View Full Version : All in a Day's Work IC

2013-01-14, 05:43 AM
The main meeting room of the Beryl Blade Mercenary Headquarters in Athkatla is in something of a shambles. Evidently when they opened their doors to new recruits, they weren't bargaining on just how many would be interested. Having already gone through application, acceptance and processing, the four of you have already been placed together into Group D. Around the room you can see all sorts - a hulking orc, a horned tiefling, a half-giant, a kobold of some variety...when the BBM said they accept all kinds, they certainly weren't lying.

In front of you stands Administrator Anara, a kindly looking older Elf woman - a little on the plump side now, but like most of the administrators still working in the BBM, she retired from active mercenary duty so chances are she can still hold her own when needs be. "All right then. Group...D is it? All here? Excellent. Since this is your first mission off together I'll be handling mission assignment directly. Barring certain circumstances (like direct requests for your specific group), future jobs will be posted on the board at the head of the room overe there and you can just pick any that takes your fancy." She points as she speaks in a practised, polite and generally cheerful tone.

"Since your Group got through processing first, you guys and girls get first pick of the newbie jobs." She takes a moment to ruffle through a few papers, before retrieving six slips and handing them over. "Six jobs on offer right now.

"First, we've got a graveyard job. The caretaker's been having problems with coffins and tombs pried open and corpses being missing. They suspect some necromancer or undead is running around at night. The rumour mill suggest vampires, but we don't track in rumours. The caretaker could tell you specifics.

"Next is...ah, Temple of Waukeen wants us to give a scholar an escort from here to Candlekeep. Just the journey there apparently. Shouldn't be too tough but escorts are always something of a pain. They're not expecting any trouble outside of the normal wandering beasts and bandits.

"Third is the Shadow Thieves. There's a new thieves guild operating in Athkatla apparently and the Shadow Thieves want them put down. 'Dark Sword Thieves' is what they're going by. The Shadows could probably sort it out in house but apparently hiring us is a show of wealth for them, so we're to make an example of the Dark Sword Thieves.

"Fourth is spellcaster hunting in the slums district. The Cowled Wizards haven't been able to root them out so they're seeing if we have any better luck. Standard stuff really, though apparently they're masters of illusion and enchantment magic so excercise caution and prepare accordingly.

"I...heh, I forgot about the next one. We get some requests marked 'Urgent' when we sort them. These are generally ones which the employer wants sorted immediately. Others are less urgent, but still important. A nobleman by the name of Laus is throwing a fighting tournament in a few days for his kid's coming of age ceremony. His kid's taking part and he wants the BBM to provide a party of people to take a dive against him in the finals. Normally we don't take things like this (they don't do our reputation any favours) but Laus called in a few favours so here it is.

"Finally, there's a Paladin of Torm running around the plains south-east of here with a crew 'monster hunting'. Turns out they're not very good at their jobs. The mayor of small Halfling village called Gylip is hiring us to get rid of him since he's already killed two of Gylip's people. This one is also marked urgent but actually seems to be.

"So yeah, that's the current picking. Don't worry about the ones you don't pick, those'll get picked up by the other newbies. Take a few minutes to decide which one you want amongst yourselves. I'm here if you need to ask me for anything."

So...yep, that's your first possible mission. Anara is available for any further information. Cast your votes! Majority (3-1) wins. In the case of a 2-2 or 1-1-1-1 tie or indecision on the part of everyone, I'll cast a deciding vote by rolling a d6.

2013-01-14, 09:58 AM

One of Group D's new members is a human of slightly above average height and an average build. It's somewhat difficult to assess his size due to suit of full plate covering his frame. The visor of his helm is up and underneath you can see very short brown hair held back with a braided leather cord above a set of blue eyes. Crows feet at the corners of his eyes would say that he is no exuberant youth looking to make his mark on the world. Similarly, the dings on the large shield strapped across his back and the well-worn, leather wrapped hilt of his long sword would give the appearence of a lot of hard use.

A simple brown cloak is fastened to his epaulets with an ornate brooch. The normal myriad of pouches, loops, etc hang from his belt and a soldiers rucksack rests at his feet.

His voice is strong and clear, and he has no issues being the first to speak his mind. His accent sounds local for the most part,

"I've never been too big a fan of fighting undead, personally. I've made a bit of a name for myself fighting casters so the lout in the slums'd be my first choice. After that, them rats trying ta horn in on the Shadows' plans could be fun."

Having spoken his mind, he turns his attention to his new companions and gives them each a good once over, not hiding his scrutiny at all.

Please let me know if Knowledge: Local (Amn) gets me any additional information I might know about any of the jobs or my new companions. Mod is +4.

Lix Lorn
2013-01-14, 11:20 AM
Violet scowls.
"I'd like to go after the so-called Paladin. Seeing someone claiming to be a hero and then screwing it up sticks in my throat. Nothing good comes of crying werewolf and getting a lynch mob."

2013-01-14, 11:33 AM
Among the group of aspirants is one of the eternally ageless elves, though his manner of speech seems to indicate relative youth. He listens patiently to administrator as she lays out the missions, then allows the humans to make their considerations known before he speaks. "Having worked the entertainment business, I know a thing or two about taking a fall. I'm not particularly keen about doing it anymore; that's why I came here. Escort duty seems like a nice walk in the park. But rooting out rival thieves--that sounds like we could make a name for ourselves. I'm in favor. If not that, then righting wrong rights in the countryside would be my second choice." He rakes a stray strand of flaxen hair from his green eyes and tucks it carefully behind one pointed ear.

2013-01-14, 03:48 PM
Katasha Fortune is a Strong heart Halfing, three feet tall and with sunbleached blond hair. Her tanned skin speaks of her life as a sailor, and the smell of salt and fish hangs about her. Dressed in the garb of a cleric of Umberlee, the Halfing has a skin tight blue outfit with a chain shirt and navy cloak over it. You see a holy symbol of the Goddess of the Deeps hanging about her neck. The only other ornamentation she wears is a coral hair ornament. Besides an adventurer's backpack, she wears a belt with a short metal rod sized for a Halfing on her hip. She carries no obvious weapons.

"Helping Halfings works for me," she says around a mouthful of spiced jerky she is eating. The spices smell very strongly, but probably do little to your appetite, "otherwise, the casters, I guess."

2013-01-14, 06:00 PM

Nik nods along as the new Group D seems to come to a majority concensus.

"Sounds like all of you would like to help out the halflings to some degree. I'm happy to go along with that. I'm not the most nature-minded soldier and I don't have a horse so it'll be slow going but a jobs a job."

An easy smile mirrors the mercenary's words as he hefts his pack onto his shoulders preparing to leave.

2013-01-14, 06:14 PM
"Gylip eh? Not a bad choice to start with." Anara retrieves another slip of paper from her seemingly endless stack and hands it over. "This is a map showing the most direct route from here to the Halfling village. It should take you about one and a half days on foot. Once you're there, talk to the Mayor and he should be able to give you better directions as to where this Paladin is making his base. Remember that this is 'urgent', so don't dawdle in the city. If you take too long, you'll lose the contract. Come back here when you're done and you'll get paid."

2013-01-14, 08:55 PM
"Do we bring the proof back to you, or give it to the villagers?" The Halfling, Katasha, says laconically. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, having finished her jerky.

Otherwise ready to go, she waits for an answer then says, "You guys need a sec, or are we good to go?"

2013-01-15, 09:04 AM
"Proof generally goes to employers, then they'll send a message to us confirming completion and then we all get paid." Anara let her cheerful disposition slip into an outright smirk. "Ask the Mayor what sort of proof he wants. Some people want heads, others fingers. I had one mission where they just wanted Ceremonial Weapons from the orc tribe that was harassing them. They left less of a mess on the floor than a sack full of heads, they said."

2013-01-15, 09:36 AM
Aephren reaches out one pale, slender-fingered hand to take the map from the administrator. Looking it over, he nods thoughtfully before rolling it back up. With his other hand, he pulls aside the deep forest green traveler's cloak that shrouds his paler-green linen tunic and hose, reaching for the pouch that hangs from the inch-wide leather belt that keeps his tunic in place. As he stows the map carefully within the pouch, the filigreed hilt of the thin, rapier-like weapon at his right hip peeks out from the folds of the woolen cloak.

"I have all the supplies I need," Aephren replies to the halfling's query, with a gentle side-footed kick to the leather backpack at his feet to emphasize his readiness, "and I am eager to once again be out of doors." He shifts his emerald gaze to the two humans, silently inquiring their own status.

2013-01-15, 01:58 PM

The human warrior sinched the straps on his pack and checked his belt for its normal accoutrements before looking to Anara and asking his question,

"Just so we're clear on our orders...if this mayor asks us to kill these guys that killed his people....we're OK to go ahead and do that? We dont need to worry about a magistrate or someone else in a white wig deciding that maybe the smallfolk "tricked" this pillar of the community into attacking them and we're in the wrong for having hastened his transition to the afterlife.?"

Nik smiles as he politely awaits a response. A quick wink and nod to Aephren denote his readiness to depart once he gets his answer.

2013-01-15, 02:09 PM
Anara raises an eyebrow at Nikolas, her cheerful smile beaming through. "No, no, nothing to worry about. We did a little poking around before accepting the job (as we generally do) and it seems like this Paladin's not been making any friends in the area. Gylip's just the hardest done so far - probably because they're Halflings." She sighs and scratches one of her pointed ears. "Anything does come up, they'll come to us directly and we'll handle it. Just do the job and you'll be fine."

Apparently a synonym for 'raises' is blocked by the language filter. Whoops :p

2013-01-15, 03:07 PM

Unsure if he's struck a nerve, Nik does his best to deflate the situation with some words and a slight nod of respect,

"No offense or ingratitude intended, Ma'am. Just dotting my I's and crossing my T's is all. I've found it's better to ask the permission first in this country as the powers that be arent always terribly forthcoming with the forgiveness"

With a sweep of his arm towards his compatriots Nikolas gestures towards the door and waits to follow the group out.

2013-01-15, 04:42 PM
"This will be great," Katasha says, rubbing her hands together. She half-skips her way to the door.

2013-01-15, 06:29 PM
Anara waves Nikolas off with that same smile as you leave, turning her attention to the next group which has come to her for work. Two guards outside give you nods of approval as you walk by. The BBM Headquarters is located just north of Waukeen's Promenade meaning that outside is almost as hectic as inside with shoppers rushing around yearning for that next bargain.

The smell of animals and exotic spices fills your nostrils while vendors hawking their wares and Bards strumming merry songs for petty cash fill your ears. Some - most, even - consider this the heart of Athkatla and it's easy to see why. An enormous testament to the power of trade stands before you with huge columns and towering white walls. A place where the sell never ceases as long as there is a buyer with coin burning a hole in their pocket. Soldiers are dotted here and there, occasionally darting after thieves and pickpockets who are clumsy enough to be caught.

Sadly, no matter how mouth watering the food or eye-raising the wares kept here, the Promenade is not your destination. To the east lies the city gate and your path out of Athkatla and into the wilds. Though exiting the city is normally a fairly tedious process (though not nearly as tedious as entering), the BBM have given you a few identification papers which bear their blue-sword seal proudly making it rather faster. Before you know it, the walls and the great gate are behind you and the verdant green plains stretch ahead, the still rising sun a beacon along your path - at least for a while. The map stowed in Aephren's pouch indicates a short journey east and then a sharp plunge directly south.

Edited OOC:
We all seem ready to depart, so I've gone ahead and booted you out of the city, ready to be beset by beasts. I need a wee bit of time to set some things up (and eat dinner :smalltongue:). Actually, no stuff coming your way later tonight - enjoy the journey for a bit.

Lix Lorn
2013-01-15, 07:29 PM
Violet spends a lot of time looking around as she walks, seemingly curious about everything. While the town she grew up in wasn't exactly urban, she's still not really used to the open road.

2013-01-16, 12:28 PM

Ever happy to be the one to break the silence, Nikolas inquires about the origins of his companions,

"So I'm from around these parts, what lands do the rest of you hail from?"

Looking down at Katasha, he is especially interested,

"I've seem the smallfolk before, but I dont know that I've seen any like you. Are your folk also from far Luiren?"

His armor doesnt seem to hinder his speed as much as it normally would, but he is careful to keep his pace even with the Hin's.

His eyes squint as his head swivels, taking in the grandeur of nature yet wary of dangers. Looking at the resident fair-folk, he asks,

"Ay-fren was it? Have I got that right? Are you a skilled woodsman? Would you like to do any scouting once we get further from the city? I'm certainly not one for sneaking around and my eyes see much better up close than they do at a distance."

