View Full Version : Buccaneers and Booty (Pathfinder IC)

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Lost Demiurge
2013-01-20, 12:43 PM
Last night was awesome.

Last night, at the Formidably Maid tavern in Port Peril, the food was good, the grog was cheap and plentiful, and the crowd was merry!

Oh, it was the normal run of scum and villainy you get in that pirate town, but you'd made some new friends that night, and drinks were on them!

But oh, the hangover. And oh, the pain. And oh...

Oh, wait a minute. This isn't where you planned to sleep. The floor is hard. There's a rhythmic creaking noise. The smell of brine is everywhere, and the room is... Moving?

You slowly gather yourselves and sit up, looking at the other people around you as best you can in the dim light filtering in from above. Hey, you remember these guys from the tavern- Wait. Where's your stuff? All of your equipment, save for the clothes on your back, is gone!

As you start to look around more frantically, heavy bootsteps enter the room, and the harsh light of a lantern flares up!

Standing before you are seven men and women, dressed in motley and tattered clothes. The one in the lead wears a greatcoat and bandanna over his head, and his beard is braided and held by wooden beads. His face holds an expression not dissimilar from extreme pain- Good lord, you think he's actually trying to smile, and this is as close as he can get.

Then the whip in his hand cracks forward and hits the planks with a SNAP!

"Still abed with the sun over the yardarm? ON YER FEET YE FILTHY SWABS! Get up on deck and report for duty before Cap'n Harrigan flays yer flesh into sausage skins and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!"

The crowd of six behind him laughs. Some of them have saps out, and are grinning down at you. If you've got any fight in you, clearly, they aim to beat it out. Maybe along with a few non-essential organs, and some teeth, too.

2013-01-20, 01:01 PM
"All right I'm getting up," Ariad quickly jumped up and waited for them to let him through. the thoughts were running through his head of weather he should try and jump in the water once he got the chance.

If I have to I can head do the depths and swim to shore, but what are these people up to? I've already been on some pillages so if thier "hiring" I'll take the job, if they give me my Katana.

"May I ask sir," Ariad said to the man infront, "but what ship are we on? He then prepared himself for whatever beating he might get from the ones behind the man, hoping his reflexes will make up for the lac of armor.

2013-01-20, 01:43 PM
Sahaal rolled over lazily in on the floor at the crack of the whip, a wry grin written over his features as he clutched his splitting head and sat up, looking around. "And good morning to you too, beautiful, I didn't know we'd be getting started so early." He said as he peered about. Then with a quick double take at the host of men with saps and their grizzled leader, "By Besmara's Bodice!, I didn't think I'd been quite that drunk . . . " Sitting up he clapped his hand on the shoulder of the man asking all the inane questions as he swung into the rolling rhythm of the ship quite naturally.

"What does it matter what ship we're on? The point is, we're at sea, and amongst friends, isn't that right lads?" He saluted the bearded man lazily as he began to go about rousing the other sleeping bodies around him. "C'mon then! On deck and let the spray and the wind cure those aching heads, or would you rather be proved the lubberly lot you look like?

2013-01-20, 01:49 PM
"Fine forget my question," Ariad then looks behind him to the other man that just woke up. "Well yes we are among 'friends' I remember you from the inn."

Then Instead of waiting for the men to part he tried to push his way through, not sure how the men in front of him might react to it.

2013-01-20, 02:07 PM

Larry rose a bit awkwardly. He'd never gotten that drunk before. There'd been the occasional drink, and there'd been that drinking contest when Mably had challenged Ormell to down twelve jugs of... whatever it had been, and everyone had taken to downing the remaining eleven jugs.

But he'd never quite lost consciousness so much, and if the rest were here it'd have been altogether embarrassing. As it was, he was rather sure they weren't here. That'd be embarrassing.

Where was he, anyway? It was a good question. Were they on a ship? That'd be another good question.

The boy (or young man, as his father would boldly and loudly proclaim) looked about a bit sheepishly, unsure where the deck was. He wasn't even sure if the man pressing through the throng of malcontents was sure where the deck was.

"Deck?" he squeaked.

Larry was hungry.

2013-01-20, 02:20 PM
"That's right lad, Deck!" Sahaal more or less shouted into the young Larry's ear, wrapping an arm about his torso and more or less hefting him to his feat, helping him to salute towards the bearded officer even as he thew up another salute. "Gots to be on your feat on the deck, unless your busy either scrubbing em or bleeding out on em, and since that makes more work for the rest of us to scrub and swab later, we'd appreciate you standing at present."

He wasn't sure it was the best move of the other man trying to muscle through on to the deck, but he seemed more than capable (if a little fishy), but this boy clearly hadn't much clue where he was or what he was doing here. Granted, Sahaal was more used to being on the other side of a press (the gang with the saps and cudgels that is) but all the same, he was back at sea, aboard a pirate vessel, and he'd be damned if he wasn't going to let this latest blessing of Besmara go to waste.

2013-01-20, 02:30 PM
Larry (just so you remember who this is)

There was something instantly familiar about the man severely invading personal space here. He reminded Larry of Mably, who had the same disregard for personal space, and who had the same fondness for raising his voice much more than was necessary.

"Y, yes sir," stammered Larry, nodding as resolute as he could. It was kind of like with the rest of the group, except this time there was no Ormell.

Unless one of these people would turn out to be a rigidly uptight aristocrat bent on proving himself to the others.

He eyed the pointy-eared man beside him. All features combined, Larry couldn't decide if this was an Elf or not.

Swami Monsoon
2013-01-20, 03:11 PM
For Qizilbash the first moments of consciousness were filled with panic. Where am I? Oh, Mother, no... they've caught me! Then his surroundings, and the people around him came into focus... These were no cultists or bounty hunters. A ship? Deck? Duty? He was no sailor (although he had thought of signing on as a ship's doctor if Port Peril was still not far away enough from Them), but he'd heard stories about press gangs before. He'd play along for now. Whatever it was that was waiting for him up on the deck, at least it wouldn't be a hangman's noose... or his still-beating heart offered on the altar of the Burning Ones...

"Yes... uh... sir. To the deck then..."

Colored text in smaller font denotes thought instead of speech.

2013-01-20, 04:51 PM
"Hrnng...wuh...unnnnnnnnnh" mumbles Zandalo, drifting (slowly) back towards the ranks of the conscious.

"Who...what...where are we? Is this a ship? I don't remember booking a berth anywhere yet."

As Zandalo becomes more aware of his surroundings, he realizes that all of his (meager) belongings are missing. "What...wait! Stop! We have to go back! I need to...meet with somebody very important!" he says, as the murky details of the night before start to resurface.

2013-01-20, 04:56 PM
Looking back at the man who requested we go back Ariad says something to him quickly. "This isn't a charter ship we were taken aboard to work." Ariad then continues his path to the deck.

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-20, 05:52 PM
The man with the whip laughs as Ariad speaks. "Sir! Lissen ta that! Feller's got the right idear already!"

He sneers. "Ye be on the Wormwood, me boy, and ye're gonna WORK for yer passage!"

The Wormwood's a moderately successful pirate ship, captained by the black-hearted Barnabus Harrigan. Harrigan's a ruthless killer, and he's surrounded himself with a core of highly competant officers over the years. He's HARD on his crew, to the point that he prefers press-ganging to recruiting, and once on the Wormwood, it's hard to leave.

The mob laughs uproariously at Zandalo's proclamation. The man with the whip sketches a bow. "Why yes, your honor! I'll just go toodle on up ta the captain and tell him we'll be turnin' the ship around! On the way, we'll stop at the isle of faeries and have high tea with th' kelpie queen! I hope yer likes unicorn cakes!"

After a few moments of laughter, he shakes his head, and snaps the whip, narrowly missing Zandalo's face! "EXCEPT WE'RE NOT GONNA CAUSE ALL THAT'S A LIE AN' YER A PIRATE NOW PONCY BOY SO GET YER RUMP TO DECK!"

As Ariad and Larry start to push through to the deck, and the others comply, the whip-wielder shakes his head at the still-unconscious gnome. "Right, you lot! Get the gnome and bring him and mister unicorn cakes up to deck!"

It's a short walk up to deck, and Zandalo and Tinpe are hauled along by the mob. Along the way they dump a bucket of water over Tinpe's head, causing him to awaken slowly. Still, he's on his feet by the time you reach the main deck.

When your eyes adjust to the harsh daylight, you can see water all about. You're far out to sea, and Port Peril is nowhere in sight.

Figures cluster around the ship's mainmast, looking up at the higher deck on stern, where two figures stand. One of them is a broad, muscular Garundi man with a shaven head, a long beard bound with gold rings, and an eye patch - clearly the captain. The other is a younger, balding man with a long black ponytail, wearing a long coat and carrying a bloodstained cat-o-nine tales.

You're not the only ones standing in the center of the lower deck. There are four others standing next to you, set apart by their relative cleanliness and apparent unnease at the situation. One's a halfling woman, attractive but with a surly scowl covering her face. The second's a red-haired human woman with a mess of tattoos on her arm and a tricorner hat on her head. The third's a gnome wearing foppish clothing, with mustaches which could probably double as deadly weapons. The fourth's a tanned man in sailor's clothes, with a blue scarf around his head, covering one ear.

About a dozen or so other pirates peer down from the rigging, and stand about on the edges of the deck, watching you. Sizing you up.

But all this is taken in with only a moment's notice, for the Garundi man is speaking.

"Glad you could join us at last! Welcome to the Wormwood! My thanks for 'volunteering' to join our crew. I'm Barnabas Harrigan. That's CAPTAIN Barnabus Harrigan to you, not that you'll ever need to address me. I have only one rule -- don't speak to me. I like talk, but I don't like your talk. Follow that rule and we'll get along fine."

"Oh, and one more thing. Even with you new recruits, we're still short-handed, and I aim to keep what crew I have. There'll be a keelhaulin' for anyone caught killin' anyone. Mr. Plugg! If you'd be so kind as to make pirates out of these landlubbers, it'll save me having to put them in the sweatbox for a year and a day before I make pies out of 'em."

The captain walks away, leaving behind the man with the cat-o-nine tales.

Wow, that's a really unpleasant smile on his face.

2013-01-20, 06:07 PM
Being a pirate, hmm that's what I was doing before this incident anyways. Hell the last trip wasn't even as "friendly" as this lot. Ariad then takes a moment to observe the other people around him, taking in there looks.

Now all I need is my katana, maybe some poison to go with that.. Still with his scarf wrapped around his face and a bandanna on his head he looks up at the man waiting to receive what ever beating or whatever this men might want to give them.

2013-01-20, 08:49 PM
Tinpe awakens with a dramatic choking cough. He cracks one eye slowly, taking in the scene on the deck.

Well, obviously playing asleep won't work...though it saved me a walk...
He files that thought into some mental compartment for later, then takes a quick stock of his crewmates.

"Ah! And just when I was LOOKING for a stable source of employment, with a place to sleep besides!
You must be a pirate crew of the finest caliber, seeing as you have a fellow Gnome aboard. If it's skilled labor you're looking for, I can provide a variety of goods from tinctures and powders, to explosives and less savory salves. I'll even throw in a little extra, if you're providing the chemicals. What would you like me to make for you?"

2013-01-20, 10:34 PM
Zandalo forces a laugh at his own expense. "Ah...ha. Ha."

Full realization of what happened finally sets in. "Well, this is unexpected. Unexpected, yes...but perhaps, a bit fortuitous. Just another path to treasure! Yes, that's right. This is a good thing! Cheer up, mates. We might as well make the best of this! I've sailed on a few ships before, and I know a spell or two that might make life at sea more enjoyable for all of us," he says, hoping to ingratiate himself to the crew and not end up as the Captain's next dinner.

@Lost Demiurge:
Do the red-haired woman's tattoos look Varisian, similar to my own?

Swami Monsoon
2013-01-20, 10:52 PM
Qizilbash stares up at the bewildering tangle of masts, spars, rigging and... stuff. He turns back to Mister Plugg. "You know I've never actually, uh, sailed a ship before. But if you're in need of a medic, I do have some skills in that field..."

2013-01-20, 11:50 PM
Sahaal takes in a deep breath of salty air as they emerge above decks, the feeling of being at sea once more doing a great deal to raise his spirits and cure his hangover. Though on a certain level he admitted he would miss life aboard the Bounty, he had come here, aboard a new ship at Besmara's bidding and would perhaps now make her blessing known to this new crew and her officers. His fellow pressmates seemed a diverse bunch as he took a quick look over them, for the most part a lubberly bunch indeed, but a few experienced seamen. An instant later he'd practically resolved to seeing them succeed here in their new life aboard the Wormwood, after all, it was by Besmara's will that they had come to be here as well.

'. . . Wormwood . . . ' he thought to himself, trying to remember what he could about the ship and her crew, anything he night have picked up aboard the Bounty, or that night which was admittedly a drunken blur. 'Terrible name for a vessel at sea . . .' He kept the thought to himself though, but his smile never faded. Looking up he did his best to take stock of his new captain and the officers standing below decks. He knows better than to say anything other than a smart "Aye!" Then cringed when one amongst the new recruits admitted never to having been aboard a ship before, and sought to change the subject quickly, "What would you have us do Mr. Plugg to prove our worth?"

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-21, 11:56 AM
Behind you, the red-haired woman moves to you one by one, whispering.

Her tattoos don't look Varisian. To your practiced eye, they're more regional. Definitely Shackles-work, rough but enthusiastic.

"Oy, listen. I woke up 'fore you lot did. Got some of yer gear back from the quartermaster. It's in the footlocker down below marked wi' a red X. Take yer time and tonight y'can get it after jobs are done. Besmara's curse on ye if ye take more'n what's yers. Keep this quiet, too."

And after a long minute of considering you, Mr. Plugg vaults over the railing, and lands on the main deck, straightening up and adjusting his jacket. The whip-wielder walks over to stand next to him, puts his hands on his hips, and grins.

"Listen up." Mr. Plugg's voice is thin and reedy. "I'm Mr. Plugg, and I aim to make you useful. Don't think because the captain put a hold on killing that you can smart off and get away with it. There's MUCH worse than death I can do to you."

He gestures with the cat-o-nine tails, at the whip-wielder. "This is Master Scourge. When I'm not around he's in charge of you. He'll see to your day to days after I've got your measure."

"We are not your friends. We don't care a bucket of bilge rats for you. But if you're useful and know your place, you might survive your tour on the Wormwood."

"First up, we're short a rigger. Takes skill and luck to be a rigger! So we're gonna test both. See that crow's nest?"

He points at it, a good 60 feet above the deck.

"First to reach it is a rigger! GO!"

2013-01-21, 12:18 PM
Ariad then Takes off up the side rigging to get up to the crows nest.

Perfesion (sailor)[roll3]
Rolled anything thought that might be relevent

2013-01-21, 01:35 PM
"Not my strong suit," murmurs Zandalo to himself. "Better try anyways, by the look of that Master Scourge...Slow and steady, at least I won't look like a fool. I don't need to give them any more ammunition against me."

Zandalo grabs hold of the rigging with a semblance of confidence, and methodically begins to ascend.


Init (if it matters) [roll0]
Climb: Take 10 = 10
Profession: Sailor [roll1]

2013-01-21, 03:56 PM

The soldier boy stands agape for a moment, taking in all the different things on the ship, but he snaps to attention when Plugg begins to speak. By the sound of things, it's just like when he first entered the army; People'd threaten with all sorts of stuff, and then they'd take someone apart and do all that stuff, and then the rest of them would salute and be all smiles and obedient.

Of course, Larry had always been taught that listening was the smartest thing you could ever do, unless someone told you to go die. Then you had to be defiant to the last.

To the order of climbing the crow's nest, Larry salutes and bites back a, "Yes sir", then starts his way up to the nest.

He saves choice words of appreciation for the lady for later.

Guess I'll roll everything the rest did?

Initiative: [roll0]
Climb: [roll1]
Profession (soldier): [roll2]

Swami Monsoon
2013-01-21, 04:27 PM
Qizilbash opens his mouth to protest... and then thinks better of it. Several of the others look like real sailors, and he knows he had no chance of winning this race... but it looks like a beating's in order if he doesn't at least make a show of it. He approaches the rigging and begins (carefully) to make his way up the ratlines...

Climb: [roll0]

2013-01-21, 04:33 PM
Tinpe looks thoughtful as Mr. Plugg carries on his lecture, his nostrils flaring as he takes in the scents of bilgewater, sun-baked men, and the sea. He almost doesn't seem to be paying his full attention, until Mr. Plugg shouts "Go!". He sets off immediately, muttering as he goes.

"Oh, a contest is it? Wouldn't really be fair to the others for me to take to the Rigging. But these are Pirates, so maybe I'm SUPPOSED to be unfair."

Initiative: [roll0]
Climb: [roll1]
Acrobatics: [roll2]

2013-01-21, 06:35 PM
Sahaal looks lazily to the rigging, hand reaching for the charm of Besmara normally around his neck before realizing it had been taken along with the rest of his effects. It was a disturbing moment and his mind quickly turned to the tattooed woman who'd told him and the others where to find the items that had been taken from them. The lack of the small charm worried him more than he liked to admit, but with fierce determination he turned his eyes upward to the rigging and charged towards the mast, swinging himself upward on the nearest spar to begin his ascent, with prayer to the Pirate Queen on his lips.

Profession Sailor:[roll1]

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-21, 08:20 PM
And the race is on!

Sadly, Ariad is still suffering from his hangover, and gets tangled in the ropes. He's not out of the running, but getting back his momentum is gonna be HARD.

Larry scoots up in the lead early on, his muscled arms pulling his light frame up like a monkey on a tree! He's at the halfway point, a good ten feet above Tinpe, who's tight on his heels! Tinpe himself is neck and neck with the human in the blue headscarf.

Qizilbash makes his way up, but he's about ten feet behind Tinpe. He's keeping pace with the halfling and the red-haired woman, about. Still, he's not the last...

Zandalo, faced with a tough climb, starts going about it methodically and safely. TOO safely. Master Scourge lashes him with the whip! "Oy! No lollygagging, you!"

2 points of nonlethal damage! Sorry, taking 10 normally means extra time spent on the task. They want a race here, so they'll not be satisfied unless you actually roll for the climb.

And Sahaal starts up, but he's not going much faster than Zandalo. Scourge flicks the whip at him as well! "Stop fiddle-fartin' around with the ropes and CLIMB!"

Meanwhile, the gnome with the fancy clothes gets about five feet up and gets tangled with a few loose ropes! "Er, a little assistance?" He begs of Sahaal.

4 points of nonlethal damage! Sorry, profession-sailor is not the proper skill for this test. Use CLIMB.

Mind you, that prof-check's not wasted. If you want, you can use it to untie the strange gnome, and it won't count against your next climbing check. Of course, that'll be freeing a rival...

2013-01-21, 08:53 PM
Tinpe watches Larry move ahead of him with a surprised expression, totally shocked at how agile the big guy is on the ropes. He'd usually clap, but that seems to be a bad idea at the moment.

Instead, he focuses on climbing.
Climb: [roll0]

2013-01-21, 09:20 PM
"God dammit" Ariad says to himself out of embarrassment. Ariad then crawls out of the ropes and takes of again.

Acrobatics (still not sure if it helps):[roll1]

2013-01-21, 11:00 PM
"OW..I mean, AYE!"

Zandalo attacks the climb with renewed vigor.

I guess it is a situation in which I'm being "threatened" so the Take 10 rules don't apply for me. Worth a shot!

CLIMB: [roll0]

2013-01-21, 11:37 PM
Sahaal ignores the crack of the whip to the best of his abilities, not like this was the first time he'd felt the lash after all and tries to keep his eyes off the rolling blue, an attractive sight for the watersprite half-elf, but not useful to him in this particular moment.

Then his eyes fall on the gnome completely tangled at the rigging, and after a brief roll of the ship nearly sends the finely tailored fellow crashing to the deck, begins his work untying him, "Have you out in a jiffy there, friend."


2013-01-22, 02:09 AM
Larry (totally not a big guy)

Focused on the task, Larry proceeds his climb as best as he can. He pays no attention to the others, who might be totally fine people and he should care not to overdo it, but Larry's squad had never known of "overdoing" anything.

Their sorcerer did.

But man, screw magic.

Climb: [roll0]

Swami Monsoon
2013-01-22, 09:20 AM
Qizilbash hears the commotion below him, glances down for a moment... and winces when he realizes how far away the deck already is. He decides to keep his eyes on the ropes in front of him.

Climb: [roll0]

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-22, 12:31 PM
Larry continues to scramble up the mast! He's but a scant ten feet from the crow's nest at this point... One GOOD push and he'll be there!

Tinpe continues on, but after sleeping on a hard wood deck, his muscles are starting to cramp up from the sudden exertion... Still, he's a good three quarters of the way up! Qizilbash catches up with him, too, dogging Larry's heels! As the two climb, next to them the strange halfling slips, and falls, dangling by one hand from some rigging. She explodes in a torrent of cursing! Wow, some of those you've never heard before!

Ariad makes it halfway up the mast, shaking off his hangover! He soon catches up with the red-haired woman and blue-scarfed man. His various flips and tumbles are flashy, but they don't seem to be aiding the climb much.

Zandalo makes it out of whip range, at least, though he's barely a quarter of the way up. Sadly, one of his flailing feet catches Sahaal just as the man finishes untying the strange gnome, and knocks him sprawling to the deck.

The sailors around laugh uproariously, and Scourge considers him for a minute before putting the whip away. "Nah, yer out. That's what ye get for showin' charity!"

Meanwhile, the gnome that Sahaal freed scurries up the mast like a rat out of hell! "My thanks mate!" Soon he's almost to Larry's feet!

Larry's still in the lead, but not by much! A few more seconds will see this done, and the new rigger chosen!

2013-01-22, 12:39 PM
Zandalo breathes a quick sigh of relief now that he made it out of whip range, but doesn't quite relax yet -- he knows he's not an experienced climber, and he's seen many a drunk or clumsy sailor fall from the rigging. He continues to climb.

Forum ate my roll, check OOC for confirmation of my mighty result of 6 :smallyuk:

2013-01-22, 01:39 PM
Ariad attempts for one last piece of exertion to try and jump as far as he can to give him a boost then climb the rest of the way.

Acrobatics for the Jump[roll0]
Reflex if I fail the jump [roll2]

2013-01-22, 02:03 PM
Sahaal stands and smiles, dusting himself off, "Was never much one for rigging work aboard the Blackguard. If it's worth a laugh with the crew though, we could see how far I have to climb before the fall injures me more seriously." he says aloud, bowing to the assembled sailors and then knuckling his forehead in respect to Scourge and his nine-tails "Still though, Captain Guilleman found me an able worker at any other task I was put too, and in a few weeks, with Besmara's Blessing, you won't find me wanting for anything."

Diplomacy, to try and win over a few members of the crew:[roll0]

2013-01-22, 02:35 PM

The soldier dutifully continues his climb! No flinching or looking back, just simple, dogged determination!

Climb: [roll0]

Swami Monsoon
2013-01-22, 06:00 PM
Qizilbash is only looking as far as the next handhold... he doesn't realize how close he is to the top.

Climb: [roll0]

2013-01-22, 06:55 PM
Swiftly analyzing Larry's climb for the swiftest route, Tinpe swings from rope to rope, enjoying the sensation of being caught between sea and sky. It's almost a religeous experience.

Climb: [roll0]

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-23, 10:29 AM
Ariad's leap is perfect, easily aided by the rigging around... But as he lands, he sees that his last-ditch effort is for naught. Bolstered by his early lead, Larry has reached the crow's nest first, and Tinpe's got his hands on the lip of it.

Still, he looked pretty awesome. The rest of the climbers can see their defeat, and gradually the newly-pressed pirates slow and stop.

The crowd below laughs, and money changes hands. A few of the nearer pirates are smiling at Sahaal. "Woulda got far if he ain't helped the gnome, but he did help'em!" "Worked for Captain Guilleman? THE Captain Guilleman?" "Yeah, he won't be no trouble!"
"SHUT UP!" Plugg roars (Well, tries to roar, his voice cracks in the middle of it.) He flushes, and the crowd silences. He points up at Larry. "You, boy. You're my new rigger. You will be working directly for me. Riggers, take this boy and educate him. Scourge, deal with the rest." And Plugg walks off updecks.

Master Scourge beckons with the whip. "Right, scupper back down again. No, not you boy. No, no, the rest o' ya take your time. That last show was everything I expected and less, so's I'd druther not be hit by stray teeth when the clumsier o' ya nosedive ta the deck."
He waits, tapping one foot as you filter down.

LARRYAs you sit in the crow's nest, one of the nearer pirates in the rigging puts a hooked hand to a rope, and swings over. It's a humanoid rat, wearing a tattered rainslicker and with a bunch of vials hanging from his belt. "Is Ratline. Ratline Ratsburger is I called. Come with, come with. Show you duties. What is you called?" (Now might be a good time for a diplomacy check.)

Once everyone save Larry gets to the deck, Scourge stalks forward, and looks at you closely.

"Right. Next order o' business... The captain's sick o' the cook's lousy cookin'. Cook says he needs a galley hand ta do better. So one o' you's gonna get a cushy job... Can any o' ya cook worth a damn?"

(Note: You don't NEED Profession - cook to cook, but it helps. Anyone reasonably intelligent can follow a recipe if needed, though...)

2013-01-23, 10:53 AM

A bit sheepishly─Larry has no idea what ratting is, and this fellow right here makes him fear the worst─Larry nods a bit sheepishly.

"It's Larry," he states, rather plainly. What would the others be doing if they aren't ratting?

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Larry bad at this.

2013-01-23, 05:18 PM
"Oh! Oh! I can cook. I cook all sorts of things! Hallucinogens, Gunpowder, crystaline substances reserved for the unfortunate... I can follow any recipie, and mix any ingredient!"

