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2013-01-12, 12:05 PM
Dawn rises in the city of Arithanos, the rosy fingers stretching out gently until they become the golden hues of day, reaching over the waves of the Bay of Halam. The clamor of day begins to the north of the city as the small fleet of fishermen set out, making their way to the bay under the four bridges of the city. Gulls and other birds can be heard begging for scraps as they follow the sturdy boats out.
As the sun continues it’s trek across the sky, her light finally clear the wall of the Dragon’s Claw Inn and through the windows of your second floor room.
As the sounds of the staff beginning their work makes its way up to you, you recall coming to the gates of the city last night after sundown and being rebuffed by the guards. While not unfriendly, stout and dark-skinned guard explained “No ins after sundown. Orders of the Governor, Anu be praised.” Directing you to the north of the city to the Dragon’s Claw Inn, the only establishment outside the city walls, you were surprised and moderately impressed by stone walls surrounding the inn, especially this close to the city. As the two inns guards let you pass to the stables, you saw many carts and wagons being guarded by more inn staff as you realized that traders must use this as their base to sell their wares into the city.
Rual Giz, the proprietor, greeted you and gave you rooms, his ham-sized fists shaking yours as you can tell that the strength in his arms was incredible in spite of girth. A quick, warm bowl of goat stew filled your belly as the raucous goings on of the caravan guards filled the room. Swept up in the camaraderie of the guards, who hadn’t been in a town in weeks in most cases, the drinks flowed as the men and women celebrated living through another job as their hard earned coined itched in their pouches to be spent.
This morning, however, those that were awake were nursing hangovers with muttered groans. As you sit, a pretty young woman nods and walks into the kitchen, returning a few moments later with a plate laden with a mish-mash of food. Sticking a fork in and taking a bite, you realize it is some dish of eggs, potatoes, and fish. The flavors of basil and other spices hit your palate as the crunch of peppers and onions emanate from your mouth. The serving girl returns with a mug of some drink for the two of you. Taking a quaff from the mug, it has the tastes of mulled wine, watered down a bit by the flavor, with hints of cinnamon and ginger, immediately being to sooth your rebellious bellies.
As you finish your breakfast, the girl, Sooanna, ask “Anything else for you two?”

2013-01-12, 04:32 PM

Judging by the mug's taste, it contained things, he most certainly did not enjoy. He pulled a face, not one of comedy, but one of pure anger. Unlike his accompanying party, he turned the face simply to the mug, and a polite, yet very stalwart, look to the woman. "I would rather have just water, if you don't mind. Convictions, and what not. Plus, Cinnamon is truly disgusting in my book. Thank you for your service though." The large Inquisitor shows a smile, awkwardly placed on a rough face, and rippling scars and muscles. He's been in company of dangerous things, and lives a dangerous life. While the woman waits for the other half of the table, Azael blesses his food with a mantra, before digging in, and enjoying the meal in its entirety.

2013-01-12, 05:18 PM

Rowan ignored the girl for the majority of the time, and only when he was done eating did he speak. A frown formed on his face, and he looked at her with an odd face. "No, i do not need anything, but to finish with this meal and get on our way. We have a lot to do and not enough time to do it." He placed his cup down on the table, groaning a little, and then flipped the page in his spellbook to go over the next spell he has listed as he waits for his companion to finish and be ready to leave.

2013-01-12, 10:12 PM
Sooanna returns with the water as requested, a small smirk on her face.
Once the meal is complete she clears any extra dishes and leaves the the two of you to your business.
As the morning breakfast slows down and the merchants begin to move out to sell their wares in the city, Rual comes over and has a small chat with you.
"Well, young men, you seem to be new to Arithanos if my eyes can tell men apart. At least you are not from any locale near the city. Not guards since you still be sittin' here. Anything I can help you out with?" he says with a smile.

2013-01-12, 11:12 PM

Azael turns his attention to the new man, and stands before saying anything. He used a small bit of cloth to wipe his mouth of egg and water, and then motioned for Rowan to stand. "We're on our way to the pinnacle of magic around here. Any directions would be appreciated. Also, while we are here, any mercenary work, or the like, would also be much appreciated."

2013-01-12, 11:32 PM

"Indeed, that is the plan. Although if you could also help me acquire a map of here and the surrounding area, i could definitely use one of those. Haven't been able to study a map much lately. He stood up, slid his books into his bag, and stepped beside Azael, following his lead.

2013-01-13, 10:21 AM
"Aw, you seek the Tower of Knowledge, do you? Well, once off me property, take the main road to the North Gate. Once inside, just make a left, you can't miss it. Biggest building in the city. Biggest city I've ever seen and I've done a bit of traveling in my time, let me tell you. As far as mercenary work, eh?" he says as he leans back into a nearby stool, his girth causing the wood to groan.
"Well, it all depends on what kind of work you be looking for. Seeing how there is work and then there is work, if you catch me meaning." he says in a low voice as he grins at you, a sly look in his eye.
"I know that Beyti Ber’El’Emi is looking for someone to find her husband, Tamil, who's a junior member of the Tower on his Endeavor, so she cannot expect any help from them for some time." he says has he wipes his fat chin, the thick hairs making a course sound as he drags his hand across. "I've also heard rumor that the Outriders of the Scales are either going to be looking for recruits or some kind of help with the 'Devendwil' situation." As he sees you're unsure of what he's talking about, he continues "Well, like I said, it is obvious the two of you be new around here. The Outriders are like the army for Arithanos and something like, hmmm, the arm of the Tower rolled into one. They have been having some conflict around Kyenholm, near the border with Devendwil. That seems to be a bit 'meaty', if you catch my meaning."
With that he stands, the stool seeming to be glad to be done with carrying his weight.
"Mind you, this is the idle gossip I've heard from my custom here. I could keep an ear open, so to speak, if you want to throw a bit of coin my way. Couldn't tell now, perhaps, but was a bit of a mercenary and adventurer in my youth, but made my bit of fortune and settled down to live a good life, unlike most of my comrades-in-arms, Ea keep them, so I have my soft spot for our type of ilk, if you catch me meaning."
Pulling a fairly clean rag from his belt, he proceeds to wipe the table down as a young gnome comes over and starts removing your used dishes.
"Of course, you might try just going to the Outriders themselves. And, since it seems as if you two have your mind set on the Tower, you might inquire with them to see if they need any recruits or, maybe, some young wizard to be may need some guards or scouts to help out with their Endeavor. It's a big world. Be bold but wise with your decisions and time. As far as a map goes, I'd inquire with either the Tower or the Outriders. They may be able to sell one to you, though it be doubtful." he snaps his fingers after a moment and continues "Dej Imric, though really a transcriber of old texts, might have acquired a map or two in his business dealings. His place is near the Tower, so you may want to ask him. With that he tells you some quick directions to find his shop.

With that he gives you a nod and proceeds to the next table to gossip with a young man doing a poor job of nursing a hangover.

2013-01-13, 03:28 PM

He nodded to the girthy man, and then plucked the air with his hand. Moving it towards the door, he motioned for Rowan to follow. When out in the open air, he began to talk, all while making his way to the entrance to the fair city.

"We'll head to the tower first. While there, we can look for you a map. Spend as much time as you like in there, it seems we can stay the night, so long as we start the day inside the city. After we finish, we'll look for some jobs, or some kind of public station with odd jobs/work. I trust you'll have memorized the map by mid day tomorrow, assuming we get one by tonight?"

2013-01-13, 11:25 PM

Rowan smiled a bit as he walked beside and just a little behind Azael. "I doubt it'll even take that long, honestly. Unless there's a lot of good reading material somewhere in the tower. You sure you won't be bored out of your mind while we're there? I know its not much of your style, after all." His eyes seemed bright at the mention of the reading material, and a cheer unlike back in the inn was easily present in his voice now.

2013-01-13, 11:32 PM

"Yeah, I'll find something to do. I might ask around for that army/guard thing. See if they have any monsters around here. I mean both physiology and psychology. Maybe find a tyrant that eats babies, and skins mothers. Who knows, right?"

Azael walked strongly along the wall, until he made it to the entrance they were shied away from last night.

2013-01-14, 09:22 AM
As the two newcomers enter the North Gate, the guards do not give them a second glance. The smells of many unwashed bodies strike the senses once inside as the pair had gotten used to each others sent traveling to Arithanos.
Following Rual's directions, you make your way past the market square, with all of the noise and bustle one would expect of a large city and port. The Tower looms ahead, one of the largest standing structures in the known world, carrying all of the intimidation of such vast knowledge from another time as could be preserved.
As merchants hawk their ware as you pass the market square, you realize how immense the structure is as you finally reach the outer wall with the guards standing at station.
One of the guards raises his hand and says "What business do you have with the Tower this fine morning? No mage, or apprentice that I have seen before." in a crisp and official manner, friendly enough but with an air of confidence.

2013-01-14, 05:23 PM

"I am a traveling mage, seeking to study magic all over the world. We come here to see what i can learn from the mages here, and my companion, Azael, is along for the ride. Among other things. Is that acceptable, or is there some reason why you would not like me to visit this fine establisment?" Rowan steps forward briskly, smiling at the guard in a friendly manner.

2013-01-15, 09:27 AM

Being a body of poise, Azael stands with almost the same confidence as the guard, only that Azael holds more of it than the other. Making a quick gesture, Azael eyes the man over, with a small quip of a grin. "I suppose you're part of a guard or military that's posted up to protect the city? Let me ask, has there been any accounts of monsters, or supernatural beasts running a muck around here?"

Azael extends his body, being inbetween both the guard and Rowan. Rowan isn't one to excel in any conflict when the combatants are so close. It's a natural reaction for Azael to become the primary target of a weapon carrying person.

2013-01-15, 09:28 AM
"Well, we don't normally have 'wanderers' in and out without some kind of invite..." he says as he scratches his chin as his hand moves off of the long sword at his hip.
"Sordel" he yells out and a young man dressed in drab black and gray appears, unkempt dark hair flying.
"Find Jevidius and see if he is willing to give a tour."
The boy runs off and is gone for a few minutes. The guard doesn't say anything else to the two of you but does greet a few elderly gentlemen as the enter the grounds with a slight bow at the waist.
As Sordel returns he says "Jevidius says I'm to take them to the main library and wait for him there with 'em."
"Alright." he says to the boy and then turns to you "but I need your weapons. Only guards and full mages can carry them on the grounds." Another guard comes with two small boxes, each with a lock that has two keys protruding from them.
"Weapons in the box and we each keep a key. Once you're business is concluded you can return to retrieve them." he says matter of factly.