2013-01-16, 04:44 PM
Aephren shakes his head, more in wonderment at the speed with which the words pour from Nikolas's tongue than in direct answer to his question. "Yes, that is how my name is spoken, or a fair approximation. No, I am not native to Amn, or even to Baldur's Gate, where I have spent many a year. I hail from the north, in the woodland halls of the High Forest. And I do have some ability in the woods, though it is not my speciality. I was a performer by trade, and my skills lie in reading maps and gathering information. And in the song and dance of the blade." He pats the hilt of his thin, sinuous weapon.

2013-01-17, 02:40 AM
"Ya, Lurien," Katasha says around her ubiquitous jerky. She wipes her mouth and swallows, continuing in a more clear voice, "I didn't stick 'round, though. No, I was a sailor for... awhile." Here, the halfling looks almost forlorn.

Quickly recovering from some dreadful memory, she flashes a smile that reeks of over-spiced meat, "t's where I discovered the Lady. Who do you worship?"

2013-01-17, 03:01 PM
"Lady Goldheart has my devotion, if not my heart," Aephren replies candidly. "The art and beauty of steel and song I can admire. Love... love is for another time, another place."

As the group walks, the elf seems a bit distant, his mind mulling over the mission and what it might require. "This man we are supposed to find and dispense with, I find very hard to believe he is who he says he is. Or else something in the gnomes' tale must be wrong. No paladin would kill innocent villagers. I would prefer to negotiate from a position of strength--knowing the capabilities of himself and his band, and with a plan for overcoming them by force if need be."

2013-01-17, 03:20 PM
"Mmm, I hope not. I want to kill a paladin," Katasha replies thoughtlessly. "'specially one so diametrically opposed to the Goddess of the Deeps. Maybe whack the leader, let his cronies go?" she offers, reasonably (at least in her mind).

2013-01-17, 04:49 PM

Nikolas's eyes raise ever so slightly at Katasha's brazen proclamation. He decides to keep the conversation going in the hopes of finding more out about his companions,

"I seem to find myself without a patron these days. My parents gave the normal lip service to the gods for rain, and good harvest, but I always felt it seemed hollow and without conviction. It's nice to see one so devoted to her goddess for a change."

He thinks to himself as he opens himself up to the auras of those around him,
"The Bitch Queen doesnt usually attract the more goodly folk to her cause, especially this far from the sea. I'll bet her aura isnt one I can see. Let's see what other brand of mercenary I've landed with this time..."

Enacting Detect Good and scanning the members of the group.

2013-01-17, 04:51 PM
Enacting Detect Good and scanning the members of the group.

Faint pings off of Aephren and Violet.

2013-01-17, 07:33 PM
"Most sailors fear Her. Umberlee, I mean. But, that's just the way it is. It's nice you lot aren't afraid of me, but I guess none of you know port from stern, huh.

"Oh, I think we'll make a good team, though. I'm glad I got you guys and not some of those dummies back there gawking and drooling," Katasha, feeling loquacious, talks on and on in a chipper, peppy voice.

2013-01-19, 11:46 AM
You make good time and the journey is thus far mostly undisturbed. Occasionally you'll pass wagons, caravans or other foot-bound travelers, though the vast majority are heading in the opposite direction to you. As you approach the turn in the path that will send you south towards Gylip you spot a large column of what appears to be soldiers coming towards you. At a glance, they appear to be mostly humans with a few other races mixed in (elves and a few half-orcs). All seem to be wearing heavy armour and a combination of swords, polearms and bows scattered amongst them as well as large banners. Though it's hard to judge numbers on the move, you estimate there's approximately 150-200 soldiers coming down the road in total.

At the head of the column is a small group of five on horseback (as opposed to the rest who are on foot). The man at the very front is, judging by the more elaborate designs on his armour, helm and cloak, the leader of the troops. Whoever they are, they seem to be marching towards Athkatla.

By this point, the sun is now almost directly overhead, and it seems to be about noon, roughly.

Due to computer issues, no combat or anything 'til I get my main PC back which will hopefully by Monday. Maybe. :p

2013-01-19, 04:37 PM
"What d'ya make of this?" Katasha indicates the column with a jerk of her head, confused why so many soldiers would be marching on the road.

Is there anything that I would know about this? The only Knowledge I have is Religion.

2013-01-19, 05:43 PM

Shrugging, Nik moves off to the side of the road making sure to give the column more than enough room to pass by,

"Tough to tell from here, but shouldnt be any of our concern. And if they plan on making it our concern I dont see much we'll be able to do to the contrary. Give em room to pass and dont stare too much'd be my advice."

As the approaching group gets closer, Nik tries to place their livery.


in case either apply

2013-01-19, 07:18 PM
A Know- Religion check wouldn't tell you anything.

You identify the banners as indicating that they soldiers are from Eshpurta, a city in Eastern Amn. It's famed for being the "military centre" of Amn and generally houses the majority of soldiers and military-centred craftsmen (armoursmiths, weaponsmiths, fletchers, leatherworkers etc.)

As the leader of the column passes he looks down at your party and visibly (and audibly) sneers, though it's difficult to tell exactly what he's sneering at. Before a word can be uttered though, he's passed and his enormous column of troops all marching in unison tracks along in his wake. Most look tired, a few glance at you as they go past, some smile, others nod respectfully, yet others just glower or ignore you entirely.

It takes a good few minutes for them to finally pass, but before long all that's left are the dust clouds kicked up and the swiftly fading sound of footsteps.

Turning towards the south, the road stretches even further ahead. Farms and forests dot both sides of the road, and unlike the east-west road, this one is empty as far as the eye can see - for now, at least. Your destination is still far off though, and if what Anara said is accurate you won't be reaching it today (unless you walk all night, but even that won't make it a sure thing).

Lix Lorn
2013-01-19, 08:08 PM
Vi stares, spellbound. Despite her attitude and experience, she's not used to the sheer scale exhibited in the city, or be a real column of troops.

2013-01-19, 08:41 PM
"Welp, not our problem means not our problem. Let's get on with it, then," Katasha says brightly, tirelessly continuing the march to the south. The small halfling has to work harder to keep up with her long-legged allies, but doesn't seem to mind the extra strain.

My speed is 20 :( but, can I 'hustle' to make up for that? I always thought it was weird that undead can't use the 'run' action, but there it is.

2013-01-19, 09:54 PM
My speed is 20 :( but, can I 'hustle' to make up for that? I always thought it was weird that undead can't use the 'run' action, but there it is.

Per the Hustle rules you'd shave 2-3 miles of travel time off which would get you closer, but wouldn't get you there before nightfall. Any more hustling would start inflicting fatigue and non-lethal damage on the more living-oriented party members, which may not be the best plan ;p I mean, you can do if you want, but the distance is large enough that it wouldn't really affect much.

For reference through, from the turn southwards there's about 25 miles to Gylip. Assuming the 2 miles/hour from 20' movespeed, you're looking at 12.5 hours and it's just past noon now, meaning you'd reach Gylip probably sometime around 12-1AM. Ish. If the party wants to push for that, then...hey, s'up to you! Otherwise you'd be covering the rest tomorrow morning. Sunset is around 8pm and you've got enough light to move about safely from 5-6am onwards.

2013-01-19, 11:20 PM
Okay, gotcha. I was mostly making sure that I wasn't holding everyone back with my short legs.

2013-01-22, 11:43 AM
Nothing else of note occurs during your travels and before long the sun begins to finally set in the west. You're still a few hours of traveltime from Gylip yet, but if you wish to continue it'll have to be under the cover of night. In the woods around you you can hear the distant howling of wolves and the hooting of owls as the nocturnal predators and prey begin to wake.

Good news: My PC problem has been diagnosed.
Bad news: Won't be fixed 'til tomorrow. Would be done now but snow interfered with it yesterday. I'll be glad to be done using my netbook as a desktop tower.

It's up to you whether you want to push on through the night (4-5 hours still) or make camp and continue on in the morning.

2013-01-22, 12:07 PM
Aephren looks from the western horizon to his map, considering. "There is still much ground to be covered. While our mission was bought and paid for by the folk of Gylip, let us consider that an armed band arriving under cover of darkness may be mistaken given the circumstances. I say we rest here for the night and resume at first light."

2013-01-22, 03:32 PM
Katasha squints at the wilderness, "Ya, I guess you're right. Good point. Well, I'll take first watch."

2013-01-22, 04:18 PM
"I shall take the second then," Aephren responds. "I can see well enough in starlight."

2013-01-22, 04:33 PM

The armored human nods his agreement with his fey companion.

"More than that, a wandering band of bandits may also be hiding in these woods themselves and be more familiar with it's bounds. I'd not like to walk into an ambush under cover of nightfall mysellf. I'm happy to take any watch, but I certainly dont see as well in the dark as some."

Nik defers to Aephren when it comes to finding a suitable place to camp assuming the elf is more familiar with the woods than he is.

2013-01-22, 07:24 PM
"Heh..." Katasha half laughs, scratching her head. She sees perfectly in the dark, obviously, but doesn't feel like bragging right now. Doing her best to help find a good spot to camp, the Halfling doesn't seem tired at all from the day of walking.

2013-01-22, 08:15 PM
A few minutes walk from the road brings you to a clearing in the woods. The tall overhanging trees cast long shadows which dance with even the lightest of breezes. The outer edges are lined with tall grass while the majority of the clearing has been cut and trimmed to be very short. You can see the remnants of a crude firepit in the centre along with a small metal pot and a stack of firewood to one side. On the opposite side of the clearing stands a small (2-3 person maximum) tent with two leather bags by the entrance flap. Besides that, the clearing to be empty.

2013-01-22, 10:07 PM
"Well, that's great! Someone's left us a pretty little campsite," Katasha says brightly. She anoints herself with a bit of seawater from her flask, and speaks a prayer to her goddess. Unless there is an obvious reason not to, the halfling will peak into the tent, seeing if there is anybody home.

I cast Magic Vestment on my chain shirt, Extending it with my Rod for a 10 hour +2 enhancement bonus to my AC.

2013-01-22, 10:19 PM
The tent is empty of people. A small pile of clothes (torn) lie in the far corner with a dagger and an empty bowl, along with two bedrolls - both already out along the floor of the tent. Closer inspection of the clothes reveals that while some were cut into strips, while others were torn through brute force. Though difficult to tell, the lack of dust around the tent's insides may indicate recent use.

2013-01-22, 10:53 PM
"How fortuitous!" Katasha continues, kicking the piles of clothing and then checking out the leather bags. After all is said and done, the priestess of Umberlee seems content to give the place her seal of approval. "Cozy."

2013-01-22, 10:55 PM
Aephren purses his lips. "Interesting. Perhaps we have found the hiding place of local beggars, or perhaps bandits. In either case we shouldn't be poking around too much in their personals..."

2013-01-22, 11:13 PM
Katasha doesn't seem to take the elf's warning very seriously, waving vaguely with her hand to dismiss his claims. "It looks like something violent happened here -- there's torn clothing and a knife in the tent and I just get a feeling, y'know?" She sniffs deeply, trying to get a whiff of... something.

2013-01-22, 11:30 PM
The tent has a vague smell of...fur, maybe? It's difficult to tell. Animals pass through the area semi-regularly so whether the smell is from them or something else, it's impossible to say.

[Assuming Katasha still decides to crack open the bags]:-
The first of the leather bags contains a few scraps of food (hard jerky, rotten apples, stale/green bread) along with another dagger and some sort of first aid kit as well as two full waterskins. The second has much the same, though it also contains a small leatherbound book.

Book Contents:

[The book appears to be a journal of some sort. The writers is never named directly and it appears to be a chronicle of their expeditions into the wilds. The dates appear to relate not to years, months or days, but rather denote the expedition number and the days in it (eg. E4D21 is the 21st day of the fourth expedition). The writer and their partner, Genna, are the two who go on the expeditions. A third name - Illuria - pops up repeatedly though exact relation to writer and Genna is unclear. The seventh expedition is the last recorded.]

Genna and I have caught rumour that there's a hidden treasure in the woods north-east of Riverwatch. Though I wish we could stay with Illuria a little longer, we need the money so we're setting off later today. Genna tells me that the woods are relatively empty (except for the usual roving wolf packs and bears, which shouldn't be a problem) so I'm not too worried.

Reached the woods and set up camp in a small clearing near the main road. Genna went out to scout earlier and came back with her waterskins full. There's a pure stream nearby apparently. It's good to be back to nature, though I miss Illuria already. No sign of this hidden treasure. It's meant to be in some sort of tomb but we've seen nothing like it so far.

Still no sign of the tomb. We're both getting a bit frustrated. If this was all for nothing I...how can we come home with nothing to show for it? No. It's here. It has to be.

