View Full Version : Heir to the Frost Dragon

2013-01-11, 04:33 AM
Crushing the crystal in your hand causes a bit of red smoke to swirl in the air around your fist, and for a moment, everything goes black, and when your vision returns you realize you are in a large, dimly lit room with several hooded figures...

The large windowless room has a dark grey metal lining its walls, probably lead, and numerous sconces line the walls, providing dim lighting. In the center of the room is a long black table, polished to a glossy sheen, with high-backed arm chairs surrounding it.

"His greatness, Lord Loss Von Cleft, Ruler of the house of Maekrix, Guardian of the Northern Myr province, and proxy to His Greatness, Master Arytekothar" comes a voice from your left. There are eight men in scarlet robes standing in the room, each with his hood over his head, hiding his face. Seated at the middle of the table on the far side is a ninth man in red robes who has his hood lowered. He is perhaps in his forties and some gray is starting to show in his otherwise immaculate black hair. Two men in nobles' dress, a wizard in blue robes, and a man in leather armor are seated along the table on the near side. Two heavily armored guards with swords and spears guard the only exit.

"Greetings, and welcome to our lair, Lord Loss," Says the man seated at the middle of the table. "I am Ocelevos Delgarias, current operator of the Heads of Hydra in this region. Before we get started, is there anything you would like to say?"

2013-01-11, 08:10 AM
As I crush the crystal in my hands i watch as red smoke starts to swirl in the air around my fist. So it seems at least a fe of these rumors are true about these crystals. Now time to see where it takes me. I think to myself as my vision starts to go black, but just as quickly as the feeling came over me it was gone. Leaving where once their was a black void now has become a moderate size room, much like one I would throw a grand ball in.

As I take in my settings and look around I notice several people dressed like the man who gave me this invitation, but also made an enemy of me by mocking me and making me appear to be a fool in front of my own master. The room also appears to be made to block any kind of divination magic, which is not surprising to him saying from what he has seen and heard this organization wishes to overthrow the current rulership. But if they thought he could be used as a pawn to further their goals, they had another thing coming. Lastly my eyes fall on the black table in the center of the room, which seems to glow from the dimly lit room. It is clear to see much wealth has been spent on it, and much time for the gloss on it alone makes it seem new. And as he takes one last look he counts how many chairs are their and tries to see if any have any special markings representing faimly or land from which whoever sits their comes from.

[roll]1d20+1[roll] Spot
[roll0] Arcane (using it to see if any of the symbols are from well known spellcasting families, the spot check is the base of this check)
[roll1] History (Using this in conjunction with spell craft to learn all I can about what markings I do find and notice)

As my attention is spent doing more important things I here my name and place in this current world being called out. None of it matters to me except the end, proxy to His Greatness, Master Arytekothar, though I do turn towards the voice to see if it is not hiding under a cloak like the others.

[roll2] Spot check to see if I notice anything about the voice, height, weight, anything

Not in the least satisfied with the information I have gleamed I look around the room and am greeted by that dreadful color once more, eight of them in total, and all hiding their features. Then their is the one I saw seated at the table. At least he seemed to not be a cowered, a fool perhaps but no cowered. From what I can tell he has survived at the least forty winters, though that could have easily been altered by magic to protect his identity, I myself possessed such magics so to think others could not would be foolish. Their are two others at the table, one in noble attire, a wizard no less, though his age I still have not determined yet, and the other in leather armor. Perhaps the real master and his guard? I think to myself paying them just as much attention as the man in the center of the table, but yet not at a head seat though he calls himself the head of this organization called Hydra.

[roll3] Arcane
[roll4] Local
[roll5] History

All of these rolls above are to see who these people sitting at the table are, as well as to determine what nation the guards seem to be from that block the door.

[roll6] Spot if needed for this.

As the man introduces himself and lets me know that I can say anything I want at this point and time I look to him, calm and calculating, just like I would with any other businesses dealing and say only two things, not caring about anything else at this moment. I would like to know who it was who came to my house. And before you say anything, it is to congratulate them on passing by my sight. Normally I am more vigilant about these things, and it shows he has great skill. I say making it clear that I did hold some respect for the person, which was true, but I still wanted the man dead, though I could be patient. My only other statement is to allow you to know that no matter what you ask me here and now, I will not be able to give you a direct answer until I speak with my master. And we deliberate on what has been said. If that is understood then I see no reason why we can not proceed with why you have called me here.

2013-01-18, 01:15 AM
The high-backed oak chairs each have a coat of arms carved into them. No arcane symbols are visible. Looking from chair to chair you recognize your own coat of arms, the arms of the Smallwing family, of Lyn; and the arms of the Getar family of Opesan.
The Smallwing arms consist of a white field with a horizontal blue wavy line, three red rooks on above it and a red ship below. The shield is flanked by a pair of dragon wings and the simple helmet is crested with a crown and a blue dragon head. Their motto reads: "For the Glory of Smallwing"
The Getar coat of arms is quartered black and white, the black quarters each contain a white diamond, the white ones contain the arcane symbols for earth and life. The shield is flanked by a pair of iron golems, and the simple helm is crested by a phoenix.

The seat with the arms of Getar is currently occupied by one of the two in nobles dress; he must be Abram Getar, the famed golem maker. Sitting in the chair bearing the Smallwing arms is the other noble, Qavin, if your memory serves you correctly. He was the only son born of the Ruby Queen. The back of the wizard's chair has hundreds of arcane runes scrawled all over it, and the chair in which the man in armor sits bears a simple coat of arms with a hawk or eagle of some kind.

Other arms of interest are the one depicting a hydra, the seat in which the "leader" currently sits in; an elaborate one depicting large bears and gold coins, flanked by a griffin and dragon; and a black one with a red chevron and three arcane symbols; earth, water, and air.

The man speaking to you has his hood up as well, nothing stands out about his body type. He speaks with a strong and confident voice that has a slight Qinese accent.

Blue, white, and gold are the colors of the empire and are worn by the Imperial Guard as well as the Starbound Magi. The wizard in blue has no insignia on his robes, about his neck or fingers, but the robe looks extremely expensive albeit a bit well-worn.

You do not recognize the other noble nor the man in armor, although you do recognize the armor he wears. It is Kademage armor from Kinkade(in the Opesan province), made specifically for spellcasters so that it wouldn't interfere with their spells.

The guards bear no insignia or distinguishing marks. The armor is well made and in the style of the empire, although you can tell it is not imperial issue. The guards themselves wear helmets so there is know way of telling their ancestry.

"Excellent. The one who invited you was one of our recruiters, Master Illdomos of Midesan. I will pass along your congratulations."
Roll a bluff check
"As to the reason you are here--We are looking to advance the arcane arts in certain noble circles, one of which includes you, for mutual gain. We would like to form an alliance across the reaches of the empire. You would represent the Myr province, of course."

He pauses, motioning for you to sit in the chair carved with your family's arms.

"When there is a problem in your province, we will deal with it with members from outside of Myr so you have an alibi and your hands remain clean.
When there is a problem in another province, we may call Arytekothar to come deal with it, or he may send you if deemed appropriate.

Beyond "fixing" your political problems for you, we also have a large library full of powerful spells and ancient texts on the art of magic, as well as access to rare and costly material components..."

OOC: I would edit/delete that bit in the OOC thread about you having a second thread to plot your evil plans in. Wouldn't want either of them to go snooping around for it...unless you can password protect these things? Also, although I'm continuing the main thread and bringing Ethan into the room, there are still a few minutes for you to ask questions before he shows up.

2013-01-18, 08:58 AM
As I look around the room I am in I take special note to the seats occupied. Qavin Smallwing of Lyn, and Abram Getar of Opesan are the first to grab my notice. And quickly I go over what I know about them, their families and how they are known to rule.

[roll0] Arcane
[roll1] History
[roll2] Local

Once he is done he watches as the man who was previously speaking to him has placed his hood back up, why I am unsure as all here have already seen his face. But instead I choose to hear him out and report back to my master before playing to many cards. After all by the slightest Qinese accent and his strong and confident voice alone I have gained much, including where he has spent at least a good amount of time of his life. I think to my self as I continue my systematic search of the room and its occupants.

As I look to the wizard I notice he has one of the colors on of that of the Starbound Magi, the direct servants of the emperor. This worries me, though the color is more appealing it shows that I will have to play very carefully for at any time we could have a turncoat on our hands. Perhaps putting him out of his position may be wise. I say to myself moving onto the the two sitting down by the head of Hydras side, though neither ones face can be seen, the armor is clearly Kademage armor from the Kinkade province. And though it could have been specially ordered, it also shows that he may belong to that province. And the guards at the door show no form of identification, but the show of imperial armor, even if not the exact one being used at this time makes me very cautious. It is very possible that they do not like the empire and how it is run now. But warriors have always worried Lord Loss, they proved a problem in large numbers, epically when he had only a few spells.

[roll3] Bluff [roll4] sense motives

So the one who congratulated me was Master Illdomos of Midesan, I will have to give that news to master. As the head of hydra goes on Lord loss listens to all that is said, locking it away to deliver to Arytekothar. At first he has nothing to say but as they make it seem as if they can call on master at any time like some kind of pet or dog I look to the man who seems to know so much. I am not sure if you are aware, but dragons, epically Arytekothar do not do things for free, nor does he jump at someones beck and call. I will however consult with him as I have said and inform him of what you have just said, unless you would like to reword that bit you just said. I say with no emotion in my voice, not really caring one way or another about anything else they have said so far.

2013-01-19, 02:16 AM
You know that the Smallwing family is ancient and claims to have dragon blood in their veins, but their home kingdom was overseas and they have only been in Lyr for a few generations. The kingdom of Lyr was annexed into the empire thirty or forty years ago. The sole male heir to the throne, Qavin is a somewhat flighty and free-spirited person, dabbling in this and that, refusing to learn the traditional arcane arts, or so you've heard.

You know nothing of Abram, personally, but you do know his family line is almost as old as the empire itself. The Getars were the ones who improved the golem making process, transforming it from an impossibly expensive science project, to a realistic and less intense process. The formulas and materials they use are a closely guarded secret, ensuring the family business will live on.

OOC: Ocelevos didn't put his hood back up, not sure where you got that from? Also, the "Kinkade province" was a typo. I meant the city of Kinkade, in the Opesan province.

"Of course, please do consult with him. We have dealt with dragons before, do not assume we aren't well equipped..." He pauses, studying your reaction carefully before continuing.

"Our first order of business after introductions and orientation will be to infiltrate the House of Umani. We have a base of operations complete with a safe-house and multiple exit strategies. If Arytekothar has no problem he would like us to "fix" for him, nor relic for us to fetch, please mention the name Zamzahulael. Would you like to consult with him now, or wait until the others arrive?"

2013-01-19, 09:59 AM
The man speaking to you has his hood up as well, nothing stands out about his body type. He speaks with a strong and confident voice that has a slight Qinese accent. At the time only hydra head was talking to me and their were 3 people at the table. Himself and the two families you mentioned. One was dressed as a wizard, the other a warrior. The guards were at the door, then their was a decent amount of people standing around with hoods up.

As I am informed that they understand the situation and that they are well equipped I take it at the hidden meaning as well as the false one spoken.

I see a sense motives roll so [roll0]

I will let him know what you have said Ocelevos Delgarias and when I have an answer I shall return as long as you allow me to know where this place is at least. After all I doubt you will give me another of those crystals. I say to the man seated before me before standing up to leave. That reminds me, I was promised a book of spells, where is it? I ask coolly watching the expressions of all those present to see if there is even a subtual change.

[roll1] Spot
[roll2] Arcane House of Umani
[roll3] Local House of Umani
[roll4] History House of Umani

As I am standing up I hear them tell me about their future plans once the initiation is finished. Strange that they would tell me their plans before I have even agreed to be a member of their order. They are either very confident, or it is a ruse to see if I shall betray them. I say to myself as I process all the information I have just gleamed. I am curious how you plan on getting into a noble house without being recognized. Most have protection from illusions, and even if they did not, news of a noble missing from their house would spread quite rapidly and alert the house you are trying to infiltrate. I assume you already have someone in place their, and they have been their a long time then by your statement and will be requiring my assistance to gain something of theirs saying you have told me this much. I saying addressing the man who calls himself the head of hydra. I will not be played for s a fool.

[roll5] sense motives
[roll6] Bluff, thinking he knows their plan

As for staying or leaving I will need to leave. I am not that fond of people suspecting I am part of something unless I am. Could produce mixed feelings and could very well even stop you from getting new people to join if you ask them to work with an enemy. But if you do not mind me asking, How will I be getting back to my house, and returning. Lastly who will be attending, and if I return while they are still here I would like you to act like you have not seen or spoken to me yet. Agreed? I ask the man who represents the head of the organization as asking anyone else would make it so only that one person had to do it.

2013-01-19, 03:46 PM
OOC; bah! another typo. I meant "introducing you", the announcer guy to your left has his hood up. sorry bout that.

"Your spell book is waiting for you in your room, along with some other items we have for you. We shall have a friendly dinner and begin orientation, and will show each of you to your rooms afterwards."
He pauses for a moment.

Qin'Yon and Qin'Yore, or the "Qinese" provinces are two of four largest provinces in the empire, and some of the people living there hold on desperately to their traditions. Some openly rebel, some do so secretly, and some obey and submit to the law, but are yet outspoken about being Qinese nationalists. Such is the case for the rich and powerful Umani family.

Of the three most powerful Qinese families, the Umani is probably the least influential, but the most dangerous. Having just as many estates in Opesan as they do in Qin'Yore, the loyalties of the House of Umani are suspect. It is widely whispered that there is nothing they won't do if one offers enough coin. How else did they become so rich?

Besides their great wealth, the Umani family has many powerful wizards at their disposal, the full power of which is yet to be seen.

"As to our plans to infiltrate the house of Umani, you are only partially correct. We shall get into these plans more in-depth after the others arrive."

No sooner does Ocelevos finish speaking than a man appears in the room next to you with a puff of black smoke. He is announced as Ethan Adar, of Kubland. Another puff of smoke and an attractive woman appears; Juno Woodblade, also of Kubland.

2013-01-28, 12:46 PM

The emotions and intentions of everyone at the table are guarded. This is the most true of Ocelevos. You see a bit of yourself in this man. He has a wicked streak in him, much like you do. You can tell that he is playing his cards close to the vest. He's holding back. He's got an ace up his sleeve that you don't know about yet. Perhaps he is the one in charge after all...

You cannot get a read on the elf, Malthrenarthiyr the Black at all.

Kael seems nervous, almost afraid. Perhaps he is used to solving problems with a sword, not words. The potential power of the spellcasters here seems to have him on edge.

2013-01-28, 01:55 PM
If that is the case then shall we? And with that and seeing the puffs of smoke appear much as my own did I quickly go back to where I originally stood.

As the meal is going on I notice how close many of the people here are playing their cards to their chest. It seems that perhaps the head of this part of Hydra may be the head of hydra, or perhaps the person who went to my home. But it is Kael's nervousness that worries me most as the man can be seen almost jumping out of his seat. Calm down Sir Kael. After all in a fight right now the only one here that could stop you would be Malthrenarthiyr, that should put you at ease.

2013-01-29, 12:32 AM
OOC: Since the other characters are in the room with you, can you copy-paste this part "Calm down Sir Kael. After all in a fight right now the only one here that could stop you would be Malthrenarthiyr, that should put you at ease." to the IC thread?

2013-01-29, 09:33 AM
got it dam apple stealers XD

2013-01-29, 01:05 PM
I know, right?

2013-01-29, 02:21 PM
loss was going for it. Ohh well eat the dam heart of the deer

2013-01-30, 09:54 AM
OOC I am now switching back to my private chat now that I am in my own personal room and want to keep the info I learn to myself for now. I see the other two trying to kill me very soon. Will be keeping a few spells ready for them.

All of these checks are for the spellbook that I have received as a gift. I am trying to I.D. the symbols on the book for this one at least. This is all being done while I have detect magic active
[roll0] Arcane
[roll1] History
[roll2] Local
[roll3] The planes
[roll4] Spellcraft

As I look over my spellbook I slowly use the paper and ink on the side of me to take notes for master to look at. I spend a good half hour studying this new book before taking out the ring that was given to us and like with the book I scan it over with eye sight to see if there is anything unusual coming off of it.

This is for the ring including detect magic and studying it for a minute.
[roll5] Arcane
[roll6] Spellcraft

2013-01-31, 10:15 AM
Casting detect magic, you sense the magical aura coming from the ring to be moderate, and the the one from the spell book to be very strong. You cannot yet determine which school of magic was used to enchant them.

The first couple pages serve as a primer for casting illusions. The first half of the book contains illusion spells; some you recognize, many you don't. The second half of the book is blank, perhaps here you could scribe your own spells for later use.

Flipping back through the book you notice new spells. And the spells you read before are gone. Each time you flip through, new illusion spells appear!

2013-01-31, 11:50 AM
So it is as I thought the ring does have magic on it...Intresting. I wounder what kind though. Better to study something then to jump straight into the fire. I say to myself as I open the book after determining the magic in the book is even more powerful then that of the ring. Flicking through the book I see a lot of spells that I already know and continue until I get to the end. So I begin to close the book when I notice a different spell in the book then before. I wounder..... I say to myself before saying into the book, Sleep. Trying to see if the page that would appear on the book would be that containing the sleep spell.

2013-01-31, 01:17 PM
The door to your room is enchanted with magic from the school of abjuration.

Sleep does not appear before you, but a spell you don't recognize does appear. It appears to be from the school of illusion, and only appears to work while the target of the spell is sleeping. Many of the runes are complex, however, and you can't figure out how to cast the spell or how it works. It appears to be several pages long.

2013-01-31, 09:28 PM
So it brings me to a spell that deals with the word I say...Should take a while to get accustomed to but oh well. Caring about nothing else in the room he pockets the book and the ring and joins the others.

2013-02-18, 11:39 PM
OOC Artman I was hoping to do some rolls on the town of Falst and the hellbreathers to see what I know about each if that is ok with you.

Falst Local knowledge check [roll0] If I do not like what I receive I can always take 20 and spend a few hours in a library after all.

Falst history check [roll1]

Hellbreathers Knowledge local check to see if I know where they set up shop in Falst [roll2]

Hellbreathers history check [roll3]

Hellbreathers Arcane knowledge check to see what I know of there powers and who was the most powerful people in the organization and where they are now [roll4]

2013-02-27, 12:57 AM
The city of Falst is small-to medium sized by normal standards (for Myr) but quite small when compared to the great sprawling cities of the empire. Its reeve and other subservient nobility fear/respect the Dukes of Myr, as they should, and peasant rebellions are few if any. The reeve, constable, and the guard are mostly LN in alignment. The imports and exports are few, therefore the taxes are meager; the town trades primarily in foodstuffs and metal-worked items, and occasionally silver.

Falst lies on one of several north-south routes between the mountains of Gath and the Myran Sea, consequently, most employment comes from farming, smithing, or traveler related services such as inn-keeping, wagon repair, and cobbling. It takes about three days ride south along the road from your family's manor in Highmount.

As far as history goes, the city has been around for as long as the nobles can remember, but nothing of interest has been written about it in the record books. A few wizards were born here, but none that went on to do anything particularly amazing.


You haven't been to Falst in quite a few months; the law has been enforced and the taxes are still coming in so you have had no reason to.
Because of this, there is no way for you to know if or where the Hellbreathers have set up shop. However, you do remember two places they could possibly be:

The first possibility is a seedy tavern that's known for catering to shady customers called The Blue Dragon. You remember hearing talk about a secret gathering of the followers of Hextor that met there for awhile, and at one point assassins were going there to offer their services to people.

The second possibility is at the manor of Henry Morgan. He is a rich and influential within the city of Falst, and member of the merchant class. When the Kingdom of Myr was first annexed by the empire, the Morgans openly and loudly opposed the empire. Rebels often met at his house, and although he and his friends were often arrested, no one was ever officially accused of treason or beheaded, and he still resides there to this day.

The Hellbreathers are relatively unheard of, here or anywhere. It seems they are a new group; no one knows what their powers are, what they want, or even if they cast arcane or divine spells.

2013-02-27, 01:18 AM
With the knowledge I have gleamed from a quick study I go to my study to think. Maybe a small ride to the outskirts of my kingdom may be in order. After all if what master said is true I am sure he would expect me to be able to sniff them out. But how to best approach this? I say to myself as I pace back and forth with the fireplace roaring with life on the opposite side of the room. It seems as if I would have to go there myself and do some through digging if I wish to accomplish anything. With this in mind I head towards masters study to see if he has learned anything new yet.

2013-02-27, 01:50 AM
After knocking and announcing yourself, you master beckons you to enter.

A cold breeze greets you as you open the door. No fire burns in the fireplace of the large, dark, stone room. Light from a single oil lamp on your master's massive oak desk dimly illuminates the area. An open window lets in the crisp cold air, just the way your master likes it. The breeze causes the solitary flame to flicker, and light glimmers across piles of gold coins and objects strewn about the otherwise bare floor. Your master sits at his desk in his human form, head down, still examining the spell book.
"Come in." he says.
"It appears they have enchanted, or paid someone to enchant, this book to be much like a tome of a thousand spells. I would wager there are over one hundred spells recorded in here already, all which appear to be from the school of illusion." He flips casually through the fifty or so blank pages in the back. "These must be for scribing spells from schools other than illusion. I am not certain what purpose the ring serves." He sits back, finally lifting his knife and fork to cut into one of the four legs of lamb on the enormous silver platter on his desk.

2013-02-27, 01:53 AM
Letter to Lord Quavin Smallwing

To Lord Quavin Smallwing of Myr

It was so good to see you again Lord Quavin. I was hoping you would be so kind as to grace me with your presence at my manor in say two weeks? I was hoping to start a trade with your family and would like someone with your sound mind and judgement to come and make the arrangements with me. The man I am intrusting this letter with will bring me your answer when you have one. I do hope this finds you well.

Yours Friend
Lord Loss Von ' Cleft

2013-02-27, 01:59 AM
As my master allows me to enter his chambers I notice that they are as cold as they always seem to be. Unlike myself master seems to not even feel the cold. And though even I feel it on the coldest of nights in Highmount, they do not even seem to fave him. Thank you master for telling e what the book was for. As for the ring, they said if I wore it for a week it would atune to my room when I proved loyal. Meaning it would work like that crystal they gave me I would assume. I say to him standing by the door as he eats trying not to disturb him to much. I have written the letter to send to Lord Quavin and chosen the men I wish to bring with me to Falst. I say holding out the letter that has not been sealed yet in its envelop so that he may read it.

2013-03-11, 12:43 PM
"Very well, see to your duties then." is his only reply. He makes no move to take the letter from you; he trusts that it is well written. He only slides the book and ring across the desk back to you, and returns to his meals, giving you the impression he wishes not to be disturbed.

2013-03-11, 01:26 PM
Seeing that his master trust his words in the letter he puts it back into a pocket and then takes the ring and spellbook from his master before bowing and leaving the room.

Once outside my masters private study I head down the stairs to the first floor and summon my houses' messenger. Sealing the letter with my signet ring I hand it to him. Make sure this is brought to Lord Quavin Smallwing immediately and await a reply. Once you have received one go to the town of Falst. If I am not there when you arrive you are free to come back here were you will find me. Under no circumstance is this letter to be handed over to anyone but Lord Quavin, and if I find out it was you will be fed to my new pets I will be ordering shortly. Now go. I say to the messenger, making sure to hand him the letter.

Once the messenger has left he sends for his two best bowmen and his families weapons master. When all are assembled he looks at each, It has come to my attention that members of the black Coven have been seen in the ranks of some new group known as the hellbreathers who have recently opened up shop inside our fair city of Falst. I have chosen each of you for your individual skills in your fields of expertise. Once I am done procuring the last member of our group we shall be heading to Falst to eliminate this threat to the throne. Are my orders understood? I ask looking each in the eye. They were all good loyal men and woman, but I still had to make sure as the next person I was about to get was not so loyal I was sure and would need them to help me keep an eye on the person.

Once all was said and done I went to the stables and had Snow, my magestic pure white horse brought to me and then saddling her up I rode into the city outside my estate, a sack of 50gp strapped to my belt. It was time to find a guide for the city of Falst who was not afraid of getting his hands dirty.

Basically I am Taking 2 level 1 warriors (Bowmen)
1 Level 1 fighter (weapon master)
and 1 level 1 Rogue ( guide of falst) if that is allowed. I can build them for you if you like to make it easier as well. Just let me know.

2013-03-13, 11:45 AM
"And what pets would those be?" Your uncle Jensen asks, a bit perturbed. You turn around and see that he is in the next room, going over the city taxes your family has collected and those still due to the emperor.

The men form a line and look straight ahead as you walk in front of them, pausing before each one to study his expression. All seem confident and subservient, except maybe for Ector. You chose him because you were told that he was the best swordsman of the lot. He stands now with his jaw set and his nose in the air. Perhaps he has a bit of a proud streak in him. Pride could be used, but it could also be a problem.

As you study the proud looking bowman in front of your, a stern voice begins speaking in your head:
"It has been an hour, Ocelevos would like to know the name of your target."


Soon you and your party are mounted up and riding through the streets of Highmount. Crowds part before you, and the peons bow low. The sunlight glints off of your steed's silver plated barding, and the banners blow in the warm wind at your back. Spring is coming.
Your search begins at Alistair's. He is the best blacksmith in Highmount and will be the first stop along the east road. It is said he can make any weapon, great or small, but he is best known for his exotic, deadly, and even wicked weapons.
The next stop will be at the Duelists' Club in the center of town, where you are well known, and finally to the south side of town at The Gnarled Spoon, where the dregs and the scum of the city collect to beg for food and steal from each other.

The number of troops is fine, I'll deal with the stats myself though, but thanks for offering. FYI, I saw that in your letter, you addressed Qavin as "Qavin Smallwing of Myr", but he's not from Myr, he's from Lyn.

2013-03-14, 10:12 AM
As my uncle addresses me I turn to him as if surprised he has come out of hiding. It was no secret my aunt wore the pants in that relationship and he was only a royal because my aunt had taken a fancy to him. Do not worry your little mind about it my dear dear uncle. And hope you never have to find out. I say to him as I look and see he is doing the taxes to the emperor. Do we have enough to send extra this year without hurting our own operations? If so send some fine furs. I say to him, after all why not make it seem like I was the happy loyal servant and not the one planing his demise.

I was hoping to get like a dragonspawn dog or a lesser dragon if you would allow it. Basically just something viscous. Even a Neanderthal would do really.

As I get done speaking with my uncle I turn to see the men I have summoned lined up in a row and go to inspect them all over. Ector it is so good to see you. You shall be one of the most important people on this trip so please try to not let your morals get in the way. Can you do that for me? I ask him knowing about his pride.

Sense motives [roll0] History of Ector [roll1]


As We make our ways through the city of high mount I head to Alistair's. He is known as the best blacksmith in town and I want to see not only who has gotten new weapons made specially but also see if any of my soldiers want a new weapon while we are here. Getting off of Snow I tie her to the wooden spike outside his smith and tell my guards to do the same before entering the smithy.

[roll2] History [roll3] Local [roll4] Spot

2013-03-15, 12:52 PM
"As you wish." replies your uncle.

"For you my lord, it would be an honor." Ector says firmly.

"Welcome, sire!" Alistair greets you as you enter, bowing. "And what brings our lord to my humble shop this fine day?" You see a new collection of wicked looking curved swords on the wall, and also another batch of spears, the former probably being a personal project, the latter for the imperial troops.

2013-03-15, 01:04 PM
As I enter Alister's shop I keep a close eye on what is in his shop, taking note of a new collection of wicked looking curved swords on the wall, and also another batch of spears. I happen to be going out on a special mission for the well being of the empire and need to make sure my soldiers have the best. So I had to come to you my dear Alister. I say to him as a smile comes across my face. Slowly I walk over to the wicked curved swords that are hanging on the wall and lifting one up to examine it more closely turn to the blacksmith. These look interesting? Personal project, or special order? I say placing the blade back in its spot as I listened to his reply.

Well shall skip past the small talk, or should we keep going? I ask before deciding for him. I need to see your best work in the shop for my men, and also need information. Have there been anyone new coming in for special orders? The shady kind? I ask trying to see if I have heard of any of the names as well as trying to get this man to tell me what I need to know.

Diplomacy [roll0]
Gather information [roll1]
Sense motives [roll2]

Local If I hear a name mentioned for a person [roll3]
History If I hear a name mentioned for a person [roll4]

2013-03-17, 11:31 PM
"Personal project, my lord." replies Alistair. "I've a fine collection of Ishan blades, as well as a few of my own that I've silvered just in case one should ever have the need." He motions to a row of dark gray and dull looking blades before showing you his own. You've heard tell of the skill of weapon smiths of Ish, and now being able to examine the blades for yourself you see it is true; they are as hard and sharp as the northmen who forge them.
"It has been a lifetime since werewolves have been spotted in the area, but one can never be too careful these days." he holds out a silver blade for you to examine, it glints brilliantly in the small amount of sunlight streaming through the dirty window.

"Walsh came in a few days back asking for a new dagger, and Renald inquired as to my prices for a new blade. But since you ask--" he leans in, and his voice drops a bit lower, "--Ulmash came by to sell me these." he holds out a set of battle axes and a matching set of armor, sword and shield. Each of the items are not only expensive and well made, but have seen hard use as well.
"I wish I could say where he has gone to, but I know not my lord." He turns back to his slivered swords.
"Can I interest you in any of these for your men? The price is four hundred crowns each but only three hundred fifty for you my lord!"

You do not recognize the name Walsh.
Renald you know from the duelists club--shady indeed, but what you're looking for.
Ulmash is a slippery character, and not from around here. He was borne in the Qin'Yore province and traveled the empire selling his services as a bounty hunter to the highest bidder. He's good with a blade, but his magical abilities are sub-par, so he has been hard up for work as of late.

2013-03-17, 11:56 PM
As I listen to Alistair explain to me that the blades are mostly part of a private collection he is making for himself I become slightly intrigued. Perhaps we could use a new house Blacksmith. If his weapons held up to the test that was of course. Being hand the blade with the blade facing Alistair I test out its weight before passing it to my weapons master for inspection. I must agree with you on the fact that one must be ready for every occasion.

As my weapon master is examining the blade Alistair tells me of those who have recently visited his fine establishment. Walsh you say, I can not say that I have heard of him. Is he from around here, after all I should know all my subjects. Or at least most of them. I say as I question why I have never heard this mans name before.

