View Full Version : [Pathfinder] Code for a Paladin of BANJO THE CLOWN?

2013-01-17, 12:10 PM
That's right, a Paladin of Banjo the Clown. This is probably the best worst character I've ever rolled, but there you go.

Long story short, my DM and I are working on figuring out what sort of code this Paladin would follow, and I want the input of people who can shed more light on Banjo than the Wiki can and/or have reread the comic more recently than I have. >.>

Thoughts on the Code so far:
-Make others laugh. Bring joy to their lives.
-Give motivational speeches when appropriate, even if you suck at them.
-Protect people in their pursuit of enjoyment, provided that enjoyment isn't harmful to others. Someone who murders for sport should be slain; someone who just wants to sit in a corner rubbing a magic ring and doesn't actively try to harm others should be left alone or defended.
-Entertainers should also be protected.
-It's always an evil twin. Always.

Other info:
-As if it needed to be said, this is an incredibly wacky setting.
-This character is indeed as powerful as a paladin of any other deity.
-I think the DM is treating Banjo as Neutral Good for the purposes of actually being able to have paladins.
-The paladin is indeed Lawful Good. However, while most paladins have sticks up their asses, this character has but a twig.
-We're rolling starting at level 3-ish.
-My character is an aasimar. >.>

2013-01-17, 01:21 PM
Actually the Paladin of Freedom would be more appropriate for a cult of Banjo.
As to his code: an opposition to slapstick and preference for improvised weapons (banjo) would be part of it.
Mechanically: swap some paladin features for bardic music?

2013-01-17, 02:43 PM
I'm thinking paladin of freedom and a few ranks in a preform skill.

Dungeonscape has the ACF Divine Spirit, which trades in your mount for the ability to summon helpful spirits.

The elf paladin sub levels give you ranged smite, +4 on saves versus enchantment, and a unicorn mount rather than regular smite, +4 on saves versus fear, and a regular mount. Both fitting and worth it, i'd say

Most fitting would be the harmonious knight substitution levels from champions of valor which give you bardic music in place of detect evil and remove disease