Tinpe smiles. It is a smile tinged with madness, the kind which would trouble old gods. The smile of a Gnome who is talking about his obsession.

2013-01-23, 05:49 PM
Zandalo grins.

"If it's tasty food ye's be wantin, I'm yer man. The slop I cook up may not look like much, but with a wiggle of my fingers and a wink o' my eye you'll be swearin' they're unicorn cakes."

Zandalo has no skill at all in cooking, but he can cast Prestidigitation at will to make everything from the current cook taste like a royal feast.

2013-01-23, 06:24 PM
Sahaal reflects for a moment on his experiences as Captain Guilleman's ward officer. He had been responsibly for serving the Captain his meals, not cooking them, though he'd spent enough time in the galley to at least know his way about. A galley officer's position did enjoy a certain amount of privilege, but then, his whole experience aboard the Blackguard's Bounty might have been characterized by that word. The captain and officers here seemed cut of a different sail cloth, and perhaps it was now Besmara's wish he learn about the hardships of piracy from the bottom up.

"I can cook a fair bit, at least, as long as the grog rations hold out." He grins broadly, as he speaks.

2013-01-24, 08:05 AM
"Uh last time I 'cooked' something it was to make a poison to use on my rich a$$ uncle, you know get him bed ridden," Ariad then casually looks around taking more of the ship. Finally he decides not to jump off the ship and swim, there might be some fun to sticking around.

Swami Monsoon
2013-01-24, 11:32 AM
"Well... I know how to cook, but I'm no chef." Qizilbash rolls his eyes at the Gnome and the Undine. "All I can promise is that my cooking won't make you sick or get you high..."

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-24, 12:14 PM
Scourge considers the group for a moment, tapping his chin.

Then Zandalo's "Unicorn Cakes" comment gets him grinning. "Alright, you. That was a big boast, so's you got a shot. Show us what ye can do, and I'd best be eatin' like a prince t'night or else ye'll pay the price for talkin' big and actin' small! Go report in t'the galley. Fishguts should be there, he'll tell ye what to do."

"Right then! The rest o'ye are SWABS!"

And he turns to the rest of the new recruits, pointing at the fancy-dressed gnome, the glowering halfling woman, Sahaal, and Tinpe. "You lot! Yer on vermin control duty. Three o'yer are short enough to fit inter the tiny spaces, and since ye like gnomes so much-" he points at Sahaal again, "-Ye can help'em fight rats. An' bugs. An' whatever else's infested the place. Go forth and kill'em!"

"You!" He points at Ariad. "Since ye're such a nimble sort, ye'll be runnin' messages... Reports and suchlike across the ship. Run messages 'til you're out, then come back to me for more. Ye help him." He gestures at the red-haired woman, who nods.

Finally, his gaze settles on Qizlbash and the human in the blue scarf. "You and you. Ye'll be repairing the ship, and various broken bits of it. I've got a list o' things that need yer tender touch. Don't break too much of it."

"Right. Questions?"

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-24, 12:37 PM
Meanwhile, up top, Ratline is getting a little frustrated with Larry's lack of nautical knowledge. He just hasn't had any knot training yet, and the ropes are tricky to work with. Finally, the rat shakes his head. "Okay. Larry get easy job this time. Go to for'ard crow's nest. Look out. Call back if see anything."
The other riggers seem to be keeping their distance, letting Ratline break in the new guy. They're offering no real help.

Meanwhile, Zandalo finds his way to the galley, on the middle deck. Inside, the place is a wreck... Dirty dishes are strewn hither and yon, the stove is blackened and has bits of charred meat dangling from it, and a film of grease coats the ceiling and walls. Cement-hard porridge from spilled pots covers the tables, and flies buzz in the heat.

In the midst of all this, a large, balding middle-aged human wearing an apron that might have been white back before humans figured out fire, lies snoring on the floor. Empty bottles roll around him as the ship sways back and forth.

After some prodding, he blearily sits up. "Mmwha? Buh. Coogsmate, eh? Poorsod. Uh. Yeah. Get, get workin on th' evenin'meal. I'lljus', jus' sithere an.... Suppervice. Yeah, suppervisin'."

He catches the nearest non-empty bottle as it rolls toward him, uncorks it and takes a pull. "Aaaaaah. Yeah, s' th' ticket. M'name's Kroop, Ambrose Kroop. 'ey calls me Fishguts coz a th' smell. Hingrates! Ain' the first ship I've cooked f'r! Why, back in my day..."

He's going on about old stories about serving fine feasts on ships that actually cared about their cooks' welfare. Meanwhile, you've got perhaps a few hours to prepare the evening meal for about thirty people. In an unfamiliar galley that looks like it's been swarmed by rampaging dire weasels. (Not that there's any other kind.)

Hoo boy...

2013-01-24, 12:42 PM
"Aye aye sir." Gives a mock salute and then waits for the first message he has to deliver.

Checks for job

Acrobatics: 1d20+6
Constitution: 1d20+1

Free time: I'm grabbing my stuff during the day
at night I will be Stealthy Sneaking around the cargo hold see what we have.

Stealth Check:1d20+6

Whoops can't roll on edits.

2013-01-24, 12:58 PM
Sahaal was about to speak up once again, but decided it wouldn't be good to mouth off to regularly to this Scourge fellow, at least, not unless it would help garner some sympathy from the rest of the crew. Better to let his actions speak for themselves, and in this case, that action would be taking care of the problem whatever else Scourge had in mind. "Aye, sir." He salutes smartly, waiting to speak with the rest of his rat killing companions until dismissed.

2013-01-24, 01:08 PM

A bit hesitantly, Larry ascends to the crow's nest again. It's not that he's really afraid of heights, or anything, but... look-out. He remembers the last time he's had to be a look-out. He thought he'd been doing well. At least, until Mably came around, he had been doing well. Staring at the strange aurora in the distance.

Mably disagreed. "You fool!" the lancer had cried. "That's no aurora, that's an enemy wizard!"

Wizards. Larry grimaced at the thought. He hated wizards.

Climb: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Oh dice gods, be ye nice to me...

2013-01-24, 01:36 PM
Rolls for Job

Acrobatics: [roll0]
Constitution: [roll1]

Free time: I'm grabbing my stuff during the day
at night I will be Stealthy Sneaking around the cargo hold see what we have.

Stealth Check:[roll2]

2013-01-24, 01:50 PM
Sahaal goes about his rat catching duties with a surprising amount of vim and vigor, and hardly keeps quiet the whole time, laughing about catching rats and other vermin on his desert island home, where he was raised, playing the creatures he hunted there as might beasts of vermin-dom, compared to these pathetic creatures.


In what little time he has for off hours, he seeks out the tattooed woman who whispered to them about retrieving their gear, hoping to thank her in some suitably subtle fashion, as he has seen how empathy gets treated on this ship (by Scourge at least). Even if all he gets out of the conversation is her name and rank aboard the Wormwood, he considers it time well spent.


Once his watch ends, he goes to the chest indicated and retrieves his gear, and only his gear before nodding off for the night.

Swami Monsoon
2013-01-24, 02:11 PM
Before starting work Qizilbash introduces himself to the man in the blue scarf. "Hello, I'm Qizilbash. It looks like we're going to be partners. Are you, uh... new... here as well? I hope you know more about carpentry than I do..."

Qizilbash works diligently for the first day, wanting to make a good impression and avoid taking risks until he knows more about how things work here. Check is Dex, since he has no ranks in Sailor. Total bonus including diligence should be +7.
Check: [roll0]

Swami Monsoon
2013-01-24, 02:30 PM
Diplomacy check (trying to be friendly with work partner): [roll0]

2013-01-24, 06:41 PM
Tinpe nods, his large ears bobbing with the motion.
"Ratcatching. Not the noblest of professions, but I suppose I can make do."

Not wanting to appear too eager, he turns to Sahaal.
"You like Gnomes? We'll get along famously!"

Rolls for the day:

Stealth [roll0]
Tinpe will be Shirking, so I took the -2 out of his bonus, leaving him with +8.
Taking 10 on a perception check: 14.
Influence: Fancy Dressed Gnome
Diplomacy: [roll1]

Rolls for the night:

If Tinpe discovered anything worth stealing with that 14, he'll be stealing.
Stealth: [roll2]
If not, he will be Stealthy Sneaking, which gives him a 24 perception. Same stealth check.

Making off into the nooks and crannies of the ship, Tinpe attempts to stir up a conversation with the fancy-dressed Gnome.
"My, I'm certainly glad to see another friendly face out here. I thought this voyage would be decidedly unpleasant.
I take it you ended up here in about the same way I did? Glad they let you keep your clothes. You cut quite the dashing figure, and we really must put our best impressions forward when dealing with the big folk."

2013-01-25, 09:13 AM
Zandalo half-listens to the stories while he sets to cleaning the galley just like when he was a sorcerer's apprentice. Powerful blasts of water scour the area, then everything seems magically dry up. Then, a horde of miniature whirlwinds coalesce and dart about the room, removing all the excess water and grime, scrubbing every surface till it gleams.

Hydraulic Push to "drench" any particularly troublesome areas, and Prestidigitation to tidy everything all up. Mending to repair anything that gets accidentally smashed.

"Never expected to hear stories like that comin' out of a pirate cook's mouth -- that's pretty impressive! But what happened? Why did ye' stop cooking these mythical feasts? It's sad to think the world is missing out on your talents. I'll tell you what...why don't we whip up one of 'em again, just to show these sorry wags of a crew what they've been missing? You just cook me up some basic dishes...I'll take care of the rest." Zandalo tries to coax Kroop into doing a bit of the basic cooking.

At the end of the night, when everything's washed up and put away again, Zandalo tracks down Kroop again, bringing a bottle of ale for each of them. "Tell me another one of your stories. Any of those other ships you were on...Did you ever run into some of those old cyclops ruins?"

Diplomacy, to listen to Kroop's stories: [roll0] DC 10

Daytime, while working with Kroop:
Diplomacy, to gain influence, and try to get him to cook the main part of the meal for me so I don't have to make that check. My hope is that he can create/produce a few base dishes (ex: a stew, some hardtack) and I can use prestidigitation to make it taste like a kingly feast: [roll1]

If that doesn't work:
Craft (Pirate Dinner): [roll2] DC 10

Night time:
Diplomacy, to influence Kroop again: [roll3]
I'd really like to make him an ally of mine.

2013-01-25, 11:05 AM

With diligence, Larry thinks he's good a good enough look at everything, and by the end of his shift reports his findings to Ratline. Assuming, of course, that Ratline needs to know.

Not one to be quite that into talking with others (there's always been something about other people that's rubbed Larry wrong), once nightfall, well, falls, the boy chooses to avoid the crowds. Instead, he looks to find Ratline again, eager to learn a little more about nautical whozits and whatzits. Fisherman's boy and he never quite was taught anything actually related to fishing.

Take action: LEARN STUFFS (Influence?) Ratline
Diplomacy again lol: [roll0]
Kinda regret 8 Cha now.

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-25, 02:08 PM
And so the day winds on aboard the Wormwood, as you adjust to your new careers.

Through observation and in some cases, exploration, you learn that there are four decks to the ship, not counting the bilges at the very bottom.

The Upper deck includes the foredeck and the poopdeck, at the front and rear of the ship respectively. The poopdeck is where the ship's wheel can be found. Though the Captain only comes up here every now and then, the deck is cleared when he's up there. No one's permitted up.

There's also an iron gibbet hanging from the mizzenmast of the poopdeck, with a withered corpse inside it. A bright parrot guards this gibbet, and furiously tries to drive off anyone who gets close.

The main deck is where the mainmast rises up toward the sky... There's always people swabbing, scrubbing, tying ropes, and moving about here. When the officers emerge from their quarters, they're usually here to walkabout, look at things, and criticize or grunt in approval. In addition to the hatchways down to the bulk of the ship, the rear of the ship holds the officer's quarters. No crew are permitted entry, only officers. There's also a couple of doors to smaller rooms... From what you gather, those lead to the armory, and the ships' sorceress' laboratory. Towards the fore of the ship, the doors up that way lead to the Captain's quarters, with a smaller door leading to the Cabin Girl's quarters.

NO ONE is permitted entry there, save by Captain's invitation.

The middle deck is the ship's main cargo hold. It's mostly empty, save for a cage holding 14 pigs that smell as bad as you would expect pigs in a confined space to smell. Also, there's an odd-looking fellow who's all ripped leather and bulging muscles chained to the foremast, here. He's got what looks like feathers stuck to his chest and back with tar, and he mutters to himself constantly. Spends most of his time rolling his empty food bowl back and forth.

From the middle deck, there's what appears to be a quartermaster's store, judging by the people coming to it carrying things and leaving with other things. The other door here leads into the galley. There have been strange noises and smells coming from it ever since Zandalo walked in, and occasionally someone will peer in, quizically.

The lower deck is spacious, and has about thirty hammocks hung about it. Seachests bolted to the floor are by each hammock, and the claimed ones usually have clothes or some personal article or mark upon them.

The Red X sea chest is right where the red-haired woman said it would be, and indeed you recognize something of your own in amidst the tangle...

Right. The lady grabbed one possession for each of you from your starting equipment. SHe tried to go for things you need, so it's your choice as to what she took. Basically, you get one item back of your choice.

Mind you, if it's a missile weapon, you don't get ammunition for it. You'll have to get ahold of that later.

Below the lower deck are the bilges. They're knee-deep full of slimy water, rats, and foul smells.

2013-01-25, 02:21 PM
Sahaal manages to find his rapier amongst the other personal items in the chest. A gift to him from Cpt. Guilleman, it's not a particularly well crafted or special item, but does hold some special significance to Sahaal. He killed his first man with this very blade, and quite a few others aside. His smile broadens a bit as he takes the blade in his hand and checks it for any damage, enjoying how the blade glints a faint green in reflection of his eyes.

2013-01-25, 03:51 PM
Inside of the chest Ariad found his trusty tool kit. (Thieves to be specific:smallbiggrin:) He remembered every time he'd used them. Stealing from his uncle, breaking into houses, and the more recent days on other ships. Glad the women had picked these over his armor and weapon Ariad thought to himself, Now to wait for the right moment to get my stuff back, where ever that is....

2013-01-25, 05:34 PM
Standing in line to see his equiptment, Tinpe spots the telltale gleam of a black glass phial. The familiar sight bolsters his flagging morale, and he can barely restrain himself while Ariad mucks about with his box. Finally, when his turn comes, Tinpe ruishes up and snatches his Drow Poison, cradling it like a small child.

2013-01-25, 06:41 PM

Somewhat triumphantly, Larry recovers his crossbow! Ta da za daaaaang! If there was one thing he was confident in, it was his skills with a crossbow.

His shoulders slump when he realises that pirates are, still, an unschooled lot when it comes to military might: No bolts. What's he supposed to shoot with, quick wits and quips? He doesn't even have any!

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-25, 07:59 PM
The first day goes fairly well...

Ariad gets to spend quite a lot of time running up and down the ship, fetching people, delivering reports, and running questions to the various officers and skilled crewmembers.

At one point he gets to check in on the galley, but he's never got more than a few minutes to himself. There's a LOT of work involved in running a ship of this size! Turns out that the rule for not talking to the captain is rescinded when it's a message being passed.

(More of a rough GUIDELINE then an actual rule...)

Larry, through sheer willpower and determination, manages to keep alert. He reports a few things back to the nest which get mocked, "That's just a school of fish, landlubber!", but at a few points he helps spot landmarks. Ratline and the other Riggers soon grudgingly accept that he's okay at THIS job. Money changes hands.

Sahaal actually does a pretty good job at keeping the ratcatchers entertained, while managing to be an effective rat-fighting terror. But as the job goes on, he notices that the fancily-dressed gnome is always finding a reason to work nearest to the halfling.

About the second time he stumbles and "accidentally" cops a feel, she hauls off and BELTS him. While he's on the ground sputtering, she curses him up and down for bein' a lech, and grabs Sahaal. "Right. Gnomes that way, me and him this way. DON'T LET ME SEE YOU AGAIN FOPPY!"

After a few minutes of angry work, she calms down, and introduces herself. "Cusswell. Rosie Cusswell. #$!!%#%er over there can go die in a fire. Thinks coz I'm a woman I'm easy game. @$%@%#er."

Meanwhile, the @%#%#@%er in question is straightening himself out, and thanking Tinpe for the assistance in putting himself back together again. The two keep a WIDE distance away from the halfling woman. Faced with friendliness and a fellow gnome, he quickly warms to Tinpe. "Conchabar Shortstone, ETERNALLY at your service my good kinsman! I quite get what you say about keeping up appearances! After all, I'm a modest poet from Andoran, here merely due to a misunderstanding. I mean, she told me she was unmarried! Really now, that's an honest mistake. Ah, but who can dwell on such things, with such plump BEAUTY not a shipslength away! My good friend, should you help me win that wide wench's attention and, er, favors, I'll be your best mate for life!"

Meanwhile Qizlbash gets to work hammering boards back together. He does an excellent job, and the man in the scarf seems happy to get a partner on this task who's worth a damn.

Still, he doesn't seem to be warming to Qizl just yet. Or anyone else... You get the feeling he's not happy to be here. "Crimson Cogward, yeah I got a little carpentry. But yer doing fine." he mutters in response, and says little else. Maybe in time he'll come around.

Meanwhile, in the Galley...

"Recipes, right. Just after I... I... BLEARGH!!!" Well, thank goodness for prestidigitation. Sadly, he's in no shape to cook. At all. Zandalo is forced to cook the whole meal himself... Okay, so it's a bit rough, but the prestidigitation can spice it a bit. That's good.

While he works, the cook rambles. Though Zandalo can only listen with half an ear, Kroop seems pathetically eager to talk to somebody who isn't yelling about his food. "Well, thinga... thing ha... Thinggabout pirates, issat good cooks tenta change hands. Get tradet for stuff. I gott trated, to Capn Harrigan, here."

He lowers his voice. "he'sa worst. He's straightup an evil man. Torchers. Kills atta drop offa hat. Theres a gibbet up onna main deck. Body in there wassa fella who won against him at dice. Wasn't even cheating, just won. Like 10 gold. Capn' killed him."

WHen asked about cyclopean ruins, later in the day when he's sobered up some, he shudders.

"Oh, lad, don't tell me yer a treasure hunter. Them ruins is all over the Shackles, an' they eats treasure hunters like the captain goes through pigs. Feh, turns my stomach jus' thinkin' about it. But I tell ya what, if we're still alive after this here meal is served, talkta me tomorrow or so. I'll see if I can't scrape me mind for a few stories of why you shouldn't go huntin' in them old ruins."

And about half an hour later as dusk falls, after sniffing the stew and proclaiming it to be probably okay, he rings the dinner bell.

All about the ship the pirates finish up whatever job they're doing, and head down below decks for their meal. One by one Kroop and Zandalo ladle stew into a bowl and pass it over with a lump of hardtack, and cautiously the pirates try it. The overall consensus, after a few minutes, is that it's pretty good.


An attractive black-haired girl with a pageboy cut and a brace of pistols in her belt comes down to pick up Captain Harrigan's serving. On her way back up, she tastes each food item.

Kroop elbows Zandalo. "At's Caulky Taroon. Cap's Cabin Girl. Don't ever talk bad about him while she's about."

But then a rough hand grabs Zandalo's shoulder, and spins him around. Scourge himself looks the sorceror up and down, from the distance of a foot or so. "It ain't no Unicorn Cakes. But it'll do. Still, reckon ya need a better nickname. Oh, and them lads were sayin' you was throwin' magic around the galley. That so, me boy?"


As this discussion is going on, Tinpe is quietly moving down into the lower hold. He spotted something tucked behind a loose plank while he was chasing rats. Couldn't check it out with Conchobar there, but now... He slides the plank aside in the quiet, and removes a stoppered flask. With his alchemical skill, he easily identifies it. Somebody stashed a flask of alchemist's fire! Well, finders keepers... But as he tucks it away, he hears footsteps. He looks up to see one of the crew, a middle-aged half-elf woman with grey streaks in her hair, frowning at him."Ere now, what are y'doing there?"


Meanwhile, Larry takes his bowl and finds his way over to Ratline, who shrugs and lets the kid sit by him. He's happy to tell Larry a little bit about sailing, and the ocean, and some other basic things. Larry kind of gets the feeling thatRatline was the "new guy" in the riggers before Larry showed up, so he's kind of happy to have someone below him in the pecking order. "Riggers is like own group on Wormwood", says Ratline. "Got to prove yourself before they like. Even then, some don't. Pirates, you know? SOmetimes fights, sometimes stabbings."


Sahaal finds a space to eat next to the red-haired woman, who doesn't seem to mind his company. In fact, she's making space for anyone who wants to sit by her, which includes the blue-scarfed man, and the halfling who went ratting with Sahaal earlier. After a quiet lunch of filling stew, she pulls out a long pipe and starts to smoke. "Name's Sandara Quinn," she says. "Rank? Pssh. Swab, like ye. They grabbed me a day back or so, didn't know I was one a' Bes' favored. Pirate Queen an' me got an unnerstanding, savvy? Not like miracles, but a few prayers now'n again. Bad luck to steal from one a'her favored, so I got me stuff back. Then I traded some o' it fer yers. Which I gave back to ya. Quartermaster's got the rest, but mebbe ye can deal wi' her."

She smiles, and looks over the crowd of hungry pirates, and her smile slowly fades.

"Wormwood ent got a good name. Nor Harrigan. I figgered it'd be good to have a few people on this here ship thinkin' kindly o'me. So's if I ever get in a pinch, or needs friends, mebbe ye could be thinkin' o' yer old friend Sandara who helped ya early on, eh?"

She claps Sahaal's back. "Sides, it's a good idear to make friends wi' those ye can. Helps balance out th' fact that any ship, bound to be people y' just can't get along with..."

As if on cue, Plugg descends into the mid-deck for his meal, and glares at Sandara as he passes her like she's done him a mortal wound. His eyes slide to Sahaal and narrow, but by then he's passed, and waiting for his food.

Sandara exhales smoke, pulls again on the pipe. Her smile's gone.


Late at night, Ariad goes creeping around the mid-deck, past the snoozing pigs. Keeping clear of the snoring, feathered man, he pokes around... Hey! A gleam in the dim light reveals something forgotten in a corner.

He finds a crudely-forged silver ring, just big enough for his finger.

2013-01-25, 08:19 PM
As this discussion is going on, Tinpe is quietly moving down into the lower hold. He spotted something tucked behind a loose plank while he was chasing rats. Couldn't check it out with Conchobar there, but now... He slides the plank aside in the quiet, and removes a stoppered flask. With his alchemical skill, he easily identifies it. Somebody stashed a flask of alchemist's fire! Well, finders keepers... But as he tucks it away, he hears footsteps. He looks up to see one of the crew, a middle-aged half-elf woman with grey streaks in her hair, frowning at him."Ere now, what are y'doing there?"

"Oh! Hello there. I didn't expect any company down here, especially not anyone as striking as a lady of elven blood."
He stops, looking at her thoughtfully.
"Perhaps you can help me. See, I'm new here, and trying to gain the favor of some of the more well established members of the crew. You may have noticed, my fellow gnome has a fondness for the halfling lady with the scalding tongue. Don't know what he sees, really, she's not up to YOUR caliber, but perhaps you are unavailable." He shrugs. "Regardless, I came down here looking for something that might endear the lady to my kinsman. Alas, I am not quite a skillful artist in matters of the heart. You've been here longer, and a woman always knows best in matters of love. Perhaps you know a way?"
Bluff: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-25, 08:34 PM
The woman laughs. "One shortstuff chasin' another with a third helpin'? Ah, that's funny! Well you ain't findin' no flowers down here, and stealin's a capital 'fense, so you'd be riskin' yer throat by takin' em besides. Talk with Grok. She's the quartermaster. I'm sure she'd be able ta offer a dainty and-" She sniggers "Delicate suggestion."

She shakes her head. "C'mon up, shortstuff, yer missin' the chow line. Yer alright. Name's Badger. Y'miss dinner they don't save ya none." She walks with Tinpe back mid-decks, and sits and chats with him over chow. She's sailed a lot of ships, has Badger. "Wormwood's alright. Li'l bloody, but overall, y'can get by and make some good gold offn' the trade. 'Specially if ya impress the captain." She leans in close, and her voice drops.

"Just don't impress the captain TOO much when Plugg's around. Plugg got 'is first mate spot by butterin' up the Captain. Now the Captain treats Plugg like a son. Bastard son, but still... Anyways, Plugg gets worried when someone below him starts outshinin' him. Been trouble wi' that before... But anyways, ya didn't hear that from me, savvy?"

2013-01-25, 09:02 PM
Tinpe gives Badger a somber and honest look.
"Anything you tell me shall be kept in the strictest confidence, my good lady. I thank you for the assistance you've already leant me. If there's anything I can do to make your life a little easier, you let me know. The name's Tinpe. Tinpe Janira. I'm good with Alchemy, and I can do a few tricks besides."

2013-01-25, 09:09 PM

Larry nods thoughtfully. Then he says, "Well, I'm in the army. Was, I think? I'm not sure; I'm not getting off this ship, am I? A, any way. It was sort of like that in the group, too. No one really got along with anyone there." His face sombers a little when he thinks on that. They really didn't get along.

And now he's ended up here. Where it was pretty much the same. Life really had it out for him, huh? And he's pretty much deserted the army, too...

On the other hand, the captain had said to go on a boat if he liked the ocean that much, so he's following the captain's orders. Sort of.

"A, any way... there anything I should know about the riggers beside that?"

Swami Monsoon
2013-01-25, 09:23 PM
During the meal Qizilbash tries to introduce himself and make conversation with as many of the new hands as possible. He guesses that he's more likely to find allies here than amongst the hardened pirates...