2013-01-15, 09:30 AM

Azael turns to the boxes, and then shakes his head. "Not to be rude, but I will not give up my weapons. If that excludes me from the tour around the library, so be it. But, my weapons are my bond. I only ask that I may still walk with my friend, to ensure he is safely guided to the library."

Azael's confidence never falters, and the man with brimming scars keeps a stern and upright stance the entire conversation.

2013-01-15, 10:00 AM
With hand held out he replies "You misunderstand. Not the library but anything past the gates you are not allowed weapons. The boxes are magic and only these two keys, in conjunction, may open them. Either you may divest yourself of your weapons or you can wait for your friend outside." in a no nonsense manner.

2013-01-15, 10:09 AM

So you disallow weapons inside of a tower filled with people who could easily be capable of disintegrating any threat they face with little more than a thought? Seems kinda stupid to me." He smiled and turned towards Azael. "But I will be fine on my own if you have no problems with that." He spreads his arms and opens his pack to prove he has no weapons.

2013-01-15, 10:23 AM

Azael simply nods, and then crosses his arms. Moving his head around, he looks at the rest of the city. "While you're in the library, Rowan, I'm going to look for some work, or so. Maybe go some places the Tavern owner mentioned."

2013-01-15, 10:33 PM
"The rules are not mine to make, or question, sir, but to follow. Sordel will show you to Jevidius." With that the young man leads Rowan past the gates once he has placed his weapons in the box and then leads him into the imposing edifice of knowledge.

"If you're looking for work, there are usually recruiters in the city square. Or, if you're qualified and willing to sign up for a year, the Outriders of the Scales are always looking for a good sword being lead by a good head."

2013-01-16, 03:44 PM

As Rowan has no weapons to put into the box, he simply follows after the young man, and takes in the sights as he passes. While they walk, he begins to talk to the one he's following. "So, what can you tell me about the tower? Anything special about it?"

2013-01-17, 09:14 AM
As Rowan and Sordel walk towards the tower, Sordel responds to his question.
"Well, you mean besides being the most powerful building in the whole world? More wizards here than anywhere else, I reckon. I came here about 5 years ago to learn to be one but my progress hasn't been great. Hopefully I'll be ready for my Endeavor in the next 5 years or so. At least, that's what Jevidius thinks, though some of the other initiates don't think so."
As they enter the building it looks impossibly larger on the inside than the huge building did on the outside.
Sordel prattles on about his training as they walk through the main lobby and past a couple of double doors. A handful of young men and women can be seen walking briskly this way and that on some errand, along with a couple of older gentlemen walking together in conversation, gray robed and brows furrowed in concentration.
As the two of you cross the double door, you enter the largest library you have ever seen. While very neat and organized, the walls and bookcases or nearly bursting with books as dozens of apprentices are either pulling books or sitting at desks doing research.
Sordel takes to a large desk with a elder man sitting reading a very thin book that you can't make out the language in.
"Sir, here is the man that was seeking entrance at the gate."
Than mans piercing blue eyes glance up at you as the man intones "What can I and the Tower do for you today, young man?" he looks you up and down for a moment before continuing.
"More than a bit old for apprenticeship, though we have had older, but it would seem that you possess some power as it is, so I assume you are here for other reasons?"

2013-01-17, 09:19 AM

As Rowan walks off with page, the guard stands for a moment, eyebrow arched. After a minute, he asks "Anything else I can help you with? If not, I'd ask you to either move along or, at least, out of the way as you are standing in the middle of the entrance to the Tower grounds." in a polite manner.
"Like I've said, there is work to be found for you and your axe but not here. With all of the conflict the world seems to be embracing lately, you can probably hire on with some company or other."

2013-01-17, 09:33 AM

"Believe me, i am not here to seek apprenticeship. I am beyond the level of an apprentice as i am, rather, i am a self-taught mage. I've been traveling the world expanding my horizons and studying amongst others that i can find in nearly every city i visit. I come here for the same reason. I don't plan to stay long, but i was looking to see what i could learn from the more practiced mages here. Do some studying, learn some stuff, you get the gist. Is that acceptable? He smiles, keeping his gaze intent on the other to study his reaction to the short speech.

2013-01-17, 03:25 PM

Azael looks towards the guard, and scowls. "I hate it when people are falsely polite. Just because you look all innocent, and seem like your doing your job, you're quite the rude person. Especially, when assuming."

Azael confidently walks off, right through the gate he entered the city through, until he found the old tavern that he and Rowan stayed in. Entering with arms crossed, he traversed the bar area, waiting for the large man to show up, or at least, someone to ask if he may speak with the owner.

2013-01-18, 09:17 AM

The old man's brows drew together for a moment as he thought.
"Normally, that is not our preferred method. We would like a logical, precise and practiced method of learning. Both in the exploration of magic, to discover new ways to manipulate magic or uncover old methods thought lost. This protects both the practitioner and those around him.
Steepling his fingers, he draws inwards again.
"I suppose a short time here may sway you. And, potentially, we could learn a bit from each other. What do you need access to? Also, for any components required, the onus is upon you to provide. I'll provide you a pass so you may enter the grounds and the library, here. See me tomorrow with a list of needs and I, in turn, may provide a list of our needs. Anything else? he says, a glint in his eye.

2013-01-18, 09:31 AM

As Azael walked into the Dragon's Claw Inn and sat, Rual saw him and nodded with a smile on his face. Sooanna came bustling up and asked "What your drinking today?

Rual, after a few minutes as he is talking to some merchant hawking his wares at the bar, walks over to Azael.
"Well, either you found something or you found nothing, I suppose. Which do it be? as his northern accent comes out a bit. "Hasn't been long, so I'm guessing the former. And, as it hasn't been very long, I've had no new rumors for you. Unless that sour look on your face means you've lost your young friend. with that, he slams he table and laughs at his own joke, belly laugh resonating through the room and through the rolls of fat.
After a few moments he subsides. "Iffin' your looking for work, go down to the city square. Ask for Hal Tunal. Of all the mercenary recruiters, he's the closest to being on the up-and-up. Also, near the statue of Ishtar in the square, there is a posting board. You can find odds n' ends work and, sometimes people who need a bit of help but can't write a posting will be standing there looking for help. Or, can stay here and spend a bit more of your coin on drinks. Probably better for me." he finishes with a smile.

2013-01-18, 06:02 PM

With the young waitress over, he smiled, and asked for another glass of water. When Raul was over to talk, he huffed a bit during the fat man's talking. "They asked me to give them my axes. No one, NO ONE, takes a man's weapon. It's pitiful. So, they wouldn't let me accompany Rowan, my young friend, into the library. It's fine though, not that into magic. I'll sit here for a bit, hear some stories you have to tell from your old adventures, and then I'll wander over to that board for some work."

Assuming you don't want to actually post stories, you can time skip Azael to the board whenever.

I'll be posting late, I am going to a friend's house for a party/get-together. I'll be back posting tomorrow.

2013-01-18, 10:50 PM

"I don't ask for much, i'm content with access to your library. I understand the reasoning behind practicing magic in a safe controlled environment, but i've found that desperate situations like ones you'll come across while traveling are a greater hone towards perfection in your arts than in a safe controlled environment. I know it might be hard to believe, but it has worked for me. Has even led me to change my ways with the arcane arts in the past few years." He smiles and gestures softly. "Plus, back home, where i learned, the mages had little experience in the arts apprentices around here would have learned. Is it not possible to believe that elsewhere in the world, there are people who know things that the collective knowledge of the tower does not, and if so, is it not our business, as knowledge seekers and collectors, to seek it out?"

2013-01-19, 08:04 AM

Sooanna looks at the warrior with a strange look on her face as she brings back his water.
Rual nods in a very sagely manner as Azael describes his encounter at the Tower. "Well, lad, that is wizard work for you. Traveled before with fightin' wizards of various stripe and I can tell you they are a strange lot indeed. Why this one time, up near the Troll Kingdom, if you can call it that, there be this one wizard..."
With that, Rual recalls stories of his youth, some you are sure are more than a bit fanciful than what really happened.
After a time you bid him a good afternoon as you make your way down back into the city. Even though the day is a bit warmer than comfortable the market is full of activity. As you make your way through the press of people you get a feel of the ambiance of Arithanos. While humanity holds sway here you can make out some of the normal procession of what you'd expect of a large city - dwarves, elves, gnomes, and halflings - along with more exotic races - catfolk, hobgoblins, orcs, and even ogres (who most give a wide berth to) - but you get the feeling that the locals view this as just your average day in the city.
As you follow the directions give you almost pass the alabaster statue of the naked goddess, the white of the statue nearly fading from view because of the white-washed buildings. As you make your way past the small shrine, you see the posting board. Made from a large tree the board is nearly 10 feet across and about 15 feet high.
Surrounding this are various mercenary types, most looking either young and very green or older with too many winters to be effective on the battlefield. There are a couple of recruiters that are shouting out for adventures to be had up north as the two unctuous men seem to be in some kind of competition.
"Don'cha ye mind them, boy, they be leading you to certain death for a few coins. Advenchure up north, indeed," says an old, grizzled and battle-scarred warrior says as he spits, his one dead eye and nearly toothless grin looking at you "what they not tell you is it be an expedition into hobgoblin territory to retrieve a 'lost family heirloom', iffin' you believe them." With that, he nods out of professional courtesy and continues on his way out of the square.
You reach the board and start to read some of the posting. Most, it seems, are months old with recruitment dates that have passed. Nearby a dark woman with dark-curly hair is talking to a rough, lecherous looking man in chain-and-mail about finding her lost husband. A tiger striped Cat folk and a human man of dubious lineage stand nearby discussing the posts and the fighting up near the border with Devendwil and Iruthane is looking for sailors to hunt down pirates. The Catfolk man bids the other man farewell as you overhear him say he is making his way to the Scratching Post. Nearby a young man stands with his sword on his hilt in armor too large for him, his face anxious as anyone who looks like they are approaching him and crestfallen with no one does.
As you continue to read you can feel the eyes of the two recruiters on you, hawks surveying the mouse from the feel of it.

2013-01-19, 12:38 PM

Azael turns around, to meet the recruiters' eyes full force, Glowering with a scoff and a raised lip. Yelling to get people to join some army, pathetic. The young man in armor seems interesting, and beats reading posts. He would offer his services to the woman, but it looks like someone beat him to it.

Soon, Azael comes to the young man, and extends a hand. "My name is Azael. Are you looking for someone to do work? If so, I offer myself up for services."

2013-01-19, 08:10 PM

The elderly wizard ponders Rowan's words for a moment before replying with a smile on his lips.

