View Full Version : Gallente Federation vs Free Planets Alliance vs Galactic Republic

2013-01-13, 01:28 AM
Which of these three factions are the best alternate (as in Worst Republic) take on "good republic and Bad empire"?
-Free Planets Alliance (Legends of Galactic Heroes)
They became so bad that the Empire became the good guys after the overthrow of Goldenbaum Dynasty.
-Gallente Federation (EVE Online)
Sure, they are taking on the Amarr Empire but they used secret police and passed Lynch-mob happy policy.
-Galactic Republic (Star Wars)
The main reason why the Empire was formed in the first place. Still Darth and Droids managed to show the origin better than Star Wars film.

2013-01-13, 11:19 PM
What exactly is the question?:smallconfused:

2013-01-13, 11:41 PM
What exactly is the question?:smallconfused:
Which of these three "Republic" heroes, who were known to be either corrupt or worse than their imperial enemies, are the worst?

2013-01-14, 12:38 AM
You left out the United Federation of Planets; A militaristic omnipresent state with a population completely subservient to it and so emotionally neutered that a child showing any emotion over the death of a parent is considered "less evolved.":smallannoyed: Vs. the Klingon Empire, in which all the women's clothing have boob windows:smalltongue:.

The Glyphstone
2013-01-14, 01:32 AM
You left out the United Federation of Planets; A militaristic omnipresent state with a population completely subservient to it and so emotionally neutered that a child showing any emotion over the death of a parent is considered "less evolved.":smallannoyed: Vs. the Klingon Empire, in which all the women's clothing have boob windows:smalltongue:.

No, I'm pretty sure that was deliberate. Star Wars and Star Trek are like Versus Match matter/antimatter.

Also, we need more info. We have three names, 1 factoid about each, and a question.

2013-01-14, 11:23 AM
Galactic Republic (Star Wars)

The main reason why the Empire was formed in the first place. Still Darth and Droids managed to show the origin better than Star Wars film.

This isn't really a reason for classifying the Republic as "evil". I would say that the Empire was much worse than the Republic for very different reasons. Even though it eliminated the problem of corruption in the no-longer-existant Senate, it kind of ... screwed up everything else.

The emperor was a warmonger, who attempted to rule the Empire under threat of force. He systematically purged anyone who was against him (or even thought of looking at him funny). He insisted on human supremacy.

The only thing the Empire was better at than the Republic was the fact that when they wanted to kill someone, they did it quickly and without squabbling.

2013-01-14, 11:56 AM
Gallente (http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Gallente)

The Gallente. Self-righteous, meddling, pompous and tiresome, or virile liberalists and defenders of the free world. Love them or hate them, you simply can't ignore them. Everybody has an opinion on the Gallente Federation, it all depends from which side of the table you view them. For many, it is the Promised Land, where any dream can become a reality. The Gallente remain strong believers in free will and human rights, despite numerous setbacks in their long history.

It has been said that, once you have seen the Crystal Boulevard in Caille you've seen it all. True, the view is spectacular, but if there's one thing you can never see in its entirety, that is the Gallente Federation. You may travel its length and breadth, marvel at the Sunspiral on Troux, climb the Akat Mountains on tropical Intaki or thrill to the Mendre dancers on Sovicou. Wherever you go, you will always see something new and exciting, even when you visit the same place again. Gallente society is in a constant state of flux, vigorous, vibrant and progressive.

Few societies display such stark contrasts. Many of the wealthiest people in the world are Gallente, creating a constant demand for luxury goods. At the same time, the ranks of the poor number millions, because while the liberal market-driven economy and individual freedom may allow everybody the chance to advance to the top, they make it just as easy to plummet to the very bottom of the social ladder.

In the world of New Eden, the Gallente are the kings of entertainment, mass-producing everything from cheap porn-flicks to elaborate stage-shows for an ever-hungry public. They boast the most elaborate luxury space yachts, and the most glittering hotel reservoirs. Anything your mind or body could ever crave, the Gallente have plenty of it.

