View Full Version : SWSE RAW: block and deflect question.

Lord Haart
2013-01-16, 11:38 AM
Hallo there. Hyena's fellow player here. Being the only paladin of RAW, be they good, bad or silly (especially silly), in my group and a sworn enemy of the common sense, it often falls to me to point the way-too-obvious-to-be-noticed nuances (and sometimes fail miserably by not noticing something that blocks my interpretation). Today's topic is yet one aspect of the Block and Deflect talents; namely, is there anything in RAW that tells (or even just suggests, as i can't seem to find even that) that they can only be used to block an attack that targets the blocking character?

For reference, there is the full description of "Block" talent, errata changes included:

Block: as a reaction, you may negate a melee attack by making a succesful Use the Force check. The DC of the skill check is equal to the result of the attack roll you wish to negate, and you take a cumulative -5 penalty on your Use the Force check for every time you have used Block or Deflect since the beginning of your last turn. You may use the Block talent to negate melee area attacks, such as those made by the Whirlwind Attack feat. If you succeed on the Use the Force check, you take half damage if the attack hits and no damage if the attack misses. You may spend a Force point to use this talent to negate an attack against an adjacent character. You must have a lightsaber drawn and ignited to use this talent, and you must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed.

I'm too lasy to write down the description of "Deflect" too, but they don't seem to differ in any part relevant to my question. To me it seems that requirements are pretty clear-cut: you have to have lightsaber drawn and ignited, you must be aware of attack (which already makes it impossible to abuse the reading by blocking any attack made everywhere in Galaxy, as being aware of something not in combat you're part of is relatively hard) and not be flat footed, any you must succeed on UtF check, no hint of any additional requirement. So, what do more knowledgeable than me say on the matter?

2013-01-16, 11:43 AM
This could easily be in the general SWSE thread. :)

There are errata for both Block and Deflect. They say:

p. 41 – Block Talent Add the following sentences before the last sentence of the Block talent: “You may use the Block talent to negate melee area attacks, such as those made by the Whirlwind Attack feat. If you succeed on the Use the Force check, you take half damage if the attack hits and no damage if the attack misses. You may spend a Force point to use this talent to negate an attack against an adjacent character.”

p. 41 – Deflect Talent Before the last sentence of the first paragraph, add the following sentence: “You may spend a Force Point to use this talent to negate an attack against an adjacent character.” Replace the second paragraph with the following: “You can use this talent to deflect some of the barrage of shots fired from a ranged weapon set on autofire, or the Force lightning Force power. If you succeed on the Use the Force check, you take half damage if the attack hits and no damage if the attack misses.”

Lord Haart
2013-01-16, 11:46 AM
I know about that errata (and it's already included in my block quote); it doesn't seem to change things in regards to my question (other that making attacks made against adjanced characters a separate option while still not saying anything — in particular, anything restrictive — on the matter of attacks made against characters that are neither you nor adjanced to you). The main question is, do the RAW disqualify attacks made against characters not adjanced to you from being affected by your block/deflect?

2013-01-16, 11:51 AM
You could use the Force power Kinetic Combat to telekinetically move a lightsaber around. That power says that while using the power, the saber counts as being wielded by you, so you could float it over next to another PC, say, and then Block or Deflect for them.

Otherwise, no, you can't block or deflect something that you can't reach.

2013-01-16, 12:54 PM
This is one of those cases where blindly following RAW is stupid. Yes, the wording of the text could be interpreted without any context to mean that Obi-Wan Kenobi can block an attack being made by Count Dooku on Yoda, thirty feet away, as long as he's not flatfooted. This is clearly ludicrous, and no GM will ever allow it. It's not RAI, or even justifiable, really. What the errata really needed was the addition of two words...

Block: as a reaction, you may negate a melee attack ON YOU by making a succesful Use the Force check.

2013-01-16, 01:55 PM
Well, there's only one certain thing - our DM will surely not allow it.

2013-01-16, 03:08 PM
And rightly so. There are mechanisms for doing this at range, and they are spelled out. Otherwise, it's just trying to exploit the fact that the text doesn't spell out something that is considered obvious.

2013-01-23, 03:00 PM
Not meaning to hijack the thread (which seemed answered) but the cumulative -5 to use the force check...does that apply only to deflect or to all use the force checks?

2013-01-23, 03:23 PM
By the name of the Emperor, please, use the general discussion thread.

2013-01-23, 03:23 PM
You take a cumulative -5 penalty to UTF checks for Block or Deflect since the beginning of your last turn.

Jedi turn: Jedi takes a standard action and lightsabers Jar Jar Binks in his retarded face. Turn ends.

Enemy turn: 3 stormtroopers attack the Jedi; two with blasters and one with a force pike. The first blaster attack hits, and the Jedi rolls a UTF check to Deflect, with no penalties. The second blaster attack hits, and the Jedi rolls to Deflect again, now with -5. The force pike also hits (these are very good stormtroopers) and the Jedi rolls UTF to Block, with -10.

2013-01-29, 08:44 PM
You take a cumulative -5 penalty to UTF checks for Block or Deflect since the beginning of your last turn.

Jedi turn: Jedi takes a standard action and lightsabers Jar Jar Binks in his retarded face. Turn ends.

Enemy turn: 3 stormtroopers attack the Jedi; two with blasters and one with a force pike. The first blaster attack hits, and the Jedi rolls a UTF check to Deflect, with no penalties. The second blaster attack hits, and the Jedi rolls to Deflect again, now with -5. The force pike also hits (these are very good stormtroopers) and the Jedi rolls UTF to Block, with -10.

Or Storm Troopers in your campaign...

2013-01-29, 09:04 PM
Can someone get me a broom? I have to shoo this out of here.

2013-01-29, 09:57 PM
Can someone get me a broom? I have to shoo this out of here.