While out in the woods, Genna was attacked by some sort of giant rat. She barely made it back to camp though I managed to scare it off with a flaming stick. She's injured and probably will be out of action for a day or two.

Genna has a fever and it's getting worse. I'm not trained to deal with this sort of thing but the nearest village is hours away and I can't leave her like this.

Genna's gone. I don't know what happened. One minute I was tending to her wounds, the next...a giant rat, just like the one I fought off was on me. It tore into my shoulder with its teeth and then disappeared before I could do a thing. I bandaged the wound as best I could. Going to head out tomorrow to look for Genna.

Ive gut a fevr jusst li`ke Gen had. Cant thin straaaight. Illury Iluria ILlurria, ssstay safe.

[The last entry ends there.]

The first aid kit functions as a one-time-use Masterwork Tool for the Heal skill (+2 Circumstance bonus). There's one in each bag.

In case it wasn't clear, the last entry in the journal is meant to be fever-stricken handwriting, very haphazard and flailing with letters missing, poor grammar and words crossing over each other. Hard to convey with perfectly legible text :smalltongue:

2013-01-23, 12:31 AM
"Wow, guys, I think there's wererats in this wood," Katasha says after perusing the journal. "The owners here are long gone, so we can just bunk down here tonight. I'll keep an eye out for rats, but shouldn't be a big deal." The halfling's nonchalance seems natural and effortless.

Lix Lorn
2013-01-23, 06:38 AM
"...did you say WERE-RATS?"
Violet's reaction is somewhere between fear and glee. Such INTERESTING monsters!

2013-01-23, 12:42 PM

Nikolas keeps his eyes outward into the woods while the rest of the group explores and investigates the camp. His ears perk up and he turns to regard Katasha and her findings after she relates her suspicions.

"Were-rats? And here I thought those things only came in the wolf variety. Next you'll be telling me there are were....cows?"

He chuckles to himself at the absurdity and continues,

"If there was some kind of struggle in this camp, I certainly dont want to bed down here for the night. Aephren, think you can find us something close enough where we'd hear if someone decided to come back here but far enough to not be obvious about it?"

Scratching at the stubble growing on his chin in thought Nik adds,

"Seeing as we're likely to soon put our mettle against this false paladin's, it might be good to know what we're all working with. I'm a fair and with this sword here, even better if someone's helping me keep the target distracted. I've made a living going after spellcasters. I seem to have a nack for shrugging off their spells. If any of you toss around fireballs and whatnot, dont worry about dropping them right on my head if need be."

He looks around to the others as he paces the permiter of the small camp, eyeing the woods.

2013-01-23, 12:52 PM
Nikolas spies a few twitching shadows but they're far off and obscured enough that it's nigh impossible to tell what it was. A bird? Wolf?...Werecow?

Should Aephren listen to Nikolas and search out for alternative sleeping spots, there aren't any naturally good ones nearby - unless you fancy sleeping in the trees at least. You could feasibly make something which would keep you hidden by and defensible by arranging trees and branches around you, while still giving you vision on the campsite (DC 15 Survival check).

Note to self- Werecows possible future questhook. Secret Cow Level also possibility.

2013-01-23, 12:54 PM
"I'll see what I can do," Aephren responds. "As I said before, I'm an entertainer by practice, not a woodsman. If it comes to battle, I have some modest magical skill, which augments my lightning-quick blade."

Aephren goes off to find a suitable campsite within sight range of the abandoned (and possibly were-rat infested) tent.


2013-01-23, 02:55 PM
Katasha laughs. She seems to be in a pretty good mood, and pockets the journal for tonight's light Reading. At the mention of bedding down in the woods, she says "Ya, if it's too weird for you to sleep in the tent, that's fine. I don't really care - it just seemed more comfortable.

"As for fighting, I think we'll do well together. I am blessed by Umberlee, and use my gifts to fight in melee. Since we're all so inclined, I can share some of my power with you when it comes down to it."

2013-01-23, 03:11 PM
Remembering some of his father's words, Aephren goes about cutting branches and arranging blinds and barricades to limit the sight lines to the tent and ensure whoever is on watch will have a good vantage on any approaches. It's not something he is natural at, and he lacks a proper axe, but with some effort he manages to create something at, at least at first glance, appears passable. While he works, he continues to converse with the others. "Are any of us naturally inclined to fight at distance? If so, we should plan our advances to employ, rather than spoil, such cover."

Lix Lorn
2013-01-23, 03:43 PM
"I punch at a distance." interjects Vi, a little quieter than normal.
Punching, she understands. Tents and wererats she does not.

2013-01-23, 03:54 PM

Nikolas does well to hide his surprise at hearing the rest of the group describe their own talents. Only the Elf seemed to actually make any sense. He keeps his own inner council with his concerns,

"The little one favors fighting in melee, that one "punches at range" whatever that means. Looks like it'll be me and the elf pulling the lion's share in this group. I just hope Katasha's goddess knows how to heal people on land as well as she does on the sea..."

Observring Aephren's work, Nik has no idea whether he's done a good job or not, but decides a bit of positive reinforcement is in order for the attempt,

"Looks a fine job to me. Ten times as well as I could have done...that's for certain."

Laying out his cloak, he claims a spot close enough to the "blind" to be woken with a boot if necessary and sets to checking the edge on his sword and dagger before laying himself down to get some rest. He doesnt bother taking off his full plate armor, and seems uninhibited by it while resting.

"I'll take last watch, 3 hour shifts should get us all enough shut eye. See you folks in the morning..."

2013-01-23, 04:00 PM
Aephren regards Vi with curiosity in his green eyes. "That sounds... interesting. Is there any danger to your allies if we are engaged with a target you wish to... punch?"

Lix Lorn
2013-01-23, 04:01 PM
"Never has been before." she grins impudently. "I can demonstrate, if you want."

2013-01-24, 11:26 PM
Chatting seems to have ceased. Onwards with the next challenge!

The night is almost as loud as the day. Each breeze sets the trees and their branches clapping, animals both airborne and ground-locked romp about making the noises that animals do. At times, the wind drowns out the calls of the beasts, howling loudly through the trees.

Katasha's watch passes without any real issues. At one point two small quadrupeds (wolves? foxes?) sniffed around the campsite but moved on in short order and the time otherwise passed quietly (relatively speaking).

About halfway through Aephren's watch, he notices a bipedal creature enters the campsite from near the tent and begins sniffing around. It checks the leather bags and upon seemingly finishing its investigation, lets out a low almost mournful sound. From the silhouette Aephren manages to discern a tail, a long face and feminine physical traits.

2013-01-26, 04:37 PM
Cautiously, the young elf slips his narrow blade from its sheath. He lets out a low whistle in Katasha's direction, hoping to gain the halfling's attention. Then he turns back to watch the goings-on at the tent more closely.

2013-01-26, 04:51 PM
Katasha's excellent hearing picks up the whistle. She puts her book down and raises an eyebrow at the elf.

Noticing the direction of his attention, she follows his gaze as best she can, her Dark vision piercing the darkness.

2013-01-26, 10:05 PM
The creature seemingly doesn't hear (or doesn't care) about Aephren's whistle and instead proceeds to start tearing up the camp. It appears to be searching for something. This continues on for another ten to fifteen minutes when, as the creature is patrolling close to your camp, it suddenly perks its nose up and takes a long sniff towards you. For a moment it seems to be hesitating, but eventually it evidently makes up its mind and moves back towards the tent. A short gesture later and [roll0] enormous rats appear in front of it. It then proceeds to call out in a voice both feminine as well as animalistic and guttural, "Come out from where you're hiding! I can ssssssmell you, you ssssstink of death." The creature still seems a bit hesitant with its call, but it evidently stands ready for battle.

Should you decide to engage in combat, I'll have a map up shortly - just gotta see how many creatures it summoned first. Nikolas and Violet need to beat a DC10 Listen check to wake up, otherwise they'll need to be poked.

There we go, map sorted:


Trees count as difficult terrain (double movement cost) and they end...just about where you'd expect.

2013-01-26, 11:32 PM
Katasha cups her hand over her mouth and exhales a couple times, checking her breath. She looks over to Aephren with a mischievous grin, shrugging. "Guess she found us -- probably missing her journal..."

The halfling grabs the journal and a piece of jerky, popping the latter into her mouth. With casual nonchalance, Katasha says, "Do you feel like killing her or are we just gonna talk her down?"

2013-01-27, 07:52 PM



2013-01-28, 10:33 AM
Aephren shrugs and turns to address the ratty woman. "We've no wish to fight you as we are simply passers-by encamped for the night. But if you insist we will show you the mettle of the Beryl Blades." Already his hands are working the intricate gestures of the Mage Armor spell, and as the blue glow of protection settles down over his frame, he shifts a half-step from behind the blind to allow himself better freedom of motion to fence. "Wake the others," he suggests to Katasha. "I'll hold them off for the moment."

Standard: cast Mage Armor (AC now 20)
Move: none
Free: desigate rat-woman for Dodge bonus (AC 22 vs her)

2013-01-28, 11:16 AM
"You took book! All I had left of Gen and Illu!" The ratlady screams and, with a roar, summons a green flash of light around her causing the treebark to strip away from its home and wrap tight around her body, melding wood and fur together as one. "You pay! You all pay! You, hunters, Rottooth, all!"

Yeah, she didn't like that. Initiative time folks.


2013-01-28, 12:29 PM
Aephren sighs as he settles into a natural fencing pose, his off hand slightly raised behind him and his blade extended toward the rats, point-down. "Not just were-rats, friends," the elf warns as he stares down the angry woman and her cohorts. "Were-rat DRUIDS."

Aephren is not about to give up the advantage of cover until necessary or prudent. He stays put and readies an attack on the first threat that approaches his blind.
[roll2] +2 additional if target is crit-vulnerable

2013-01-28, 04:57 PM
Katasha rolls her eyes at the sleepy humans, rousing them with a subtle shake. Her malodorous breath greets them, "Cmon, wake up. Ratlady came, and we could either pick a fight or not. I don't really care. She just wants this book back, " Katasha winces as the elf and enemy exchange words.

" Alright, never mind. time to fight."

If I can toss a buff up before the fight, I'll Bull's Strength myself.
In it [roll0]

2013-01-29, 02:17 PM

The armored human stretches a bit as he wakes up, assuming that it's simply his time for watch.

As his brain processes the foggy words coming from his companions a sense of urgency accompanies the influx of adrenaline and he prepares himself.


2013-01-29, 03:03 PM
Mumbling a word to herself, the ratlady gestures towards one of her creatures. Tendrils of light spill out from the tips of her fingers, wrapping around one of the rats before dissipating - the only remnant being that the rat's teeth are now glowing with a dark green light.

"Attack! Kill them all!" She screams, flailing her arms forwards towards the party. As one, the rats leap forward. The glow-tooth one reaches Aephren first and leaps at him, however gets caught full-on by the elf's sword leaving a huge gash down its belly. Bleeding profusely, it falls back and hisses (noticeably weaker) as it gets back onto its feet.

Evidently however, the first rat's attack was enough of a distraction as the second one finds its mark on the young elf, its teeth biting down hard. Bringing up the rear, the third rat dashes past its two compatriots and aims for Katasha. Evidently the old saying of "halfling beats rat" remains true, as it misses completely.


Aephren takes 4 (four) damage and needs to make a Fortitude save.

The rat which was damaged by Aephren's attack is denoted with the red circle in the lower right corner of its square.

You don't need to post your actions in initiative order, though I will resolve them like that. Including an "If/Or" ("If Violet kills this Dire Rat, I'll do X. If not, I'll do Y") is useful when you're not resolving first.

Also I didn't crop the map quite right, but it's only a wee bit of stuff in the top right, I think it'll be fine :smallwink:

2013-01-29, 03:49 PM
"Aargh!" Aephren yelps as the second rat takes a bite out of his shoulder. He staggers to his right and lashes out at the injured rat, hoping to put it down and have one less thing to worry about. The bite is already starting to itch, and he knows it will need Katasha's attention as soon as the battle is won.

No actual movement.
[roll2] +2 if crit-vulnerable

Lix Lorn
2013-01-29, 04:17 PM
"Do you have NO decency? Do you know what time it is?" Vi complains, rubbing her eyes blearily, before shooting a veritable glare at the leader, hands balled into fists. Her eyes begin to emit a soft, purple glow-and a phantasmal fist strikes once and again at the distant wererat.

Gonna take a 5ft step backwards, and then full attack!