Gather information to see if I can get anything out of him about Walsh [roll0]

And you say Renald is looking for new blades? Do you happen to know which ones in particular he was looking at? I say to Alistair knowing that a salesmen would always remember what a customer wanted. Hmm Renald has a decent reputation and is from around here unlike these other two. And Ulmash is as easy to find as a good minion....what to do... I say to myself as I look over to my weapons master to see what he thinks of the blades. I will tell you what Alistair, as a sign of good faith I will put half down now, and if they serve me well I will pay the other half upon return. If however they do not, I will be returning them to you and getting a refund. After all paying for something without being able to test it out is pointless and a waist of money. This way we both win and your name will be heard from here to Falst if your blades do my men well. That I can promise you. I say to the blacksmith seeing if he would go for the deal.

[roll1] Diplomacy, trying to be nice the first time I ask.

2013-03-18, 10:46 AM
"I do not know Walsh that well, but I've seen him in the streets around here, so I suspect he lives around here. I know not his profession, but on occasion he pays me in coinage other than crowns. Whether a merchant or a thief, he is a sly character. As to Renald? He inquired about having me craft a long-bladed rapier from mithral. Upon hearing my price, he decided importing a rapier from Elbereth would be cheaper."

Looking around the dingy room in the front of the small blacksmiths shop you can see why Renald would say that. He is a haughty man with a penchant for cleanliness. The less he has to deal with "common folk" the happier he is. Alistair lays a cloth down on the workbench and begins laying out the silvered blade before you, polishing each one to a mirrored shine. Your weapons master looks them over, clearly impressed, but says nothing.

"How many would you like my lord?"

2013-03-18, 11:18 AM
As I listen to how little is known about this Walsh I decide it may be a good idea to test him and with that in mind I ask for the price of the blade Renald wanted. As I see my weapons masters expression I turn to the Alistair and as if thinking for a moment, One longsword, two rapiers, and a dagger would do nicely I suppose. Also spread the word through the underground I am carrying a great deal of money on me. I want to see this Walshs skills in action. I say to the man waiting for the price of the blades before leaving for the duelist club.

2013-03-18, 12:30 PM
"The price for Renald's blade was going to be two thousand crowns," he replies matter-of-factly. "I have no mithral in stock, nor the tools to work it, and those would have had to have been imported."
He pauses for a moment to do the math on the items you wish to buy.
"Seven hundred ninety two crowns up front, and another seven hundred ninety two when your satisfaction is assured, my lord."

2013-03-18, 12:53 PM
As I am told that the blade would cost over 2,000 crowns I myself was even taken aback. It was a large price for a weapon, and even though he had the money he rather not spend it on someone who may not follow him. So turning to the next matter I began doing the math out in my mind. I had asked for four blades which would cost me 350gp each if I liked them, that would be 1,400 crowns. And as I came to this conclusion I raised my eyebrow at Alistar. Alistar are you trying to cheat me? Or do you mistake me for a fool who can not do simple math? That is 180 crowns more then the price costed mere moments ago. Now I am all for haggling a price, but I also know who not to try such things on. I say to him my voice not at all amused. I think because of this the price should be lowered an additional 180 crowns bringing the total to 1,220 crown. I say to him tapping my fingers on the counter. I did hate being treated like a fool, and I often made those who tried it lose out.

Bluff check to make him believe I was impatient with him and him trying to haggle me.

[roll0] Bluff

2013-03-18, 10:13 PM
"Cheat you? Never! No my lord, no!" He begins to stammer as you recite to him the actual price. "You are absolutely correct my lord! I am sorry for my miscalculation. I would be remiss not to offer the blades to you at a lesser sum for my faux-pa." He bows deeply. "Six hundred ten crowns.... now..." He can barely bring himself to say the price out loud. "...and the rest at your leisure!" he blurts out. Alistair has never cheated you or your family before, and by his diminished stature you can tell he is at least embarrassed, if not also a little afraid.

2013-03-18, 11:27 PM
It is good that you would not try to cheat me Alistair, after all we all know what dragons do, now think about what their children would if they thought they were being cheated out of their gold. I say to him before changing back to a more kinder side. Then again you have been a good honest man to my family. And it would be a waste to kill you Alistair on something so small as a miscalculation. I say as I pull out a piece of paper and write the price down he has just said before taking my signet ring and placing my mark on the legal form. Bring this to anyone that deals with money and they shall pay you Alistair. I say handing him the note and then handing out the weapons to my men. It was good doing business with you, I do hope to see you again when I return. I say before motioning for my guards to pack up before exiting the establishment and getting once more onto Snow. It was time to ride to the Duelist club to go see Renald. Perhaps he was in the mood for a bit of sporting fun.

No intimidation checks on anything Lord Loss is being very direct and truthful to the man.


About half way to the duelist club I was blessed with the sight of snow coming down to blanket my land. It meant my leavings of the city would be hard to track if the storm was strong enough, and that no one could know but my own family and Hydra of where I had gone to. With this idea in mind I urged Snow onward to the duelist club.

After a couple of minutes riding with my guards I came to the structure known as the duelist club. It was a mixed place in my eyes for the fact that the talents seen here were skilled, but were also sometimes the mark of a grand thief. And with the thought of finding Renald's I dismounted Snow once more and entered the establishment.

[roll0] Spot
[roll1] Listen

2013-03-23, 10:25 PM
Entering the vast single story building, many knights and lesser nobility spot you and greet you cordially. Just as many turn their backs and avert their eyes. Some of those who greet you compliment you on the fencing ability you displayed last week, and answer questions you have as to Reinald's whereabouts, after a few minutes it becomes clear that he isn't here.

The next best bet would be his estate, most say. If he is not there it is impossible to say where he could be. It draws near to supper time and the men have not yet eaten. The evening wind brings with it the cold and the snow. If a suitable cutthroat cannot be found by nightfall, perhaps you will have to depart in the morning without one, and find such services in Falst. That's three days less rations spent, and deeper sleep gained on the trip down... you think, ever mindful of your families limited resources.

The people of Highmount are much more loyal to your family than those in other cities in the kingdom, but then again, you're hiring a thief: There is no honor amongst thieves.

2013-03-23, 11:25 PM
Theoretically hiring an informant not a thief. Someone who knows how to get people to loosen their lips and not draw attention. Easy at gathering information and such.

As I enter the single story building known as the Duelist club I am right away greeted by some, while others, mostly nobles who I have either gained land from or bested in some other way seem to ignore me. Why you are all to kind. Any of you could have easily done the same if luck had been on your side. After all it is more a game of luck then skill in the dangerous game of blades. As two men can train sine the moment they can lift a weapon and still be trained differently and thus have an advantage against another. But thank you for your compliments. I say not trying to offend any in the duelist club but merely explain my views on sword combat. That is when we go into the subject of Sir Reinald's whereabouts, and seeing as he is not here I decide that it is best to go back home with no informant. After all he would have heard I was looking for him before the morning sun came up and if he did not stop by he did not want to be found. With this in mind I tell my men to saddle up that we are leaving back to our manner for a good hearty meal.

As I step outside I see the cold white snow falling from the sky and with whats seems almost like joy enhancing my step I move over to my fine mare and get into the saddle. Why tomorrow Snow we are going on a grand adventure on royal business. Are you ready, it has been quite some time since we have left Highmount after all. I say to him as we ride on.


Once back home I immediately tell my weapons master along with my other two personal guards to go directly to the dining hall so that we can all eat a good meal. Knowing that the next few days would be interesting to say the least.

2013-04-09, 11:43 PM
Your men nod in silent agreement at your orders. As you travel south along the main road, The jagged rocks of Highmount give way to gentler slopes as the path winds back and forth through the foothills.

The snowfall ceases by midday, and the sun begins to melt what little snow is left on the ground, causing it crunch beneath your steeds large hooves. It is still quite cold, but the magic of Frost Mountain is much weaker here.

Pressing on, you cross the great bridge built over White River by your forefathers, and continue on into the deep valleys of the foothills. The sun sets early in the west. Your men start a fire and break out the food and drink, telling jokes and laughing over their meals.

It grows colder. Clouds cover the stars and fingernail moon. No one knows how long the have been standing there... But the dead eyes and twisted faces of snow people pear out at you from the distance.

roll spot and initiative checks.

2013-04-10, 12:19 AM
Nice thanks Artman I was not sure if you would use them that really got my interest now
Initiative [roll0]
Spot [roll1]
Listen [roll2]

I would assume we would all be able to aid another as we would all be on alert for such hazards so up to you if you want a hidden bonus to such checks, also you would need to roll for the soldiers as I do not have any builds.

As The jagged rocks of Highmount give way to gentler slopes as the path winds back and forth in the foothills I can not help but think at how easy the people down in these lands I grant them have it. They were soft like the ground under Snows feet if they thought living in conditions like this was hard. They should see were he livid up high in the mountains.

As the snow finally stopped snowing by midday I looked up at the sky perplexed by the weather. I do not see what these common folk complain about, from what I have seen thus far it hardly even snows here. Look it is all melting away. I say to no one in particular as the snow crunches under the hooves of Snow and my companions horses. This would surely weaken my spells some, with luck though I could learn spells to change the weather hear and make it much more homey in time.

As the day goes on and we pass the great bridge built over White River by my forefathers I look around for a suitable place to camp for the night. Soon enough it would be getting dark, and that would mean the snow people would be out very shortly. It was not until we were deep into the foothills that we found a decently defensible place to camp for the night and began to gather what was necessary to make a large fire. Now though I may be a noble I know what it means to work, and also know that to get others to do what you wish willingly they you must either make sure that you have the upper hand or that if they do not do what is told that they will be the ones to suffer. And though I could have easily taken either route I choose to help my men, after all if the snow people attacked us I would have to rely on them to help me fight the creatures off.

Soon enough the the sun sets early it seems in the west and so with our fire now roaring we all break out food and drink, keep in mind I banned any form of liquor from being used by my guards as it would impair there senses, and I even joined in on a few jokes. Soon it begins getting much colder though and the weather becomes more to my liking, though perhaps not my guards as they threw more logs into the fire. As I looked up towards the sky I could not help but notice that the clouds seemed to be covering the sky I had grown so used to seeing so high up in the mountains I livid and so I began looking around my surroundings to see if I could see or hear anything in the night. If not returning back to my meal.

2013-04-17, 12:38 PM
"My lord, look over your shoulder," whispers Phelan, one of your archers, motioning over his shoulder.
"I told you they exist." Mutters Camden, your other archer. He was born in the hills and heard many a wife's tale about them.

You peer into the darkness. Clouds cover the moon and stars, and there is no snow to silhouette their forms. Your men draw their swords. The tension hangs so heavily in the air you can taste it. Phelan and Camden rise and each nock an arrow. As they advance your eyes can finally make out their dark, twisted forms.

The mysterious and violent snow people. No one knows if they are goblin kin, or whether or not they have dragon blood, or if they are bastard children of the yeti. Some claim they are undead--
They break into a run, screeching and wailing as they come! Your archers let arrows loose!
--Their blood is real enough.

Your weapons master and his men brace themselves, swords at the ready.
"Behind me my lord!" he cries.

They run faster than any man you have ever seen, their white hair, ash gray skin, and twisted faces now becoming visible in the fire light. Spit flies from their mouths and their dead eyes stare right through you. Swords raised high, they will be on you in an instant!

2013-04-17, 01:43 PM
As I am eating my meal Phelan begins whispering into my ear telling me to turn around. Why on earth would he bother me during a good meal, unless....And as the realization strikes me Camden says to the other that he had told them they existed. It was a good thing these two could see as I could still not make out the forms. As I got up I scooped up a pile of snow though to make sure my spell hit home and hit fast.

As They begin to charge I obey my sword lord and immediately begin to cast a spell from the safety of being behind him, hoping to put all the creatures before us to sleep as he begins chanting throwing salt and snow at the charging creatures.

Will DC 17 or 4HD of them fall asleep for 1 minute. After all I have no idea how many there are so may as well try to capture a few to kill later removing them from the battle. As 10 rounds is about a whole battle.

2013-04-17, 11:22 PM
The first one takes multiple arrows to the chest and yet does not fall! He lets loose a blood-curdling howl and swings his sword down on the first of your men, cutting him wide open!

The second, third and fourth all stumble forward, as if dazed and slowly fall to the ground in silent heaps.

The fifth, an ugly brute with a garish scar crossing his face, thrusts his blade into the belly of another of your men right through his chainmail; skewering him like a pig. The lad, to his credit, slashes the frenzied brute across the chest, causing it's blood to cascade down.

Your sword master deftly blocks the attack of the sixth monster and cuts his arm off in a counter attack to quick for the eye to follow!
"Back to your cave, foul beasts!" He cries.

Though blood runs from the wounds delivered by your archers, the arrows seem to have had little effect on the snow people...

First time DMing on a forum, not really sure how combat usually goes, but didn't think this small skirmish would warrant a map with a grid and all that?

2013-04-18, 01:55 AM
Its ok, if you ever need a map I have a site I can build them on so no worries.

Lord loss watches as 3 of the beasts fall to the effects of his spell and yet three others not only resist it but harm his men. Not enjoying seeing my people hurt in the least I decided to take on a more flashy display and call forth an illusion of a dragon, mighty and proud coming down to swoop in on them. Come forth my great beast and drive these vile creatures away. I say as the dragon begins to dive at them, making sure it is clear for all to see it coming.

Silent image DC17 to disbelieve when they interact with it, if they even do, must creatures run from dragons after all XD.

2013-04-18, 09:46 AM
The illusory dragon swoops down and spews fire at the white ones, its tail lashing back and forth!
The snow folk pay it no mind; it is if they do not see it at all.

Nolan, your weapons master swings at the other arm of his attacker, cutting it off cleanly at the elbow! He then turns to help the lad who has just been impaled--
--The youth fights for his very life swinging his sword furiously, trading blow for blow with his attacker, cutting it's chest, shoulder and neck! It is not enough.
The white one lands a heavy blow across his face and sends him tumbling to the ground! He then charges your bowmen as they each sink another arrow in it's chest.

Ector skillfully blocks a blow from the largest of the three, countering with the speed of a practiced swordsman. His blow to its leg would surely have felled a man, but these are not men.

It seems the wounded creature would attack you after bypassing your archers, and with honor Orrin, your squire, throws himself between you two! He drives his blade into the open wound in its throat, blood spewing forth! It tumbles to the earth.

2013-04-18, 11:24 AM
All 3 passed the DC 17 will save? Find that a bit odd to say the least as if they did not they can not ignore that a dragon is trying to kill them. Anyways.....

As I watch my men begin to be cut down and my spell to create illusions seems to have no effect on these creatures I dig down deep into my orginal lessons as a child under masters care and sends forth a globe of acid to deal with these vile creatures that would harm his men. They would learn their place I say to myself as the globe forms in my hand before going at the nearest enemy.

From what I have read we started out with 6 enemies, 3 of them got put to sleep for 10 rounds by my spell.

1 got killed by a combined effort
1 got its leg hacked at
the last got an arm lopped of.

Just trying to confirm how many enemies I still have to deal with.

Ranged touch attack [roll0] Acid damage [roll1]

2013-04-18, 11:58 AM
Actually, yes, all 3 made their saves. I usually make my rolls in secret, as opposed to in spoilers like I have seen some DMs do, so my players don't know what the modifiers are. I hope you don't mind.
I did, however forget to mention that the dragon illusion frighted your banner men, your servant, and even your bodyguard, who are nowhere to be found.

Turning his back on the white one with no arms, Nolan spears the big brute even as it swings at Ector's head. Ector ducks, saving his head by inches. He lunges for a counter attack, but to no avail.

"Move!" Nolan yells at Ector, who rolls to the side as your bright green orb flies past his shoulder. The acid hisses as it impacts the gaping wound made by Nolan only a moment earlier! The green energy eats away at the monster's torso, dissolving his flesh and causing his innards to spill onto the ground in sizzling heap.
The thing falls forward in a messy pile of flesh, steaming in the cold night air.

For a moment the battle seems to be ended, until the armless snow thing leaps upon Nolan's back, sinking his teeth into the back of the weapon master's neck!

Yes, 3 are asleep, 2 appear to be dead, and the one who's arms were cut off by Nolan is still alive

2013-04-18, 10:23 PM
No I am fine with that Just shocked is all, could have only taken 1 more feat to make max optimization so its surprising is all, though next level will hurt as I am taking human paragon. 1st level does not progress spellcasting at all. Unless of course you allow it to. But I might want to add these soldiers live with him and as such would know what kind of spells he can cast and what he can do, a regular city guard from another town is one thing but his own servants should be able to tell. When he summons an illusion.

As I see the battle progressing I am happily rewarded as Nolan once again proves why I keep him around. That is of course until the one he left behind him with no arms leaps onto him and begins to bite down. Learn your place you filthy creature. I say as I once again gather the energy needed before lobbing another orb of acid at the creature hoping to get rid of its face. Nolan get down. I say to my weapons master as I hurl the ball at the wicked creature hoping my weapons master is ok before calling to my men telling them all it is an illusion secretly.

Ranged touch attack [roll0] Acid damage [roll1]

2013-04-19, 12:54 AM
Nolan drops down as he is commanded, but the brute does not relinquish: Its strong jaw and pointy teeth hold fast. Aiming carefully as they fall, you send arcane acid at the white one's face. The monster goes limp as the acid consumes its face and Nolan grunts as they impact the ground.

Ector and your squire, Orrin, help him to his feet. Deep puncture wounds are apparent on Nolan's neck as well as burn marks on the left side of his face from the splashing acid. He lets the others help him up and brushes himself off.
"I'll be alright." he proclaims.

The group assesses the situation: Three dead snow-folk, and three sleeping, presumably. Your bodyguard, the banner men and servants fled in terror, but their horses can be heard in the distance. They will be back soon.
Ector and the pair of archers throw more branches on the fire and light torches for everyone.

The snow glows orange in the torchlight as you head over to examine the sleeping white ones.
"Ugly creatures, aren't they?" says Ector in disgust. He spits in their direction.
"They do exist," whispers Phelan in disbelief.
"Told you." says Camden.
"What is your command my lord?" asks Nolan, gesturing at the motionless gray forms on the ground.
"We should cut their heads off...Immediately!" Camden answers quickly. "These monstrosities are not to be trifled with!"
Whether foreknowledge or fear compels his response it is hard to tell...

You have about thirty seconds or so to make your decision. You have sturdy rope among your gear, but you still have a 2 day ride to Falst, and investigation to perform, and people to accuse of being part of the Black Circle by the end of the week...

2013-04-19, 06:21 AM
I am extremely happy when I watch my weapons master do as I have told him and as my spell begins to eat away at the creatures face I pull out a potion and hand it to him as its body goes limp and lifeless on the ground. Drink this Nolan it will heal you. I say to my weapons master to make sure he did not fall in his duties to protect me. As for the two who ran away I would have to take care of them when they came back. I could not have idiots running away whenever casted a spell thinking the spell would harm them.

As Ector and a pair of archers go and throw more branches onto the fire I can already hear the whispers of fear in their voices. Kill them all, behead them and throw the bodies in the fire, put the heads on spikes to warn all those who would try to challenge us that we have no problem killing and are not easy prey. I say brushing of the dirt from my robe as I dismiss the illusion of the dragon flying in the sky.

Oh I planned on killing them, they hurt my men and attacked me a noble. So how good was XP?

2013-04-19, 12:23 PM
300 exp for the encounter, 50 exp for each that you killed personally; so 400 exp total.

"As you wish my lord," replies Nolan, and he and Ector behead the three of them.
"But we have no spikes," begins Camden.
"Don't you see the trees you idiot?" snaps Phelan. "we will fashion some from the branches."

The heads are lined up by your squire and but Nolan is kept from burning the bodies by Ector, who starts looting the bodies.
"Did your lord and master command you to loot the corpses? Help me drag them to the fire!" he demands angrily.
"He didn't order me not to, and you are not my captain, do not presume to give me orders!" replies Ector, quickly standing up.
Ector takes a step towards Nolan, who smacks him across the face.
Both their swords come out in a flash.

Just then your servants and banner-men return as well as your bodyguard, who doesn't meet your gaze.

2013-04-19, 09:20 PM
Level gain then
1st level human paragon
hp [roll0]
+2 to will saves
Adaptive learning (Sense motives)
+1 to concentration
+1 Arcane
+1 Local
+1 The planes
+1 History
+1 spellcraft
+2Sense motives

As Nolan and Ector behead the three sleeping creatures he is once again reminded why he dose not rely on all of his men for their brains. Thank you Phelan for explaining the obvious to Camden. Really now Camden, if you would have been one of those poor fools who ran away I may be telling you to run and run fast right now. I say to him.

Once the bickering is finished and the heads are as they should be as a clear warning to all who would try and attack I get ready to relax once more that is of course until another disturbance happens causing me to look to my weapons master as well as Ector. At first it seems like they will just get over it but as swords are drawn I get up and as I am doing so change my features to that of a half dragons. Put your swords away now or I will have you both chopping logs for the rest of the night in the cold you got that. He says his reptilian eyes glaring down at both of them. Nolan now do you have a good reason for starting such an argument? After all as Ector said I did not tell him not to, after all burning and destroying what could be useful to us would be foolish. Then turning to look at Ector, And Ector since when has it been allowed to talk back to your superiors? As for looting the bodies I see your reasoning and as such you are allowed to. Know that next time you make such bold words though Nolan will have my full blessing to take it as a challenge for his place as weapons master and teach you a lesson. Stepping back a few feet before turning around and adding, Both of you do I make myself clear? I ask the two of them waiting for a reply.

Next I turn to those cowards that ran when I used my magic. Up until now I had been ignoring them, now on the other hand I looked to Nolan. Nolan what do we do to traitors in our fine nation? And what are deserters called who flee from a battle when there master has not ordered a retreat? I ask still not looking at any of them as my features return to normal.

The spell I used was silent image. Come on big money

2013-04-19, 11:07 PM
"I am quite sorry my lord. I meant no offense." Nolan says, changing his tone at once. "I thought he meant to fill his own coin purse, not giving you your due."
Ector looks furious, and for a moment it seems he would stubbornly fan the flames of his anger instead of submit. That is of course, until you speak the bit about Nolan teaching him a lesson. Ector chooses to bite his tongue, visibly forcing himself to calm down.
"Yes my lord. I apologize." he says quietly.
"Quite clear." says Nolan.

Now that the fire is roaring, you can see the brutes more clearly. They are all around five feet tall, with the exception of the big one, who was a bit taller, so they cannot be goblins. Their faces are somewhat goblin-like and they have ash-gray skin, so they cannot be people either. Their hair is pure white, and they have long, white, sharp claws much like a young dragon or drake would have. Their teeth are quite long and pointed, much like those of cat or a hound.

The men loot the bodies and put the items into a pile before dragging the bodies into the fire.
"It appears they are either excellent weapon-smiths or else robbers," Nolan says, holding up a well-crafted blade.
"Robbers." replies Phelan, "Look at these fine red silks that adorn their braids and weaponry. I'm sure it is of Qinese craftsmanship. They must have taken a caravan of merchants as it traveled north."
Nolan turns to you to report their findings.
"Five swords, six daggers, and three knives, all in fair condition. What little armor they had is useless, as are their boots, everything else is junk, mostly. No food, no blankets, no torches--"
"--Nothing for keeping them alive," interjects Camden.
"And my lord," continues Nolan, "27 gold crowns and 182 silver crowns, freshly minted, by the looks of it. what would you have us do?"

The banner-men and your servants slowly and fearfully approach, but your bodyguard steps forward undaunted.

"We behead traitors." replies Nolan calmly. "Deserters are worm food."
"We had no weapons! We don't know how to fight! Please lord, mercy!" cry the servants. The banner-men had spears as well as horses, they silently stare at the ground.
"My lord" interrupts Banning, your bodyguard, "Those beasts were not alone."
He pulls a head from his bag and holds it up to the firelight for your inspection. The banner-men look to each other in disbelief.

The head is much like the other snow-folk, only the skin isn't so dark gray as the others, and the fangs are much longer. Its hair is thicker and maybe three feet long or longer, matted with clumps of blood and flesh.
"I suggest we don't stay here tonight. We should move camp and perhaps rest tomorrow?"
"I agree." says Camden, who has been quiet up to this point. "I've heard stories about the long-haired ones. They say they drink blood to become more powerful, and that their claws can suck a soul right out of a man, if they hold on long enough..."
Phelan, once skeptical, now hangs on every word Camden says.
"What are your orders sire?" asks Nolan.

A weapons master would be more of a servant/teacher than a captain or marshal. He has no more right to boss anyone around than the cook or banner-men do. Is this your way of promoting him, or just siding with him in this specific instance?

2013-04-20, 12:13 AM
@Artman thank you for the speedy replies they are greatly appreciated as well as really well written. then again with only one player now.... Anyways my way of looking at a weapons master is they may be a trainer, but they got to that possession by being better then others. Thus why I said he was above them in rank. For example in the drizzit series his farther was the highest ranking member of his house only under the queens current mate, and in the city as a whole he was the most feared and powerful weapons master. His task was to train all the lesser soldiers for battle. And when Dizzit surpassed his farther she killed him and kept Dizzit thinking her son would obey her. So even though now adays a weapon master is more like a drill sergent at boot camp back in the day they were some of the best fighters in there profession and land.

As Nolan apologizes and explains his reasoning he looks to the weapons master. I can assure you Nolan that if he were to have tried to keep the loot for himself I would not have intervened as I did. We have to trust in one another at this time so that we are not defeated in our mission to protect the king. Do I make myself clear? If we turn our backs on each other we all die out here. I say turning to Ector, Good because I do enjoy your idea of looting the bodies Ector. Tell me what other skills do you have? Can you gather information easily enough, or perhaps hide in the shadows where none can see you? I may have a special mission for you if you do. I say to him wondering if all along I had a thief among my paid staff.

Arcane [roll0]
Local [roll1]
History [roll2]

As I look at the creatures before each is thrown into the fire I try to figure out what these things really are. It is almost as if they are a mix of a dragon and yeti. As I am trying to determine this I look to Nolan as he tells me what they had on them. As I just bought each of you a new blade I believe until a later time I shall hold onto them. As for the gold.... I say picking up all the pieces and looking the those that choose to stay with me over. Split the silver crowns among each of you evenly. Look at it as a thank you for keeping me safe and not running away in the face of danger. As for the gold I shall hold onto that, after all I am the one providing for each of you at this time. he says pocketing the 27 gold crowns.

As Nolan tells me what is done to those who act shamefully I hear my servants beg for mercy, pitiful. And here I thought my men were made of stronger stuff then that. But at least they had excuses the banner-men had spears and horses and they to ran away. Their punishment would be the worst thus far. And as I am beginning to think of a fitting punishment Banning, my bodyguard steps forward. Why yes Banning are you here to take responsibility for the actions of those who ran with you instead of guarding me? Do you really think I would ask of someone what I could not do myself? I ask all those gathered around before listening to what he has to say. Well Banning it seems you have saved your hide, but by the look on the faces of some of the others it seems they were not with you when you fought these beasts. So tell me where were they that you showing me this creatures head surprises them so? I ask my bodyguard a bit intrigued.

As my men begin to ask to move out and stop in the morning or at least some place later I look to snow. We shall move out, but I warn each of you now if any of you run I myself will kill you. So if a battle happens and you turn tale do not step foot in my lands again or face my families wrath. I say holding out the weapons before me that were gained from the creatures. Each of you choose one that you feel comfortable with. And know that you will be expected to use it. Ask Nolan for advice on fighting so long as you do not run and flee you will be rewarded. I say. Once all the weapons are distributed among those left that did not have a weapon I pack up the others on Snow and climb up into her saddle before beginning the long march to Falst once more.

Also logically speaking I took out 5 of them. 3 of them I put to sleep, 2 I killed with Acid. not a big deal though.

2013-04-20, 10:34 AM
"That's fourty five crowns each!" says Camden excitedly. They all express their thanks.
Ector bows to you when asked of his skill.
"I am good with the spear and bow as well as the sword, sire. I would say courage is my best skill. I will not shrink from a fight."

Banning points back up the road when asked about the other white ones.
"Up the road north a little ways, and around the hill. I saw this one behind us and feared an ambush from behind. I killed this one and chased off the others. You say we should move out? I quite agree, these hills are crawling with snow-folk and we should not hang about. Let us press south, towards Falst."

"Thanks lord. You are kind. Yes my lord." The servants say in reply to your gifts of weaponry and orders regarding fighting.

Do you have the banner-men beheaded or no?

You press on through the night and don't break for camp until the birds are chirping and the sky begins to glow from the early morning sun. You assign watches and your men build a fire and finally get some much needed rest.


The second day proves to be highly uneventful, other than learning a bit about your men as you listen to them talk while you travel.

Orrin, your squire, loves to tell jokes. He asks you what the plan is to deal with the Hellbreathers of Falst.
Banning tells stories of the people he's had confrontations with, some he had to kill.
Ector was wounded pretty badly, but told no one. He bandaged his leg and arm, and though the wounds were severe, they seem to be healing alright.
Nolan, though you gave him a healing potion, seems to get weaker by the hour. The bite wound has turned black and oozes a foul-smelling pus.
Phelan was friends with Lewin, the poor lad who was stabbed through the belly and killed.
Camden seems to want to be friends with everyone, joking and laughing at others jokes, being polite and helpful all the time. He seems to have a sharp mind though, and possesses quick wit. Though his need for friendship and approval are a bit pathetic, it is often one of the qualities of loyalty and trustworthiness.


The morning sun rises on the third day. The air warms as the sun climbs steadily in the sky, it's light melting the snow. Snow's massive hooves sink into the the soft mud, and the hooves of your company's horses leave deep tracks in the road behind you.

Orrin and Camden are quite worried about Nolan. His wound has festered, the blackness spreading up his neck and across his shoulder. He says hardly a word to anyone, it's as if a dead man rides his horse.
Ector's wounds are almost completely healed.

As you crest the next hill, the town of Falst comes into view. A cluster of wooden buildings in a vast plains, cut in half by a small winding river. If you and your men press hard, you may make it before nightfall.

2013-04-20, 02:02 PM
No I did not have him beheaded , yet at least. It was a showing of what happens when you break the law and how merciful Lord Loss was being. Think of it as buying trust through fear.

As Camden states the obvious I nod my head. Those that prove themselves and are loyal to me and my family are always reward well on missions like this. As it shows a persons true colors in the face of danger. I say to Camden, though addressing all those assembled there. Then I listen to Ectors answer to my question and am a bit disappointed, how he acted I was starting to believe that I may not have to hire someone to be my eyes and ears in this city but it looked like I would have to go back to my original plan of finding someone in Falst for the job.

