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2013-01-20, 07:15 PM
The maesters of the two houses of Hubris receive a raven, bearing a message to this effect:

To all loyal households of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros,

It is my great pleasure to invite you to Brightwater Keep, there to attend the wedding of my niece Lady Selyse Florent to Stannis of House Baratheon, Prince of Dragonstone, Master of Ships, brother to King Robert Baratheon, the first of his name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. The ceremony shall take place at the end of the sixth month of 286 AL, the tournament in the preceding week.

<Itinerary of the tournament and wedding>

We look forward to your presence.
Alester Florent, Lord of Brightwater Keep and House Florent

The maester of the senior House Hubris receives the following message, a day or two later:

To Lord Roland of Hubris and those of his minions it may concern

It might be appreciated if you were to conveniently get lost on your way to the tournament. My father's nephew has heard disturbing reports around the Florent lands, and would like it confirmed and, if possible, dealt with before things escalate.

Garrett Flowers

Pedro, Venture, Artos Like House Hubris, House Florent is sworn to the Tyrells and the Reach. Unlike House Hubris, the Florents are an ancient house, and have long chafed at their servitude.

Mikoll You somehow recall that the Florents kneel to the Tyrells, but resent their position of servitude - most likely a conversation with a barkeeper, but you really don't care where you learned how the kneelers kneel. You could name their lord, Alester, if you cared to.

Roland The Florents are bannermen to the Tyrells, but resent their position. Both houses claim descent from House Gardener, who were Kings of the Reach before Aegon's conquest; the Florents believe that their claim is truer than that of the Tyrells.
Also, Garrett Flowers, who sent you the strange request, is a bastard son and known retainer of Garth "the Gross" Tyrell, your lord Mace's uncle, castellan of Highgarden - the seat of the Tyrells.

Regival The Florents are bannermen to the Tyrells, but have long resented their position of servitude. Their lord is Alester Florent.

2013-01-21, 12:15 AM
Mikoll stared at the summons for the hundredth time, cursing it silently. Some sort of southerner ritual, a 'wedding' this time, and Roland wanted him to attend. At least there would be archery, which was something of a bright spot in an otherwise black canvas of boredom.

Mikoll rolled the summons up, tossed it on the table and wondered absently if there would be unclaimed maidens at this 'wedding' or if he would have to wear some sort ridiculous southern clothing. He dressed quickly and left his nook of a room to seek out Roland. He would know the answers to these questions.

2013-01-21, 12:57 AM
"Maester, prepare a letter to Sir Flowers, I would very much like to know what these disturbing reports entailed before I investigate them. Send for my brother while you are at it, but do not tell him anything of the contents of the second letter just yet. I believe I may need his aid, but I wish to see how he reacts in person, and the rumours... Well, words are wind, rumours mean nothing, just send for him."
and with that, Roland departed the raven tower, and called for a servant,
"Find my cousin, I have matters to discuss with him, bring the savage archer along as well, he may be unrefined, but I can not doubt his skill, I may have need of him."

2013-01-21, 01:07 AM
Mikoll heard Roland's voice and he smirked. Everyone in the south was far too loud. They talked loudly, they ate loudly, they rutted loudly, they even breathed loudly. It was like no one knew the meaning of silence. He emerged from a hallway quietly as the servant left.

"Here is the savage. If you sent him to my room, your servant will find darkness and little else. You need my bow?"

2013-01-21, 01:11 AM
"Come, we shall await the others I have summoned in the meeting hall, I have no desire to repeat myself" replied Hubris dismissively, not waiting for a response from Mikoll, he departed for the meeting hall

2013-01-21, 01:22 AM
Mikoll considered sneaking into the kitchens on his way to the meeting hall, but his eyes scared the staff and Roland did not appear to be in a good mood. Food could wait. For now, he followed Roland.

2013-01-21, 08:27 AM
Ser Artos was sitting in the meeting hall when lord Roland and Mikoll entered as he had decided to move inside when he saw the raven arrived.
Good evening Roland he greeted his nephew and lord with a warm smile.

2013-01-21, 09:49 AM
A messenger found Venture out in the training yard along with a few of his men, training. Upon seeing the messenger he quickly defeated his opponent and then went to enquire about the message which basically said get your ass over here now. Pausing only to grab his weapons and shout at the troops to continue drilling he went to meet Lord Hubris.