After dinner he investigates the locker and discovers his crossbow, also sans ammunition. He then returns to his quarters, stows the weapon and turns in early. It's been a long day, and tomorrow won't be any easier...

Diplomacy (if applicable): [roll0]

2013-01-25, 09:39 PM
Sahaal listens intently, and is rightly cheered to be in the presence of another like himself, favored by Besmara in some small way. "Well, you've done me more than a fair turn, and while I generally like to draw my own conclusions on people and the state of a ship, I wouldn't bet against your assessment of things thus far. May Besmara bless this crew and our friendship!" He clinks his mug of whatever it might be and does his best to include Rosie in the conversation as well, when something occurs to him. "You said the Quartermaster returned a few of your items given your connection to Besmara? I wonder if he might be willing to return my own charm, given that it's of little value except in the hands of the blessed like ourselves. That and . . . " He winked, "It's terrible luck to upset the Pirate Queen in such a fashion."

2013-01-25, 10:13 PM
Araid examines the ring deciding to take a better look at it tomorrow night. He slides it onto his left hand ring finger, just barely the right size. Then looking around the galley and making sure that no one is around he then skulks back up to the mess to grab some grub.

He decides to sit down where ever the most people he recognized from this morning/last night are and then proceeds to ask in a hushed whisper, "Does anyone know where the rest of our stuff might be?"

2013-01-26, 03:37 AM
Sahaal looks up when Ariad asks about the remainder of their gear. "Sandara said the rest of our equipment is likely with the quartermaster. I was actually intending on heading by there tomorrow, seeing if he really thinks it's such a good idea to withhold a sacred relic of Besmara from it's proper owner."

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-27, 11:04 AM
Scourge's hand clenches on Zandalo's shoulder.

"Don't deny it, many swabs saw ya throwin' spells around. So's I'll tell ya what I tell all the other swabs who got a bit o' talent. No matter how good ye might be, our ships' sorceress is better. So ifn' some magic happenin's happens against any officers, well then, guess where our eyes is gonna go." He looks Zandalo in the eyes. "An' we'll judge ye twice as harsh as a swab who ent got magic. Savvy?" Without waiting for a reply, he heads over to Plugg, holding the remnants of his meal and eating as he goes.


Ratline shrugs at Larry. "Just that more riggers be training you. Not with I all time. Got Maheem tomorrow..." He gestures over to a big, sullen-looking Rahadoumi man eating alone. "Him angry a lot. Try not to make him more."


Sandara raises an eyebrow at Sahaal. "TWO favored o' Bes? Strewth, at's fate at is. Well good luck there, an' watch it. Not everyone on 'ere's a fan o' Bes..."

She looks over to Plugg again. Plugg's eating dinner and talking with Master Scourge and about four other crewman. They hang on his words, and everyone's all smiles. Then he gestures over at Sandara and those sitting around her, and there's some malevolent smirks and sneers shot your way. He says something more and they erupt in laughter.

Sandara sighs, worried, and puffs on her pipe.


About an hour after dinner, just as people are settling down, Mr. Plugg calls "ALL HANDS ON DECK!"

As the crew assembles, the captain is waiting with his officers, and a beaten, bound man who's currently sobbing in fear. The captain is grinning.

"Sorry to interrupt your tea and hobnobbing, but I reckon now's a good time for justice. Mr. Plugg!" He says, in good spirits. "Read the crimes of the guilty!"

"That's Jakes Magpie, and he stole from the quartermaster's store last night."

"Right! And the penalty for that?"

"Keelhauling." The crew murmurs, and a few of them are smiling unpleasantly.

"Well then, we've got the ropes attached! Let's do this!"

The rope is attached to the mainmast. Jakes Mapie is thrown over the bow. Ratline winces.

"Him going under the ship now. Tumbling, struggling to breath. But is not worst part..." He explains to Larry, quietly.

The rope goes taught, and the Captain laughs. "Alright now me hearties, HEAVE HO!"

The crew surges toward the rope, and starts pulling it back in.

"Worst part," says Ratline, pulling on the rope next to Larry, "Worst part is that we pulling him back. Him scraping the hull all the way up. And the hull is crusted with BARNACLES. Sharp. Razors. Him being peeled like an onion."

What is hauled back up over the side bears only the slightest resemblance to a human being. It is raw meat and gouged and broken bones, with organs torn away and it is swiftly returned to the sea.

"Right. Lesson to you all, no thieving. ESPECIALLY not from officers." And the Captain heads back to his cabin.

2013-01-28, 05:03 AM
Summoned from the galley to the deck, Tinpe is at first the picture of curiosity. Anything important enough to have the captain yelling for them must be something that he could turn to his advantage, yes?
Well, that's what he thought before the poor man got tossed over the side. The running commentary wasn't helping anything, either.

The grizzly sight, along with the prior vivid description had Tinpe losing a considerable portion of his supper over the rail.
His first thoughts were Couldn't they have done this BEFORE dinner? and his second, more rational thoughts went more like:
So this is the punishment for stealing. Very well. If I must take, I shall not get caught. If caught, I must have a believable story. If I am not believed, woe upon my accuser, for the Wormwood punishes theft and murder equally.

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-28, 10:49 AM
The rest of the night passes quickly. At lights out, Kroop taps Zandalo on the shoulder, as the crew lines up. "Right. Time ta hand out the rum ration. Everyone has to drink at least one. Folks are welcome to more, though, so if they ask give'em as much as they want. They have ta drink it now, though. No hoarding."

Some drink more, but most of the crew takes their single mug and gets by. The heavy, rough taste of the rum actually helps adjust to the necessity of sleeping in a hammock, for those who are unused to it. And exhausted from the day's chores, sleep comes quickly.


All too early, you are woken from sleep as the ship's bell signals a new day. Taking a minute to collect yourselves, you start heading to deck with the rest... Only to find a small group of pirates blocking your way.

Hey, these swabs look familiar... They were sitting and laughing with Mr. Plugg and Master Scourge last night...

"In a hurry?" The guy in the lead has about half the regular amount of teeth in his mouth. "Maybe you oughta stay down here a while. Let some REAL pirates handle the tough jobs!"

The group behind him laughs, and starts edging forward...

So yeah, they're spoiling for a fight. They're looking to rough you up and make you late so that you get punished.

You do notice that they're unarmed, though. They've taken pains to not be carrying weapons.

Drawing a weapon on them would probably get you in trouble, in the long run...

2013-01-28, 11:05 AM
Dice Roll
Sense Motive:[roll0]

"Well then if you need real pirates up there then all the better reason to let us through and for YOU" Ariad Pokes him in the chest "guys to stay down here,"

Swami Monsoon
2013-01-28, 11:19 AM
Sense Motive: [roll0]

2013-01-28, 05:33 PM
"Oh I see, I see. So you're volunteering to take over the rat-hunting? That gives me PLENTY more free time! Thanks a bunch, chums! I'll head off to the galley right now, get me some supplies for my next batch of Alchemist's Kindness."

With that, Tinpe goes to stroll on by, giving the pirates a polite berth, while humming a jaunty tune.
Bluff: [roll0]

2013-01-29, 12:25 AM
Sense Motive:[roll0]

Sahaal smiled at the other swabbies, hand resting lightly upon the hilt of the rapier as his opposite hand sought out the small seashell charm around his neck. "Besmara bless us all in our days endeavors. All who sail the seas and spill blood in the name of fortune and glory are pirates to the Queen."

Spreading his legs into a fighting stance, his smiled dimmed and his eyes gleamed with a far more dangerous light than they had just a moment ago. "But then, you boys wouldn't be interested in the spilling of blood when there's no fortune nor glory in it, would you? Like common land lubber thugs? We're all part of the same crew here, and a crew fights for one another, not against itself."

Diplomacy to defuse the situation:[roll1]

2013-01-29, 12:55 AM
Sense Motive

Zandalo looks at them, a bit puzzled. "If I stay down here, you guys'll be back to tryin' to stomach the...creations that Fishguts calls meals. You want to continue eating decent? You'll let me go on down to the galley, and there'll be extra mug of rum for all of ye tonight."


2013-01-29, 07:38 AM

A little uncertain to deal with the situation, Larry stands back, watching the others and taking mental notes. If anything, this was a severe breakdown of discipline aboard this vessel, and if Mably were here he wouldn't stand for it! Like he wouldn't stand for many things. Old ladies, for example.

But if it comes to a fight, he's ready.

"Riggers need me," Larry says. "Let us pass."

Swami Monsoon
2013-01-29, 09:38 AM
Last night Qizilbash dreamed about the Cult of the Burning Ones. He was back in the hall of black stone, watching helplessly as the elderly servant was spread-eagled on the altar, and then the blades of glowing, red-hot obsidian were...
He awoke, at first relieved that it had only been a dream... then he remembered the events of the previous evening, when the pirates had sacrificed one of their own... in a fashion that even the Burning Men might have found excessive. It seems he has fallen into the hands of another cult.

Now he is jammed into the companionway with the jostling crowd of conscripts as the veteran pirates block the exit. An ugly brawl appeared imminent. He had seen the punishment for stealing trinkets. He did not want to know what the penalty was for spilling blood...

Qizilbash slipped back to the back of the pack and turned to face a bulkhead. He whispered a few words...

From somewhere on the deck above, the voice of Mister Plugg booms out... "What do ye think ye're doing down there?! If it's a beatin' yer after, I'll be more than happy to oblige ye... Now get up here and get to workin', ye worthless swabs!"

Casting Ghost Sound on area just outside the companionway exit (muted somewhat so it sounds like it's coming from a bit further away).
Stealth check (if needed to conceal casting): [roll0]

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-29, 12:03 PM
The leader almost grins as Ariad pokes him, brings his fists up... Then Sahaal starts talking, and a big-eared woman in the gang looks nervous, as she tugs at the leader's sleeve.

"Wait, wait, Fipps, he's got Bes' blessing?"

The leader of the gang, Fipps, rolls his eyes, and calls over his shoulder, "Half the #R$#$@'n pirates on the sea do. Don't get-"

As he looks back, Tinpe talks his way past, and the leader looks frustrated. "Hey, don't let-"

Then Zandalo points out his culinary merits, and a one-eyed, black-haired woman to the side of the gang nods in agreement. "E's got a point. That was the first meal in a week I ain't spent 'arf the night hangin' over th' railin'."

"Well, okay, maybe we don't beat HIM-"

At this point the burly half-orc in the back is palming his face.

And in the confusion, Qizilbash's spellcastin is unnoticed, and Plugg's voice is CLOSE enough to the real thing, given the distractions. The rear of the gang jumps, and rushes up the hatch. The leader glares at Ariad, as he backs off. "This ent over." Then he moves up the hatch.

When you fall into line with the other pirates, a few seconds later, Scourge is handing out the day's tasks. He looks puzzled, and a bit disappointed when you fall into the end of the line. Mr. Plugg is leaning up on the fo'castle, glaring daggers at the four swabs who stopped you.

Then he turns his eyes to you. He does not look happy.

He sneers at Larry as he joins the rest of the riggers. "You, boy. You'll be working with Maheem today. Upper Rigging work. Do it right or you'll taste the lash." Then he turns his back on Larry, and ignores him while he briefs the rest of the riggers.

Upper Rigging work! That's a DC 10 climb check followed by either a DC 10 profession sailor or dexterity check.

Maheem is a large, brown-skinned man who is vocally complaining about being settled with the wetnosed landlubber. He glares as Larry moves over to join him. "Mess up and you get to go back to deck the hard way." He makes a splat noise, as he claps his hands together.


Kroop, sober for once, takes instruction from Scourge and puts his hand on Zandalo's shoulder. "Well, yer with me again, m'lad. Lessee now... Y'wanted some stories on them old ruins? I reckon after th' good job y'did yesserday, I can 'member a few."

Bull Session! Drink and listen to Kroop! DC 10 fortitude save to avoid intoxication, failure means fatigue. Kroop will handle the cooking, so no check necessary there. Also, you'll get an extra day action.


"Right," says Scourge. "The rest o' ya swabs, lissen up..."
He points at Ariad. "You. Yer on repairs. Giffer, Crimson, yer wi' him." A bedraggled, one-eyed gnomish woman scoots forward and looks Ariad over, unimpressed. The blue-scarfed human joins Ariad, nodding as he goes.

Repairs@ (DC 10 profession - sailor or dexterity check)

His finger moves to Sahaal. "Ye'll be swabbin' the decks. Do it wrong, an' ye can use that fancy tongue o' yers to honey 'em up. Ye'll be workin' with her highness today, if she's not too busy?" Sandara moves up to stand with Sahaal, looking somewhat embarassed at the sarcastic honorifics... "And one more ought to do it... You, Shivikah." A very tall Mwangi woman moves up to stand with Sahaal and Sandara. Her face is expressionless.

Swab the Decks (DC 10 Strength or Con check (You'll suffer fatigue if you fail.)

He points at Qizilbash. "You, freak, ye'll be haulin' an' stackin' rope, checkin' it, and doin' knotwork. Hope them fingers is nimble."

And he looks down at Tinpe sourly. "Ye're nimble enough, so ye'll be helpin' out on tha knotwork too. Jack Scrimshaw, ye'll be on this too." A human lad of perhaps 13 nods at Tinpe and smiles.

Hauling Rope and Knot Work! (DC 10 profession sailor or strength check, DC 10 con check(suffer fatigue if you fail that con check.)

"And as fer you... Aretta, Fipps, Jape, and Lonegan...." He points out the four who stopped you in the hatchway. Fipps swallows, sweating. "Bilges. Yep, they're right and filthy, so best to clear 'em out! All that filth that runs down 'ere, all that garbage and them bugs an' rats... Yeah, you four take care of that today."

As they file over to grap mops and rags, each of the four glares pure hatred at Ariad, Sahaal, and the rest of the new recruits, before moving below.

Scourge cracks the whip!


2013-01-29, 12:19 PM
"Yes sir," Ariad says taking a quick look at the guy who stopped them, then he turned and went to his job. He spends most of the day doing his job and decides to talk to his co-workers. 'How long ave you been on the ship?" He asks the two of them trying to start a conversation.

When night comes Araid decides to do a little more snooping, this time around the main deck. Maybe I can find enough stuff to buy my stuff back from the quartermaster He thought.

Profession Sailor:[roll0]
Oh gods of dice give me good rolls...

2013-01-29, 12:30 PM

Larry salutes, but as has been common since yesterday, he breaks the gesture off mid-way. This is not an army, but an undisciplined lot! Well, nothing to it but to listen for now. He's on a ship, and he's alive. Any chances of making it out are sure to pass on by and, ach, not like Larry had much of a goal in life, any way.

He liked boats and the sea, at least.

Diligently, the soldier set himself to work on the rigging. Diligently enough to at least try and show Maheem that he's not a bloody landlubber! Well, he is, but not so skill-less.

Ohhhhh boy. Time to hit the Deck.
Climb: [roll0]
Dex: [roll1]

Impress Maheem/Make friendly? Diplomacy I guess. [roll2]

I hate the anxiety over whether you pass your checks or not. :smallfrown:

Swami Monsoon
2013-01-29, 01:05 PM
Ropes? What did he know about ropes? Just when Qizilbash was getting the hang of the woodworking... ropes. And if he fouled up their precious ropes, these bloodthirsty lunatics would probably demand a kidney or a spleen in return. With a frown of concentration, he starts in on the work. Hopefully he'll make it through another day with all of his parts intact...

Skill/Strength check: [roll0]
Constitution check: [roll1]
I forgot to add the Working Diligently modifier... turns out I didn't need it.

2013-01-29, 01:23 PM

Though he feels good about actually doing fine work, Larry's less sure about whether he managed to hit it off on the right foot with his fellow rigger... instead, the soldier boy finds a random pirate to lament to. :(

At night, find a random pirate to talk about how hard it is to make friends. :((((

2013-01-29, 05:20 PM
Tinpe's normal happy grin falters as he's sent to Ropework. He's never been very good with human ropes, the blasted heavy, fiberous things. Maybe if they were silk, but good luck there.
He stays unusually quiet while up in the rigging, but if he ever gets close to that bird guarding the dead body, he casts Speak with Animals and asks if it would like anything from the galley tonight.

Rolls for the Job:
STR: [roll0] CON: [roll1]

On his break, Tinpe seeks out the quartermistress Badger was talking about yesterday, and tries to make a good impression.

2013-01-29, 08:59 PM
Sahaal would gladly use the opportunity of being placed with Sandara to strike up conversation, as well as with the new face, Shivikah, but seeing his Bes'om Buddy is a bit embarrassed at being called 'her highness' decides to make light of their connection for her sake. He works diligently, but spares enough time for passing conversation and idle talk with his fellow swabbies, hoping his affiliation with Sandara causes her no grief. He is unfortunately robbed of any time to barter with the Quartermaster for his sigil, and resolves to do so as soon as his duties are completed.

Working diligently

2013-01-29, 09:43 PM
Fort Save

Zandalo shoots the breeze with Kroop in the galley -- even though there's no cooking responsibility today, Zandalo pitches in to help with dishes and keeping everything straight and tidy.

"So, about those stories...some of them have to be true, right? If this ship's been in this area for as long as I think it has, ye have to have run across someone or other with a bit o' somethin they found. How do we make our money, anyways? What course are we sailin' now?

Oh, and one other thing...I heard some whispers carried on the sea spray about a sorceress on board...ye've seen what I can do a bit, and I'm always interested in maybe swappin' a tip or two with someone else."


Later in the evening, Zandalo tracks down the little guy...what was his name again? Tinpe? He can't quite remember. What he does remember, though, is the gnome's interest in alchemical oddities. "Scuse me, friend...I seem to be having a bit of a rough day, and was wondering if you happen to have any Alchemist's Kindness stowed about somewhere; I've been havin' a heck of a day. Ol' Fishguts, he'll talk yer ear off, and drink yer stomach off."

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-30, 03:01 PM
Crimson gives Ariad a funny look. "I been on this ship since yesterday. We was both press-ganged in Port Peril." That kills the conversation.

The gnome woman, Giffer Tibbs, doesn't seem interested in talking with you, answering in monosyllables and focusing on her task. Still, you manage to get your repairs done, though you run through most of a packet of nails pretty quickly.

Later in the day, while examining the doors outside the officers' quarters and finding them both locked, a tall, blonde woman wearing coins as jewelery emerges and frowns at you. "Stay away from my lab or I'll burn you down where you stand, SWAB." She stalks off, watching you all the way. Giffer quickly pulls you back to your work. "Don't annoy Peppery Longfarthing. Ship's sorceress. Tempremental. Don't care if she burns YOU, but she might catch ME, too."

At the end of the day, Scourge examines your work and frowns. "A whole PACK? Swab, d'ya think nails is EASY TA FIND out here? This is shoddy work!" Oddly enough, he seems... Almost happy?

SNAP-WHISH! Before you can move he's fast drawn the whip and lashed you across the chest, tearing a bloody divot out of your shirt and skin!

6 points of nonlethal damage

"Let that be a lesson to ye! Do better in the future!" He stalks off.

Crimson shakes his head. "Harsh," is his only comment. Giffer has a few more words to say. "Plugg does not like you, so Scourge does not like you. Expect more whenever they get an excuse."

Maheem is not a happy man. Maheem is not an easy man to get along with. But after a few minutes of yelling when you start to do something wrong and grudgingly showing you basic knotwork, he seems to be satisfied that you've got the hang of it. He tends to his own job, but replies to your attempts at conversation with grunts and curses.

Later on, as he's lining up for mess, he ends up in line with the only person on the ship younger than him, a human kid of 13 named Jack Scrimshaw who seems happy to talk with him. "Yeah. Well, some o' us ain't friendly. Others... Well, it's 'cause of Plugg. Normally he an' Scourge get ta work over landlubbers who get pressed on, and I think they kinda like it a bit much. But you and th' rest of the newbies been doin' good fer the most part! Ya just might make good pirates, and Plugg ain't got no excuses to bully ya. Well, yet."

Jack gets his stew, and declines an invitation to sit with you. "Na, mate. As long as Plugg's angry 'bout you, I don't wanna look like we're chummy, or he might get go after ME. But hey, don't get mad. Yer alright, I just can't be seen too much wi' ya."


Qizlbash focuses all his effort on working with the ropes... And does brilliantly! The kid working with him (Who says his name is Jack Scrimshaw), is impressed. Tinpe himself has trouble with the heavy ropes, but he manages to hold his own.

At one point, while Jack Scrimshaw is complimenting one of Qizlbash's particularly difficult knots, shadows fall across him. You looks up to see the Captain and Mr. Plugg looking down at his work. "Well," rumbles the Captain. "It looks like we've got some effective recruits, here, Mr. Plugg. I believe you've got some gold to spare from last night's game, go on and reward them." Mr. Plugg, his face unreadable, slowly pulls out a coin pouch and tosses Qizlbash, Tinpe, and Jack Scrimshaw 10 gold pieces.

Mr. Plugg is worried. He doesn't like you doing so well in front of the captain.

"Carry on," says the Captain, and the two wander off. Mr. Plugg hastily makes a joke, and the Captain claps him on the back, laughing heartily.

Jack Scrimshaw swallows. "Oh boy." He looks nervous. For the rest of the day, he's fairly quiet.

Later on, Tinpe has a brief conversation with the parrot in broken common and parrot while a few of the crew look on, amused. The parrot reports that her name is Mr. Beaky, and it wants some #@%@@%( ship's biscuits right the @$@%!@#%# now, and if Tinpe knows what's good for him he'll @%@%#@ stuff Mr. Beaky with crackers. @%%#%@^ pronto. When asked why she's still up with the corpse, she gets a little sad and explains that the guy in the cage was the only one around still alive who was ever nice to her. No one else mourns, so she mourns. You got a problem with it ya #%!#%#%#)!: !#$#@$!#?

And during mess, Tinpe finds his way to the Quartermaster's store. It's open, and the wiry half-orc woman inside glares at him. "Oh, one a' the new swabs, eh? Guess I better give ya the speech." She keeps tucking into her plate, looks like she got dinner ahead of time. "Here's how it works. Yes, we got yer old stuff. It's payment for yer hammock, food, and luck-sorry lodgin's. No, ya can't have it back. Well, lessen ya pay for it. We sell other things too. How d'ya earn pay? Well, ya either sell things, sell favors, make the officers happy-" She takes a bite of chow and frowns, "-Though yer workin' under Plugg so good luck wi' that, he's a mean bully of a tightwad." She washes the drink down. "Or ya get money somewheres else ta pay for it. And ya can buy other stuff too. Lotsa people buy stuff after we take another ship, since everyone gets a share o' loot then."

Once hearing that he's just there to talk, she shrugs and makes conversation. "I'm Cut-Throat Grok, and I been onboard a year or so. Seen a buncha crews come and go... Some dies durin' boarding, others get put out on captured ships wi' a promising officer in charge. Some lucky few get promoted, like me. I like drinkin' an' gossip and not havin' ta beat up idiots who think seduction will get them free #@$@%, and stories. I don't like people who try to steal from my shop. Keep those in mind and we'll get on fine, shortstuff."

Shivikah seems rather relieved that she doesn't have to talk with you, as you focus on your work. Sandara shrugs, and gets to her work, and damned if you don't give the deck the swabbing of its life!

At one point, the Captain comes by with Plugg and Scourge trailing behind like lampreys on a shark, and looks down from the fo'csle, rubbing his chin and finally grunting in approval. "It's a mirror! Damned if I ain't tempted to shave. Not that I will. Mr. Plugg! Pay them for such a good job!" Mr. Plugg, lips pressed tight, throws a handful of coins at your feet. Looks like fifteen gold's worth, all told.

Mr. Plugg is jealous that you've, however temporarily, won the captain's fickle favor.

After they leave, Sandara sighs, picking up the gold and sharing it out amongst the three of you. "Sweet Bes on a dolphin, 'at's gonner sour 'im even MORE on me n' you, Sahaal. If I'd known 'e was this much of a !@$!%# I woulda slept wi' him instead of slappin' him when he started gropin' me."

Shivikah pipes up. "Trust me, it wouldn't have been worth it."
At Sandara's silence and stare, she shifts, uncomfortably, and gets a little angry. "What? Well it wasn't! Not like it was just ME, he goes after anything with breasts. Anyway, tell anyone I said any of this and I'll gut you."



Zandalo enjoys a long day with Kroop, though the red, red wine they drink soon has him blinking and staggering a bit. Kroop warms up to you, and at the end of the day you're certain you've made a solid friend.

"The ruins... Yeah. Old race of them one-eyed giants... The watchacallems, cyclorps. Used ta be all through 'ese here isles, but gone now. Dunno wot 'appened. Run out 'a people ta eat, mebbe."

"There's usually some sorta ruins on all th' larger isles, but most of'em be plundered, now. The ones that ain't, there's worse guarding 'em. The smaller isles are where ya find the smaller, safer places. Sometimes get some treasure ifn' no one else's found it first, but jus' as often haveta fight monsters, demons, undead, n' worse. No. Thank. You."

"Hell, even when ya think it's safe, it ent. Usedta be a pirate Lord name of Nalt, set up on a place, called it Nalt's Island. Y'can still see Eel's skull, his stronghold, when ya pass by. Built it on top'a some old ruins, and one night damn if he doesn't go crazy. Kills 'is entire crew. Sets fire ta the place. Smoke pours from it fer weeks. The first brave treasure hunters to go lookin' never comes back. Everyone who goes never comes back. Well, save fer two... They came out DIFFERENT. Spoke of THINGS down in them old caves, things what WOKE UP when the stars was right. 'Cordin ta legend, Nalt's ghost still haunts the place, and he's the least worst 'a what's down there."

He shudders, and won't speak any further on it.

Towards the end of the day, a wiry half-orc woman with a ponytail and some actual honest-to-god leather armor wanders in to the place.

"Hey, Ambrose."