"Not at all is that our thinking. Obviously you are not overly familiar with our inner works, which is of no surprise. Even a fair majority of the population here in Arithanos would probably be surprised at what our processes are. When you are first brought into the Tower we gauge ones talent and skill. Some are turned away, some never reach their full potential, and others take some time to master even the basics. But once you have proved you have mastered the basic cantrips and are elevated to apprentice, we make sure that you have mastered the basics of rudimentary spell casting, to be able to perform it safely, consistently, and under pressure. Once someone has proven they can do this and are ready to move from apprentice to a full member, we send them on an Endeavor. Now, Endeavors vary based on the talent and skill of the apprentice, the research or specialty they have focused on in their training, the needs at the moment of the Tower itself, and the wisdom of the Endeavor Council who makes the assignment."

He leans forward for a moment and drums his fingers across the table while he gathers some of his thoughts.

"As I've said, each Endeavor is different and each aspirant must complete it within 2 years without aid from the Tower or be forced out. Every once in a while there may be mitigating circumstances for one to redo their Endeavor but that is rare indeed. The Endeavors are there for many reasons:
To increase the knowledge of the Tower; an Endeavor may be to locate some rare component or bit of knowledge required in the completion of a powerful spell.
To recover lost knowledge; an Endeavor may be given to locate a lost manuscript or artifact to help us learn how things were before the Great War.
To, on occasion, make new discoveries in knowledge or magic; when an aspirant is in a tight situation, as what often happens at least once at some point in their Endeavor, may not have the component or, indeed, the knowledge to extract them from the current situation. So, it is in their best interests, as you can imagine, for them to become creative in order thrive and/or survive.
And, lastly but most importantly, it tests their mettle. Can they perform what they have been taught under the direst of circumstances, life or death, and prevail? If they cannot, failure has its own reward.
While this may seem cruel to some, practitioners of magic wield power unimaginable by others and we need to insure that they are capable and willing to do what is necessary."

Leaning back, he relaxes before continuing.

"As you can see, our thought processes are not so different, but our methodology is. Both have benefits and weaknesses, as you can imagine, but both are valid. Or method works for some better than others and not so well for some.
So, the library will be open to you. Here is a pass but you must abide by our rules if you would continue this... cooperation.

Anything I can help you with?"

2013-01-19, 08:30 PM

"I will admit, i did not know any of that. I know what i learned where i came from, the local mages were a big fan of deep study. That in fact is why i took to traveling, i found i could not stay in one place for too long. I do appreciate this pass." As he says that, he takes the pass and examines it. "You mentioned rules, but have not yet informed me of what they actually are. Other than that, I need nothing else from you, but maybe when i am finished with the library for the day, we might speak at length of other less serious subjects. Perhaps."

2013-01-19, 09:11 PM

The recruiter, taken aback, lowers his eyes as and stammers his pitch about adventure.

The young man nods when spoken to before speaking.
Well, sir, I am actually looking for work. I've been warned away from those two... known a few who joined up with them and were never seen 'r heard from again." he says with a nod to the recruiters.
"Looking for something local, I em, preferably something I can go back to the farm at night, seeing as how my ma and pa still need help..."
At that point, the dark haired woman slaps the man she is talking tell and yells out something you can't make out as she stomps off, hands at her side. The mercenary she slapped, along with a few others near him, all jeer after her with whistles and cat calls, which causes her to quicken her step as, is plain for all to see, she is holding back tears.
"Lookin' fer her husband, she is. Wouldn't take me help sayin' it was too dangerous for me alone. Whatcha make of that, you reckin?"

2013-01-19, 09:41 PM

"You know how to hold your own in a fight, young one? If so, I might have work for you. I'll pay you a platinum piece if you help me beat some manners into that group of imbeciles. If you don't want to fight, I offer up the same price to go after the woman they insulted, tell her to meet me at the Dragon's Claw Inn, just outside the north gate. Ask for Raul, say the man with the Axes sent her in for a drink, my treat."

On that final word, he headed over to the pack of hyenas, cracking his knuckles. Once prepared, Azael raises his two masterwork Axes, spinning them to show off the piercing ends, along with the sharp edges.

"You, the one with the red cheek. Apologize in front of your boys, before I twist your arm so fast and hard, you can give yourself a prostate exam."

2013-01-19, 10:03 PM

Jevidius nods at you.
"The clerk can help you with the rules. In the mean time, enjoy and explore the library to your content. Unfortunately I have Tower business to attend to shortly, so maybe we can meet again later in the week if you haven't moved on. Until then, good day."

With that he stands a bit and stretches his lower back a bit before giving you a slight bend at the waist and walks out the door.

2013-01-19, 10:09 PM

Rowan moves into the library and begins going through the books looking for interesting ones to peruse.

I doubt there will be much real reading from an OOC standpoint, but let me know if he finds anything exceptionally interesting.

2013-01-21, 08:03 AM

"Well, I've never been in a real sword fight but I'm really looking how to fight orcs and such. I'd also rather not spend the night in jail for starting a fight, so I'll meet you at the Dragon's Claw."
With that the kid turns and walks stiffly, but quickly, away.

As you challenge the man he spits between a gap in his cheek, black saliva running down his chin from the juice of the cluvic leaf.
"Is it some kinda threat, boy? If so, you'll find Ulglon Gerthal is no push over."

Kn:Nature and Sense Motive checks, please.

Some of the other sellswords perk up their attention to the growing situation but no one has moved other than the slapped warrior.

2013-01-21, 08:13 AM

The young mage, given a bit of free rein inside the largest known library of magic in the world, spends a short time figuring out their method for storing books. After searching the section on conjuration, he looks through the titles and comes across Aerik Tugl's 'Conjuring The Dreams: An Explanation and Discourse On Creatures Improbable', the text that was created hundreds of years ago by a mad conjurer said capable of creating creatures out of his imagination. Rowan spends a few hours reading until he can no longer ignore the rumbling in his belly.

2013-01-21, 08:44 PM

"I don't threaten, or intimidate. I simply right the wrongs. And emotionally abusing a woman who is sickened with grief due to the loss or missing state of her husband, is down right pathetic. So, I give you options. Either you apologize, or someone's gonna wind up with a few cuts and bruises. Considering what I'm capable of, I'd say it's more in favor of your being the one with cuts and bruises."

With a twist of both axe handles, Azael reams the blades backwards, and shows off the dastardly points in the back of each axe head. "Hell, I might throw in a few piercings, so the girls will know you're a true manly man."

Initiative for in case a fight breaks out. [roll0]

2013-01-22, 07:32 AM

Rowan carefully returns the book where he found it and quietly takes his leave from the tower, with a slight wave at the guards as he passes. He makes his way back into town, and entering the marketplace, starts checking the various stalls for one selling food.

2013-01-22, 07:37 AM

Rowan watches the man as he puff up his chest and realizes that the man is all bravado and has no intentions of fighting.
"Well, boyo, I'd be careful about waving 'ems fancy treechoppers around. Guard catches you and it be'in a few days in cell." the last bit he says loudly and with emphasis.
With that he smugly leans back against a pillar. "I'd take ya down a few notches but seein' ows there's no coin in it fer me, I'll letchoo be on yer way."

2013-01-22, 08:14 PM

"50 gold pieces if you can win in a fight against me. How's that for coin? Also, I'm not scared of sitting in a cell. I've come from a place where people with morals and pride in their person, were sent to death. You're just a weak man who tries to intimidate littler people, and then shy away from conflict with men of your own, or greater stature.

If you want to be a respectable man, be a man in the first place. Like a speck of dirt that tries to make himself seem like a giant oak."

Azael rests about 10 feet from the man, no intentions of backing down, to him, the guard, or anyone. If the man continues to do nothing but run his mouth, Azael will leave for the Dragon Claw's Inn.

2013-01-23, 11:52 AM

Sorry, didn't see your post. I usually get an email but didn't with yours.

Rowan walks west a bit along the original path that took him from the North Gate to the Tower. When nearly to the North Gate street, he turns and walks through the marketplace looking at the various stalls and listens with half an ear to the hawkers proclaiming that their ware are made by the 'best craftsmen in the known world!' or something similar.
Entering the food section, he has his choice of various fresh fruits and vegetables along carts with various merchants selling meats on at stick, pocket pastries with meat fillings, another grilling some kind of vegetable and meat combination on a skewer, and a couple of others selling a hot/spicy stew across from each seeming to be arguing theirs is the best Gualzi.
There are a handful of more food stalls down further but the dubious smell emanating from causes you to turn on your heel.
As you stand there trying to decide which food to pick you can see the crowd start to migrate towards your left, behind the carts, to a large open section with some younger men being overheard to say 'fight' in their hurried tones.

2013-01-24, 12:31 AM

Rowan drops down some coins at the stand with the meat on the stick, and takes one, chewing on it as he heads in the direction of the fight, almost sure he knows the source of it, but still curious.

Its ok, i get that way too. I get the emails constantly, from a lot of threads, but when i read something mobile, i tend to forget to respond to it when i get back to my computer. Bad habit, mostly. Gone a week without updating a game i was DM'ing multiple times because of that.

2013-01-25, 04:53 AM

Ulglon looks on for a moment as he sees a crowd start to form.
With an obviously fake and forced laugh, he turns his attention back to the axe wielding warrior "Your pittance isn't worth my time, boy. And, I defintely don't be needin' your respect."
With that, there are a few jeers from the forming crowd and you can see that Ulglon is unsure what to do for a moment. Looking to his left, he sees the halberds of at least two city guards coming, and looks back at you with fire in his eyes. "You've made a mistake, boyo, and an enemy today. You'll live to regret both."
With that he turns and disappears into the crowd.

2013-01-25, 05:02 AM

Rowan, tentatively nibbling on the unknown meat, is surprised by by the spicy-sweet taste and proceeds to continue with gusto as he follows the crowd for about a block.

As the crowds thickens, he can hear two people yelling at each other. Pushing his way towards the front, he is only slightly surprised to see his friend in what looks to be a dual with a feral looking warrior.
He hears the other man say "You've made a mistake, boyo, and an enemy today. You'll live to regret both." for running off into the crowd and he sees the city guard forcing their way through the crowd.

2013-01-25, 12:50 PM

With a yawn, Azael places his axes back inside their metal loops, and makes his way backwards, on his way to the Inn to meet with the young man and the woman with the lost husband.

2013-01-26, 07:28 PM
Azael confronts the bullying warrior and stands him down in front of the majority of those in the in the market square, he turns to go back to the inn as the crowd parts a bit in front of him, giving him some distance.
Good on ya for standing up to Ulglon. He's always bullying and disrespectin' everyone 'round here.
"You showed him, boyo!"

Rowan, as he walked up at the last few moments, sees his friend disappear into the crowd a moment before the guard pushes its way through the crowd. With nothing to see, the people in the crowd go about their business, leaving the guardsmen standing around scratching their heads.