2013-01-21, 10:04 AM
"Uncle! What a pleasant surprise, I was not aware you had returned, how do you fare?" Roland greets his uncle, reciprocating the warmth as he seats himself at the head of the table.
"Well, I suppose you are wondering why I have called you here now, though I assumed my uncle noticed the raven on his way in. As you all know, Lord Stannis' wedding approaches and I have received an invitation, I planned on bringing you with me, but it seems my liege has other plans for now, Sir Garrett Flowers has requested that I investigate some trouble in the Florent lands, as the bastard son of the castellan of Highgarden, I am of a mind to accede to his request and if I do so, I shall be needing your help, and likely that of my brother, who I have sent for. Now, before I finalise my plans I will await further word from Sir Garrett and the arrival of my brother, should he see fit to come. What say you all of my this?"

2013-01-21, 10:08 AM
"What kind of problem are we looking at and how big a retinue are we taking and of that retinue what kind of number will be Soldiers?"

2013-01-21, 01:26 PM
"Uncle! What a pleasant surprise, I was not aware you had returned, how do you fare?" Roland greets his uncle, reciprocating the warmth as he seats himself at the head of the table.

Very well thank you. I would have gone to you as soon as I arrived but the guards said you where in the tower and... well, you know. Artos responds as Roland sits down his last words followed by a slight tick in the muscles next to where his left eye should be.

Once Roland had explained the situation he merely waited for him to answer Venture's questions before giving his own opinion.

2013-01-21, 05:43 PM
"I am not yet certain what it is we will be investigating, and as such I will be awaiting word from the bastard knight as to the seriousness of the threat, but I would not expect to be taking more than a score of my best men, maybe less if discretion is required"

2013-01-21, 05:54 PM
"Investigate? Then this has nothing to do with the wedding?"

2013-01-21, 05:58 PM
"No, we may be making a slight detour on our way, but worry not, you will get to show off your skills in the archery competitions when we do arrive" he replies, chuckling softly

2013-01-21, 07:54 PM
Mikoll smirked and crossed his arms.

"Oh I cannot wait, because walking into a den of you southern wolves is such great fun. You're not afraid I'll try and find a wife of my own?"

2013-01-21, 08:08 PM
"You're free to bed any commoners that strike your fancy, as long as you don't try to carry off a noble there will be no problems" his tone becoming serious halfway through the sentence

2013-01-21, 08:33 PM
"That's agreeable. The common women fight back."

2013-01-22, 01:33 PM
Mikoll scratched his beard, yawned and rose from the table. This was not his strong area, and the longer he stayed, the more obvious that would become. And while he was not stupid, he was not as versed in the games these southern lords played.

"If there is nothing else, I will leave. You did not bring me into your home because I was a thinker, that is where you all reign. There is little I need or care to know outside of who you want me to hunt and who to riddle with arrows. I will be practicing in the yard if you need me further."

He gave a deferential nod to Roland and the others and started to leave and would do so if no one chose to stop him.

2013-01-22, 05:37 PM
"Very well, if there are no further questions, you are all dismissed until I receive a response"

2013-01-22, 10:54 PM
"Very well, call me if you have anything else to discuss." Venture then returned to his quarters to prepare his equipment for the up coming journey, although he was much more interested in the melee at the upcoming tournament.

2013-01-23, 02:50 PM
Allicia walked along the winding road, wary of the trees that could easily hide anyone. "Mummeeey!" She turned around to see her daughter behind, protesting loudly. "Come along dear, we have to hurry. We're going to see daddy, but you must be very quiet. There are bad people in this forest, and not a good man to be seen."

The pair hurried along quickly but quietly, looking this way and that, but finding no bandits ready to leap out at them. Allicia, making sure she still had her bow ready, took it out. It never hurt to be prepared.

Indeed, preparation was a good idea, and while perhaps not her best, her most critical. Not much sooner had she taken her bow out than she was forced to use it.

The first bandit to emerge took an arrow directly to his neck, sending him staggering back. Three more emerged, however, and one decided to direct his wrath not at Allicia, but her daughter. The poor girl screamed as she fell to the ground, and the three bandits leapt to attack Allicia...

The largest tower shield that she had ever seen appeared as from nowhere - even the least stealthy of knights undetected by these men, so engrossed in the battle were they. Two fell to the first stroke, while another leapt at the man only to have his sword knocked out of his hand by the man, who then proceeded to cut him down the middle.


Pedro looked at the woman, who looked scared out of her wits. Pedro could hardly blame her. He sheathed his blade, walked over to the injured girl, and turned to her mother. "You a healer?"
"Then we had best find one."