"Hey, Grok! Meet ma new cook's mate!"

"Yer the one, huh? Thanks for savin' Ambrose's bacon yesterday. Captain was setting to beat him if he was too drunk to cook again. Name's Cut-throat Grok, I'm the Quartermaster."

Pleasantries are exchanged, and Grok picks up a plate of dinner in advance of the rush. The two of them make plans to drink and gamble later.

She departs, and Kroop turns his attention to Zandalo's last questions. "Money? Why, piracy, a' course! The wealth o' nations runs through the Shackles. It's the only route for the merchant ships that ply this coast. The Wormwood finds 'em, like so many other pirate ships do, and hunts 'em down. Then it's all hands on deck, hoist the black flag, an' yo-ho. Other pirates, sure, they sometimes try for ruin-looting, but... Well, old Nalt was only one example out o' many. And his fate was lighter than some I heard."

When Zandalo asks about the sorceress, he shakes his head vigorously, jowls flapping like a bulldog. "HOOOO no. Watch yerself there. Peppery Longfarthing's part o' the original crew wi' the captain. He may be a demon of a fighter, but she's a devil o' a mage. Doesn't like competition, neither. Sometimes deigns to pick bedmates out o' the crew, but casts them away just as easy, unpredictable she is."

"Likes fire and mist, that's about all I know of her magic. Beyond that ye'd have to ask her, and... Well, like I said, doesn't like competition."

And the end of the day comes, as the meal is served. Turns out to be fish on rice, and damned if it isn't tasty. The grog ration is handed out as per normal, and pirates start heading to their hammocks for an early day tomorrow.

At the very end of it, the four who tried to bully you earlier today emerge from the bilges, filthy, tired, late for dinner and having to settle for the very scrapings of the pot. Scourge goes and talks with them privately for a few seconds, and they nod wearily, before scrubbing off as best as possible and crashing down for some sleep.

2013-01-30, 05:36 PM
Later in the evening, Zandalo tracks down the little guy...what was his name again? Tinpe? He can't quite remember. What he does remember, though, is the gnome's interest in alchemical oddities. "Scuse me, friend...I seem to be having a bit of a rough day, and was wondering if you happen to have any Alchemist's Kindness stowed about somewhere; I've been havin' a heck of a day. Ol' Fishguts, he'll talk yer ear off, and drink yer stomach off."

"Sorry, good sir, but they took all my things when I came aboard, and I haven't had the free time or materials to whip up a batch yet. There are some ingredients you could get me from the kitchens..."
Craft: Alchemy [roll0] (To know/describe useful alchemical materials that may be in a kitchen)
"But without some proper equiptment it'd be a sorry mess.
I can, however, whip up about three weeks' worth in a week, if I had the right materials."

Talking with Grok:
"Oh, dear me, I'd never think of stealing from you, good woman. You look like you could break me in half! Same as if I tried the Seduction route, really." Tinpe shoots her an amniable grin.
"Actually, I just got a little pay for good work. Three whole gold. I was wondering if I could buy back my blowgun, and I have a bit of a special request, besides. What would it cost me to get hold of some chocolate?"


That night, Tinpe casts Prestidigitation, and approaches the four who had tried to stop him in the morning.
He does so stealthilly, so as not to be noticed by other members of the crew.
He takes a bucket of cleaning water with him.

"Good evening, my fellows. I'm sorry your attempt to cover for us got you the filth duty. I'm reasonably certain mr. Plugg and mr. Scourge have it out for us.
But you tried to do us a kindness, and for that I would repay you, in my fashion.
Gnomes are very good at cleaning things, as I'm sure you are aware, and I can take care of your clothing, leaving it in better shape than when you had it in the morning."
Diplomacy: [roll2]

If they accept, Tinpe uses his already-cast Prestidigitation and cleaning water to magically launder their clothing, while working to make it look like it's physical effort.
Bluff: [roll3]
Sleight of Hand: [roll4]

2013-01-30, 06:23 PM
"Sorry, good sir, but they took all my things when I came aboard, and I haven't had the free time or materials to whip up a batch yet. There are some ingredients you could get me from the kitchens..."
Craft: Alchemy [roll0] (To know/describe useful alchemical materials that may be in a kitchen)
"But without some proper equiptment it'd be a sorry mess.
I can, however, whip up about three weeks' worth in a week, if I had the right materials."

"Sure, sure. I could even bring yeh by a l'il bit extra as my way of saying thanks. Maybe if yeh stick around a bit after dinner I can get it to yeh then."

Swami Monsoon
2013-01-30, 07:17 PM
Sense Motive [roll0]
Qizilbash is relieved that he appears to be making a good impression.

After work is over, he browses the quartermaster's shop and realizes that anything of use (including his former equipment) is still out of his price range.
During dinner he tries to circulate and get to know more of the new crew members.

Diplomacy (if needed) [roll1]

2013-01-30, 08:35 PM
"Sure, sure. I could even bring yeh by a l'il bit extra as my way of saying thanks. Maybe if yeh stick around a bit after dinner I can get it to yeh then."

"Oh, of course, of course. I do have plans for later I hear there's some gambling about? but I can loiter a while."

2013-01-30, 11:35 PM
Sahaal salutes smartly, "A deck so clean, sir, I warrant Besmara'd herself wouldn't recognize the Wormwood as a pirate vessel. No deck's so clean it can't be bettered with the blood of a few unfortunate souls properly relieved of their valuables though I say. Beggin your indulgence, sir." He refrains from winking, but is rather emboldened and accepts the coins eagerly.

As the captain struts off with Plugg in tow, he can't help but grin like a madman after him. Turning back to Sandara and Shivikah, he listens, not batting an eyelash at either of their 'affairs' with Mr. Plugg. "Not my place to judge what any pirate does at sea to survive the voyage and plunder another day, let alone a woman. I'd wager Bes' has slept and slapped her way through half the celestial sea if it weren't the best kind of blasphemy." He then proceeds to divide the coins up evenly and give them each five, "Here. If only because any act of charity seems to frustrate Misters Plugg and Scourge all the more."

That evening, he make his way to the Quartermaster, intent on retrieving the wooden holy symbol of Besmara, by hook or by crook.

2013-01-31, 05:56 AM
Araid winces at the pain every time he moves. Gods damn that bastard. He thought to himself as he ate, deciding to sit alone in a far away corner. Hoping that tomorrow would be a better day, then as he finished the grog ration Araid plopped down on his hammock from lst night and drifted off to sleep.

2013-01-31, 11:41 AM

Larry looks befuddled at the idea of not sitting with others because it could get you in trouble. More at the part where it could get you in trouble than anything, though. Was the lack of discipline so great that even the bigshots there hated it when you did right?

"Maybe I should do worse?" the boy mumbles to himself. Once he finishes dinner, he gets up and tries to find any of the guys he came on board this ship with. They're rather recognizable folk and seem more well-adjusted than he is, and maybe they could do something with knowing their uh, officers, had it out for them.

Be awfully nice if they could do something. Severe lack of discipline bothers Larry.

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-31, 11:48 AM
Grok sells you the blowgun, but laughs at the idea of chocolate. "Ha, you think we're a sweet shop? Hell, even when we get the GOOD cargo, you don't see sweets that often lessen we... get... nobles... Hold up." She goes digging in the back, and turns up a fancy paper box with a pretty bow on it. She undoes the bow with surprising delicacy, and sniffs inside. "Huh. Yeah, I'd almost forgotten about this. Some fancy noble gorm was sailing to meet his future wife. Ah, you shoulda seen it... We take this passenger ship, an' the crew goes down fast. But not him. Handsome, dashin', brave... He had one-a them thinblades drawn, and was tryin' ta hold off th' whole crew. Captain goes to see what the ruckus was, an' likes the cut o' his jib. Offers him a job, straight up. But the nitwit said he'd prefer to be dead than a pirate. Captain was like, "Challenge Accepted!" and blew his brains out with a pistol. Anyways, th' box is yers fer five gold."

Later that night, when he approaches the four his friendly offer is met with cold glares and disinterest. The leader, the overweight man called Fipps, shakes his head. "Walk away, gnome. Just walk away." Diplomacy is telling you that pushing the issue wouldn't get you anything beneficial, so you depart.


After the jobs are done, you get to talking with some of the crew who've been around longer, and your fairly polite and calm approach is met with friendliness in the best cases, and grudging civility in the worst. All in all, you're able to put together a pretty good roster of who's who on the Wormwood. (And you're welcome and able to share this with the rest of the PC's.)


There's Captain Harrigan, of course.
Mister Plugg is the First Mate.
Master Scourge is the Boatswain.
Peppery Longfarthing is the Ship's Sorceress.
Riaris Krine is the ship's armsmaster. (Human female)
Habbly Quarne is the ship's surgeon. (Human male)
Cut-Throat Grok is the Quartermaster.
Ambrose Kroop is the Ship's Cook.


Owlbear Hartshorn, a crazy berserker chained to the mast belowdecks. They let him loose when it's boarding time, otherwise he's too destructive.
Barefoot Samm Toppin (Female human), rigger.
Giffer Tibbs (Female gnome), swab.
Jack Scrimshaw (Male human kid), swab.
Ratline Ratsburger (Male ratfolk), rigger.
Tilly Brackett (Female human), swab.
Badger Medlar (Female half-elf), swab.
Shivikah (Female human), swab.
Maheem (Male human), rigger.

The four who tried to bully you this morning are...
Aretta Bansion, (Female human), swab.
Fipps Chumlett, (Male human), swab.
Jaundiced Jape, (Mute Male half-orc), swab.
Slippery Syl Lonegan, (Female human), rigger.


You and the rest of the PC's
Conchabar Shortstone, a flamboyant gnome who thinks he's a ladies man.
Crimson Cogward, a quiet, moody human who only hangs around others when they're telling ghost stories.
Rosie Cusswell, a halfling woman with a foul mouth and a quick temper.
Sandara Quinn, a human woman who's openly admitted to being a priestess of Besmara.


Six words through your attempt at flattering the captain, he turns and leaves, ignoring you all the while and talking with Plugg. Seems like he wasn't kidding about that "don't talk to me" thing.

Shivikah is somewhat mollified by your words, but doesn't reply further on the subject.

And later that night, you find your way to the Quartermaster's store. Oddly enough, the doorway's not far from a wild-eyed, brawny man who happens to be chained to the mast. Tar and feathers cover parts of his torso, and a recently emptied food bowl lies at his feet.

He looks at you with a predator's gaze, and slowly stands, crouching slightly, arms out. But you can tell the chains will keep him from you, so long as you don't go within his reach.

Regardless, your business is with the quartermaster, and finding her door open and the lamp lit, you enter. She's busy drinking and laughing with the ship's cook. They've got a pile of cards on a table, and every so often will play a few hands. A modest pile of silver pieces off to the side shows that they're not very serious about it. They're putting way more work into passing the bottle back and forth.

The quartermaster, Cut-Throat Grok, blinks at you. "Hm? Whaddya want?"

Kroop belches. "Better not be chocolate. We're out!"

It has to be some sort of in-joke, judging by how she starts, laughing hysterically.


And writing the day off as a small loss, Ariad finds solace in sleep.


The bells ring, and you find your way to the decks without trouble. Jobs are assigned, and you start in on them as you're supposed to do. The day is blistering hot, and you can tell that you're going to be swimming in sweat by the time it's through.

But after a scant fifteen minutes in, young Jack Scrimshaw bursts out of the lower decks, hollering like the nine hells are after him! His shoulder is slicked with blood, and he's clearly in a lot of pain.

Scourge quickly collars him and drags him to Mr. Plugg, who listens to his tearful exclamations. Then he grins, and beckons each of you over to him.

"You lot. Evidently there's something big and hungry down in the bilges. Go down there and kill it. Step lively now! Oh, I suppose you'll need something to kill it WITH..." He kicks over a bucket of belaying pins and broken gaff poles, sending them rolling across the deck. "There you go. Have fun with that."

"Oh, and grab the cook's mate when you head down there. He can go hunting with you too. See if whatever's down there is worth eating after it's dead."

Scourge laughs nastily, and most of the crew follow suit, with various degrees of enthusiasm. Sandara and Maheem don't... They're busy checking over Jim's wound and frowning.

They're essentially clubs. There's a couple of different sizes, so you can have a small or medium sized club if you prefer.

2013-01-31, 01:09 PM

Curiously, Larry frowns as well. He recalls Jack/Jim. Fella he talked to the other day. Last night, in fact. But more importantly, he recalls Maheem, and he's pretty sure Maheem only ever frowned in what could be nothing but undiluted rage ready to snap.

Or just plain annoyance. The guy was a pain to work with! Couldn't be pleased. Probably a lion in bed.

So pondering, he grabbed a gaff pole, not quite having bolts for his crossbow.


Sense Motive: [roll0]

2013-01-31, 01:23 PM
Araid takes a quick look at his ring again to judge how much it might be worth before grabbing a pin, or doing his other plan.

Appraise Check:[roll0]

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-31, 01:51 PM
The rough silver ring is worth perhaps five gold pieces.

2013-01-31, 02:42 PM
Looking up he says aloud, "I'll trade this Silver ring for a simple dagger or Kama, any takers?"

Swami Monsoon
2013-01-31, 03:31 PM
Qizilbash finds a mostly intact belaying pin. He frowns as he hefts it experimentally. Hitting things wasn't really his specialty. Now, some of these others looked like they actually hit or stabbed things for a living...
He shoves the pin into his sash and turns away from the hatch and towards the injured boy.

"I can help with that," he says, pointing at the boy's shoulder... These people are crazy, but Jack's just a kid...

If the boy and the crewmen around him let him approach, he will examine the wound (to see what caused it, if there is anything unusual about it) and then cast Cure Light Wounds).

Diplomacy [roll0]
Healing Check [roll1]
CLW [roll2]

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-31, 04:47 PM
"I'll take that deal!"

A dagger sails out of the crowd, and sticks vibrating at Ariad's feet. Conchobar Shortstone offers a bow. "I name it bigthingslayer. Use it well, my friend!" The crew laughs, and the gnome walks forward, holding his hand out for the ring.

Meanwhile, Qizilbash moves through the crew, making his way past a glowering Maheem, to find Sandara cleaning the wound with a small kit of instruments and medicines. "Half a mo'," she says. "There. Now go fer it." With his rudimentary knowledge of healing, Qizilbash realizes that she's treating Jack for disease. "Filthy down in them bilges," she says. "Right, now y'can cast it." Qizilbash's healing closes the wound entirely, and Maheem throws up his hands. "Fine! Fine! Keep sucking up to your damn gods then! Not like there's a good chirurgeon standing right next to you! Wimps!" He stomps off, angry again, like usual.

Jack is thrilled! "Thanks, mate! Good luck down there. Water started churnin, an' somethin' leaped on me. Didn't see it clear... Barely got away, but it bit or clawed me or summat. Don't envy you all none..."


Plugg smiles, and draws forth his cat of nine tails. "No, no Master Scourge. I'LL get them first. You'll have what's left over." The metal hooks on the cat jangle discordantly, as if eager to taste blood...


With no choice but to descend, you find your way to mid-deck.

Kroop blinks as you knock on the galley door. "Hm? What?" After a quick explanation, he sighs, and looks around the kitchen. "Sorry Zan, ifn' yer don't go Plugg's not gonna let it slide." He squints at the belaying pins and gaffs that most of you are carrying, and sighs again. " 'ere. No sense in you lot gettin' dead cos Plugg's got a mad on."

He sweeps a few pots, pans, and utensils out of the way, revealing a rack full of cooking implements.

"Take what ya can use. Just gets 'em back ta me an' clean 'em after, all right?"


One meat tenderizer, useable as a small warhammer.
Six kitchen knives, equivalent to small daggers.
One meat cleaver, equivalent to a hand axe.
One sledgehammer (used for killing pigs,) equivalent to a greatclub.
Three fishing spears, equivalent to javelins

2013-01-31, 05:01 PM
Araid wields the dagger getting used to it. He holds it with the blade protruding from the bottom of his fist. At least now he had a weapon. Thinking for a moment he redubs it "Kat" planing to get another and naming it "Ana," He then crouches and begins to descend into the bilges. Carefully looking for any sine of movement.


2013-01-31, 05:47 PM
Tinpe gives Grok his last Gold Piece, asking her to hold the item for him until he can get the remainder.

Staying late after dinner, (Since he failed that alchemy), Tinpe grabs some extra biscuts, which he stores in his footlocker. :p

Tinpe looks towards the Bilges with a scowl, equipping his Brass Knuckles. (Which he kept, on account of his trait :p)
He briefly debates applying the Drow poison to his weapon, but decides against.
(Do blowguns actually take ammo? I can't find anything in the entry for WHAT they use, or how much it costs 0.o)

Following Scourge's pointed hand, Tinpe heads for the Bilges, creeping slowly and hiding well.


Acrobatics: (Since it's probably going to be required)[roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]
Initiative: (For when it happens) [roll2]

2013-01-31, 08:24 PM
After hearing the story, Zandalo shrugs. "Well, can't say I'm surprised that we're the ones they pick to deal with...whatever this is."

He grabs a gaff and a fishing spear, and turns towards the door. Hesitating a second, he also digs in the wastebasket for a second and slips a few cracked pottery shards of what probably used to be a dish or jug into his pocket.

"I'll just let you boys lead the way..."

Once they get belowdecks and out of sight of the rest of the crew, Zandalo mutters a few words and briefly touches Larry's gaff, which suddenly begins to glow like a torch.

Casting Light. Duration 20 minutes.

"Here now, that's a bit better. No sense stumbling around in the dark. Carry on, mates."

2013-01-31, 09:00 PM
Sahaal joins in their laughter with a light chuckle, still very much at ease. "I have some business to discuss with Mr. Grok. I believe he is currently in possession of a certain bauble, a blacken wooden amulet set with an ivory Jolly Roger? It was wrapped in some rags and beads (not without reason) when it was taken from me, and if it is still in that condition, I would like to barter for it. Otherwise . . ." His usual smile dims for moment, and his voice takes on a subtle edge as he looks about shiftily and makes an exaggerated gesture to ward away evil. "Well, I just hope it's still wrapped up."

Sahaal knows the item was never wrapped up as so (he wore it openly on his wrist), but is implying it wouldn't be worth as much unwrapped."

Swami Monsoon
2013-01-31, 09:11 PM
Qizilbash selects a butcher knife from the rack and then pauses... He's no knife-fighter. He's better off keeping his distance.

He slips the knife into his sash next to the belaying pin and grabs one of the spears. He then turns and follows the others, staying towards the back of the group...

Lost Demiurge
2013-01-31, 10:31 PM
Sahaal joins in their laughter with a light chuckle, still very much at ease. "I have some business to discuss with Mr. Grok. I believe he is currently in possession of a certain bauble, a blacken wooden amulet set with an ivory Jolly Roger? It was wrapped in some rags and beads (not without reason) when it was taken from me, and if it is still in that condition, I would like to barter for it. Otherwise . . ." His usual smile dims for moment, and his voice takes on a subtle edge as he looks about shiftily and makes an exaggerated gesture to ward away evil. "Well, I just hope it's still wrapped up."

Sahaal knows the item was never wrapped up as so (he wore it openly on his wrist), but is implying it wouldn't be worth as much unwrapped."


Fortunately, the quartermaster's store is on the way. Cut-Throat Grok squints at you as you enter. Her eyes widen as you make your appeal. "Whoa, wait. You sayin' that thing o' yers is cursed?"

(A bluff check might be in order here.)

2013-01-31, 11:33 PM

Fortunately, the quartermaster's store is on the way. Cut-Throat Grok squints at you as you enter. Her eyes widen as you make your appeal. "Whoa, wait. You sayin' that thing o' yers is cursed?"

(A bluff check might be in order here.)

"Cursed is a strong term." Sahaal begins casually, before suddenly ducking and looking behind and around him and leaning in close to whisper to Grok. "But not nearly strong enough in this case. It's a wicked artifact of misfortune and devilry, and rumored to be touched by Besmara herself. I've had it as ever sine the shipwreck that orphaned me and the last three men to carry it besides myself were torn apart by sharks ((OOC: All technically true)). Of course, I was carrying it when I was pressed into service here aboard the Wormwood, so perhaps the Queen of Pirates has a different doom in store for me yet . . . " He gulped audibly.

"Look the . . . thing seems to like me for some reason. As long as I've held it, I've known something of Bes' blessings (if they can be called that), but I can't know what fate it holds in store for it's bearer aside me, and I certainly wouldn't wish even that on someone else. If you give it back to me, I'll use what sway favor I have with Besmara to keep you out of her mischief. Sound like a deal?"

Bluff Check to fool Grok into thinking it's cursed: [roll0]
Diplomacy Check to bargain the item back for the occasional divine favor from Sahaal: [roll1]

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-01, 12:15 AM
Grok puts on steel gauntlets, GINGERLY goes and gets the trinket, and hands it back to Sahaal, her hands visibly shaking and her eyes wide. "No, no more curses. No more cursed things in here, not after last time, no no no. Bye!"

She practically pushes you out the door.

2013-02-01, 01:13 AM
Sahaal takes up his hand carved holy symbol of besmara, reattaches the leather braid around his wrist and joins the others down in the bilges, whistling, as he goes, hand resting on the hilt of his rapier.

2013-02-01, 04:46 AM

The soldier generously takes advantage of Kroop's offer to arm himself with the meat cleaver and belt one of the kitchen knives. He's not that used to improvised combat, but one makes do when he can, and a gaff is certainly worse a weapon.

"Thanks sir," he says to Kroop. "I'll make sure to repay you, uh, some day!" Because he has nothing right now except for a crossbow with NO BOLTS!

One of these days, one of these days.

When Zandalo lights up his gaff, in the most literal of senses, Larry is almost beside himself. "You a WIZARD?" the boy asks, sharply. Without waiting for an answer, he presses the gaff in Zandalo's hands. "Keep... keep your hocus pocus away from me!"

So saying, he takes position away from Zandalo, giving the caster one last, wary glare.

Wizards. Untrustworthy bunch, the lot of 'em. Will ask you to buy them time for ritual magic, then run off while the army dies like dogs.

Wizards. Bah!

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-01, 12:01 PM
And so, you descend into the bilges. For some of you, this is your first time in a ship's bilges. You soon find that up until now you were LUCKY.

The dirty little secret of wooden sailing vessels, is that they are, no matter how much you caulk and tar them and do repairs, they are never 100% watertight. Water seeps in, waves burst over the railing and have to go SOMEWHERE, barnacles force seams apart as they put down their equivalent of roots, and even if you beat all that, moisture still collects. Not to mention the occasional pirate who drunkenly vomits, or doesn't make it to the railing in time to relieve himself.

So to make up for that fact, you get the bilges. Ships are crafted in such a way that all the liquid and moisture and whatnot that is too fluid to be stopped runs into the bilges. Occasionally when the bilges get full enough, they are scooped out with buckets and dumped overboard, and pumped out through a series of simple valves into the sea. Of course, this is hard, dirty work that needs to be repeated daily.

The bilges on the Wormwood are just as disgusting as you'd expect on this, hot, hot day. You open the trap door that leads down into the soupy water, and the smell rolling out is FOUL.

Fortitude save DC 12 or be sickened.

The ladder under the trap door is sturdy enough, going down ten feet into the foul, damp, watery darkness. The water level turns out to be about a foot and a half today, and dark and brackish enough to be totally opaque. The bilges run the length of the ship, and wooden supports hold up the deck above and create the feeling of a columned, enclosed space. The ceiling is a mess of filthy cobwebs, and water-roaches and flies scatter as Zandalo brings his light into the room. Hairy, fist-sized spiders scuttle through the webs above.

To the stern you can make out a single bilge pump. Aft, you can see several sets of masterwork manacles affixed to bulkheads... Huh, at a guess, the bilges also double as the ship's brig.

A number of discarded crates and boxes lie here, some floating loose, others tied down with moldy ropes.

Ariad and Tinpe sneak ahead of the group, diseappearing into the darkness like melting shadows.

The only light in here is Zandalo's glowing magelight...

ARIADYou see no movement, but one of the crates near the ladder has been slightly prised open. You can see metal of some sort glinting through the straw-filled crate.

TINPEYour keen gnomish eyes track movement in the water! You soon realize that about half a dozen rodents of unusual size are moving out so as to circle the group. They're probably going to attack your friends in a few seconds or so, left to their own devices.

PERCEPTION CHECK DC 15 FOR EVERYONE (Acanous can read this freely)Ripples in the water! (About 6 or so.) Something is about to attack the group! (Well, except Tinpe and Ariad, the ripples don't seem to have noticed the sneaky types.) But congratulations, you're not surprised and you get a single standard action!

If you made a DC 20+ on the perception check or your PC is named Tinpe, read below.Through the water, you can make out the attacking creatures. They are rats the size of human children!

2013-02-01, 12:28 PM

Fortitude Save: [roll0]

The smell. Oh god, the smell. It's almost as bad as Cornish. Almost. Larry's had to endure worse. He wrinkles his nose, recalling that fat, sleazy man who never even once seemed to believe in the notion of cleaning up! Speaking of, he ought to see if there isn't somewhere he can have a good wash, here. He'll smell as bad as Cornish if this keeps up!

Larry peers in the darkness. It feels like the darkness is peering back at him. Vaguely, he can spot what seems to be... An ambush, huh.

Perception: [roll1]

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-01, 01:20 PM
Fortitude [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

Qizilbash's stomach heaves as the foul water sloshes around his knees. He gags and coughs out a mouthful of vomit... then he startles as something under the water breaks the surface to snatch at the floating chunks, like trout rising to a fly...

2013-02-01, 01:42 PM
Sniffing the "delicious" air finding that the last ship reeked far worse. Araid moves to the half open box to see what's in it, Jumping from box to box, trying not to disturb the water itself.


