View Full Version : Looking for resources for a "Magical Black Hole" type of character

2013-01-17, 06:00 PM
It's been years since I've done any 3.5 work, but my group is looking to get back into it. I'm looking at building a character who is antimagic. So spell resist, spell absorb, items, feats, classes, etc. I'm looking for any ideas or resources people have so I can put them together. Full builds not really necessary, although sources would be fantastic.

EDIT: Absorbing magic energy to use later would be the coolest way to do it, but anything works.

2013-01-17, 07:02 PM
Sounds like the Spellthief is right up your alley (Complete Scoundrel Adventurer, away from books, but i think thats right). A bit like a rogue, gets minor spell casting, and can steal spells from an enemy and cast them.

Urpriest (Complete Divine) lets you 'steal spells' from the gods and has accelerated spellcasting.

Master Spellthief is a feat that lets your caster level from arcane classes stack with your spellthief levels (and vice-versa).

I'd recommend a race that has spell resistance built in, to start with. If you are playing pathfinder, the dwarf gets an alternate racial feature that gives him spell resistance equal to 5 + character level.

The Shadowmind
2013-01-17, 07:12 PM
Shadowcaster and its Prestige class Noctumancer has some spell absorbing, recasting stuff.

2013-01-17, 07:40 PM
If anyone has put together a sensible set of rules for spellfire it could definitely be your thing. Originally introduced in Forgotten Realms' Magic of Faerun and PGtF, maybe also the Forgotten Realms Campaign setting. Sadly, it was left in the post 3.0 lurch, so the ability is like a rules-retarded Su version of eldritch blast that needs to be stored first and then fired back as a ranged touch that ALSO allows a Ref save for 1/2 (fixed DC). Basically, you need DM support or some alternate source for rules.

Too bad, because the flavor is ten kinds of epic win.

2013-01-17, 09:08 PM
Sounds like the Spellthief is right up your alley (Complete Scoundrel, away from books, but i think thats right). A bit like a rogue, gets minor spell casting, and can steal spells from an enemy and cast them.

CA, actually.

Well, it's time to start looking through these, then.

2013-01-17, 11:53 PM
Spell resistance is available from items and templates, but you want to pick one that scales well and can be deactivated. Karsite from Tome of Magic is a LA+2 race that is themed around anti-magic and gets SR 10+level.

Spellthief gets an "Absorb Spell" ability at level 7, but it's based on a d20+spellthief level vs. 10 + the spell's caster level, meaning you're stuck with single-classed Spellthief if you want it to work reliably. Which sucks, because you need to save against the spell to use it, and there are better routes to making a character with great saves vs. spells.

The super-save route, BTW, would be something like Hexblade 3/Paladin of Tyranny 2/Blackguard 2, which would give you Mettle and CHA to saves three times. Get Evasion (possible through feats via soulmelds), and you have massive saving throw bonuses against spells and are immune to all miss effects. That would actually go with Karsite, since it has a magic-draining ability based off Charisma.

2013-01-18, 01:11 AM
If you want "anti-mage" abilities try the Occult Slayer & Witch Hunter PRCs. Don't recall books right now, but they are both 5-level PRCs, and one of them has a capstone that's basically "Designate 1 target within X range. It can't cast spells or use SLAs for the next round" that's usable 1 every 5-6 rounds.

2013-01-18, 01:38 AM
If you want "anti-mage" abilities try the Occult Slayer & Witch Hunter PRCs. Don't recall books right now, but they are both 5-level PRCs, and one of them has a capstone that's basically "Designate 1 target within X range. It can't cast spells or use SLAs for the next round" that's usable 1 every 5-6 rounds.

I'm not looking for a mage-slayer archetype, mind, that is more than supported. I'm looking for someone who eats, absorbs, or denies magic itself, or even better, doesn't exist at all where magic is concerned.

2013-01-18, 02:30 AM
Spell resistance is available from items and templates, but you want to pick one that scales well and can be deactivated.