Pedro looked at the girl again, then hoisted her onto his tower shield. The blunt and broken weapons these bandits carried were not worth stopping for. "Where were you headed?"
"House Hubris' lands. My husband and all our parents are there." Pedro was honestly surprised all four of people - who must all be old - had survived. But then, this woman was quite young, her child almost newborn. Perhaps not that strange. "Hmm," he responded, "There should be someone who can heal her there. She should make it."

The woman nodded in response. Pedro attempted polite conversation - not one of his skills, but not hard either. "What's your name?"
"Allicia. My child is Ella. And I don't need to ask who you are, Knight of the Scales, Hand of no Man..."
"Grey Knight, Bandit's Doom, Revenant of Bridgehold, Grey Doom, The Bastard of No-one, The Ghost of Balance, Exemplar of the Grey... or just Pedro Ignacio."
"All right..." Allicia looked scared of him again. He smiled, though she couldn't see that through his helm. "It's fine, I'm just a little tired of all these titles." She relaxed visibly.


"Ella! Ella, are you all right!"
"I think so... I'm not dying, I don't think... who... Pedro? THE Pedro?"
"Yes. Welcome to the castle, Ella."
"Thank you... you really do save people... nan says that you aren't real!"
"Lots of people do. They can say what they like."

Pedro thought a moment. At least one person knew about him. One Lord Roland Hubris. He smiled as he remembered his glorious refusal of the man's offer. Sir Pedro Ignaco fought for no-one. And here he was, walking straight into the man's land.

In honesty, even with all his forces on the task, Lord Roland would not risk fighting Pedro without an exceptionally good reason. Men like him had a habit of not dying when they were meant to, and of killing when they were most definitely not meant to.

The gate guards looked at him suspiciously. Had he a mind to enter, they knew they could do little to stop him. "State your business."
"Looking for a healer." He indicated Ella, who moaned quietly.
"Well, you can look for one outside."

Pedro sighed, and proceeded to take the spear of the guard who had spoken, and chuck it away from the path. "You can look for it outside," he said gruffly. The other guard smiled as the first rushed off cursing. "Welcome to the castle, Sir," he intoned, and Pedro entered before the guard could find his spear. It was time to find this girl a healer...

2013-01-23, 04:41 PM
Mikoll heard a commotion at the gate and left the archery range to see what it was all about. He was greeted by the sight of a very tall knight with a greatsword slung over his back and carrying a child on his shield and very worried looking woman following after him. The knight had a hard look about him, harder than any of the other southerners he'd yet seen, and he walked with purpose.

Mikoll scratched at his beard absently and called out.

"Hail, Ser Mountain! What brings you here?

2013-01-24, 05:50 AM
Venture saw the lumbering mountain of a man from the window, normally such an obvious threat to security would from such a scary looking intruder would have guards scrambling for weapons but his reputation as a bandit hunter seemed to be dulling his guards sense of security. Venture called to the guards, "Get a few men with crossbows stationed around the building just in case our guest try's anything funny, but don't shoot unless he attacks first." Venture then walked outside to greet Pedro and see if he had reconsidered joining the guard.

2013-01-24, 12:38 PM
"Ser Mountain. I must add that to my list. I am looking for a healer for this young girl, who took a wound from a bandit's blade. Would either of you gentlemen like to tell me where to find one? Putting those crossbows away would be a nice touch," he added. "Since I'm apparently welcome in these lands - I have been told that Lord Hubris actually wrote up something to that effect, or at least had it written - you should be a bit more welcoming, no?"

2013-01-24, 03:57 PM
"Not my order to give. I'm somthing of a guest here, much like you are. Nor can I tell you where a healer might be, though Roland or some of his kin may know."

2013-01-25, 07:11 AM
In the Hall

Strange servants you have gotten in my absence Ser Artos comments once he and Roland are alone in the hall.
Still, I am certain he must be useful or you wouldn't have him. He adds with a smile

So tell me, what have happened here at home in my absence?

2013-01-25, 07:38 AM
"Oh, you know how it is, things never change, not during times of peace such as these, excuse me a moment, servant, what is the commotion in the entry hall?" stopping for a moment to send the servant to find out, "Now, where were we? Oh, yes, not much has changed, though I suppose the savage wasn't here before you left, I'm not quite sure where he comes from, probably the mountain-folk from the vale, but I can tell you that he is a fair shot with that bow of his, far better than even my elites"

2013-01-25, 02:47 PM
Mikoll saw Venture glide down the stairs and cross the yard. He smirked inwardly. The man could fight, there was no doubt, and he moved like lightning when he felt like it, but damned if he didn't prance sometimes. Mikoll knew better than to open his mouth and voice the thought however.