2013-01-29, 04:23 PM

Shaking the final cobwebs from his sleepy mind, Nikolas can barely make out the attackers from his companions in the dark. Standing up from his bedroll, Nik retrieves an already lit torch from his pack and holds it aloft, bathing the immediate vicinity in light.

Move Equiv = Stand from prone
Standard = Withdraw stored item

Seeing the huge rats, he immediately recoils and is glad he was sleeping in his armor.

2013-01-29, 04:35 PM
Katasha is glad to have something interesting to do. Nights can be long, lonely and boring when you dont sleep. Seeing a rat clumsily attack her, she returns the favor, claws and fangs ready, she does her best to inflict it with her ghoul paralysis.

I dunno if I can keep my disguise up while attacking with natural weapons? Anyway, narrate that as you wish (weird Halfling or suddenly ghoul)
Full attack on adj rat
Bite [roll0] on hit [roll1]dmg
Claws [roll2] on hit [roll3]dmg
Claws [roll4] on hit [roll5]dmg
And all hits carry a dc 23 fort save of paralyze for 1d4+1 rounds
Add 2 to each hit if I was able to buff my str before the fight.

2013-01-29, 07:24 PM
"Your blowssss are weak! Weak! The ratlady's screams kick up a flurry of birds from the surrounding trees, startled by the screeching, raucous noise as Violet's attack has seemingly no effect. Katasha is a touch more effective as both tooth and claw sink into the rat, which almost immediately falls limp on the ground, though it still has a semblance of life to it. An odd flicker surrounds Katasha as she bites down, though none of the party seem to notice in the heat of the battle.

The creatures - ratlady and rats both - shrink back slightly from the light, wincing at the sudden brightness ahead of them.

Aephren's rat, already bloodied from the last slash, does not survive the second strike and it falls at his feet a bloody mess. The other attempts a second attack against the Elf, but misses miserably (though it doesn't earn itself a skewer for its troubles).

Recovering from her wince, the ratlady summons yet another spell from her arsenal, conjuring an enormous thin splinter-javelin of wood above her head, which launches towards Nikolas. Her aim apparently wavered however, as it flies straight past him and imbeds itself through a tree, sticking out both sides.


Uh...not much really. Katasha's rat got paralysed, Aephren killed one, Violet missed and then all of the enemies missed.

2013-01-29, 08:52 PM
Katasha grins widely at the paralyzed rat. It always pleases her when she has a helpless foe to toy with. Assuming she isn't interrupted, she will tear out the creature's throat with her teeth, trying to mix business with pleasure.

I'd like to coup De grace the rat.
That's [roll0] damage and fort save for 10+dmg done or die. Do modifiers get x2 on a critical? I never remember...

2013-01-29, 09:06 PM
Aephren recovers from his lunge with practiced grace, shuffling his feet into position for another strike. As he leans forward, he flicks the tip of his blade upward toward the next rat.

No movement.
Shifting dodge bonus to this rat (AC22 vs. it)
[roll0] (crit 15-20)
[roll1] +2 if crit-vulnerable

2013-01-30, 10:39 AM
HP: 43/43
AC: 20 (no shield ATM)
Status: None

Nik grimaces a bit as he watches the halfling...bite?? the large rat in front of her. As disgusting as it may seem, it appears to have proven effective.

Hoping the small cleric has the next rat well in hand, Nikolas draws his blade while moving past the rat to engage the RatLady.

I'm unsure, due to the partial leafy squares between me and her, if I can reach ratlady in 30' of movement or not.

If I can, I will provoke from the rat (I take -6 AC penalty vs AoO's) in front of Kat and move to ratlady and attack her, using Intimidating Strike.

[roll0], [roll1] (MW Longsword)

If the attack hits [roll2]

Your Intimidate check is opposed by the target's modified level check (1d20 + character level or Hit Dice + target's Wisdom bonus [if any] + target's modifiers on saves against fear). If my roll beats theirs, they are Shaken for the remainder of the encounter.

If I cant get there in 30, then I'll be more circuitous in my route to avoid the AoO from the rat and simply get within threatening range of RatLady.

While I am threatening the ratlady, she is aware that she cannot cast defensively (Mage Slayer feat).

Lix Lorn
2013-01-31, 07:31 PM
Violet blinks, shocked that she actually missed, and scowls. She points a finger at the woman, and speaks some syllables of draconic clearly.

A trio of bolts streak from her to the woman.


[roll]3d4+3[roll] damage

2013-01-31, 07:55 PM
Katasha's rat, already paralysed, is incapable of preventing its fate and quickly succumbs to the halfling's teeth. Aephren's rat however is a touch luckier, nimbly dodging away from the elf and retaliating with yet another bite which connects.

Snarling as the bolts connect with her fur (leaving a rather putrid burning stench behind), the RatLady jumps back and attempts her wooden javelin spell a second time. While the first missed completely and ended up puncturing a tree, this one finds its mark and connects directly with Nikolas.



RatLady clearly takes damage from the Magic Missiles.

Aephren takes 3 damage and needs to make another Fortitude save.

Nikolas takes 20 piercing damage (before damage reduction).

2013-01-31, 08:10 PM
Katasha relishes the release of energy as the rat dies. Killing living things provides her with a rare pleasure that her ghoulish appetite constantly craves. The wererat leader would give her an even headier feeling, but such things would have to wait.

Carelessly tossing her rat to the ground, the deadly Halfling moves on to the next creature and attacks it, hoping to connect to just enough to unleash her paralysis.

I will move to ao 28
I will attack the rat. I'm not sure if I can do both claws as a standard, or just one? My primary attack is the bite, so I'll just use that for now
Attack [roll0]
On hit [roll1] damage and save vs paralysis dc23

2013-01-31, 08:38 PM
Aephren by this point is aggravated by the rats' uncanny success. Katasha's assistance against the remaining one is most welcome. He spares a slightly disgusted glance at the halfling's odd, barbaric behavior, trying to gauge whether it has taken the rat out of the fight. If it's still able to attack, he gives his assailant no quarter. Otherwise, he lightly picks his way through the trees to confront the leader of the rodent band.

If the rat is down, I don't think I can move and attack the rat-lady this turn, in which case ignore the attack; I leave that call to the GM.
[roll1] crit 15+
[roll2] +2 if crit-vulnerable

Lix Lorn
2013-02-03, 11:05 AM
Scowling, Vi steps to the left, navigating through undergrowth, before turning to glare at the distant woman, and crying out a single word of draconic-a word of agony.

Move two spaces to the left and then cast POWER WORD PAIN
As long as she has 100 or less HP, she takes
[roll0] damage instantly. It does 1d6 more damage in each round it lasts, which depends on her hp.
If she has 76-100hp, it lasts for
[roll1] rounds.
51-75hp makes it last for an extra
[roll2] rounds, and 1-50hp boosts it up to 4d4

2013-02-04, 10:03 AM
HP: 26/43
AC: 20 (no shield ATM)
Status: None

Grimacing down the pain from the magical projectile, Nikolas continues his pursuit of the leader.

Not exactly sure where Aephren is going to end up before my move but if possible I will move to pin the ratlady in such a manner that she does not have a non-tree square to 5' step into that is unthreatened by myself or Aephren before attacking her. Preference being to avoid an AoO but if that's not possible I will provoke the AoO.

Longsword Attack w/ Intimidating Strike

2013-02-04, 02:54 PM
The RatLady hisses as Violets Word sears into her flesh, she scratches at the bark on top, but there's evidently nothing she can do to prevent it.

Katasha bites down on the rat which falls limp in her hands just like the last one.

Despite Nikolas' and Aephren's double-attack, neither manage to connect with the RatLady, their blades either being dodged around or bouncing off her bark-armour. In response to this, she lets out an almighty howl of fury. Her eyes flash red as her muscles seem to bulk up before you. With reckless abandon, she leaps at Aephren striking with tooth and claw.


Katasha's rat is indeed paralysed, though still alive.

Aephren and Nikolas both miss with their attacks.

RatLady takes five and then another additional five damage from Power Word: Pain (that being the initial and then the first 'round after'). RatLady also misses with her attacks 'cos she's AWESOME. No AoO provoked by Nikolas from moving through the trees.

2013-02-04, 03:33 PM
Aephren's lips are on the move as he rushes forward, and he quickly casts a spell that sets his blade crackling with energy. Then he lunges to the attack.

Swift: Swift-casting Shocking Grasp on my blade.
Standard: Attack!
[roll0] crit 15+
[roll1] damage +2 if crit-vulnerable
[roll2] for Shocking Grasp if I beat her touch AC
[roll3] to confirm crit if applicable
[roll4] damage if crit confirmed

2013-02-04, 04:07 PM
HP: 26/43
AC: 20 (no shield ATM)
Status: None

Nikolas grumbles as he continues to fail to find purchase with his blade. Looking to limit their opponent's options, he shifts his position a bit before trying another attack.

As his eyes flick past the ratlady to the others, he recoils at what he sees and asks the elf,

"Am I seeing this right? Is the halfling actually biting those rats?"

5' Step to AU28.
Standard Action: Attack with Intimidating Strike
[roll0], [roll1]

2013-02-04, 04:14 PM
"Oh, look, another friend of yours you couldn't protect - just like Genna, huh?" Katasha slowly traces a daggerlike claw down the rat's side, drawing a thin line of blood down its body. A tittering laugh, high and full of cruelty erupts from her lips. "What ever happened to her, anyway? You kill her? After the fever you couldn't cure, that is."

I just claw the rat, not coup it. [roll0]

Lix Lorn
2013-02-07, 04:16 PM
Fortunately, Vi doesn't spot Katasha, and isn't really paying attention. Instead, she tries again to strike her, focussing this time on a single attack.

Standard action, standard attack.

2013-02-07, 07:11 PM
Despite striking her repeatedly, the blades (and thoughtfists) appear to do no damage. She merely shrugs the blows off - with the exception of the Shocking Grasp which causes her to emit a loud yelp of sudden pain. A yelp which quickly turns into a scream of fury at Katasha's taunting, bounding past Aephren and Nikolas towards the halfling. Regardless of whether it was the blinding rage or the halfling's natural dodging ability, the RatLady still misses with her bite. She did, at least, manage to take position above her fallen summoned rat to defend it.




Not much to report as very little damage was dealt :p I rolled Aeph's and Nik's AoOs in my OOC post (#87) to maintain speed. You both actually hit, but that whole DR 10/Silver is sort of paying off ;p If there was any problem with the AoOs, be sure to bring it up in the OOC thread.

2013-02-07, 07:28 PM
"Let's see if this works..." Katasha thinks calmly, a wide grin on her bloody halfling face. She spreads her arms, crouches slightly, and unleashes a flurry of attacks on the female wererat.

"Little too close to the mark, huh? Aww, that's too bad," she taunts.

Okay, so DR "Whenever damage reduction completely negates the damage from an attack, it also negates most special effects that accompany the attack, such as injury type poison, a monk’s stunning, and injury type disease. Damage reduction does not negate touch attacks, energy damage dealt along with an attack, or energy drains. Nor does it affect poisons or diseases delivered by inhalation, ingestion, or contact."

So, dunno if this counts as poison, or energy drain-like, but from Libris Mortis: "Paralysis (Ex): Victims hit by a gravetouched ghoul’s bite or claw
attack must make a successful Fortitude save or be paralyzed for
1d4+1 rounds. Elves have immunity to this paralysis."

so, I assume that I just have to hit, not necessarily do damage to force a Fort save vs my paralysis, but that's just my biased interpretation <3

Anyway, Full Attack:
Bite [roll0] on hit no damage and DC 23 F save
Claw [roll1] on hit no damage and DC 23 F save
Claw [roll2] on hit no damage and DC 23 F save

Bite does max 5 dmg and claw max 4, so even a crit for full does 10 max.

2013-02-07, 10:09 PM
Aephren shakes his head. This was turning out to be a tougher battle than expected. He turns and chases after the rat-lady, coming up behind her and aiming a lunge straight for her back.

Basically need a crit with good results just to do damage. Who brought the nukes? :smallsmile:
[roll0] crit 26+
[roll1] +2

Lix Lorn
2013-02-07, 10:23 PM
Having seen her attacks fail to effect her target, Vi attempts another Word, crying out in draconic.

Power Word Sicken?
Sickens for 1d4+1 (units). 25hp or less means hours, 26-50 means minutes, 51-100 means rounds.

2013-02-08, 12:52 PM
HP: 26/43
AC: 20 (no shield ATM)
Status: None

Nikolas began to become frustrated at the groups continued lack of ability to harm this rat creature and at the seemingly haphazard way the rest of the group was going about the fight.

Moving up to the target, he spread out and urged the rest of the group to do the same.

"Spread out around her. If we all press the attack from different angles she wont be able to defend against us all."