2013-01-26, 07:30 PM

Rowan jogs to catch up to Azael, and once he's beside him, takes another bite or two out of his meat on a stick. "So, picking fights again?"

2013-01-28, 06:05 PM

"You know me, can't go anywhere nice."

Azael fills in Rowan on getting someone to find that woman that needed someone to find her husband. By the time he finished explaining everything, they were within sight of the inn.

2013-01-28, 09:39 PM

"So you think we ought to take that job? That we'll be more than enough to take care of it? When do you think we ought to leave?" Rowan asks carefully, figuring time tables in his head.

2013-01-28, 09:59 PM

"We'll do a few jobs, make a few friends here, in case we come back for later discoveries. The more places we're friendly with, the better."

2013-01-29, 09:03 AM
The two friends discuss their separate outings as they walk back to the inn, mentioning prospects and information they have found.

As you walk in, you can see the young man sitting awkwardly with the woman, who is talking to Rual. Rual, seeing you walk in, nods to you to come over. The boy, once he realizes Azael just walked in, stands and walks over to him.

"Brought her over, just like you said. Rual knows her. But, he seems to know everyone from around these parts, so I'm not really surprised." His eyes roll up in concentration for a moment before he extends his hand "Name is Heruld, Heruld Šugána by the by. as he follows you back to the table.

As you sit at the table with Rual he finishes his conversation with the woman and addresses the both of you. "Well, I'm glad you took my suggestion and found Beyti." Turning to the woman, he says "Beyti these are the lads I told you about. Maybe they can help you find Tamil? And I told ya about mixing up with them no good scoundrels who frequent that part of the square."

Biting her lip a little, she turns to talk to you. "I am Beyti Ber'El'Emi and my husband is Tamil Ber'El'Emi. He is a member of the Tower of Knowledge and had begun his Endeavor about 6 months ago. After doing some research he left with his friend Qint Zheerves, a member of the Outriders, a man who calls himself Karwel Torson. Tamil let me know that it would take time to complete his Endeavor and it could be dangerous. He was doing research on the project he was given for about a month when he thought he knew where to look. Qint said they may have needed another with fighting skill, which is why he hired Karwel. Anyway, they left and were gone for about 2 months. I've been worried, naturally, but my Tamil is smart and brave man, so I knew he could take care of himself." At this point she chokes up a bit and Rual puts his hand on her shoulder.
"Well, a week ago Karwel wandered back into town. I wouldn't have known except one of the gate guards saw him and remember him leaving with Tamil and Qint. When Jonus, he's the guard, asked him about it, he said they were lost in some underground city and that they were separated in a fight with some creatures he did not know the name of. Told Jonus he was lucky to be alive. When I found Karwel, he told me the same story. I asked him if I could get the money to hire a few more men if he'd lead them back, he said no but he made me a rough map on how to get there. I took this information to Edvin Scall, who is the one responsible for his Endeavor. Edvin told me that there was nothing he could do, that the Tower could not interfere until the two years had elapsed. Well, I'm not going to let my husband be abandoned down in some deep dungeon while the Tower does nothing." she says with a defiant air. "So, I am looking for hearty warriors to find and rescue my husband. Are you those warriors?"

2013-01-29, 10:11 AM

"We may not be warriors, but we are who you need. Rowan and myself will attempt this mission, and will try our best."

Azael sits at the table with them, motioning to the girl who served the duo before, wanting a glass of water. At the same time, Azael reached in his cloak, and tossed a platinum piece to the young boy.

2013-01-29, 09:02 PM

"Warriors are not necessary either. We are both more capable than any warrior you could hire, and better equipped to do so. He turns to Azael afterwards, and smiles a little. "In addition, i think this'll make a good impression for me with the tower. Depending on how i get along with them, i might see about us staying around here even. I could see reason to study here primarily, and travel with you at the same time."

2013-01-29, 09:38 PM

Keeping his attention on the woman, he consoles her, in case she got the wrong idea.

"Although he is speaking of his future, I assure you, we'll do everything in our power to get your husband back, out of decency and moral. Also, because no one deserves that clinching feeling of uncertainty. If you have no where to stay, I''ll put you up here, my treat. Other wise, I will personally escort you back to where you live, after we talk about all that we need to know."

2013-01-30, 09:38 AM
Beyti blushes a bit before continuing.
"Thank you both." Looking at Rowan and the Aael, she says "No, I am not offended. It is my future and that of my husband that I am concerned about right now and it would be foolish for me to think that the whole of the world revolved around us. I do not live far from here, so I am fine. I had a talk with young Heruld before you arrived and he doesn't live far from me, so he can escort me home, even if I truly do not need it."
With that she stands and, a moment later, so does Heruld. "I'll be going now. I can meet the two... three? of yo tomorrow, here if you'd like, with the map and any other information you might need. Is there anything else you will need from me that I might need to bring with me?"
As she hangs on your reply, Heruld says "Will I be joining you two?" with an underlying level of excitement and fear evident on his youthful features.
Rual, on the other hand, makes it looks like he is watching the coming and going of both the customers and staff but it is evident that he is paying close attention to the conversation at hand.

2013-01-30, 07:15 PM

"Yes, Heruld, you may accompany us. And, ma'am, there isn't anything else. Just your honesty, and the map. Make sure she gets home safely, Boy."

Azael stood when the woman stood, and held a hand out, offering to accompany her, at least to the door.

2013-01-31, 09:01 AM
Heruld gets grin on his face as he stammers out "Thank you, sirs, won't letcha down." and nods his heads at the two of you.

"I'll be back in the morning with the map, then. Good night and thank you."

As she is escorted out the door by Heruld, Rual slaps Azael on the back.
"Glad you two be helping out Beyti and her man. Even ifin' you don't find him at least it will bring closure to the mess."
Standing up and slapping his hands together he says "Well, it be a might bit early for supper but I can manage a bit of something if you two are hungry. Or, do you two have plans for tonight?"

2013-01-31, 04:25 PM

"Some food would be nice. But, before you leave to do that. Do you know anything about a man named Ulglon Gerthal? He was giving Beyti a hard time today, and he swore up and down in front of everyone, he wouldn't waste his time fighting me. At the same time, everyone i passed gave me thanks for standing up to him."

2013-01-31, 10:26 PM

"I just ate something, but maybe a little later." He faced Azael and started talking to him. "So, why's the kid coming with us? Wouldn't we be safer, or at least better off just the two of us? We shouldn't be carrying dead weight, unless you have a better opinion of him than that."

2013-01-31, 11:07 PM

"He needs work, and he helped us. Eye for an eye. Don't worry, we'll still split the take 50/50. Just, half of my 50 is going to the kid. And, yes, I feel like an extra pair of eyes and hands can help us in the long run. The kid can run away just fine, too."

Azael made his way back to the table, and patted his hand along the edge. He looked out for the waitress that was always giving him water.

2013-01-31, 11:22 PM

"Run away? Sounds like a real help. I'm not protecting him." He pulled out his spellbook and started paging through it to make his decisions.

2013-02-01, 09:05 AM
Rual takes off his cap and rubs his balding pate for a moment.

"Not ringin' a bell, lad. There was someone with the name of Gerthal who was either some crime boss or something but it may be just a coincidence." With that he snaps his fingers and you can see Sooanna's face pop up in the serving window. With a quick roll of his eyes he wavers her over.
"Get him something to eat and a couple of drinks for these two." he says to her before turning back to the two of you. "Well, have to prepare for me dinner customers. If you need me, just let me know." With that he gets up and disappears into the kitchen.
A couple of minutes Sooanna reappears with a bowl of stew, a plate of meat and cheese, and a pitcher of water with two glasses, which she sets down.
With a smile she says "Rolls ain't quite done yet, but I'd be bringing you some out once they are. Anything else for right now?"

2013-02-02, 10:53 PM

Rowan nodded at the girl and went back to his reading. Pouring himself a glass of water, he waited to Azael to speak, before saying anything more.

2013-02-03, 02:08 AM

"Yes dear, everything is okay." Azael begins to dig into his stew, drinking loads of water, re-filling his glass very often.

2013-02-04, 09:30 AM
The afternoon progresses as Azael and Rowan eat their meal in relative isolation as the inn is sparsely populated at this time and the inns crew is busy getting ready for the dinner rush.

Once thing settle in, Rual comes over and talks to the pair about his adventuring days and ask them about theirs.

Things start to pick up as the caravans and traders fill the room, along with their guards. As the sun sets the place becomes packed with bodies, mostly stinking of to much time on the road without a bath.
The pair eventually head upstairs for the night to the rowdy singing below.

In the morning Rowan makes his way downstairs as he studies his books. Azael comes down a bit later. They are offered a choice of eggs, sausages, potatoes, and honey bread.
As the two companions are eating their meal, Heruld comes in and greets them, sitting quietly as the pair finishes.

As the three of them are talking, Beyti walks in holding a small satchel of papers.

In the notes their are various mentions of Aronhulm and Sylmenel'ix.

Roll KN:History

Along with an ancient, worn scroll

The part you can read is handwritten on the scroll in a careful hand.

And a map

Aronhulm and Sylmenel'ix are both handwritten on the map.

Beyti says that they were going to Sylmenel'ix from everything she heard. She also does not remember any mention by Tamil of Aronhulm.

As she sits there, she nervously bites at her lip.
"Is there anything else I could provide you? My husbands life now rests in your hands."

2013-02-05, 06:50 PM

Rowan looks over the papers carefully, and thinks. After a few minutes, he turns to Azael, and starts to speak. "You go collect supplies and prepare for the trip. I want to reference this scroll and some of what is in these notes at the Tower. I will meet with you at midday, and we can set out then. You understand not wanting to be unprepared, right? Oh, and i think you should look up that guy that returned. See what you can find out." With that, he slipped the scroll into his bag, and took off, leafing through the papers more and more reading them as he made his way to the Tower. Once he arrives, he shows once more that he is carrying no weapons, and (hopefully) gets in pretty quickly. Making his way in, he seeks out the wizard he had been speaking to the other day. Greeting the man kindly, he smiled a little and began to speak. "I realize when we spoke yesterday, there was the implication that we might seek from each other needs for the sake of research and the tower. And i believe i was to be expecting a list of some that you would need when i came next. But, first things first, i have a few questions to ask of you, in regards to a job myself and my companion have taken. I know it is the policy of the Tower to not provide help to mages on their Endeavors until such time that their time limit has passed. But being that i am not a member of the Tower, just a visitor, i have taken a job to find and possibly rescue one such mage. I'm not asking you for help with it, but information. I'd like to know the exact details of Tamil Ber'El'Emi's Endeavor. Along with, if you know where exactly they might be, a chance to peruse and make notes of any books you might have in the library with information about Aronhulm and Sylmenel'ix. I wish to make some notes of anything that might be useful before we set out. I will be happy to accept any request, requirement, or demand you have for me, i just do not wish to take this job on without knowing as much as i can.