As Banning points back up the road and tells me some of the beasts are lieing in hiding behind a hill I look to my men. All of them are strong soldiers and those who did not retreat I would not give up for at this point for any amount of gold, but they are also badly hurt. Tell me Banning how many of the beasts did you see? As a lord it is my job to keep these roads relatively safe and if you could defeat one by yourself and make the others flee, surely we should have enough people here to defeat them. I say to my bodyguard looking to the others. Thank me for the weapons when they save your life. Otherwise there is no point in thanking me. Know that each of you just choose the weapon I will kill you by if you retreat in battle. I say before waiting on Bannings answer.


After a long march through the night I make sure to have at least one of my best soldiers on watch with two others at any given time. As well as give out orders for people only to leave the group in pairs so that if they are attacked at least one will make it back to warn the others. Once it seems all is in order I call Nolan into my tent and ask him how he is feeling before casting a spell to see if the creatures held any poison in there bites.

Detect poison, keep in mind I am only detecting if he has some in him, I will not be informing him.

Once finished I tell Nolan to get some rest and then I myself go to sleep to catch up on what I was denied that night.


As I awaken and we pack up camp, moving out once more to Falst I listen to my men speak and reply when asked a direct question. Well Orin first we have to find out who is in this group and who to find them. Once that is accomplished we will try to capture one to be sent to the king for punishment and proof that someone was conspiring against him as we kill the rest. I say as if it were obvious. Besides that I mostly keep quite instead keeping an eye on my weapons master hoping that we will be able to heal him some way in Falst while also looking to Camden seeing him as the second mot loyal person in this group.


On the third day we finally spot the city of falst and fearing for Nolans life I tell my men to push their horses to their limits. Not wanting my weapons master to die. Knowing the skills Ector used on himself I ask him to try and make a toxin that will slow whatever is effecting my weapons master down if not destroy it completely while the rest of us ride on towards falst.

2013-04-21, 12:06 AM
"Five came from the north to attack us from behind, sire. I killed one and the other four ran back to their tribe. I saw shadows moving in the distance, perhaps a dozen or so, but they disappeared into the darkness." Banning says in reply.

Nolan sees nothing different, but for a moment you can see his veins faintly glowing beneath his skin. A writhing mass of black fluid pumps through his blood, infecting his whole body. It would seem he is poisoned.

Ector regrets to inform you that all he did was rinse the wounds with water and wrap them up. He is no healer, but suggests that if they can make it to Falst in time, the Pelorians can heal him. This does not please you. The spells powerful enough to remove the poison will be costly, and more so for you and your men than other people. Your family is not on good terms with the church of Pelor. They whine and cry about taxes and some criminal your family had executed years ago. It seems like they will complain about anything, and disprove of their Lord Liege's justice.


In the distance, the simple wooden wall that surrounds Falst and the two little towers that flank the north gate come into view. The town guard is on duty, as they should be, and spot your family's banners waving in the wind. A welcoming party of six armed guards, their captain, and the reeve all ride out to meet you.

"Ah! My dear Lord Loss, it is good to see you again!" Calls the reeve, as they ride up. "For what do we owe the unexpected pleasure of your visit?"
Aldwin Plainslay, Falst's reeve, is a tall and impressive man, and well respected by his men. He complained that your family had raised taxes to much last year, but he is still finely dressed, and a little bit chubbier than the last time you saw him...

2013-04-21, 12:39 AM
As Bannings tells me there may be somewhere close to a dozen of them I choose to take the wiser cause and listen to what my men have to say and move on.

As I see the black fluid pumping in nolans system I know that there will be little time. Hopefully it is not to strong of a poison as burying Nolan would be a great shame in and of itself. Just replacing him would be hard. I think to myself as I dismiss him from my tent telling him to go clean up.

ehh Ector they may be able to heal him, but they will not make this easy. Dam people always complaining about this or that. Maybe if they did something besides whine to me they would learn they have nothing to complain about. Then to himself he thinks about the fortune this is going to cost him and wishes he had not handed out so much of the gold. Oh well it could not be helped now, though perhaps he could convince some of them latter when Nolan was not around to help him pay...No that would not do. It would make him look weak and his family poor. he would just have to deal with the dam clerics on his own. Dam thieves, and they called him cheap. They would rather see a man die then charge me a decent price. and as those thoughts came so did many others about how they always seemed to help those who did not belong in my lands. The weak and the poor. If they were to weak to be in the climate they should not be in my kingdom I had once told them only to hear for hours later about how we all deserved to be happy. Bah, you want to be happy then you make yourself happy not expect others to do it for you.


As Falst comes into View a smile comes across my face. Lets go men, unless you want to be explain g to Nolans wife why he did not make it. I say to my men. In truth I had never met his wife before, but it sounded about right to say to them to make them move a bit faster. Soon enough I could see the gates opening and 6 armed guards as well as the towns reeve, as well as the captain of the guard coming to great me.

As the Reeve calls out to me a scowl replaces my smile. Keeping the roads clear for traders is what brings me here. I lost a man and may lose another if you do not get out of my way and get me to the temple of pelor as quickly as possible. I say almost spitting the last words out of my mouth. As I get closer to the Reeve I notice that though he spent much time complaining about taxes he has grown around the belt and his clothes still seem to be of the highest fashion. And Plainslay, next time you want to complain about taxes you may want to start tightening your belt and wear less stylish clothing as it seems to not have effected you at all. I say to the man as we ride into the town.

Arcane [roll0]
History [roll1]
Local [roll2]

All of these rolls are about Aldwin Plainslay

2013-04-22, 01:11 AM
"Keeping the roads clear indeed." his expression sours. "Some of our people were attacked by bandits on the west road, on the way back from Gorsend. Bartholemue! Jackram! Ride ahead to and clear the path to the old temple for our lord! Be quick about it! He has wounded men!" Aldwin bellows. He then steadies his horse, reaches into a small leather pouch and begins chanting quietly.
"Father Maynar, we have a wounded and sickly man coming, call your healers." he whispers.
With that, he calls to his men, and the lot of you put spurs to saddle and ride into town!

It grows cold again. You pass through the main gate. The setting sun makes your path dark, but the town guard have made it easier by clearing the way. People watch with curiosity as you and your party ride by. Your steed tramples through the mud as you ride through the slums, market, and center of town. You pass by the newly constructed temple to Baccob and the town square and the keep.

Finally you arrive at the old temple of Pelor. It was once the most majestic building in Falst, and though it is still one of the largest buildings, it has fallen into disrepair. Vines cover the dirty walls, and the stained glass windows are cracked and covered with the soot of many burnt candles.
Aldwin ignores the pathetic beggars, sickly and homeless as he marches up the steps. There is a more important matter to attend to. One beggar gets too close and a guard gives him a hard shove, causing him to fall down the crumbling stone stairway.

The guards throw open the doors and Aldwin storms in.
"Father! Where are your healers? Our lord requires their service!"
"Calm your self sire." comes a cool voice from within. You don't recognize it.
"We have prepared bed for him in our infirmary. Come now." says father Maynar
As you and your men come to the top of the stairs, you see not only the clergy, but Jacob, one of the old council members and another man, dressed in silver armor and yellow cloth.
The first voice came from none other than Herod Wellforth, a paladin of Pelor and a Lightbringer of the Third Order. It appears negotiations would be more difficult than originally thought...

100 bonus exp for good RP. I like how you took into account that some things could make you appear weak, and chose not to do them. The whole "Respect through fear" thing was common back then, and if you are to sit on the throne, you need respect.

Arcane: Aldwin can cast more powerful spells than you can, but hasn't made a name for himself to the point that an "Arcane Knowledge" would bring back any results. He hasn't authored any spellbooks or anything.
History: His family is wealthy, and has a few spellcasters in it. The Plainslays served as knights and vassals for various liege lords from generation to generation, until they caught the attention of Renlath, your grandfather, for their ruthlessness. He gave them the city of Falst, and the Plainslays rewarded them by turning the small town into a bustling trade city. Beyond that, they have a political feud with the Skysinger family.
Local: Even though the town has a "governing body of elders" Aldwin is the one who rules. He was given both military and judicial powers by your parents. (who own the majority of the land around here.) Because he and the council are at odds, he bribed and blackmailed his way into a seat, and now serves as head of council as well.
He enforces law with an iron fist; the stocks and jailhouse are full, and people respect his orders, much to the dismay of the old council. The only people he doesn't have a good handle on are the clergy. Religious folk not only can heal and have mighty spells; they often have the gods on their side.

2013-04-22, 08:51 AM
Be happy it was bandits, we came into a pack of snow people. took out 5 myself, 2 with the help of my men. Nolan, the one that needs aid, also took out a great deal. It seems though that some of them have been breeding with something new. I say to Aldwin as we ride towards the gate as fast as we can. And with a smile I watch as Snow in the end pulls ahead of all the others. Not because of rank, but because of her bred. She was built for speed, not for combat, and as such not many horses could keep up with her for a long time in a dead run. It had caused many problems on our way here to Falst as I would either have to slow down or not let Snow enjoy herself.

As we are riding as fast as we can towards the town I can feel the cool chill of the mountains once again and can not help but smile. It was good to feel the chill of my home. I grew up in this weather, and trained in it daily. And so it in turn gave me powers unlike any that had come before me could realize. Some people may have been stronger then me in there schools. But in my element none could resist me. And with these thoughts in mind I watch as we pass through the main gate into the city. Looking up into the sky I see that it had indeed taking us all day and only hope that we not only make it in time to save Nolan, but in enough time to have to deal with their arguing. Normally I would enjoy this time of day, when the darkness won against the sun that brought warmth to the room, but as I raced through the streets of Falst I could not even do that. All seems to flash by in a haze as we quickly speed through the slums onward to the market district. Next is the center of town, which I notice has a new temple in it, Boccob to be exact s well as the keep that it has always had since my great grandparents gave the Plainslays this land. Every now and then turning to check on Nolan, who I made sure was tied into his saddle today so even if he did pass out would not fall out.

After to long of a ride I could finally see the temple of Pelor. Or at least what used to be called a temple, now the building looked like it belonged in the slums. Looking at the temple I see vines covering dirty windows, and the few stained glass windows that are not covered are instead cracked and covered in soot, as if a fire had happened recently nearby, if not for knowing that the clergy used so many candles I would have asked Aldwin if a fire had indeed happened. And these people wondered why there faith was failing in my kingdom. If they could not keep there own temple in order, how could they help people I thought to myself as we dismounted and began walking up the stairs.

As I walked up the stairs, my staff in hand I watched as beggars seemed to come out of the framework. How dare such lowly creatures come and bother me with their problems. You want money get a job instead of hackling those who have money. I say scanning the group looking to see if any of them look like they would be thief material.

Finally we enter the old decreped temple and as a voice tells us to calm ourselves I begin to lose my patience already. That is when I hear farther Mayner telling us to follow him that they have a bed prepared. Farther Mayner, my solider was attacked by a snow person and bit while we were clearing the roads from high mount to Falst. I have already wasted enough time riding here so if you care to.... just then me and my men get to the top of the stairs and my expression becomes even more sour. Already I am ready to cast my spells to stop any of these people from escaping alive if they attacked me or my men. Lets hope it did not come to that, as negotiations would already be hard enough. as I was saying, let us not waste time arguing until my men are taken care of. I then turn to each of them and call out All who are still damaged from the battle come forward. Ector help me with Nolan. I say the last bit as I go over to my weapons master who has been up to this point been carried by the city guard.

Well When I get into character I get really far in. Just hard playing Lawful at this time, more playing neutral now, but showing respect for the council at this point.

And time for more rolls.
Arcane [roll0]
History [roll1]
Local [roll2]

These rolls are for all the new people in the room I have seen.

2013-04-29, 10:02 AM
Multiple people require multiple rolls? I'll consider these for the Councilman. You can roll again for the Paladin if you want.
Kn Arcane: Jacob is not known for any spellcasting ability or achievements.
Kn History: Most of his time on the council was after Aldwin was named the Reeve. Consequently, he only had a little power for a short amount of time, and didn't change Falst that much
Kn Local: You know that Jacob Whiteshild is well loved by the people, and killing him might cause a mini rebellion/riot. He is good at giving speeches and at archery, and while he has no direct power, there are rumors he has "connections".

Ector helps you pull the limp body of Nolan up the steps and into the main hall, where two priests wait with a stretcher to take him to the infirmary. Now that rays of the setting sun are not strong enough to penetrate the dirty windows, extra candelabras and chandeliers are lit. No one in the room looks happy to see you.
"What ails this man, my lord?" asks Father Maynar, bowing low as you enter. "And what is his life worth to you?"
Life is priceless to the followers of Pelor, but the Father is used to dealing with greedy men who would rather hold onto their gold than save a man's life. Depending on whether the healing is with herbs and tonics, or prayer, or spells, this could get expensive. Even over 300 gold. The only other people who need healing are Ector and Orrin, but they don't step forward.

2013-04-29, 10:25 AM
As I am looking around it is very clear none here want me here but that is fine by me. What is not fine however is when I am asked a question I have already answered. As I just said we were clearing the roads of bandits and snow people from High mount to Falst when a group of snow people befell us. One of the larger ones bit Sir Nolan and after three days he looks like this. If I were a medicine man and knew what his aliments was I would not have come here. I say to Farther Maynar, making sure he knows I am not to happy to be here either. As for Sir Nolan's life it is worth the price anyone else would be charged. Though I am sure you would much rather have a fall in taxes then money that you will only be giving back to me at the end of the month. Once my man is healed we can begin bargaining, oh and one more thing. I say turning to all in the room. You have a cult in Falst and I will be here for quite some time exterminating them along with whoever helps them or gives them aid. Rumors are that there highest ranking members are members of the old circle of black mages. I then sit down on the closet thing I can that looks half way clean.

History [roll0] Farther Maynar
Local [roll]1d20+8 [roll1]

2013-04-29, 10:49 AM
Kn History: Father Maynar is pretty old, and has been a member of the church and a resident of Falst his whole life. His reputation doesn't extend outside of the town much.
Kn Local: He is well known in town to be both kind and stern, a good healer, and trustworthy.
"Forgive me, my lord," Maynar answers in response to your anger. The priests lift the stretcher and carry him down the hall as he speaks. "I meant only to ask if there was more information you had regarding his condition that we could more quickly dress his wounds. Just a few crowns should cover the expenses of our materials. If devine energy is required, it will cost perhaps two, or even three hundred crowns, depending on the spell."
"They should have the money upfront," interjects Herod, "They can pay taxes later, but need coin now to pay for supplies and temple repair--" he gestures around the room, "--as you can well see."
He pauses to consider your statement about the Black Circle.
"Necromancers you say? How troubling. I would be honored to assist you in your endeavours to purge this fair city of such evil!" Herod exclaims, dropping to one knee before you.

2013-04-29, 11:13 AM
As Farther Mayner apologizes I turn to him and kindly say Well now you know. I suspect it will be divine in nature though. My men said these creatures were not like normal ones, some even seemed to have dragon like traits much like myself. I say to him knowing nothing more really. Next I turn to the man named Herod. You would do well to learn your place Herod. We are a nation ruled by a sovereign after all, and his lords need taxes to give to their sovereign. The state of this temple....is a bit lacking to say the least. And I am sure while I am here myself and Farther Mayner can work something out. But that is for us politicians not you boy. I say sternly as if talking to a child. I then almost burst into laughter as the same man who had just questioned me asked to help me in my quest. Not only are you to abrasive for this situation, but my tactics for smoking out a rat may not sit so well on your conscious. I will be recruiting another person, but they will know how to move around undetected and gather information like a child. You do not fit that. Any enemy would hear you coming from a mile away. I say to the paladin not wanting to have a stick in the mud who could ruin my plans.

2013-04-29, 11:48 AM
You mind going back to the regular blue? That bright blue is a bit hard to read...

Herod rises, disappointment written all over his face, and storms out of the room.
"Do any of your other men require attending to?" offers Maynar.
"Not I," says Ector. None of the other men come forward. A priest returns from the infirmary.
"The man is quite ill," says the priest, "His wound has turned sour and the infection has spread. He will need to spend the night at a minimum. Our prayers and ointments may not be enough, we might have to amputate his left arm. Father, we need your assistance."
Maynar listens as his servant speaks, and then turns back to you.
"I must see to your man, will you be staying here with him?"
"Here??" exclaims Aldwin.
"Aldwin, have you a more comfortable place to offer your Lord?"
"Indeed," he replies, "My guest house is large enough for you and your men, it's warm, and well stocked with food. You will have both privacy and armed guards. My servants are your servants during your stay my lord."
"What are your orders my lord?" asks Ector.
"What of the mission?" whispers Orrin, and you can tell by his expression he is ready to get started.

2013-04-29, 02:04 PM
As Herod rise, disappointment on his face I look to him If you want to help get rid of them then stay vigilant, if you see something suspicious tell Farther Mayner or Aldwin. If they find it to hold some shed of truth I shall investigate. I want this mission kept quite though to not scare them away. Who knows a new dawn may be shining on the church of Pelor if such help comes from them. I say leaving my statement to be interpreted any way they see fit.

I then listen to all my men say they do not need any healing before looking to Farther Maynar, It seems no others need any healing thank you. That is when the man from the infirmy comes back telling me that it may very well cost me an arm. Funny in retrospect of the situation. Just make sure he lives. He is a hero as well as my weapons master. I say before turning to Aldwin and my men, Aldwin thank you for your hospitality. I will gladly take up room there. As for your men, I hope none will be needed, though could you care to tell me who you have locked up in prison at this time? I ask seeing if I can find someone of use in this city.

2013-05-01, 01:09 AM
Aldwin and your men look at each other and back at you. Nobility didn't have to travel with armed guards, but they almost always did. One could never be too careful these days. You never knew when you might walk into a riot, or mob of rebels, or an assassination attempt.
"As you wish my lord." Aldwin replies, bowing his head.

I can describe Aldwin's lavish estate and his large guest house if you wish, but thought I would skip it to get into the plot. Do you order any of your men to stay behind while you visit the dungeon? If so, how many? There is a large stable at the manor, do you take Snow, or walk?

It gets much darker and colder as the sun sets in earnest now. The torches do a poor job of lighting the interior of Falst's dungeon. It smells of death and human excrement. Spells often freshen the air and empty the chamber pots in noble houses; you forgot how terribly awful it could smell.

The sheriff greets you in the cordial manner and tells the turnkey to show you the prison. The turnkey is an older man with white hair, a big bulbous nose and gut that hangs over his belt. You might have been afraid a criminal would overpower him until you notice his massive hands. They are like the paws of a bear.
"These are all the theifs and rabble-rousers," he begins, leading you up to the largest cell where the lesser criminals are confined together. You now see he is missing most of his teeth. "This here is a rapist, this one murdered his wife, this one killed her sister, those two crimes are unrelated," he says before you can ask, "different sister." Each of these criminals are in individual cells.

Next you come to three cells in which the bars are thicker, and lock larger.
In the first is a middle-aged, dark haired man in a ball and chain.
"This one stole large quantities of money from Sir Gorgain, the city council, and various churches. He will die tomorrow."
In the next cell is a young man close to your age who has messy brown hair and is clothed in rags. His hands are locked in place on either side of his head by means of a yoke around his neck, similar to a stock.
"This one here is a pickpocket and a gossip. The former made him a success, the latter landed him in here."
The third man is a skinny fellow with long arms, and short bright red hair. It appears he has been here for quite some time; he has an unkempt beard growing. His hands and feet are all chained to one another, and that chain is locked to a post in the corner of his tiny cell.
"That one..." the turnkey shudders, "Is a murderer of the foulest kind; torturing his victims before skinning them alive. Have you seen enough?" he asks quickly.

2013-05-01, 10:28 AM
When I spend any large amount of time at the house it would be nice but until then unnecessary as you have said. I will also always be riding upon snow at this time until Nolan is back in business.

After riding to Aldwins house and letting everyone get comfortable I look to the servants that had fled the battle. Get this place prepared for myself and the others. I have matters to attend to. Then looking to Ector, Orin, Aldwin and my personal guard You four will come with me. The rest of you are to keep at least a pair with Nolan at all times, and the rest of the time be practicing your drills or sleeping. I do not want anyone getting lazy while we are here you got that. I say looking to each of my men before asking Aldwin to lead the way to the cities dungeon.

After so long of not needing to go into my own dungeons I had forgotten the stench that normally came with them. People in High Mount knew better, some threw fear others threw stories. No one ever went to the dungeons anymore, and it would seem I would have to make it known in Falst that the penalty for most crimes was death. After all living in this stench alone and making me walk around in it was a crime of its own and I would have to make sure to clean myself afterwords. The only things of comfort I even seemed to find here were the bitter cold nipping at my royal furs, and the darkness that not even the torches could drive away.

As I am introduced to the sheriff and his turnkey I am almost taken aback, how could someone so old not be overpowered or even catch someone for that matter. And thats when his large hands come into view, if they could even be called hands and it makes me wounder what this man used to do in life and who his parents were. But at this time I had more pressing issues. Why thank you sheriff for having me here. I was not expecting the stench in truth as you see there is no crime were I am from, and those that are committed are dealt with quickly. I believe it is time to bring order to this city while I am here I hope you do not find my tactics to cruel. But I promise that they generate results. I say to him before being led down to the holding cells.

As I come to the first three cells and here what they have done done I look to the turnkey Well it seems like all these men have just gained the death penalty and will be publicly executed tomorrow. There shall be a new era in Falst where the law is listened to. I say making sure each of the men in the cells hear what I have just said before moving over to the opposite side and listening to what the man has to say. The first dose not seem to promising, but the other two, perhaps one of them could be useful. Could you leave me here for a few minutes with the prisoners with the keys, I promise none shall be harmed when I leave this place. I say to the man.

2013-05-02, 10:30 PM
"As you wish my lord," says Aldwin and he (and your men?) leave you with your prisoners. The door clinks shut.

"No! Please m'lord!" cries one of the women from the first cell, "It was only a loaf of bread! For me children! Please spare me, I promise I will never steal again!"
"Lord Loss is it?" asks the filthy young street urchin. "I've 'erd of you. One o' them fancy fellas from the Frost Mountain. Not seen none from your house 'round 'ere in awio." The turnkey didn't exaggerate. He was disrespectful and didn't know how to keep his mouth shut. The serial killer says nothing. He doesn't move and makes no eye contact.

2013-05-02, 11:05 PM
Left alone in the cell block I listen to the panic begin to rise in many of those in cells. A woman begging for her life brings my attention to her however and I go over to her cell and open it after making myself appear more draconic in appearance. Only a loaf of bread you say, it was someones hard work as well. They spent there money to make it, did they not? I say closing the cell door behind me. Could you not wait until he went to throw all the stale bread away that instead you tried like a thief to steal from a honorable person who cooks for the people of this fair city? you ask me to spare your life yet you give me no reason as to why I should. So tell me, why should you go free then? After all you committed a crime, did you not? Did you even try asking the baker to pay him some other time or even to work for that loaf of bread? I ask the woman, my draconic eyes looking directly into her own.


Once I am done speaking with the woman I turn to the little street Urchin that had spoken so rudely walking into his cell and shutting the door behind me still in my draconic appearance. Its good to know you have heard of me. But tell me have you heard of what I do to those who cause chaos in my land granted to me by the king? I ask the boy letting my clawed hands and sharp teeth show. So I suppose you think you should live to? I ask the boy looking him dead in the eye.

Sense motives [roll0]

2013-05-02, 11:34 PM
The woman collapses in a frantic pile of cries and sobs, babbling about her children.

"My life's oft inna hands of other people," says the boy plainly. His disheveled hair and the large yoke around his neck made him appear smaller, but approaching, you notice he is about your height, and about the same age. Perhaps even a little older. "And the god's havn't seen fit to let me die just yet. Why?" He asks, cocking his head to the side.

2013-05-03, 12:19 AM
As I watch the woman crumble to the floor soobing and talking about her children I get down to eye level and place a clawed hand on her face holding it up to look into my own. It was not your children who stole the bred my dear lady, it was you. If you happen to have information that is useful to me I may let you go this time though. After all serving your nobles would enact a reward would it not? And I am a kind ruler. I say to her kindly wondering if this woman may know anything about the hellbreathers.

As the boy, that now that I am closer seems to be my height if not taller as well as my age, answers my question I can see wisdom in his words. But is he just saying what he needs to be free is the question. Perhaps the gods have a calling for you. I myself for example am here looking for someone who can help me that is not, how do I put this....from the normal swing of things. A bit of controlled chaos goes a long way after all.

2013-05-03, 10:32 PM
The woman's voice is suddenly drowned out by the other eight people in the large prison cell. Before they were all cowering against the wall, now they rush forward on their hands and knees after they hear you say you might show mercy.
"I only took a single crown, I'll pay it back!" says one.
"I didn't steal the mule, he was mine to begin with, I swear to you on my life!" says another.
"Your right m'lord, stealing is wrong, please spare me, I have information!"
"I do too! spare me m'lord!"
They all begin to cry innocence, asking you to spare them, be merciful, they have information, etc...


"I think I take your meaning, m'lord. Everyone uses the front door. I donno why, the back's usually better... Perhaps we should go attaway, away from untrustworthy ears?" says the lad to you.

2013-05-04, 10:38 PM
As I am speaking to the woman in the cell the chatter of the others begins to start up and in a booming voice I scream Silence or I will kill you all now myself. before turning back to the young woman. Now where were we, ah yes. You said you had information...I will talk to you later seperetly. If it is something useful you may live. If not... I say trailing off feeling as I do not have to finish what I was beginning to say as I walk out of the cell and lock it back up.

As the boy gets what I am saying I smile before adding, You so much as try to run away you will lose your feet. Try anything and you will wish you were back here. I say to the boy before going to tell the sheriff to let the boy come with me and my men for some questioning.

2013-05-04, 11:26 PM
"Right." says the lad. The sheriff complies with your request and has the turnkey let him out, much to the irritation of the other prisoners. Some of them mutter under their breath.
The boy rubs his neck and wrists, and you notice that his skin is rather red in those places where the yoke had been chafing.
"Where to then?"

2013-05-04, 11:38 PM
As the boy is brought before me and my men I look to Aldwin. I hope you do not mind, I promise to keep all your objects were they belong. I say before turning to the boy. To Sir Aldwins guest house of course. By the way I need a name to call you if you shall be traveling with me. I say to the boy as I begin to walk out the door with my guards behind me. Oh and sheriff, the woman charged with stealing a loaf of bread has offered to give me some important information so she is not to be killed unlike the others. Have a good day now. I say walking the rest of the way out the door and over to Snow who has been waiting outside patiently. Time to go Snow. I say to her as I mount her and begin riding towards the place I would be staying while here.

2013-05-05, 12:45 AM
"Bradley." he says.
"That is; 'Bradley, my lord,' little thief..." says your bodyguard, his voice thick with judgement.
"M'lord." he corrects himself.

The Reeve Aldwin's estate is not far from the jailhouse, just south of the center of the city, atop a gently sloping hill. Though it is only two stories tall and has no tower to speak of, it is quite large. The west and east wings dominate the skyline as you approach. Before long the garden and the large stable come into view, and then the large two-story guest house. Behind that there are several smaller houses for servants who do not reside in the mansion.

OOC: During the ride, Aldwin compliments your steed, and your elaborate dragon embellished cloak. You learn whilst talking that the mansion was originally built by a wealthy merchant during the empire's gold-rush and prolific trading period. I didn't really want to RP all that out, but thought it might be interesting to know.

Also, go ahead and make your next post a long one, asking all the things you might want to know about Bradly, the town, cults, rumors, other possible informants, anything. That way you don't have to wait for 10 more posts just to finish a conversation...

2013-05-05, 10:21 AM
As "Bradley" and my bodyguard seem to begin to get along I nod to the boy. Do not mind him, a common mistake for someone who has had to grow up with their lords not protecting them I am sure. Just like I'm sure it will not happen again. I say to Bradley as we make our way to the estate, listening to Aldwin explaining the towns history and complimenting me on my garb.

Eventually we come up to Aldwins home and turning to him I say This is were we must part ways. As I have much to discuss with young Bradley. If all goes well I shall be sending you a letter with information of the utmost importance and it should be kept by you for protection. Do I make myself clear? I ask Aldwin before going to the guest house. Once inside the large two story building I call to my servants and am pleased with how quickly not one, but two of them arrive. Bradley here will be staying with us for a short time. Please go make him up a bath and get dinner started. I say to them before adding in as they are leaving, Also get him a nice pair of clothes as well as a new cloak. And with that I dismiss them from my site and bring Bradley into the houses study, allowing my bodyguard to go relax, explaining that in here the boy would be a fool to attack.

Once everyone had left the study leaving me and the boy alone in the study I looked to him with the first serious look I had gotten since the jail cells. So Bradley, they say you were caught stealing and spreading Gossip. What did you really do though? I ask the boy listening to his story. Well it seems you are in luck as I have come here after hearing that a cult has moved in on these precious lands. A cult named the hellbreathers. Perhaps you have heard of them. I say taking a deep breath before continuing. Anyways this cult happens to be made up of members of the old black circle who tried to overthrow our king so long ago and I have come to stamp them out. But as I am sure you know a noble walking around dose not exactly go unnoticed, and that is where you come in. I need you to gather information for me on the whereabouts of these anarchist so that I can put a stop to them and there plans. If you succeed not only will the pay be good, but you may just earn yourself a spot inside my estate at the top of Highmount. Dose this seem fair to you? I ask the boy before going on. So now that I have gotten all the information Aldwin cares to inform me about tell me what has really been going on in this city as of late. What rumors are going around, anything that you think would or could be important now Bradely. After all we are in a partnership now, unless you rather be paired with a rope at the gallows that is. I say to him, not trying to intimidate him, but reminding him where he was going to be heading soon.

As we finished our discussion I look to Bradely you have done well for today go and enjoy the riches I have to offer, for tomorrow your work begins. I say to him dismissing him from the study before sending a message to my master. I am in Faslt now master. It seems the snow people have begun to evolve, and some even have draconic traits. Our weapons master was poisoned and I am waiting now on the church of Pelor to finish healing him so that he can be back up and operational. I also have just saved a thief from the gallows who seems eager enough to help us. Their was another person at the jail however that said she has information on the cult. Should I bring her in for questioning as well? I ask him.

2013-05-07, 12:37 PM
Once bathed and clothed, Bradly looks like a whole new person; regal, almost. His demeanor has even changed from his former anxious but cocky youth, to that of a more relaxed and confident socialite. His pronunciation and vocabulary still leave a bit to be desired though.