Move Action
If Aephren moved anywhere but AQ27, then I move there to flank with Kat.
If Aephren moved to AQ 27, I will move to AQ 26.

Free Action
Drop torch to the ground
Take up Longsword in 2 hands

Standard Action
Attack with Longsword using Intimidating Strike
[roll0], [roll1] (If I was able to flank add 2 to my attack and add [roll2] damage).

2013-02-08, 01:39 PM
A claw finds its mark on the RatLady. It takes a moment as her movement becomes more and more sluggish, but eventually she simply seizes up and stops moving entirely, crumbling to the ground in a pile. She twitches slightly at your feet, gurgling slightly in what might be a roar of anger or torment. Regardless, for the moment she appears to have ceased being a threat.

Paralysis: [roll0] round duration. Another [roll1] damage from Power Word Pain, with another four rounds left on its duration.

2013-02-08, 09:25 PM
"Bwahahaha!" Katasha laughs uproariously, slapping her knee. "What a stupid mistake. Well, boys and girls, kill her please." The halfling's eyes sparkle with malice. She picks up the living rat and rips its throat out. Her movement are not so much casual and efficient as they are overconfident and sadistic.

2013-02-10, 04:40 PM

Unsure of why the rat lady has fallen, but unwilling to pass up the advantage, Nik levels a mighty blow at her exposed neck.

Full Round Action: Coup de grace

2013-02-10, 05:50 PM
The RatLady shudders for a moment before falling limp once more, her blood beginning to seep out from her neck staining the grass red at your feet. If you were to check her pulse, you would find none there - she is well and truly dead. Then, steadily, her form begins to shift. The fur retracts, the tail disappears and the claws turn back into nails. Soon enough a young human female corpse lies before you. Pretty, though not especially, so with toned muscles and hands which indicate significant work.

A silver ring is wrapped around the ring finger of her right hand. If you inspect it, you notice an inscription in what appears to be Elven. All except Katasha can translate this out to (roughly) "May you always find your way home."

The forest is otherwise silent except for the winds. Any animal activity seems to have been scared off or into silence from the sounds of combat.

2013-02-10, 07:27 PM
"Nice job, Nik. All around, really, I think that pally tomorrow is gonna be a piece of cake. I, uh, think I know a thing or two about burial rights if you all wanna get back to sleep I can see her into the afterlife."

Katasha has not lost her good humor, and smiles despite the serious matter she's discussing.

I plan on eating the body, then doing a burial. I dunno what religion she was, so could do whatever my check defines:
Religion [roll0]

2013-02-11, 04:00 PM

Nik takes an involuntary step back as the body reverts to that of a young human woman. Giving it a few seconds respite after the change, he prods the corpse a couple times gently with his sword to make sure she's really dead.

He simply nods to Katasha when complimented on his contribution and cleans his blade before moving back to his things and finding his discarded sheath.

He walks back to where the rat lady fell and retrieves his magical torch and keeps it to hand while moving around the various corpses, checking for any other last minute changes to their foes.

Seeing the large rat which had its throat ripped out, he squats on his haunches near it and turns his gaze towards Katasha,

"I'm all for "All's fair in love and war", but this seems a bit past how I figured this thing to go down."

He uses the edge of his torch to flip the rat over to get a better idea of the gory damage that's been done. Once content with his findings he again addresses the halfling and gestures towards the dead woman with the torch,

"I saw Aephren land solid blows on that thing and his blade bounced off like he'd hit stone. My blade barely scratched her when it should have sheared through her arm...yet one little slap from you and she's on the ground unable to move."

He shakes his head a bit as if to get rid of an unwanted memory,

"And I think I saw you...bite?? some of these things? Just what the hell is going on here?"

2013-02-11, 05:32 PM
Aephren steps to one side and wipes his blade on the fur of one of the dead rats. "Rather barbarous, indeed, and quite like the tactics employed by our foes here." He glances at his shoulder, still bleeding from the pair of bites. "This will need tending, and I can only pray these feral creatures carry no dread disease."

2013-02-11, 06:25 PM
"How much do you know about my goddess?" Katasha says cryptically. "The Queen of the Deeps has given me with Her divine blessing. Fighting like I do is... the best way to take advantage of Her gifts to me." The halfling taps a bloody finger against her stained lips. "I'm on your side, though, so don't worry about it."

I have ranks of Swim and Profession(Sailor) but somehow no Heal. lol
Um, sorry...

Katasha pours some water from her water skin over her hands and cleans them up a bit. Then, she removes a halfling-sized wand from her pack and looks at its burnt tip and inscription. "Whoops, wrong one..." she mutters as she fishes around for a different wand.

The halfling cleric of Umberlee approaches Aephren with a different wand, and says "I'm gonna heal you, okay? Just... just hold still for a sec and it'll all be over."

Assuming he lets her, Katasha uses her Wand of Lesser Vigor to cast Lesser Vigor on Aephren. It'll heal 15 hp over 15 turns.

2013-02-13, 04:47 PM

Nik merely shakes his head and chuckles a bit to himself at the odd mental picture of the halfling biting the giant rats, but smiles as he stands up from his squat,

"Well...I'm certainly no expert on The B!tch Queen, so I'll take your word for it. A little warning next time might be nice so we dont worry you've gone rabid or something and think something's wrong with you."

He ends his dialogue with a slight wink to small wonder. As Kat goes through the motions of healing Aephren, Nikolas realises that his shoulder still hurts from where the ratlady's spell hit him.

Speaking a short word of power, healing energy washes over him and his wound begins to feel slightly better.

Activating Healing Belt, 1 charge [roll0]

That out of the way, he once again surveys the carnage that's occurred here and asks Aephren,

"Probably a good idea to move our camp a ways off, no? I know I dont feel like burying them, and burning them give away our position, but I also dont want some bear or worse coming to eat the leftovers and deciding it wants fresh stuff instead. What do you all think?"

As he asks his last question, his gaze washes over everyone in the group.

2013-02-13, 07:09 PM
"I already said I'd take care of it," Katasha mutters. She shrugs in response to moving the camp.

"I just hope you lot will be ready to move on in the morning. We've still hot a job to do."

2013-02-13, 08:26 PM
Aephren hesitates a fraction of a second before bending to afford Katasha better access to the injured shoulder. "Alright, teàmmate. As for the camp, let's pack up and move down the road toward our destination a bit. I've no shovel to bury anything."

2013-02-14, 09:52 AM
Your knowledge of burial ceremonies is fairly rudimentary outside of Umberlee's area. You could perform one, barely, though anyone who had seen one performed properly would likely find your version...lacking.

Should you opt to move camp elsewhere, you will find a mostly suitable place not too far off and the rest of the night passes without any incident.

Unless anyone has any objections, we can move it right on ahead to dawn for spell-prep and then the Halfling Village of Gylip.

Apologies for the slow response. I didn't want to interrupt :smallwink:

2013-02-14, 01:25 PM
Katasha takes another look at the corpses, then sighs and gives in to her teammates. She spends the rest of the night idly reading the journal she found.

2013-02-15, 12:53 PM
You relocate not far away, leaving the corpse of the now-human RatLady to the mercies of the forest, and the night passes without any more intrigue or incident. Before long, the dawn arrives signalling the start of a new day and, with any luck, the last day of the "Paladin" of Torm that is harassing the halfling villages.

Long term buff/spell-prep time. I think it's just Kat who needs that? Gylip in the next update.

2013-02-15, 06:01 PM
As the first tide comes in, Katasha Fortune prays to her goddess, Umberlee, the Queen of the Deeps.

"Today, we hunt a Paladin, my Queen. It is for this purpose that I pray for your favor..."

None of my spells have very long durations, so I won't cast anything ahead of time, except for Divine Insight when we reach town (5 hour buff, I can use it once to get +10 on a skill check)
Katasha prays for:
Create Water x2
Detect Magic x1 (probably should have used it on the wererat's ring last night, huh?)
Resistance x2
Lvl 1
Divine Favor x1
Inhibit x1
Blood Wind x2
Domain Endure Elements (my domains suck lol)
Lvl 2
Divine Insight x1
Stone Bones x1
Bull's Strength x1
Domain Sound Burst
Lvl 3
**Fell the Greatest Foe x1
Mass Aid x1
Domain Water Breathing

** Girallon's Blessing gives a person another set of arms with claws (its from Spell Compendium) Anyway, would the additional claw attacks also subject my target to ghoul paralysis? Because 5 attacks with paralysis would be pretty hardcore. If that would work, I'll prep that over Fell the Greatest Foe

2013-02-15, 07:39 PM
Dawn brings fair weather with it once more. A shining sun beats down on you and it's noticeably warmer than it was yesterday. Not uncomfortably so, but there's definitely a pleasant heat around you. You make good time to Gylip and arrive around midday, perhaps just a bit after. To call the small village "idyllic" might be an understatement - between the rolling green hills, the pristine halfling houses and the rushing clear-blue waters of the river it sits upon, Gylip is a picture of rural perfection marred only be the knowledge that there's been at least two recent murders in the town.

Gylip has about a dozen buildings, two of which are riverside sporting large waterwheels. As you approach the smell of fresh bread wafts over towards you, along with the rhythmic clang-clang-clang of a smith's hammer. Just as you reach the threshold of town a young halfling child spots you, yells out, and dashes off.

Less than a minute later, there's four more halflings (sans child) running up to you. Two (male and female) are clearly youths, wearing rough-cut leather armour that's too large for them and nervously clutching at what look to be home-made spears. One is slightly older, his face marked by scars, holding a bow. The final halfling holds no weapon but is dressed more finely than the rest, sporting a bald head and a short brown-grey beard.

"Judging by your company I'd wager you're not part of those harassing us." The old man is the first to speak, nodding towards Katasha as he says 'company'. The two youths (seemingly only just noticing the group's actual makeup for the first time) noticeably relax at this, though the archer maintains his suspicious look and ready stance. "What business do you have here, travelers?"

I'ma rule that Girallon's Blessing doesn't carry the ghoul paralyze. I think an argument could be made both ways and it mostly comes down to "3 attacks with paralyze is already pretty devastating - adding another two is just crazy".

2013-02-15, 08:12 PM
lol I thought so too! XD

Katasha smiles broadly, putting her hunk of jerky away and greeting the halflings happily. "Name's Katasha Fortune, and we're from the Beryl Blades. I un'nerstand you've got some rabid dog that needs putting down?" She speaks in the same language as the old man (common or halfling, whatever he used to greet them).

Despite the warm weather and steady pace the group used to travel, Katasha is not sweaty and has retained her chipper attitude and paralytic grin.

2013-02-17, 11:26 AM
The old man grows noticeably happier. "Ah! You're the mercenaries we sent for? Good. We actually had another killing last night." He glances for a moment at the archer, who is still in a ready stance. "So we're all a little bit on edge, you understand. Please don't take offense if people aren't receptive to outsiders. Gylip is just a small town and these murders have hit us all hard."

With that introduction seemingly out of the way, he beckons for you to follow and begins walking towards the centre of town, a small square-area surrounded by houses with a large patch of verdant green grass in the centre, along with a small bird tall stone bird bath at the very centre. He stops at the edge of the grass, gazing out at the square. "He came a few weeks ago, promising to hunt down monsters. At the time we were glad to see such a...righteous person. After the first death though, we realised he was less interested in hunting real monsters and more in non-humans."

"He and his men are currently holed up in an old abandoned keep called Riverwatch about a mile west of here. They seem to have made it their base." He gestures to the archer who, yes, is still in a ready stance. "Emer here has scouted them a few times but there's too many for us to really do anything." The old man sighs, before facing you all directly. "Though normally I would abhor killing, this monster has taken three of my people. He has a unique blade which he seemed perversely fond of - deliver that to me as proof of his death. You can keep it after, if you desire. I would sooner never see it again once this business is done."

2013-02-17, 04:27 PM
"We will punish him for what he has done - you can count on it." Katasha says grimly. Though not a sentimental person, the plight of these Halflings would be a welcome side effect of her sating Umberlee's appetite upon the human.

Katasha sees no reason to loiter here, and is prepared to March on River watch.

Lix Lorn
2013-02-17, 04:42 PM
"Can you tell us what Emer knows about the area? Anything you can tell us will help." asks Vi, diving into planning and details to assuage her doubts.