2013-02-01, 05:17 PM
Tinpe follows along with Ariad, with his (Already Rolled) Acrobatics.
When the wave of dour odor hits him, Tinpe is momentarilly surprised.
Fort: [roll0]

2013-02-01, 05:40 PM
Taking in the strange, stagnant stench, he identifies rodent feces, stagnant water, partially digested, rotting food that really wasn't healthilly prepared to start with, and a number of less-pleasant aromas.
He's never smelled anything quite like it.
He takes another whiff.

Noticing the Rats moving towards his party, Tinpe uses a Partial Charge Action. (Unless the bilges count as rough terrain. In which case he throws the Alchemist's fire in an attempt to snag as many as possible. Attack roll is the same.)
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack: [roll2](Use this -1 if alchemist fire)

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-01, 07:14 PM
Initiative [roll0]

As the rats break the water's surface, Qizilbash hefts the spear and tries to line up a clear shot. He feels it tremble in his hand. Not good. His stomach... his whole body... is still heaving.
He lowers the spear and points his empty hand at the largest cluster of rats. A cloud of smoke, filled with sparks and glowing embers, envelops the creatures...

Cast Burning Hands (1d4, reflex for half)
Rolling once (I don't know how many things I'm hitting) [roll1]
We don't have a map, so I'm assuming my character is trying to line up a clear shot at the biggest clump he can without hitting a teammate or too much of the structure of the ship. Nobody appears to be in melee yet, so hopefully I should be able to catch a few. If I see the alchemist's fire get thrown I'll try to assist by targeting the same spot. If people are already moving into melee and I can't safely hit two or more rats I will hold my action.

2013-02-01, 09:55 PM

Sahaal had been down to bilges before (pretty much every new hand got stuck with the work at some point), and had girded himself as much as possible, but there was only so much that could be done against the unseemly assortment of waste that inevitably collected down here. It was a fairly sick sort of person who made the bilges into their ships brig, however convenient it might be, and once again we was impressed at just how different a ship the Wormwood was from the Blackguard (who's bilges had been tolerable by comparison).

Apparently the rats who inhabit the Wormwood are more inured against the vile environment, as they appear to have grown large and hostile towards anyone infringing on their territory, and Sahaal draws his rapier as he covers his mouth, not daring to open it, even in prayer to his goddess.


Initiative: [roll2]

2013-02-02, 03:05 AM

Spurred on by his allies taking initiative, Larry acts as well! And by act, I mean assumes a stance of total defence, ready to weather the assault of those things.

Initiative: 1d20+4
Charge attack:Standard Action: Total Defence.

2013-02-02, 10:02 AM

Fort: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Initiative: [roll2]

Zandalo gags a bit, but manages to hold down his rising gorge. He looks around, peering into the dim flickering shadows at the edge of his torchlight, but it looks like there's just a bunch of discarded junk down here.

"What is it? Do yeh see anything that might've ripped that nasty gash in Jack?"

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-03, 08:04 PM
And in an explosion of water, six rats the size of Tinpe burst out and try to savage the group....

One of them is set alight by Tinpe's thrown flask of alchemist's fire! Shrieking, it flails and sinks back under the water, likely dead. Another one next to it chirps in pain as liquid flame singes it. It chirps MORE when Qizilbash fries it with a gout of fire, and grimly lunges at the strange oracle, biting him savagely!

That'll be 4 points of damage.

One assaults Larry, but is turned aside by his readied guard.

Sahaal, however, is nipped. Damn things are nimble, and desperate!

1 whole point of damage...

Meanwhile, Zandalo happens to be holding the light source... An unwelcome addition to the rats' lair! Two of them tag team the cook's mate, and one manages a long tear along his leg...

2 points of damage.

And in the middle of hopping from crate to crate, Ariad notices the fuss! He also notices that due to their advance stealthy movement, both he and Tinpe are set up so that they can move to flank with any of the rest of the group they please...


2013-02-03, 08:15 PM

Larry spots the wizard in trouble! Damn hocus pocus fanatics! Too focused on their obscure and abstract studies to really be of any use! Hang on, that wasn't the one who threw fi-- more wizards!

Larry would sigh, but there's no such time when there's rats to be slaughtered like, well... rats.

"Hey now! GET OVER HERE YOU MANGY RATS!" Larry hollers to the rats surrounding Zandalo. He swipes deftly at the rat what's dared to jump him and, if it dies, moves off to help the frail wizard.

Standard: Counter-attack the rat what attacked me!
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Move: To Zandalo, ONLY if my Standard connected and killed the rat. Otherwise, do nothing with it.

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-03, 08:47 PM
Qizilbash grunts in pain. He drops the now useless javelin, snatches the club from his sash and swings it at the rat...

Initiative (if needed) [roll0]
Free action: drop spear
Move: draw club
Standard: attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2013-02-04, 02:38 AM
Sahaal cringes not so much at the pain of his wound but rather of the implications of exposing it to the filth of the bilges hopes that Besmara has not yet consigned him to such an inglorious fate. Spurred to prove himself worthy of more, he wades through the filth and lungs with his outstretched blade towards the nearest of the rats, attempting to skewer the filthy thing.


2013-02-04, 06:56 AM
Ariad remains completely silent descending into the water, moving toward Sahaal Then he raises Kat and drives it into the rat attacking Sahaal.

Sneak attack[roll2]
If the sneak attack damage applies, I'm not totally sure.

2013-02-04, 09:29 AM
Zandalo, taken by surprise, curses at the pain and scrambles back a few steps as he holds the torch up higher to see what's going on.

"FILTHY, ROTTEN, INFECTIOUS VERMIN!" Zandalo roars as soon as he realizes what they are. Rats. He hates rats. "AWAY FROM ME!"

It looks like Zandalo reaches back behind himself with his free hand, then thrusts it forward towards the nearest rat. A geyser of water erupts from his palm, catapulting the filthy beast away.

5' step away, then cast Hydraulic Push targeting one of the two rats that attacked him. If possible, try to line it up so that the rat is pushed through one or more squares threatened by the party in order to provoke AoO.

Hydraulic Push Bull Rush maneuver: [roll0]

2013-02-04, 04:52 PM
With his super-high initiative, Tinpe moves to flank, and takes an attack!

"Look alive, friends! I've already got one!"

(my attack rolls are pretty cruddy :/ Does flanking offer a bonus at all?)

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-04, 08:00 PM
The cramped dampness of the bilges explodes into watery chaos, as the group flails at the rats, and blood slicks into the water!

Larry and Qizlbash end up fighting back to back, but neither of them are having much luck against their small opponents!

Sahaal, fortunately, finds rats completely unprepared for a fencing assault. The one attacking him dies at the end of his blade...

Switching targets rapidly, Ariad darts over to the one attacking Qizlbash and guts it, darting back as it slips below the water, gasping and bubbling...

Zandalo pushes one of the ones on him away into a bulkhead!

And Tinpe's assault, sadly misses as the rat he was after is pushed into a bulkhead.

Three rats left! The one pushed to the bulkhead wades its way back, going after a smaller target... Tinpe! Fortunately, it's hampered by the garbage that Zandalo's spell blew along with it, and can only make it up to the gnome at this point.

The one on Larry doesn't seem to like that meat cleaver... It tries a few lunging attacks, but is fended off every time.

And the last rat attacking Zandalo nips into his leg with long teeth and RIPS.

4 points of damage!


2013-02-04, 08:08 PM
Seeing a rat bite one of his comrades Ariad jumps over to the one attacking Zandalo and goes to stab it with his now trusty dagger.

Sneak attack: (if it applies still) [roll2]

2013-02-04, 08:15 PM

Larry's finding a sport in this now! Rats, a greater challenge than, well... No, not really. People were still greater challenges. Still, a rat deserved to be recognised as a worthy opponent! Hopefully soon, also a dead opponent!

Lost for a moment, Larry wants to yell to his allies... but he realises he doesn't know any of their names. Were they ever introduced? If so, it right slipped his mind. He remembers Jack, Maheem and Ratline, though.

Who was the lady what give him his crossbow back, again?

Attack the rat again! Uuuooooh!
Damage!: [roll1]

If the attack kills the rat, move to flank the rat attacking Qzilbash. Otherwise, stand ground!

2013-02-04, 09:37 PM
With a quick flourish of his blade, Sahaal rounds on the next closest rat and rakes his blade along it's flank, seeking to skewer the tip up under it's ribcage, even as he laughs with borderline maniac glee. God it was good to feel blood spilling out along the decks again. He'd almost forgotten the rush, getting caught up in all this milling about making friends amongst the crew. Friends were fine after all, but brothers and sisters in arms were an entirely different sort of fun, and there was nothing quite like fighting an unarmed but desperate opponent (even if it was a rat).


2013-02-04, 10:35 PM
(If Tinpe is still flanking anything, he attacks for the Sneak damage. Otherwise, he just attacks)
"Three left! See if I can get a second!"

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage
[roll2] Sneak attack (if applicable)

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-04, 10:40 PM
Qizilbash swears out loud as he nearly drops the club. He tries to kick away the enormous rat clinging to his leg... then from somewhere beside him a blade flashes in and out... and the creature goes limp.

He hears a yell behind him and turns to see another an even larger rat clambering up the mage's legs as if it was climbing a tree. It has already taken one big bite, and its teeth are snapping perilously close to his groin...

Qizilbash lunges at it with his club...

Attack [roll0] (rat on Zandalo)
Damage [roll1]

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-05, 01:20 PM
Qizilbash, Larry, and Tinpe manage to finish off two of the rats, but not before the last bites Zandalo savagely! Blood pouring from him, he collapses. The rat barely has time to chitter its triumph, before it is mobbed by the recently-recruited pirates.

(OOC: Figure that between the five left standing of you, you can finish off one lone dire rat so we'll not bother with the last round.)

You're currently at -1 HP. Hopefully your fellow PC's will do something about this...

The miniature waves in the bilges slow as the rats twist in their death throes, falling still one by one. Zandalo's staff is still alight, but the light is somewhat muted since he ended up dropping it in the water when he collapsed. At least he collapsed against the ladder, so he's not currently sucking down bilgewater...

Now what?

2013-02-05, 01:28 PM
"He was the wizard wasn't he? If anyone can heal nows the time." He then goes back to the box he found to quickly see what was in it.

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-05, 01:34 PM
Inside the crate, Ariad finds three heavy maces. They're a little rusty from moisture, but still look quite serviceable for pounding heads.

2013-02-05, 01:43 PM
Hmm doesn't look like these are used to much I don't think anyone will miss these if I move them into a corner, Picking them up Ariad stuff them into an empty crate off to the side and then closes it.

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-05, 02:02 PM
Qizilbash kneels over the fallen mage. Ghostly flames flicker out from his hands and dance over the open wounds. There is a hiss and a faint scent of burning flesh, but the ragged cuts begin to close...
When he is finished he does the same for his own injuries.

"Anyone else need help?"

Cure Light Wounds (Zandalo) [roll0]
Cure Light Wounds (self) [roll1]

2013-02-05, 03:43 PM

Frowning, the boy watches Ariad do something in the dark...

To see what Ariad is doing; Perception: [roll0] :smallamused:

... his attention is, however, more urgently needed with the wizard! The boy has a few choice words he wants to utter, but none are more important than the following.

"'side from your hocus pocus healing," he snorts at Qizilbash, "it might be a right idea to have Maheem look at it. Rats're breedin' grounds for disease, wouldn't want t'see allies go down to rats disease."

Larry only belatedly realises he's speaking rather freely for someone in alien company, and he quickly shuts up. Instead, he examines the rats a bit idly.

Perception to examine the rats! [roll1]

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-05, 04:07 PM
The rats are Rodents Of Unusual Size! (Some people doubt they exist. More fool they.) They're easily the size of a human child of 10 or so, and have incisors like daggers.

The ones down here are crawling with scabs, water-fleas, and are quite covered in muck. Quite unsanitary.

Gimme a fortitude save, please. DC 14. If you fail, then you don't notice anything unusual. Yet.

Larry can easily make out what Ariad is doing, he's opened one of the crates and is searching through it, before moving three maces into an empty crate in the corner of the bilge. It's not like he tried to hide it.

Hm, come to think of it, there are several crates down here, that look like they were taken from random ships and forgotten...

2013-02-05, 04:12 PM

Larry turns up his nose at the rats. "Filthiest things ever," he says sharply. "Really should see Maheem. Or that lady. Seemed to know what she was doing as well..." By the end of it, Larry's just mumbling as he begins inspecting some of the crates...

Perception to search crates! [roll0]

2013-02-05, 05:41 PM
"Right. Well." Tinpe starts, brushing himself off. "I'm going to go back up and tell them we're done. Filthy place, here. Wouldn't want to catch anything. I suggest you all take long, soapy baths. I know I will."

Tinpe climbs back up the ladder to abovedecks, hauling one of the rat corpses-very carefully- behind him.

Being completely uninjured, and dragging a corpse roughly the same size he is, reeking of the Bilges, Tinpe tosses the rat carcass at the feet of Mr. Scourge. (Or Mr. Plugg, whomever is closer).

"It was just a bunch of rats. No seamonsters or unholy things. Just kill them and get back to work, says I. Speaking of, Mister Plugg! What'll be my duties for today? I'm not one to think a bunch of rats is reason enough to take a vacation." Tinpe crosses his arms, stinking to high heaven.

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-05, 06:00 PM
Fortitude [roll0]

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-05, 07:01 PM
Poking through the crates, Larry finds a lot of muck. After a bit, he turns up two things of interest... A suit of leather armor (somewhat waterstained but still functional), and a small pouch with 12 silver pieces in it.


Tinpe makes it to the deck, and the entire crew stops what they're doing and gapes at the rat he hauls up.

"Strewth, it's almost as big as 'e is!"

"A Rodent Of Unusual Size!"

"I didn't think they existed..."

Mr. Plugg looks at first shocked, then angry at the rat whose guts now slop over his boots. He draws back the cat-o-nine... And the Captain's voice rings out from above, as he leans on the railing of the fo'csle.

"HA HAR! Well ain't that something. You, gnome, go and get your friends, assuming they're not rat bait. Bring'em up, along with the rest of the rat corpses! I think a few words are in order. Ah ah ah, don't say a word. Remember, YOU don't talk to ME. I talk to YOU."

2013-02-05, 07:14 PM
Hearing the captain yell up above, Ariad pushes the crate off to the side making it look like it was always there. Then he fetches two of the corpses and brinds them up through the decks.

2013-02-05, 08:15 PM
Fort Save


2013-02-05, 08:37 PM
Tinpe does... Exactly as the Captain ordered. He has to try to keep the swagger out of his step as he makes his way back to the Bilges.

"Oi, Fellows! Captain wants the rat bodies, and to have words with us afterward."
Tinpe takes up another rat body, and goes to haul it back up. "He doesn't want us to talk to him, though. I think I got a solid laugh out of him. Plugg isn't happy about it."

After hauling up the rat bodies, before seeing the Captain, Tinpe washes himself down privately (If anyone even WANTS to go near the stinking gnome) and Prestidigitates himself clean, then gives himself a light odor of lemon. (Lasts an hour XD)
THEN he goes to see the captain, looking his sunday best.

2013-02-06, 12:32 AM

Larry SEIZES the leather armour, and once he has it properly washed he may even wear it. It's like a Christmas present come early... and no time to really get busy with it because, as it seems, the captain needs 'em.

A bit exasperated (there's still no opportunity to talk with the rest in peace!), Larry pockets the silver pieces, puts on the leather armour (no one can steal it then, right?), gathers one of the rats, then makes the trek back to deck. He does not forget to stop by Kroop to return the items he's used, but promises to return later to actually give 'em a proper wash. Captain's requested them and it's probably no good idea to dally.

2013-02-06, 12:51 AM
Zandalo gasps a deep breath of air, color rapidly returning to his once-pale face.
"That's...why I hate rats. Never a good thing'll happen with 'em on yer ship. Too many trips close to death like that, I hear, and it gets harder and harder to come back from it."

He hauls himself back up to the deck, hooking a rat on his gaff and dragging it along behind him.

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-06, 10:31 AM
When the battered, bedraggled, filthy, and bloody group makes their way up with their ratty prizes, the captain laughs long and hard.

"Why, damned if this doesn't take me back to me youth! I had to kill many a vermin in the early days... Of course, most o' mine were two-legged, furless, and said things like "Don't, I have a family!" or "Wait, hold on, I surrendered!"

The crew laughs at the jest, a few of them somewhat uneasily.

He grins, a few gold teeth flashing.

"But given that the rat problem's had got bigger than we thought, ye done a real service to the Wormwood. Mister Plugg! I think these fine hearties deserve a break from their chores for the rest of the day, to clean up and dress them wounds. You an' Master Scourge can fill in as needed, if we're undermanned as a result."

Oh. Oh my, Mister Plugg's face is turning so red...

Scourge's eyes are slits, as he considers you, lips pressed together tightly.

But the Captain's not done yet. "Also, ratslayers should have a bit more than gaffs and pins ta do their work. Girl!" Caulky Taroon jumps to attention. "Run an' tell Grok that each of them gets a piece of their original kit back. Their choice."

She hurries below.

And after a minute of silence, the Captain looks around. "What? Get back to work!" He draws a pistol and fires it in the air, and the crew scrambles back to what they were doing.

You have no tasks to complete, and two day actions for this day. This is in addition to the usual night action. You also can retrieve one item from your original kit from Cut-Throat Grok.

Zandalo, in your case, Grok will give you fifty gold, explaining that it's all that's left of your original coin pouch, sorry.

2013-02-06, 10:53 AM
Ariad Moves down stairs leaving the rats for scourge and Mr. Plugg to take care of. He moves down the stairs and retrieves the three maces from the bilges. Taking a look he tries to wager how much they were worth.


After waging there worth he moved up to Groks store, and says to him, "I would like to retrieve my Katana" Pointing to the curved blade of to the side in case Grok didn't know the name. "and I was also wondering if I could get my armor for two of these maces here,"

2013-02-06, 11:34 AM


The soldier looks down on the leather armour a bit sourly now. He can get back the chain shirt! It served a lot better than this! Well, maybe the rest could use it? Larry spies the others a bit, and when the pirates disperse point at the armour.

"I, uh, have a better set I can fetch from Grok now," he says, a little apologetically. "Any of you need a piece of armour you can't get from Grok? I won't be needing this one now, see..."

He takes off the armour as he speaks, gathering the pieces in his arms and offering it up to the group. All the while letting his eyes go over the set and wondering how much he could get if he tried to barter it.

Gods, he was awful at bartering. Maybe tag along with one of the others if they go... but Ariad's already gone. D:

2013-02-06, 05:32 PM
Tinpe is ecstatically happy at the news. He makes his way down to Grok, twiddling his little thumbs to hide his glee.
He requests his Backpack back, since there's really no point in having his other things without a place to keep them.

3 actions for the day! (Huzzah!)
First, Tinpe goes to help out Miss Cusswell. After his boasting to Plugg, he's got to walk the walk somewhat, and finding out what she likes will help him in his mission to set her up with his fellow Gnome.

"Hello miss Cusswell. Thought you could use some help down here, what with the larger rodents that've been creeping about. No, no, I know you can do your job perfectly, but some rats are bigger than others. And have whips."
Diplomacy: [roll0]

Then he takes a break, getting the biscuts from his footlocker, and climbing up to feed the bird. He casts Speak with Animals, and tries to get some information for his biscuts.
"So, tell me about him." Tinpe gestures to the dead man in the cage. "It's not right for you to mourn alone, and I can't mourn if I don't know him."
Diplomacy (If appropriate) [roll1]

For his final action, Tinpe goes sneaking about, looking for something interesting or saleable.
Stealth: [roll2]
Perception: [roll3]

2013-02-06, 09:18 PM
Sahaal joins his fellow crewmates on deck with only a moment's hesitation for the small wound where the rat's fangs had broken skin. He'd like nothing more than a shower under the deck pump to be free of the stink and smell of that place, but that would hardly be appropriate to ask for given everything else he already knew about this ship. He salutes smartly as the Captain addresses them, remembering his previous experience and not saying a word.

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-07, 12:16 AM
Qizilbash finds a bucket of water and does his best to scrub the bilge scum and rat blood from his clothes and body. After he's somewhat presentable, he attempts to strike up a conversation with Sandara, who appears to be the closest thing this ship has to a surgeon. Maybe they can talk shop and compare notes...

Then, with some time on his hands, he decides to get a better look at the ship. Shortly before dinner he stops by the quartermaster's shop to claim his item. He frowns at seeing what is rightfully his property displayed like trinkets in a market stall... After some deliberation he selects the quiver full of crossbow bolts. He returns the knife and spear to the galley but keeps his club...

That evening he attempts to strike up a conversation with anyone who is willing...

Day actions: Influence pirate (Sandara), Explore ship
Diplomacy [roll0]
Perception [roll1]
Night action: Influence pirate (random)
Diplomacy [roll2]

2013-02-07, 01:33 AM

Finding himself thoroughly ignored by the rest, Larry's mood drops significantly. He's better off making friends with the pirates than the press-ganged, huh.

Either way, he makes his way to Grok to at least fetch his chain shirt, which he brings with himself first. He heads to Ambrose Kroop to make good on his promise to wash the tools he's used, and maybe Kroop knows where Larry can get a good wash himself?

Diplomacy to befriend Kroop! [roll0]
Oh right I have terrible Charisma.

"Say, er, 'Fishguts'... who's the fellow tied to the mast? Anything 'bout 'im that's made him tied there? Seems like a forlorn and lonely sort of fellow to me, rather, than some violent monster..."

If you can't befriend the press-ganged, befriend the weirdest people on deck, obviously.

2013-02-07, 11:16 AM
"Thanks, Grok. My very first pirate treasure! If you an' Kroop let me in on some of your games you might just plunder it right back." Zandalo jokes, as he slips the coin purse into his pocket. "So's it normal 'round the Wormwood to have monstrous beasties caperin' about belowdecks?

Day action: Make friends with Grok! Diplomacy: [roll0]

Then, turning out the door, he speeds his step to catch up with Qizilbash and Larry. "Thanks for saving my skin back there -- those filth nearly got the best of me. I'm Zandalo, by the way, out of Varisia. You can find me up in the galley if you're ever looking for me. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you...I owe ya one."

Zandalo drops by the galley with the last few of the "cooking implements" that Fishguts lent the group. "Here ya go, Kroop. I even cleaned 'em up for ya! Nasty things. Afraid Misters Scourge and Plugg aren't going to be too happy with us tomorrow." Zandalo cleans himself up with some Prestidigitation, as well.

For the rest of the day, Zandalo tries to chat up the other new recruits a bit if he ever spots them not caught up in jobs -- he doesn't want to interrupt anything and bring down the wrath of the officers, if he can help it. He's particularly interested in getting to know more about the moody man in the blue scarf, and why he always seems to be hanging around when there are ghost stories being told.

Day action: Talk to and learn more about Crimson Cogward if possible, other new recruits if not
Diplomacy [roll1]

Finally, Zandalo swings by the ship's doctor before he goes to bed. "Hey doc, I got pretty roughed up down there, but one of the other guys managed to get me back on my feat. He suggested I stop by here and make sure there isn't anything he missed."

And finally, Zandalo skips any more activities for the night and hits his bunk to get a good night's sleep -- knowing the officers, he'll need it for tomorrow.

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-07, 12:52 PM
And as the ratslayers crowd into her store, Grok puts down the bottle she's been sipping from, and scrutinizes them. "Awright. New pressgang records are 'round here somewheres..." She digs out a ledger and squints at it.

She gives Ariad his katana, and will happily trade the maces for the armor. "Weird froofy stuff. These now? These ANYONE can use."

Larry finds his way in, and she hauls out his chain shirt with a wistful sigh. "Good work. Sorry to see that go." But she hands it over regardless.

Tinpe gets his backpack, and a quizzical look from Grok. "Gnomes..."

Grok snorts as Zandalo takes the gold. "Typical? Eh. Rats get on, and if they're smart, they can hide and grow if no one catches 'em. They probably only went after Jack 'coz he was alone. Then when you came down wi' the light, they figgered it was a full on attack. Which it was." She's a bit distracted, so Zandalo's efforts to make nice go a little unnoticed. Perhaps later she'll be more talkative.


Later on, Tinpe finds himself talking with Rosie. She laughs at the rats with whips comment. "Ah, got no fear of rats. Miss Sandara got me THIS back!" She brandishes a hatchet. "Better believe I know how to #Y&%$!@ use it! Still, I almost wish she'd gotten- Well, never mind."

After some prodding, she admits: "My fiddle. I'm a #^!@#$ good hand with it, and it always helped the time pass on long voyages. I sure do miss it, but I don't have the coin to get it back. Grok says it's about twenny gold... Can't fault her, it's decent made by th' finest artisans in @$@%#$^# Westport. I sure do wish I had it back..."

After that, Tinpe's talk with the parrot goes less well. She gobbles the food, but keeps a suspicious eye on the gnome. And when asked about its former master, she gets depressed. "His name was Mar, awk, Mar. Tarhands Mar. He was a pretty bird, pretty bird!" Evidently that's the highest praise that can be given.

Tinpe spends the early chunk of the night sneaking around, but finds nothing of note.


Qizilbash talks with Sandara, who offers to check his wounds, if he's got any. "Them rats were filthy, but it looks like ye'll be fine." She also expresses some concern about the growing strife with Mister Plugg. "Hard to believe the Captain don't know what he's doin'. From what I hears, Plugg got his spot through bootlickery an' lookin' awesome all th' time in front o' Harrigan. But e's paranoid, worried about someone else risin' up ta take it. Twisted thing is, I reckon Captain Harrigan knows this, and messes wi' em because it's funny."

"And seein' as Plugg's got rank on us, some bootlickers o' his own who hate us cuz he does, an' a quick hand with punishment, it ent so funny on our side a' things..."

