View Full Version : Masterwork Tool Perform (sing)?

2013-01-15, 12:03 AM
I'm having a bout with creativity and losing. As the title suggests, I'm looking for ideas of what a masterwork tool for Perform(Sing) might be. The only thing I'm coming up with is a tuning fork. My idea seems pretty weak. I'd prefer if it didn't require a hand to use. Any ideas?

2013-01-15, 12:04 AM
A set of scarves.

2013-01-15, 12:11 AM
I don't know what it's called, but the choir teacher at my high school had a sort of whistle he would blow so the choir could hear the note they were supposed to sing at (or something like that, I'm not a musician) would something like that help?

If not maybe a master work song? there is a craft skill for plays and stuff, they could theoretically craft a master work performance right?

2013-01-15, 12:14 AM
Auto tune.

2013-01-15, 12:19 AM
Auto tune.

causes you to roll a natural 1 on any perform check.

while the idea is funny, no.

2013-01-15, 12:19 AM
Auto tune.

An auto-tune microphone would be hilarious as hell in a DnD campaign.

I would use something to get a starting pitch. A harmonica would be something simple.

2013-01-15, 12:30 AM
Singing lessons?

(yeah, not an object, I know.)

2013-01-15, 12:36 AM
A megaphone. Or, if your campaign is high magic enough, a microphone with portable speakers.

2013-01-15, 12:39 AM
Just skip the search for that +2 circumstance bonus entirely and go with a little spray bottle full of stuff that will give a +2 alchemical bonus to Perform (sing) checks for an hour after use. After all, antitoxin shouldn't be the only alchemical bonus in the game.

(That could go for the Concentration checks too - a little bottle of herbal tea that gives a +2 alchemical bonus to Concentration checks for an hour after drinking.)

Sometimes, I just think the alchemical bonus from an alchemical substance makes more sense than the circumstance bonus from a masterwork tool.

doc neon
2013-01-15, 12:43 AM
I always assumed that there was no possible masterwork bonus on Perform (Sing), as a balancing mechanic. Instruments get a +2 bonus, but they can be sundered (I think?), bet taken away, and takes up your hands. You can always sing, but can't get a bonus.

That was my take, at least.

Mithril Leaf
2013-01-15, 12:58 AM
A neck piece that vibrates the vocal chords as you sing, relaxing them and allowing your pitch to hit deeper.

2013-01-15, 04:04 AM
I don't know what it's called, but the choir teacher at my high school had a sort of whistle he would blow so the choir could hear the note they were supposed to sing at (or something like that, I'm not a musician) would something like that help?

That's a pitch pipe. It is useful, but primarily to avoid people in a large-ish group starting off in different keys, not so much for solos.

Jeff the Green
2013-01-15, 04:17 AM
That's a pitch pipe. It is useful, but primarily to avoid people in a large-ish group starting off in different keys, not so much for solos.

Yeah, solos mostly go off of relative pitch since absolute isn't all that important.

Maybe a sheet music holder? Sort of a cross between the ones marching bands use and harmonica holders.

Or maybe it's something that isn't so much about making the music better as it is about improving the impact. Like a horned helmet, a skull mask with red hat, or Pierrot mask, depending on the genre.

Darth Stabber
2013-01-15, 04:57 AM
You could use what comedians use to improve their performance, liquor. Weed to write it, alcohol to perform, I doubt music is much different. Mw liquor, sounds like a good vintage of wine, or an aged scotch to me.

2013-01-15, 08:44 AM
1) A set of 100 well composed music scores complete with song lyrics

2) A songbook with a wonderful collection of local folksongs from every region. It might even double up as a masterwork tool for Knowledge (Local)

3a) An ensemble consisting of :a sequined white glove (right-handed), a black felt trilby hat, and a pair of pantaloons that's tight around the crotch (helps to reach high-pitched notes)

3b) If character is not male, substitute 3a with pointed bras...

2014-02-05, 12:23 AM
1) A set of 100 well composed music scores complete with song lyrics

2) A songbook with a wonderful collection of local folksongs from every region. It might even double up as a masterwork tool for Knowledge (Local)

I was just thinking the same thing. I'm giving my Bard cohort Masterwork Music as her "tool". Well written/composed songs of inspiration.

2014-02-05, 01:01 AM
I always assumed that there was no possible masterwork bonus on Perform (Sing), as a balancing mechanic. Instruments get a +2 bonus, but they can be sundered (I think?), bet taken away, and takes up your hands. You can always sing, but can't get a bonus.

As if throats can't be sundered? :smallbiggrin:

That's a pitch pipe. It is useful, but primarily to avoid people in a large-ish group starting off in different keys, not so much for solos.

I'm not a singer (instrumentalist ftw), but I do know that being in tune is really helpful. If there was a nonmagical item (like a tuning fork or something?) to help you tune up, I might count let that work.

Perhaps taking 1 minute to practice with a metronome and tune up would grant a +2 circumstance bonus on perform checks you make in the next 30 minutes?

2014-02-05, 01:11 AM
+1 to the masterwork sheet music idea.

Maybe mouthwash? Masterwork mouthwash.

Could it be something more abstract like a good luck charm that a previous virtuoso singer held so just holding it gives your character more confidence in his own singing? Not magical just... Like a positive reminder of what rad singing sounds like?

2014-02-05, 01:12 AM
Maybe a gum or gargle rinse that you use to help prepare the mouth for singing. Or maybe it is a sheet with scales or a formula of frequencies that can be used to warm-up.

2014-02-05, 02:50 AM
ok.. Im a singer.. i play various instruments..
there is no real life ITEM that can help you sing better at the very moment you actually perform.

the use of a tuning fork or a music sheet helps but it is the absence of these that "raise your score" in a performance.

You getting better at singing either by innate talent, either by hard practice or both. Talent is your Cha, hard work is your ranks.

things i d rule that could give you a bonus on sing:
*5+ ranks on perform dance or acting would give a +2 synergy if your audience can see you while singing.
*combine perform singing with another relevant perform per situation could give you a bonus as per assist rules (even if you are not the one doing the secondary perform checks)
*practice singing at least 1 hour per day (as wiz prepare their spells)

what i d rule that could give you a negative bonus if not met:
*absence from shouting/screaming (to protect your voice) for at least a couple of days
*absence from drinking cold liquids & alcohol at least 24 hours before singing
*absence from eating anything sweet at least 6 hours before singing

now.. if you want an idea, not for masterwork, but magic item (or artifact), check the link...
Utube Link
if you never saw this movie go ahead and check it

2014-02-05, 05:02 PM
ok.. Im a singer.. i play various instruments..
there is no real life ITEM that can help you sing better at the very moment you actually perform.

the use of a tuning fork or a music sheet helps but it is the absence of these that "raise your score" in a performance.

I see the sheet music and the tuning fork as things not used while you perform, but beforehand, maybe earlier that day to get yourself prepared. Obviously, hopefully, the Bard would not be striking the tuning fork or reading from the sheet music during the song. That would definitely apply a negative score.