View Full Version : What to do with all this gold? [3.5]

2013-01-13, 03:43 AM
Ok so for some ungodly reason my group wants to do one more fling with our average ECL 23 party, where in the last adventure we each got just over 52 million gold in mithril...ya I have 52 million gold to play around with. The DM's only restriction was no artifacts and no buying a couple hundred rings of three wishes. Other than that open game. I'm a 20 druid/warshaper. Who by the fact is the only one who can take a hit is the tank of the party. So what should I do with this cash? I have been trying to figure out a way to be immune to anti magic as that has caused me some problems before.

I'm buying tomes of wis/dex/str/con. +12 periapt, the boots of swiftness looked cool, more wilding clasps, pearls of power, a ring of universal energy immunity, trying to decide on how to build my weapon and bracers of armor(mainly what enhancements I want) phoenix cloak. So any other ideas? Also I am looking at how to combine two magical effects into one item.

Yes I know this is ridiculous, and I am in favor of retiring the characters, but I am one of two on this issue so we were out voted. :smallannoyed: So I will oblige my friends and let them have their fun.

2013-01-13, 04:44 AM
Well, don't bother with the tomes for dex or strength, unless you use your natural form often? The con will give you more hp, but when you're wildshaped, you use your new form's physical scores. (You probably already know that, but hey, I'm tried and I figured just in case...)

You could use some of the money to build a sweet stronghold. It wouldn't give you much mechanical benefit, but if you and your friends ever play in that campaign world again, you might enjoy visiting it? As long as you're buying epic stat items, you could buy some for other stats.

Or, since you have a bunch of mithril, maybe have your party wizard build a small army of mithril golems (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/golem.htm#mithralGolem)?

(buy him a thought bottle or two while your at it if the XP cost is a problem.)

2013-01-13, 06:06 AM
If you spend much time standing back and casting (or at least have a "hand" free) then a Rod of Absorption can *really* annoy the DM who is not expecting it - if you use all its charges you will be virtually immune to targeted spells (at least until it is filled up again).

2013-01-13, 06:44 AM
Perhaps a few custom made staffs? They can be enchanted into Weapons, so give them Morphing, and Sizing, and change them into something that can realistically be used in said wildshape; say a Spiked Gauntlet for a Dire Ape. Give it the defending properties and the take Greater Magic Weapon for +5 AC if you so wish.

If you have Smiting Spell Feat, well, load up on Touch Attacks and become a Wild Shaped Duskblade with a Magic Staff-***-Greatsword.

2013-01-13, 07:21 AM
I had a crazy idea based off the tin-foil hat AMF defence. Basiclly you use your gold to commission some big powerful constructs. E.g. commission a couple of golems. Or look up the Effigy creature from Complate Arcane. Preferably get a couple with Ex flight as well. Then buy a Psychoactive Skin of the Protean for each. Using the Psychoactive skin, have them polymorph into something fine (as in the size), and store them in a mundane backpack WITHOUT wildling clasp.

Persumably, you normally go around wildshaped. So the backpack is absorbed into your form, leaving the constructs safe and hidden from all attacks. But when you are hit by an AMF, you revert to normal form, and the backpack reappears. The AMF then hits the polymorphed golems, and disables their psychoactive skin, causing them to revert to their normal form, and bursting out of your backpack in the process. Thusly, you go from a wildshaped druid, into a normal man, surrounded by friendly construct guardians.

The constructs might not be strong enough to beat the enemy (this is epic levels after all). But they might be able to distract the enemies long enough for you to get out of the AMF, and think of something else.

2013-01-13, 12:08 PM
First, get yourself Legendary Leadership.
Second, buy yourself a kingdom and fill it with mages of all variety.
Third, order them to churn out magical ... magic stuff and sell it all around the world.
Make even more stuff.
Repeat till tippyverse has been achieved.

2013-01-13, 12:32 PM
With all that cash the answer is obvious:

1) Stone shape a giant box with a dollar sign on it.
2) Put all the money in the box, also buy a monocle and top hat.
3) Wild shape into a duck and swim in the coins!

2013-01-13, 12:41 PM
First, get yourself Legendary Leadership.
Second, buy yourself a kingdom and fill it with mages of all variety. artificers
Third, order them to churn out magical ... magic stuff and sell it all around the world.
Make even more stuff.
Repeat till tippyverse has been achieved.

There, fixed that for you. Also, is there an epic progression for artificers somewhere, or do they just have to PrC out?

2013-01-13, 01:10 PM
With all that cash the answer is obvious:

1) Stone shape a giant box with a dollar sign on it.
2) Put all the money in the box, also buy a monocle and top hat.
3) Wild shape into a duck and swim in the coins!

Reference is 100% win.