"I steal things Lord Loss, not for me, but for Olidammara. Of all the laws, only ever broke thissun, an just for Oli, thas it. I don't break no other laws.
I been arrested lots cuz I take nice things from fancy folk. One time, I seen Sir Keegan in bed wi' a lady an they both screamed somthin fierce at me. I s'pose they was cheatin an the lady was well-to-do."
You recognize the name Keegan, but you don't recall from where...
"Anyhow, theysa screamin like banshees an I got outta there quick. Sir Keagan been huntin me down ever since. I got arrested this time cuz one o' the White Spies snitched that I was here. Keegan will be here 'for too long, I s'pose."
Now you remember. "White Snitches" is the street term for the Sentries. When the White Knights are searching for a criminal, they would send a Sentry to each town in the area to keep an eye open for the target. Sir Keegan, if you remember correctly, is a new member of the White Knights. Your uncle attended the last White Knight ceremony, and was complaining about some new arrogant recruits.

"Hellbreathers? Never heard of em. Now, the Black Circle I heard of, but they aint around nomore, right?"
"Oh I see. So if I find em, You give me gold and I get to live at your fancy house? Sounds good. I'll be checkin the Hextor bunch first an then report back here? Oh, an can I get one o' them servant cloaks? I need somthin normal so I don't get looked at. I'll switch to this fancy cloak when I come back. You know, fancy clothes for a visit at a fancy house."

How did you intend to send this message to your master? Rider, raven or spell? And if spell, which one?

2013-05-08, 08:45 AM
I was going to use message, but seeing as it has a range of 120ft, at this moment, not very useful. So Raven.

History [roll0] Sir Keegan
Arcane [roll1] Sir Keegan

History [roll2] The white knights
Arcane [roll3] The white knights

As the boy tells me that the only crime he has ever committed was the one his faith asked him to do he could not really blame the boy, after all he was doing what his god wanted him to do. But if he tried stealing from him there would be a very large problem. So what you are saying is that you were in that jail cell because this Sir Keegan is looking for you and you were not caught stealing? I ask curios now if the law was working for these white knights a little to well, perhaps they could even be overstepping there boundaries. Let me worry about Keegan, as long as you do what I have asked and succeed I can promise that you will not be harmed by him. But if you fail or try to run, he will be the least of your worries. I say to Bradly making sure he understands this relationship fully that he is walking into.

Yes some of them seemed to have survived Bradly, and they formed the group known as the hellbreathers to restrengthen there forces so that they can take back the land from the people and make it once more into a place ruled by the undead. Now I don't know about you, but I like my home and refuse to give it up. That is when I listen to Bradly who now seems eager to work for him now that he knows he will be getting paid and a place to sleep. That is the gist of it, and merely ask one of the servants outside and they will bring it to you. Do what you must, and only report back when you think you have found something. That way they become less curious as to why you keep coming here. I will leave the stables open for you to rest in though that way you have some warmth and protection from the elements. I say to him happily.

2013-05-10, 12:07 AM
Sir Keegan isn't a historical figure, nor has he made much of a name for himself among the arcane scholars; You haven't heard of him before this.

The "White Kinghts" were the originally the royal guard of the King Abner, last King of Opesan, before he created the Empire. His son, Adam renamed the guards the Silver Knights when he became Emperor, which eventaully became what is now known as the Starbound Magi.
In later years, a squadron of retired knights formed a vigilante group in response to the injustices they saw on the borderlands and smaller towns and cities. With the blessing of a high priest of Hironeous, these vigilantes dispensed their own form of "Righteous Law" swearing to defend the weak, poor, and innocent. They wore white tabards, bore white shields, and rode white horses to represent the truth and purity that they fight for. They rode from one end of the Empire to the other, doing good along the way, and the people began to call them the "White Riders". The white riders were loved by the people, and as a political move, Amos(the emperor at the time) pardoned their crimes and reinstated each of them, as well as their new recruits, and renamed them the White Knights, saying "They are in spirit the White Knights of old, reincarnated as horsemen to more quickly dispense crown's justice."

This is not to say they have more authority then the Starbound Magi, the Imperial Guard, or sometimes even the guard of any given town; they still must abide by the laws of the land. They have more authority than a regular knight or land baron would, and more leeway should they "bend the rules". Their organization runs independently of the Imperial Guard, although they do support each other from time to time.

"Thanks m'lord, for seein to Keegen. He's been a lot of trouble. You s'pose me sleepin in the stables would be less curious than comin to the house? I wouldn't like gettin arrested again, and if I don't find anythin out, don't come back yet?" asks Bradley a bit apprehensively. He then thanks you for your hospitality, and takes his leave, smiling at your men and the servants as he makes his way out.

No magic keeps the cold out of this house, and wood is added to the fires in the large fireplaces to warm the place. There are four decent sized bedrooms with four-poster-beds each with a heavy silk curtains hanging from them. The rugs on floor have seen better days, but they do a good job keeping the cold stone floors from stealing the warmth from bare feet. Your men are tired from the ride and the battle; the death of the young Lewin and the precarious state of Nolan have lowered their spirits. None of them joke or laugh like they did not three days earlier. Not even Camden has much to say.
The rest of the night, or what is left of it, is uneventful.

The next morning the servants bring you breakfast and wait silently for any orders you may have or to be dismissed. Banning is up early and checks in with you to make sure you were not assassinated during the night. If you have nothing else for them to do, he and Ector have a little sparring match.
The day wears on and you have yet to hear from Bradley.

2013-05-10, 12:24 AM
After I have finished eating breakfast and allowing my men to somber up I call them to me. It is time to go to the prison once more, from there we will go to the temple of Pelor to check on Nolan. I say to my men before going to the stables. No sign of the boy Bradley can be found anywhere and I have to thank myself of that as I prepare Snow for the days travels.

It is not long before I arrive at the jail house and bow to the sheriff and deputy. I hope I am not disturbing you. Any new clients in today? And have the others been hung yet? I ask them waiting to see if they had yet sent the people out to the gallows. Then remembering the woman that was to tell me information I look to the older man who had helped me before. Do you mind bringing the woman from the cell who stole a loaf of bread out to me please. She had information for me. I say kindly to him as I take a seat with my personal guard spread out, only keeping Banning and Ector close to me.

2013-05-10, 01:19 AM
"Normally Aldwin likes to have executions in the afternoon. More spectators." says the sheriff matter-of-factly. He then turns to some of the guards and ask them to bring out the woman. They return with the turnkey, but no woman.
"It appears they killed her in the night," says the old man hesitantly.
"Pity." mutters the sheriff. He seems neither upset nor surprised.

You receive more bad news when you arrive at the church.
"Master Nolan is not well, my lord," informs the young priest who greets you, "Our healers have given him our best potions and salves, but they still had to amputate his arm. Unfortunately, they suspect the sickness may have also spread to his heart. If this is the case, we will have to preform holy rites to ask for extreme divine intervention. Father Maynar wanted me to ask if you would be willing to pay these costs upfront?

Gathering information by eavesdropping takes a lot longer than by magical means and pickpockets are better at stealing things than information. It might take him a few days to get back to you.
That being said, you told the elf you would have the Hydra's answer in a week, and you spent 3 days on the road, this is your 4th, how long do you plan on waiting for Bradly to get back with you/do you have a plan B?

Also, instead of spoilering all this stuff, I thought maybe we could start an OOC thread?

2013-05-10, 01:38 AM
As I am told that the woman that was suppose to give me information was killed in the night a frigid like demeanor comes over me, not one of fear, but of rage. Pure rage. So what you are telling me sheriff is that your people are incapable of doing there job properly and keeping someone alive that I ordered to be kept from being killed am I correct. I say to the man, voice full of venom. Tell me who was on guard last night? Refusing to tell me mind you is against the law. I say to him knowing full and well that the hellbreathers were here last night.

After dealing with the situation at the prison I head towards the church to find more bad news at hand. Tell Father Maynar that if he believes his gods healing will save Nolan then to do so. If he even has a doubt it will not though I refuse to pay for a failed ritual. I say to the young priest who greats me. Once I am alone with my men I look at them. If they can not heal Nolan I will not allow him to go on suffering. Dose anyone want to take up the blade and give him a mercy death? Or shall I? I ask my men knowing some of them had known Nolan as long if not longer then I.

2013-05-10, 11:48 PM
"I, I-I, I..." stammers the old man, his eyes wide with trepidation.
"My lord, if I may," interrupts the sheriff. "The jailhouse has twelve guards on duty at all times. Torches are lit and watches are rotated. No one came or went during the night, if someone had the guards would have notified me." He turns to his deputy and begins ordering him to fetch the guards.
"I found this," says the turnkey, finally mustering up the gumption to speak. In his hands is an apple-sized rock, smeared with dry blood, some long brown hairs sticking to it.
"I think on of the other thieves in the cell was jealous that she got to live and killed her in the night..."

"I'll do it." offers Banning, his face turning somber.

And indeed, later that night the priests come to tell you they think the chances of Nolan surviving are slim. They implore you to spend the gold on holy rites, even if there is little hope. Isn't a mans life worth it? Banning tells them to be quiet: You are offering him a merciful death. He looks to you, awaiting your order.

2013-05-11, 12:33 AM
As the sheriff steps forward to defend his own I also take a step forward towards him. We have a cult on the lose and no one thinks to listen to what I have to say. Thats fine you think it was one of the people in the cells....Banning, Ector, its time to get some information. I say pushing past any who would get in my way and heading directly to the cells. Once there I step inside with Banning and Ector flanking me, swords in each of our hands. One chance and one chance only, who killed the girl. I say annoyed at the whole situation.

It is time to give our friend a merciful death instead of lieing in a bed suffering. I say looking to Banning as I rise from where I have been sitting going to see Nolan off into the afterlife.

2013-05-11, 10:28 AM
Fingers point in the direction of a skinny, pathetic looking man with greasy hair.
"You said you wouldn't tell!" he cries in exasperation. His eyes fall to your drawn blade.
"Get on with it then." he says straightening up. He is trying to look as brave as possible, but he is trembling. He knows what is coming next.

2013-05-11, 10:52 AM
As all the other inmates turn and point to a man in the corner I turn to the others. Why thank you, you shall all have a quick death. As for you.... I say walking over sword drawn, You have no idea what you are in for. I say grabbing him and manacling his hands together. Ector tie him to the back of Snow. We are going someplace more private. I say to him as I walk out the door towards the sheriff. Executions shall begin in half an hour. Don't be late. And with that I leave with my prisoner in tow.

As I arrive at the place that is mine for the time being after dragging the man behind snow through the streets I turn to him. You can end your pain now, all you need to do is tell me who told you to kill her and where the group known as the hellbreathers are. Or we can move on to your next form of torture. I say to the man laying out a wide variety of knives.

Sense motives just incase [roll0] DC 15 to get a hunch if he is telling the truth.

Intimidate [roll1] Not sure if you would add a modifier as I just dragged him threw the streets, my reputation, and well the knives but never know what will happen.

2013-05-13, 11:01 PM
All the prisoners back away from you like you have the plague as you enter the the large cell, sword drawn. The pathetic, ugly, thief-murderer backs away from you faster than he can and trips over himself, falling on his rear.
"No, no. NO! I-I-I didn't mean to--" he stammers. His lips tremble and he lets out a small yelp as you grab him forcefully by the wrist, securing the manacles.
Ector Comes in behind you and sheathes his sword so that he can use both hands to drag the skinny man, kicking and flailing, out of the cell, up the stone steps of the dungeon and out into the street where Snow awaits. He ties a rope to the manacles.
"M-m-m-mlord!" he says when he sees you exit the jailhouse and appear in the street.
"Let me explain! M'lord!" You walk past him and mount Snow.
"It wasn't my idea!" Ector hands you the rope, which you wrap around the horn of Snow's saddle.
"I know." You say, and dig your heels into Snow, sending her galloping down the street at break-neck speeds.

Normally I don't act for, or speak on the behalf of my PC's, but the line was too good to resist, I hope you don't mind...:smallwink:

Once at the guest house, you dismount and walk back to your battered prisoner, realizing now that might not have been a good idea. You hope he's not dead. Yet.
Following the taught rope back to the limp and bloody form stretched out on the ground behind you, you discover he is infact, still alive.
"WhhuuUUhhhghh..." he moans. Mud covers his entire body. Blood trickles from his broken wrists, elbows, and bruised face. His body convulses and he coughs as he tries to breathe. You give him a moment.
"You can end your pain now, all you need to do is tell me who told you to kill her and where the group known as the Hellbreathers are. Or we can move on to your next form of torture."
"Yes! The Hellbreathers told me to! A big red demon appeared in our cell, and told me I must kill her!!"
You look at him skeptically and pull a thin blade with a small hook on the end from the assortment.
"Nono.NO!! You-you're right! That's a lie, you're right! We all talked about the Hellbreathers after you left. No one had heard of them! Not even the woman! She just lied to you 'cause she had kids and wanted to live. She didn't even know anything!! Then another guy said; 'Why should she get to live when we all are going to die?' and put that rock in my hand! Told me I should do it, I would do it best! Please don't tor-or-orture meEEeeEEeee..."
His body begins to shake. You suspect he is telling the truth this time. He seems genuinely afraid.

2013-05-14, 01:15 AM
It fit so its all good.

As the man tells the lie and watches as my face turns towards him he quickly changes his story. Why the truth at last, a pity though for you. I hate men who abuse others because they have something the other wants. Especially women. So enjoy the after life. I say calling for four horse to be brought to me and then ropes tied to each of his arms and legs. You have been tried and judged for your crimes, the penalty is death. And with that I single for the horse to pull. Walking away as the man is pulled apart. Now time to go to the hangings I say to myself picking up my staff and heading over to the Gallows to watch the show.

2013-05-15, 10:45 AM
You arrive back at the gallows as the prisoners are led up the steps.
"You cannot do this!" yells the elder Jacob rushing you out of nowhere, followed by three other members of the old council. They shout in agreement. Aldwin is there to oversee the executions and walks briskly towards you to intercept them.
"You have no authority to question our lord!" he exclaims as he strides up, a bit out of breath.

ca-CHUNG! The trap door drops and the first hooded criminal swings in the mid-morning breeze, his feet kicking wildly for a moment.

"Our people-" They all begin shouting at once.
"You can't possibly-"
"We have come to the agreement-"
"He can and he is!" argues Aldwin
"-do not deserve this fate! Surely a simple thief-"
"-think that this is the proper course of action!"
"You have all been undermining my authority since I was made Reeve of this great city!" bellows Aldwin.
"-that the stocks or whipping post would surely-"

ca-CHUNG! the trapdoor drops on the second criminal.

"Lord Loss, I beg of you, stop this madness!" cries Jacob in protest.

2013-05-16, 12:20 AM
As the old men start charging after myself at the gallows I tell my men to ease up and let them come. Have you ever been to my fiefdom that our lord has granted us? The capital of this land highmount? No well why don't I tell you something, crime is a thing almost not hear of, and that which dose happen is not for something petty like this. your jail cells are overrun because of your softness. The people of this city need to know that thiefs will no longer get a slap on the wrist when they steal from those who work so hard for what they have. I then get up on top of the podium and hold my hand out signalling for the excetuner to stop. Great people of Falst, is it fair that you work hard day and night to make ends meat. to feed your families and sell your wares for them to be stolen from you making your families suffer? Is it fair that your jail cells are filled with people who would steal from you or worst just to take what you want because they know all that will happen is they will get whipped? I say looking out to the crowd. My fair citezens up in highmount crime is almost unheard of because those who commit it know that breaking the law has a price. These people who steal from you are not afraid of the law. I say not. My people should live happy and free, and as happy and free people I ask you what should happen to these people who would take from your children and leave them hungry, rape your wives and daughters when you are out working all day? I say listening to the crowd, letting them decide the fate of those accused showing that I am both fair and just.

2013-05-16, 11:49 AM
The crowd mummers and whispers to each other, unsure of what to think of your speech. Your men tighten their grips on their weapons, preparing for the worst. It is impossible to say if anyone in the crowd disagrees with you; if anyone does, they are too fearful to say so out loud.

The few members of the council listen with disbelief. The look at the crowd and at you, hardly knowing what to make of the matter. It seems for a moment as if Jacob would address the crowd as well, but then thinks better of it.


Once at the temple, you receive the bad news, and ask if anyone would send Nolan into the afterlife. Banning volunteers. The priests take you to his bedside and banning draws his dagger at once. The priests are a bit taken aback, as if they thought it wouldn't come to this.
Nolan's eyes widen with surprise. A look of betray and questioning comes across his face.
For a split second, he even seems afraid.
One of the priests opens his mouth to say something.
In a flash, Banning's left hand covers Nolan's mouth while his right plunges the blade into his neck, spilling blood across the white linens.

The healers walk into the room and stop dead in their tracks upon seeing what has just taken place.
Drops of blood splatter on the stone floor.
Everyone is speechless.

2013-05-16, 12:43 PM
They would only kill Nolan if he did not look better Artman incase that changes the outcome I will wait.

2013-05-16, 10:04 PM
He looks the same, maybe even worse. Sickly pale skin with dark black splotches. Multicolored pus oozing out of the stump where his arm was. He has been drifting in and out of consciousness, and while his eyes were open, he didn't possess the strength to lift his head or even speak.

It's around noon, anything you want to do before nightfall? You want to give the kid a day to gather info and come back? Or are you going to go ahead and put that graveyard necro plan into action? (Giving you the heads up, plan 2 is the riskier of the two options)

2013-05-16, 10:37 PM
I will give the kid all the time I can afford, openly searching myself for this cult. And yes I know it is alot more risky. Need witness saying I was in bed all night. Someone not to see through my illusions. It is a lot up to chance. But it is after all plan B not a.

Perform check as I will need it [roll0]

As I watch the crowd begin to murmur and not speak up I once more call out to them. What say you fine citizens of Falst? Should these criminals keeping getting a slap on the wrist when they steal your hard work or even your purse, or should they be taught a lesson? Will we allow thieves to rule you? I ask them all. Do not look for the council members for help as they would just as happily see them all whipped and let on there merry way. Tell me when something dose not work do we not fix it? Maybe after this time the message will be clear, but we are in the present not the future, so what shall it be? Life or death? I ask them all waiting for the answer so this can be over with.


Rest with the gods Nolan and know I wish it did not have to come to this. But they can not heal you and I will not see you in pain. I promise your family will be taken care of and you will go down in history. I say before turning to Banning letting him know it was time. As He prepares the blade I open up Nolans eyes so he can see into the after life, and when his last breath leaves him I raise my head to the skys and let out a mighty roar, letting all in the heavens know to beware a great warrior was on his way to join them. With the task done and everyone remaining silent I look to the priests in the room. I wish for this man to be burried. Send all charges back to my estate in Highmount or to me and I will sign an official line of credit to the church for their deeds in this matter. Men lets move out. I say leaving the temple with my men and begining my own search for information in the streets regarding the group known as the hellbreathers. Speaking mostly to common children and the lesser class,bribing them with money to tell me what they have heard.

1gp to each person who tells me a truthful piece of information about the hellbreathers or who I should go asking about them and such.

2013-05-20, 11:59 PM
A few shouts of "No!", "Death!" and "Hang them!" come from the crowd, but they are in large part unaffected by your speech. They fear you, but it appears they don't mind the punishments required by the current laws.


After Banning sends Nolan into the World Beyond, you roar, sending a message to the gods. The priests fearfully give you your space, and you exit the temple with your men in search of more information regarding the Hellbreathers.

As evening approaches, and the sun begins to sink in the sky, you walk around and speak to the townsfolk, getting many polite but not very informative answers. Before long you come to a house where the parents bow low and are very cordial, and their child pipes up about a group of men wearing black armor and furs who spoke a strange language.
"Shh!" scolds his mother. "What did I tell you about telling wild stories?"
"It's not a story!" he insists, "I saw! They summoned a demon with red scales! He had four horns and a long tail with a claw!"
Smiling at the boy, you reach into your purse and produce a crown.

Up until this point, you had been handing out Tenths and Talents (silver and copper), but when the gold crown catches the light from the setting sun, it is as if a torch has been set against a field of dry grass! The city comes to life and swarms about you! Among the first around you is a poor looking man your age, perhaps a bit younger, who says;
"Come m'lord! You'll have liars, opportunists, and hopefulls upon you in moments! Let us go to an environment more condusive to your efforts."
Your men draw their swords as the dozen people around you turn into a crowd of twenty or thirty*. Talking quickly to the man as the crowd grows around you, you discover that he has heard of the group known as the Hellbreathers, and that he is willing to tell you more. The best place to talk, he says, is a tavern known as the Blue Dragon. It is a place that serves stiff drinks and allows wanted men to dine there without calling the authorities. Many shady characters frequent this tavern, he says, and not only will he tell you all he knows, but there is a chance you might find out more from the tavern's other patrons as well.

*Remember that a skilled laborer makes between 1/2 a Crown and a Tenth Crown a week. Commoners are lucky to make that much in a few months. A whole Crown is almost a year's wages.

2013-05-21, 12:33 AM
Exactly the point. Loosen tongues a bit.

As the boy tells me what he knows with a smile I pat him on the head and tell him to run back to his parents and play. Your son is a smart boy, let us hope he never tells me a lie. I say before turning towards the crowd that has gathered behind me.

Looking around I see about twenty people all trying to speak at once, but it is the poor looking man my age that keeps my attention. Looking to him I calmly say, And tell he how do I know I can trust you not to try and kill me with all your friends at this tavern? At least children are innocent of such things. I say to him before looking to my guards. Get a group of the town guard to stay close to this place we shall be going to, things may get messy. I say to one of my flag bearers before looking to the boy. Well show me the way. and with that I follow him.

I will have my guards sit at their own tables, 2 to a table. In a circle around me, but acting as if they do not know me. Perhaps I shall see my friend here as well that I hired.

2013-05-21, 11:57 AM
"I would hope my father raised me to be smarter than that. Killing a noble doesn't solve your problems; it multiplies them..." responds the man, bowing low. "However, not all the men at the Blue Dragon are as smart as I. Or as sober. Your men might be needed."

Banning sends your squire to fetch the captain of the guard. He runs off immediately, leaving you little doubt that he will find the captain before you reach the tavern.

You take your time as you travel, slowly getting closer to slums of the city. Drunks and homeless huddle against the walls in side streets and alleys. The smell of urine and feces is overpowering. Here there are no spells cast to keep the stench down. The choking smoke of the blacksmith and the smell of rotting flesh, excrement, and acids of the tannery reach your nostrils.
Ector takes point, Banning stays at your side, and Camden and Phelan nock arrows and take up the rear.
"Almost there m'lord." says the man. "My name is Ray Essle, but my given name is Mouth."

Just then Orrin arrives with a lieutenant and a detachment of guards, perhaps a dozen men, in shining plate mail and armed to the teeth. Here in the slums they stick out like a sore thumb.
Mouth eyes the lot anxiously.
"Well, you might have protected your life and shut up the mouths of those willing to talk at the same time. We shall see."

You finally reach the tavern as the sun begins to set, the chill creeping into the land once more. It is a small two story wooden building crammed between a three story adobe apartment house and an even smaller two story stonework potion shop. The small, grimy glass windows let a bit of light through, but you can't see in.
Banning and Ector enter first, pushing open the heavy oak door on which the likeness of a blue dragon is painted. You wait outside for a moment to let them take their seats before heading in.

The interior is that of a dimly lit bar. It smells of strong spirits and somewhat like vomit. There are a dozen tables, less than half of them empty, two of which are near the door. One is rather clean, the other is covered with soup or spilled drink or something. Mouth looks at you and then motions for you to sit at the dirtier of the two. Upon sitting at the table you see the dried liquid is a dark reddish-brown. It smells like the executioner's block. Blood.

"Sor-ry!" bellows a portly man, as he slaps down a large wet rag and wipes bits of food and dirt off the table and on to the floor. "Wa canna get for yas?"
"A tall ale each, for me and my friend here." says Mouth, quickly producing two tenths.
Over your left shoulder, you see Banning and Ector get up from the bar, and sit down at the table directly behind you, striking up a conversation with the other two men sitting there.
At the far end of the room, in the corner between the fireplace and the bar sit a pair of minstrels with lyres, singing about the death of a hero. They are loud enough it might be considered obnoxious, except that the depressing song provides ample noise to drown out secret conversations.
"The church of Hextor has priests in the area," begins Mouth "I've heard that they are recruiting more members and they believe the northlands will be given over to the hands of the church, bringing glory to Hextor. One of the Hextorians' name is Yates, and he and another man were heard arguing in this very tavern about whether or not a third man would summon a demon. Yates was worried about not being able to control the demon after it was summoned due to the fact it wasn't to be summoned by a priest of Hextor. He thought this might displease his god and Hextor would let the demon run rampant, killing whoever it may. The other man assured him the third man had complete control over his powers, and the demons he could summon."
Mouth looks around to see if anyone is paying attention to your conversation. It doesn't appear so.
Just then Camden and Phelan enter, and sit at the other empty table in front of you, near the door, and order a drink.
"The nameless man dresses in black furs, and has a deep scar on his left cheek. He has been seen around town, but no one knows where he stays. There is a rumor that he got in a fight with a drunk in another town, and fire spewed from his mouth like a dragon, turning the drunk to a pile of ash. Perhaps he could be one of these "Hellbreathers"? No one has seen or heard of the so-called summoner..."

2013-05-21, 10:43 PM
As I am told everything by this man I look to him. Your story sounds much like the little boys. These Hextorites, is there anyone else that will admit to this? I ask the man looking around the bar. Anyone in here that is? After all to go against a church like them will be a trick none the less. But it is to protect my people and so I shall. I say to him, slowly beginning to relax and thinking about my next course of action.

2013-05-21, 11:36 PM
A trio of burly men deep in their drinks abruptly stop laughing and one of them eyeballs you. They are two tables away. The other two have their backs to you, and none of them make a move to get up, but the third one won't stop staring. He is bald, and a large tattoo of an eagle stretches across his face.

"Oh certainly," reassures Mouth, unaware of the scene unfolding behind him. "The Hextorians don't have a building yet, but their church is real enough, and their membership is growing around here."

Ector notices the big man staring you down. He gets up from his table and walks over.

"They even attempted a seance here one time, although, that was quite awhile ago. They have become more peticular about where they do these things now that the townsfolk know they are here..."

"What's your problem? Are you stupid or something?" Ector asks the bald man.
"Mind your tongue!" says the fat man next to him, and he spits on Ector's boots. He has a foreign accent; it's somewhat familiar. Ale drips from his long brown and white beard. With speed surprising for a man his size, he procures a large battle axe from beneath the table. The bald man's other friend, who has a thick black mustache and arms the size of tree trunks, also pulls out his axe: It makes the first one look like a child's toy.
"Look men," begins Banning, putting his hands out cautiously. "We don't want--"

"I'd keep my mouth shut and let this one play itself out--Lord Loss." comes a voice from behind you and over your right shoulder. With your men about to go at it with some drunk foreigners, you didn't notice him approach. He is a young man, older than you but younger than Mouth, and modestly dressed. You see he wears a longsword, but he has not yet pulled it out.
"I'm surprised you didn't come in a disguise after the big entrance you made yesterday and your performance at the gallows."

The bald man lurches forward, taunting Ector. Ector flinches, and realizing he has been made fun of, backhands the man across the face! A mixture of disappointment and anger wash over you: Here is the pride you saw in him not a week ago, rearing it's ugly head...
--The three leap to their feet!!!
In a flash, Ector's sword is out and through the belly of the bald man!
He withdraws his blade from the man's belly to block a mighty blow from the bearded hulk, sending the blood of the first man spewing out onto the table!
"Take it outside!" cries the barkeep.
Banning draws his sword and rushes to the aid of his companion.
No one else makes any move to interfere.
Camden and Phelan look desperately to you for orders.
"--Let it play out..." whispers the new stranger.

Roll initiative if you'd like to enter the fray. Speaking is a free action. (as long as it's a short sentence; diplomacy/intimidate/bluff would be full round actions and require an initiative roll.)
None of the other patrons seem to be afraid or surprised, nor do they look like they want to get involved.

2013-05-22, 12:30 AM
As Mouth is talking in front of me I watch as a bald man with an eagle tattoo covering his face begins to stare at me. Now normally this would not bother me, but with the situation going on at this time he could very well be one of the hellbreathers.

Interesting, so the church of Hextor thinks it can just move in and not pay taxes to his lord and majesty. And them being particular about where they do a seance would indicate that they do not want anyone knowing what they are up to. As I am thinking this I hold my hand up to Mouth telling him he is being watched so that he goes silent.

As I do so I watch what is unfolding at the bar, wondering if I should stop the situation before things got to serious, but seeing Banning go over I ready a spell just incase Ector let his brashness get to him once more. But when I hear someone telling me to keep my mouth shut and let the fight play out I am quick to get up and turn around. Knowing that they were only the ploy to distract me. It seems we are at an unfair advantage as you know about me, but I am still not aware of who you are. I say to the man, holding onto my quaterstaff as a walking stick. As for disguises I have no need for them,I have made it clear why I am here and as such will make sure my presence is felt. I say to the man not moving anymore from my spot, waiting for the duel to begin.

I then turn my head slightly and watch the events unfolding off to the side of us. Ector the young fool, he was going to get himself killed. He would have to be punished. I told myself as his blade went threw the mans stomach and up to block the incoming axe. Though brash he seemed to be effective. Watching Banning go to his side I watch turn once more to the stranger. you have a lot of gal coming into my town and telling me what I should do. You are either very stupid, or not very informed. I say lifting my head up for my men to join in while one of the others go get the guards stationed outside. So what shall it be? Come to kill me and try to take my wealth?
I say gripping onto my Quaterstaff readying for an attack.

Initiative [roll0]

2013-05-22, 12:53 AM
Phelan runs outside to get the guards...
But the fight is over almost as quickly as it began:
The bald man keels over onto the floor.
The huge brute leaps up onto the table and buries the head of his giant axe into Ector's chest!!
Camden sinks two arrows into the big mans back, sending him crashing to the floor.
Banning drives his blade into the chest of the portly bearded man, but not before he lands a blow of his own; opening the inside of Banning's forearm with his axe!
Camden sends an arrow into the fat man's ribcage, and Banning stabs him again.

Ector looks down with surprise at the giant battle axe still sticking from his chest, without a hand to hold it there, and then collapses into unconsciousness.

"My name is Pitt, my lord," says the stranger, finally deciding to bow. You notice he has no accent, he must be from around here, unlike the three dead men two tables over. "We can discuss the things I know and that you do not know right now, or after you see to your man--if it so pleases you."

All this happens in a matter of seconds. The town guard bursts in, followed closely by Phelan and Orrin.

2013-05-22, 08:07 AM
Ok so
Brute gets hits Ector with Axe
Axe hits brute
Camden sinking two arrows into the "Big mans" back I would assume is the same as the brute who is now dead.

