View Full Version : Crafting Feats; Please Help

2013-01-12, 02:23 AM
I am currently running a game where a player is using the vestige: Astaroth, I have agreed with the interpretation that Astaroth will provide any single item creation feat without requiring pre-requisites.

I have been attempting to find every item creation feat existing within any "official" source but have been having problems. I am trying to get this list for my player as well as for my own sanity... lol

Does anyone have a link to a comprehensive list of all item creation feats along with their source? Page numbers would be great but not necessary.

Thank you in advance!!

2013-01-12, 02:39 AM
This is strictly off the top of my head.

The standard options are in the phb, so I won't bother with them.

Craft skull talisman: frostburn craft contingent spell: complete arcane etch schema: magic of eberron craft construct: Monster Manual Elemental binding: eberron campaign setting Craft rune circle: races of stone Craft portal: forgotten realms campaign setting sanctify relic: complete divine craft talisman: oriental adventures

I'm sure I've missed a few, but that should be the bulk of them. I assumed you weren't interested in the psionic item creation feats, but they're all in the expanded psionics handbook if you are.

2013-01-12, 02:50 AM
Thanks! I appreciate those very much!

2013-01-12, 03:15 AM
Of those, two bear particular note.

Craft contingent spell is generally regarded as one of the most poorly balanced feats in the game. The benefit/cost relationship for taking and using it is absurd compared to virtually any other feat, period, nevermind the crafting feats. Use/allow with caution.

The other is etch schema. The resultant items are, IMO, one of the better types of magic item for producing spell effects that you'll need only infrequently but more often than the niche use spells that only warrant a scroll or two. Providing that he has some means to emulate the spell he wants to etch, a binder (or warlock, or artificer) can reasonably create enough of these to make himself into a kind of pseudo-sorcerer. It's not really any better a feat than, say, craft wand but it's definitely one of the better ones on that list, IMO.

The others have their place, but it's rarely on a PC. Same goes for brew-potion, btw.

2013-01-12, 06:40 AM
Grell Alchemy, Lords of Madness. Notable for creating items powered by science instead of magic (such as Lightning Lances and such that run off obscure physical laws rather than magic)