She seems quite comfortable with Qizilbash, and most of the rest of the press-ganged newbies. You get the feeling she'll talk with you anytime. (No diplomacy check needed for you PC-types to influence Sandara from this point on, nor a full-action needed to simply talk with her.)

Later that night, he ends up talking with Shivikah. "Glad you took out those rats. I used to be crew on a slave ship, and no matter what we did, rats would get in. They'd wait until a slave got weak, couldn't shoo them away anymore, then they'd creep on at night and eat..." She's quiet for a time. "I can still hear them scream, now and again, in my nightmares. The ones that woke up in the middle of it. The ones we couldn't get to in time. Some of them scream with my voice."

She seems to have warmed up a bit to Qizilbash, but her brooding renders her non-talkative for the rest of the night.

And while he's heading to heed a call of nature over at the railing, that evening, Qizilbash spies something in a coil of rope. Close examination proves it to be a small toolbox, containing a set of carpenter's tools! Though he's no woodworker, they do look like high-quality tools to him...


Fishguts is happy to see Larry and Zandalo. Happier still that the rats are gone! "THOUGHT something was nibblin' on the hardtack. Ha, thanks for cleanin' those..." He takes the instruments back, placing them carefully on the racks.

"Hm?" He glances over at Larry as the youth talks. "No need ta be so formal, lad, ya saved me Mate's life. You an' yer friends!" (No diplomacy check needed for you PC-types to influence Kroop from this point on, nor a full-action needed to simply talk with her.)

"But yer askin' about Owlbear Hartshorn. Heh. Well, he signed on ta crew a few ports back, all excited like. But he kept gettin' inta scraps, an' talkin' crazy. Finally Ol' Mar plays a joke on him, hides his parrot in Owlbear's trunk. Owlbear opens his trunk, the parrot launches at him, and Owlbear gets a fright! After he gets talked down from the mainmast, he goes after Mar. Bare-handed. Damn near killed 'im. When some other crew piles on him, he goes after THEM. Damned if he don't almost win! Since then, e's been full on feral crazy, like. Mr. Plugg give'em the name Owlbear, then decided ta tar an' feather him, to make it match."

"Poor guy. Sometimes e's there behind 'is eyes, an' he'll talk all nice an' be fine. Other times he'll just go after whoever gets wi'in arms length. Still, they unchains him when it's time to board, he's a maniac in a fight so longs' he keeps pointed at enemy crews."

"Any other ship, he'd be put ashore somewheres. But he's still wi' us because the Captain thinks it's funny." His mouth twists, and he takes a long pull from a bottle of rum. "Look. Don't tell no one I said this, but the Wormwood? She's poison. Pure poison. The Captain's the worst of'em all. Ya got him amused right now, but if yer get'em mad, ye'll be dead in a 'eartbeat. Take my advice, lads... Watch yer step, and if yer manage ta get away... Well, make sure it's clean. Captain Harrigan angered is a terror to see, and e's the most vengeful bugger I ever did set eyes upon."

At Zandalo's comment, he sighs. "See, case n' point. Plugg's a horrible twisted man, an' Cap'n just thinks he's the apple o' his eye. Lets 'im go an' bully an' drag down morale, an' torment folks, and laughs cause it's funny."

Later in the day, Zandalo has time to chat with Crimson Cogward. The blue-scarfed man is actually quite amiable, just given to long silences that get mistaken for hostility sometimes. "Ghost stories... Yeah. I grew up in Cheliax. Father was a sharecropper. Got sick of dirtfarming, but after the potato plowin' was done, they'd always tell stories o' monsters an' ghosts an' demons an' witchery... An' you know what? It sounded a hell of a lot more exciting than dirtfarming! So I struck out, found my way to the coast, and signed on to a ship. Been workin' the wicked trade since, piratin', you know? Ain't seen a ghost ship, or anythin' that excitin' yet, but one day mebbe I will... And the work's easier than dirtfarming! Well, course, sometimes you have to kill people, but they usually had it coming..."

And that night, he finds himself sweating, and getting warmer. It's been a hot day, true, but it's still way too warm in here, and my he's getting such a headache. He finds his way to the ship's doctor, Habbly Quarne.

Quarne turns out to be a gray-haired halfling wearing goggles. His quarters, which double as the sick bay, are a mess of beakers, broken glass, pipes, and strange smells. He glares at Zandalo, seemingly in the midst of boiling something over a burner.

"What? What are you bothering me for?"

After some explanation, he snorts. "Care for the officers is free. Care for the crew is ten gold per case. Cuts down on shirkers. Pay up or get out."

2013-02-07, 01:18 PM
Ariad pulls on his armor and slides his katana into his the special loop on his belt. He then decides to go and scout out some areas of the ship. Checking out the hammock deck and the main deck again.

As night rolls in Ariad moves down into the Bilges to carefully look through all the boxes.


2013-02-07, 01:31 PM

A bit embarrassed at apparently being more formal than was necessary, Larry continues to press Kroop. "Then, this Ow-- Heart's Horn fellow, would it be dumb to go talk to him? I, er, well... Pirate ships are awfully lonely places, and I figure making a friend would be nice, but, well..." He hesitates a little, but Fishguts seems nice enough.

Larry's voice drops anyhow. "I talked to Jack Scrimshaw the other night, and he said Plugg's got his eyes on us, so he'd rather not be seen with me too much." The boy wrinkles his nose, then resumes at normal volume, "Figure I ought to look for someone who wouldn't be afraid of Plugg, so's I thought, maybe that fellow would be awful nice enough. Useful to have someone at your back when things go awfully awry, right? Nice to have a pal, too, but if he's right crazy..."

The boy sighs. "Don't figure he'll be right friendly, don't it? There any fellows on board who'd be open to, well, not eye us like we're filth, 'side from you?" He remembers Maheem and his anger. Ratline seemed nice enough, though.

Maybe talk to Ratline more. See if he won't be all afraid of Plugg. Larry gulps a bit at the thought. Ratline wasn't too keen on Maheem none either. And the captain prob'ly wouldn't want to talk much.

2013-02-07, 05:22 PM
Zandalo smiles ruefully at Crimson. "They tried to rope me into farming back home, too. Admirable work they do, makin' the food for all of us to stay strong on, but it's not the work for me. I'm much happier with a musty treasure map and half-forgotten tales and legends from two histories ago. Hear it's nasty and dangerous work, but there's still some reward to be had for it.

So...you actually picked the Wormwood? Or is one ship as good as another to you?"


Zandalo tries to coax the doctor into seeing things from his point of view.
"What, you're gonna throw that in my face after I save yer innards from the relentless assault of Kroop's culinary catastrophes day after day? 'sides, Captain gave us the day off for our troubles. If'n I don't actually have duties for the day, not much shirkin' I can be doin', now is there?"

Diplomacy, attempt to barter down the cost.

"Here, I'll put up half right now and the rest once I stop sweatin' like I'm camped out a little to close to a Varisian forest fire and the kraken 'tween my ears stops lashin' his tentacles around."

2013-02-07, 06:04 PM
"Really? You play? Would certainly brighten up the days around here if we had some music."

Tinpe stores his blowgun and some ammo in his backpack, with the Drow poison. He kees the brass Knuckles on his person. The backpack goes in his footlocker when he's asleep.

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-08, 12:52 PM
Kroop shrugs at Larry. "Jus' stay out of reach, an' I reckon its fine ta talk to Owlbear. Jus' remember he's a loony, is all. Might try'n hurt ya wi'out meanin' to."

Cogward shakes his head at Zandalo. "No, no. The Wormwood isn't my first ship. I got press-ganged, same as you. Not really a good choice, honestly... I don't mind a little bloodshed, but some of these folks... Eh, they're a bit too eager for it. Well, I'll survive one way or another."

He leans forward, as his eyes glitter. "Tell you what I'd REALLY like to hear, though. Haven't heard a single good story since I got here. If you or your friends find someone who's good at that and get them to spin a few yarns, the more dark the better for the crew, I'd owe you all one. I'm gettin' bored, and I DO like stories."

And later that night, Habbly folds his arms. "Bah! If I let you get away with not paying, you'd brag to all your friends, and then I'd have people taking up all my time with bargaining, and whining. Pay up! What? Half and half? Alright, but you best settle up when it's through or else."

Brusque attitude aside, once he's paid up he goes to work with a professional manner, examining the wounds and cleaning them, using glass tubes to test Zandalo's temperature, and looking through a thick manual titled "HUMORRS ANDE THEYRE MANNAJMENT."

"Hm. Yep, Filth Fever. Fortunately, easily treatable. Here." He hands over a herbal poultice. "Keep this on the wound for tonight, then burn it tomorrow. Drink an extra ration of grog tomorrow. Get plenty of water. You'll feel like hell, but you'll pull through. You understand? Good. Now get out!"

Rosie grins at Tinpe. "Yep! Picked it up from a bard I knew a time ago. Dumb as a @$!%#%# rock, but great in the sack. Aw man, I wish I had that fiddle..." She sighs.


And, down in the bilges, late at night, Ariad finds a soggy bag tucked into the corner of a joist and a bulkhead. It feels like it's full of clay, and sealed tightly shut with wax.

It's a tanglefoot bag.

2013-02-08, 01:26 PM

The soldier nods, and seeing as he's exhausted all Fishguts' information for the day, goes to visit Grok to see if he can't barter the leather armour away.

"I had a backpack, a waterskin, a belt pouch and an ocarina," explains Larry to Grok. "'specially the ocarina isn't worth much. It's just something a mate of mine carved from wood ages ago, and it's rather old... I figure this armour should be more than worth it... Don't suppose you could throw in something of the other guys' worth? I mean, I figure, might as well share it with 'em..."

Ocarina values 5 GP, backpack 2 GP, waterskin and belt pouch 1 GP each, for 8 GP total... but Larry will attempt to barter down the ocarina's price. Either way, I'd like 2 GP worth of Tinpe's alchemical items if possible. Otherwise, anything else anyone has worth 2 GP is fine. :P
[roll0], Diplomacy or Bluff for the ocarina's price... both are at a -1. :P

Larry remembers something! "Oh! If you have a bar of soap, I'd like some, too." He produces one of the silver pieces he found... "And, um, well... see, I have this crossbow, yeah? But without bolts, it's pretty useless. I had a small packet of 'em with me... I'd be awfully happy if you could give 'em back to me. I mean, without crossbow they're useless, and without 'em my crossbow's useless, and I figure it'd be a right thing if I could make myself useful during fights..."

Soap should be 1 CP, so there's change involved, right? :D
Also, bluff to see if Grok'll gimme back my bolts worth 15 GP... 150 pieces total.

If either of these use up my action, prioritise the bolts over the ocarina. I'll make up my night action afterwards, gotta go!

2013-02-08, 03:02 PM
DC Check
Appraise Check:[roll0]

Araid scoops up the Bag and stuffs it into his shirt. He then sneaks back up stairs to sleep until the morning.

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-09, 01:21 PM
Qizilbash does not want to risk taking the tool chest... he does not know how long it would be before it was missed... but that evening he whispers its location and contents to the other new "recruits." One of them might be able to make better use of it, if needed...

2013-02-10, 01:05 PM
"Cogward, my friend, I"ll certainly keep my ears open for any tales of such ghastly countenance, and you shall be the first to hear them retold."


"Thanks, Doc. Will do. Seems like you know what you're doing...here's the rest of the payment." Zandalo tosses the last few gold coins onto Habbly's desk.

He heads back to his bunk, and tries to remember, from his studies of ancient history, any old ghost stories that Cogward might like. With a bit of creative cantripping, it could certainly be a scary story, indeed.

Knowledge: History, to remember old ghost stories

Towards the end of the night, as the other new pirates are filtering in to the bunkroom and winding down for a night's sleep, Zandalo pipes up."Say...you guys don't know any scary stories, do ya? I need something to get the nightmares of what Plugg and Scourge have in store for us tomorrow out of my head."

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-11, 11:26 AM
Larry finds that Cut-Throat lives up to her name! He's able to bargain her down to half-price on the ocarina, but she's standing firm on the bolts. "You ain't gonna need them 'less we go after a ship. Comes ta that, talk to Riaris, an' she'll hand out weapons an' ammo. Until then, 15 gold fer the lot if ya want 'em!"

Zandalo remembers a few basic scary stories, but odds are good that they're pretty well-known already in these parts. Still, presentation is everything! A good enough performance would probably go over well.

Once he adresses the new crew, Conchabar raises his hand. "Why, I know a few good ghost stories that'll chill your blood and steal the hair from your skull!" Cogward looks interested.

"Alas, my thoughts are too full with flights of fancy, as I am struck by that dread disease, love..." Cogward looks disappointed. Rosie Cusswell looks angry. She takes Conchabar's hat and throws it across the room before stomping off to her hammock, hatchet PROMINENTLY nearby.

Conchabar sighs and watches her go as he tugs on his mustache. "Magnificent!"

The morning arrives far too early, as it is wont to do. Scourge and Plugg look much recovered from their displeasure yesterday, and the assignments are handed out as per the usual routine.

Larry gets assigned to rigging repair, with a heavily-freckled young woman named Barefoot Sam Toppins. She seems neither upset nor thrilled at working with Larry. "C'mon, gonna be a long day. Let's get started."Rigging Repair (DC 10 Climb Check, followed by either a DC 10 profession-sailor or DC 10 dex check)

Zandalo finds that Kroop is drunk again! This time he's completely insensible... Zandalo's going to have to put together the entire meal himself...
DC 10 profession - cook or INT check

Ariad's assigned to swabbing the decks, alongsidea brown-haired woman with a peg-leg. She introduces herself as Tilly Brackett. "Well, one of the ratslayers. You should be well-rested, so let's get this done quick."Swab the Decks (DC 10 Strength or Con check (fatigued if you fail)

Sahaal and Tinpe get tasked with manning the bilges. Hard, messy work, but at least they're sharing the duty with Jack Scrimshaw. The lad still jumps at shadows, and starts at every noise down here. "You're sure ye got ALL the rats, right?" He rubs his shoulder now and again.
Man the Bilges (DC 12 strength check, followed by a DC 10 constitution check(fatigued if you fail))

And finally, Qizilbash is given the job of running messages across the ship, as is Badger Medlar. "Great. Keep up, weirdo."Runner (DC 10 acrobatics check, DC 10 con check (fatigued if you fail))

2013-02-11, 12:00 PM
Picking up a sponge Ariad says to Tilly " Nice to meet you when did you lose the leg?"

Diplomacy (to become friendly):[roll1]

2013-02-11, 12:15 PM

Previous night.

After his failed bartering with Grok, Larry resigns himself to just getting the items he asked for, and anything else from any of the other press-ganged he can get his hands on.

Acquire ocarina, backpack, belt pouch and waterskin. Leaves four and a half gold piece, which should pay for Tinpe's belt pouch, Qizilbash's backpack and 15 crossbow bolts. Mind if I get those for my barter? :D

Once finished with Grok, the boy decides not to take a leap with Owlbear and just goes to find Ratline for more talks. Mostly about Owlbear. Chained guy to a mast, most fascinating thing on board.

Belated night action: Diplomacy the Rat.

When back in his bed and the spoony wizard asks about stories, Larry scratches his head a bit. "Well, some of the folks I was with before I uh, 'volunteered' here would've known some..." He tries to recall any of the stories the soldiers had told around the campfire. Or before battle. Usually, these were one and the same.

History: [roll1]
And if a Profession (soldier) check works to recall battlefield stories... [roll2]

That day...

Well, another lady! He kinda likes her from a first glance. When it was on the squad, he was 'Freckles'! Maybe she's got the same nickname here? Then again... Larry recalls hearing something or other about a Barefoot Sam, and he figures from her bare feet this might just be her.

"Y, yeah, let's." Not too trained at this business, Larry takes an approach of intently watching Barefoot Sam working, and does his best to produce similar results.

Once they get a break, Larry goes to find Jack and see how the lad's shoulder is doing... and whether Jack's got anything on Owlbear.

Climb: [roll3]
Dex: [roll4]
Make friendly with Jack during break: [roll5]

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-11, 12:34 PM
Qizilbash's assignment as a messenger means that he has no real working partner. He takes advantage of his freedom of movement to explore more of the ship.

That evening he rejoins the conversation belowdecks. Before lights out he approaches Larry. "I hear you're good with that crossbow of yours. Better than me, probably. I managed to get my ammo back... I'll split it with you."

Acrobatics [roll0]
Constitution [roll1]
Day Action: Explore Ship
Perception [roll2]

Night Action
Influence Pirate (random)
Diplomacy [roll3]

Gives 10 of 20 bolts to Larry

2013-02-11, 05:18 PM
"Never fear, master Scrimshaw, we'll protect you from any further rodents we may happen across."
Tinpe's not exactly happy to end up in the Bilges agian, being that there's really nowhere to explore down there, and nobody wants to talk with you afterward.
He works hard at it, the whole day.

STR [roll0] CON [roll1]

...but sucks at it. Horribly.

His small size and average strength avail him not in the Bilges. He tries to make up for it by promising the others he'll launder their clothing after to make up for the lack. (Prestidigitation)

Afterward, he just collapses into bed.

2013-02-11, 09:48 PM
Zandalo palms his forehead. "Ey Kroop, what's got ya so torn up today? Ah, you'll be no help with this...good thing I've been practicin'! Why don't ya help me pass the time with a story or two...know any about ghosts?"

Cooking -- Int check: [roll0]

Once he gets the stew a-stewin' for the day, Zandalo heads over to chat with Grok during his lunch break. Anything to get out of the kitchen...maybe some friendly conversation? Maybe she'll join him for that extra slug of rum that the doc suggested.

Daytime action: Make nice with Grok [roll1]

2013-02-12, 04:27 PM

The soldier boy positively beams when he receives the bolts. That's ten bolts! Five times two! That's awesome! He can shoot like, five pirates with these. Larry's nearly beside himself, but he still manages to remember common courtesy.

"Thanks a lot, sir!" he says, grinning from ear to ear. "I've been wanting some to arm my crossbow, and miss Grok's awful stingy on the bolts. Speaking of, I got a backpack from her she said belonged to er, probably you! I mean, you fit the description, and you're also a newbie, so I figure..." His voice trails a little, but the boy soon snaps back, "A, anyway! It's in my locker. Er, I'm awful busy for a moment, but remind me to give it to you tonight, right?"

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-13, 11:30 AM
Ariad does a good job of swabbing the decks. Tilly leans on her mop as she talks, during one of the rest breaks. "Eh, used ta be a legit sailor. Last shipped on the Haruspex, a merchantman outta Cheliax. Ship wrecked in a storm, I washed up on a place called Smuggler's Shiv. Cannibal Cult there caught me, was gonna eat me slow. Fortunately a buncha adventurers came through, I got off the island wi'em. Didn't get there in time to save me leg, though."

"Unfortunately there ain't many legit ships outta Sargova these days, so I signed on with pirates. It was that or follow them adventurers further inta the jungle. Noo-ho-ho way."
Beyond that, she mostly keeps her thoughts to herself.


Ratline talks with Larry about Owlbear. "Big. Crazy. Plugg treats him like garbage." He wrinkles his whiskers. "Maybe you got something in common!" He sounds amused.

Larry, alas, can't think up any good stories right off the top of his head. Maybe with more time...

Work that day goes pretty well, and Sam is cheerful enough. "Yer catchin' on quick wi' these knots, Larry. Heh... Larry. No 'fense, but it hardly seems like a piratin' name. Still, that's an 'vantage of piratin'... Ya find a name sounds better, ya can take it fer yerself. Gots ta earn it, though. If ya don't, people will call ya somethin' and best hope they chooses well."

Jack Scrimshaw is busy that night, and Larry has no chance to talk with him.


Qizilbash pokes around mid-hold by the mast, while Owlbear is sleeping. The theory is that people might hide things near Owlbear, in the hopes that curious explorers will stay away from the crazy guy. The theory, in fact, pans out! Qizilbash finds a bottle of fine brandy tucked away behind a crate!

This bottle is worth about 30 gold pieces.

Later on, at mess call, he finds himself chatting with Tilly Brackett. She's pretty happy. "Yeah, don't take this th' wrong way, but I'm glad you an' yer friends got pressganged. This is the best batch o' new recruits I've seen in a while. And ye can handle yourselves in a fight, the bilge rat scuffle proved that. See, I like it when things are orderly. Jus' keep doin' good, and we'll get along fine." She's definitely warmed up some!


Kroop, sadly, is insensible. Zandalo does the best he can, but half the ingredients he needs are out. The dried fish is running low, the only spice left is Paprika, and the ship's biscuits are down to the weevil-filled layer. The resulting "Fish and weevil surprise" is a turgid lump of vaguely edible matter. Towards the end of the day Kroop regains consciousness, but he can't do more than mutter and cry pitifully.

Grok sympathizes. "Eh... Sorry. He gets this way, lad. I tries to reign him in, but... He ain't happy here an' drinkin's his only escape. No one treats'em well... Well, 'cept for you. You an' yer buddies are th' first friendly faces he's seen in a long time that ain't me. I appreciate that. Listen, I got yer back, much as I can. Can't go against the officers, but I'll do what I can ta look out fer yer, since ye're about th' best thing to happen to Ambrose lately. Also if one o' yer buddies needs something from their kit, send 'em my way. We'll eh, work a deal."

(Grok is now staunchly supporting you. No further influence attempts need to be made.)


Tinpe has a HORRIBLE time in the bilges. With Jack Scrimshaw so jumpy, he's not much use, and his own height hinders him, especially with the operation of the bilge pump. About midway through his task, he looks up at a noise, to see Fipps Chumlett grinning down at him from above. "Ent so easy, is it RATSLAYER?" The fat pirate pours a bucket of slops down into the hold. "Here, so ya's don't go hungry." There's some nasty laughter from above, sounds like he brought some buddies. But they leave without another word, save for mocking laughter trailing off as they go.


That night, dinner is a soggy, lukewarm, weevil-filled affair. The grumbling is loud, and many of the crew dump their bowls overboard rather than eat.

And in the middle of the grumbling, Plugg steps forward, grinning. "Well, Master Scourge. After reviewing the work, it seems that we have some shirkers among us! Remind me, what's the penalty for shirking again?"

"Bashes with a knotted rope, Mr. Plugg sir! But there ain't jus' shirkin' involved, there's shoddy work, too! That's a whippin'!"

"Indeed it is! Mr. Chumlett, if you'd do the honors?"

Tinpe is surprised as Fipps Chumlett, Slippery Syl, Aretta Bansion, and Jaundiced Jape rush him, grab him, and bear him up to the mast! Along the way they grab Jack Scrimshaw, too. He starts yelling, "No! No! It ain't my fault! I didn't mean ta shirk!"

"Hold'em!" Commands Master Scourge, as he unlimbers his whip. "Eight lashes apiece oughta learn'em!" There's murmurs from the rest of the crew. Most of them look appalled, some of them whisper that many lashes is madness, a sturdy man would be laid down for at least a day or two recovering. And the two at the mast aren't exactly the sturdiest of the crew...

Tear-stained, Jack Scrimshaw stares at Tinpe "Tell'em... Tell'em I tried ta work hard..." He's begging.

"And as for this maggoty cooking..." Master Plugg crushes a biscuit in his hand, and lets the weevils drop to the deck one by one... "Well, looks like the cook's to blame! Eight lashes for the Mate, after the two at the mast are done!" He points to Zandalo. "But you, Kroop? You should KNOW better than to feed us this filth! For you, it's the Cat. Two lashes, I think. Since I'm a merciful man..."

He draws the Cat-o-nine-tails, and gives it a shake. The barbed hooks jangle discordantly. Kroop whimpers, and shakes. This is going to leave some nasty, nasty scars...

2013-02-13, 11:47 AM

A bit panicked (hey, he likes Jack, Tinpe, Kroop and Zandalo), Larry tries to get to the friendliest face he can recognise... and he figures Qizilbash is the friendliest he can find.

"'ey, can't we do something?" says Larry in a hushed tone. "Dunno 'bout you, but this is ridiculous. That many lashes, neither of those two'll come up for work tomorrow, but I don't reckon they'll get to take t'morrow off! Isn't there somethin' we can do for 'em?"

2013-02-13, 12:09 PM
Seeing the two of his fellow rat slayers talking off to the side, Ariad moves over to them, and whispers to them,"I don't think a mutiny would be a good idea in this situation we don't know enough of the crew and people, Obviously we can't get the captain involved but we have to try something or just leave them to their punishment. I'm saying it's your call gentleman.

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-13, 12:24 PM
"I don't see how we can stop this," Qizilbash says, "but I can heal their injuries once it's done."

Appraise (for bottle) [roll0]

2013-02-13, 12:36 PM

Larry wants to throw up his hands! These two are useless! He bites his lip, gives the two a glance and says sharply, "I want to do something for 'em. Stop this somehow. Crew don't seem too pleased with, so maybe we can get 'em to stop this."

So saying, he scampers off to find a friendly face in the crowd again... and he finds her! Sandara Quinn. "Miss, I want to do something to help 'em," Larry breathes. "It's just, I'm rubbish when it comes to plans. Hoped you knew something. I mean, us press-ganged, we stick together, right?" He vaguely recalls her saying something to that effect.

Roll Diplomacy to beseech Sandara for help?

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-13, 12:42 PM
Sandara is saddened, but she doesn't move from her spot. She gives Larry a look-over, but ends up shrugging. "I can help heal'em once the punishment's done. I mean, Captain said no killin' so they're sure to survive. And plans... Mate, I'm not much of a planner meself. Ain't much of a talker, neither..."

2013-02-13, 12:56 PM

"Right, well, reckon that's helpful too, but..." He leaves the words trailing, making off again, back to his fellow ratslayers. Everyone on this ship! He'll need to come up with plans himself. And since there are people who don't think this is such a good thing, too...

