View Full Version : [PF] Combining the Fiendish Vessel and Diabolist

2013-01-10, 08:00 PM
Anyone ever consider doing this?
The cleric archetype for tieflings the Fiendish Vessel (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-tiefling/fiendish-vessel-cleric-tiefling) and leading into the Diabolist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/c-d/diabolist) PrC.

Now the FV is an obviously powerful archetype (at level 3 you get an imp familiar; like a wizards that becomes available at level 7 with a feat-- this thing is almost as strong as you are at that point). The main loss of not going 20 levels as a cleric is you get reduced domain powers and weaker channeling-- not a big deal.

The Diabolist also comes with an imp (as though it was a druid companion) at 3rd level. It does not require arcane casting just:

Alignment: Lawful neutral, lawful evil, or neutral evil.

Language: Infernal

Skills: Knowledge (planes) 5 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks

Special: Must have conjured a devil using lesser planar ally or lesser planar binding (or a similar spell) and successfully coaxed the fiend into performing a task longer than 1 day.
Of those the knowledge skills both are among the useful ones as is spellcraft. The binding of a devil is simple enough. Infernal is basically required for the FV and with a Devil patron you would need LE alignment anyways.

The only real loss I see is 1/2-BAB and d6 HD. Not a big deal when you can have a force of devils doing your heavy lifting. The diabolist also comes with some nice added goodies like SLA's and better diplomacy for dealing with/coercing devils.

So with 2 permanent imps for some potent action economy (on top of t1 casting) how viable is this build?

Also for the FV familiar it says:

This ability is identical to the wizard's arcane bond with a familiar and the Improved Familiar feat, using the fiendish vessel's character level in place of the wizard level.
As written does this mean that the diabolist level count for improving your familiar? (your character level rather than your FV/cleric level) would this be RAW and/or possibly RAI?

2013-01-10, 08:35 PM
So with 2 permanent imps for some potent action economy (on top of t1 casting) how viable is this build?
Looks good to go to me.

Also for the FV familiar it says:

As written does this mean that the diabolist level count for improving your familiar? (your character level rather than your FV/cleric level) would this be RAW and/or possibly RAI?
That's what character level means, and I see no evidence that RAI differs in this case.