View Full Version : Protecting From Antimagic?

2013-01-14, 11:51 AM
So, how do you defend from an AMF or any other form of Antimagic? A wizard can do anything, and can buff themselves to Stupid and back. They can counter any situation they come across, Combat or Social. They are the g' damn Batman.

Provided there is a Magic Available.

When an AMF comes into being, what can you do to protect yourself from plinking away with a Light Crossbow.

Also: how does the Emanation Work? If you have a huge character casting an emanation with a 10ft radius, is that radius taken from your own 'base size' (so your emanation is now 40ft) or is it just that your 'base size' is now entirely taking up the AMF space so that I'd have to grapple to get people to be affected by the AMF.

2013-01-14, 11:57 AM
Shrunken metal cone mounted on top of your pointy wizard hat.

2013-01-14, 12:03 PM
Worshipping Mystra gives you a chance of working inside one. Initiate of Mystra

2013-01-14, 12:03 PM
Research a new spell called Anti-Antimagic Field! They won't know what hit 'em!

(Seriously though I wonder if you could get away with that... maybe with an opposed caster level check or somesuch?)

2013-01-14, 12:06 PM
They'd just make an Anti-Anti-Antimagic field.

2013-01-14, 12:41 PM
Also: how does the Emanation Work? If you have a huge character casting an emanation with a 10ft radius, is that radius taken from your own 'base size' (so your emanation is now 40ft) or is it just that your 'base size' is now entirely taking up the AMF space so that I'd have to grapple to get people to be affected by the AMF.

The latter - spell radiuses don't change just because your size isn't Medium.

2013-01-14, 12:46 PM
1) Instantaneous conjuation exemption. Antimagic field has a specific exemption for conjuration spells with a instantaneous Duration, 1 twinned empowered acid orb later no more enemy radiating an antimagic field.

2) Contigency. Contigency spells gets the chance to react before the AMF gets the chance to affect you. You wander into a surprise antimagic zone and suddenly you teleport to your island beach house.

3) Invoke Magic. Allows you to cast a spell of fourth or below regardless of the prevaling magical conditions. Guess what level a orb of X spell or Sanctum Dimension door is.

4) Animated Tower shield. Guess what type of effects are blocked by the hard cover granted when a tower shield is on the ground. Emminatons

5) Shrink Item. There's a reason why all wizards wear pointy hats. Just Shrink a lead lined tent wear it as a hat and smile knowingly when the fighter makes fun of your fashion sense.

6) Detect Magic. So behind this door there's a place where even the faint background magic of a 0th lv divination magic isn't visible? Lets disintigrate our own alternate route around said room instead.

7)Minions. Anti magic fighter guy meet my pet zombie cryohydra.

8)Initiate of the 7 fold Viel. Emminate your own anti magic field that doesn't affect your own spells but blocks other antimagic fields.

2013-01-14, 12:54 PM
Research a new spell called Anti-Antimagic Field! They won't know what hit 'em!

(Seriously though I wonder if you could get away with that... maybe with an opposed caster level check or somesuch?)

There is one. (http://dndtools.eu/spells/lords-of-madness--72/invoke-magic--1538/)

2013-01-14, 12:57 PM
4) Animated Tower shield. Guess what type of effects are blocked by the hard cover granted when a tower shield is on the ground. Emminatons

Or Unseen Servant with a Tower Shield.

2013-01-14, 04:38 PM
Prismatic Sphere blocks AMF.

Maybe you can Extraordinary Spell Aim a Widened AMF onto yourself (leaving yourself unaffected, of course), suppressing normal AMFs before they get to you?

It's hard for a creature in an AMF to find you while you're hidden with magic like Invisibility, Silence, and Fly. The AMF-er doesn't have the means to detect you because his magic is also supressed.

2013-01-14, 04:42 PM
I found a spell long ago, in an old dusty tomb. It was called Anti-Magic Resistance. If you cast it before you entered or was subject to antimagic, and you saved vs. spell you spells word normally!

2013-01-14, 04:47 PM
There's a handbook for that!


Melcar: that sounds 3rd party or homebrew...

2013-01-14, 05:01 PM
Or Unseen Servant with a Tower Shield.

Unseen Servant can lift, at most, 20lbs
A Tower Shield weighs 45 lbs

So you would need either a Mithril Tower Shield or to cast Servant Horde.