Basically, looking for any information that might prove useful. Also, Rowan's spell list for today.

Prestidigitation, Amanuensis, Detect Magic, Read Magic
1st Level
Obscuring Mist, Nerveskitter, Mage Armor, Mount x2
2nd Level
Create Pit, Snake's Swiftness, Web

2013-02-06, 03:32 AM

Azael yawned with boredom, but agreed to his colleague's plan. Motioning to the young Heruld, he bowed to Beyti and left the inn for the city soon after Rowan.

Azael stopped at the city market area he had met the young man at the day before, and began to ask around for knowledge on Karwel.

2013-02-07, 08:53 AM

After reaching the Tower and asking for Jevidius, the old man shows up nearly an hour later.
"Sorry for the delay.... meetings, meetings, meetings." He nods and listens while you make your request.
"I understand your predicament but I cannot provide you any information as to what Tamil's Endeavor was even if I knew what it was. As far as where they may be, I do not know. An Endeavor is a journey, oftentimes quite literally. Depending on his research, he may have gone to any number of places. As I am not privy to this, as is no one but Tamil himself, you must replicate his findings. Aronhulm was an ancient city lost during the great war. It was a site of a major battle that ruined the landscape and utterly destroyed the city. Sylmenel'ix is thought to be both the site of the beginning of what created the war and the end. As far as anyone knows it was removed from the face of the world, either by being the battle place or the gods, and no one knows what happened to where it was as the land itself was torn asunder and the area surrounding was greatly changed."
Roll a sense motive

2013-02-07, 09:00 AM

Azael wanders the market looking for gear, supplies, and information.
The first two he find in short order. After a time he finally gets some good information as to the location of Karwel. One of the young city rats who watched your spectacle the day before lets you know that Karwel is at a bar called the Scratching Post, where he spends most of his days since he reappeared. The boy even offers to take you there, which he does.
While clean, the Scratching Post is in the poor side of town. As you enter, you can see the room is filled with a large number of Cat Folk, along with some humans, a couple of halfings running around doing work, and someone of some degree of elven blood at the bar.

2013-02-07, 09:12 AM

"" Azael was in through the door, but didn't make moves for his axes.

2013-02-07, 09:23 AM

A large, and a bit portly for a Cat Folk, male behind the bar nods towards a man sitting at a table in the corner with a mostly empty pitcher and a mug in front of him. You are unsure if he just started drinking or if this is a continuation of the previous nights drinking as he sways a bit as he sits. He either didn't hear you or has chosen to ignore you.

2013-02-07, 09:58 AM

Nodding to the bartender, Azael moved through the entire establishment with Heruld close behind. Finding the motioned to table, Azael stood with his shadow cast over the small mug and half gone pitcher.


2013-02-08, 12:07 AM

"Mister???!!!" with that he begins to laugh.
"Close enough I s'pose. You don't look f'milure so I guess I'm not owing you any coin. So, what can I do fer you?"
Azael can see that the man is leaning back and forth slightly. He is a human of about 30. His eyes are bloodshot and he can tell even in the dim lighting of the bar that his skin has a nearly yellowish tinge. Recent scars stand out on his neck, a fiery, angry red. His hands shake as he reaches for his drink as Azael realizes that all of the mans hair isn't blonde but ghost white.

2013-02-08, 07:30 AM

"My partner and I took a job, with the company of this young man here with me, to find a woman's husband that was lost during his trip. A trip, I've been told, you took with him. It's odd, how you returned, but he did not. Summarizing all of this, I want to talk to you about what all you saw in that trek."

Azael found a chair at that same table, allowing Heruld to do as he pleased.

2013-02-08, 09:11 AM

Rowan sits and listens to Jevidius speak. He gets the distinct impression that, while the older gentleman is speaking the truth and without duplicity or guile, Rowan also gets the impression that Jevidius is holding something back from the conversation.

2013-02-08, 09:31 AM

Heruld continues to stand, fidgeting a little while the two of you talk.
A visible shiver passes through the man and he quickly takes a drink.
"A fools errand, boy. I should have never have done it. But the fool who paid me is the one who paid the price. Look, the only reason I made it back is because I was luckily enough when we were descended upon by whatever foul creature it was that fell upon us I was able to make my way out. The creatures jumped between us and started raking us to bits. If it means anything, Tamil and his catfriend high-tailed it first, in the other direction, deeper into the caves, leaving me to face 3 of these things." With that, he quaffs down the rest of his drink and refills it.
"Look, I owe him and his pretty little wife nothing. NOTHING! He left me not the other way around, as I told her. It took me nearly two weeks to see light again, but luck. I ran into what you might expect down there; dark elves, orcs, and goblins. But these other creatures, like the minotaur but different, they be spawned from some deep hell, I tell you." He finishes another mug in one shot and looks to his empty pitcher.
"Look, I owe you nothing, either, but take my advise. Give the pretty girl her coin back and forget this mess so as you live, free of the knowledge of living nightmares."

2013-02-08, 09:37 AM

Azael stood up, and popped his back. He tapped his hand on the table, thinking. "I never once said you betrayed him, or used him so that you could make it out alive. So, you are correct in saying that you owe none of us anything. At the same time, I thank you. You've made this trip more desirable for me. To think, a monster hunter like myself taking a simple job, and get to battle hellish fiends.

At any rate, I thank you once more, and hope that another pitcher of ale is enough for your knowledge." Azael tips his long black hat, and then makes his way to the bartender, buying another pitcher of ale for the gentleman.

Azael walks with Heruld, and begins to leave. In his exit of the tavern, he begins talking to Heruld. "With what you've just heard, no one would think any less of you if you decided not to accompany us on this mission. If you do still wish to join us, get yourself a mount."

2013-02-08, 05:42 PM

Rowan listens intently, and once Jevidius is done talking, he speaks again. "I appreciate what you have told me, but there's more to this than you've let on, isn't there?" He looks down at the notes he has, paging through them while he talks. "I have all of Talim's notes, and an idea of which direction and roughly where he was going, i was only looking for information on his Endeavor so i could understand why he was going that way, and where he might have been going after he got separated from his companion." He looks up after that, awaiting a response from Jevidius.

2013-02-09, 10:18 AM

Azael can see the internal dialogue in the inexperienced young man's face.
After a moment he says "I meant what I said. I'll y'all find Beyti's wife. Ain't right leaving him down there."
Perking up a bit as you two walk out of the bar, he looks sideways at you.
"Don't suppose you can help me learn how to swing this sword a bit better?" as the crowd presses in on you and you enter the market proper.
"What else you thinking we might be needing?"

2013-02-09, 10:22 AM

Jevidius slowly shakes his head.
"I wish I could tell you. I truly do. But, Tower business is Tower business. Even others of higher levels in the Tower are not privy to Tamil's Endeavor. If you choose this path, be wary. As with any Endeavor, when one goes looking up ancient treasures there are always creatures who seem to flock to these types of items."

2013-02-09, 11:44 AM

"I can give you a few pointers and what not while we travel. As for anything else, do you have rations, or some source of food? I might share a lot with people, but my food is my own. Also, I have a tent, but it only fits two. Didn't expect to have a third, the first two being myself and my partner Rowan. So, if you want to get a thing to sleep in, be it just a bedroll or a small tent for yourself."

Azael, although many people crowd in, stays close to Heruld. At the same time, he retains grasp on both of his axes. He's very protective of his name sake.

2013-02-09, 08:45 PM

Rowan stands up, and holds his hand out to shake Jevidius's hand. "I hope whatever you aren't telling me isn't going to risk our lives any more than we already are. Wish me luck, and i will be back to visit the tower after we've returned with Talim, whether he succeeds or fails with his Endeavor." As he finishes his sentence, he turns and leaves, making his way outside, he'd look up towards the sun to get a sense of how much longer he has till he needs to meet up with his traveling companions.

2013-02-11, 08:25 AM

"I have me some camping equipment that I could bring along. I don't have any rations but, when I go home to grab my gear, I'll grab my bow. I'm pretty good with it and me and pa go hunting all the time. Do you want me to meet you back at the inn? I don't think I need to buy anything, unless you think there is something I'm missing."

2013-02-11, 08:28 AM

The older man looks like he is about to say something but holds his tongue.
"Fare you well, young one." is all he says as Rowan walks out the door.

Exiting the Tower, Rowan can see that he has been inside for about 3 hours, most of it spent in waiting for Jevidius to come out of whatever meeting he was in.

2013-02-11, 09:05 AM

"Yes, back at the Inn. I really do suggest you have some method of eating food. Water isn't an issue."

Azael left the young boy to go gather his supplies, while he moved through the market place back towards the inn.

2013-02-11, 09:17 AM

Rowan sighs, thinking of all the wasted time that could have been put to better use. He looks up at the sky for a few minutes, then sets off towards the Inn, re-examining the scroll as he goes. Confident that he had memorized it, he'd stow it away and stop in front of the inn, looking back and forth for Azael's arrival, as he was already ready to leave.

2013-02-12, 03:38 PM
The two friends meet back at the inn a short time later, with more gear and only bits of information to show for their excursion.

Go ahead and buy whatever you need an note it on your sheet. Normal market price.

A short time later Heruld shows up with a some camping gear and a large, yew bow strapped across his back. From his backpack you can see various container of food.

With an air of bravado he smiles at you two "Ready when you two are."

2013-02-12, 04:05 PM

"Raul! We're leaving now." After that, Azael just walked towards the door, and let Rowan man the map and other things that discerned how to get to this dangerous place they seek.

2013-02-13, 08:18 AM
The fat former adventurer comes running out of the kitchen, floor covering the front of his apron.

"Well, lads, you be bein' off. May Tyche keep her blessing over you three. Be safe and try and get Tamil and Qint but keep yer mind on yours, if you catch my meanin'. Anything I can do for you three before you leave?"
As the innkeeper waits for an answer Heruld speaks up. "Rual, I told my folks that if I can send any word I'd have it come to you, as most travellers that come this way know your inn. They may check in every so often, so if I can send anything, I'd appreciate it if you'd pass it along."
Rual nods to the young man "Sure, Heruld. You have me word."

2013-02-14, 02:41 PM

"I think we're fine as we are now. We will be seeing you again though." Rowan steps out in front after he finishes talking, and closing his eyes, he began to chant a quick spell, making odd motions with his hands, two horses began to form out of the air, he'd stow his papers, and them climb on his, turning to watch Azael and the other. "Lets get going. We've got until sundown before these spells wear off, we shouldn't waste our time."