"Look, listen, this might work," says Larry, though his expression is grim and hopeless. "I figure, more people're sayin' it's crazy so I'm not totally alone, an' if we all protest together, well, Scourge and Pug wouldn'ta punish all of us, right? So do you two reckon you can find some friendly faces, convince 'em to protest? I'll go too, an' if it's time I reckon I'll take lead, but I'm not confident." So saying, he scampers off again, stealing a last glance at the duo to see if they'll also go off to help.

Either way, Larry looks for Ratline to see if he can't convince the ratfolk to help!

[roll0] Diplomacy!

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-13, 01:12 PM
Either way, Larry looks for Ratline to see if he can't convince the ratfolk to help!

[roll0] Diplomacy!

Ratline is nervous. "Well... Eight lashes IS dumb. But not going to be one to stand up there and say it. Somebody else says it, will agree with them. But that somebody probably gonna get whipped..."

2013-02-13, 02:44 PM
Ariad runs into the crowd to find Telly the only one that he's made nice with. Planning to ask what she thinks of it and if she doesn't answer then he considers yelling in protest by himself. If his fellow rat slayers are getting injured then he isn't going to stand by.


2013-02-13, 07:30 PM
Tinpe allows himself to be strapped to the pole without much fuss, aside from initial shock. He doesn't, however, allow himself to be relieved of his posessions, which is fine, as they don't seem too interested in them.

Once the crew's attention is firmly upon the others, Tinpe attempts a few... unusual things. (This post will be edited based on roll results. Please let me know in OOC if the Escape Artist was successful.)

Stealth: [roll0] to attempt the following unnoticed
Escape Artist: [roll1] to free himself. If successful, he will pretend to still be tied (I don't know if that's another stealth, the same stealth, or a bluff)
If freed, Tinpe will cast Speak with Animals, and pull a Diplomacy roll for the bird in the rigging. (If not freed, this will be a diplomacy for Plugg.)
Diplomacy: [roll2]

2013-02-13, 07:39 PM
(Going to assume an 11 wouldn't cut it, but at least with 30 stealth, nobody should have seen him try. :p This post for the Diplomacy on Plugg.)
"Mister Plugg! Jack Scrimshaw did a fine job down there, he did. Worked hard all day. Not his fault the pump wasn't made for us smaller folk, 'twas my failing at the pump what's responcible for the sorry state of the bilges, not his. I know you don't like me very much, but we're a Pirate crew, not soft merchants! Give me his whipping and let Jack walk free. We have healers that can make sure you won't be breaking the captain's orders, and that I'll be awake the whole time besides."

2013-02-13, 07:43 PM
"Uhoh," Zandalo thinks to himself. "This could turn ugly really fast." His only hope is to try to refocus the energy of the officers AND the crew onto something else...and QUICKLY.

"Hey now! That's absurd! You're just making up excuses to punish people now. How can you call what those two little fellas did "shirking" when they're so exhausted that they can barely open their eyes enough to see the weevils in the bread? Which, I'd like to point out, are NOT a result of shoddy worksmanship on any cook's part but rather spoiled and rotten stores. How do you expect to get fed when we have nothin' left in the pantry that even those dire rats we killed for you down in the bilge would lower themselves to eat? It's no wonder that they decided to lair down their in the sewage and muck rather than the piss-poor excuse for a larder that me an' Kroop are s'posed to work with to feed a whole mess of the hungriest pirates on the sea." Zandalo pauses, and surveys the crowd, trying to make eye contact with anyone who looks sympathetic.

He takes a deep breath, and continues, "Nay, what we need is not whippings and lashings, Masters Plugg and Scourge -- we need some plunder. We need to lay our fangs and claws into a fat merchantman's ship, not each other. We should be tearing apart those lazy good-for-nothing mercenaries that try to make coin by napping in a hammock along a trade route, not our own deckhands. The scars should be the echoing laughter of the Cap'n and officers sitting on top of piles of freshly taken loot and finery in the minds of the traders we throw overboard -- not on the back of Mister Kroop."

"Blood you want, and blood you should have...but not our blood. The blood of the rich and weak; the blood of the wealthy and vulnerable; the blood of the affluent and rotten. THAT is the blood you should have, and with Besmara's blessing SHALL have, and we shall be spilling it right alongside ye!"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-13, 11:23 PM
Well, if they beat me I can always heal myself...

Qizilbash speaks up.

"Why bring in all these new recruits if you are only going to break them? How is this ship going to complete its mission if its crew is battered and bleeding?"

He held back a shudder, realizing that this ship's "mission" was robbery and, very likely, murder. But that was a problem for another day...

Diplomacy [roll0]

2013-02-14, 01:41 AM

Amidst his attempts to find people, Larry hears Zandalo's already working on his plan! Hold on, he never told the wizard. Did he hocus pocus again? Gruh.

Either way... "Damn right they are!" Larry hollers from the crowd. "'sides, eight lashes is madness! Those two already look squalid enough. Give 'em that many beatings, they won't be up to work t'morrow, and I don't figure getting punishment's reason to get off. You'd just have to punish 'em all over again t'morrow 'cos they'll be so sorry they can't tell left from right properly!" Larry's positively got the taste of it now, and adds, "Now I dunno what everyone else's thinking here, but I don't reckon punishment's right fit if you'll incapacitate 'em from doing a proper job t'morrow!"

Diplomacy! [roll0]
Larry bad at public speaking.

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-14, 03:09 PM
Plugg leers as Tinpe protests...

"What's that? You'll take his beating for him? DONE! Mr. Scourge, gi' him the whip and don't stint!"

Jack is released, sobbing. "Thank you! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!"

(You've earned Jack Scrimshaw as an ally. He's on your side!)

And then Zandalo bursts into his tirade, leaving the deck slack-jawed for a moment. While it doesn't much impress Plugg and Scourge, the rest of the crew murmurs... Then Larry and Qizilbash sound out, and Ratline and Tilly come through, adding their voices to the protest. Beating crewmembers senseless means more work for everyone, after all! And sod it, they're PIRATES! Been no PIRATING for WEEKS!

And in the midst of this, Cutthroat Grok speaks up. "He's right on one part, Mister Plugg. Stores IS low."

Plugg glares daggers at her, but she doesn't flinch. With an officer sealing the deal it takes some of the wind from his sails, and he fumes and shoots daggerlike glances at the Ratslayers, and Grok.

"Alright, alright. I'll talk to the captain about the food. And as far as pirating goes, what do you think we're doing now? Ain't the captain's fault prey's scarce right now, the hunt's taking a while is all. Settle down, we'll get plunder in no time at all."

"BUT IT'S NO EXCUSE FOR SHIRKING!" He glares bloody murder at Zandalo and Tinpe.

"Half punishment, so you can work harder tomorrow, and count yourself lucky for I shan't be as merciful next time! Eight lashes of the whip for you, gnome... But you two!" He points at Kroop and Zandalo. "It's the cat. Since we've got healers, four lashes apiece. Let this be a lesson!"

The crew's murmuring dies down, and they watch in silence as the punishment is carried out. The three to be punished are held against the mast in turn, and stripped to the waist. The whip slashes out again and again, raising great bloody welts when it connects... After the third hit, Tinpe is mercifully out.

The cat-o-nine-tails is much, much crueler, as the numerous barbed lashes dig into Zandalo's flesh, and dig bloody furrows! This is going to scar... But after the second hit, he falls senseless.

Kroop, wincing and crying but surprisingly sturdy, takes his four lashes, picks Zandalo up, and carries him back towards the galley, staggering and bleeding as he goes.

"Let this be a lesson to ye!" Grins Master Scourge. "Shape up or get flogged!"

The spectacle done, the crew starts to depart for their bunks.

Sandar lingers behind, and looks over to Qizlbash. "I'll get Tinpe, you take care a Zandalo?"

2013-02-14, 03:50 PM

Larry gulps as he bears witness to the punishment. Makes him right sure he'll want to do a proper job tomorrow, too, else that's gonna hit him, and somehow he's not so sure he's as well-liked as these people were!

Once the crowd disperses, Larry lingers for a moment, uncertainly looking around... but then he beats a retreat. He really doesn't want to hang around in that atmosphere, which has always made him uncertain of what to do or say. Probably best to leave it to others.

He instead finds himself wandering to Owlbear, and looks at the man a little quizzically. Weirdest bloke on the ship. Could probably take eight lashes and then some.

"I don't suppose someone like you's ever had to take the whip," Larry sighs. "Right cruel to watch, that. I'd rather take, oh I don't know, anythin' but that, I s'pose. Sure does make you want to not make mistakes 'board this ship. Though, I usually see you just sitting here... don't s'pose you've a job you do?"

Do the unthinkable and DIPLOMACY THE OWLBEAR!

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-14, 04:18 PM
Qizilbash inspects Zandalo's wounds.
That "cat" was a horrible device. Not quite as bad as the obsidian knives, but these crazies probably had some of those too, kept somewhere for a rainy... err, bloody day.

He places his hands over the cuts, and a faint flicker of flame plays over the damaged flesh...

Cast Cure Light Wounds on Zandalo

2013-02-14, 04:30 PM
Ariad watches the punishment wince after each hit just from seeing it. Glad his fellow right slayers weren't getting keel-hauled. Looking up and down the ship. He decides to walk down to the lower decks. Certain that he must have missed something in the binges he takes one last look at the boxes. Making sure to check any boxes that he hasn't gotten around to it


Lost Demiurge
2013-02-14, 04:39 PM
Tinpe awakens from pain, to feel a cool hand on his forehead. Sandara Quinn is hovering over him, and chanting a prayer to Besmara. As she chants, the pain leaves him completely. He has been fully healed!

She leans back, and grins, lighting a pipe in satisfaction and taking a few puffs. "Ye impressed a few folks up there, volunteerin' ta take the kid's beating. Make things easier. Plugg's more frustrated n' ever, but hell wi' him. Long as he don't have an excuse to hurt ya, ain't much he can do, specially wi' the captain's no kill order."


Zandalo wakens in pain, as Qizlbash burns away his wounds. Kroop hovers over him as well, his face set in a mask of misery. "Lad, lad, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I had too much drink and I couldn't help none. I... You got no idea how sorry I am you got beat, too."


Not far away, Larry finds his way to Owlbear, who looks at him with wide eyes.

"Job... Dun' have a job. Did have a job but evryone... Evryone... Evryone larfed, an'...." His big hands grasp and ungrasp. "Got larshed some. Dun care. Pain, but I know pain. S'a tool. I use it."

He lapses into silence for a bit, then shifts.

"Pain dun hurt worsen larfin. Hate it when they larfs. Wanna break thems as larfs."

"Job... Guess me job is breakin' people now. They lets me out ta fight. Good at that."


And in the darkness of the bilges, Ariad finds a treasure forgotten in a waterproofed wooden case... A handaxe, finely crafted and honed to razor-sharpness! This is masterworked, probably dwarvencraft...

2013-02-14, 05:02 PM

Larry sighs again! He slumps down a bit to sit down, still making sure he's at least an arm's length away from Owlbear.

"Why d'they laugh at you, though? I mean, the tar and feather's prob's a good reason right now, but I figure you don't always walked around like this." He pauses a bit. "Looks t'me you're someone I ought to be afraid of rather than laugh at."

I'm assuming I took up my night action with the one roll, but non-diplomatic talk is cheap and free, right? :D

2013-02-14, 05:20 PM
Picking up the handaxe Ariad wades out of the water and up to the next deck. Feeling the weight of the axe, he walks up to Groks walking in and placing it on the counter.

"I would like to sell this axe for for a Masterwork thieves tool kit and an alchemist's lab. If you have the two?"


2013-02-14, 06:32 PM
Sitting up, and wincing a bit at his protesting muscles, Tinpe gives Sandra a conspiritorial grin.
"Thankee, my good lady. I did nothing, really, aside from take responsibility. I really didn't do very well down there, though not from lack of trying. Bloody hard to run the bilge pump when you've got to jump for the lever, and you've got no weight to force it down with. Besides, that young man has had a decidedly bad week, and public flogging would have kicked the fight out of him.
Me, I'm a proper Gnome. I can take my lashes, though I'd have honestly prefferred less."
He does some stretching.
"I'm sorry I can't stay longer in your pleasant company, but I'm really rather exhausted. Plus I probably smell absolutely foul. I'll go get myself cleaned up and collapse in my bunk, and find some way to thank you properly tomorrow."

2013-02-14, 10:22 PM
"Kroop, mate, it's not your fault. Can't hardly blame ya for wantin' got get that smashed out of yer hat after spending as long as you've some of this foul lot. 'snot your fault that our pantry is empty, and not your fault that them midgets are too short for bilge duty. If Plugg were any better an officer, he'd realize that and put someone actually cut out for the job down there. Do me a favor, though...we really have to stick together now. I figure Plugg and Scourge will only redouble their efforts to make us as miserable as possible. I know you an' Grok are firmly straight in your heads...any idea of any other officers who may be at all sympathetic to us?"

"Qizilbash, sir, I again owe you my ability to walk about on two legs. I'm not normally a man to be considered of the religious persuasion, but may whatever god, deity, or other supernatural force you worship be drowned in heaps and piles of golden, glittering praise and thanks. I'm going to get some air and clear my head a bit, but if you would join me your company would be most welcome. Perhaps we can get to know each other a bit more."

Zandalo draws himself an extra-long pull of grog from the musty wooden rum barrel. At least the weevils haven't made it through that solid oak, yet. He hugs it closely to his bandaged side, silently groaning in pain, as he opens the door and heads up to the deck. Zandalo finds a quiet spot towards the front of the ship, where he can look out over all the empty seas ahead. He slumps down with his back against the nearest bulkhead, seemingly lost in thought as flickers of ghastly lights flash and whir about him in a macabre dance. If you look closely, the lights and shadows seem to repeat a cycle of dark and ghoulish figures looming menacingly, then being dashed to pieces.

Zandalo does not look happy, but he at least engage in conversation with anyone who draws near.

Messing about with Light, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, and Silent Image.

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-15, 11:00 AM
Owlbear keeps staring at Larry. He hasn't blinked yet. His red eyes seem to indicate that he might not blink much at all.

"They larfs... Cause I'm slow. Cause I'm ugly. Cause I talks wrong. Then I beats'em an' gets in trouble."

His lip quivers. "Dun like th' feathers. Plugg put'em on me. Tried to beats Plugg but he beats me, an' I gotta wear feathers as punishment. Or it's th' cat again."

"Dun care about pain, but they always larfs when I get beat. Hate it when they larfs! HATE IT! HATE IT!" He's getting pretty worked up...

"Oy! Keep it down up there!" Someone calls from the hold below.


"Uh?" Says Grok, as Ariad tracks her down just as she's about to head into the officer's quarters. "It's late, whattya... Oh, yer one of Zandalo's friends. Alright, I'll open th' shop OUTSIDE of regular hours. Don't tell no one."

Once inside, she scrutinizes the handaxe and whistles. "Yep, this's a good choppa. Alright. We don' have nothin' like a chymical lab... Ship's doctor's got summat like that, but trust me he ain't gonna let you use it. We DO have this..." She hauls out an alchemist's kit.

At the thieves' tools request, she narrows her eyes. "If I didn't like you, I wouldn't offer this. The last guy who tried to rob my shop, that keelhauled fella? Yeah, I kept his tools an' the rest o' his stuff. I'll trade you the kit and the tools (Which ARE masterworked), but you gotta promise you don't tryn' rob my shop."
"We gotta deal? Time's wastin', an' I need my beauty sleep." She guffaws.


"Sallright, eh?" Sandara grins around her pipe. "Jus' help me out if I ever get in trouble. Might be a time comes I'll need it."
Back at his bunk, Tinpe finds an unfamiliar wooden box stowed beneath his hammock. There's a note on it, written in Gnomish!


It's not right you got blamed because you're smaller than they!
You're brave for taking the boy's beating too!
I think you'd like to tinker, if you had your way!
So here's some parts from me to you!

-A friend

The box contains an odd jumble of bits and pieces, some of which might be useful... Huh! Waitaminute, that's a trigger mechanism... Sure enough, there's a matching barrel... OOooh, and an ammo mold! It'll take a little time to put together, but it looks like Tinpe can make a gun out of these parts!

OOC Explanation
Since I know you're planning on a gunslinger level next, you will conveniently complete crafting the gun when your level up arrives. You'll also get a gunsmithing kit.


Kroop sighs. "Thanks lad, good of ye ta say. Officers... Eh. Good luck. The rest of the core is TIGHT with Harrigan, and don't give a toss 'bout the rest of us. Me included, coz they've made it clear I'm an officer in name only. Grok's kinda not in th' circle neither, probly cause she's a half-orc. Anyways, they've seen plenny o' crews come an' go. They won't lift a finger ta stop Plugg."

Later, as Zandalo muses, he feels heavy feet trod the deck behind him. Pausing the macabre show, he sees Maheem walk over, to squat next to him. The burly Rahadoum man looks down on him, with a sour twist to his mouth. "Best be careful with those lights, sorceror. Pirates are superstitious and fearful of magic, they may think you are cursing them."
He reaches into a pocket, and withdraws a small jar. "I know that your friends used the Great Liars' magic to heal you up. I hold it not against you, since you were unconscious at the time. But it will still have left scars... It is what the Cat of Nine tails DOES. If you do not wish to keep them, then re-open the wounds, apply this salve, dress, them, and let them heal naturally. It will hurt, but the skin should be unmarred, if I have mixed the herbs right."

He turns and starts to walk away.

2013-02-15, 11:12 AM

The boy wrinkles his nose and looks troubled. This guy... well, sure, he does seem like he's got the low end of the barrel when Gozreh was handing out his blessings, but he was definitely first in line when muscle was being handed out. It just somehow doesn't seem right that he should be shackled so much.

"Well, what do you like, then?" Larry tries quickly when it looks like Owlbear is getting too worked up. "I mean, I can't do nothin' 'bout them laughing, figure they laugh at me too, but, well, maybe there's somethin' I could fetch you? Looks awful difficult to go anywhere th'way you are right now, and I s'pose I do have time, so I could help you out some. We're fellow pirates, right? Gotta look out for each other." ... and if he didn't just hear Owlbear'd get whipped if the feathers were removed, he'd even offer his soap!

And maybe, if Plugg ever decides to sic the Big Man on them, maybe he'll be merciful.

2013-02-15, 11:17 AM
Taking a moment to think about it, Ariard then sticks out his hand for a hand shake. "Let my flippers be cut off so that I can never swim again if I try to steel from you. Also you can have this I won't need it again." Ariad throws his old thieves tools on the counter, scooping up his new bought Items.

Oh yeah can you throw in a simple lock I want to be able to lock up this alchemy kit some where safe.

2013-02-15, 07:01 PM
The lights around Zandalo wink out suddenly. "Maheem--" he calls after the man. "Sorry if you're uncomfortable with that; sometimes, I don't even realize I'm doing it. Seems to be my head's way of working out its own problems. I...to be honest, I'm not really sure what to do with myself."

Zandalo holds out the rum. "Plenty to go around, if you have a few minutes to spare."

"Anyways, thanks for the salve. I'm really not sure how exactly I was brought back from that bloody, painful place...but it's not the first time he's done it for me. At this point, I'm just happy that it works."

Seems there's more to you than meets the eye, as it seems with most folk on this ship. What's your story?"

Night action - Try to make friends with Maheem
Diplomacy: [roll0]

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-16, 12:31 AM
Qizilbash decides to take up Zandalo on his offer. As he approaches he overhears the tail end of the conversation with Maheem...
He pours himself a mug of rum. "Who is the 'Great Liar' he was talking about? Mother Joramy has never lied to me..."

2013-02-16, 02:33 AM
Qizilbash decides to take up Zandalo on his offer. As he approaches he overhears the tail end of the conversation with Maheem...
He pours himself a mug of rum. "Who is the 'Great Liar' he was talking about? Mother Joramy has never lied to me..."

Zandalo shrugs at Qizilbash. "Ya got me. I have the utmost respect for those who profess to be prophets and preachers of otherworldly powers, for I don't have enough intelligence or worldly wiles of my own to say whether they're right or wrong. All I can go by is what I know works...and I've felt what you can do for me."

Zandalo, rocking slowly with the motion of the ship, quirks an eye at Maheem. "Anything to add?"

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-17, 11:44 AM
"What I likes?" Owlbear thinks for a long moment.

"Uh. Two fings. One is dunt larf at me. Two is... Two is tell me whuts goin' on. I get bored. Come an' talk ta me now'n gain. Tell me what happens even if it's small stuff. I wanna hear it."


Grok sees the wisdom of keeping an alchemy kit secure. She throws in the lock without fuss, and even provides a key for it!


Maheem shakes his head at the rum, and keeps walking away. He DOES glare at Qizlbash, though. "The Great Liars? You worship them. At least one of them, perhaps more." And then he's gone.


The next day dawns, and it's noticeable that the ship has changed course overnight. A small island looms on the horizon, and as you tend to your tasks, you notice the ship drawing nearer and nearer to it.

Finally, it stops and weighs anchor after a scant three hours into the day.

You are called up from your various tasks, to find Scourge chewing his lip and glaring at you.

"Cap'n wants lobster tonight. Says ya did so well catchin' them rats, that you can prolly handle lobster. Take th' longboat out ta the shallow reef-" He gestures to the eastern side of the island, "an' dive until ya fell these pots." He kicks several of the pots over at you. "Get goin'!"

You can already see two more longboats being lowered, filled with swabs and riggers. Looks like today's a foraging day for the Wormwood.

Pretty simple, to be honest! You have to find the lobsters, and catch them. So a perception check DC 10, followed by a swim check DC 10. You need to make both, or the lobster remains uncaught You've got enough time for three such checks, each.

2013-02-17, 12:03 PM

Well! That's something new, for once. Though, he wonders just how many crab would fit in a pot. A dozen? Three dozen? Wait, what size are crabs anyway? Larry finds his knowledge of things nautical to be failing him once again.

Before they set off, Larry makes a point of taking off his chainshirt. It's too heavy to swim properly with! He safely tucks it away in a locker before boarding the longboat and going for a swim.

Perception1: [roll0]
Perception2: [roll1]
Perception3: [roll2]

Swim1: [roll3]
Swim2: [roll4]
Swim3: [roll5]

Dice gods be ye kind.

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-17, 12:23 PM
Qizilbash shudders before he enters the water. He is out of his element, in every possible sense of the word... but then he remembers the events of yesterday. That whip would hurt a lot more than this...

He jumps in. It doesn't sting... too much.

Perception/Swim x3




2013-02-17, 01:58 PM
Zandalo shrugs off his shirt, leaving him in nothing but a pair of tattered breeches. "This is more like it...much rather be in the water than trapped belowdecks on any ship."

He stops by the galley to see Kroop before getting on the boat. "Listen, Kroop...I don't know how to quite say this delicate-like...but, well... I figure we should both try ta make sure we're in top shape when it comes time to cook these lobsters, seein' as it's a special request from the Cap'n and all. I made a bit of a fuss yesterday about not havin' decent supplies for cookin'...and I'd hate to look a liar when we have pots full o' fresh tasty lobsters to serve up. Can I count on you to help me cook 'em tonight?"

As the longboat approaches the reef, Zandalo dives headfirst into the water. Anyone nearby watching him underwater sees something that makes them do a double-take...it looks like Zandalo's tattoo is peeling right off his back! For the rest of the afternoon, it even seems like there's some tentacled little creature actually helping him hunt down and trap the lobsters!

Zandalo will aid his octopus tattoo familiar in the lobster hunt. As much as possible, it will only be in octopus form when they're down hunting -- Zandalo doesn't want to scare or unsettle any of the other pirates if possible.

Octopus perception: [roll0]
Zandalo's perception to aid octopus: [roll1]

Octopus perception: [roll2]
Zandalo's perception to aid octopus: [roll3]

Octopus perception: [roll4]
Zandalo's perception to aid octopus: [roll5]

The octopus has a natural swim speed, and a +13 swim modifier, so I don't think he needs to make the checks.

If Zandalo himself needs to make the swim checks, that's hopefully not a problem either.

2013-02-17, 05:55 PM
Hefting the Kit off Ariad stashes it away in the bilges finding an empty box and plopping it. Then securing the box he moves away to sleep.

2013-02-17, 06:42 PM

Larry might actually be decent at this.

Survivalthrice, at DC12:

2013-02-17, 07:58 PM
Jumping into the boat Ariad is happy to go out into the water. As they reach the shallow reef Ariad jumps into the water diving straight down and scanning the ocean floor for lobsters.

Perception checks

Swim checks

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-17, 08:49 PM
And so, the group spends most of the day catching lobsters. It goes fairly well, though toward the end of it, they're not finding any lobsters at all. Nor any crabs. Nor any fish... Waitaminute...


The group, now spread out due to their hunting activites, sees something black-shelled and fairly big break the surface for a minute! A long, low shape scuttles across the bottom of the reef, visible in the clear blue waters! Two lobster-like creatures each about the size of Tinpe seem to have decided that YOU'RE for dinner tonight!

They're forty feet away from Larry and Qizlbash and seem intent on charging them! Sahaal, Tinpe, Zandalo, and Ariad are about twenty feet away from Larry and Qizlbash.

The water is a scant three feet deep here, thankfully, though the terrain is difficult!

(DC 10 swim checks to move more than 20 feet at a time, DC 15 to charge, DC 20 to run)


2013-02-17, 09:19 PM
"Larry! Qizilbash! Look out! In the water...over there!" Zandalo shouts. "Did any of you bring weapons? I'll try to buy you some time...don't worry, the shark is on our side. Let's run these oversized beasties off -- nothing's gettin in the way of our lobster dinner tonight."

