View Full Version : Kensai's Weapons

2013-01-11, 12:37 AM
Now I understand that a kensai has a single weapon as their signature weapon and it is imbued with magic through their soul (or w/e) but, I'm wondering if it is possible to reforge the weapon or 're-enchant' it. For example: I have a +1 Keen Meh~, I decide I no longer want it to be that and make it a +2 Meh~ (or a Holy Meh~).... Another example is I have a +1 Meh~, I level up and I want to make it a Holy Meh~.

--Replace the word Meh~ with whatever is your favorite weapon.

2013-01-11, 12:52 AM
RAW - no.

In fact, I don't even know that there is a way to do this with other magic weapons in 3.5 (4th edition has something like this though). So if it were allowed it would be a big advantage for the Kensai to have this additional flexibility.

2013-01-11, 03:56 AM
Firstly the Kensai is still bound by the limit that an enchanted weapon must be at least +1 (so no Holy Meh~ at +2).

And again the answer is no - the only way out is if the Kensai's weapon is totally destroyed he can enchant a new one which could then be different, however this is in the section on Losing a Signature Weapon (CW p51) which is pretty clear that the Kensai cannot just choose to do this without breaking his oath of service.

All that said, discuss with your DM, the game has changed a lot since CW was brought out, and it would not be unreasonable to allow the retraining rules (PHB2) to cover this as they were for things just as unchangeable at the time.

2013-01-11, 05:26 AM
RAW - no.

In fact, I don't even know that there is a way to do this with other magic weapons in 3.5 (4th edition has something like this though). So if it were allowed it would be a big advantage for the Kensai to have this additional flexibility.

There's no generic way to do it, but an artificer can make alot of headway in that direction. At bear minimum he can use retain essence to avoid losing the XP spent in the crafting of the item he's breaking down and rebuilding.

I also -think- that OA samurai's ancestral daisho included a clause about redistributing its bonuses when upgrading. Don't quote me on that though. I don't have the book in front of me and I really should be in bed.