Banning attacks the portly bearded man and in return gets attacked
Then he gets attacked again by banning annd two arrows went into his back. So thats two rounds of combat,

I watch as Ector falls unconscious to the floor. These fools were going to cost me a lot if we stayed here to long. Perhaps I should keep more of the city guard around, I did not pay them after all. I thought to myself as the scenes of the battle unfolded.

As Pit finally bows and tells me his name I raise an eyebrow at him. Odd name no? I say as I see the twon guard come bursting into the place. Get the dead bodies out of here. And bring a cleric for my men. Tell them that my men need there healing and if one dies because of them there taxes may have to be looked over again as I seem to believe being told that they were lacking in payments as of late. I say before indicating to the table myself and mouse were sitting at while my men help each other, waiting for a priest to come. So what is it you are going to tell me? As you seem to be from around here Pitt I should not have to remind you of my lack of patience or time for that matter. I say looking out the window.

2013-05-22, 12:36 PM
A few of the guards run back out to fetch a healer.

"Lack of patience?" he asks you, as if surprised. "Isn't your family motto 'Victory to the spider'? I thought patience would be the one virtue in which you weren't lacking." Pitt rubs his chin.

Camden, Phelan, and Orrin rush to Ector's side.

"Your man looks to be in bad shape, Lord Loss." he says, seeing whether you will go to check on him. "I know the activities of the Hextorians better than Mouth here does, as well as the movements of the White Knights. I know those three men there were exiles from Gauth, and I know what you and your friend Bradley are up to. I wonder, have you heard back from the boy yet?"

2013-05-22, 11:48 PM
As the stranger named Pitt quotes back to me my family motto I raise my eyebrow at him, as if questioning how wise it would be to tempt me at this time. When it comes to the protection of my land, and the life of my king I make sure to make sure all avenues are covered so that no harms comes to my people and my king. I say to the man.

I then watch as the others rush to Ectors side and call over to them asking how bad dose it look while staying in my seat. At the moment the fool needed to be reminded that provoking an enemy was not wise. Ectors shape is fine, it is his young and foolish brain that is the problem. Accepting everything as an insult and not waiting for the proper time or place to do something about it. I say calmly to the man before continuing. You seem to know an awful lot, as if you have been paid to keep an eye on me since I stepped foot into this city. I wounder who your employer could be, or perhaps a personal problem. I say in return. Though as to the boy, last I knew he was gathering information. Information you seem to have, convenient no that he would go missing and you would bring up his name? I say waiting to see what would happen next.

2013-05-23, 12:55 AM
"He's lost quite a bit of blood," calls Banning, "His pulse is slowing." Looking over, you see that he and Camden are stuffing folds of cloth into the deep gash in his chest.

"You would remember your place, and address your lord with a certain amount of respect!" hisses Mouth. "Your services aren't needed, you're merely placing your life in jeopardy!"
Pitt smiles briefly at him before turning back to you.
"I am my own employer, and information is my currency. I work hard to gain my information so that I may sell it for a premium price, unlike Mouth here, who gives it away for free." he says calmly.
Mouth's face turns red.
"Pitt, you vile con-man, leave us be!" he sputters, "No one needs to hear your lies and made-up stories! Of the two of us, who has more gold in his pocket? Who's information is more reliable and more easily double checked?" He wipes a bit of spittle from his lower lip, trying to regain his composure.
"Who's information is better? You have tipped your hand, sir, and mine is better." Pitt demands, determined to get the last word.

2013-05-23, 07:49 AM
As Bannings informs me that Ector has lost a lot of blood I curse wasting my potion earlier on Nolan who had to go off and get poisoned to the point he had to die. And now this fool had started a fight in one place he should not have. If those priests did not arrive soon and I lost another man to there slowness there would be major consequences for the church of Pelor and they may even have to be repelled from my city. I say to myself making a mental note walking away as the two men argue to go over to Ector. Tell me Ector have you learned a lesson today? I ask him trying to keep him awake and talking as my magic was not of the healing kind. In a way I felt bad for the boy as he was trying to defend me, but he was also foolish to think that there would be no consequences for his attack.

2013-05-23, 11:37 PM
He does not respond.

Ector's eyes have rolled back into his head. Blood flows from his chest, soaking through the bandages that Banning and Camden hold firmly in place. It runs down his side like a river, and pools on the floor.

"Hehhhghh..." gurgles the tattooed man, tiny bubbles of blood popping as they escape his mouth. He clutches the stab wound in his belly as he lays on the floor near Ector, with only Camden between them. It appears he is not dead nor on the brink of death. He could yet live.

Banning looks to you expectantly. The expression on his face is not one of hope. He has seen the face of death many times, and is only waiting for you to give him his next orders.
"Common Ector..." pleads Camden through gritted teeth. Ector's body is completely slack. His shallow breathing can no longer be heard; his chest cannot be seen to rise or fall.

2013-05-23, 11:41 PM
As I watch Ector dieing I slam my fists down on his chest trying to keep him breathing. Where are those dam priestess. I all but growl out as I hear the man on the side of Ector stirring. He would be sent to prison to meet justice for this one way or another.

2013-05-24, 12:00 AM
The only thing pounding on his chest accomplishes is getting blood on your hands, sleeves, and the front of your robes. Ector isn't breathing. You see the blood has stopped pumping out of the gaping hole in his chest.

The tavern is quite still. No one says anything.

Suddenly four men in yellow robes burst through the door! They rush over to where you are, completely out of breath, chanting and pulling out vials of healing salves. But it is much too late for that. The blood on the floor is already cold.

Looking around, you see all eyes on you. Your men, the priests, the guards, the two informants at your table, the tavern patrons. Phelan bursts through the door, jostling past a guard and rattling his armor in his haste.

"Ector?" he asks.

It took them about 10 minutes; the tavern is in the slums on the south side, and the church is in the Old District, on the east side. It takes at least five minutes to get there if you sprint, and another five or more back.

2013-05-24, 12:53 AM
As I watch on and see that there is no way to save Ector I let out a warriors call, the second one today, and I was not happy about it. blood covering most of my robes as well as my hands I turn to watch all eyes on me as the priests walk in, to late once more to save one of my men. Failing once more. Tell me priests if you would. You say your job is to heal, that your god is the giver of life and healing. Yet twice you have let my men die!!!! I say no emotions at all in my voice. Looking around at all those assembled I rise looking to Phelan. Tell him priests. Tell him you were to late for another of those he cared for, that he fought besides. Can you tell me one person you have even saved in the past month. I continue, as if the chill of Highmount itself was spewing from my mouth. I suggest you go tell your high priest that a council meeting is being called. And bring this one to the prison. Don't heal his wounds either. I say to the four priests. I then turn back to Pitt. So what of the boy now? As you see I have already lost two, three is not acceptable. I say to him.

2013-05-25, 12:37 AM
"He was dead before we arrived, sir," says the senior healer to Phelan. "Our prayers may yet guide him through the afterlife, but he has departed." Phelan walks over to where you are gathered, and puts his hand on Camden's shoulder.
"We healed a farmer impaled by a sythe this very morning," he continues in response to your challenge, "and yesterday we healed a boy trampled by a heard of oxen, and two days prior we healed over a dozen of Aldwin's men that were wounded fighting the highway bandits.
I am sorry that Pelor's blessings have not yet extended to the purging of evil infestations and resurrections from death. We will pray that their souls may find peace amongst the light of the stars."

"Would you have us prepare his body, my lord?" asks one of the younger priests.

The older priest tells the others to see to Banning. Only now do you notice the paleness of his face, and how profusely his forearm has been bleeding. Never before have you seen someone bleed so much and not pass out.
The priests quickly wrap bandages around his arm and give him a potion to drink. The color returns to his face, and with it, a bit of energy.
"Thank you." He says. He should have said 'Thank Pelor,' but the priests don't correct him.

The lieutenant nods curtly upon hearing your orders and quickly gives the order to a pair of guards. They drag the limp body of the only living Gauthi exile out of the tavern, leaving the floor streaked with his blood. Seeing that done, he then orders the rest of the guards to dispose of the other two bodies, which they do.

"Ah yes, the young pickpocket playing at eavesdropping." Pitt says dryly. Mouth looks a bit confused, a bit curious.
"He is not dead. I think. If he is it is not to my knowledge and certainly not by my hand. He was here late last night trying to listen in on the conversation of others." He gestures around at the people in the tavern. The people have seen quite a show, but now return to their drinks as if nothing happened. The depressing song of a dead hero resumes, and people again strike up their conversations. "As you can tell, that is quite a feat given the atmosphere, and it was quite obvious what he was up to. I learned, in my own way, what he was up to and did a little digging of my own...This is normally where we haggle over price but I will save us both some time.
I will accept one thousand crowns, or that pretty dragon staff you hold. If you find my offer unacceptable, you may freely pay this man here--" he makes a sweeping gesture towards Mouth, "Whatever you wish, and he will be gracious to receive it."
"It is a swindle, an obvious and despicable con, m'lord," argues Mouth, "My information is just as reliable as his, if not more m'lord, and I wouldn't dare charge that much." he says emphatically, although the nervousness in his eyes belies the forcefulness of his voice.
"That is because your information isn't as valuable." says Pitt arrogantly, rolling his eyes.

2013-05-25, 10:58 AM
It seems to me that you are always to late when it comes to my men. I am beginning to wounder if it is on purpose as I herd no horses galloping to come save your lords man when you were told it was urgent. I say to the head priest not accepting failure in any form. As for the body it is an empty shell now, do with it what you wish. I say turning away from those who continued to disappoint me.

After that I watch as they give Bannings a drink, returning him to health and I look to them before back at Bannings not saying a word as the town guard carry out my orders. Now where were we? I say looking to the two people I had been sitting down with before. Ahh yes now I remember. I say looking to Pitt. Carry on.

Listening to what is said I raise an eyebrow at that man sitting across from me. It would be wise for you to take your mind off of my staff before it becomes the death of you. As for payment... I look to mouth before continuing. Lets see what mouth has to say here first, after all paying you for something he could tell me would be foolish. And paying him and not listening to you is just as foolish. So I will hear you both out and then decide. And with that I wait.

2013-05-26, 02:28 AM
"I've offered my deal," Pitt says simply, looking into the distance as if further argument would bore him. He turns away and sits down abruptly, propping his feet up on the table.
"See? There is the disrespect I was talking about! He's no good I tell you. He thinks his lies will fool anyone."
Pit scoffs silently to himself, turning his head away and rubbing his chin. He looks over his shoulders at the other people in the bar, as if to see if anyone else is annoyed by the other man's accusations. Mouth ignores him, refocusing his full attention on you.
"I've already given you the name of a chief priest of Hextor; Yates, and a primary suspect for this Hellbreather group. In good faith, I would ask only four hundred crowns. After that I will tell you all I know."
Pitt rolls his eyes, lowers his feet from the table, and turns back to you.
"Don't waste your time with this court jester." He says, his eyebrows raising in a cocky fashion. "He's told you everything he knows already, that's why his price is so low. That's why they call him Mouth: He doesn't know how to keep it shut."
Pitt leans back in his chair, a ghost of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

2013-05-26, 09:41 AM
Seems like as good a time as any for this roll now.
[roll0] Sense motives Mouth
[roll1] Sense motives Pitt

After hearing both arguments I begin to deliberate inside my head on what to do. Mouth had been helpful so far. But he had also told me exactly what the little child had for 1 gold piece. Only throwing in a name that I myself could have easily gotten. While as Pitt here could lie to me, though I can not see it benefiting him as my men would only hunt him down and bring him before me. What to do. I say to myself as I listen to the two bicker back and forth. Mouth, he is what he is, complaining he dose not show me respect by putting his feet on a table though correct is pointless as there is nothing against the law he is doing. I then turn to Pitt. You are not asking for no small price I hope you know. That is quite a bit of money, even for a noble. We do not just go handing out money to just anyone. What proof do I have that what you have to offer is any better then, "Mouths" here. And how do I know you wont be lieing to me, after all your profession is information. And I am sure you move from town to town when things get hairy. How do I not know you will lie to me and move along once I give you the money? I say to him wanting to judge his answer.

2013-05-28, 07:45 AM
So far it would seem that both Mouth and Pitt have been speaking truthfully.

"A very high price? Is that so?" Pitt replies, looking a bit offended. "Did you not recently say to a potential informant, and I quote, that his 'pay would be good' and that he could 'earn himself a spot inside your estate at the top of Highmount'?" his eyes squint as he studies your expression when you reply.
"If you doubt what I say is true, you can purchase proof: Give me twenty crowns now, and I'll tell you where 'Bradley' is at this very moment. You can head over there and see for yourself."

Pitt looks around the room. Everyone keeps looking in your direction, and they make no efforts to hide their curiosity. Pitt doesn't really like the extra attention, and it appears the feeling is mutual: Many of the less-curious patrons get up to leave. The gossip of the remaining customers and the music make it loud enough so that you cannot be overheard, but Pitt still seems to be a bit apprehensive. He leans in close to whisper so that not even Mouth can hear his next words;
"After you see your proof, I'll wait one hour for you to return to this spot, and I'll sell to you the time and place of the Hextorian's next meeting--for 2000 crowns, half now, half next month. Or I'll give you the time and place now for 1,100 crowns and we can be done with it."
He leans back.
"If you think those terms are unreasonable, I'll be on my way."
He sits up straight, placing his hands on his knees as if he is about to stand up.
"Do not trust him my lord!" Mouth says, "He exaggerates! My information is good and accurate, for I am honest man. I will be the more loyal servant, and all information I gain will be brought to you in a timely manner."

2013-05-30, 11:16 PM
As I look at both men and see they seem to both be telling the truth I decide to take a gamble. Pitt I will make you a deal much as I had Bradely. If your information proves correct you shall earn the spot he had been promised, and earn a regular salary. In turn you work for me and as such are loyal to my family first and foremost. It seems reasonable to me. I will also agree to pay you 1,000 crowns now for your information as that is what you originally had told me. I say to the man ignoring Mouths protests.

2013-05-30, 11:35 PM
"Alright then Loss, let us count the coin and then I'll give you the information you need." He says, getting up from his chair casually. Reaching under the table slowly, so as to not alarm anyone, he grabs his backpack and slings it over his shoulder. He gives a pleasant nod to your men and the guards around him, and motions towards the door. "Lead the way," he says, and follows you out to where Snow and the other guards await.

Reaching a gloved hand into his tattered old pack, He produces a heavy leather bag with thick stitches. It could easily hold several bricks without breaking. Or lead. Or in this case, gold. He unties the straps and holds it out. The guards seem a bit surprised that the both of you are conducting such a large transaction on the street, but there is no one around, and with the guards, there is nowhere for him to run to, and any ambush attempt would be in vain.

2013-05-31, 07:56 AM
Once outside once more in the environment I loved so much I slowly walk over to snow and pet her asking if she had been ok outside. Happy that she was not in to bad shape I promised her a cube of sugar when we returned, before going to the saddle bags. I am happy we came to an agreement Pitt. And hope even more that it is fruitful for the both of us. I say handing over a large sack of gold. Shall we finish this discussion at my place of living at this time? I ask getting atop Snow, ready for the ride back.

2013-06-04, 10:53 AM
Pitt ponders your suggestion for a moment, but the brief look of uncertainty that flashes across his face disappears quickly and is replaced with a winning smile.
"Certainly. Young lad, would you mind?" he hold his hand out to Camden, who helps him up onto his horse.
The cold night air blows about you as you ride through the cold night air. Your cloak billows out behind you as you ride, a black shadow against the dark blue sky.

Your servants are quicker to respond this time than they were yesterday; the stable hands take Snow and the horses of your men. The door opens before you as you stride up the stone steps and across the porch. The fires are roaring, filling the large guest house with heat and light. Your men take their leave as you lead Pitt to the study, one of the few unoccupied rooms in the house.

Now that you are no longer in the dimly-lit tavern, you see Pitt is not as much of an imposing figure as you first thought. The lamps and firelight reveal the face of a young, but somewhat ugly man. He has long wrinkles that cross his forhead, and beady little eyes study you from deep in their sockets.
"Mouth is correct in his information that the members of the church of Hextor are indeed here, and that they seek to form a new church. They believe Hextor has given them the north, and are working in secret to further this ambition. Yates is the right-hand man of the leader of the Hextorians in this region, doing much of the work for his leader, who's name and face are both unknown. They have been meeting with summoners recently, and according to rumor, are trying to summon a powerful demon.
What he didn't know," Pitt continues, leaning in close, "...and most people don't know, is where the Hextorians live. I know the whereabouts of three members of the church, what their names are, where they live, and where they can often be found."
He takes a seat in one of the chairs by the ornately carved oak desk and props up his muddy boots on top of it. He then folds his hands behind his head casually.
"Not only that, I know that they meet every month, and that their next meeting will take place in precisely fourteen days, at an old abandoned windmill less than two miles from here. Yates leads the proceedings in place of his master, but there is always the possibility that he is there as well. For less formal meetings they use the ruins of an old manor deep in Wet Wood just south of town. Those meetings are not scheduled so far in advance, and to catch them there we would have to be extremely lucky, or camp close to the location and plant a scout in the ruins ahead of time..."

2013-06-04, 01:04 PM
As we ride through the streets of Falst a sense of forbidding comes to my mind as the dreams of the past few days come to mind. All this talk of Hextorites trying to take MY land had gotten me on edge and Hydra had been right. It was time to see if the black circle did still indeed have a sting to it and was perhaps even a part of this movement. But how did master know about all this? And why had he not stopped it already, I wondered to myself. Perhaps this could be a test of some sort given to me by him and my aunt. After all they had always been trying to test my limits. Now would be the perfect time.

As these thoughts are going threw my mind Snows gentle hoof falls walk across the city that had grown dark long ago. Lit by lanterns with guards with torches patrolling every few blocks. The city was not all bad he had to admit. It had its flaws, but it could be worked with. even the church of Pelor had finally become useful for him. This paladin that had asked to help him before would make a very good solider in this upcoming battle.

Once arriving inside the stables I was very pleased to see everything in order and moving at a much more efficient rate. Good job men. You have all done well today. Go and get some well deserved food and rest. I tell my men as I lead Pitt to the study, passing by room after room. As I am beginning to climb the stairs I see a young women, older then me perhaps by a few seasons, but not by much. A servant though from what I can see by her attire. Could you bring myself as well as my associate up some food? We will be in the study. I say kindly to her before continuing up the stairs.

Once inside the study I took a seat, shutting the door behind us with magic. Well Pitt speak. And in return know that you will have my a place in my house if you help me bring down this tyranny that threatens our kings land. I say to pitt before listening to the story he tells me. And if you were me how would you think it would be best to capture these three men without alerting the others? I am sure they all know I am in the city now which should make them act a bit more cautious. But not much. I ask Pitt as I make a mental list of all the summoners of renown I can think of inside my small little nation at the North of the empire.

Knowledge (Arcane)
Knowledge (Local) [roll1]

Both above rolls are For the summoners in my nation above 5th level that I would know offf, as well as any budding ones I would have studied with during school teachings.

Knowledge (religion) [roll2]
Knowledge (the planes) [roll3]

those two rolls are for the demons they could possibly summon saying they worship hextor. And what his followers are known for summoning.

So what you are telling me Pitt is that the church of Hextor believes it should rule these lands, the kings lands. As I am sure you know that can not be allowed to happen. And I could use someone of your skills. I offer you a place in my house in return for your loyalty to myself, and threw me the crown. Can I rely on you Pitt to be my eyes and ears in this city?
I ask him looking him dead in the eyes. In time you may even become a high noble with your talents in these lands. I say using mans greatest weakness against this one.

[roll] 1d20+3 Sense motives on what he replies. I want loyal members only.

2013-06-09, 12:37 PM
The young woman looks surprised for a moment, as if you startled her, then nods and whispers "Yes my lord," before continuing down the stairs. Before long two bowls of flavorful stew and spiced bread slathered with butter are brought up by another servant, a small boy. Another boy is close behind him with a decanter of wine and two pewter cups.

"Loss." Pitt says, nodding in thanks and taking a big bite of bread. He nods at your assessment of the Hextorian's viewpoint.
"Yes, the Hextorians seem to think so. I don't know what Hextor would want with these lands. If I was a god I'd go after the capital--but alas I am not a god. Perhaps there is a reason for that."
He pauses to wipe a bit of soup that dribbles from his chin with the back of his hand. As he continues to eat you notice his eating habits reflect his social status; he slurps his stew from the spoon in an annoying fashion.
"How would I capture them?" he replies in a surprised tone, "I would never attempts such a feat. They don't need to be captured in secret do they? Surely you could make a normal arrest? If I was in your position I would ask the Crown for a garrison of Starbound Magi and have them arrest them in the usual fashion, perhaps sending some knights or city guards to go along with them in case additional forces are needed.
You say they pose a threat to the peace of the empire--that their actions borderline on treason? Surely this is something that the Emperor wouldn't stand for is it? Could the arrest not be done publicly and with a great show of intentional force?"
He helps himself to another piece of bread, and uses it to wipe the last bit of stew from the bottom of the bowl. He holds up the last bite in another silent thank-you before stuffing it into his mouth.

"Could I be your eyes and ears?" he repeats, raising his eyebrows. "Eyes and ears are all that I am. As for being your eyes and ears..." He smiles, raising his goblet of wine in salute;
"I could certainly get used to this."
Religion/Planes check: you know that Hextor is allied with the Nine Hells, not the Abyss. The locals are probably mistaken about rumor, confusing a "demon" (from the Abyss) with a devil. As to the power of the devil summoned, that would depend on the power of the summoner.

Sense Motive: You believe he is truthfully pledging his loyalty to you.

2013-06-09, 11:01 PM
Ah yes Pitt I could do all those things, but then the church would go into an uproar as IO would have no proof they would say. But having a group of the starborn magi dose sound best. Perhaps for this little meeting of theirs. Loss says thinking as he eats his own food. this is only one of the benefits of serving me Pitt. There are many others in time of course. What did ever happen to Bradly, and I would also like the information I had to pay for. I ask looking to the man.

2013-06-13, 12:19 AM
"Proof?" Pitt scoffs. "Since when are imperials worried about proof? Wasn't it just last year Sir Greggory arrested that priest of The Way on grounds of treason? All he did was bad-mouth His Majesty a bit, but he was a good man, as far as I've heard. Emperor Simeon has arrested men for less, let me tell you."
Pit helps himself to another cup of wine.
"Bradly is in the whorehouse across the street from the Blue Dragon. He either dug up an old stash of coin, or he's up to his old tricks, because he was well dressed and welcomed by the ladies with open arms..."

"Ah, well," he continues at your request for the rest of the information. "Argyle isn't the oldest member of the group, but he's the oldest of whom I have names for. Built like an ox, he is. Perhaps in his early fifties. Sports a full beard and wears filthy old clothes like a common beggar. He even sleeps in the mud with them over in the slums. This is a disguise from what I can tell, it seems for him money is never in short supply. There is a little beggar boy whom he pays a tenth a week to run errands for him; get food, deliver messages etc. He can usually be found in or around the slums somewhere. He hasn't cast a spell, that I know of.

Derrick is a middle aged redhead with a violent temper. He was the first member of the Hextorian group who's identity I discovered. It is for this reason that the church has shunned him from the last meeting and possibly the next one as well. He is trouble all the way around. He has as much spell casting ability as a lesser noble, or a mage-for-hire, but not as much as an Imperial Mage. He lives in a small cottage near Hendore's Hammer, the general store run by that halfling fellow." The mention of the store is significant in that it is run by a halfling, who dislike the cold and make up less then five percent of the city's population. "He can usually be found at Ularil's, nursing a pint."

"Noch is the youngest of the three I have names for, perhaps a bit older than you, and he keeps his face clean-shaven and his dark hair short. He runs Sorcerer's Cures, the scroll and potion shop just north of town square. His living quarters are above his store and he's usually there all day, rarely going out. I heard he left his shop once, and followed him, that's how I found out about the Hextorians' monthly meetings. He's a fidgety fellow, and I'm not sure about how dangerous he really is. In terms of spell casting, that is."

Sir Greggory -- Captain of the White Knights in the Opesan Province.
The Way -- Name for the major monotheism of the land. The "way" is set by Khy, King of Gods/God of Gods/The One Pure God.
Imperial Mage -- Any mage in the crown's employ. Usually used in reference to a Starbound Mage or Mage of the Legion.

2013-06-13, 07:44 AM
As I am told about all the information my mind begins to work. Intercept the boy and have him poison the food, deliver false messages. Get the brawler to the bar and into a fight, and the potion master....he would be a hard one, I would perhaps have to use the boy to trick him out of his house. I think to myself as I sit and eat my food. Do you think you could bribe the boy, or intimidate him to give false information? I ask Pitt as I think about how the best way would be to contact the starborn magi.

Calling out to a servant I wait for one to arrive before saying, Ask one of the clerics from the church of Pelor to send for the starborn magi. Send a message to his highness that they are needed to stop a coup against him and his throne designed by the hextorites working alongside the Black circle. I say to the servant as I finish my meal. Now Pitt I need to go collect a little someone, do you mind going to get the boy and perhaps a bit of poison from the potion maker? After all it would be amusing if they killed themselves without realizing it no? I say a smile growing on my face.

2013-06-20, 12:52 PM
"I am an informant, not an errand boy. The reason that such valuable gossip comes to me is that I am a ghost. I serve no one. I'm neutral. I maintain a low profile. The moment someone sees me on a quest, the moment someone knows I'm now allied with you, is the moment my stream of information runs dry."

2013-06-20, 09:50 PM
As Pitt tells him why he refuses to help Loss shakes his head. Then let me make this perfectly clear pit, if I so much as catch wind you have sold information about me, I will have you strung up for high treason, and then impaled when you admit to it. I say before dismissing him. Once he has left I call to my guards wanting to catch this boy early.

2013-06-21, 12:17 AM
Pitt raises an eyebrow, giving you a look of indignant annoyance upon hearing your threat.
"I am smarter than to betray a noble, you especially. Give me some credit."
He then leans back in his chair, appearing to relax a bit.
"The boy would probably accept a bribe, as long as it's more than he is currently getting from the old man. Intimidation would probably send him running for the hills. He's an overly cautious boy.
I would think you would have trouble poisoning a potion maker, but stranger things have happened. I do know that he doesn't keep any specific poisons or toxins in stock, except maybe mushrooms. Usually his customers would have to place an order for such an item weeks or months in advance, depending on what they wanted..."

After calling a servant, you wait while they fetch a lieutenant for you. The man listens patiently as you give your orders and with a stiff bow, takes his leave to go and relay the orders to his captain.

2013-06-21, 12:54 AM
As Pitt looks annoyed at me I look back at him and reply in kind. To not say that would be foolish on my part Pitt. Both of us know it as well as you would use the excuse that you had no idea I did not want my....secrets getting out. I say trying to find the right words to express what I was getting at. After all as you said your job happens to be information. Dose not matter about who, or why. As long as the money is good. I can respect that, everything dose have its place in this world after all. I finish.

And how much is the old man giving him? After all you can always get what you want if you know the same language. I say speaking about money of course. It seemed everybody wanted some, and not small amounts either. As for poisoning a potion maker, that is crazy. No I plan on employing him to make me a poison which I would then....Well thats enough of that now, nice try though Pitt. I say bowing my head to him at his ploy.

After Pitt has left and my servant goes to collect the guard I prepare to leave heading downstairs wondering if the message had been sent yet to teh starborn magi.

2013-06-21, 11:03 AM
"A tenth a week." Pitt leans forward in his seat as you begin to talk about the poison, but a look of disappointment crosses his face as he realizes you don't mean to tell him. "Very well, good night then Loss." He sees himself out.

Before long the Lieutenant returns to inform you the orders concerning the boy has been delivered to the captain and will be carried the following morning, and that the summons for the Starbound Magi have been sent along with the warning of possible treason via the Church of Pelor.

You see the moon has climbed high in the night sky; it is getting late. You know you should get some sleep; you have a big day tomorrow, but your mind races with all the possibilities.

crown = gp
tenth = sp
talent = cp

2013-06-21, 10:38 PM
As the captin tells me all arangements have been made I look to him. when you speak to the boy tomorrow give him this and tell him to give this date and place for the next meeting. I say writing down a quick date and time on the piece of paper that should give the starborn enough time to get there in time.

Once alone, feeling the chill and the air and knowing tomorrow would be very busy I had to my bedchambers to sleep for the night.

2013-06-25, 02:37 AM
The morning sun shines behind the heavy drapes of the eastern window in the master bedroom in which you now reside, a bright sliver of light dividing the room in half. By the time you have finished preparing your mind for the manipulation of arcane energies, you find your men have already dressed, eaten, donned their armor, and await your command.

Within the hour, the lieutenant returns with the captain and they inform you the boy has already been found, he has delivered your note, and the Hextorian with the bad temper is on his way to the abandoned windmill.

The Starbound Magi meet you on the road heading south, and after greeting you, thank you for your loyal service and ask for a description of the potential traitor.
"By Fharlanghn, they got here fast..." whispers Camden to Phelan.
"Not fast enough." Says a mage in response. Camden is a bit surprised, he didn't think the man was close enough to hear him. "They are here already."

As you approach, the magi begin to cast their spells in anticipation of combat. Transparent force fields sparkle about their blue robes as they march with clear purpose towards their destination.

Only, it's not the old windmill.

You recognize the thatched roof, the red paint on the shuttered windows, the familiar wooden man who you would attack for hours on end with your sword as your teacher studdied your movements.

This is Nolan's house.

"Come out and you may keep your life, traitor!"
Bellows the elder mage.
The sturdy wooden door creaks open, and smoke billows out from the small entryway of the old weapons master's abode.

Demons and devils of all manner and kind begin to pour out from the building!
Hot lighting bolts fly from the hands of the magi, and for a moment, it seems as if the trees around you are actually tombstones and the doorway of Nolan's beloved house is actually the gateway to hell!

This sir, is when you make some rolls; initiative being one of them.

2013-06-25, 11:50 PM
As the morning sun rises I quickly get ready and prepare to tell the starborn magi that I believe it is the black circle once more. I am happy to see to that they arrived so quickly. I hope you are all prepared. I believe there are ties to the black circle involved and knew I could not take them on without your support. Nor did I want to take the chance of them running away and catching on. I found there messenger boy and gave him a false message to deliver to one of them. He is at the old mill outside of town. If we hurry we can get to him before he thinks anything of it. Milo says to the Magi.

As they all prepare for battle loss dose the same casting his shields. but when he looks up and sees that they are at Nolans house he is very confused. Even more so when Demons come out of the house charging at them. This can't be. Loss says worry in his eyes as he sees the demons coming his way.