Casted both memorizations of Mount to summon the two that Rowan is used to having with Azael.

We have a six hour duration, and since Heruld appears to have forgotten to get one, he'll have to ride with Azael, i guess.

I'm also gonna pencil down a certain amount of my gold towards materials for scrolls and power stones, as necessary.

2013-02-14, 03:13 PM

Azael climed his, and turned to the young boy. "I told you to get a mount, but, I guess you can ride with me."

2013-02-21, 09:00 AM
Heruld shakes his head a bit.
"Naw, I have my horse in the stable. I'm ready when you guys are."
With that the three of you walk out to the stable. You see Heruld walk up to what was probably a farm horse this morning as Heruld adds his gear to it.

As the three of you mount your horses and set them out at a walk, you can see the grin on the young mans face.

The day progresses as you travel the countryside. Near Arithanos the road is thick with travelers of various stripe, from farmers bringing their crops to merchants with their various wares. The further you travel the more the traffic thins out. The countryside is green from recent rain as you pass through rolling hills. Most of the farmers you pass seem to know Heruld on sight as they nod and wave.

You break for a quick lunch before setting off again. The afternoon is uneventful. About 2 hours before Heruld looks at the two of you and ask "Do we camp or are you going to be staying in an inn?"

Sorry guys, I thought I posted something very similar to this last week.

2013-02-21, 04:10 PM

We'll camp. I have a tent for me and Rowan. So, when our mounts vanish, we can set up the camp.

Assuming everything is still uneventful when the mount spell Rowan cast ends, we can skip right to it.

Azael will begin putting up the tent, takes 30 minutes with one person.

2013-02-21, 06:47 PM

Rowan dismounts just before the duration expires on his mount, and while Azael focuses on setting up the tent, he takes a measure of the surroundings. Once Azael has finished, he provides a cup for Azael to produce a drink in, and then goes back to studying his stuff while waiting on the more experienced survivalist to take care of dinner.

2013-02-21, 06:55 PM

Spawning water out of thin air in the glass given to him by Rowan, Azael takes a few big chugs of fresh water, and prepares to stumble around the flat lands.

Leaving his backpack in the tent, Azazel then picks both axes from their metal hooks from his waist. "Are you okay to stay by yourself for a bit, Rowan? Now seems like a good chance to teach the boy a few sword techniques, and hunt for some kind of small or medium game."

2013-02-21, 07:12 PM

"Of course i can, I've got some work i can work on here. You understand. With that, he pulled out his spellbook, using it as a table to write on, laid back against a solid object, and started at scribing on the parchment he had bought earlier.

Using the crafting on the go rules for Pathfinder, i'm gonna start scribing a scroll of Persistent blade. Spellcraft roll [roll0] vs. DC 8. I'm expending my daily any spell in my spellbook through my Arcane bond to supply the spell. Four hours of scribing will amount to two hours of progress, enough to finish the scroll.

2013-02-22, 03:49 PM
The three travelers make camp and set out to their various tasks. After a while the camp is set up and the wizard sets his thin frame down for the task of creating a magic scroll.
While he sets to his task, Heruld takes off his armor and returns with his bow and sword.

The two warriors survey their surroundings for a bit before coming across some tracks. "Two deer... a mother and a faun, by the looks of it. Probably less than an hour ago they passed through here." Heruld says to Azael as they set out after the game. The young man impresses Azael with his knowledge and woodlands skill, easily blending in with his surroundings while the warrior makes quite a bit of noise.

After about half an hour of following the tracks they come upon a clearing and Herulds telling of the signs proves to be dead on accurate. Come up with a plan for Azael to flush the deer in Herulds direction, the Azael moves off but creates enough noise to alert the deer. Seeing them about to dart off into the undergrowth, Heruld quickly draws and lets fly an arrow. His aim, surprising with all of the vegetation, is true and the arrow snares the deer in the neck, immediately dropping it as the faun flees.

Bringing their catch with them, Heruld quickly and efficiently dresses it and sets a fire to cook it.

While the fire is getting started, Azael shows the young man a few pointers as Heruld quickly learns what he is taught.

Afterwords, the fire is ready and Heruld cooks up the venison up. It is about this time that the young wizard completes his meal and joins the other two. While not as good as the food at the inn, the three know that this will be quite a bit better than the trail rations they will be eating sometime in the near future.

As they eat, Heruld tells them of his life growing up on a farm and spending his free time spent hunting in the woods hear his home that is quite similar to the surroundings they are currently in.

"We're pretty lucky" he says around chewing on a chunk of meat "Most times, these guys will be a bit out of the way, away from roads or farms. Yup, pretty lucky we are."

Afterwards lots are thrown and watches are set. Being this close to civilization, the night passes uneventfully.

The next morning Heruld serves up some more meat with a couple of vegitables he finds in the morning and sets about checking his horse and petting her softly while speaking to her, producing an apple from somewhere to feed her.

"Teliki" he says as he points his thumb at his horse "is ready to go when you gents are ready."

2013-02-22, 09:00 PM

Azael takes the tent down, and puts his armor on. After all the work, Azael is armored and with both axes. His mount is in Rowan's power, as is the map.

2013-02-22, 09:10 PM

Rowan checks his bag before he is ready to go, and then casts the spells that create his and Azael's Mounts. Once he was mounted, he pulled out the map and plotted their path, before taking off with the others to follow.

Prestidigitation, Amanuensis, Detect Magic, Read Magic
1st Level
Obscuring Mist, Nerveskitter, Mage Armor, Persistent Blade, Summon Monster 1
2nd Level
Create Pit, Extended Mount x2 (Expended)

2013-02-25, 09:32 AM
After consulting the map, the three travelers break camp after a warm breakfast. Heruld informs Azael and Rowan that, according to his knowledge, that they will be breaking from the main road sometime during the day and traveling 'Up here', northeast, towards the gnome kingdom of Devendwil. Based on the map, the three of you surmise that you should be crossing the boarding in two to three days.

The travel moves along at a quick pace in the brisk morning air. The only other person traveling the road is a farmer and his horse pulling a cart of hay in the opposite direction. He gives a wave without saying anything although he gives the weapons an arched eyebrow.

A quick break from lunch brings more venison to your bellies. Heruld walks a bit around in a failed attempt to hide the fact that he is a bit saddle sore.

As Azael and Rowan mount, Heruld says "I think I'm going to walk for a bit and give Teliki a rest. She needs to build up to having me ride her all do."

The rest of the day is spent without seeing anyone on the road. Occasionally you pass a farm where farmer can be seen working the field and a wave is given if you're seen but you do not pass any villages during the day.

As Heruld puts his hand up to the western horizon, he says "A little more than four fingers. We should be on the look for somewhere to camp for the night."

About half an hour later you can see a stand of trees in the distance and make for it, getting there a short while after the sun sets. As you approach you see the area that others have used in the past. Heruld hands up the reins to Rowan as he walks forwards and looks at the ground.
"No one has been here in at least a couple of weeks, so we ain't intruding on no one. Looks like the left a few bits of wood to start a fire, so I'm guessing we should do the same when we leave."
With that he goes about setting up camp after noting a small stream that they had noticed before the sun set should be just east of them by less than a mile.

2013-02-25, 04:29 PM

Just as before, Azael starts working on the tent, which takes thirty minutes or so with no help. After he is finished, he sits near the tent, and waits for the others to start mentioning ideas.

2013-02-26, 10:45 PM

While Azael sets up camp, Rowan takes his evening studying more of Tamil's notes. He declines any notion of activity, and keeps to his studies until something happens (or he goes to bed)

Basically, Rowan is ready for the next day, barring some unfortunate circumstances.

2013-02-27, 09:27 AM
After Heruld comes back with water for cooking, he sets a meal up and checks on his horse. The night proceeds without incident except for some howling in the night during Azael watch. Heruld jumps awakes, looking ready to react, before settling back as he realizes where he is, making a comment about how it is rare and unusual for wolves to be hunting so far from the hills at this time of the year.

The next morning proceeds like the previous. As the group winds its way up into the foothills, you come around a bend and see a small village in the distance. As you come nearer the three of you realize that two bodies are hanging just outside of the village by the neck, arms bound behind them, from a large oak tree. Heruld looks shocked by the display and doesn't say a word.
As you approach the hanging bodies, you can see that they are two men with pale skin and red hair in simple, homespun garb.

From both of you I need a knowledge roll, either Dungeoneering, Local, or Religion.

The bodies swing ever so slowly as the vestiges of the cool, morning breeze blows. As you pass the bodies, Heruld is stock straight in his saddle and doesn't look at the bodies.

"Do we stop or continue on" whispers Heruld quite loudly.

2013-02-28, 11:57 AM

Rowan dismounts, and walks up to the hanging corpse, placing his hand on it while he thinks. Recalling what he can recognize he takes a good look around and waves for Azael to help him out. "It depends on what we can find her, Heruld. Anything we see may be a hint towards our current goals, so i will not skip something that might be related."

Perception check for anything interesting


2013-02-28, 12:19 PM

Azael follows Rowan's actions, dismounting easily. He turns to Heruld before going to the bodies. "Get your bow out, and keep up a perimeter. I don't want people sneaking up on us."

Azael then walks over to the bodies, and follows his partner's lead in looking for clues.

Perception check:[roll0]

2013-02-28, 02:23 PM
As the three of you discuss the and search where the bodies are hanging you can tell that at least a dozen people strung up the two men before heading back towards the village. You also notice that you don't see any movement or sound coming from the village other than the breeze blowing some leaves across the road.

2013-02-28, 02:29 PM

"Mount up. We're going to ride to the village and see what all they can tell us. We'll stay here for the night, if they allow us, and set off tomorrow morning."

Azael spoke while getting back on his mount, hitching the reign to guide the mount towards the village.

2013-03-01, 04:56 PM
The three of you mount up and ride up to the center of the village.
A small inn sits squat near the village square. The wide, double doors sit open, one ajar and hanging limp on one of it's hinges. An unsettling feeling comes over the three of you as no sound or sight comes from any of the buildings.

2013-03-01, 05:36 PM

Dismounting rather quickly, Azael pulled both of his axes up, and marched forward. "Rowan, behind me. Heruld, behind him. If you see anything, call it out. Other than that, stay quiet, and follow my lead."

Azael waits for the two to get into position.

2013-03-02, 10:46 PM

Rowan quietly slips the scroll he made recently from its spot in his backpack, and keeps in file with Azael and Heruld, carefully making his steps so as to not be surprised

I have my scroll of Persistent Blade ready, just in case.

2013-03-03, 10:49 AM
Heruld nervously dismounts and tethers his horse to a nearby tree.
He starts to draw his sword and then thinks better of it and draws his bow.
As you look at him he says "I'm much better with this than the sword, even with your training, sir."