2013-02-17, 05:17 PM
The archer - Emer - speaks up in a sardonic tone. "You want a geography or a history lesson?" The elder halfling responds by shooting him a glare and Emer shrugs, sighing. "It's named Riverwatch for a reason - it was built specifically to watch the river and the area immediately to the south of it, but to also be defensible in case of attack." He tugs a small dagger from its sheathe and begins scratching a bit in the dirt, creating a rough map. "The west of Riverwatch is covered by a thick forest laden with traps both for animals and invaders alike, the east of it is blocked by almost impassable rock cliffs, and the river flow at this point is a rock-filled rapids area, meaning any boats would get tossed around and destroyed if they tried landing there. The only entrance that I could find was from the north path, and they have two guards posted at the gate at all hours."

"The hunters themselves ride out at odd intervals, we couldn't discern a pattern. The leader always leaves on every hunt, and they leave at least two guards at Riverwatch at all times. I've counted that they have at least seven hunters including the leader - all human, plus at least three horses for transport, maybe more."

"Any more questions?"

2013-02-18, 03:47 PM

Despite her oddities, Nik was glad to have Kat along to make opening the communication lines that much easier.

Listening to the elder and the younger's stories, a distinct lack of information had him a bit puzzled, so he spoke up,

"This righteous man, do he and his band have names?"

Nik waits patiently for a response before moving on to other topics,

"You mentioned...murders. Wherebouts are these murders happening and how often have they been occurring? Are they coming into your town in the dark of night? Did those taken from you have anything in common?"

A gruesome thought begins forming in the mercenary's mind as he thinks about another "murder" having occurred last night and the group's own encounter from the previous evening...

2013-02-18, 07:28 PM
"What do you care about their names!? Are you going to help us or not!? Why are you wasti-"
"Emer!" The elder interjects, his voice sharp. "These are our guests - treat them with respect." At this, Emer's face contorts into fury and for a moment, just a moment, he looks like he'll actually hit the elder, before turning and storming away. All the elder can do is sigh.

"I apologise for Emer. Last night his twin sister, Topia, was killed. Though that doesn't make up for his behaviour, I hope you can understand his feelings."

"The leader we know as 'Lord Lightblade', though what his real name is is sadly not known. If his hunters have a name, we don't know of it. As Emer said, the intervals for their...hunts are lack any pattern. We're not the only place that's been hit, we don't think. I..." He hesitates for a moment.

"We never actually see them die. They take them at all hours but...after the first one was taken Emer found their body washed up on shore not far west of Riverwatch. It's been the same every time - they take them alive, then we find their body down the river about half a day later...Topia...She had such a bright smile." His voice drops to a mournful, sorrowful low. He takes a long moment to look at the greenery and the river and for a moment the sun seems to dim in respect to his sorrow. The moment quickly passes.

"None of those we had taken share any real similarities. Two female, one male, no age similarities, different skills, different families..."

2013-02-18, 07:57 PM
"So, we just gonna March up there and kill them, or are you wanting to lay a trap or what," Katasha asks the more careful, planners of her party. She fidgets with her hands, flexing and unflexing her fingers, and bouncing a little in place.

2013-02-18, 08:21 PM
"If you never see them dead, how is it you know the paladin is responsible? Are there sword wounds, or something else distinctive? In particular, do you recall seeing any bite wounds on them, such as a rat might make?" Aephren's mind is already working overtime; as he turns to respond to Katasha's query, he suddenly wheels back to the elder. "These hunting parties. The leader always rides forth; with how many? The whole of the company less the two guards?"

2013-02-19, 09:55 AM
"We see him take them, and then we find their bodies - who else would it be? As for marks..." He drops into thought for a moment. "They did have bite marks, come to think of it, but we assumed that they were bitten after they died and were washed up. All their throats had been slit."

"The whole company that we see. There might be others left inside but without access to Riverwatch, Emer couldn't ever get a good count. It's normally the leader plus four. Three on horses, two on foot."

2013-02-22, 11:30 AM

Nik drops his face into a guantletted and shakes his head slightly. He's trying to weigh the options before him and not seeing one jumping out as the clear winner.

This paladin guy may actually be doing good and vanquishing the halflings that have succumbed to infection from these were-creatures. That would actually make it more fun to just track him down and kill him....But how would that reflect on the Blades and my future employment. It's not like opportunities have been flying in lately...

Heaving a sigh, Nik decides on the more moral of the options with self-preservation as his motivating factor,

"It seems there may be things here clouding the truth. Our journey here was a long one and we ended up camping not too far from here last night at an old campsite we found. While resting, we were beset upon by some overly-large rats and a woman that appeared to be some kind of were-creature."

Nik rests his hand comfortably on his sword hilt as he lets that sink in before going on,

"This Lord of yours may actually have the best of intentions and he may simply be hunting those of your village who may have become infected with the same disease the woman that attacked us had."

He almost regrets his decision to not simply hunt down Lord Lightblade, Kat certainly seemed willing enough and their employer had said that was their goal, but Nik had gotten as far as he had by doing a bit of thinking before letting his sword arm lead him around.

Small reminder, italicized colored text is "thoughts", not things spoken aloud.

Do I know anything about this "Lord Lightblade"?

Use Detect Evil on the elder and the archer/scout

2013-02-22, 12:18 PM
"No. Absolutely not." The Elder's tone carries that he will brook no argument on this matter. "If Topia were some...were-creature, we would know. As you can see," He casts his arms around him, "Gylip is a small town. We're not terribly private with one another. I simply can't imagine that Topia or the other two were hiding something like that from us."

There's no "Lord Lightblade" that you know of in Amn. It may be a pseudonym or he may be a foreigner.

The Elder pings as Good, Emer does not.

2013-02-22, 01:15 PM
"Why don't we just go ask the guy?" Katasha shrugs. "Go up to the keep, be all 'hey, why're you doing this, can you prove it, blah blah justice' and then do what we gotta do. Simple. Just, if he had some way of detecting lycanthropes, don't you think he'd tell the poor townsfolk? I mean, as is, it just looks like he's terrorizing the town for fun." The halfling counts on her hands, gestures, and moves quite animatedly as she talks.

2013-02-22, 01:23 PM

Nik raises his hands palms outward and inclines his head a bit in an apologetic manner,

"Elder, no offense was intended. I, we..."

He sweeps his hands across the rest of his group standing nearby

"merely want to make sure that we understand the situation as best we can. I think Kat has the right of it. There is still plenty of daylight left and Emer said the camp isnt too far away. Perhaps the sooner the better in this instance."

2013-02-22, 01:57 PM
"Yeah, yeah, even the worst bilgesucker of a paladin would still give you some sort of explanation or warning 'your town is impure' sorta thing, right? Wait a minute -- you said 'at first he seemed so righteous -- did he, like, do anything special when he came into town, or what?" Katasha, idle for too long, takes a piece of jerky out of her pack and starts to consume it. The smell of the spices is strong, but not overpowering since the group is outdoors.

2013-02-22, 02:53 PM
"I...No, I shouldn't have snapped - you're here to investigate at my request and were just following up a possible lead. I apologise for my brusk tone - Emer is not the only one who's been hit hard by these deaths." He gives Nikolas a bow to punctuate this statement.

"First time we saw him, he rode into town with his glowing sword and shining armour, promising to slay monsters and protect the land from abominations. We can't really field our own defense so we welcomed him and his people - even gave them some food as tribute. That was until his first 'hunt' against us. First was Jocon. He was...just a little bit younger than I am. They rode into town and grabbed him in the middle of the day and rode out again before we could do anything. No words, just rode in, grabbed him up and rode out again."

2013-02-22, 03:09 PM
"Yeah, I'm not buying it, Nik, but we can ask before we disembowel," Kat says to her companion. She effects an angry tone for the benefit of the other halflings.

2013-02-25, 02:40 PM

Nik merely nods to Katasha and looks to the others in the group to see if they have any other questions or comments to contribute before following Emer's directions to Lord Lightblade's camp.

Lix Lorn
2013-02-25, 05:07 PM
Vi follows, oddly quiet.

2013-02-25, 07:14 PM
With no other questions, the Elder bids you farewell and good luck on your quest. The path as laid out by Emer is a fairly circuitous one - needing to get around the 'impassable cliffs' but it doesn't take more than an hour or so to get within sight range of Riverwatch. Emer's description was accurate - thick trees on one side and sheer jagged rock on the other. The path seems a cross between well worn and fallen into utter disuse.

Riverwatch itself is small by "keep" standards as far as you can see, approximately 45'-50' across at its widest point. The main gate juts forward slightly from the rest of the keep and there are two guards patrolling the walls. The keep itself is barely two stories tall and the stone walls (showing some signs of hasty, flawed patchwork jobs to fill in any damaged gaps) could likely be scaled with a small ladder or two people giving each other boosts, though they'd have to deal with the natural hazards around it first.

2013-02-25, 07:42 PM
"Man, yesterday I had a great spell for this. Oh well. What's the plan? Climb the wall?" Katasha says around a mouthful of jerky.

2013-02-25, 09:45 PM
"Well, off-hand I'd rule out a frontal assault," Aephren quips with a faint smile. "Perhaps a little reconnaissance is in order. I could use some magic to try and lure them out. Vi, how far away can you smack them around?"

2013-02-25, 09:48 PM
"I'm good for twenty feet," Katasha says, even though she wasn't asked.

2013-03-01, 03:03 PM

Nik looks from the wall, to his heavy armor and back a few times before smiling and shaking his head.

"I was never great at climbing in general, and I'm not going to be any better in all of this. Part of me wants to sit and watch to see their patterns, but without horses we wont be able to follow them effectively. And if they go off to kill more halflings we have no way to intervene."

He rubs a guantleted hand across the stubble forming on his chin after a day in the field as he considers the possibilities.

"If someone is confident they could get in and avoid being seen, I could likely boost them up over the wall. We could set up a signal for tossing a rope over the wall to get you out, but that risks the guards on the walls seeing us."

Nik squints at the "keep", as if trying to see through a haze which hides the solution from him,

"Another option is pretty crazy, but maybe enough so that it might just work. We could simply go knock on the door. We know their targets have something to do with the wererats. We could claim to be travelers who were beset upon by some beasts and we're looking for shelter and help and stumbles across their camp. Heck, most of it's even true."

Smiling at the creativity and audacity of his plan, he goes on,

"If we can get in front of this Lord Lightblade, I'll be able to tell if he's a true Paladin or not"

2013-03-01, 03:11 PM
"I have magic that can assist my leaping; if you can get me halfway up the wall, I can get the rest of the way in a single bound. Alternatively, when stealth is not possible, perhaps boldness is in order." The elf smiles faintly. "Let's try it. We can always fall back if need be."

2013-03-01, 04:28 PM
Pleased that a plan is coming into play, Katasha nods and goes along with her fellows.

2013-03-02, 10:35 PM
As you approach, one of the guard spots you coming down the path and nudges his companion. Clutching his halberd tightly, the one who spotted you yells out. "Halt! You approach the keep of Riverwatch, the domain of Lord Lightblade, Champion of Order. State your business, or be gone!"

2013-03-02, 11:12 PM
Aephren steps to the fore of the quartet and looks up to the wall where the two guards are perched. "Greetings, fair guardian of the keep of the most honorable Lord Lightblade. We are but four humble servants of the Beryl Blades, sent to this area to address reports of fell tidings among the hills and dales. If it were no inconvenience to your master, might I be so bold as to request an audience with his Lordship to see how our purposes might align in bringing glorious peace to this land?" The young elf bows deeply, his right hand steadying the hilt of his lightblade.

Going for diplomacy rather than bluff.


2013-03-03, 12:08 AM
The guards engage in a small, hushed discussion which you can't make out. Finally, one leaves while the other turns back to you. "Wait a moment while we see if the Lord is available."

A few minutes later, the guard returns alongside a tall imposing figure of a man clad in shining full plate armour. His handsome face gives off an air of both youthful vigor and experience, punctuated by his long platinum blonde hair. A white and silver cloak billows around him in the afternoon wind and a gauntleted hand rests on the hilt of his scabbard-bound sword. "I am Lord Lightblade. My loyal guards tell me you wish an audience with me. Speak, and I shall listen, as is part of my sacred duty as Champion of Order."

2013-03-03, 03:08 AM
Katasha sizes up the paladin, looking for a holy symbol, but also looking at his 'assets.'

know religion if necessary (just to know what I know about the god I understand he serves if unnecessary lol

The halfling is standing firmly, her hands on her hips, and its taking a bit of concentration to suppress her natural tendency to fidget. She gives the floor to Aephren, since he seems pretty good at this fancy-talk. Katasha chews her lip a bit, wishing it were jerky, or...

2013-03-03, 11:34 AM
You were informed that he is apparently a Paladin of Torm, a Lawful Good deity whose holy symbol is a right hand gauntlet, palm forward (a symbol which you do see hanging from his neck). Torm generally favours Honesty, Loyalty and Truth. Generally his worshippers are Good martial experts (heroes, knights, fighters) and he does have a Paladin following also.

