed off his Burial Chamber from the mortal realm. Those same Mages also crafted fearsome Horadric Staves and imbued them with the special power to open the Chamber's hidden door."
"After nearly losing one to the thievery of a rogue sorcerer, they divided all the Horadric Staves into two parts - wooden shaft and metal headpiece - hiding them separately to safeguard them."

"Fortunately, the Horadrim foresaw our current plight and placed clues within this scroll so worthy heroes like you might one day uncover them."

"Poring over the clues and applying my own powers of Divination, I have determined that there is a head and a shaft in the deserts surrounding Lut Gholein."

"It is revealed that both are in places of darkness. One guarded by serpents, the others by eaters of human flesh. There are not many places that fit those descriptions, but I doubt that finding them will be the difficult part...

2013-07-09, 10:21 AM

Paavo takes the Book of Skill back from Cain and quickly secures it in his backpack.

He then walks over to find Atma. "We have eradicated the horror in the sewers. It will not heal the pain of your suffering, but at least no others will join you in mourning."

2013-07-13, 05:54 AM

Adventurers go out to find the local monster and kill it.
You sent us, we killed it and found you artifacts.

Biscuit shifts uncomfortably from the memory of the sewers.

When should we be back to find the location of one of the staves?

2013-07-15, 06:29 PM
Lut Gholein

Atma's tone is uncharacteristically grim as she hears of your quest's result.

"No, it will not reduce the pain. But you have brought me the bittersweet taste of vengeance... and I find it to my liking."

"In addition to my undying gratitude, and the promise that you will never go thirsty in Lut Gholein again, I will speak of your achievements to the local merchants. Times are hard, but I am certain they can be persuaded to lower their markup when dealing with the very heroes of the town."

After passing the evening making your plans, there is little to do next morning but start your search for the The Horadric Staff! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15626626#post15626626)