"Speaking of Roland's kin, here's one now. What say you Venture? Can we put away the crossbows and find the child a healer? I only ask because I'm damned near certain one of your boys has got their sights on my back."

2013-01-28, 09:21 AM
Hearing back from his servant, Roland heads down to meet with the growing number of men near the entrance, "Do you remember that very large bandit slayer that rejected my generous offer of employment, uncle? Because he has apparently returned, let us go see what he wants"
When he got there he hailed Pedro, "Have you come to reconsider your decision?"

2013-01-29, 09:34 AM
" He says he's come for a healer for his travelling companions. I will have a few of my men escort them to a healer. Oh and Mikoll you know i would never order one of my crossbowmen to specifically aim his crossbow at you just in case fighting starts. I really, really would

2013-01-29, 09:39 AM
"Oh, he wants a healer does he? So, Pedro, how much do you wish have your companion see a healer? I have a proposition for you, I have need of someone of your skill, join me on my journey, and I think you really should reconsider my offer... But anyway, should you join me, I will see that your companion is cared for by my Maester himself"

2013-01-29, 10:58 AM
Mikoll frowned but said nothing. Using a child as a cudgel was nothing he had'nt seen North of the Wall. Still, he hadn't liked it there either. Instead he gave Venture a small nod and a smile. This was one Southerner he had to watch.

2013-01-29, 11:45 AM
OOC: Didn't read this page last time. Let's try this again.

"You dare bargain this girl's life for my services? If you had any sense of morality, you would not consider it. Here is my answer..."

He picked Ella from the shield, and placed her on the ground, standing, before drawing his sword and picking his shield back up. "They say you have too much pride, as your name belies, Lord Hubris, and you have once again overstepped yourself. Lordship does not give you the right to treat innocent girls as Cyvasse pieces! And if you insist on playing this game, you will lose!"

2013-01-29, 11:49 AM
"Very well, leave, the child will die, it would seem that it is indeed your pride that endangers the child, I ask only a simple task in exchange for the services of one of the most accomplished scholars in the land" Hubris says calmly, before turning to leave, all his men raising their weapons as he does so

2013-01-29, 12:02 PM
Pedro turned to Allicia. "Go, find a healer. If that man does not understand my words, I would not trust him to find an appropriate healer, personal maester or no."

As Allicia hurried off with her daughter, Pedro turned. "Well, that was a simple way to resolve things, was it not?" Sheathing his blade and bowing to the northern archer - the only man present who deserved such respect - he turned and strode from the castle.

2013-01-29, 12:35 PM
Mikoll smirked and returned the bow.

"Glad I didn't have to shoot you. Not sure if it would've done more than make you mad and I like being alive."

2013-01-29, 12:41 PM
Pedro turns.

"Good. May we meet again, on fairer ground."

2013-01-29, 12:50 PM
Mikoll gave the man another nod and went back to practicing, though only half heartedly. Roland had shown his color, and he kept in mind that if Roland would act in such a way to a Southerner, it would be wise to keep his eyes open. Venture was another problem. But as long as he stayed in Roland's good graces, he didn't think they would be a problem.

"Damn southern wolves."

2013-01-30, 01:25 AM
Venture breathed a sigh of relief as the giant strolled of. He had no doubt the archers would have taken him out but still, he might have fallen on someone. Roland's bluff about withholding medicine definitely hadn't made any friends. Mikoll was one to keep an eye on even if only because of his amusing sense of humour and relative bluntness, which in the wrong place could be just as deadly as his archery.

"I don't think you made many friends there Roland. Oh and Crossbowman you can stop targeting... people and get back to your posts."
He said with a wink at Mikoll.

2013-01-30, 01:39 AM
"Such a fool... Well, it is no matter of mine whether that child of his dies, I was more than generous, even after he stormed in here and made demands of me and mine..." sighing, Roland makes for his throne, but not before giving a command to his guards, "I will not be so welcoming next time, do not open the doors for the large fool next time, not unless he is willing to enter my service, if he tries to force his way in, shoot him. If he does profess a desire to enter my service, let him in, but keep a close eye on him, he has made his feelings towards me rather clear"

2013-01-30, 02:34 AM
"Consider it done."

