View Full Version : Laptop Memory

2013-01-17, 05:01 PM
Note: this is not a "what memory do I need for X laptop" kind of thread; I figured out all that jazz out for myself. What I basically want to know is who makes good memory? Whose reliable or "the best"? What companies do you guys trust for your laptop memory needs?

So far with my own poking around, I get the impression that Kingston, Corsair, and Crucial seem to have good reps about them. What are your guys' thoughts?

Don Julio Anejo
2013-01-17, 08:53 PM
Since most RAM is only made by a few companies (i.e. Samsung, Kingston), unless you buy the cheapest, weirdest thing out there, most of it will likely be good. With RAM, it either works perfectly forever and ever, or in rare cases doesn't work out of the box.

Generally, the 3 you mentioned, as well as G.Skill (gamers like it, largely because it's cheaper for high-spec ones), Samsung (they make like 60-80% of chips anyway), Mushkin and Patriot are good too. OCZ I wouldn't go near anymore after their SSD fiasco a few years back where like half the drives wouldn't work.

2013-01-17, 09:08 PM
If you are adding ram to your system, Faster is quite often better. And don't buy it used if you can help it.

Kingston is still on my pooper list after my experiences with some of there other products.