View Full Version : Ringwraith like build help

2013-01-12, 11:30 PM
In the campaign I'm in, we're having our fighter, Alexander the Greatest, killed by some **** to death magic from hell in a cinematic-esque moment for plot. To bring him back, our necromancer is going to do some wack spell with an amulet we found. He is tainted with a thousand years of torture and psychobabble, all in a few hours it took to bring him back. He is now Chaotic and all kinds of crazy.

We want some sort've crazy back from hell sort've build to him involving hexblade, evil paladin, and binder. Being extremely un-acquainted with binders, I'm not too sure how to build this. Our goal is to have him be akin to ringwraiths. Any ideas that I don't have, or should I give up on binders and just go hexblade 4/Paladin 16 ?

2013-01-13, 03:04 AM
Well... what abilities are you hoping for exactly? IIRC the main thing Nazgul use (aside from weapons to hit things) is their shriek which inflict fear. The witchking also had that "cannot-be-hurt-by-men" thing going. Some apparently also had magic. Of course, they all packed undead immunites, and had some big nasty mounts to ride on.

I would probably make all that with a 4 Cleric / 1 Warblade / 10 Bone-Knight taking the Death Domain, and the Charnel Miasma reserve feat to inflict Panic on lesser individual targets, and blasphemy to wipe out lesser armies. Use Animate Dead to animate whatever cool creature he managed to slay as a mount, as well as to have an army of dead backing him up.