2013-01-14, 05:07 PM
Prismatic Sphere blocks AMF.

Be careful with this one - first off, it doesn't move with you, and secondly, if they get inside your sphere, the AMF will take effect on you again. (admittedly, they have to walk through it to do that, which can be pretty painful for them).

But getting them to walk through it is pretty good - even if they take your magic away, you can simply step outside your sphere and continue casting. And if they follow you, you can simply step back in and cast some more.

2013-01-14, 05:16 PM
Gavinfoxx, you are a legend with taking the time to get the cache copies - learned a ton in the last few weeks with all the docs and bg/mm links. Lifesaver truely, even if it is an alternative one!

2013-01-14, 05:20 PM
I found a spell long ago, in an old dusty tomb. It was called Anti-Magic Resistance. If you cast it before you entered or was subject to antimagic, and you saved vs. spell you spells word normally!

Source or it's homebrew.

2013-01-14, 05:20 PM
Unseen Servant with a Small Darkwood Towershield, or a Feycraft Darkwood Tower Shield. Also see Collar of Perpetual Attendance, made sentient. ;)

2013-01-14, 05:21 PM
Unseen Servant can lift, at most, 20lbs
A Tower Shield weighs 45 lbs

So you would need either a Mithril Tower Shield or to cast Servant Horde.

There's a higher level version of the unseen servant spell, though I forget the name. There's also an item in the Underdark supplement that constantly maintains a more powerful version of unseen servant. The latter can be quite useful to a wizard that's willing to plunk down the cash so he can avoid menial labor forever after.

2013-01-14, 05:22 PM
Huh, Invoke Magic is Evocation, so a Shadowcraft Mage can illusion it. But can you make an illusionary Invoke Magic, or does the Antimagic stop it? Wacky.


Hiro Protagonest
2013-01-14, 05:26 PM
Conjurations. As long as it doesn't form inside the AMF, and isn't a (Summon) it works. Planar creatures bound in advance, Orb spells, Wall of Iron...

2013-01-14, 05:34 PM
1) Instantaneous conjuation exemption. Antimagic field has a specific exemption for conjuration spells with a instantaneous Duration, 1 twinned empowered acid orb later no more enemy radiating an antimagic field.

Yes, though you can only cast it if you are outside the amf, if you are inside and want to cast it it doesn´t work:
(The effects of instantaneous conjurations are not affected by an antimagic field because the conjuration itself is no longer in effect, only its result.)

2) Contigency. Contigency spells gets the chance to react before the AMF gets the chance to affect you. You wander into a surprise antimagic zone and suddenly you teleport to your island beach house.

The problem with a contingency spell of the "if its going to hit me" type is is that it creates a paradox, (its going to be triggered because it would hit you but by triggering the contingency [with a teleport for example] it invalidates the trigger etcetc). The only time where it is absolutely certain that it does hit you is when it actually hits you and then its too late ^^

The trigger mechanic must be something absolutely certain for example "is five feet away from me" does work fine.

The rest I think works without any exceptions :smallsmile:

2013-01-14, 05:37 PM
Source or it's homebrew.

Great Net Spell Book... So homebrew! Sorry!

2013-01-14, 05:44 PM
Oh no, a high level Wizard or Sorcerer neuters their capabilities by using a spell that is a tiny emanation, that prevents them from doing all their best stuff! GASP!

2013-01-14, 05:48 PM
An important point for the OP to note is that an AMF is only a 10ft radius AoE and that it can only be placed on something other than the caster by unusual circumstance, such as the arcane archer's imbued arrow or a magical device producing the effect.

Larger areas where magic doesn't function are covered under dead-magic zones and these only appear by DM fiat. They can, however, be undone by certain higher order effects.

An emenation is equivalent to a burst that radiates from the source point at the beggining of each turn of its duration. This is usually at the beggining of the turn of the caster responsible for the effect, though the ready and delay actions can change this.

2013-01-14, 05:55 PM
Oh no, a high level Wizard or Sorcerer neuters their capabilities by using a spell that is a tiny emanation, that prevents them from doing all their best stuff! GASP!

No sense not using your abilities. It's like a Fighter saying no I won't use my full BAB.

2013-01-14, 05:56 PM
No sense not using your abilities. It's like a Fighter saying no I won't use my full BAB.

