View Full Version : [PF] Good Concepts, and Effective Characters by RAW

2013-01-19, 03:40 PM
Can anyone help me start to think of a fantasy concept that hasn't been done to death and isn't Invader Zim-level humor while still maintaining an effective character in Pathfinder?

I keep running into this issue where, even at level 3, I'm either making Good Concept/Ineffective Character or Nonsense Concept/Effective Character. Both of which are not fun to play for anything more than a one-shot.

Hard Mode: Keep away from your standard fantasy tropes ('Bookish Wizard', 'Dumb Fighter/Barbarian', etc.)

2013-01-19, 05:13 PM
How about a burly Ranger with a two-handed sword?

Or maybe tell us first what kind of character you'd like to play, and what kind of things you consider good concepts and not done to death.

Look at the archetypes. There's an enormous number of options available. Which interest you?

2013-01-19, 05:50 PM
Siege engines work with the Vital Strike line, and are valid targets for shrink item.

Just a thought.

2013-01-19, 06:32 PM
The LE Cavalier trying to claw his way out of his cynical narcissism to qualify for levels in Paladin because of the emptiness he feels inside. Requires predominantly outdoor campaign though.