2013-01-31, 11:54 AM
It would have been strange indeed for a raven reply to arrive the same day, even for such a relatively short journey as that between Highgarden and Fastus Keep. However it was not particularly strange when a servant entered Roland's hall in the middle of his midday meal, proceeding to stand in the wings until his lord was ready to receive him.

"The maester sent me post haste, m'lord," the servant informed his lord. "Said it couldn't wait for his old bones to finish feeding the ravens, m'lord."

The seal of Highgarden is unbroken on the message he hands over; the boy likely as not could read if pushed, but he knew the limits of his clearance.

Lord Hubris,

People have, apparently, been disappearing. Trappers and lumberjacks have failed to return home, children have wandered and not returned, lovers sneaking from prying eyes have remained absent far longer than their deeds should take. The cause of this has left no direct witnesses - no one has seen people snatched away. But for the pattern I would dismiss it on that basis. However, the farmstead of Tamwyth was found devoid of life when the collectors came to demand a tithe; there were some blood stains and hairs, but nothing to indicate the missing people had died there. If you were to find where the victims have gone, and return those you can home alive, my noble father would be suitably grateful, as would his nephew if it comes to that.

Garrett Flowers

2013-02-02, 01:00 PM
Opening the letter while talking with his confidants, his uncle, cousin, the savage archer, his maester and other people that aren't overly important
"Interesting, unfortunately, my friends, I doubt we'll be able to bring the retinues on this little distraction, it would seem that only small groups are encountering this problem, walking through with a small army will probably won't cause the perpetrators to reveal themselves, while an apparently wealthy convoy with little in the way of guards may."

2013-02-02, 02:27 PM
Ser Artos listens attentively to the words of Roland before giving a contribution.
I suggest that we take a relatively sizable retinue to support our cover of going to the tournament and then find some sort of excuse to send the majority ahead and thus leave a tempting target behind to lure the foe.

2013-02-02, 02:41 PM
"Best way to kill wolves is to lay bait first. It has to be fresh though. Blood draws them best. The same truth should hold to bandits."

2013-02-03, 05:27 AM
"I agree a sizable retinue supports our cover of the tournament in addition to providing backup support if we need it, as well as prividing an option if we do find an enemy encampment. It may also help if this letter is a trap."
Venture said as he paced/pranced in thought.

2013-02-03, 11:48 AM
"Yes, a reasonably sized retinue, probably just my elite guards, and maybe any forces my brother brings when he receives my letter, but I was more referring to the men we took on our little 'vacation', we should not bring more than a score of men, maybe not even half that, remain with us when we send the larger retinue ahead" Roland replies, musing "Mikoll, you probably have the most experience dealing with bandits and the like, how would you suggest we draw them out?"

2013-02-03, 01:08 PM
"In my lands, part of our bonding ritual is that a father sends gifts of food, weapons and furs to buy a daughter back. If the bride was strong, the gifts would be returned. If she was weak, the gifts would be accepted and she would be safetly returned. This way there is no shame to either man. Do you southerners have a gift custom?"

2013-02-05, 12:57 PM
"Nay, Mikoll, we have no such... customs. Or, if the smallfolk have them, I am not aware, I generally just let them do what they will, if they do not impact me or mine, I tend to ignore them to be honest, uncle, you've been travelling recently, have you noticed any customs?"

2013-02-05, 01:09 PM
"Damn. What of tribute? This is also practiced in my lands. A mighty chief will sometimes hold power over several clans, and in exchange for his protection, they send tributes. This is the 'marriage' of your king's kin, is it not? Does he not ask tribute from those under his banner? If he does, pile a wain high with weapons, armor and gold. Bandits will come to it like a crow comes to feast on rot. And then we will kill them."

2013-02-05, 02:14 PM
"I do not require tribute from my only bannerman, my good brother, of whom I have seen rather little recently, I do hope he arrives shortly, but anyway, while I do have to provide taxes to my liege, the Florents are not them, I serve none but Highgarden itself, and the king of course, shan't forget him"

2013-02-05, 03:59 PM
Mikoll smirked.

"So we must convince them to attack us somehow, or we must track them, find where they live, and kill them there. Not the best way to hunt wolves. It is the most fun though."