Yea, what I mean is Antimagic Fields aren't to be feared... what is to be feared is a caster capable of casting Antimagic Field using spells intelligently!

Null Magic Zones... those are more difficult though. Get lots of Golems, called creatures, fly above the null magic zone, drop a bunch of shrink item boulders into the people in it (those boulders expand automatically!), cast orbs of whatever into it... there are things you can do, as long as you can fly above it with magic, especially.

2013-01-14, 05:58 PM
Unseen Servant with a Small Darkwood Towershield, or a Feycraft Darkwood Tower Shield. Also see Collar of Perpetual Attendance, made sentient. ;)
Mithril, Darkwood, etc.

There's a higher level version of the unseen servant spell, though I forget the name. There's also an item in the Underdark supplement that constantly maintains a more powerful version of unseen servant. The latter can be quite useful to a wizard that's willing to plunk down the cash so he can avoid menial labor forever after.

See Servant Horde SpC

2013-01-14, 06:03 PM
Yea, what I mean is Antimagic Fields aren't to be feared... what is to be feared is a caster capable of casting Antimagic Field using spells intelligently!

Null Magic Zones... those are more difficult though. Get lots of Golems, called creatures, fly above the null magic zone, drop a bunch of shrink item boulders into the people in it (those boulders expand automatically!), cast orbs of whatever into it... there are things you can do, as long as you can fly above it with magic, especially.

Hmmm. I' m new to casters, could you give an example of a Caster using it intelligently, outside of debuffing just in time to be hit by a Barbarian.

2013-01-14, 06:10 PM
Mithril, Darkwood, etc.

See Servant Horde SpC
No that's not it. It produced only a single servant but it had str 6 may have been capable of more complex tasks but not combat, IIRC. I'll see if I can dig it up.

Hmmm. I' m new to casters, could you give an example of a Caster using it intelligently, outside of debuffing just in time to be hit by a Barbarian.

He wasn't talking about using AMF intelligently. There aren't too many ways to do that, really. He was talking about the fact that the caster that produces it is likely either a cleric or a wizard of at least 11th level. The sheer variety of things these guys can do makes them exceedingly dangerous, nevermind the raw power behind wizardly offensive magic.

2013-01-14, 06:14 PM
Yes, though you can only cast it if you are outside the amf, if you are inside and want to cast it it doesn´t work
That's not entirely clear. Nowhere does the description of AMF say that you can't cast spells within the area. It's a question of what is meant by "the functioning of any magic items or spells within its confines." None of the rest of the text explains that beyond talking about the suppression of active spell effects. It's possible that you can have a wizard emanating an AMF and still throwing fireballs at creatures 400 ft away.

Hiro Protagonest
2013-01-14, 06:57 PM
That's not entirely clear. Nowhere does the description of AMF say that you can't cast spells within the area. It's a question of what is meant by "the functioning of any magic items or spells within its confines." None of the rest of the text explains that beyond talking about the suppression of active spell effects. It's possible that you can have a wizard emanating an AMF and still throwing fireballs at creatures 400 ft away.

Of course you can cast spells. They just fizzle out immediately. Actions are still taken, slots are still expended for the day.

2013-01-14, 07:04 PM
Of course you can cast spells. They just fizzle out immediately.
The text says nothing about that. A caster in an AMF dropping a stinking cloud on a group 50ft away is entirely consistent with the way the spell's description is written.

2013-01-14, 07:17 PM
No that's not it. It produced only a single servant but it had str 6 may have been capable of more complex tasks but not combat, IIRC. I'll see if I can dig it up.

Servant Horde is a level 3 spell which summons 2d6+(1 / level [max 15]) Unseen Servants. There may be another spell, but this one will do the job.

2013-01-14, 08:52 PM
He wasn't talking about using AMF intelligently. There aren't too many ways to do that, really. He was talking about the fact that the caster that produces it is likely either a cleric or a wizard of at least 11th level. The sheer variety of things these guys can do makes them exceedingly dangerous, nevermind the raw power behind wizardly offensive magic.

Agreed. An 11th level full caster (cleric or wizard or archivist or artificer), played intelligently, with actual useful spells prepared (ie, not Antimagic Field) is a huge threat, capable of hitting so far above their weight class that it isn't funny.