View Full Version : Trouble with Cleric feat (not your average Cleric)

2013-01-14, 09:09 PM
OK... so here goes. I just reached 9th level, and will be taking my 3rd level of Radiant Servant. The story so far is this: A young cleric of Lathander in the town of Hadrath's Glen, Daggerdale sets out on a quest to oppose the Zentarim with an orc BarBar and human ranger. They meet an elven sorceress and cleric of tymora along the way, and gain notice and renown across the dale.

My cleric, Brother Lucius, is seeking to re-found the order of Radiant Servants in Faerun after centuries of the order being lost. (I didn't like morninglord, so the DM let me play RSP instead.)

We are on our way to an ancient dwarven hold that has been occupied by demon spawn for generations. We are being joined by the ancestors of the original dwarven occupants.

Here is where I am having trouble. On the way the DM has thrown a few curveballs in both a good and bad way. After retrieving a "philosopher's stone" macguffin, Lucius died. After the party retrieved his body, and escaped the dungeon, Lucius was alive, and cured the ranger of a status effect that was above my level. (I don't remember which one. After returning the maguffin to Randal Morn and sleeping in his temple, Lucius returns to the group 6 inches taller, and in much better physical shape. (all stats were raised to 18, except wisdom which became 20.) No stat boosting items will work, as well as most spells. Righteous might and divine power do still work as normal, for some reason.

The party makeup is thus: BarBar wants to be primary melee damage, but isn't quite built for it. I DO NOT want to take his role away or outshine him, as he is already starting to feel inadequate with 2 clerics and a swift hunter rgr/scout. The other cleric is primarily buff/debuff and tactical movement/flanker. no worries about toe-stepping here, this guys is the definition of team-player. Sorceress won't be joining us for a while, as she is a new mommy and wants to take a few months with the new baby, can't fault her there. My feats are currently augment healing, extra turning (needed for RSP) and skill focus heal (didn't have a better idea at 6th, no problem with retraining that.) We have a keep, with an armed force and competent manager. I am thinking leadership plus something else, or retraining skill focus into one of the combat maneuver feats (like combat expertise and trip, or Imp UA strike and grapple) I used some of these action with the character before in spite of not having the feats, so they do fit the character.

My role is party leader. While the sorceress does have a higher CHA (by 1) I have the skill ranks in diplomacy and sense motive. human with 18 int leaves plenty to spread around, and he had me treat them as if I had the 18 since level 1, so I gained skill points retroactively.

So, WIS 20, all other stats 18. Don't want to use DMM persist at all, most likely to tank while the barb does damage, while still doing a little damage myself. I use longsword/heavy shield, and want to keep my damage output respectable but still just behind the barbar.

I can retrain 1 feat (SF:heal) and have my 9th level feat.

any suggestions?

2013-01-14, 09:38 PM
I forgot to mention I have a modified version of the vow of poverty. It's not a feat, but a feature of whatever the DM did to the character when he died. I had been donating large amounts of my wealth to my church and other causes. We always had enough treasure to go around, and I didn't need as much gear to fill the role I needed to fill in the party. I did it so I wouldn't outshine the other party members too much, and that has kinda bit me in the rear with the new developments in the story and with my character. He's making it hard for me to not be the focus of the game. I kinda like the challenge, but i'm not going to just sit and take toughness and for every feat.