I realize that this is a touch of realism in a fantasy game, but 52 million gold pieces would probably substantially alter the amount of gold in the campaign world. Leaving aside inflation for the moment, you could afford to buy yourself a fairly large kingdom; barring a kingdom with some kind of mineral wealth or other substantial natural/magical resource, I can't see a decent sized agrarian kingdom being worth more than four of five million gold.

Epic level casters should look to have several hideouts, one for each season, a special getaway when you want privacy, a public place for social gatherings, a magical research place probably located off plane, a safe house (repeat this purchase as appropriate to your character's level of paranoia), and you can just add in additional places as appropriate to the campaign world.

For a mundane real estate purchase, look into buying an island. Probably the most defensible non-magic locations in most worlds. Equipping one with a few casters, some kind of fortification, some permanent portals, some standing stones (talk to DM about founding a couple druid groves), and some dangerous pets can easily soak up a few million gold. Remember to buy some magical vessels/constructs to patrol the waters around the island.

As a druid, you can go a long way to accomplishing major druid-type goals. Is this rainforest in danger of being cut down by nation x? Buy nation x a new forest for their lumber needs. Is this creature in danger of going extinct because of inbreeding within their hunted population? Hire rangers to guard them and travel to another world/alternate reality/the Beastlands to find new critters to expand the breeding pool. Build druid groves to guard sacred areas. Forge alliances with like-minded organizations to protect the natural world while also improving the lives of whomever (not sure of your alignment, so feel free to discard the concern for the common man). With so much gold, you could found a legacy that will long outlast your own, direct influence on the world.

2013-01-13, 02:49 PM
Lots of metamagic rods of greater quicken. Pick up the multispell feat soon. Why debilitate foes with high level casting one time per round when you could do it 3 times per round?

At that budget you might as well max out all your non-epic items to +5 or +6 or +10 equivalent, if you haven't already.

If you keep finding foes with anti-magic fields, it's time to UMD a staff with wall of force and maybe disjunction. If you keep finding regions with AMFs, then it's DM fiat and you might not be able to do too much except steer clear if it. You can also cast instantaneous barriers like plant growth outside the AMF to stop those inside of it. Because the effects are instantaneous the magic is long gone and an AMF will not remove it.

2013-01-13, 03:17 PM
I'd sink a ungodly amount onto an item of +wis ~50, that according to my calculations leaves you with about half that gold left to blow in other ways :smalltongue:.

2013-01-13, 03:20 PM
You buy jewels and base wares. Lots and Lots of them, then flood the marked completely with gold, destroy the economy.

2013-01-13, 03:37 PM
You get this started:


Be sure to read the rest of the linked documents:




















And then convert the game to 'D&D Star Trek'...

2013-01-13, 04:00 PM
You get this started:


Be sure to read the rest of the linked documents:




















And then convert the game to 'D&D Star Trek'...


I know it's not the correct terminology, or even close to the one, it has just become so that when you pull out the sensible stops (or perhaps do just what is sensible but the game wasn't meant to be about?) and abuse magic far past its breaking point I think of Tippyverse.

2013-01-13, 04:17 PM
No, Tippyverse is an extrapolation of what happens when Teleportation Circles get invented. It doesn't have to be post-scarcity in general, what with the repeating traps and stuff, though that somewhat does tend to feature.

2013-01-13, 04:22 PM
Spend your 52 million gold on a legion of dancing Shadesteel golems.

Make sure to get some spiffy suits for them.

2013-01-13, 04:29 PM
Spend 13 million on Girls/Boys/Whatever
Spend 13 million on Whisky
Gamble 13 million away on racing ents
Just waste the rest

2013-01-13, 06:02 PM
Go to a casino, put 52 million on black :smallcool:

2013-01-13, 06:06 PM
Go to a casino, put 52 million on black :smallcool:

The Casino can't, yaknow... take a bet that size. After a certain point, you just buy the casino, yaknow??

2013-01-13, 06:14 PM
The Casino can't, yaknow... take a bet that size. After a certain point, you just buy the casino, yaknow??

I should have used sarcasm text :smalltongue:. Though now this makes me want to have a game where I run an underground casino:smallamused:.

2013-01-13, 06:31 PM
Stronghold's Builder Guide ! ! ! ! ! !

Build Your City!!!!
Make all walls "wall of force"
give your city the ability to fly
give it a dome and the enchant the makes it airtight and has renew air
get decanders of water and hero feast tables
get wands weapons an armors
stock a supperb library
get in there tones of women(or men.. whatever's your taste)
name your self "Supreme Commader of the Federation of planets"
go in space and discover other planets...

2013-01-13, 07:05 PM
Tried doing something like that based off of Stargate Atlantis. And that was how Landlord got banned.