View Full Version : Best Spells to Take Question

2013-01-17, 07:33 PM
Ok so I was wondering what people on here thought would be the best spells to take for a 4th level bard. Still creating the character so I don't necessarily have any set in stone.

Party make up: crusader, beguiler, favored soul, sorcerer/incantrix(i think).

I would have used the standard best bard spells lists, but i feel like with a beguiler in the group it might be somewhat different.

2013-01-17, 08:16 PM
These may prove useful.
Bard Handbook (http://www.ruleofcool.com/smf/index.php/topic,683.0.html)
Inspire Courage Optimization Handbook (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=9830)

Are you going for a melee, ranged, caster, or buffer type of Bard?

2013-01-17, 09:13 PM
These may prove useful.
Bard Handbook (http://www.ruleofcool.com/smf/index.php/topic,683.0.html)
Inspire Courage Optimization Handbook (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=9830)

Are you going for a melee, ranged, caster, or buffer type of Bard?
buffer with some melee ability.

I've read those i was just wondering if people would change their optimized spell list if there was also a beguiler in the party, not to mention a sorcerer.

2013-01-17, 09:24 PM
buffer with some melee ability.

I've read those i was just wondering if people would change their optimized spell list if there was also a beguiler in the party, not to mention a sorcerer.

Well, with primary spellcasters in the party, I'd recomend taking harmonic chorus (2nd level spell, SpC) And Sonorous Hum (Also a 2nd level spell, also in the SpC) Harmonic Chorus increases the caster level and save DC's of a targeted (presumably allied) caster by +2 each, but requires concetration. Sonorous Hum maintains concentration on a spell for you. I don't know that I'd take both those spells immediately, though.

Also, prettmuch no matter what, I'd take inspirational boost (1st level spell, SpC) gives a +1 to inspire courage. If Forgotten Realms stuff if available, consider the Harmony spell (Player's Guide to Faerun) It does the same thing as inspirational boost (and stacks), except you cast it up to a minute before you want to use the bardic music (as opposed to the same round as a swift action.) It also gives a +2 to the save bonuses from inspire courage, rather than a +1.

2013-01-17, 10:00 PM
Would you give up glitterdust since the beguiler can us it already?

2013-01-17, 10:06 PM
Would you give up glitterdust since the beguiler can us it already?

Hmm, probably. I'm not sure I'd give up mirror image though... wait, you said you want some melee ability, right? Then definately keep mirror image.