The three march forward into the building, only sounds of boots crunching on the recently rained upon ground and the door swinging lazily in the breeze.
With a look the three of you slowly enter the building. As your vision adjusts to the dim light you see a common room about 20 feet long by 30 feet wide. There is a small bar at the back of the room with a doorway to the right of it. Three small round table and a larger square table, all with chairs and the whole lot mismatched, sit in the middle of the room along with a couple of booths in the a near corner nooks. The only thing that seems out of skew is that one of the round tables has plates on it with some kind of food while a couple of black birds nibble at the remains of the food. The birds ignore your entrance and you can see nothing else moving in the room.

2013-03-03, 04:31 PM

Azael motions the two away from the door they just entered. Tipping a few chairs and a couple empty tables in a half circle in front of the door, Azael creates water over and over, until there is a small puddle at the entrance of the door.

"If someone tries to sneak up on us, they will make more noise than if we just left the door alone. Now, come on."

Azael keeps going forward, passing the two and heading for the door in the back.

2013-03-04, 06:57 PM

"Good thinking, but i'll cover a few gaps for us." Mirroring his companions preparedness, Rowan focuses for a moment, and an interesting smell spreads from him. It stays close to him personally, but gives him knowledge of his surroundings.

Manifesting Detect hostile intent for 3 PP, to create a 30 ft radius where i can recognize the source and direction of anything with hostile intentions in range.

2013-03-05, 04:34 PM
As Azael and Rowan make reparations, Heruld stands guard over them with his bow knocked but pointed at the ground as he scans the area.
Once Azael is done and Rowan focuses inward, Rowan does not detect anything with his powers.
The three then move forward into the kitchen area.
Once through the door an overwhelming smell of rotting flesh hits your nostrils causing the three of you to gag, Heruld looking decidedly green. The room is thick with flies and a large pool of dried blood in the room. As you continue to look through the room you can see several hams and other hanging meats turning green and moldy. As you move deeper in the room, you see a man hunched over a butcher's block with his back towards you. Moving towards the man, you realize the pooled blood emanated from this man as you see that his hands were pinned to the board with stakes and his throat slit.
Besides the breathing of the three of you and the buzzing of the flies, no other sound can be heard.

2013-03-06, 09:51 PM

Rowan stifles a choke, as though he feels he's going to puke, then clears his throat, keeping his focus around him as he followed behind Azael.

My Detect Hostile Intent power has a duration of 30 minutes, please let me know when it runs out.

2013-03-10, 06:06 PM

Disregarding the rotting body and smell, Azael simply walks to the closed door, and places his left hand axe into it's loop. Readying his right hand, he kept it lined up with the parallel of the door frame, in case he got jumped.

2013-03-11, 08:45 AM
Heruld moves into a position so he has a clear shot through the door, clear of Azael, and then nods.

Azael opens the door and it greeted with the outdoors once he forces the recalcitrant open.

Heruld makes a sharp hiss to get your attention as he moves to the door and observes the ground. After a few moments he whispers "No one, it looks to me, has used this door in some time. See how that last foot print there has smoothed over time from the morning dew?" He turns and looks at the two of you before continuing with "Now what?"

2013-03-11, 02:32 PM

"We go back to the last room, and look at for some more doors."

Azael follows his own plan, and goes back into the empty room they were in, before the room with the pantry.

2013-03-11, 06:35 PM

Rowan stays ready, but as Azael goes back in, he kneels down and takes a look at what Heruld had pointed out. Staring at it for a moment, he gets up and follows, content with recognizing the same signs that Heruld had before going back in after his friend.

2013-03-12, 01:57 PM
The three travelers search the in room by room, taking there time to keep from running i to an ambush. After completely going through the building they fail to find anyone. The inn looks as if, besides the dead man in the kitchen, the inn was right in the middle of a normal day and everyone just got up and left. Heruld looks perplexed by the turn of events and says as much.

2013-03-12, 03:04 PM

" We can leave. I'd rather you both not stay here longer than you'd like. By this, I mean the Inn. Heruld, you can leave the village for a bit. Go get us some fire wood and maybe hunt for something. I don't want to take anything from the place. Rowan, while he does that, you and I will look around in the village a bit, maybe find out if this is a monster."

2013-03-14, 07:25 AM
Heruld starts to walk out of the building and, as he does, inspects the ground outside. Carefully walking around the area that the three of you came in on, he walks around and over to another building.

"It doesn't look like anyone has walked around here in almost a week. No people or animals, by the look of it, besides us."
He keeps his bow out and arrow nocked as he looks around. Standing straighter, he looks around and points to the north of the village towards a small stand of trees.
"Hunting will be sparse but I might find something there." With that he trots of towards the trees.

Azael and Rowan continue to investigate the small village. Made up of 10 buildings, you go and knock at the doors of each but no one answers. The small government building, which looks to be a jail to, stands empty along with the small cell in the floor empty and open. The feeling you get is that the village was in the middle of a normal day when everything stopped. Food sits moldering and half eaten in one house. Outside another laundry sits in a basket, dried, next to a half filled laundry line.

2013-03-16, 08:06 AM
As the two of you carefully investigate the surrounding area, the two of you see some faint tracks on the ground that look to be more recent than the others.
As Azael follows his instincts and tracks them back a bit to the center of town, he realizes after a few minutes of investigating that it looks like everyone walked to the center of the village and, in a line, were led out of town in an almost straight line northeast by the trampling of at least a dozen feet. Following it through the outskirts and into the surrounding undergrowth, the trail is a bit more distinct and it looks like it was adults and children in the line along with two more pairs of footprints that looked to be outside of the line, possibly guiding the line of people. You follow the trail for about 100 feet before stopping but, now that you know what you are looking for, can make out the trail for at least another couple of hundred feet.

2013-03-16, 08:11 AM

Azael walked back to Rowan, and tapped his hands against his hips. "Where is our destination?"

2013-03-18, 02:55 PM

Rowan looks up for a minute, thinking carefully on the map. "Roughly northeast from here, but i'm unsure which way that is in relation to where we stand right now. I know you know it though."

2013-03-18, 06:02 PM

"Right. We'll keep looking around, but I don't expect to find much else other than what we've already seen. We'll wait for Heruld to get back, and then we'll rest for the night. Come morning, we'll go to our destination."

2013-03-20, 08:32 AM
After a time Heruld comes back towards the village empty handed.

" Except from a few small birds, there ain't nothin' out there. Didn't seem right shooting a farmers pig or chicken, even if no one is tending them, from the looks of it. They were spooked when I came near them, too." he says in his earnest voice. He looks around before continuing "Did you find anyone? Or anything? I couldn't see anyone around and I wasn't being sneaky." With that he rubs his thumb on his his lower lip as you can hear the sound of the friction with the fresh scruff. "Something is definitely not right around here. What's the plan?"

2013-03-20, 03:43 PM

"We stay here for the night. If this all happened at night time, we might encounter what did this. Even if not, we can use the civilized ground for a night."

2013-03-21, 10:35 PM

"Fair enough, although it would probably be nicer if there were actual living people around."

2013-03-28, 07:45 AM
Heruld looks around for a moment, turning in a slow circle.
"So... do we stay in the inn or one of the other buildings or must make a camp on the town green?"

2013-03-31, 08:44 PM

"I believe we should take one of the other buildings. Preferably one that is well defended. Just in case. I think we'd be better off finding out if whatever did this frequents here."

2013-04-02, 11:33 AM

"Try to find a church. In case what did this was unholy. Gives us ample room to make beds, as well as scripture."

2013-04-04, 08:25 AM
As the three search around the find a church dedicated to Belet-ili, Ea, Hathor, and Marduk.

Its a simple building, about forty feet long by thirty feet wide, with the main room taking up most of the buildings footprint. At the rear of the main room are two doors. One leads to a small hallway and two rooms, one off to each side, that are austere and spartan in their decoration. The other is a utility that contains several shelves, with celebratory items on one side and cleaning items on the other. the main room contains nearly 20 simple benches in it, probably enough to hold about 3 people each. Above the small stand are the four symbols of the respective gods: A star, a ram-headed fish, a bulls head with a white circle above it, and a dragon.

The three search and besides some modest scriptures behind the stand, there isn't much else in the building. Azael looks through and decides that, while there isn't much to the building that it can be easily defended as their is one entrance, the sturdy double doors that can be barred with simple slide lever and also with stout 4 inch by 6 inch beam serve as the entrance, and the windows are small and not easily accessible from the ground. Heruld makes not that in his village the church also serves as a defensible building in times of raids.

The three of you spend some time clearing out the main room, moving the benches to make room and to create barricades. Heruld, at first, looks a little nervous about disturbing the church, his simple roots becoming apparent.
After a time you are all set in any preparations.

"I'll take first watch, if you all don't mind. I feel a little funny sleeping in here right now. Ever since I was a kid we only went in on End Week to say blessings, with all your 'Yes, sir' 's and 'No, sir' 's being said. All very stuffy and all, you know?"

2013-04-05, 08:56 AM

I'm sure the gods wouldn't mind it. I've never been very religious myself, but it is reasonable to assume that the gods would rather us protect their churches from evil, as the case might be, than anything else. Don't you agree?" Rowan finishes talking, then moves over to Azael and helps him finish the barricades, then sits down and resumes studying his notes.

2013-04-06, 03:15 PM

"Just don't get us killed while we sleep. Other than that, you can worship the blackest hearted demon out there."

Azael, after finishing the barricades, sets up a place near the back-center of the room, so he could gauge the front entrance from his resting spot. With his area made, he got both axes out, and started to shape wood with each axe, making sure each had decent sharpness.

2013-04-11, 08:01 AM
Heruld nods in agreement with Rowan as he feels the same sentiment but is unsure if Azael is jesting with him or being serious.

As the sun begins to set Heruld searches around a little bit, getting a little more comfortable with being in the church. He returns after a short time with candles and a lantern.

After a time the three eat and get ready for the night. As Heruld walks to the door to bar it for the night, he looks out for a few moments.
"It is strange" he begins, sounding very distant " that I don't hear anything wild about. You should be able to hear the birds or other critters coming in at night if no one has been around for a week but there's nothing. Not even bugs. "

With that he bars the door and double checks it before returning back. "How would you two like to split up the watches?"

2013-04-11, 07:56 PM

"Rowan needs all the sleep he can get, so, ask him, and use me to fill any holes in the schedule. Also, as for the quiet, it's probably something really horrible going on. As soon as the night passes, we'll get out of here."

2013-04-12, 09:11 AM

"I'll take the last watch. Take the time to study my books and papers and hope i have enough firepower ready to take out anything that might disrupt your sleep. It's up to you two to figure out the other two watches."