2013-03-04, 04:27 PM
After a moment's hesitation, Katasha finds she can't hold it in any longer. "Why're you killing halflings, huh? What's wrong with you?" her sailor's accent contrasts with Aephren's elven diplomacy.

2013-03-04, 07:11 PM
"You should speak to your betters with respect!" One of the guards snaps, but Lightblade holds up a hand to silence him.
"We are conducting a purge of the surrounding areas. Evil has taken root here. Demons. Devils. Foul monsters and animals. We take them, bring them here to purify them in the sacred chamber. Some Halflings, some humans, some animals and other creatures - all must be cleansed of the chaos that infects them."

2013-03-04, 07:31 PM
Sense Motive on Light Nutjob [roll0]

Katasha squints at the paladin, her lips pursed. "So, it never occurred to you to talk to the townsfolk about this? Don't they get a say in how to punish the evildoers? And how can you tell who's infected? And what the heck goes on in the 'sacred chamber' that has a 100% death rate!?" the halfling is outraged by the paladin's treatment of her kind.

2013-03-04, 07:39 PM
You have a gut feeling that something is wrong - though you can't tell exactly what.

"I admit," He begins to pace back and forth, his hands gesturing as he speak, "that the purification process is...dangerous. But what we do, we do for the greater good of Amn and the world at large! The people in these villages would not be able to comprehend our righteous mission. Conversation only leads to compromise, and the safety of the realms cannot be compromised."

"You understand too, do you not? I see you before me - adventurers? Mercenaries? Soldiers? Armed and armoured as you are. People like yourselves...you know what it means to do what must be done regardless of the acts involved, the ends justify the means. Some may die so that many may live." Lightblade ceases moving and stares Kat down, pointing directly at her. "Or will you tell me that you have never courted a lesser evil to accomplish a greater good?"

2013-03-04, 07:56 PM
"Heh, heh, yeah, I know what'cha mean, Lightblade," Katasha says, looking at her companions. "Nik, you know what's he's saying, right?"

2013-03-04, 08:01 PM
Aephren merely raises one pale eyebrow at Katasha's direct accusation and the "Lord's" blunt reply. "Courting of any evil, lesser or not, sounds little like the behavior of any paladin from any of the tales, high or low. But our methods matter not, for we are bound by no code but our contract. Yours, however, have come into question."

The young elf looks at each of the guards in turn before returning his gaze to the self-titled purifier. "Know now that the halfling village of Gylip and all its people, and any visitors, livestock, buildings, properties, and related assets, are under the protection of the Beryl Blades of Athkatla. Any further predations will be met, force by force, your righteous pretensions notwithstanding. As for your past predations... some recompense must be made." He pats the hilt of his own slim sword. "I judge your blade to be sufficient payment in value, if not in kind, for the lives of the villagers."

2013-03-04, 08:40 PM
"You....wretch! You make demands of me? ME!? I am fighting for the good of the realms and you, a common mercenary make demands of me!?" Lightblade turns on his heel and moves away from the battlements out of sight. From inside the keep you hear him yell out "Deal with these cretins!" to which the guards snap to attention with a "Sir!"

Both guards, on separate parts of the wall, move forward to get a better line of sight. Both begin incantations. The first spell is sent directly at Aephren, while the second sends a wave of magic passing over the area which seemingly doesn't affect the other guard - just you.



You can move round the keep, though it costs double movement. Moving inside the trees gives you a 20% chance per square to stumble across a random trap/snare, costs double movement but gives cover due to the thick woods. The keep walls are as described previously.


Everyone needs to make a Will save (DC12) or be affected by Bane (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/bane.htm) (1 minute duration)

In addition, Aephren needs to make a Will Save (DC12) or be affected by Doom. (1 minute duration).

Initiative order once more:
Enemies: [20]
Kat: [19]
Vi: [11]
Nik: [6]

Think that's all...for this round.

Oh, the reason you can't see Lightblade's token is 'cos he's out of Line of Sight 'cos the gates are shut.

2013-03-04, 09:04 PM
Katasha's goddess's blessing allows her to shrug off all fear and mind-effecting magic. She quickly judges the distance between herself and the nearest guard.

If she judges it to be 20 feet or less, the halfling makes a quick incantation to Umberlee, and casts Blood Wind. Through her goddess's magic, Katasha's physical attacks are carried on an invisible tide through the air, striking at the guard as though he were directly next to her.

From Spell Compendium. 1 Swift Action to cast.

The subject can take a full attack
action to use all of its natural weapons
or unarmed strikes as if they were
thrown weapons with a 20-foot range
increment. The subject gestures as if
making a melee attack, but the result
of the attack affects a target within
range. This spell does not actually
grant reach, and so does not help
provide a fl anking bonus or allow the
subject to make attacks of opportunity
at any range greater than normal. The
subject uses its normal melee attack
bonuses and deals damage normally
if it hits, though the target of the
attacks can benefi t from cover or

Bite [roll0] on hit [roll1] dmg and paralysis (I think, I guess it might not paralyze?)
Claw [roll2] on hit [roll3] dmg and paralysis
Claw [roll4] on hit [roll5] dmg and paralysis

2013-03-04, 09:27 PM
As Katasha's dark magics assault the nearest of the two guards, Aephren uses the commotion to charge the wall. "Cover me! he mutters to his companions as his fingers twist to the incantations of a spell. Magically aided, he takes a running leap at the wall and springs up toward some of the better-looking handholds.

Swift: Quick cast Jump (Jump now +12)
Move: Running jump at the wall: [roll0]

With an overhead reach of 8' according to the SRD, I add 1 foot for every 4 on the roll.

Standard: Climb check to make fast to the wall and pull up. [roll1]

Lix Lorn
2013-03-04, 10:13 PM
Vi groans, attacking whichever looks least-incapacitated with a fluffry of psionic punches.

I cast Fist.


2013-03-05, 09:26 AM
HP: 34/43
AC: 23
Touch: 11
Flat-Footed: 22
Conditions: None

The conversation had started out very different than Nik had intended so he stayed quiet, observing the "Lord" and his agents.

He was not surprised when it went south in a hurry and mustered his resolve to shrug off the spell's effects.

Rather than reaching for his sword, instead his hand darts into the small pouch at his side and produces a small rock which he quickly throws at the guard closest to him before moving close to the wall to present a less attractive target to any bowmen that might be hiding.

Can I have done a quick Detect Good on the targets while Lightblade was having his discussion? Sorry, but work is kicking my butt big time at the moment.


Standard action - Activate Bag of Boulders (1 charge)
[roll1], [roll2]

Move action - Move to -B4, drawing my longsword while moving.

2013-03-05, 12:24 PM
One of Kat's attacks finds its mark, the paralysis setting in almost instantly, freezing him in place. Vi's fists are less effective, though Nik's boulder attack does hit the guard, who (stumbling) retreats back behind the walls out of line of sight of the main group.

"They're on the walls!" Lightblade yells upon seeing Aephren. "Soldiers, to me! Defend your honour and that of your cause!" Upon hearing this, four more soldiers rush out - three with Halberds, a fourth (at the centre) with a crossbow which he aims at Aephren and fires. Lightblade himself has drawn his signature blade. It looks to be of foreign make with a slender, curved blade and sheds a bright light all around him. "The Light shall not falter here, invaders. Our cause is too important!"

On the inside of the gate, Aephren can see a few blocks of wood blocking entrance. If he were to remove them (full round action, provokes AoO) then the rest of the group could simply push the gate open and gain access, though he'd need jump from the walls and move to the gate to facilitate that.



You can remove the gate blocks from A3 and A4.


Guard -A1 is paralysed (denoted with red circle), Guard now at C6 took damage from Nik's boulders.

Guard at E3 takes a shot at Aephren [roll0] and he'll take [roll1] damage if it hits.

Think that's all. Only Paralyzed Guy is still in line of sight for the main group.

Edit: Oh, and yes you can have that Detect Good since it makes sense - nobody pinged as 'Good'.

2013-03-05, 01:30 PM
Katasha invokes a prayer to Umberlee, calling upon her to aid and shield her group of allies.

Casting Mass Aid, for [roll0] temporary hp to all and +1 morale to attacks and saves vs fear. lasts 5 minutes
Then, I'll step to -b2

2013-03-05, 01:50 PM
Aephren dives to the ground to avoid the crossbow bolt. Then he fishes out the coil of silken rope from his backpack and, holding one end firmly, tosses the other end down to the ground. With his end, he tries to make a quick loop around the nearest crenelation to help his own efforts to support the climbing of his allies.

2013-03-05, 02:33 PM
HP: 34(+6)/43
AC: 23
Touch: 11
Flat-Footed: 22
Conditions: Aid (+1 Attacks/Save vs Fear)

Knowing there was little chance of him climbing the walls in his heavy armor, Nik instead made ready to help his friends get over. Kneeling down, he raised his shield as a stepping platform and planned to boost the rest up and over hoping they would be able to open the gates.

"Get over here, I'll give you a boost!"

No idea what kind of action, but I guess some kind of "Aid Another" maybe? I could probably lift either Kat or Vi up over my head if that would be easier mechanically, but this seems more cinematically cool =).

2013-03-08, 02:41 AM
"You okay up there, Aeph? If you can take the heat for a bit, Umberlee has more magic to hand out," the halfling cleric calls out, readying another spell to be cast.

no big deal if you don't wanna wait, but I can cast Stone Bones on myself, Boar's Strength on Nik, and Magic Vestment on Aeph.

2013-03-08, 03:06 PM
"They haven't shot at me this second, if that's what you're asking," the elf replies gamely. "If I had a bit of cover I might be able to open the gates from inside."

2013-03-09, 10:38 AM
Vi takes up Nik's offer and leaps up onto the walls, just in time to see the crossbowman...reloading his crossbow in frustration. With the added soldier who dashed down from the walls, the soldiers spread apart slightly into a different formation. Lacking a target, two of them opt to cast more spells at their only viable target - Vi.



The 'roof' area from D-1 to H1 (inclusive rectangle) is a stable area with three horses. I do have a map which shows that better but I'd have to do a lot of messing about with Fog of War so I'm just gonna use this one for the moment. For clarification though: the guy in E1 isn't on top of that roof though, he's underneath it.

Marked the crossbowman with a fetching pink halo to denote which one it was.


Vi needs to succeed on two DC12 Will saves or be afflicted by Doom.

That's about it really! Sorry it took so long.

2013-03-09, 01:25 PM
Kat moves over to Nik, saying a prayer to Umberlee under her breath. She touches him, infusing him with the power of the shark.

for the record, 20foot speed sucks :P lol
Move to -C 5
Cast Boar's Strength on Nik, Extended with my Rod

2013-03-09, 02:10 PM
"Keep the crossbowman's attention," Aephren says to Vi. "I'll help bring Nik to bear." With a last tug on the rope to check that it's somewhat secure, he incants another brief spell that summons a haze glow around himself. "We'll see who brings the light today."

Cast Mage Armor. AC now 20 vs anyone, 22 vs Dodge target (I'll assign one when I jump down from the walls).

2013-03-11, 03:38 PM
HP: 34(+6)/43
AC: 23
Touch: 11
Flat-Footed: 22
Conditions: Bull's Strength, Aid (+1 Attacks/Save vs Fear)

Nikolas's eyes widen as he feels strength come pouring into his limbs. He'd felt magic have the opposite effect before, but never something like this. A man could get used to this kind of magic.

Nodding his thanks to Kat, he sheathes his sword and works on climbing up the rope left by Aephren.

Standard Action - Sheath weapon
Move Action - Climb the rope, [roll0]
I think the DC would be 10. Initial DC of 5 for "A rope with a wall to brace against, or a knotted rope, or a rope affected by the rope trick spell. " and +5 for "By accepting a –5 penalty, you can move half your speed (instead of one-quarter your speed)."

Lix Lorn
2013-03-13, 03:59 PM
Vi gives a panicked nod, turning to look at the crossbowman, before attempting to strike out at him with psychic fists.

I'm bound to do something with this eventually, right?


2013-03-13, 10:46 PM
Nik sadly fails to make any progress with the rope, the weight of his armour holding him back somewhat. Vi manages to get some solid hits in with their mind fists, taking down the crossbowman ably. By the time she's finish, there's nothing but a corpse remaining. "Back!" Lightblade shouts as he sees this. "Back into the Keep men!" In a moment, they all turn and dash through the doors on the bottom floor, disappearing behind the carved oak, metal and stone.



The doors into the bottom floor of the keep are at I1 and and I7. The rectangle of D6-G6-D8-G8 is a small building, with the door at F6.