2013-02-07, 04:11 AM
"Harlin, tell the men to set up a temporary camp here outside my brothers castle, but don't bunker down too much, we might be leaving again before nightfall. Make sure the Green Sprouts clean their weapons for blood, then come find me inside for further instructions once this is done! Garlan, I would like you to come with me." As Regival finished barking the commands to his men and the request to his friend, he rode up to approach the guards at the gate "Send word to my brother, Lord Hubris, that I have arrived!"
Regival and Garlan rode inside through the gate and put their horses at the stable "Now, lets go see my dear brother, shall we, Garlan? His letter did seem quite urgent"

The servant entered Roland's Hall and went up to Lord Hubris as was custom and when allowed to speak, he said "Me lord, Regival Hubris has arrived and will be up here shortly!"

2013-02-07, 05:24 AM
"Me lord? Learn to enunciate better boy, you shall address me as 'my lord', you are not a common whelp, you are a squire, now go, bring him up, I assume you have been eavesdropping, inform him of the discussions on his way here"

2013-02-07, 07:41 AM
Regival entered Rolands hall soon after with Garlan following close behind "My Lord Brother, I came as soon as my men was ready. Uncle. Cousin. I see we are keeping good company now. Some of you may remember Garlan Flowers, but introductions can be made later, if anyone doesn't. I gather this is not at all about the wedding at Brightwater Keep, but I suspected as much when I got your raven shortly after the invitation. But instead we are dealing with outlaws and debating how best to deal with them, if am I informed correctly?" Regival took a seat and looked around, with Garlan quietly taking a seat next to him "Garlan, you assume to much of my brother's hospitality; I have been invited to this meeting, and while you are allowed to sit in on all my meetings at my hall, we cannot expect my brother to exchange the same courtesy, when he hardly knows you" And with that, Garlan got back up and started to leave the hall again

2013-02-07, 08:24 AM
"If brother of all people trusts you, you must be honourable" Roland laughs, "Stay, your advice may be helpful" he says to Garlan before turning to Regival and continuing, "Yes, brother, that does seem to be the case, the mysterious bloody disappearances would seem to indicate banditry, the Tyrell bastard has requested we look into it on our travel to the wedding, I assume he is doing so on his father's orders and having the Lord Paramount's uncle in our debt is worth a little more than the inconvenience, don't you think?"

2013-02-07, 01:48 PM
"Absolutely, brother" Regival said and shared a glance with Garlan, giving a slight nod for Garlan to go ahead, as he knew they was thinking the same
"Yes, the inconvenience is certainly worth it for having the Lord Paramount's uncle in your debt, Lord Hubris, but then, that is assuming that his Garrett did in fact get the instructions from his uncle, from the sounds of it, he has made no such mention, and assuming that if he did indeed get it from his uncle, that the uncle will admit it to it, once you need his aid yourself, for all we know, our lord Paramount's uncle have deliberately contacted you this way so he won't have to repay a debt to you, in his eyes you might only be able to require something off this Garrett, as it was Garretts call you responded to, and not his"
"But that being said" Regival quickly added "Stories of lords defeating Bandits do spread pretty fast, and it is always something the wins the fancy and happiness of the small folk, so thats a factor to consider as well, but the command is yours, if you say we go deal with this, I shall follow, if you say we shall go directly to the wedding, I shall follow, my Lord"

2013-02-07, 02:19 PM
"Haha...oh, you are almost as cynical as my dear brother, but we will take this little detour, and even if Garth denies his involvement in Garrett's request, well, the bastard would have his uses anyway, and having the commonfolk on my side could help when I... Never mind, that is irrelevant, the only thing that matters is that we are stopping the bandits, the current plan is to depart for the wedding, bringing some rather expensive looking gifts, then send the rest of the retinue ahead, while me make an excuse to stop somewhere near the abductions with our goods, we probably will not bring anyone outside this room for the second leg"

2013-02-07, 03:13 PM
Regival chuckled "I'll take that a grand compliment to both me and Garlan then. Maybe we should have one of your most trusted men come back with some troops to check on us after a set period of time, like after a day; We know little of these bandits, and if we should be so unfortunate to be captured, I'd rather we was rescued by our own troops than be in debt to a rescuer! If you don't have someone you trust that much, brother, then perhaps you, Garlan, would go with the troops and lead Harlin and his men back to us after a while? I would, however, prefer having you at my side, should we get in trouble"

2013-02-07, 04:03 PM
Mikoll rubbed his temple. Gods but these southerners talked fast. How did they even breathe? And the, what was the word? Politics? It gave him a headache.

Gods save me from southern minds.

2013-02-08, 08:54 AM
"Greetings cousin, it has been a while. As much as i dislike the idea of sending Roland into danger I think his is the best plan and i doubt he'd agree to stay behind. I also agree that we should have a large group come after us should we be delayed."