Initative [roll0]

2013-06-26, 12:00 AM
you rolled highest and go first, with the exception of the magi, who had a readied action. I haven't yet found a good website or tool to do the whole combat grid thing, so sorry about the "imaginary" battlefield this time.

Six demons pour from the house and lightning bolts slam into their chests and heads, crackling harmlessly across their black scales. The magi call out to each other in their secret language, undoubtedly switching tactics.

You are about 60 feet from Nolan's house when the demons start rushing you, and it is clear that they are all running straight for you, ignoring the magi.
Nolan's house is small two story wooden building in the center of a 150 foot diameter clearing in the middle of the woods.
The ground between you is mainly clear and flat, with no sizable tree to provide cover.
Neither the Hextorian man nor the poor boy are anywhere to be seen.

2013-06-26, 12:06 AM

As The magi let there magi go and speak in there secret lauange Loss looks as all the demons seem to be coming for him. Speaking in Draconic He calls out long live the king summoning forth a magestic golden dragon that seems to block out the sky for a second before it lands inbetween him and the incoming demons, threatening them to come closer.

Silent image DC17

2013-06-26, 12:18 AM
In a flash of bright blue light, three of the magi disappear. One turns into a dire grizzly, and another chants quickly and a massive shimmering blade appears before him.

The demons halt before the presence of the dragon, as if unsure what to do.

Black mist churns just a few feet in front of you, and the sky grows dark. Rising from the swirling mist a dark figure appears. Twenty feet tall, he towers above you, his body appearing to be made of darkest night.
A chill runs down your spine.
His gaze meets yours, and you feel your arms and legs begin to go numb

roll a will save
also, it may be 4-6 posts until you understand, not 3; depending on how this plays out...

2013-06-26, 12:22 AM
As the wizards vanish and others turn into animals Loss is pleased to see his dragon has done well. You will return to wence you came or suffer the wrath of his royal Majesty. I say pointing to the demons giving them only one warning when I see a dark cloud descend down upon us. My body goes numb as it takes shape, though I am not worried living in the frozen turndra made me strong against the numbing effects that it had on casting.

Will [roll0]

2013-06-26, 12:37 AM
Dread washes over you as you realize it is not the cold that is making you numb, but the creatures gaze. Your body becomes completely numb and suddenly you are unable to move. You cannot hear or see your men nor can you turn your head to look, or even open your mouth to speak.
You cannot even look away from the horrible creatures gaze.

Where are the Magi?? You wonder desperately, fighting to control the panic that is beginning to build within you.

The dark giant lumbers forward, stepping through the illusion of the dragon and causing it to swirl about him in a strange fashion. He reaches back with his icy claws to deliver what will surely be a fatal blow.

"Wait." commands a familiar voice. The demon stops.

It is Nolan.

His skin is pale gray, and black lines still trace his face and run down his neck and along his shoulder. He strides forward, and in a moment of shock you forget all about your other men, the magi, and the demons.

"Our time has come, my lord. Please, come join me." he waves his hand in a sweeping gesture back towards his humble abode.
The magi seem to have vanished. The demons stand silently as if waiting for orders.
The sky has grown completely dark and an eerie light illuminates Nolan's house from above, as if the sun has been replaced by a pale, sickly moon.

2013-06-26, 12:42 AM
As fear grips my body as I look into those unforgiving eyes of death I can not even think. Even as it passed through my dragon and made its way towards me my body was frozen even though my mind was racing trying to get off a spell. thats when I heard his voice. Nolans voice commanding the creature to stop. You are not Nolan, I saw him die, watched as a sickness took him that could not be stopped. Do not think me a fool demon. where is your master and remove that disguise. I demand readying my magic to hurl at the creature before me calling himself Nolan.

2013-06-26, 12:58 AM
The demons fade away with the exception of the massive shadow creature which stands behind your old weapons master. You find you can breathe and speak freely, and the feeling comes quickly back to your limbs. You can move once more.

"You are my master, my lord. Your father would never let me forget that fact. He always wanted me to train you to be the best swordfighter there ever was, but would never allow me to strike you? How could I train you then??" His eyes stare off into the distance as he recalls the memory.
"I have passed beyond death, don't you see?"
He and the tall demon turn to walk slowly back towards his house, and he waits to see if you will follow.

Just then a cloud of bats swoop down, tightening the path of their flight until they create a solid form. A tall gaunt man with white skin and jet black hair appears before you. He dressed in noble trappings and has a familiar face: A face like someone you have met recently.
"I am Lord Woodblade of the Kubland province." He says smoothly, bowing politely. Two long fangs are revealed by the corners of his smile.
Lady Juno's father???
"Do not listen to this man, he deceives you. We are always betrayed by the ones we trust the most."
"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." Nolan retorts, eying the man suspiciously.
"Sometimes your friends are your enemies." says Lord Woodblade, grinning evilly.

2013-06-26, 01:01 AM
This is all a dream, this can not be real. Lord Loss says expanding a powerful bolt of magic at all three creatures before him of magic.

2013-06-26, 01:46 AM
White, red, orange and blue streams of fire spew from your mouth in ribbons, as if the fire passes between dragon's teeth.
Nolan and Lord Woodblade seem impressed, but do not fall asleep. The tall demon takes a step back upon seeing the light.

"He resists us, it is no use." Says Lord Woodblade with disappointment.
"He resists you," Argues Nolan. "You are birthed from an abomination!"
"And you are not?" he spits back. "The substance of our being may be different, but we are born of the same magic!"
"Don't worry my lord," says Nolan, trying his best to assure you, "He will not harm us, he has orders not to." he sneers at the baron. "However, I would like to speak to you in private, and if you would join me in my house, he will not be able to follow us in."
This infuriates Lord Woodblade, if it is indeed him. He looks somewhat like Lady Juno, but you have never met the man in person before.
"How dare you, you filthy snake?! We should all have an equal chance with him! Why don't you just bring back the sun and turn me to ash?!!"

"Actually, that doesn't sound like a bad idea." comes a voice from within Nolan's house. Out from the shadows of the open doorway steps a man in blue robes. One of the Starbound Magi.
He holds a long blue staff in his his right hand, and it glitters in the eerie light. It looks as if it's made from solid sapphire.
As he steps out, the baron backs away.
"You wouldn't." he says darkly, as if there is some implied threat.
"Wouldn't I?" The man raises an eyebrow. As he steps forward you can see a large scar between his right eye and his ear. The large area of mottled flesh looks much like a scar caused by a severe burn. He steps closer to the baron, not intimidated in the slightest.
"--I am a man of the Crown, after all. Most forms of necromancy are against the law; magical or 'living'. Which includes vampires."

A chill runs up your spine and you have a strange feeling you are being watched. As if on cue, the mage stops dead in his tracks.
"We are being watched. Or at least listened to."
The others fall silent.
He tilts his head to the side, and holds his hand out in front of him slowly turning in a circle.
"What is it?" Asks Nolan.
The vampire looks around nervously...

2013-06-26, 07:55 AM
As the two before him begin bickering back and forth after my attack, not even effected by it I shake my head, knowing for a fact this was no dream. But what was it then that all the Magi seemed to vanish. There was no hyme or reason to all this madness. Nothing about it even made sense. I watched with my own eyes Nolan die, and Lady Juno Woodblades farther being a vampire seemed odd compared to how she acted.

As I was thinking of what to do next I heard another voice coming from deep within the house, slowly getting closer. so now there was a forth person in this mess. If it was not complicating enough. what the hell was going on. I thought to myself watching the figure step out of the house and into the fake light that seemed to shine down on the house from an artificial sun. And as the man comes into view and I see he is one of the Starbound Magi I am really confused. Wishing master was here, but he was not. He sent me on this mission expecting me to know what to do and so I stared down the creatures across from me. So it seems the Black circle has even got there hands on a mage of the arcane order. Surrender now, for even if you kill me none of you will live threw this night. I say to them shifting my tactics preparing to launch a cloud around myself yo keep myself hidden if needed.

Obscuring mist if they try to get close to me

This is your last warning, in the name of the crown I demand you all turn yourselves over or face the wrath of this empire which has stood for generations. My family even longer. I say staring them all down as I feel the eyes on me. Perhaps it was master, or even Hydra. I could not be sure, maybe the Starborn Magi had returned with reinforcements. I would soon find out though.

2013-06-26, 12:07 PM
Just then a third man appears among you, but the others are not surprised and even act like he has been here the whole time. He looks like a skeleton, and tiny red lights burn in his hollow eye sockets. He is dressed in the trappings of Qinese nobility, a gold crown rests on his head, and a staff of solid onyx is in his hand.

As you wish your master was here, he appears in the clouds behind you.

"None of us will live through the night?" scoffs the vampire.
"Don't make idle threats boy." The skeleton man bellows. His voice is like rolling thunder. "If we die, we shall return again and again to exact our vengeance. If you die, where will your spirit go? To the abyss? Who then will avenge you?"

A black dragon twice your master's size meets him in midair and engulfs him in black flames. Scales from the great Arytekothar fall to the earth like giant red raindrops.

Suddenly a massive army is at your back; the Imperial Legion.
You are no longer in front of Nolan's house, but on a large battlefield. You see a winding river in the distance with three tall towers built around it.
Facing the legion is an army of undead, giants, dragons, and trolls. They are commanded by the vampire, the Qinese skeleton, and other undead generals.
The White Knights and the Lightbringers ride past you and into the undead army, but it is no use; the army cuts them down like grass.

Just when it seems as all is lost, the Ruby Queen, now called Lady of Flames appears with her massive army of northmen. But she does not come to save the day. Her army wipes out the remainder of the Imperial Legion, and then she turns on the undead. As the battle rages around you, you find yourself speaking with the Lady of Flames as well as, Nolan, the vampire, and the skeleton man once more.

"You have betrayed us all!" accuses the vampire.
"We have betrayed each other, you knew this would happen." says the Lady of Flames.
"You have betrayed the Empire!!" screams Herod Wellforth. The lightbringer has come to slay the agents of darkness! He plunges his sword into the vampire's chest and black blood spews out. He cuts the skeleton man in half, and bone fragments sail through the air. Nolan's head he chops off, and it rolls along the ground.
"And you are the worst of them all!" he shouts at you, and swings his sword over his head to inflict a killing blow.
But the vampires wounds heal.
The skeleton reappears behind the lightbringer.
Where Nolan once stood there are now a thousand more, just like him.
The skeleton mage raises his staff, and black energies shoot from his hand, wrapping around Herod's body and dissolving his flesh. He screams in agony before his body collapses in a pile of goo.

The skeleton mage has saved your life.

The armies no longer fight one another. Rain falls from the sky in slow motion. Just as you turn to address them, the Lady of Flames plunges a fiery sword into your back. You look down as blood and fire shoot out from your chest and you see the tip of her blade has separated you breastbone.

Two giant black curtains close upon the sky, bathing the world in darkness. As you soul slips into the afterlife, you see two paths of darkness divided by a wall of light.

The wall of light is the morning sun that shines behind the heavy drapes of the eastern window in the master bedroom in which you now reside.
--A bright sliver of light dividing the room in half.

By the time you have finished preparing your mind for the manipulation of arcane energies, you find your men have already dressed, eaten, donned their armor, and await your command.

2013-06-26, 12:21 PM
As my min finishes its jumbled mess of confusion I lok around. Could that have been my future? Where was my sister? Where were Hydra? What had happened, and why had the lady of Flames shot her sword into my chest? all these were questions I asked myself as I went downstairs.

Have the Magi arrived yet? I ask my men prepared to see if any of my dreaming mind would come true today.

2013-06-27, 12:22 AM
Orrin shrugs. Camden gives you a confused look.
"Have they arrived yet?" asks Phelan in a surprised tone, "This early in the morning? You only just sent the message last night. That is, if the priests did indeed send it out...they didn't seem to like you much." The three men look at each other and shrug as if to say it could be anyone's guess.

"Snow has been brushed and fed, our swords have been cleaned and sharpened, and our bags are packed. Shall we ride out now, or wait to see if the captain of the guard has fulfilled your orders?" asks Orrin. The boy is more curious than a cat, and often over eager, but he always sees to his duties, and so far he has served you well.

2013-06-27, 12:37 AM
I do not believe I asked you when I sent the message or anything else of that matter. When high treason is aboard I expect development. Not just ideally standing by waiting to see what happens. I do not know about you, but I plan on seeing my empire filled with the living and not the dead. I says as I walk towards the stables. Well come along, unless you want your families in risk. I say before looking to see who is the most injured in our group. I want you to stay behind and lead the Starborn Mage to us if they arrive before we return. Fill them in on the situation at hand. This matter can not wait for anyone. I say stepping into the stables.

As Orrin explains what has been done and that the captain of the guard had not yet been able to do what we had asked I shook my head looking to my 's men, we are kingsmen, on a king's mission, to keep our beloved king alive. I do not want anyone to retreat, I was forgiving last time. Today it will not be the same. If anything looks like a dragon when I cast a spell kow it is I casting it and thus you are safe. May the gods watch over us as we go to capture this criminal. I say heading off with my men and snow towards the designated meeting place.

2013-06-27, 01:12 AM
"As you wish," says the injured man, bowing deeply.

'My empire?' mouths Camden silently to Phelan.

The rest of your men nod in assent, and you mount Snow the center of town to talk to the captain of the guard personally. Before you reach his office, you see that his lieutenant rides up the road towards you. Spotting you, he spurs his horse onward, and once he reaches you, turns it around an guides it next to Snow.

"Greetings, my lord! It is good to see you this morning! I was just riding to Aldwin's guest house to deliver you the news: We have found the boy and gave him your message..."
The man's lips continue to move, but you are no longer listening to his words. It has been less than an hour since you awoke, and here is the captains lieutenant, delivering the same message.
"...is headed to that destination as we speak." He stares at you, waiting for you to respond. "My lord?"

2013-06-27, 10:09 PM
As the lieutenant comes over to me and tells me my genius plan had worked I can barely stop myself from looking at him as if he was an ant. Thinking my Superior intelligence would not know already that the fool had taken the bait. He had been on the outside for a while since his last screw up. He would want to please those above him, and that was how he had fallen into my trap. Well what are your men waiting for? We march to save the empire. I say to all those gathered as I spur Snow on the way, making her run as fast as she could until a short distance away where secrecy would be needed. Who knows, maybe even that paladin fellow may have followed me here. It would sound right after the tale I had told them. I told myself as we came closer to the clearing.

Ordering my men to split up and prepare there bows I disguised myself as one of the mans superiors and walked into the clearing. Watching and waiting to see what the man would say and do when he saw me.

Until he interacts with the illusion, as he did not see it cast he gets no save. Touching me would allow a will save DC17 to see through. Spell is silent image cast over me.

2013-07-01, 10:04 PM
You see the man called Derrick sitting casually on an old tree stump outside the overgrown windmill. He immediately stands upon seeing you enter the clearing and thumps his fist on his chest in salute.

"Am I early?" he asks hesitantly. "Who in Hextor's name are you!?" He asks aggressively. This is probably his default response in a stressful situation, you think.

2013-07-01, 10:57 PM
As the man starts off I look down on him as if he were someone lesser then me, which in all respects he is and shot back at him. No you are late, I feel asleep waiting for you, what do you think you fool. I have been covering up your dam tracks that you left showing anyone exactly where you went. I have been given orders by the Myr sect to tell you to move forward with plans. And that I was to assist you in any way I can. I have already spoken to the others and wanted to speak to you alone as they seem not to trust you to be able to do this job Derrick. Were they wrong in their assumption and am I wasting my time or are you one of Hextors chosen. I call out slamming my fist on my chest before saluting towards the sky, as if to Hextor himself.

2013-07-02, 12:11 AM
The red headed man steels himself for your response, standing from the stump and planting his heels firmly.
"Who. Are. You?" he asks again. "And who sent you? And where are the others? Why aren't they here?"
His eyes narrow as he looks at you suspiciously.

2013-07-02, 12:25 AM
I boy am Sir Lucian Ironhelm and if you speak to me like that again I will remind you of the ways of our god. I say my voice raising to that of a threat. The others should be here soon enough, I wanted to see if they were right. Though it seems they are, you are to brash to carry out the simplest commands. I say staring him in the eyes. So what do you think they will have me do when they arrive? After all you do not act like one of us, nor do you respect those above you in the chain of command. I would call that capital punishment and breaking Hextors greatest laws wouldn't you.

2013-07-02, 12:40 AM
"Sir!" He answers immediately; his whole demeanor suddenly changing. He drops to a knee and bows low. "My flail is yours! My life and my service belong to Hextor, may he rule forever! What is your command?" he asks you, not looking up.

2013-07-02, 12:58 AM
As the dog dose as he is command I have to use all my self control to withhold the smile trying to escape. Thats more like it, see you can be trained unlike what they think. Now you are to move on to your next mission. You remember what that is correct? Why don't you tell me to make sure you are still on the same page as the rest of us who are loyal to our god. I command him.

2013-07-02, 10:08 PM
"Is this a test?" he asks, head still lowered. You see the small hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. "I have no mission. The fist has determined I am not yet worthy."

2013-07-02, 10:23 PM
Very good. It is good to see you pay attention to those above you here with little to no problem. I say surprised inwardly that he knew nothing what so ever. I want you to give the others a message, let them know that their superiors in the Myr district need things to be moved along at a quicker rate. That some of the nobles have become suspicious. They will know what you mean. Now go. I tell him not wanting to take a chance of my spell wearing off.

2013-07-02, 10:33 PM
"As you wish, sir."
He gets to his feet bowing as he does so, and salutes once more, thumping his fist to his chest. He then turns and heads back in the direction of town.

And in the direction of where your men wait for you hidden amongst the trees.

2013-07-02, 10:40 PM
As the man passes by me I signal my men to not attack and stay dug in where they are well hidden. I would use this man to see how much information I could gather.

2013-07-02, 11:02 PM
It is not until the man passes out of sight without hearing a yell of surprise or the clash of steel that you realize you were holding your breath.
...He has gone back to deliver your message.

You could not be more proud of your men at this moment. Not only did they see you waving your arms in the distance, but they stayed their bows; none fired a single shot, they hid themselves, their horses, and Snow, and all within just a few minutes! How could he have not seen them?? He passed right by where Camden was stationed with his bow! You wait a few moments more, just to be sure.

"Shall we follow him then?" asks a voice to your left! Turning with surprise, you ready yourself for whomever might be behind you!

You see no one.

"We came as soon as we could. I see your timeline was a bit ahead of ours. Curious. Our diviner said you would not be here this early; that we would ride out and meet you on the road. Obviously something has changed since then."

Of course. The Starbound Magi. The voice emanates from your immediate left. Though you cannot see him, you are sure he is there. If you reached out with your hand you would probably feel his robes. He is under an invisibility spell no doubt.

2013-07-02, 11:16 PM
I believe it would be wise to do so from the shadows, and see what his masters say. I answer to the voice as I remember the Starbound magi. In truth I was more worried about my men then anything else after the dream I had gotten earlier. I would join you, but I do not yet posses the skills to hold such a spell for any amount of time worth trying. I have however bribed the boy that delivers there messages. He should be able to tell us a great deal, shall I bring him in with one of your best diviners? I ask the man that is hidden from my sight, though I know he is to the left of me. Next I call my men out of hiding and congratulate each and every one of them for there esteemed powers and skills.

2013-07-02, 11:27 PM
"No. You have done your duty. It is time we do ours." You hear no rustling of his cloak, nor footsteps, nor do you see any bent blades of grass. Is he invisible? Or is this some sort of telepathy? Or a communication spell? You hear no more of the man's voice, regardless.

Your men reappear after a few moments, bringing Snow with them. They bow and insist it was only their duty as you congratulate them.
"We saw some movement in the trees yonder," Phelan say, pointing to the trees behind you, on the other side of the clearing beyond the old windmill.
"Shall we investigate?"

You suspect the movement was that of the Magi, but you cannot be certain. Neither you nor the follower of Hextor noticed them...

2013-07-02, 11:31 PM
Not one to take a risk I look to my men once again surprised at their aptitude. Let us go investigate. Just in case. I say to my men as I get up on top of snow and call forth my mages armor to me to protect me in case it was not the magi on the other side of the clearing. Though it was good to know I was in the clear now with both the empire as well as with Hydra.

2013-07-04, 02:34 AM
And indeed it is the Starbound Magi. They are all dressed in the dark blue robes and cloaks of their order, each cloak clasped with the six-pointed Imperial Star. Their faces are grim, and their demeanor reflects the rumors you have heard about them: They are all business.

They acknowledge you as you and your men approach. The tallest, presumably the commander, steps forward. The silver imperial star that tops his staff glints in the sunlight.
"Greetings, Lord Loss." he bows his head slightly, and his long blonde hair blows in the morning breeze. "Long live the empire."

You take note of the other four behind him.
A short, stocky man with black hair and a short beard. He carries a pair of swords.
An old man with long grey hair and a long grey beard, who carries an ivory staff.
A tall, broad shouldered man with dark red hair, perhaps a northman, who carries a spear.
And a middle-aged man who carries a nondescript wooden staff. He has short brown hair and a giant scar between his right eye and his ear. The mottled flesh looks like scar tissue from a severe burn.

2013-07-04, 09:22 AM
As my suspicion are confirmed and I look onto the field to see the starbound Magi in the clearing I tell my men to come down and relax before stepping forward to meet there commander. Long Live the emperor. Loss replies before bowing in turn. I hope this is not an inconvenience to you, I tried to gather as much information as I could prior to calling you here. It has come to my attention that the HExtorites are forming a new group known as the Hellbreathers, and some of their higher ranking members seem to be old members of the Black circle. Last I heard they were gathering powerful conjurers to summon demons, for what I am not sure as I have just arrived inside town. Though If I were to guess I would say it has something to do with the snow people as they are not only acting very odd, but they have been changed by something, I lost a few good men so so far trying to gain this information for the empire, and I hope they will be remembered as the Heroes they were. I say to the leader in charge as I take in those with him. Could it be that not all of them were spellcasters? How odd, I thought as I looked at the one with two swords, as well as the Northmen with the spear.

2013-07-23, 01:09 AM
"Do not worry yourself with our labors, convenience is not an issue the Crown is concerned with. You have done well to report the possible treason, young lord. Take solace in that."
The tall man mentions nothing of remembering fallen heroes, a sobering reminder that the Starbound Magi truly aren't concerned with such things. Their relationship is not with people nor flesh and blood; only the empire and their service to it.
"Emperor Simeon thanks you for your loyal servitude. We will take it from here."
He turns from you to the man behind him with the large scar. The man looks eerily familiar.
"Cain, has the traitor Derrik reached his brethren?"
The subordinate pulls his deep blue cloak to the side and procures a crystal sphere. As he gazes into it, a pale light dances across the recesses of the mottled flesh of his scar. You see the tiny image of a man running in the reflection of his eyes.
"Not yet, sir." he replies.
"Good. Men! Mount up!"
Each of the men begin chanting in succession, including the simple looking men bearing heavy weapons. Horses appear in the area around them; their skin glittering with the marks of ethereal energy. They climb atop their steeds.
"You have done well, young lord. May the emperor's light shine upon you!"
With that he digs his heels into his horse, and with a loud yell, spurs it on towards town.

Looking around, you see some of your men have poked their heads out in an attempt to see what's going on. The sun is still low in the sky. You have the whole day ahead of you. Hydra will be contacting you to inquire about whom you've accused of being in the Black Circle, but other than that, your day is completely free. Perhaps your men would like to return home, and get some much needed rest? On the other hand, perhaps there are other things going on in this city that your family is unaware of? Either way; the day contained many possibilities for a young lord such as yourself...

2013-07-23, 01:52 AM
As the leader of the Starbound Magi thanks him and tells him not to worry about their troubles a calm finally settles over me as I breathe in the cold air of my small piece of land. The plan had worked and the starbound magi were now going to take care of my problems for me. It was perfect, Hydra would get what they wanted, and the empire would think I was still loyal to them. When in fact I was loyal to whoever would get me where I wanted to be. It is my job as our emperor’s lord here to make sure no such things happen. I am only sorry I did not catch it sooner. Please let him know I am sorry I was not being more vigilant and I will try to do so in the future. I just could not imagine traitors in my part of the empire. .” I say to the men, playing the part of a noble as well as any noble would. As we did all have hidden agendas after all?

As I hear them call out asking one of their officers if the traitors had reached his comrades yet I looked over at the man holding the crystal, he seemed so familiar. And yet from where, I thought as I heard him tell the others no. And just as quickly as they had all arrived they were gone, their spectral mounts taking them after the man, probably to torture and kill. Looking to my men a proud smile comes onto my face as I look to each and every single one of them. Each and every one of you have done my family proud today, and as a reward once our lose ends are all tied up here we will be making our way directly back to High Mount where you shall all be awarded a feast in your honor, and in the honor of our brothers we have lost during this time. Now let us move quickly back to the city. With luck we will be able to find the informant from before and find out where our little friend is we had in my home not too long ago. And with those words said I mount up onto Snow, and begin at a decent pace towards town, hoping to get a glimpse of the starbound magi’s power, as well as make sure my men did not get to tired on the way back so we would have to stay another night in this place that was so warm compared to the top of my mountain fortress.

Ok first of bluff check in case it is needed [roll0]
Next a knowledge arcane check on that guy that looked familiar [roll1]
As well as History [roll2]
And Local [roll3]

2013-07-24, 01:08 AM
Your men cheer gratefully upon hearing your orders, relieved that they may return once more to their hometown. The quickly steer their mounts towards you and fall into line behind you.

The city's southern portcullis raises as you and your men approach, and you notice the dilapidated condition of the wall around it. Perhaps your family had taxed the city too much after all, or perhaps Aldwin had squandered some of the city's wealth on his own fancies. The city guards bow their heads in respect as you pass, and close the gate behind you.

As you make your way back to the center of town, a dirty looking beggar runs up next to Snow, throwing his hands forward and bowing low, over and over.
"Praise be to Lord Loss, ruler of Myr!" he cries. Then, in a lower voice;
"And have you chosen a target to accuse?"

You do not recognize the man's face, nor his voice, and look for red robes or a dragon ring, but see neither. Remembering that Ocelevos wanted each Hydra initiate to have accused someone publicly of being a member of the Black Circle within a week, this man's question at least fit the timeline...

You look around. No one in the city streets seems to be paying much attention to the either you or the man declaring your praise. He continues to bow and walks sideways to keep up with your horse, awaiting your response...

2013-07-24, 01:38 AM
As my men cheer gratefully I smile at them, after all I was a kind and Just ruler, and it was good to see that they agreed. Soon we were on our way back to the city, my men in line behind me. The pride on my face at the performance each of them had accomplished was clear.

As I enter the south gate and notice the condition of the gate I was not pleased. Though it could be my family's fault that it was in such condition why had not those in charge of the city told my family. Looking to one of the guards on the tower I call out. Tell Aldwin I wish to see him there is much that needs to be discussed. and with that I continue on my way, heading back to the inn I had been in only the day before.

As we are passing through the center of town and a beggar comes up and praises me I find it a bit odd, as the last beggar to do so had learned what I thought of them. but as he spoke in a soft voice a small smile spread across my face. Indeed, I have, the church of Hextor itself are the culprits it seems. I say loudly before adding in much softly the names of the three Hextorites I had gotten the names of.

2013-07-25, 11:01 PM
The small man smiles knowingly before bowing low to the ground once more. He turns and limps away, with cries of "Blessed be Lord Loss! Our just ruler!" and "He watches over us! His name be glorified!" The people in the streets ignore him for the most part, and he slips around the corner of an alley, unseen.

Leading your company back to the broad street that cuts through the slums, you near the Blue Dragon tavern, and the Warm Bosom Brothel. Warm Bosom. It's as if the people here think Falst is cold. Phelan volunteers to go in and see if your informant Bradley is in either of the establishments.

2013-07-25, 11:04 PM
Thank you Phelan please do so. Make it quick though and don't try to start any fights please. Not alone at lest, I need all of you to make it home to your wives and children. I say to him before watching him go inside the two taverns.

2013-07-25, 11:37 PM
Phelan is in the Blue Dragon for no more than a moment before he returns, shaking his head no. He heads across the street without delay and you hear the women squeal with delight as he enters.

Phelan remains in the Warm Bosom for what seems like a long time before returning, with a wide grin on his face.
"He's in there, my lord. In a room on the left hand side of the building called the "Room of Wonders."
He waits for your orders, as do your other men.

2013-07-25, 11:59 PM
As Phelan comes out of the blue dragon almost immediately I wounder if Bradley had skipped town already, but am happy to find the next tavern was more hospital and generous towards him. Men block the ally incase he tries to run. Lets go see what is inside this room of Wounders shall we? I say with a smile making my way into the Warm Bosom tavern and head in the direction I am told, knocking on the door as I get there.

2013-07-26, 12:12 AM
Upon entering you see the large foyer has an open ceiling with a balcony on the second story. Three large ornate chandeliers hang from golden chains, the light from their candles glinting off of the colored glass. Two dozen attractive women lay about on couches and oversize pillows. They are scantily clad, and their jewelry jingles as they rise to greet you, seductive smiles on their faces.

"What can I do for you, handsome man?" The head mistress says as she approaches, her words drip from her lips like honey. Two particularly attractive women come to you as she beckons them, and smiles tug at their full lips as they look you up and down.

2013-07-26, 12:25 AM
As Alex enters the establishment he instantly realisese what he has just walked into and a small smile creeps upon his face. Ladies if you had caught me last night it would have been another matter entirely, at this moment though I am a bit pressed on time. The room of wonders please. I say having a hard time not drooling over the women before me. I knew though if I got distracted though my men would not make it home until tomorrow. Plus I did not want to dilute my family's blood with those who showed no talent of magic. That did not mean however my mind was not thinking other things.

2013-07-26, 01:04 AM
The mistress nods to the young women to her left, clad in a see-through silk robe draped lightly across her shoulders. She eyes you enviously. She turns slowly around and walks lightly on her toes towards the hallway on your left, causing her hips and buttocks to bounce back and forth as she goes. Looking over her shoulder to make sure you are watching her, she gives you a coy smile and curls her finger, beckoning you to follow her.

She turns slowly and stretches her body against the wall, and gestures towards the large wooden door which you are now in front of. The door is covered with an exquisite painting of a mountainous jungle scene, and women of all races.
From within the room come the grunts of a man and the moaning of several women, interlaced with excited giggling.

2013-07-26, 01:14 AM
As the mistress of the establishment nods and one of the younger woman get up in see through material it takes a lot of will power for me to not knock them all out now with one of my sleep spells. Would be quicker after all, but they were merely doing there jobs.