There are also two doors into the top floor of the keep at J0 and J6.


Uh...well I didn't make any rolls. The crossbowman's dead and there's still Sir NotParticipatingInThisBattle paralyzed up there for another round or two.

That's about it.

2013-03-13, 11:05 PM
"Yo, Aeph! Deal with that goon or tie him up -- he's not gonna be a statue forever," Katasha calls up to her ally. She takes her time with the rope, and even casts another spell, elongated by the iron rod she carries.

Cast Stone Bones on myself, giving +3 enhancement bonus to the AC to a corporeal undead. Woot and holler.

It lasts for 100 minutes, since it's Extended

2013-03-18, 08:45 PM
Aephren takes the hilt of his blade and conks the paralyzed guard over the head. Then he leaps down to the courtyard to unblock the main gates to allow the heavily armored fighter to join the pursuit.

Rolls if needed:
[roll0] includes -4 penalty for subdual, does not include any bonuses for paralyzed

2013-03-20, 11:48 AM
I'll just walk through the door since its open now.

2013-03-20, 03:25 PM

Confused at the sudden retreat of Lord Lightblade and his cronies, Nik shrugs and strolls through the now open gate, nodding his thanks the Aephren as he enters the keep, drawing his sword as he does so.

He glances side to side, trying to determine where the bandits are keeping their mounts so he can cut them off from a fast getaway.

"How many were there, all told?"

2013-03-23, 09:10 PM
There are three horses being kept in the small stable on the west side of the main courtyard area. Though a bit fidgety from the battle, they are nevertheless quite calm, indicating they've had some training for such events.

The paralysed guard is now not-so-paralysed, though he is unconscious. From the inside of the keep itself you can hear yelling (the voice matching Lightblade) and a shuffling of feet.

Apologies for the delay - I wasn't sure if we were waiting on me or not, so I simply decided screw it, if you are - fixed, if not - I've given you more to play with :p

2013-03-25, 02:06 PM
Katasha shrugs, casting Magic Vestment on Aephren's clothing and faking a yawn. "Alright, so what is the plan, here? We charging in and breaking down the door, burning the place down? Climbing in the Window, or what?"

2013-03-25, 02:17 PM
"While I prefer the top-down approach--especially if they lack any ranged weaponry--all that climbing up and down may be exhausting for Nik. How about I head up and take a peek through one of those doors on the top level? It may be just the vantage we need for Vi to support us unopposed while we press in."

2013-03-25, 05:26 PM
"Alright Works for me - lemme know if you need any help or whatever." Katasha says.

Lix Lorn
2013-03-25, 05:41 PM
"I like it..." murmurs Vi, nodding.

2013-03-25, 06:44 PM
Cracking open the door on the upper level, Aephren can hear the shouting and movement from the floor below. There's loud clanking of metal, smacking of wood and you might almost think you heard stone grinding. Aephren can see a small corridor with two doors across from him, along with stairwells downstairs at both ends of the hallway.

Visual Representation:


You're still not in initiative. Map is just to help you (and me) get your bearings. Big black area is undiscovered stuff. You can see the two doors, I hope, as the different patterned area on the wall on the border of the black area.

2013-03-26, 07:04 AM
Aephren leans back out to his comrades. "No interior vantage, just a couple of upstairs rooms. Sounds like they're barricading the main door. How about I use a bit of magic to make it seem like we're trying to get through the front door, and we charge in from these stairs in here?"

2013-03-26, 02:44 PM
Katasha grins, nods, and makes her way up to where Aephren is to go along with the plan.

2013-03-27, 08:36 AM

Content to let the others figure out the best way to crack this nut, Nik sheathes his sword and moves to let the horses out of the stable to remove that escape route from their targets. While at his task, he wonders out loud,

"Did we check if this place had a back door? That could be the noise you're hearing is them clearing some kind of secret passage"

2013-03-27, 09:44 AM
"Could be; we didn't check. But if that's the case, the sooner we engage, the better. They could be barricading these stairs." Once Nik has untethered the horses so they can roam free and the group is gathered at the top, Aephren prepares to put his impromptu plan into action.

Going to use my arcane attunement to make Ghost Sounds near the main entrance--preferably scratching/scraping, like we are trying to pry our way through the doors.

Then, Aephren will lead the way to the left staircase and, if the opportunity presents, rejoin the battle. If the stairs turn out to be barricaded, he'll back up and check the right staircase. If both are unavailable, regroup and rethink...

Please feel free to make move silently, hide, spot, and listen checks for me as appropriate.

2013-03-28, 01:35 PM

Nik nods at Aephren's plan. While sound it may be, he worries about their prey making a fast getaway out some hidden exit.

Lowering his voice so it hopefully wont carry through the doors to those inside,

"You guys climb up and rain holy hell on em if you can. I'm going to take one of these beaut's around back and make sure they arent sneaking out a back door. If they arent bolting, I'll come back around and hopefully they'll come pouring out the front door into my blade."

Nik climbs into the saddle of the largest of the three mounts and begins making a circuit around the keep, taking a left out of the main gate.

Taking 10 on any Ride check that might be needed for simply mounting and moving around.

2013-03-29, 03:25 PM
The horse accepts Nik as a rider quite readily, seemingly quite glad to have a rider after the combat. Guiding it around the back of the keep, you can see a few window areas high up on the second floor, though they are quite thin, as much for seeing out across the river as defensive places to launch arrows from. Looking closely, you can see a small section of bricks that look different to the surrounding area, almost as if they filled a hole.

Pushing on this reveals that the area moves, and you could likely push through to open the wall entirely without any real trouble.

Gonna see how Diar/Nik wants to tackle it before resolving Aephren's stuff - I've seen the post though, just wanting to make sure we're all on the same page :p

2013-03-29, 03:41 PM
Katasha, also relatively skilled at moving silently, is going in with Aeph.

2013-04-02, 08:30 AM

Nik was never one to rush into anything too hastily, and there could be anything behind that strangely colored section of wall. Better to let the others start their assault before he goes through.

Dismounting, he takes his sword its sheath and stands to the side if the odd section of wall, ready to stab anything that comes through and straining his ears to listen for the start of the ruckus.

2013-04-03, 06:04 PM
Aephren moves down the stairs and sees nothing, though upon reaching the bottom (with both Kat and Vi in tow), round the corner, you can see one of the soldiers. Aephren doesn't startle him, though Kat does. He turns and yells to his left side before uttering a spell incantation covering him in a bright light. From out of sight, you can hear yelling (mostly Lightblade) and the clattering of metal armour moving about.

From outside the keep, Nik hears the sudden yell and the spell incantation, though nothing else.



You're back in initiative. Not gonna bother rerolling since it'd waste time, so gonna go off the last set:

Enemies: [20]
Kat: [19]
Vi: [11]
Nik: [6]

Secret Panel is in the wall directly above Nik (Q31). Moving across obstacles like the tables count as Difficult Terrain and cost 2 squares to move through.

Once again, apologies for the delay!

2013-04-03, 08:51 PM
Move to M 28
Use Divine Insight on myself -- +1 to attacks and damage for 10 rds / 1 minute
Free action, speak

(Current AC is 24)

Katasha moves into a sneaky position for both ambush and to easily block the doorway if it comes to that -- she realizes she is much sturdier than her two companions.

"Really heroic of you leaving your companion to die out there. I wonder if the halflings you've killed begged for their lives like he did?" the halfling says viciously, her hunger for flesh starting to bubble to the surface.

2013-04-04, 11:42 AM

Hearing a ruckus, Nik flattens himself against the wall next to the door and prepares to give any of the bandits that might come out a big surprise.

Move Action - [roll0]
Standard Action - Ready to attack any enemies that come through the wall
[roll1] (I'll leave it up to you to account for if the Hiding actually works and they cant see me).
If necessary if Hide words [roll3]

Not sure if this is possible or not due to readying, but if I can I will activate the wand in my sword's wand chamber (Critical Strike) as a swift action before I attack. This doubles the crit range, and adds another die of sneak attack damage.


2013-04-11, 05:26 PM
Aephren, seeing Katasha with the first path blocked, hurries to cover the second stairway. "Vengeance for Gylip!" he shouts as he half-hurdles the furniture, his blade flashing in the lamp-light.

Double move: Over/around the table as far as I can.

If a tumble check would help move faster, I'll try and make it for cinematic effect! [roll0]

Lix Lorn
2013-04-14, 02:57 PM
Vi groans, bringing up a hand and murmuring, sending a stream of energy bolts to strike the target.

Just a magic missile X_x

2013-04-16, 11:58 AM
Aephren manages to get a decent leap over the table, landing on a chair and kicking it over to soften his fall. The soldiers who had been in the 'entrance' area begin to pour out towards the party. Two surround Aephren, attempting to pierce his armour with their polearms - one succeeds.

The soldier targeted by the magic missile is barely standing at this point, but still manages to step forward towards Kat and jab at her with his hand, a torrent of negative energy rushing from it.



Aephren takes 10 damage.

I'm not sure if Kat's touch AC is also increased (I'll be honest, I may have lost track >.>) but the attack was 16 vs. Touch. If it hits, Kat is healed 8 hit points because it's negative energy and they don't know any better.

2013-04-16, 12:36 PM
"Time for the cavalry," the elf grunts as the swing connects. His own blade takes on a fiery glint as it flashes in the light, attempting cautious strikes while defending against the double-team attack. He was certain that Nik would rejoin the battle once he heard the sounds of fighting within the keep.

Employing Combat Expertise, sacrificing 3 to attack to gain 3 to AC. That makes my AC 23 against everyone and 25 against my Dodge target, which I'll say is the dude between me and Lightbringer (M33).

[roll0] incl. -3 penalty from Combat Expertise
[roll1] incl. Insightful Strike bonus
[roll2] if Attack above is 15+ and successful

2013-04-20, 08:05 PM
Katasha shrugs, waiting a moment to see if VI was gonna follow up her attack with anything particularly devastating. The Halfling decides to end the man's life herself.

full attack
Bite [roll0] on hit [roll1] and dc 23 paralysis
Claw [roll2] on hit [roll3] and paralysis
Claw [roll4] on hit [roll5] and paralysis

2013-04-22, 12:00 PM

At the increased sounds from inside the room, and the lack of sounds coming from the secret door, Nik surmises that his companions were able to catch the bandits before they could attempt their escape. Steeling himself for the rush that engaging in a combat will bring, he opens the secret wall and moves to help his companions.

Not sure what kind of action opening the door is and if it can be done with a shield and sword to hand so not going to assume I can do much more.

If I need a free hand, then it'll be Standard to sheathe and Move to open with a 5' step into the opening for good measure.

If I can do it with me shield or foot, then Move to open, the move to N31 (feel free to make any Jump/Tumble rolls for me), drawing my weapon as I go.

Lix Lorn
2013-04-22, 12:17 PM
Rather than something impressive, Vi simply attempts to strike the nearest foe with her psionic assaults!

If the nearest guy is still upright, I full attack. If he's not, I move towards the table until I can see someone, then hit them once.

[roll0] +2 if only one attack


2013-04-29, 10:44 AM
Nik's rather sudden burst through the hidden door appears to take the soldier by surprise, however he quickly rallies as Lightblade takes up position beside him as they launch a coordinated attack against Nik. However their blades, no matter how shiny, fail to miss their mark. So too do the weapons of the other soldiers who attempt to flank Aephren, finding themselves incapable of hitting the lithe elf who does manage to connect a strike, however the blow is not decisive.

Vi's mental fist attack fails to find its mark on the soldier, though Kat is more successful as she tears into the (quickly deceased) grunt, his screams echoing throughout the keep before turning into a soft gurgle as his lifeblood oozes out.




Nik is keenly aware that moving at all (even a 5' step or Withdraw action!) away from Lightblade will provoke an Attack of Opportunity. Aephren hits. Kat hits, Nik poses dramatically and Vi sadly misses.

No one takes any damage though because I rolled a five on Lightblade's attack.

2013-04-29, 12:44 PM
Aephren cracks a smile as he gets down to business. With Nikolas back in the picture, this was shaping up to be a straightforward contest. "Kat, Vi--I've got this flank. You help Nik with bringing down the 'light.'" With that, he slips out from between the two soldiers and continues his mesmerizing dance of steel against the large weaponry being used against him in the confined space.

Maintaining combat expertise at 3. AC 22 vs everyone, AC 25 vs N33.
5-foot step to M-34 if possible. I don't know where that chair is anymore, so disregard if it's still difficult terrain here :smallsmile:
[roll0] incl. -3 for combat expertise
[roll1] incl. insightful strike bonus
[roll2] if attack roll above is 15+ and successful