I wouldn't say the Gallente are evil or even corrupt. Their leaders are all democratically chosen and the vast majority of important legislation go through a public vote.

Not to mention how they are helping and have helped the Minmatar slaves of the Amarr empire. They've given them weapons, supported them in combat, given all freed slaves that want to live in the federation citizenship and they've continued doing this even as the Caldari offensive pushed deeper into federation territory.

Brother Oni
2013-01-14, 03:13 PM
I wouldn't say the Gallente are evil or even corrupt.

I would say the Caldari have a different opinion on that. :smalltongue:

2013-01-14, 03:56 PM
I would say the Caldari have a different opinion on that. :smalltongue:
Well, Caldari's no better than Military Industrial Complex based Gallante.

2013-01-14, 04:15 PM
Even though it eliminated the problem of corruption in the no-longer-existant Senate, it kind of ... screwed up everything else.
Don't forget that the Empire was about a tousand times more corrupt than the Republic could ever fear to be. Corruption within the GR was propably like it is in the US or EU today.
And than the whole Nazi-Germany-in-space part. The GR had problems, but the Empire was a nightmare, they shouldn't even be on this list.
I try to think of other examples, but right now nothing fitting comes to my mind. If an empire serves as the protagonist faction, there is usually no republic around.
Hm, even the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which was arguably a republic, was better than the Empire. And the Corporate Sector never fought the Empire.

2013-01-14, 04:25 PM
Well, Caldari's no better than Military Industrial Complex based Gallante.

The Caldari (public that is) wish they were a Military Industrial Complex based Gallente. In reality they are ruled by a handful of families that own the mega corporations that make up the Caldari State. The difference is that in the Gallente Federation you can with hard work, bribery, backstabbing and a little luck rise from nothing to everything while the same things in the Caldari State will at best make you a CEO of one of the minor corporation (that is if you are willing to become one of the actual powerplayers lapdog) or more probably dead as you accidentally step out of bounds into one of the businesses of the higher ups.

But it's not like either of them have any real power in New Eden. There are only two things that wield actual power there and those are Concord and the Capsuleers.

2013-01-14, 05:42 PM
As an avid fan of Legend of the Galactic Heroes, I question the usage of terms "bad and good guys". At it's core is an active narrative on sociopolitical systems and variation, with a heavy reference to history.

2013-01-14, 08:44 PM
None of those are bad. The Galactic Republic is dumb and ineffectual but not evil and better than what came before or after it, the Gallente are the most well-meaning and humane faction in EVE, and for the Free Planets Alliance, what PF said.

On a side note, I don't think whoever wrote the Gallente fluff understood how a liberal market economy looks like.

2013-01-15, 12:12 AM
Don't forget that the Empire was about a tousand times more corrupt than the Republic could ever fear to be. Corruption within the GR was propably like it is in the US or EU today.
And than the whole Nazi-Germany-in-space part. The GR had problems, but the Empire was a nightmare, they shouldn't even be on this list.
I try to think of other examples, but right now nothing fitting comes to my mind. If an empire serves as the protagonist faction, there is usually no republic around.
Hm, even the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which was arguably a republic, was better than the Empire. And the Corporate Sector never fought the Empire.

Well... The corruption in the Empire and in the Republic manifested differently.

In the Republic, corruption means public projects got bogged down, public money was wasted by senators and their corporation cronies, justice was slow to act,...
But there still was SOME impartial justice, the management of public affairs followed SOME ethics.
And while things moved slowly, they were also fair most of the time.
So yeah, basically what we have in most developped nations today.
A genuinly altruistic but largely inefficient bureaucracy.

In the Empire, things got done very quickly when they mattered for the authorities, whatever the cost or methods.
There was corruption on public projects for who get the contract.
But it wasn't inflating costs as, if that would have been discovered, the corporation involved would have been nationalized.
Justice was either very expeditive... or simply absent, depending of the interest of local officials in your case.
An efficient but self-serving warmachine.

The CIS was, as amidala put it :
"What is happening here is not government that has been bought out by business, it's business becoming government!"
Same goes for the Caldari State in EVE