View Full Version : Ravenloft Bard Character Help

2013-01-13, 11:57 AM
Well I'm looking to make my first Bard character in a Ravenloft setting and could really use some inspiration here. This will be my first time actually playing the Bard but I'm looking forward to a challenge for role playing and feel Bard would be a good start. I'm not overally concerned about an actual build itself but would appreciation any help with the background and behavior of the character.

Due to the Ravenloft Gothic horror genre I feel like it would be unnatural to have a super charismatic, hey turn that frown upside type gimmick. I'm trying to twist this so that my Bard isn't evil but that he's able to attract an audience through dark and maybe even personal stories that would fit for the realm. Possibly even have my Bard afflicted with some type of curse/disease that he's able to draw an almost negative/pessimistic view that gets the attention of an audience. After all people are just as interested in hearing tragic and horrific stories and often times makes them feel better knowing "Hey, at least I'm not that guy".

My second dilemma is if I should make the Bard a native of the realm or someone who has been pulled in. I was considering going Half-Vistani (as it's been made an option by the DM) to help with the darker and not so loving childhood. As I've never played Ravenloft and know very little would being a Half-Vistani somehow create and issue with the story/character at some point and be unrealistic or something?

If anyone had any stories, books, articles or even another thread that I could draw some more inspiration from it'd be greatly appreciated.