View Full Version : New Thrall

2013-01-15, 07:08 PM
Okay guys, I need a new thrall for my Thrallherd cause I kinda let the last one die because roleplaying reasons. I am a damage pinata, but I sometimes lack the oomph for a prolonged or extended battle against groups with greater that 100 combatants.

I need a good replacement Thrall (9 lvs) to rock for a while. I'm thinking of either grabbing a cleric to magic me up some undead(but that costs money) or a wizard to use summons to put more bodies on the ground. Maybe Malconvoker?

Anyone have any really good ideas for a mass mook slayer, or a battlefield controller who won't slow down the rounds? I'm good at clean up, but I want to finish fights faster because combat is the least fun part of the game(for me).

2013-01-15, 07:10 PM
Sources allowed?

If you want good BFC, Wizard or Druid. Bard is the go-to class for most cohorts, because of the buffs and ease of play.

2013-01-15, 07:15 PM
No TOB classes, the feats seem like they are okay. I just had a big beatstick to put in front of me in battle but I am high enough level now that I don't worrry about getting into melee.

2013-01-15, 07:24 PM
Well a DN could be fun, especially at that level.

Or just a artificer to make cheap items for you...

Though you could grab a blaster sorc for massive damage.

2013-01-15, 07:36 PM
What is your Alignment? A Bard might be a good choice if you're Neutral or Chaotic, but won't mesh well if you're lawful.

2013-01-15, 07:44 PM
I am neutral evil. The party is almost all Neutral and then either chaotic or lawful.

The Glyphstone
2013-01-15, 07:51 PM
What is your Alignment? A Bard might be a good choice if you're Neutral or Chaotic, but won't mesh well if you're lawful.

It's a mindslave, they don't get a say, and there's no penalty for opposed alignments for Thralls.:smallbiggrin:

2013-01-15, 07:53 PM
Glyphstone, are you suggesting I put the saint template on a LG paladin and hand it to my DM with a straight face?

2013-01-15, 08:18 PM
Glyphstone, are you suggesting I put the saint template on a LG paladin and hand it to my DM with a straight face?

With LA bought off of course, :smallwink:. :smallconfused: Wait, is it a +2 la or a +3 la?

The Glyphstone
2013-01-15, 08:25 PM
Glyphstone, are you suggesting I put the saint template on a LG paladin and hand it to my DM with a straight face?

Depends on how much you like fighters without bonus feats.

Someone without a Code of Conduct that forbids associating with evil people will work, though.

2013-01-15, 08:42 PM
Thrallherd, I make it kill itself in front of the church it used to belong to. Very slowly.

For serious purposes, are there a few druid spells that would serve well for mass combat?

2013-01-15, 08:55 PM
Thrallherd, I make it kill itself in front of the church it used to belong to. Very slowly.

For serious purposes, are there a few druid spells that would serve well for mass combat?

A Shifter Druid 8 / Moonspeaker 1 can SNA some really impressive critters. Stuff that would be completely impervious to low level troops and cleaving trought them like breeze, or AoEing them to oblivion.
Feats: Ashbound, Greenbound summoning, Natural spell, Rashemi Elemental Summoning
Items: Ring of the beast, Wild armor
ACFs: 1st (and maybe 4th) racial substitution level
Progression: Moonspeaker +2, then whatever you prefer. If your DM rules that Natural bond applies to your spirit beast, that's going to be your lvl 12 feat, otherwise dragon wild shape offers some impressive defensive forms.

2013-01-15, 09:32 PM
A Shifter Druid 8 / Moonspeaker 1 can SNA some really impressive critters. Stuff that would be completely impervious to low level troops and cleaving trought them like breeze, or AoEing them to oblivion.
Feats: Ashbound, Greenbound summoning, Natural spell, Rashemi Elemental Summoning
Items: Ring of the beast, Wild armor
ACFs: 1st (and maybe 4th) racial substitution level
Progression: Moonspeaker +2, then whatever you prefer. If your DM rules that Natural bond applies to your spirit beast, that's going to be your lvl 12 feat, otherwise dragon wild shape offers some impressive defensive forms.

This guys has the right idea.

Really, really efficient battlefield control (SNA animals cast entangle & wall of thorns) and blasting (rashemi elemental summons gives your air elementals cone of cold 3/day). Not to mention that greenbound & ashbound turns your animals into face eating plant monsters that hang around for a very long time.