2013-04-12, 05:11 PM

"I'll go second. It'd be boring going first. Less threat from the really bad things out there. Most of the time those things hit really hard in the middle of the night. So, Heruld, you get to get the first watch."

2013-05-12, 09:49 AM
As the night progresses, the two go to sleep while the third stands watch. An eeriness instills you all through the night... something you can feel and sense but can't quite put a name too.

As Heruld takes the first watch he occasionally wakes one of the others as he paces around. At one time or another Azael and Rowan both lift a heavy lid to see the young man walking the mostly dark room, unsure if he was tired or nerves getting to him.

As Heruld wakes Rowan for him to take his watch, he puts a hand on his shoulder and says "I finally figured out what has been botherin' me about this place. Nothing is moving or alive here except us. I mean, there wasn't much here when we got here durin' the daylight but, once the sun set, there ain't nothing. I mean, not even spiders or flies in this place. And I checked. I can't here any crickets or other critters scurrying about. I'm guessing that it will make it easier to hear something if it does come, but it is downright unnerving." With a head shake, he turns and lays down on his blanket.

As Azael takes his watch he thinks on Heruld's words. The night goes slowly as the silence bears down on the doughty warrior. He, in turn, paces the room to keep himself awake as there is nothing to break up the monotony except the flickering of the two candles lit in the room, but the flickering is seductive, the swaying shadows eliciting thoughts of sleep that he fights off.

Finally, after a few hours, he wakes his friend and passes on what Heruld had told him. "For what its worth, I think he's right." Azael confides in his friend. "Though I heard nothing, dread fills me this night. A foreboding fills me and I am unsure what it means. Keep sharp and your ears sharper. Wake me if anything is amiss." With that he returns to a fitful rest.

Rowan ponders his friends words as he sits the night out, knowing him as one not to give into nerves or frights. He thinks on all of the bits of knowledge he has gathered over his years but this is nothing like he has ever experienced or even heard of.
Time grinds on and, looking at the candles, he knows the dawn is not far off. His eyelids grow heavy and flicker as he struggles to stay awake, his body swaying slowly. His mind wanders as he daydreams of dark abysses and cold stars giving off strange lights. He snaps to with a shake of his head as he realizes his will is being assaulted, wide awake as he feels a surge of adrenaline as he knows he barely fought off the attack, something stronger than he has ever felt. He stands and realizes that he can hear a faint crooning noise accompanied by what sounds like pipes that feels near yet far off.

meemaas, what does Rowan do?

2013-05-13, 07:57 PM

Rowan takes a deep breath and kicks Azael where he's laying, his gaze intent on where he believes the attack came from. "Wake up!!" He hisses at Azael, as he mumbles to himself a quick incantation he knows by heart, his eyes taking on a slight glow, he'd track his gaze along the expected area.

Casting Detect Magic, and scanning the area in which i hear the noise, assuming i can guess that.

I guess here's a Perception check to figure out if i can guess it.


I'm looking for the presence of Magical Auras

2013-05-13, 09:28 PM

Azael stumbles up, and grabs his two axes with a few sleepy flails. "It better be worth no sleep."

If enough time, i want to don his armor.

2013-05-21, 08:30 AM
Rowan spends a few moments trying to discern what the attack was, without success, while Azael dons his armor. After a few moments, the two are ready but the only sound they can pick up is the restless slumbering of Heruld.

2013-05-21, 07:28 PM

"Get Heruld up. We'll break camp now, and head towards our desired route. If we have time on the way back, we'll purge this place of whatever it is doing all this. I don't fight something without some research before hand though, and maybe some locals down the road will know something."

Azael walks forward a few feet, standing in his armor and with both axes now expertly held and weighed. He's defensive, protecting the mage and sleeping boy while they scurry to be ready.

2013-05-21, 09:05 PM

"We'll have to go on foot, you and i, at least for a while. I haven't had the time to prepare our mounts yet." After he finishes speaking, the young man starts to shake Heruld, whispering wake up to him over and over until he stirs. When asked what was going on, Rowan quickly explains that they are breaking camp on the spot.

2013-05-28, 08:37 AM
Heruld groggily looks at the two of you as he starts to stand.

"Is it dawn yet?" He stretches out as Rowan give a quick summery of what has happened.

He begins to don his makeshift armor and tests his bow after stringing it.
"It is another hour to dawn. Do you think we should wait or go now?" he asks, only a slight bit of hesitation in his voice.
Once he is satisfied with his bow, he checks his sword to make sure it is smooth in it's scabbard.

"Ready when you are..."

Perception checks, please.

2013-05-28, 08:39 AM
But i don't wannaaaaaa XD

Perception [roll0]

2013-05-29, 11:34 PM
Perception [roll0]

2013-06-01, 08:07 AM
Heruld, as his head swivels around, he whispers to you two "Some'ing is out there moving around. Sounds like at least a couple of 'em.". As he continues looking around you can see the young man looks haggard from lack of sleep.

Azael only

Azael also hears 2 to 3 distinct sounds coming from outside. Surprisingly, he can make out something speaking in Draconic saying, by the sounds of it, "Still moving... no, should... Bezer says..." as it drifts off past his hearing.

2013-06-04, 07:09 PM

''Sounds like 2 or 3 more sounds outside. Draconic speech, too. Person named Bezer. Could be the thing they take victims to. Heruld, wake your ass up, boy. We've got to secure ourselves in here. Board up any way outside that's not the front entrance. Rowland, help him. No offense, but I have better sight in situations like this.''

With armor on, and weapons axes ready, Azael makes adjustments, holding the hilt of both axes in his left hand, and gesturing over his heart with his right. Praying, he surges with divine luck, reassuming his battle position.

Casted Divine Favor. +1 luck bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls.

2013-06-07, 09:24 AM
Heruld rechecks the room, quietly, to make sure the room is secure, before moving back to a spot near Azael, bow out and arrow knocked, as he gives him quick nod. He looks at Rowan to see what the errant wizard is doing and, as he is about to whisper something, shuts his mouth and turns towards the door as the three of you can hear a rustling outside the door. The grip on his bow shakes for a moment as Herulds knuckles visibly whiten and then relax.
"It sounds like there are a few things moving about out there..." he whispers.

2013-06-07, 12:20 PM

"Doesn't concern us. We just have to survive. I hope they do come in. If you feel up to actually fighting, Heruld, we can attempt to leave this town, with them here or not.

2013-06-07, 04:57 PM
"Besides a few fights with some scavengers... Well, I'be never been in a real fight. If we have to fight I would prefer to have them try to come through that door one by one rather than out in the open."
The two of you can almost see him blush in the dim light as he speaks.

2013-06-07, 07:59 PM

"We would be lucky if they came through one by one. They obviously sound intelligent, and would not make themselves targets like that." He turns to help Heruld board up the other entrances, keeping his gaze on the door ready for an attack

Missed the posts earlier.

2013-06-08, 11:16 PM

''How accurate are you with that bow, Heruld? If you only had your bow and part of your upper body showing, would you feel comfortable fighting? Because, honestly, i want to fight them now, intelligent or not. They're lackeys for someone bigger, and odds are, they aren't regular beings.''

2013-06-10, 11:59 AM
Without moving his eye from the door Heruld says "I'm one of the best shots in my county. Though you've been helping me out with my sword, I'm nowhere as good with it as I am my bow... I go hunting often with my bow. But its not the same thing as shooting someone, I imagine."
Looking around, he spots a small table.
"I can turn that over and still shoot over it. We can set up a few of those benches as obstacles, too."

2013-06-10, 04:55 PM

''Good. Rowan, care the conjure something up that doesn't mind suicide missions? I want to go out and fight, maybe keep one hostage so we can interrogate it for information concerning this town. You both don't have to do anything directly.

2013-06-12, 10:24 PM
Heruld spends a few moments setting up a barricade for himself and Rowan made up of the benches in the room. Once it is to his and Azael's satisfaction, he picks up bow and sets a few arrows down for easy access before nodding to the warrior and saying in a distant voice "Ready when you gents are."

2013-06-14, 11:48 PM

Rowan starts to speak an incantation, but then stops, waiting to time the end of it for when it was needed most.

I realized i forgot to prepare spells for yesterday in game, and it was assumed that i used the same spell loadout from the day before. Therefore, with that in mind, and knowing that i haven't had time to prepare, i am readying an action to cast persistent blade when Azael is within melee range of a hostile entity.

2013-06-22, 06:31 PM

''Right then, get ready, Lads.'' Azael walked over to the door and creaked it open.

2013-06-24, 08:04 AM
Azael slowly peaks through the slightly cracked door and, under the false dawn, can make out 7 small reptilian creatures milling around the area on the village green that is in front of the church. About half have spears ready and the other half have slings.

Azael only


2013-06-24, 12:00 PM

''Alright boys, seven small reeptilian ccreatures, spears and slings. Rowan, I'll need a little help with this one. When I get their attention, I'll try and lead them back inside.

Azael moved through the crack, to the nearest creature, both axes reeady to attack and cleave.

Attack roll:[roll0]
Damage Roll:[roll1]

2013-06-26, 08:12 AM

Peeking out the door, Rowan began to cast one of his spells, in hopes of creating an ally for Azael to fight alongside.

Casting Summon Monster 1

2013-06-27, 08:18 AM
Azael, kicking open the door, rushes towards the nearest lizard-like humanoid.
A moment later two bright arrows of energy light up the area as they streak towards the warrior, striking him.

Azael damage

Shrugging of the blows, Azael continues forward and brutally strikes with his axes, felling the creature.

2013-06-30, 09:54 AM
Rowan incants as he calls forth a creature to serve them in the fight, arms moving in intricate patterns and strange speech that Heruld can hear but not understand.

Sticking to the plan as best he can, Heruld spots one of the scaly creatures near Azael and lets fly an arrow, hoping to fell the creature.


AC ~16; Current ~ 16
HP ~ 14; Current ~14

Free Action

Move Action

Standard Action
Attack K1 with bow


Crit Confirmation




As Heruld's arrow flies, the three creatures with slings spin them overhead and let loose their stones at Azael.


Crit Confirmation



Crit Confirmation



Crit Confirmation



With that, the one to Azael right moves forward and takes a stab at the mighty warrior as the one from his left charges in.

K1 if he is still alive. I'll adjust the post if he isn't.

Crit Confirmation



K2 charging (-2 AC)

Crit Confirmation



As the combat is met, the one in the back who created some magic arrow that hit Azael, looks around for a moment before running off.

Bezer - XX
Azael - X [action stopped here]
Rowan - X
Heruld - X
K group 2 - X
K group 1 - X
