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View Full Version : Help me make a Dystopian Wizard Paradise [PF]

2013-01-18, 06:50 PM
Hi playground, I've been wanting to start a Pathfinder game & I want it to take place in a custom world.

The world was much like normal fantasy worlds, until the Teleportation Circle Spell was invented. In time this "technology" replaced the need for roads & transportation. It created megacities, of wizardly make, sprawling not only across the material plane but others as well, colossal bastions housing thousands of thousands of people, entire neighborhoods expanding into the netherspace between planes with magic akin Tiny Hut, districts that cross into the Plane of Air & more. Magic sustains these mega cities. People are fed & housed with magic. Sanitation, food & water, the whole nine yards. Every lowly commoner lives like a king, no one goes hungry. Large menageries filled with exotic creatures roam vast forests within the cities.

Wizards are the lifeblood of such cities, & anyone with the gift for magic becomes exalted overnight. They go to live in Wizard only districts & study with the most educated & learned beings ever born. In a place where every commoner is treated like a king, a Wizard is treated better.

No one prays to the gods anymore, they have almost faded from this world.

Outside the city, nature has claimed everything. All the big stuff in the Monster Manual lives in the trackless wilderness. Orcs & goblins & mongrelfolk cut out a living in the wilderness, exiled from the shining arcane cities.

Notable stuff from Pathfinder, the Pathfinder Society will be what they normally are (Professional Indiana Joneses) & they explore the wilderness outside the megacities.

The Hellknights hate what human(oid)ity has become, a group of weak willed, weak minded, immoral people not fit for redemption. They are also the only thing close to an army.

The first night of the game I'm going to introduce my players to this idealistic paradise, & then it's going to be completely destroyed.

For plot reasons, the magic holding the multiplaner metropolis that the players are in breaks & tears the city asunder. The players will be with a mass of refuges of people who have never known hardship lost in a primordial wilderness, filled with colossal titans & huge savage dragons. I feel like I won't have much material between being lost in the wilderness, & finding civilization, to get them from level one to roughly level 8-10. I also don't quite know how I can keep the players separate from the refuges enough for them to have adventure, while having them not completely abandon the refuges to die a slow painful death. I'd like you feedback :)

2013-01-19, 12:10 AM
Don't worry about material too much. From the sounds of it you have a fleshed out world that will provide enough hardships and problems to get the PCs sufiffiently powered to take on the giants in short order. If you really are having a lot of trouble thinking of things, you can try a whole "we have to re-build civilization" shtick that works oh so well. The whole incident is also a plethora of sidequests. Like how did it happen, did everyone survive, rescue lost refugees, diplomacize with local goblin tribe to rest in territory, ect.

For your refugees problem, there is a very easy solution for this. Have a few leaders of the people survive the calamity. They don't have to be spellcasters or such, just people that the sheep NPCs will listen to and follow. This gives someone to coordinate efforts at rebuilding and management as well as someone that can delegate the finding of resources or the raid on a nearby threat to the experienced adventurers. (read: PCs) This gives your guys a legit reason to leave and go off on some random adventure while at the same time a reason to return.

2013-01-19, 09:27 AM
This has been done, right down to the teleportation circles and mass jungles outside civilized points of light. Google "tippyverse." Or possibly "tippyverse Pathfinder."

2013-01-19, 02:50 PM
This has been done, right down to the teleportation circles and mass jungles outside civilized points of light. Google "tippyverse." Or possibly "tippyverse Pathfinder."

I know Tippyverse did the Teleportation Circles & the magical megacities, I don't want to deal with the "big brother" aspects so much though, & I didn't think anyone would know what I'm talking about if I mentioned Tippyverse, my bad.

But yeah basically Tippyverse... in Pathfinder... but I'm exploding it... :D

2013-01-19, 03:15 PM
Tippyverse isn't necessarily Big Brother though. Or a dystopia. It's just an extrapolation on what happens when a wizard invents teleportation circles.

It often gets misunderstood, here, read the thread:


2013-01-19, 03:47 PM
It's more "Cold War" than 1984. Basically, the city-states in the 'verse have extremely powerful magic users, but none really rules over the others. That's because (a) none has a way of disrupting the supply lines of the others (each is totally self-sufficient), and (b) no city has a way of stopping the others from dropping a massive army on their heads. If one attacked, it would itself be vulnerable to attack by rivals. Less conventional means of warfare are either totally ineffective (can't poison their crops or drinking water) or risk cataclysming the entire plane (wightocalypse). Since open conflict is a zero-sum game, they largely stick to keeping an eye on what the others are doing and ignoring the wilderness between them. This wilderness thus becomes prime fodder for adventurers.

Because none of the points of light has supremacy over the others, there is no way for a 1984 scenario to occur. Well, you could have the mages collude to form an oligarchy but there would likely be quite a lot of backstabbing and intrigue going on in a situation like that. Wizards are of necessity paranoid creatures; the ones that are bad at preparing are typically dead.

2013-01-19, 06:12 PM
Cold War-ish is actually a good fit then. The ruling wizards did have a a bunch of wars between each other each vying for power & dominion. It ended with a truce & a ruling oligarchy, I'd call it a council but it doesn't quite cover everything so it's an oligarchy I have a semi-complicated ruling structure. It mostly exists for the ruling wizards (which are no more powerful than level 16ish at most) to stop from trying to kill each other.

Hiro Protagonest
2013-01-19, 10:44 PM
I know Tippyverse did the Teleportation Circles & the magical megacities, I don't want to deal with the "big brother" aspects so much though, & I didn't think anyone would know what I'm talking about if I mentioned Tippyverse, my bad.

'Cept Tippyverse isn't big brother. It's teleportation circles and Create Food/Create Water traps. Everything else is dependent on the personalities of the head honchos.