A murky, cloudy black fills the water around Zandalo. Then, from the depths out at the edge of the reef behind Zandalo, a giant fin breaks the top of the water and comes tearing through the water! With a flick of its powerful tail, an enormous shark flashes by Tinpe, Sahalo, and Ariad, circling the shellbacks.

Octopus familiar uses Ink Cloud ability, 5 foot radius total concealment in the water around Zandalo. Anything above the water is unaffected. Then, the octopus flows back into tattoo form on Zandalo's back.

Zandalo casts Silent Image and creates the biggest, most menacing shark he can that can still swim in waters of this depth. It will end up nearby Qizilbash and Larry, but between them and the beasties. If it can't outright run them off, maybe it can at least distract them for a little bit or separate the two creatures from each other.

2013-02-17, 09:33 PM
Ariad hears Zandalo's yell and sees the beasts. Pulling out the little dagger Kat that he brought along he takes off at a swim towards the beasts.

40 foot swim towards the lobsters to get nice and close. I have an acid breath for one of them.

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-17, 11:55 PM
Two lobsters! He really had no idea how or why, but this wasn't going so badly...

Qizilbash is poking through another likely pile of rocks when he hears the shouted warnings. Two... things... are scuttling towards him across the bottom. He freezes for a second, one of the rocks still held in his hand.

Grandfather Lobster and Great Uncle Lobster are angry at me for taking the little ones? Of course they are. I don't belong here. None of my magic even works in the sea...

Then he remembers something he'd heard about sea creatures hunting by sound. He mutters several syllables and then tosses the rock in the general direction of the oncoming creatures. The stone lands with a small splash... but then it appears to thrash about and scream for help in a human-like voice... Qizilbash turns and wades back towards his comrades.

Cast Ghost Sound in direction of enemies (range 25')
Move towards rest of party.

Swim [roll0]

2013-02-18, 07:26 AM
Well, first off, the called for checks.


Initiative: [roll6]
On Tinpe's turn, he takes a shot with his Blowgun.
(Lobsters are 60 feet away? Heh. there goes my DEX bonus)
[roll7] 1 point of damage on hit.

2013-02-18, 09:09 AM

A good soldier always has a bolt cocked on his crossbow.

Sadly, Larry is not a good soldier. He quickly ***** a bolt on the crossbow (thanking strict military discipline for bringing the weapon along!), then takes aim and shoots at the nearest of the lobsters! He feels like a Merfolk.

Move: Load crossbow.
Standard: Fire the crossbow.
[roll0] attack roll.
[roll1] damage roll. (+Dex mod, right?)

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-18, 02:19 PM
The giant lobster things surge forward!

One of them freezes at the sight of the phantasmal shark! While it's stopped, Larry's crossbow sends a bolt thudding into it!

Sadly, you don't get dex bonus to your crossbow damage until your 11th fighter level. But you just dealt 8 points to it, that's a big thing!

Here, check this out... http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/fighter/archetypes/paizo---fighter-archetypes/crossbowman

While it's distracted, Ariad swims up to it with a dagger in his hand and murder in his mind...

The other lobster thing is not distracted by the ghost splashing! It's more intent on the real splashing, as Qizlbash tries to get away, but is slowed by the reef and the water. It zooms forward, taking a blowgun dart from Tinpe as it goes, and claws Qizlbash a good one!

The wounds burn...

Take 2 points of damage, and roll me a DC 13 fortitude save! Fail and take 2 points of strength. If you fail, this save recurs every round for either 4 rounds or until you succeed.


2013-02-18, 03:54 PM
Diving under the water Ariad blended into the reef floor. Then swiming over to the nearest lobster He pulled out his dagger ready to strike. Plunging his dagger into thick armor.

Sneak Attack:(if it applies)[roll3]

2013-02-18, 05:10 PM
(I am assuming here that Ariad moved to flank the one on Qizlbash. Since he's the one who took damage.)

Tinpe nods in satisfaction that he managed to find the range on the giant shellfish. He loads another shot, and this time, aims for something that looks vital.
[roll0](Hooray, they're within one range incriment now!)
Sneak Attack (If possible) [roll1]

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-18, 06:00 PM
Qizilbash recoils away from the lobster thing. It lifts the front half of its body out of the water as it follows him, grasping with its claws and mouth parts.
As it breaks the surface again, Qizilbash raises one hand and sends a stream of scorching smoke and red-hot embers into what passes for its face...

5' step (moving and facing so that the cone won't hit Ariad or whoever is flanking/behind the lobster)
Cast Burning Hands
Damage [roll0]
Move in direction of group

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-18, 06:06 PM
Fort save [roll0]
Swim [roll1]

2013-02-18, 06:34 PM

Well, score! Larry can't help but grin.

"Careful, 'n we got this!"

The boy swims off by a tiny bit as he loads another bolt, and fires it off at the nearby lobster, going for a point-blank shot! Luckily, his expertise. Somewhat.

5-foot-step. I assume this isn't 20 feet movement so no need to roll for Swim, but jic: [roll0]
Move Action: Load crossbow. (This doesn't count as movement, right?)
Standard Action: Fire crossbow into the nearby lobster! +1 ATK and DMG for being within 30 foot of target!
[roll1] attack
[roll2] damage
2 bolts used, I should have 23 left.

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-19, 09:54 AM
Ariad JUST manages to sink his dagger in under the thing's shell! It thrashes as it bleeds and expires...

The phantom shark swims over toward the other lobster thing, who snaps at it frantically! The activity gives Qizlbash the chance to swim back, and spray flames into the shallow water, sending steam spurting up! The lobster thing reddens, slightly, but only seems angrier. This time, Qizlbash gets back to Larry.

Tinpe sends projectiles toward it to no avail, the water and its speed throwing his aim off. But Larry strikes true, wounding the thing even more!

The surviving lobster thing snaps at the shark once more, then seems to realize it poses no threat. Seriously wounded, it starts scooting off toward the deeper water! It gets 40 feet away, putting it roughly 20 from Ariad, and 70 from the rest of the group!


2013-02-19, 10:18 AM

There exists nothing that attacks them and gets away with it! Larry sets another bolt on his weapon and fires at the fleeing lobster!

80ft range, so here we go!
Move: Set bolt.
Standard: Aim and fire!
[roll0] attack!
[roll1] damage!

2013-02-19, 10:25 AM
Ariad darts through the water like a fish himself. His eyes darting at the lobster. Coming up on the lobster, Ariad's mouth opens wide a set of tubes open up. A loud hissing noise emits from him and a green slime flies out of his mouth.


Lost Demiurge
2013-02-19, 11:15 AM
Adapted to the water, Ariad's acid spray is unhindered and the fleeing shellfish reacts instantly, thrashing in pain as the water around it bubbles, toxically.

The thing's probably going to need some extra scrubbing before dinner, but it is quite thoroughly dead.

It's the work of a few minutes to haul them back onto the longboat without capsizing it. Darn things are bulky!

And at the end of the day, with two pots unfilled, but two LARGE carcasses to haul back, the group rows back to the Wormwood. The other boats are docking slightly, including one with Fipps, Aretta, Syl, Shivikah, and Jape. You notice that they're hauling out similar looking pots to the ones that you've got... And you get there in time to hear their conversation. Mind you, it's taking a bit to get the lobster-things hauled up as they're quite heavy, but the discussion on deck seems to be between Scourge and the fearsome foursome (plus one).

"Well... Er, there weren't no lobster over in that other reef, sir."

"DAMN YER EYES! You mean to tell me you brought back empty pots?"

"No! No, they're jus' not full o' lobster. There were plenty of crabs, though. Those are LIKE lobster."

"Listen, Plugg's got money on you bringin' back more than them Ratslayin' ponces. So's fer your sake, you'd best hope..."

"What's all this?"

The deck goes quiet for a minute.

"Ah, crabs, captain, sir."

"Hmmm... I don't recall saying that I wanted crabs. Just lobster."

"Well, sir, we was havin' a bit of trouble gettin' lobster, so's..."


The first lobster-thing hits the deck, followed by the rest of you clambering up the sides bearing lobster pots, and the last one is soon hauled up .

The captain grins. "Well burn my soul! Reefclaws! Looks like we ALL get lobster tonight, or kissin' cousin anyway! Throw those crabs overboard, no need for'em." The Captain wanders off again.

Scourge's smile lasts for precisely three seconds after the captain leaves, then he looks to Fipps and company with a scowl that promises pain later.

They stare at you with dead eyes, then start dumping the crabs overboard, without saying a word.


Dinner that night is GOOD. Turns out Kroop knows a recipe for "Brandy-braised lobster". Though to be honest, only about two-thirds of the brandy makes it to the lobster, as he gets more mellow and inebriated as the night goes on.

"Thing about lobster, is that it don't keep worth a damn. Nah, that's what all these other provisions is for..." His gesture encompasses the fruits, grains, and fish gathered from the island by the rest of the crew. "Could do with more flour or rice, but this oughta last us enough ta get back ta port, assumin' we find some prey inna next week or two."

"So since lobster don't keep moren' a day, it's eat up me hearties yo ho..." Yep, he's definitely enjoying the brandy. Keeps eyeing the last half-bottle.

You'll get this night's actions, as per usual...

2013-02-19, 11:29 AM

Larry is pleased as punch! He considers finding one of the riggers to talk with, and Sams was, well, the nicest among them in a while. And she was a looker, too, geez!

But Larry's dutiful, and he remembers he'd told Owlbear the other night he'd tell him about the day. So Larry makes for Owlbear, wondering if the guy even got some of the lobster. Nah, probably he did, didn't he?

"Hey there," says Larry, sitting down a respectful distance from Owlbear--and by respectful we mean out of arm's reach. "We went lobster fishin' today! Well, ratslayer's 'n I did, I figure the rest of th'pirates were doing other stuff. Hauled food from the island, and all!" Larry relates the tale of the lobster things, plainly accounting events as they were.

When he talks of the magic shark, the boy wrinkles his nose and spits. "One thing I can't stand, it's wizards," he explains. "That magic's way too scary. Does all these sorts of things you don't expect, an' they're proud as punch of it. In the end, though, isn't a bone in their body what's actually up to a fight when it comes down to it!"

He also talks of the lobster things for dinner, and that the captain'd called them Reefclaws, and if Owlbear likes the taste of reefclaws; Larry thinks they tasted quite good.

Night Action: Diplomatics the big guy.

2013-02-19, 11:40 AM
Enjoying the delicious lobster Ariad sits down on his hammock and decides to to take some well needed sleep. Seeing as He'd been staying up quite late the last several nights.

Drifting off to sleep he dreams about his homeland and the women he once loved. Knowing that he would never see her again...

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-19, 12:47 PM
Qizilbash tends to his injuries.
He still feels tired and weak, so he turns in early once the meal is over...

Casts Cure Light Wounds as needed.
Heal 1d20+3

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-19, 12:48 PM
The roller is breaking again... re-rolling.

2013-02-19, 02:10 PM
Tinpe goes to find out if he can get in on the nightly gambling. He talks with Grok about it, seeing if she knows anything.
"Being the ship's quartermaster, and a good one besides, you must have an eye on where and how the gold moves about the Wormwood. I was looking for a way to make some, and find entertainment besides. I hear there's been some gambling aboard, and figured you'd be the one who could tell me straight about it."
Diplomacy on Grok: [roll0]

2013-02-19, 11:57 PM
Zandalo, wiping the grease off his hands as he finishes wiping down a few of the seafood-laden soup pots, hustles up a bit to catch Maheem on his way out of dinner.

"Maheem...what you said the other day about the Great Liar. From my studies of history, I know the name, but I must admit that some parts of those ancient texts I may have just skimmed. Could you tell me a little more about it? And why you think our crewmates' healing powers are so bad? I've never heard that perspective before, and I'd like to learn more from you."

Night action - Influence Maheem
Diplomacy: [roll0]
Knowledge: History [roll1]

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-20, 11:36 AM
Owlbear is happy to listen to Larry. He agrees that reefclaws are yummy, and is fascinated to hear about the little island. He keeps asking questions about it, and is disappointed Larry didn't get to go ashore.

"Be nice to live 'n an island like that. Eatin' coconuts n' nanners, 'n fish n' lobster alla time. No one around ta bovver you or larf at you..."

Then Owlbear frowns. "Why you got such a mad on 'gainst wizzers? Sounds like th' shark magic helped you. Wait, did a wizzer larf at you? I guess that'd 'splain it. But your wizzer buddy sounds okay, or else he woulda let them reefyclaws eat you..."

Grok grins at Tinpe. "Officers got a weekly game, but that's off-limits to crew." Her smile turns into a frown. "You ain't missin' much. We can't win too much offa the captain or he'll start killin' us so we have ta let him win or at least break even most days. Besides, Peppery cheats."

"But if ya head up to the deck at night, there's a small no-questions asked game, usually Badger runs it..."

Basically, whenever you get a nightly action, you can go gamble! To gamble, wager a sum and then roll either your bluff, or your profession - gambler skill. The maximum sum you can bet per action on this game, the WORMWOOD SWABSTAKES, is 10 GP.

0-9 LOSE!
20+ WIN TRIPLE! (Followed by a DC 10 diplomacy check to be gracious about it.)


Maheem glowers at Zandalo and gives curt, monosyllabic answers. Fortunately Zandalo recalls enough of his history to get the gist of what Maheem's telling him, and soon understands the big man's woes...

Basically, Maheem comes from Rahadoum. A few centuries ago or so, the goddess Sarenrae rose up in the area, and a crusade started to convert the lands around to her worship. It hit the established religions in the area, and a HORRIBLE holy war started. For six solid decades, men slew each other over the gods.

"But finally, we said... No more. No more." Maheem growls.

"No more gods. Only man."

"Gods are fickle bullies, who grant powers on a whim to those who should not have them, and try to take away man's control over his own fate! So we threw the gods out! And since then, we have learned to do without them!"

He sighs. "It has been hard, but we have learned so MUCH! We have learned to heal grievous wounds without the use of magic. Well, divine magic. Arcane magic is much more fair, as anyone with enough intelligence can study it... But the usage of alchemy is what I speak of. I myself am a learned chirurgeon, taught in the college of Sayim, given the stole of samite and the staff of the samaritan, thrice-honored and lettered in both herbs and philosophy."

"But NO! No, forced into piracy, I have come to terms with my lot, but always, always, ALWAYS pirates turn to magic first! Turn to those who have bought into the great lies of the fickle, hypocritical, worthless gods!"
He rubs his face and scowls. "I... Have come to terms with the fact that most of the outside world has bought into the great lies. I can LIVE with this. But I do not have to like it."

"It helps, I suppose, that the most popular diety around here is a self-confessed liar, greedy plunderer, and above all a PIRATE. Oddly enough, it gives me comfort. At least Besmara admits it!"

"And yes... I do see the value of instant healing now and again. Just... When it gets used for simple things, like recovering from the lash... Gah. Pointless. Especially when you have a trained chirurgeon on board WHO DOES NOT GET TO PRACTICE!"

2013-02-20, 02:39 PM
Grinning back at Grok, Tinpe nods, thoughtfully.
"Well, I do have a bottle of Drow Poison I could sell you, to bankroll myself. Would you give me fair price for it?"

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-20, 03:47 PM
Grinning back at Grok, Tinpe nods, thoughtfully.
"Well, I do have a bottle of Drow Poison I could sell you, to bankroll myself. Would you give me fair price for it?"

"Sure, works for me." And Grok does just that.

2013-02-20, 04:47 PM

Larry considers Heart's Horn's words. He looks about them rather warily, keen to know if anyone's listening in on them... and when there's nothing obvious to be seen (obviously no one'd listen to his secrets!), Larry leans in a bit closer and drops his voice.

"I'll tell ya, but ya gotta promise you won't tell anyone!" he says urgently. "'Cos... I'm sure they'd laugh, 'cos we were stupid naive, we were." And assuming the promise is as good as given, Larry continues, "See, 't all happened when I'd just joined the army f'r a few months. There was this wiz, Thorbuld, an' you know, he was all that. 'Least, he wanted us to think he was. General's favourite, and boy did he get favours. Bet'cha he slept with the Gen'ral!" Larry glimpses around anxiously, but of course, no one from there'd be here.

"'Nyway, we's assigned to protect him this one fight, yeah? And he says, 'No worries, I'll cast a big spell. Buy me time', when the fight begins, 'cus the others came with way more than we did. And we figure, he's a wizard, it'll be arright, yeah? But," and Larry's expression darkens, "just as we think we bought 'im enough time, we look to the hill where he's at and whaddya know? He ran. RAN! Used his magic to baffle enemy casters and throw some illusions 'round. We lost a good deal of men there. A lot of friends!"

A little sadly, he concludes, "Lost a lotta friends... 'cos a wizard's fancy schmancy magic's damned useless. Gozreh's balls I wish I could just..." He makes a strangling motion, but slumps a bit helplessly. The memory's fouled his mood.

Wizards. Bunch of friggin' cowardly liars, running whenever they can. True, Zandalo didn't run this time, and there's sure to be good people around, but Gods. Wizards.

2013-02-20, 07:06 PM
"That..that definitely helps me understand where you're coming from. Only a fool would dismiss any chirurgeon's skills, especially on a ship like this where those with any power to aid may be few and far between. I was unaware of your competencies in this discipline, but I will certainly keep you in mind for the future -- it seems I've developed a knack for almost-dying since being recruited," Zandalo says to Maheem. "And with that, I will leave you for the night. May tomorrow bring us a feast as big as today's."

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-21, 10:50 AM
After a fantastic feast of lobster, the next day comes all too quickly. All too soon, you are prodded out of your hammock to stand blearily on the deck, while Scourge and Plugg glare at you.

Plugg wordlessly points Larry to Ratline, who nods at him. "Lookout again. Remember what I said, lampblack around eyes to cut glare."

DC 10 climb check, followed by a DC 10 perception check)

Scourge's voice is short and clipped as he hands out the assignments. He's got a black eye, for some reason.

Ariad is assigned to run messages, along with Giffer Tibbs, who sighs in annoyance. "This'll be work..."

[spoiler]DC 10 acrobatics check, followed by a DC 10 con check to avoid fatigue

Qizlbash gets the joy of playing rat catcher alongside Jack Scrimshaw, whose mouth takes on a grim set. "Joy. More rats..."

DC 10 stealth, survival, or dexterity check

And Tinpe gets the fun of hauling rope and knotwork. He's paired up with Badger Medlar this time around, who gives him an indifferent nod.

DC 10 profession sailor or strength check, followed by a DC 10 con check to avoid fatigue.

"Quit yer bellyachin'!" Scourge snaps the whip as various crewmembers grumble. "Ya had yer island fun and fancy feastin' yesterday, now ya pays fer it with WORK!"

Zandalo reports down to the galley, and finds Kroop listing to the side and singing. Sort of. Yep, he's drunk again.

And there's a note on the table... We're in prime turtle territory. Get some hunted up and cooked. Tonight we dine on turtle stew! -Cpt. Harrigan

Well, Ambrose stayed sober long enough to put out some nets and fishing spears, at least...

This one will be a DC 10 profession - fisherman or survival check.

2013-02-21, 10:59 AM
"Ah back to my first job on the ship." Grabbing the first message of the day, he takes off to deliver.


2013-02-21, 11:26 AM

Larry remembers the first time he was look-out, and how they'd laughed at him! Well, he knows someone who'd seriously break skulls over that. Larry nearly grins at the thought and it doesn't leave his mind, his imagined Owlbears and riggers fighting it all out, that beast of a man! Come to think of it, never seen the man actually away from the mast. Would he be that strong?

Larry works diligently, because he sure doesn't want to be laughed at, even if he's pre-occupied with fantasies!

Oh god Dice. Chainshirt stays off because it'd just hinder my checks.
Climb: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
I'll work diligently to add a +4 to Perception.

At night... hm, I'll wait to see if we get WHIP today first. Else I'll probably talk to Sam or Ratline because no WHIP means nothing to really tell Owl.


Swami Monsoon
2013-02-21, 11:37 AM
"More rats..." Qizilbash shudders. "Let's just hope they are rodents of usual size..."

Stealth [roll0]

2013-02-21, 06:11 PM
Tinpe spends the night gambling, and making quite a killing.
"Ah, it's the Gnomish luck, you know. Gnomes are lucky. That's why I keep coming out of these fights with narry a scratch. It's good for the crew too, you know. Keeps the wind at our backs and the catch plentiful. If only luck counted for plunder..."
Diplomacy: [roll0]

In the daytime, he makes a solid attempt at working the ropes;
STR: [roll1] CON: [roll2]
He makes nice with Badger while he works.
"So, I think I've got me a plan, Badger. I'm gonna talk with Rosie and see if I can arrange for her to accept my fellow's advances, then see if he can prove himself on his own merits. You think it's a good idea?"
Diplomacy: [roll3]

After the meal, he pays a quick visit to Grok- he's going to buy that chocolate, and Rosie's fiddle besides.

For the night, Tinpe goes gambling again.
Bluff: [roll4]
Diplomacy: [roll5]

2013-02-21, 09:03 PM
"Ah, fishing...I love fishing. Well, the idea of it anyways. Wonder if there's anyone around to help me...I wouldn't want to take anyone away from their work, though. Guess I'll just try it myself. Kroop! Prepare the stew-pots for feasting! Tonight, we shall dine again - Besmara, Great Liars, and alchemical chirurgeons permitting."

Zandalo tries to hit up some of the other crewmen for fishing tips, but he's skeptical of anything they tell him. He baits the lines as best he knows how, and adds in a few little twists that he picked up from some of the fishing villages he's sailed by in the past. A chunk of day-old lobster shell here, a squeeze of old meat juice out of the wash rag there...hopefully it's enough.

Fish diligently for +4
Profession Fisherman (untrained, -1 WIS, +4 diligence): [roll0]

Lost Demiurge
2013-02-22, 12:59 PM
Ariad, Larry, and Qizlbash manage to get through the day without any trouble...

Zandalo, working with all his might, finally lands three good-sized sea turtles. Kroop's still a little bleary, but he manages to get the soup pots ready. Fortunately, turtle soup is pretty easy to make once the shells are off'em.

Tinpe, on the other hand, gets ropes tangled, several times.

Badger is nice enough, at least, to help as she can. She also seems amused by Tinpe's efforts at matchmaking. "Well, ain't that somethin'! F' I were you, I'd find some way to impress her, then set things up so that Conchabar kin do it. Far as his own merits go, let's face it, he's kinder sketchy on that part o' things. Perfessional ladies man on a ship like this'n is like bubs on a shark."

Badger seems friendlier. She also leans in... "Hey. You bin rockin' the gamblin' so far. Got a favor ta ask... Tilly Brackett's talkin' about sellin' her locket ta Grok an' raising a stake. She's got the gamblin' fever, but she ain't good at it. Reckon she'll be in game tomarra or next day. If you could see fit ta maybe steer things so that she at least breaks even, I'd owe you one. Don't want her gettin' TOO discouraged..."

At the end of the day, Scourge inspects the crew's work, and shakes his head at Tinpe's work. "Gah. Pathetic." Oddly enough, he seems pleased. "Right. Shirt off, ye know the drill." Two lashes later, he's done, and Tinpe, though staggering, is left to join the messline.

6 points of nonlethal damage

In the line, Conchabar explains. "I was in a good position to listen to some of the officers today. Plugg's worried about how you've been catching the captain's eye, but Scourge told him not to worry. He said that enough of the Ratslayers will screw up and show their lousiness at piratical work, that the Captain will forget about them. Plugg seemed mollified by that."

Sandara, standing nearby, shakes her head. "If it were that easy I'd drop buckets an' screw up me jobs from 'ere to kingdom come, but I ain't convinced. Captain ain't a small details kinder person. Don't think he'll even care if some ropes ain't tied right, or the bilges is a little dirtier n' normal."

At dinner, the Marine Officer, Riaris Krine, makes her way down to the line. Ignoring the food, she stands on a nearby barrel, and announces.

"Right, you maggots... Clear water and a calm sky means that we can run boarding drills tomorrow without half of you worms drowning! Be ready ta get up EXTRA EARLY and get WET!" There's a half chorus of groans, but most of the experienced crew are nodding... Nodding and shooting smirks at you and the other new recruits.

2013-02-22, 04:03 PM
Lifting his mug of meed Ariad yells out "Alright I love the water!"

2013-02-22, 05:36 PM

Soldier boy keeps quiet at the announcement. Boarding. Just hits home the fact he's on a pirate ship, and he's a pirate now. Taking lives is taking lives, no matter what you do it for, but this'll be different from what he's used to.

At night, Larry decides to belay the visit to Owlbear for now. Guy's not going anywhere, and there really wasn't much to tell him about. Sides, the big man wouldn't want to know every day, right?

Instead, Larry goes to find Sam.

"Say, um, I was meaning t'talk to ya about what you said last," he begins. "'Bout how you, well, larv-- er, laughed at my name, and all. I just figured... Barefoot Sam's not really a pirate name that has me shiverin' in my boots either, 'n I was curious why you don't have a more, well, intimidating name!"

And he knows one guy who wouldn't stand for being laughed at! Did Owlbear prefer that or Heart's Horn? Larry resolves to ask him next time.

Also, come up with an intimidating name. Larry did sound rather plain; Maybe Brownbeard Baggins? He'd need to grow a beard... Larry rubs his chin. Nope. None yet...

Diplomatics the barefoot lady! Dice, don't fail me now.

Swami Monsoon
2013-02-22, 10:22 PM
That night Qizilbash was in a somber mood. Tomorrow they would get a reminder of what their real job was. Taking ships... and the people on them.

"I know that pirates chase ships. They catch the ships and take them and all of the valuable stuff on the board... but then what? We're not going to kill everybody, are we? They get a chance to surrender... I mean, most of them surrender, right? And then what happens to all the prisoners?"

Night action: Talk to random pirate (I'm not sure who's left that can still be influenced/won over.)
Diplomacy [roll0]