Bloody politics, so many words that meant nothing. However Roland did it Venture would never understand.

2013-02-08, 09:03 AM
"And greetings to you too, dear cousin Venture, glad to hear you and I share the same view on this matter. Like you, I also dislike the idea of Roland being in danger, but lets not reach premature conclusions! Brother, would you at all consider going with the men and then come check on us, should our departure take longer than expected?"
Regival sent a brief smile to his cousin and a curious glance to the slightly odd-looking fellow who was rubbing his temples is that my brothers wildling, that I have heard rumours about? Regival pondered, as he asked the question, most likely in vain, to his older brother

2013-02-08, 12:58 PM
"Haha, I will most certainly be going, I would not ask anything of you that I would not do myself, I may be your liege, but we are family and I will not wait behind, I will allow Venture to decide who will lead my reinforcements, he knows the men best, I will have a score of my best men remain behind, while the rest of the retinue continues ahead. You, yes, you, the ill spoken squire, have some of the best looking objects from the treasury brought to the wedding caravan. If no one has any further objections, we will depart on the morrow."

2013-02-08, 01:26 PM
"What do you want of me? To ride with you or behind of you? My bow is of less use in close fighting. Though knife work is a bit more exciting than putting arrows in folk."

2013-02-11, 06:26 AM
While horses are faster on the trot than humans, over long distances they become tired, especially when their greater weight capacity is exploited - well, the greater weight capacity of mules and the odd pony, since the image of Fastus Keep would be tarnished if it descended to using stots in official convoys.

There are noises surrounding the woodier routes, but nothing out of the ordinary as far as you know. They don't immediately intensify as the trap group breaks off...

Mikoll, Venture, Regival
The layman scouts report noises and shadows moving in the woods nearby. These match what you yourself have seen, and your experience and/or education fills in the gaps - the convoy is being followed as expected, and the followers have broken off to stalk the trap.

2013-02-11, 12:14 PM
Mikoll slowed his garron's trot to match that of Venture and Regival's. He smiled and kept his voice calm and low, not gesturing in any way.
"Do you feel it Southerners? The wolves have taken the bait. It is a beautiful day for a hunt."

2013-02-12, 04:08 AM
"These wolves will find that this time the prey has teeth." Replid Venture in a low whisper.

2013-02-12, 05:29 PM
Regival smiled and just gave small nods of confirmation to the other companions, while assuring himself that Garlan had taken his place, riding right between Roland and Regival himself.

2013-02-13, 05:42 PM
Dusk approaches, and the retinue's less devoted members begin to whisper about when camp will be set up when at last there is a sound of massed rustling as figures step forward, into the path - and behind the path, barring the trap's hypothetical escape route. Most are carrying a heavy mace or a pair of axes, and clad in leather jerkins enhanced with rusted rings; the obvious exception is the slightly taller one-eyed man at their front, with a much larger axe in one hand and a few more normal-sized ones at his belt.

"You picked the wrong road, Rolland of Hubris," says the smirking captain, flubbing his pronunciation despite obviously knowing the heraldry. "Harlaw will feast this eve!"

You all hear hoofbeats some way to the left, but this hardly seems relevant at this juncture.

((No surprise bonuses accrued, these warriors wasted the element of surprise to ham))

Roland, Regival
Harlaw is the name of one of the Iron Islands, and of the noble House that currently rules there. Odd that bandits would name a place so relatively far away - this may be the right side of Westeros, but the Iron Islands are far nearer Winterfell than Highgarden.

Warriors [roll0]
Captain [roll1]

You encounter a bandit in mid-murder along the road. The ensuing foot chase lasts perhaps an hour, but is rather ruined by the sight of House Hubris' banners on the road leading into the forest. As you approach, three horsemen come out of the woods, on tired-looking rounseys. Two are unimpressive men, in rusted ring armour with axes at their belts, pockmarked and scarred but not special. The third has a glint of something cruel in his(?) eye, but his(?) form is mostly covered by black robes and baggy black trousers, matching the black scarf wrapped over his face and head leaving only those cruel eyes to identify him by.

"I should be where the plunder is," says a voice beneath the black, as the mystery man dismounts. "But, then, I heard a walking mountain was in the area, and well, I'm not one to refuse a challenge." One hand emerges from his cloak, wrapped in a gauntlet and holding the handle to a ball and chain; his other sleeve seems to end in something sharp. "Though I must say I was expecting the Clegane whelp. You'll have to do."