Er, is there any SR that can't be deactivated? Usual rule is that SR can be lowered as a standard action.

Of course, if you meant "can be deactivated more quickly or for longer" then you have a good point.

'Able' Xanthis
2013-01-18, 02:41 AM
Er, is there any SR that can't be deactivated? Usual rule is that SR can be lowered as a standard action.

Of course, if you meant "can be deactivated more quickly or for longer" then you have a good point.

Spellwarped Template might be a good start.

2013-01-18, 06:41 AM
Weapon Enhancements:
Spellblades from PGtF (+6kgp) make you immune to 1 spell
Impedance from the MIC (+3 bonus) mimics the impeded magic planar trait

Rings of Counterspells

2013-01-18, 07:15 AM
Impedance, a +2 Bonus Weapon Enchantment from Magic Item Compendium causes a Spellcaster to be impeded (DC+Spell Level check).
Greater Dispelling- 3/day Targeted Greater Dispel Magic (+2)
Banishing - 3/day banishing Extraplanar Creature of 26 HD/Less (Fixed DC, though, any 26 HD Monster will fairly easily make that).
Binding - 2/day 10 Minute Dimensional Anchor
Ethereal Reaver - See Invisibility and Ghost Touch (+3)
Illusion Bane - Ignore Miss Chance to Illusion Effects, 1/day Dispel Illusion (+1)
Illusion Theft - +2 and requires Illusion Bane (so +3), but allows you to steal the effects of your Dispelled Illusion.
Magebane - not much, but for +1 counts its Enchantment as +2 Higher and does additional +2d6 damage versus Arcane Spellcasters/Invocations.
Mindcrusher - Anti-Psionics - Half Base Weapon Damage removed from power point pool. If they have none, DC17 Will Save causes Wisdom Damage
Spellstrike - allocate enhancement bonus to Saves versus Spell Effects.

Not much use unless against Recurring Enemy or on an NPC, but an Enervating Soulbreaker can be nasty to a Caster; +3 Bonus, each critical hit imposes a Negative level; 24 Hours after taking the Negative level if it's not lost, must pass a DC18 Fortitude Save or lose a character level.

Just a few ideas.

For a race; instead of Spellwarped (admittely a good place to start, but +3 is annoying), Bariaur (Planar Handbook) are decent. Strength Boost, Outsider (sadly no Spellwarped, but immune to those spells targeting Humanoids; if you pick up the Spelltouched Feat to lose the Extraplanar trait, you're buzzing), 40ft Speed, 60ft Darkvision, Trip and Bull Rush Resist, 1.5* Carry capacity, additional Ram attack on a charge for 2d6+1.5*Str, 11+class level spell resistance (so, SR30 at 20), +2 Bonus on Will saves versus Spells + Spelllikes, +2 Listen and Spot.

Fouredged Sword
2013-01-18, 07:37 AM
There is a line of feats called the mageslayer line. It sounds a lot like what you are going for. You ignore spells that grant AC or concealment.

Something like Monk 2 / Feat rogue 2 (ray reflection ACF) / hexblade 3 / warblade 13.

Nasty combo with mage slayer. Evasion and mettle mean that spells don't effect you if you make your save. Diamond counters mean you always will. If they use no save rays you get to use wall of blades to counter and then reflect the ray back at them using ray reflection. Because you ignore spell based protections you can use heavy power attack (gained stat free from monk) as well as focused attack (also monk lv1) to deal double damage on a single swing as a standard action. Use trip, then slam them when they are prone.

Get SR from somewhere for those few spells that make it through your defenses. That race with 10+level SR sounds good and 2 la is still within buyoff pre epic.

Now the only spells that will work on you with any regularity are touch spells, and you have a high touch AC from Int to AC from Kung Fu Genius.

2013-01-18, 08:05 PM
Sounds like the Spellthief is right up your alley (Complete Scoundrel, away from books, but i think thats right). ....
CA, actually.

Well, it's time to start looking through these, then.

Quite right. Thanks. I've corrected my post.