After following her to a large wooden door I return her smile and kiss her on the cheek. Thank you for your help but I believe I said another time. And he then opens the door into the room and slams his rod down onto the floor making sure to grab everyone's attention. Sorry to bother everyone here but Bradly here needs to tell me where a few people are. I say looking at the man.

2013-07-27, 01:03 AM
Several naked bodies move in a writhing mass of flesh upon an oversized bed covered with red and purple silks. Floor-to-ceiling murals of far away lands cover the walls, depicting exotic locales. In bed with Bradley are a halfling, elf, dwarf, gnome, and two human women, along with two other races you do not recognize. One has fur.

They all stop suddenly as your heavy golden staff clangs on the stone floor.
"What??" demands Bradley with annoyance. His demeanor suddenly changes as he realizes who he is addressing. "--m'lord?"

2013-07-27, 01:08 AM
I can not but help being a bit amused at the assortment of women Bradley seemed to enjoy spending my money on, especially the two I did not recognize. I'm sorry is now a bad time? I could always go pay someone else to tell me where that boy is. I say with an amused grin on my face. I am sure my money could be used just as well as you are by anyone else, ladies treat him well now. I say with an amused grin knowing he would want the extra money to have a bit more time with all these ladies. Never pictured Bradly for one to spend all his money at once. No wounder why he was poor. I thought to myself as I begin walking out the door.

2013-07-30, 12:23 AM
"Uhh.." He looks up at the elf that straddles him as he attempts to contemplate your question. You turn to leave, and it seems to snap him out of his sex-induced stupidity.
"Wait!" he says with a bit of a grumble in his voice, pushing the elf off. "Wait. Just wait a minute." He moves in between the women who begin to coo and cry to try and keep him in the bed.
"Don't worry ladies, I'll be back for more," he says with a grin, finally making it to the edge of the bed and putting on his pants.
"M'lord...?" he asks, running to catch up to you in the hallway.

2013-07-30, 12:27 AM
An amused smile comes across my face as the man falls for the ploy. The sound of the women calling him back even heard from here. A lesser man would not have been able to leave, it seems his want for money was stronger then his lust, or at least equal as he came running down the hall to catch up to me. Why yes Bradely? I thought you were busy and wanted to be left alone. I say as if nothing had happened.

In truth it was amusing seeing the man squirm, but knowing my men would soon be like him I cut my fun off early. Just need to know where the boy is, 100gp my only offer. I say to him.

2013-07-30, 12:39 AM
"Boy? Wut boy?" He looks slightly confused. "You didn't me 'bout no boy..."

And up to this point you haven't. The only information you asked Bradley to gather was about the Hextorians and hellbreathers.
Bradley in introduced in post 69, and you guys made a deal in posts 79-83.
Only Pitt and the lieutenant of the town guard knew about the beggar boy who was helping the old Hextorian named Argyle so far, that you know of.

2013-07-30, 01:33 AM
You stated in one of the posts he knew where the boy was as he had on fancy clothes and was throwing his money around.

Also ID check was for the ladies with fur.

What boy indeed goodbye then Bradley and enjoy the ladies, the ones with fur looked real amusing you know. May have to send a post card. I say walking over to the mistress and handing her a sovereign. This is for your help my lady, thank you and enjoy your night. I say before leaving the establishment and mounting back onto snow. Home we go then people. Loss says knowing he had a meeting to attend.

2013-07-30, 11:41 PM
The men follow your lead back to the manor, where they pack up their gear after making one last trip to the guest house's kitchen to replenish their supplies.

The afternoon air is crisp and light, but you see clouds riding in quickly on a strong western wind. The night will be cold. The rest of the day goes by quickly. The weather is good, and your men are in high spirits. You make good time and travel quite some distance before finally stopping to make camp.

Snow falls during the night, and the western wind whips through your tents, threatening to carry them off into the sky. No one gets much sleep.
You wake up to the pale morning light bouncing off of the high snow drifts left behind by the night's wind. Sharp mounds of snow trace curved lines around your tents, the wagons, and the spot where the horses lay the night before. Banning revives the dying fire, and your squire Orrin checks your things to make sure everything is in order.
"My lord. Camden is went off to try his hand at hunting," he informs you, "everyone else is either cooking a breakfast, or packing up camp."

A while later Camden comes back with a pair of grouse. The other men poke a bit of fun at the birds' small size. Phelan congratulates his archery and asks if he can have one. From a distance, you hear them discussing whether or not he should offer one to you.
"...It would be disrespectful to offer him such a small bird." says Camden.
"It would be disrespectful not to." argues Phelan.
"The men are right, it's too small...it's all feathers and bones! He is a noble after all, eating fine meats dripping with fat!" replies Camden
"But what if you don't? He could become angry. You heard what he said in Falst...'People who steal from me deserve death!' You don't want to be in that category!" Phelan says.
"Look!" says Camden, shaking the bird in Phelan's face. "Look how small it is, it's a joke! Me offering this to Loss would be like offering a field mouse to a bear! 'Oh here you go might bear! Here's this tiny mouse I caught for you, I hope it fills you up!' Yeah right, for half a second." Phelan laughs in spite of himself. Camden shakes his head. "No way." he says.
You don't really have to respond to this or say anything to these guys... They aren't planning on giving you a tiny, stringy, tough bird that will take over an hour to pluck, skin and cook. I just thought it might be fun to write a little story to flesh out the npc's some more.

After a quick breakfast, you are once again on the road. The snowfall has covered much of the terrain, with the exception of the road, and the eastern side of some small hills. There the wind has blown the snow completely away. The wind returns mid-morning and persists into the afternoon.

As you come to the crest of the next hill and are taking in the sights ahead of you, you notice some of your men have fallen behind...

2013-07-30, 11:55 PM
As I awake I begin studying my book, staying inside my tent as the others go about doing what they have to do. I know my men want to get home quickly so they will do what they have to in order to do so.

An hour later I step out of my tent a small smile on my face as my squire tells me one of them had went of hunting, a foolish thing after what happened last time. But we would see. And sure enough the boy got lucky, for a single man out in the middle of the day was easy pickings for a snowman whos thick white fur could easily blend into the snow. Well Camden you are either a lucky fool, or just plain gifted. I suspect lucky though. Don't go out on your own again, I rather not see any of you hurt. your all good soliders and I need each and everyone of you. As for the birds...what did you go steal a cats meal. Loss says showing a more human side to his troops to raise morale and show them that he was fine and would wait until later to eat.

Soon we were once more on the road again, happy to be feeling the bitter cold once more upon me I could also feel the magic inside my blood awakening and growing more powerful. In this terrain I was king, and not many could match my skills for being a student still at least. As these thoughts go through my mind I look back and notice my men have fallen behind. Well come now men, whats taking you so long, we got warm beds and women waiting for us. I call out from atop Snow scanning the frozen tundra around us wondering if they had spotted something.

Spot [roll0]

Listen [roll1]

2013-07-31, 12:12 AM
Banning and Orrin stop their horses alongside yours and also look over their shoulders. Phelan and Camden ride quickly up the hill.
"Apparently some of the horses saddles were not tied securely, and they fell off." replies Phelan.
"Rouge wind." mutters Camden.
"Knock it off with the folklore and wives' tales!" shushes Phelan.
"That's what you said about the snow people." he hisses back.
"And," continues Phelan, "apparently one of the wagons wasn't hitched properly and rolled back down the hill. It took them a moment to reattach it."

The other men are beginning to catch up.

2013-07-31, 12:17 AM
As I listen to my men I nod, this was indeed not normal, sure they wanted to get home on time and had probably rushed, but not this bad. Softly to my men I say, Be on guard, If you see movement of any kind be prepared for battle. and with that I ready a spell that should if needed help us in battle.

Preparing obscuring mist if anything tries to attack us or charge it goes off giving us all a miss chance.

2013-07-31, 12:53 AM
You wait for a moment to see if anything jumps out from a nearby bush or runs from across a field, but nothing does. The nearest collection of trees is over 100 yards away. You call to your men to continue their march, but at a slower pace, preparing for an imminent attack.

But it never comes.

The sun reaches it's highest point in the clear blue sky, and begins it's decent towards the western horizon.

Banning must be getting tired. But why? It's nowhere near nightfall. From the corner of your eye you see him slip sideways on his horse and begin to fall over. He catches the horse by the reins and the side of its neck, barely avoiding falling on his rear and looking like a complete fool.
Surprised, he looks at his saddle. The buckle and knots have come undone.
"Who did this!??" he demands angrily.
Your men stare silently back at him, wide-eyed with surprise. You see the blood rush to his face in anger as no one steps forward to admit fault.

2013-07-31, 12:56 AM
As no attack comes I pay close attention to my men, and when Bannings almost falls off his saddle I hold my hand up to signal my men to stop. A trickster wants to play games men. Lets see how he likes my tricks. I say casting detect magic looking for the fool who would dare attack my men.

2013-08-07, 01:34 AM
Your spell reveals no other magic in the area. Even sending some of your men to scout ahead, as well as watch your flank, also fails to reveal the perpetrator. Your men find no tracks in the snow, and you hear nothing but the wind, and see nothing but the snow and the trees and the sky.
you can roll search, spot, and listen checks if you want to, but there's about a 99% chance you don't find anything.

After searching for some time, you and your men finally move on. The sun sinks in the sky. Later in the evening, more buckles come undone, including the knot on a bag of foodstuffs that tips over, it's contents spilling out into the mud. Again, no man or living beast appears to be to blame. There are rumors amongst your men that it is a ghost in the area. Some even say it is the wind and the land itself, rebelling upon those who have claimed it.


The days pass. Your men are all eager to get back to their wives, but knowing that their mission is completed, they don't push as hard to travel as quickly as when you left Highmount. The last two days have been sunny and warm, and traveling has been easy.

You near your home. The foothills are rocky and steep, and the road is narrow and winds steadily upwards. Over two feet of snow has buried the road, and below that; ice. The horses have trouble pulling the wagons on the ice, and the men who walk have trouble navigating snow that deep.

Yet they are in high spirits! Highmount lies less than one day away! The men sing songs as the sun goes down, and as you crest the top of the next ridge, you break for camp. The men quickly build a fire, and set up your tent for you, as the cook prepares what is left of the food rationed for the journey back.
As you recline in your thick mattress and heavy wool blankets, you think how nice it will be to sleep once again in your mattress filled with down feathers, before your mind returns once more to the events of the week and what you would say to your father once you returned.

Your father. It's interesting enough that you still think anything of his approval at all. It was only a year ago your father and aunt got into that argument, and your father finally relinquished his position. Arytekothar was your only master now. Well, and the Crown, of course, but in an immediate sense, Arytekothar was the only one who really had authority to keep you in check.
Phff! Your father. Giving up his position as head, but still clinging to his power by trying to manipulate you. Well, no longer. It was a wizard's world now, his strength and his sword would get him nowhere--

Your thoughts are interrupted momentarily as you hear a cork pop, your men breaking open a bottle of wine no doubt smuggled from Aldwin's guest house kitchen. You return to your thoughts--

To prove your loyalty to the Heads of Hydra, you publicly accused three Hextorians of being part of the old Black Circle and now Hydra would probably be calling on you to travel to Qin'Yon to infiltrate the house of Umani, which you remember Ocelevos mentioning briefly. That would be them asking you for a favor, if you remember correctly, which would entitle you to one in return. Your mind toys happily with the possibilities. You would be sure to ask your Master which one he thought appropriate to ask for. Thinking on him reminds you to mention the name which Ocelevos mentioned earlier: Zamzahulael. Zamzuhael? Something like that. Your mind wanders to the poor condition of the wall around Falst. Your informants. Qavin Smallwing and his "dragon's blood" family. The other initiates of hydra: Lord Adar and that Juno girl. The ball you would like to throw in honor of the wizards of the north, illusionists especially.

"My lord?" asks Orrin, poking his head in. The tent flap flies open as he does, and a sharp wind enters the tent, the cold air shocking your face and your lungs as you breath it in. "The cook said he saw some movement in the hills. Not bear nor deer. Manlike. Like the Snowfolk, he said. The archers havents seen anything and are requesting permission to investigate."
From the open tent flap, you can see that your other men have added wood to the fire in an attempt to see better through the night's darkness.

2013-08-07, 01:53 AM
As both magic and common ways of finding the perpetrator fail I give up, in time the creature would either move on, or show itself. Stressing myself and my men out would get us nowhere close to home fast.


As the days pass, my men and I taking our time, knowing how dangerous the storms could get the higher we got to the top of Highmount, I could not help but feel a sense of new energy, as if I had opened a wizards spellbook and was going to decipher all of there spells before destroying their own book so that only I then knew the most powerful of spells.

In time my mind turned inward on itself thinking of the events that had been going on, and how my farther though I still answered to him. The old warrior would soon learn he was no longer in charge of the family as he had made to many mistakes during his reign, the latest only being revealed to me after being to the city of Falst. My family would have to learn to spend less if we were to keep our borders safe. And then there was the ball I wished to throw. After all having friends on all sides, and even those who looked up to you as their leader was always a good investment.

On the last day before Highmount as I sat inside my tent alone like I had been the past few nights my mind went to my betrothed. I had never meet her, though was told she was powerful and beautiful. Master had set up the arrangement and Knowing this I could not refuse. Thankfully my men interupted my thoughts as talk of seeing something in the distance caught their attention and they thought it was snow people. Is it you out there my old weapons master? Are you following us? he asks himself as he looks to his men. Switch to your spears tonight and coat your arrows in oil if we have any left. Set up some traps all around the parameter. Including pits. I want this thing, that keeps on following us to only have one way to get here. My way. I say stepping out of then tent and casting a spell to cover up the camp with a think mist, that my men knew to be an illusion,but the ones watching us would hopefully not until they were to close to know the truth.

Silent image, They have to get within touching it to have a chance to disbelieve it, so this should give us an element of surprise against an attack. Also my friend wants to know if she could join as Lord Losses Bethroled. She wanted to play a lolth touched Drow, refluffing the lolth touched to Elisetree and instead of a strength bonus a cha from the template.

2013-08-07, 09:10 AM
Clouds cover the stars and moon, and the light of the campfire does little to pierce the darkness. A thick veil, like dragon's smoke, descends over the camp, and the horses are brought to the middle of the camp to keep them from running off.

Banning, your bodyguard, and Orrin are at your side, swords drawn. For a split second you wonder if last time Banning ran off to hunt down the snow people like he said he did, or if he ran in fear like the others.

After a few moments, you see their dark forms in the distance. They shamble about in the snow drifts near your camp, but do not enter into it. Phelan and Camden nock arrows in their bows and await your command.

Light from campfire extends out 40 feet, six or seven (maybe) snow creatures 60 to 70 feet away. Combination of the darkness of night, and the screen of mist give them partial concealment.

2013-08-07, 09:21 AM
The mist gives them no concealment as It is an illusion my people can see through, as they knew about it and are inside it. The snow people have to interact with it first and hope they pass.

As the snow people come into view I look to my men. Bows to the ready, Light arrows. I say having my men wait all lined up in a row. Focus all your fire on one and try to bring it down. No mistakes. I say waiting for them to get within sight of the campfire and telling my men to fire. Drinking a potion afterwords to raise my defensive capabilities.

Potion of mage armor. +4 AC=16 AC

2013-08-08, 12:19 AM
Even though you tell your men it is an illusion, they don't automatically disbelieve it. They get a +4 circumstance bonus to disbelieve it, but still have to interact with it to get one. Seeing as the DC for your spells is outrageously high on your home turf, and they are simpleminded peasants, this won't help much. Keep in mind, most of your time is spent in castles and at events with noblility. The men that you conscripted from Highmount's regular guard know who you are, but don't hang out with you on a daily basis, thus are unfamiliar with how illusions work, even if they have heard that you can cast spells. However, Banning is your personal bodyguard, and Orrin is your squire, so they would have this kind of personal experience, and would more easily disbelieve an illusion once you told them you cast it.

Regardless, you read too much into it (as most of my players do, at some point...:smallwink:) I was just trying to set the mood and give you an idea of how your men felt, not freak you out with a list of negative modifiers against you. The snowfolk only have partial concealment, not total, and this is mostly due to the fact that it is night, and the clouds cover the moon and stars.

You look about at your crew. A few servants try in vain to dig the holes that you ordered for, but the frozen ground will not yield to their shovels. Orrin lights the oil-dipped arrows for Phelan and Camden.
You wish the third archer was still alive. What was his name? Lewis? You can't remember...Camden's friend. He was the first to die. Then my weapons master. Than that hothead, Ector. And who else is left? Your bodygaurd, Banning; your squire, a small boy who can barely lift a sword; your two banner-men and a handful of cooks and servants. How many did they say were out there? Half a dozen? You do no fool yourself. If anyone was to get you out of this and back to Highmount, it would be you.


Your two archers, and a third man to whom Lewin's bow was given, loose flaming arrows into the night sky!
You hear a blood-curdling screech as all three arrows find their home. The snow creature flails about, and you can now clearly make out the others: At least four run in fear, or perhaps into the darkness to reposition their attack, the two that stand next to the burning one recoil from the light and heat, but do not run, nor do they charge.

Your fingers quickly find the potion which you have been saving for an emergency like this, and you drink it hastily, the ice cold liquid burns as it goes down. Your archers reload, and Orrin light's their arrows.

Round 1. Roll initiative.

2013-08-08, 01:10 AM
If a DM can scare his PCs like you did to me in my eyes they are doing a good job Artman.

Initiative so I do not need to make another spoiler [roll0]

As I watch the servants try in vein to dig holes to no avail I immediately redirect them to get arrows ready for the archers and to pour some oil around the camp at the boarders of the mist. That way when the beasts did charge or try to attack his men could set them ablaze, and though he would not have their pelts to bring home, their skulls would be enough to show as trophies.

Looking to my banner men I begin to bark orders Get some real weapons, spears I do not care, make sure you are armed as you are not only fighting for my life but for that of your own and the person by your side. Everyone of you keep this in mind, as if you run you will die, either by my own hand or that of theirs. I say before going on. Do you not feel that chill in the night men? That cold seeping into your bones, it is the power of the dragons coming to me and filling me with their power. Do not fear these cowards, for you fight along side dragons. I say shifting my facial features with a spell to appear draconic in nature. Now fire your arrows and reveal to them the might of your dragon lord. And with a smile he watches as all three arrows hit true bringing the creature down. A cruel smile comes across his face as he watches many of them flee, though two remain standing by the burning body. Curious, Snowpeople were not known for such bravery outside of their rages, and as they stood their not charging he knew they were not in a rage. Curious. Perhaps when we return home I will have to catch one for experiments. They are showing new signs of intelligence I did not believe possible. Loss says to himself as his men once more knock their arrows into place and get ready to fire on command.

As they are waiting I quickly drink down the potion and am happy to find that I feel an invisible force protecting my body from harm.

2013-08-09, 11:07 PM
The two snowfolk look on as the oil is poured and a ring of fire burns around your encampment. At your command, the archers loose another volley of arrows, which miss, and the snow people flee into the hills.

You watch and wait, but the hideous creatures do not show themselves. You hear nothing. The fire encircling your camp finally dies out. Your men once more look to you for orders.

2013-08-09, 11:28 PM
As the creatures run off after the last two warning shots are fired I look at myself pleased. My men were getting better for sure. Good job everyone, we need to double the guards though tonight and make sure that fire does not go out. I will even be joining in this effort tonight. I say to my men making it clear that if I was to work besides them there would be no slacking off. We rise early, and ride as quickly as our slowest members can match. No one is to go out alone, understood?

I meant for them to pour the oil but not light it up yet, but that works to I guess.

2013-08-12, 11:31 PM
All is quiet. The men are tense, and even doubling the guards to allow them to sleep does little to help the mood. By the next morning, you can see in their eyes that none have slept much.

As break camp and press on, your mens' vigor is renewed, tired though they may be. The road zig-zags through the familiar black rocks that rise out of the snow as you get farther north, and men break into song as the sun shines brightly in the afternoon.

As the sun sets behind the mountain peaks to the west, Highmount finally comes into view. You can feel the mood change as your men see the high walls and large stone castle of Highmount, and they let out a cheer! The city gates open as you and your men approach. The men begin to laugh as talk of fine beer and loose women. The sounds of the city reach your ears and the smells of fresh meat, stew, bread, beer, and wine greet you as you pass through the gates.

The guards greet you, bowing low, and their Captain flags you down.
"Your father waits for you in the meeting hall, my lord." he says, bowing his head.
Your men wait eagerly for you to dismiss them, with the exception of Banning and Orrin, who follow you to the castle.

2013-08-12, 11:42 PM
After a long hard road the gates of highmount are a blessed sight. I had not expected such problems on the open road, and now that I was home I would be looking over everything. Our roads were under patrolled, and Falst itself was in all but ruins. Thanking the gate captain I turn to my men. You have all served me well on our trip. Now go and enjoy yourselves and let the travels of the road be washed away from your minds. I say before turning to Banning and Orrin. Seems the old king wishes to speak, shall we go and entertain him? I ask with a smile as I make my way to my families keep atop snow.

All to soon it seemed I was home, looking to the stable hand I said calmly. Clean her up and get her a good meal. and with that I head to see my farther, hoping to see either my sister or aunt and uncle along the way.

2013-08-17, 01:05 AM
After making sure Snow will be taken care of, you cross the courtyard that lies between the stables and the keep.
roll a spot check.

Once inside, you take the long way around the keep to get to the meeting hall, hoping that you might spot your aunt or uncle before meeting with your father. They are nowhere to be seen. Once you reach the meeting hall, you realize why.

There sit your aunt and uncle, at the table to the left your father, who is seated at the head of the table. To his right sits a man in his late twenties, dressed in the trappings of nobility. Your father seems a bit irritated by your tardiness, but then, he probably doesn't know all that you've accomplished.

"Well?" he demands, "Where have you been?"

Banning and Orrin slow their pace, unsure whether or not they should stay. They cannot leave, for they have not yet been dismissed.

2013-08-17, 01:52 AM
After I know Snow will be taken care of I begin to cross the courtyard back to the main house. Looking around to see if my farther had tried to change anything while I was away.

Untrained Spot [roll0]

Once inside I slowly explore the house, taking the long way to the meeting hall, my farther should have known his place by now. Calling me to a meeting when I was the head of this family. He would learn his place. I told myself as I made my way around the house, not finding who I was looking for I finally went to the meeting hall to see why I could not find them.

Ignoring my farther for the moment as I enter I bow to my aunt and uncle, more as a sign of respect then any real need to. It is good to see you. I am sorry I was gone so long, threats had to be eliminated. I say before looking to MY chair. I hope my farther has not been making you think he is the ruler of this house. I say politely to the noble as I make my way around the table, my staff hitting the floor with each step, the force behind it growing more and more the closer I got to my chair, the head chair. You see when I am away it is my aunt and uncle who are in fact in charge, and I do hope he has not soiled our good name yet with his ramblings. I say as I get to my seat and stair down at him, giving him a final waning to take his spot or be shown his place and humiliated in public.

Intimidate on my farther [roll1]

Where I have been does not concern you, now MOVE! I say in reply slamming my staff down as I begin to channel my powers using the staff to hold the charge as I prepare to put him to sleep with one of my simplest spells. Turning to my guest I bow my head. I am truly sorry you have to see this. the old fool does not remember his place. Though you do deserve an explanation. I happened to be helping the empire on important matters regarding an attempt on the emperors life. It seems the black hand has risen up once more, and I went to investigate myself. I say taking my seat at the head of the table. To make sure the matters were resolved quickly I went myself with some of our best men, and we took care of the problem. And now I am here once more. So what is it I may do for you noble, I have not yet caught your name by the way, and it seems a bit unfair as I am sure you know mine by now. I say to the man kindly, though I am still covered in the ware and tear of the road, it is clear that I would not show any form of weakness in my own house.

Looking to Banning and Orrin I smile, You both have done well, go and take the rest of the day off. Be hear early in the morning. I have a special assignment I need you two both for. Dismissed.

If my farther does not move willingly I cast Sleep on him Will DC 18 the image of a dragon blowing dust into his eyes like the last time I used the spell. Followed by unseen servant picking him up and depositing him onto the floor before pushing the seat in as I sit on it.

2013-08-24, 08:28 PM
Your aggressive looks and harsh voice do nothing to scare your father.
"You are the head of the house in title only, boy, who do you think takes care of the estate while you are off gallivanting about... Your dear uncle? Who is it that cleans up the messes you are so keen on making? I will ask you again, where have you been?"
You order him to move, and he laughs as you begin casting your spell.

You see, you had tried casting spells on him many times when you hit puberty but they never worked. Your aunt and uncle are both surprised as his head smacks face down on the hardwood table, and the sound of low snores filter through his beard. An invisible force picks him up and deposits him unceremoniously on the floor as you cast your next spell.

"I am Baron Erical of Red Hill," he says. He looks expectantly between you and your Uncle.

"Your father was the one who called us here..." says your uncle with slight embarrassment, looking over his shoulder at the old warrior sleeping on the floor. "How should we proceed?"

2013-08-24, 09:12 PM
Hello Artman I seem to have found my orginal name for the house. Von Cleft, it was in my history if you would like me to add it. Sorry for the mix up.

Not one too argue with fools of a bygone age who no longer held any power over me. Not even in title, he was an old warrior who needed to learn his place in our new family and so as my spell connected and his head hit the table I looked at him with a smile as my servant moved him from my chair. Well dear farther it seems you have once again been shown your place. I say looking at the old fool sleeping on the floor under the effects of my spell.

Rolls for Baron Erical of Red Hill

knowledge Arcane [roll0]
Knowledge Local [roll1]
Knowledge History [roll2]
Knowledge Nobilitiy and Royalty [roll3]

Spellcraft check to see if I notice any magical auras surrounding him [roll4]

It is a pleasure to meet you Baron Erical. I am sorry again, but the old man does not seem to understand the empire dose not have need of men of his talent anymore then to serve those with real power. I say looking to my uncle as he speaks up. I never understood why you showed him so much respect uncle, even my sister could take him on by herself if she wanted. I say before speaking to my invisible servant, Please deposit him at the end of the table and wake him up. If he moves push him back down. I rather not have another incident. I say to my servant before turning back to the Barron as if waiting to see why he was here.

2013-08-26, 09:24 AM
Red Hill, you recall, is a trade city in northern Opesan, near the Myr-Opesan border. You have been there a few times, but not recently. You do remember meeting him or any of his family before. Since he has introduced himself by his given name, but mentioned his birthplace rather than a surname, you can assume he is a lesser noble. His name does not bring to mind anything of note in the arcane, noble, royal, or local circles.

Baron Erical clears his throat, looking from you to your uncle and back again, waiting for one of you to begin the meeting.
"Your father invited me here," he offers, "Insisted--rather, that I come, for some mysterious reason..." he pulls at his lower lip with curiosity. "I am quite curious as to know why exactly?"

The man is in his mid to late twenties and is solidly built. Something about him seems familiar... Studying the man's face, you notice traces of arcane adjustments have been left behind. His nose has been straightened, and teeth whitened, as many nobles are wont to do. He demeanor is one of confidence--A confidence born of trials and tribulations, not of a magic facelift; the sure gaze of his eyes reveal as much. His red locks fall about his face as he peers up at you from beneath them.

Your aunt and uncle shrug in response to the man's question and look to you.
"Your father did indeed call the meeting... We know not why."

2013-08-26, 09:49 AM
Nodding I turn to my aunt and uncle. Please go get my adviser then and let him know my farther has tried doing something behind our backs. I need his help in these matters, as for once I am at a disadvantage it seems my farther has been playing his cards close. Better yet summon the whole family here. I say speaking about our master himself, the great Arytekothar.

As one of the two he has asked runs to accomplish what he has asked for, as he would never order around his aunt or uncle as he did his farther I turn back to Baron Erical, I do hope you understand Baron Erical where I am coming from. I have just spent a very troublesome time dealing with enemies of our grand empire only to just arrive home to be summoned by the fool you see drooling in the seat. And yet NO one seems to know why but him. Under normal circumstances we would be feasting right now I assure you on some of the finest hog in these mountains. But it seems like always my farther chooses to do otherwise. I say waiting for all to be assembled that are coming before nodding for someone to wake my farther up.

So Dear Farther, what is it that was so important that you had to not only disrupt me, but this whole entire household with your petty little games. And not only our house, but that of the Baron's here as well? I say not at all pleased.

If master comes Loss will move from his chair making it seem like he is pacing, back and forth thinking what to do while in fact he is offering his seat to him. Something the family would know, but outsiders would not.

2013-08-28, 10:14 AM
Lord Erical seems a bit surprised that you don't know what is going on. He waits patiently as your servant fetches the rest of your family. He looks each of them over as they enter, but says nothing more. Your master doesn't come.

It takes your servants a moment to rouse Mason from his magical slumber, and for a moment it looks like he has forgotten where he is. When his eyes fix upon you and Erical, his expression sours as he remembers once more.

"You ungrateful brat!" he growls from the foot of the table. "My apologies for this nonsense, Lord Erical. My 'son' has quite the penchant for theatrics."
"No apology necessary, lord." He replies calmly.
He looks around to find the entire family assembled and lets out a big sigh. "You wanted to embarrass me in front of everyone did you? Alright then, let's get on with it." His eyes level at you. "You left the estate vulnerable while you went on your little adventure, taking many of our best men with you when you went. How are we supposed to defend our home when over half our men are defending our boarders or fighting to expand your kingdom??" The veins begin to pop out on his forehead. "Don't think Sigmund has forgotten what our family has said about him at the imperial council meetings! His eyes are ever watching our gates, looking for a moment of weakness. No..." he continues, answering your question before you ask it, "Sigmund did not attack, but he very well could have! What did happen was that someone broke into the estate and made off with a number of your belongings." Your aunt and several cousins gasp in surprise. "Who did you say was in charge while you were away? My dear brother?" The look on Drakken's face quickly turns from annoyance to sheer anger.

"Father--" interrupts Alexander.
"Quiet, you!" Mason yells, cutting him off. "Yes, your younger brother has been quite missing Nolan. He hasn't had his weapons master to train with in over a week, and has reminded me every day. I assume you had a good reason for taking him did you not?"

You begin to give your answer--"Ahem. My Lords..."--when Lord Erical clears his throat, interrupting you and your father as politely as possible. "If we could."

"Certainly. I apologize again for the family drama. The reason I called you here is for one of mutual gain. I understand several attempts have been made on your life in the past few years, and I think I know why. What name have you been using recently? Drake?"
The Baron shifts in his chair uncomfortably.
Mason turns back to you. "The reason why he introduced himself with his birthplace instead of his surname is that his real surname is Duul." Your family members gasp again. Drakken's face pales. You can actually see the blood drain from your uncle's face. Your aunt looks around nervously.
"It would benefit both parties, I think, if we joined forces and took your father on once and for all."
"You can't be serious!" Drakken bursts out, "Nihil Duul? Lord of Death!?" Your cousins begin to whisper to each other nervously.
A smile begins to grow on Erical's face.
"An intriguing idea. Loss, what do you think?"

2013-08-28, 11:15 AM
As my farther wakes up in a fit of rage I can not help but smile amused. Still a child I see not knowing when it is time to be quite. Let me be the wiser one while we have company, know we are not done here however. I say looking directly at my farther as he continues to rant and rave like a ruffled chicken. When he is finished and the true identity of the one sitting in the room with us is revealed I look to him and nod. You know farther you overstep many boundaries. But lets address the more important matters first. I say turning to this Lord of death. As you can see many things have happened while I was away, I offer you room and shelter for as long as you are here while I think over what has been suggested here. I am not saying the thought is far fetched, only that I want to think on it. And with all of the things that have been brought up at this meeting it seems I have much to take care of. I say letting out an agitated sigh. Someone please show our guest to his quarters. We have a family meeting to begin that starts now!

2013-08-29, 01:29 AM
"Yes Loss, he does overstep his boundaries a bit. I would perhaps like to accept your offer to help, if indeed you can help. You must first come to an agreement amongst yourselves, and also come up with a good plan to implement the aid which you seek to give. I live so very far from here, and the crown's presence is felt much more there than it is here..."
The baron's eyebrows raise ever so slightly as you offer him a room.
"And you are sure my room will not be broken into?" he asks as if in jest, but you know he might actually be concerned about it.

Your servant shows him out.

Mason Von Cleft levels his gaze at you. Stupid man. He should be afraid, but he has been in so many dangerous situations over the years that perhaps he has forgotten how. Then again, it was entirely possible the old man still had another trick up his sleeve.

2013-08-29, 01:37 AM
I only promise my family will not kill you. I say as the man leaves before looking to everyone when the solid wooden doors are shut. As many of you know I recently vanished. I was investigating a threat on the throne as well as our own family. I found the culprits and called in the starborn magi. I say turning back to my farther. As for those you choose to hire for protection they are lacking in some very obvious skills and flee at the sign of snow people. Those who came back with me are those that livid, you don't like it train them better and maybe they will survive. I should not be defending all of them, their job is to defend me. Which also leads to the poor condition the city of Falst is in. They barely even have standing walls what is going on with our money? None of our cities or towns should look so poorly defended.

2013-08-31, 12:48 AM
"If I don't like it I should train them better??" he spits the words back at you. "That is Nolan's job. If he is doing it poorly, it's your job to tell him that he should do better! You are the head of the family now, you better start acting like it! Child-kings don't live long, it's time to grow up!!"
He slams his fists down on the table.
"And the snow people? The snow people are the LEAST of our problems you stupid boy!"
"--Mason--" your mother interjects in an attempt to calm him down.
"The 'thief' that broke into your room last night was no doubt an assassin sent by our enemies to kill you! Why do you think I 'overstepped my boundaries', as you put it? WE NEED ALLIES! And speaking of assassins and spending money; where is Banning?? He is your bodyguard is he not? Why is he not by your side at this very moment? If you are worried about us spending too much money, why not quit paying him? Oh, but wait, you aren't worried about frivolous spending are you, since you spent over a thousand crowns on unnecessary weaponry?" He pulls the receipt you penned no more than two weeks ago with the amount owed and stamp of your signet ring.

The room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

The rest of your family is speechless. Mason hasn't spoken this way in over a year. Three or four years, even. He has been silently brooding, perhaps. When he passed the crown, everyone thought it was a good thing, your father included. Over the years it seems he has changed his mind. It would do him no good to reclaim his place as ruler though, it took him considerable effort to cast spells.

Your mother and aunt both look as if they want to say something, but they hold their tongues.

2013-08-31, 02:37 AM
At my father's outburst an amused smile goes on my face as I look at my farther, an icy cold expression on my face deprived of all emotions. A warrior lives and dies by the sword farther. And when they die it means they were not good enough. So Nolans resignation if you would like to call it has already been handled. I say to him as if I were talking about the weather. Do remind me though farther who hired Nolan? It was you was it not, calling him a very well rounded warrior, the best their was at the time if I am not mistaken. Yet he along with others you had him train were killed with ease. Not only by snow people but by barbarians as well. I say taking a breath and allowing this to sink into everyone's minds as I speak. So tell me farther, for his failure should I punish you? As you were the one who hired him all those years ago? A new weapon master will be had, and until I find one worthy of the title it is being handed over to you, unless my dear brother would like to challenge you for it that is? I say looking to him to see if he wished to have the title.

Ahh yes and now onto the snow people who you say are no problem. Tell me farther, did you know they have developed a poison now in their bodies that infects anyone they bite or claw? Sapping them of their strength until they are two weak to be able to do anything? I know Nolan did not, and he died because of this. I say looking to all those assembled inside the room. In my fathers reign many things went unnoticed as he was either to cowardly to take on the challenge. Or to lazy to keep up with the pests. I will not spend my years sitting on a throne given to me by birth, I shall make it known why I rule by my actions. And if they lead to my death, my people will know it was in battle defending their homes, I say slamming my fist down on the table, And not cowering while others did the fighting for me. It is because of you our enemies think we are weak farther. You allowed to much to go on in your reign. And I am tearing it down, I want everything my farther has done in his life written down for me and placed before me in the next two days. I wish to see what changes happened for the good of our nation the empire has given us to rule compared to the luxury he has given us at our peoples expense. I finish looking around to gauge the reactions of those around me. Our cities are in ruins, are walls barely standing. Roads not patrolled, and yet we expect to get visitors from the more civilized areas? I say looking around. I could accept the roads if our towns were well defended, but even they are crumbling under the hardship they are under.

As My farther goes on ignoring my mother I look to her letting her know his rudeness would not be forgotten as I reply. I would expect assassins to be trying to kill me at this moment, a lot in fact. I discovered the black circle in our own backyard recruiting under the name of the Hellbreathers, a hextortie origination that had set up camp in Falst. I say looking to everyone in the room. Knowing they would know how I originally had found out about it. Thankfully the starbound Magi came to help me defend the empire and so the problem is being taken care of now in Falst as we speak. I would have stayed longer, but they had told me they had it under control. I say looking pleased with myself knowing that saving the empire from the black circle rising up again would get our house noticed by the center of the empire. As For that so called frizelous spending and Banning, Banning is one of the reasons I am alive this day and as such him along with those who came with me have the night off. Thus are not getting paid. The blades served their purpose even better as they proved an invaluable tool against the snow people. I will however happily put them back into the vault for a later time when the family may need them, I am fair after all. I say looking to all those at the table. Especially my brother knowing how much he liked swords.

With the room silent I look to my mother and aunt who clearly want to say something but have up until now been quite. Mother, Auntie, you both know you are welcome to speak at this table.Please what is on your mind. Once we are done clearing the problems of my absence, we shall move onto my farther and who he calls allies.

2013-09-09, 01:28 AM
Your father listens as you attempt to put him in his place. He sighs heavily many times during your speech.
"I have known of the snow people. We all have." he responds quietly. Your family members nod somberly in agreement. "The poison is nothing new. The attacks have been rare, so our limited resources have been spent elsewhere. Our dragon "master" demands half, so we pay him half--"
This is the second time your father has insulted Arytekothar today. Why? "--Then another quarter goes to the crown, and Emperor Simeon does with it as he deems fit.
Nolan wasn't the best; he was the best we could afford. Those better than him are nobles themselves or else have moved on to greener pastures where lords can afford to pay them what they are worth. You are more than welcome to choose anyone in the whole of our province to replace him as weapons master, but I doubt you will do better!" he says with a sneer.

You then offer him the lowly position of weapons master. He sits silently for a moment, in shock. Dumbfounded.

"Very well--I will accept your generous offer. Our people deserve no less." Though the offer is demeaning, and far below his previous station, he attempts to make the best of it, using it as an example to show off his skills.
Alexander does not look you in the eye, and seems ashamed that your father accepted your offer. He doesn't argue or attempt to enter the conversation in any way.

You continue your speech, arguing before your family that he is the reason for their plight.

"Yes, my son." he says quietly. "I have allowed much to go on during my reign. But it was because I allowed it. Now many things have gone on during your reign, rather the reign of Arytekothar, that neither you nor he have given permission for. He is the reason for our plight, not I, and you have been too shortsighted to see it."
And there you have it. Your father's disapproval of your reign stemmed from his own bias against dragons.
"I have fought hard to expand our borders, both in our own province as well as for the empire, as have your uncles and your grandfather before us. Now our hard earned wealth is cut in half, and for what? What has Arytekothar done with his portion of our gold? What has he done for us? He has turned our noble homeland into a frozen wasteland! Our subjects die in harsh winters and the cold summers choke their crops to death. Anyone with their wits about them have since moved south to greener pastures!"
Your mother turns her eyes to him with a look of warning and he brings his tirade to a close.
"You pay your bodyguard to guard your body, not a cup. He must do so all the time. An assassin requires less than a day. If you go for a day without a guard, you might as well not have one at all."
He leans back and folds his arms across his chest apathetically, sensing that he will get no further with you tonight. He will be the family's weapons master, and it seems he is done talking, at least for the night.

Noticing your mother and your aunt are unusually quiet, you ask them to speak their minds.
"Your father means well--" begins your mother, ever trying to set things right.
"--Don't worry yourself, dear," interjects your aunt, patting her hand. "My lord," she says, turning back to you, "Your father's selfish ambitions aside, he is quite right about our lack of funds. I don't know what we will do about this. Aside from offering that bastard noble from the south protection in exchange for gold or more lands, I'm just not sure! Have you spoken to Master recently? What does he advise?"

2013-09-09, 09:36 AM
As Farther tells me the poison is well known I raise an eyebrow as none in the room seem surprised. So instead of finding a cure for such a thing we instead have lost many a man and woman to this poison and thus traders as we can not cure it, is that what you are saying? I ask him thinking Nolans death was a waste as it could have been avoided. Then again if my dream were true, he could in fact still be alive, in a way at least. A very icy surface was beneath my feet at this time, and many cracks could easily be made with the wrong steps.

Perhaps Hydra had targeted those they knew were slowly waning in power, thus thinking they were easy targets to betray the empire. I said to myself as my farther told me something I already knew. Though when he accepts the position of weapon master I do give him a bit of credit, sure it was a lesser title, but it was one that needed to be filled with someone skilled. Otherwise our men would never be strong enough to do any good. Though if he continued to disrespect master there would be many problems. And where did this stranger fit in with all this still?

As the truth comes out as to why my farther had been more trouble as of late I look at him with a raised eyebrow. So his teaching me the magics of the arcane, and getting me the best teachers he can is doing nothing father? I ask him more calmly then I have been thus far in this meeting. He has done more for us then the empire thats for sure father, but I do not see you complaining about them. I say gently looking at everyone's reaction to my words. It was Master who informed me about the plot on our family and why I had been missing for so long, as well as experimenting a bit with his dragon blood for new guardians that require less gold, and can fend and feed themselves. To say he has done nothing for our family is just as short sighted as it is this cold that makes us stronger then those in green pastors. It was what drew our family here in the first place, to the snow covered mountains.

Eventually my mother and aunt speak up and I turn to them. As Father pointed out I have been away for some time. Doing work for our own borders as well as the empire, and it is because of this I found out about our country's plight. I will however speak with master, as with our towns weak his defenses are weak against dragonslayers as well as our seat of power. Perhaps marriage is in order to gain some wealth, and as for this lord....This Barron what gold could he give us that would not lead his father straight to us? His money comes from his father, and thus his father could track it with ease. Do we really think it is wise to allow him into our home? Turning him over seems the wiser choice in this case, though I am open to options. I say letting all speak up. Land could be useful if it is promising land, but having any legal right to it, and being able to defend and hold it may cause problems if what father says is true. Perhaps we should try to solidify our place here now before spreading out. I have a few contacts I have made in the past few weeks that should be able to help. Some of them may come and ask to stay here to rest. Send them to the sitting area so that we can make sure they are not an assassin first. If it proves they are not then they are welcome to stay. I then turn to my father, As for you, I admire you for taking on a roll beneath you father, it so far has been the most, inspiring thing you have done since I was a child. I say slowly before going on. However keep your personal feelings to yourself, next time I will not be able to cover for you. Aunty care to come with me to speak with master? I ask getting ready to dismiss this meeting.


As the meeting ended I,along with my aunt made our way down to see our master in his quarters, making the slow decent down into the cave deep in the mountain. Once at the entrance to his cave I drop to one knee bowing my head before calling out. Master I have returned with some troubling news, may we enter? I ask him waiting for an answer as long as it takes.

2013-09-11, 10:25 AM
A pleased smile tugs at the corners of your aunt's mouth as you ask her, and no one else, to accompany you.
"It would be my honor my lord."

Once in the stairwell, your aunt decides to share some information which she held back earlier.
"Your father wasn't speaking the whole truth with you earlier..." she hesitates, as if she is not sure how to continue, "It is true that we don't have as much money as we once did and part of the reason for it is because the winters have been harsher than they once were, and the harvests the last few years have been less plentiful. And taxes are higher. And we give much to Master Arytekothar, it's true. He is a dragon, and they demand much--"
She stops in the narrow stone passageway and listens for anyone coming up or going down that might overhear.
"--but someone has been dipping into the pot. There are large amounts of money that have come up missing recently, and I think your father is to blame!"
She waits to hear your thoughts on the matter before continuing down the stairwell.

"As for Baron of Red Hill, however... Your father isn't entirely incompetent in this regard. Lord Erical may be the bastard of Lord Nihil Duul, but all his wealth he earned on his own, getting nothing from his father. He grew up independently, as I understand it, hiding from his father's wrath. Lord Nihil has killed every bastard son he has discovered so far. Which means that if Erical is one of Nihil's bastards, he must be exceedingly intelligent, or have an intelligent guardian. None of the other bastards made it past age 12... Even still, it would be a gamble to help him, to be sure. At some point though, Nihil Duul will attempt to take the throne, and we mustn't allow this to happen. He will take the whole empire to hell with him as he goes."


Your master doesn't respond. It is eerily quiet for a long time. For awhile, you think that maybe he is actually gone, but that would be abnormal; he hasn't left his lair in over 20 years, according to your family's recollections.

"What!?" finally comes his voice from the darkness. Your aunt jumps at the sound. "Enter."

Bright blue flames appear from nowhere, lighting torches that line the walls of the audience chamber at the front of his cave. You see he has once more taken his massive dragon form. The blue-white flames cast an otherworldly glow on his scales, causing them to look more violet than red in this light.

"What is it now, Loss? What troubling matter does your small mind need help comprehending??"
It is all your aunt can do not to cower in fear. Of your family members, only you and your father have since developed the ability to stand confidently in your Master's presence.

2013-09-11, 10:45 AM
As my aunt confides in me what she knows I look to her before bowing my head. Now that I would have no doubt of. However It may be wiser to look at this from a different perspective in this aspect, at least for a moment. I say as we stop for a second before going on. It is well known how farther feels and him making his own army and equipping them even as we speak to try and reclaim the throne I have no doubt of at this time. However I also know he would not take such large sums to make it obvious either. He is smarter then that, for all his flaws he is much smarter then that. I say thinking for a moment. I know of someone who could find out all the things we need to know, but his price is very high in all regards, though his information is always sound. It is how I learned of the Hextorite incursion in our land. I add looking to judge her reaction on this. As I said I called the starbound Magi immediately once I found out the conspirators who were working with the black circle. I however had a very disturbing dream during one of the times I was studying from my book however. Nolan was alive and something else entirely, yet still swore service to myself. One of the magi happened to be working with him, as well as one of the lords from far away, Woodblade I believe. The last seemed to be a vampire. I say looking to her, even though I knew both of us were not diviners, I did trust her and my sisters judgement. I also saw a great war coming, with some lady of fire or some such. Her family was also led by a powerful dragon and they crushed the empire as well as our master before coming for me. I finish before looking directly into her eyes. Could the assassin be someone hired by farther who has allied with her?


I wished to inform you master that the Hextorites have been taken care of, as well as the other matters I was sent to take care of. However it seems your empire is slowly starting to crumble. Falst barely has walls to hold it up. I come here asking if you could help us protect your towns and cities so that we do not look weak to our enemies. This way our mines will produce finer jewels, and more traders will come bringing you finer gifts. I say trying to use his love of things as an advantage, though never lieing to him in any way on the situation. I also brought my aunt with me master as it seems there was an assassin here while I was away as of late, and wished to speak to her about it. Father has also once again tried to place himself as head of the family. Allowing a Lord Erical into our home and even offering him a sign of protection. I wished to know if you believed this a wise cause of action do to who his father was. He would be a powerful ally as has been pointed out, but he would make his father an even dangerous enemy if word spread.

2013-09-11, 11:40 AM

A look of irritation and foreboding spreads across his countenance. "So you do not seek wisdom but a solution to your problem? Haven't you learned yet not to disturb me unless you have a plan? HOW MANY TIMES MUST I PULL A VON CLEFT OUT OF THE MUD!??"

You wish your aunt could find her voice at this moment. She always had the perfect way to deal with Master, but never when she spoke to him in person. It was as if his presence caused her to freeze with fear.

Your master forcibly calms himself before continuing.
"The walls need repair and the roads need guarding? Figure it out! That's what the head of house is supposed to do." his voice drops to a whisper, "You wish not to look weak? Those that appear weak usually are weak, and I will not enable a weakling to appear strong. I have no use for weaklings." his eyes narrow as he considers you.
"Erical will be useful. Offer him aid. Do not allow him in this house again. If he needs you, go to him. He is not to step foot on our land, it brings too much risk.

...as for your father? He has disrespected me for the last time. Kill him."

2013-09-11, 11:50 AM
Is it only my problem master? I say looking over to him from where I stand with my aunt who once again has lost her voice. Then since you will not help know then that I will be making sure the roads and walls are fixed. And money will be accounted for After such deeds are done master. If you will not help I must do what I can to protect my family, and then our people. As for being weak I have proven myself many of times in the last few days, and it is thanks to your training, however I can not be everywhere at once. I am not you. I say letting him know that he still knew who was stronger. I will have the man leave our lands at once, as for father, who will be our weapons master then, Nolan has died after all master and my brother seems ill at ease already. Killing father may cause a rift in the family, maybe even outright rebellion.

2013-09-11, 12:15 PM
He seems surprised by your response, as if the thought never occurred to him that you might question his authority.
"I know what his death may or may not cause... How much clearer can I make so simple a command? The penalty for defiance is death. You will make sure he doesn't live long enough to see the sunrise in the morning! Do you understand!?"

He raises up to his full height, his head towers above you.

"You are dismissed."

2013-09-11, 12:23 PM
Nodding in understanding I along with my aunt leave masters chambers. Once long out of ear shot I look to her, a small smile on my face. Well that could have gone worst. He seemed willing enough to allow us to make sure our walls can stand, as well as our roads patrolled as long as he still got half of what we had left over. though how are we going to take care of father I have no idea. Perhaps this lord Erical can have a use after all. As a sign of loyalty to the head of this family and to seal the deal he must kill father. In return when he needs assistance he is allowed to send for me, or whoever I send as an adviser. I say looking to my aunt. This way our hands stayed clean and we would know if it was my father who had been stealing.

2013-09-13, 12:36 AM
"What if he says 'no'?" she asks, wondering if you have a backup plan. "Or what if he says 'yes', but fails, or perhaps even says 'yes', and then turns around and tells your father instead??"
A troubled look crosses her face.
"He is already on the run from the house of Duul, why would he want to add our house to the list? Remember; your father invited him here... Erical didn't invite himself. He never asked for our help, your father was merely trying to work out his own deal. I suspect he might have more reasons to say no to that request than we have reasons to convince him to say yes."

Mason is the last living brother Drakken has, the other five lie in the cold, cold ground. He will not be happy about this. I will get him out of the house; we will go to my father's estate. This way the deed can be done while he's not around. Your father has many guards and servants who live within these walls that are still loyal to him, so a public execution is out of the question. Is there anyone you trust enough to do the deed?"

2013-09-14, 02:56 PM
What would you have me do then Aunty? You heard what master said. To not do so means death to myself. I say worried knowing that it just may be I who was to do the deed in the end.

2013-09-15, 01:33 AM
Upon hearing you ask for her direction, her whole demeanor changes. Her worried expression is replaced by one of pity. You cannot make your own decisions after all. You need mommy or dear aunty to help you. She looks at you knowingly and smiles.

She thinks about your question for only a split second, and in this moment you feel as if you are not head of the house after all. It is she. She was the one who whispered in Drakken's ear, She was the one who introduced Andrea to your father. She was the one who kept Arytekothar irrevocably tied to the family when the rest of the Von Clefts agreed that he did more harm than good.

"Take one of our spell masters with you, dispel Mason's abjurations, and cut his throat while he sleeps. . . Really Loss--" she speaks to you as if she was speaking to a mere child, "--it is not such a hard thing to do."

Your spell masters are the two gnomish illusionists, Nick and Nack, although they know other schools of magic besides illusion as well. They have been your primary tutors both before and after your trip to the Myran Arcane Collage.

Feel free to roll some knowledge checks during your assassination attempt, as well as some back-up plan if things go sour. You get a mega circumstance bonus on most kn. checks because this is your home after all...

Just waiting for this to conclude so Vorel can meet her betrothed.
--If he's still alive that is. :smallwink:

2013-09-15, 09:47 PM
Do not look at me with Pity Aunt, I seek council on how to go about this. I have run over a few scenarios in my mind, and which would be the safest in the long run, with the least amount of losses. And as such I asked you what you felt would be wise. If you show me that look again I will no longer come to you for wisdom dear aunt and will instead do what I wish no matter what our family thinks. I say coldly not enjoying the show of pity on anyone's face who looked at me. Nor did I like how she spoke to me, but that would have to wait for now as I had to go search for nick and nack, as well as send for Banning. It would be wise to keep this quite, all in the family will in a way know, but none will openly rebel if it is not revealed. Know that you to are involved in this and if I go down so do you. I say giving my aunt one stern look before we come to the exit. I hope you sleep well tonight my dear aunt. I say before walking to my teachers quarters. On my way sending a servant to fetch my bodyguard.

Once at the quaters of Nick and Nack I knock on the door once before walking in. We have a problem that needs to be dealt with immediately. Bring all the books from the library regarding my fathers regin and his tactics to this room, and do not be caught doing so. And with that I sit and wait for them to return.

2013-09-16, 09:51 AM
The books are brought to you at once. The gnomes give you a puzzled look, wondering what's going on. Banning is brought to the library where you and the gnomes are researching.
"Banning attur service! Whazzit?" he asks in a rush, slurring his speech. "I'm sorry I thouddi hadda night off..." A confused look crosses his face. He has obviously been enjoying the night up until this point, and is deep in the spirits, although he is trying hard not to show it.

2013-09-16, 03:04 PM
Trust me Bannings if I had no need for you you still would. I am sorry good friend. I say before looking to all those in the room. This is a top secret mission, that effects the whole entire household. To disobey means death not only to you but everyone who lives here. Do I make myself clear? I ask before pointing to the pile of books. My father has overstepped his reach for the last time and he is now wanted dead. You are all here with me to make sure this happens. There can be NO failure, nor any lose lips. I personally will cut out your tongues if I fell you will betray this family, understood?

2013-09-18, 11:14 AM
Nick and Nack study each others expression a moment, as if sharing a silent conversation.
They all nod somberly in agreement.
"What's the plan?" asks Nick. The two gnomes didn't always agree with your policies, but they always followed orders.

They listen quietly to your plan to execute Mason in his bed.

"Whattif your mother's innere too?" mumbles Banning.

2013-09-18, 03:31 PM
That is why we will be in disguise you fool. Though it will not help if he hears you talking. Nick, NAck, do you have a spell to make him be silent and unheard that way he does not give our position away? I ask waiting for an answer. If my mother engages us simply subdue her. Nothing more, if you use excessive force I will kill you myself. I want this to be quick and simple. That means no chance of failure, understood? I say to simply getting ready to go in to kill my father, and complete the task master had called for.

2013-09-25, 09:36 AM
The hour grows late. The sun sets and the last golden rays of sunlight that stream through the western window slowly fade. You stand quietly around a large table piled with books in the Von Cleft library, where you have called a meeting with your bodyguard and two gnomish wizards.

"The only spell we have like that will not only silence your father, but the whole room, my lord. This means any further spellcasting would be prevented." Nick replies.
"I always have dispelling and counterspelling magic at my disposal," says Nack, "but any other spells I would have to prepare... Shall I begin the process?" he asks, pulling a large tome from the shelves.

The history books reveal that the Gauthi barbarians used hit-and-run tactics, and that Mason quickly adapted to those situations. In his campaigns he was never caught by surprise. There was also an assassination attempt by his own general, not to mention the countless attempts by outsiders, and he was ready for them all. Still, no account of any attempt made to kill him at home has ever been recorded.

You look at Banning. He stands straight, but his eyes aren't alert. You can smell the alcohol on his breath. Should he come with you? You wonder.

You know almost all of the servants will be sleeping in the next hour or two, save for a few, but they will be downstairs. Most of the guards have been sent to patrol the streets and the perimeter of the house. Only one remains by your father's door. Mason used to keep his bodyguards by him at all times, even in his bedroom, but your mother quickly got tired of that, and made him wait outside while they slept. He would have to be dealt with.

2013-09-25, 06:33 PM
As Nick talks to me as if I have no idea what I am talking about I look at him as if he were a fool. That is why you would cast the spell on an item that you could toss easily. This way when we are ready it will not hamper our own spells, while stopping my father from waking up IF he manages to that is. Then turning to Nack I smile nodding my head, Always a wise move Nack. Do not fail and let your aim be true, as if this does not work as we want it to, and my father awakens or his guard is alerted outside we will have a much larger fight on our hands then we can afford to prepare for. Thinking for a moment if he should prepare any other spells I think for a moment. I would make sure you have one to disguise yourself as well as make Bannings first blow strike true no matter what my father has protecting him, encase your spells fail to get rid of all his wards.

Looking to Banning I ask him plain and simply, one question. Will you be able to perform your duties tonight banning? Will you be able to keep my life, and that of this family's safe by doing my will? If I like his answer I then explain to the others our plan of going under the guise of illusions into the servants pathways and sneaking through them into my fathers room, with Bannings sword Acting as the medium of the silence spell so that when he attacked my father us casters would be unaffected.

While Bannings was attacking myself and the others would be making sure my father could not get his barrings threw the use of all of our spells.

2013-09-25, 11:27 PM
The gnomes whisper quietly as they read, connecting themselves with the cosmos and finishing all but the final trigger of their new spells.

"Absolouy, m'lord." replies Banning quietly. "Iss my duty an my honor."

2013-09-26, 08:53 AM
Fair enough Banning, Fair enough. I say to him before going on while I waited for Nick and Nack. Do you know anything about my father's bodyguard Banning? Any weaknesses? I ask while looking over my spellbook.

2013-09-27, 09:50 AM
"Yeah. He picked th wrong employer." Banning scoffs. "It'll be the las mistake he ever makes..." Banning never was much for critical thinking, he was more of the kill-em-now and ask questions later type. Which didn't help you now, of course, but what he lacked in mental ability he made up for in his willingness to kill without hesitation.

"Done." say the gnomes after a moment. "Shall we don our magical disguises then?"

2013-09-27, 10:38 AM
mundane ones first my friends. We rely on our magical disguises only to get us to the room. The mundane non magical one is to protect us from those who can see through such spells. For that matter we should all choose a language to speak besides common. Don't want anyone over hearing us. I say to those with me, slightly annoyed at Bannings lack of a mind at times like these.

posting from phone at the moment.

2013-09-30, 10:19 AM
Souelian was the language of the empire, and although Draconic used to be a language exclusive to wizards and dragons, now many servants speak the language. Almost half of those in the Von Cleft household could speak it.
"Qinese then?" asks Nack.
The group dons their disguises. Banning grabs the door.
"Let's get to it." he says.

2013-09-30, 10:51 AM
Agreed. I say in Qinese to those with me as Banning gets the door and we make our way through the servant,s passage ways towards my father rooms, taking our time to stay quite and not be seen.

Taking 20 on move silently and hide for a total of 22 on each.

2013-09-30, 11:55 AM
Hey, you know that "Taking a 20 means you are trying until you get it right, and it assumes that you fail many times before succeeding." right?

Also, you guys have not cast the spells to look like troglodyte assassins at this point?

Nick casts silence on Banning's sword, which he puts back in his sheath.

Exiting the room, you enter the dark and silent halls of the estate. The servants have all gone to bed for the night. You walk quietly through many dimly lit corridors before reaching the servants' passage, taking care to be seen by no one.

You stop just short of the last corner and banning peers around the edge.
He turns back to you and nods: There is a guard at this door as well.

The servant's hallway is 3 feet wide, and the part you are in is 40 feet long between corners. The hallway makes a sharp 90 degree turn to the left, and it is another 10 feet to the door. This is where the guard stands, in the short 3 ft wide x 10 ft hallway. Marching order and initiative.

2013-10-01, 12:44 PM
I understand that their would be a few failures at first. That would be why they have their mundane disguises on at this time. However they will be casting their altering spells now as well.

As they get to the corner and Banning informs them that their is a guard at the door I nod my head to Nick and Nack, signaling for us all to done our disguises now before casting a simple illusion on banning to make him appear like a tribal leader. Next I cast a simple trick to sense magic and poke my head out, just slightly to see if the guard was really their and if so he had any magic on him.


2013-10-05, 12:12 AM
Speaking the last phrase of the incantation as quietly as possible, you notice shimmering auras becoming visible around you, banning, his sword, and the gnomes.

Banning crouches a bit so that you can lean over him to peer around the corner at the guard.

--Who makes eye contact with you as soon as you do so!

"INTRUDERS!!!" he shouts, hefting his spear as if he's about to attack.

roll initiative

2013-10-05, 12:29 AM
And that would be why I cast silent. His scream of intruder goes unheard thanks to it because of Bannings position.

As my eyes adjust to that of magical auras I quickly notice all those coming of myself and my allies. It couldn't be avoided. I think to myself and turn my head around the corner. sure enough the guard is standing right there trying to scream out intruder no doubt as one of my simplest spells stops him from even being able to do that. After all couldn't allow father to know I was coming. It might wake mother. I think to myself quickly as I take in the situation around us and what the best move would be next.