Warriors [roll2]
Lord [roll3]

2013-02-13, 06:04 PM
"Clegane? Oh come now, he's nothing. At least I realise no-one cares who the Knight of the Scales is. No matter, you shall end just as dead. And should any of you live, tell all you know to fear the name Pedro Ignacio."

Pedro charges at the bandit captain assuming there's nothing to stop him:


2013-02-13, 11:22 PM
Mikoll smirked and scratched his beard. Turning to Venture, his smile growing, he gestured at the one eyed bandit.

"Would you like the first blow, Stag?"

2013-02-15, 04:20 AM
"With pleasure," Venture replied to Mikoll as he gracefully engaged the bandit with many axes, slashing him with his blade.

[roll0] +1

2013-02-15, 04:32 AM
The captain steps back as the blade approaches, but it's nothing like enough, and soon his blood is all over the ground. There's almost a look of shock in his eyes, as if he hadn't expected to be attacked.

Then with a grunt of pain he returns to a combat stance, albeit obviously shaking and bleeding, his trembling lips opening to force out a battlecry. (...which will happen on his initiative tick if he reaches it.)

2013-02-15, 10:43 AM
Mikoll slid his bow out from behind him and knocked and arrow in one smooth motion. He'd never fired a bow this big from horseback, and the damn creature kept shifting. The one-eyed bandit opened his mouth to say something, so Mikoll aimed at it and let fly.

"You've said enough."

Let me known if I'm rolling correctly.
Attack: [roll0]

2013-02-15, 05:02 PM
The one-eyed bandit's would-be war cry is turned into a gurgling failed scream as a wooden shaft sprouts from his neck. He falls to the ground, dying, and dying too quickly to be saved in such a chaotic environ.

He is joined in the grave by two of his minions, one at the lance of Regival Hubris, the other crushed beneath Garlan's flail. Their slow wits and poor armour do little to save their miserable lives - these aren't the best trained men, it seems.

((8 will rolls later...))

One axeman in fact loses his nerve at the sight of the gore, turning and fleeing like a sissy little coward - or reporting imminent failure and discovery to his superiors. He doesn't get extremely far however, unable to sprint full pelt off the beaten track.

((...make that 15...))

Shaken by the sight of a comrade fleeing from battle, a second bandit flees, this time a mace wielder, as do some of those occupied by the smallfolk retinue. The remainder hold their ground however - though when a man screams in agony to the southwest, at least one of them winces. (For range increment purposes those who have fled are going 10 yards per round.)

"Harlaaaaaw!" the remaining bandits shout, though they seem not to know how to pronounce it. Three, carrying large unwieldy maces, converge one each on the three threats who dared engage in melee. Venture's new adversary proves less than capable, however, leaving a dent in a nearby tree instead of his target.

Dishonourable scum that they apparently are, those approaching Regival and Garlan attack steed rather than rider. Sadly for honour and pride, though the warhorses attempt to dodge, they nonetheless are not left unscathed.
(Regival's destrier and Garlan's courser take 8 damage each, putting them on 7/15 and 4/12 respectively. Spending a temporary Destiny Point will allow one steed to take injuries and wounds for the scene, is my generous reading of the actual rule under Attacking Steeds.)

The remaining axemen go for the most warrior-looking victim, namely Garlan. Well, second most, but Venture appears to be difficult to hit. All three axes strike Garlan, and all three clatter harmlessly to the floor, deflected by the rings of his mail.

Most men would be hesitant to continue their charge while axes flew at them, but two axes wasn't enough to turn risk into certainty, especially not to a man with Pedro's enormous shield and resilience.

His sword should have cut into the bandit captain's flesh, bisected him like any other; instead, the man rolled away from the force, aided by the metal casing underneath his black rags. His scream of pain spoke volumes, as did the crack as he wrenched the arm that had been struck. ((OOC: He took a Wound.))

2013-02-17, 12:01 AM
"Leave at least one alive, the more we have to interrogate after this, the better" Roland calls out as he rides past, slashing at the bandit attacking his brother's horse

I'm on a war horse, so I get my animal handling to bonus hit die, yes?
[roll0] +1
Damage= 4

2013-02-17, 11:02 AM
The would-be horse killer screams in agony as the blade cuts into his flesh, and though he rights himself to strike at the new threat, his grip is shaking and his face is pale from blood loss and barely-resisted fear. ((Stupid mooks, passing your Courage checks.))

From the same direction as the scream comes something in a voice that can only be Pedro, followed by a soft thump and a metallic crunch.

There appears to be no real leader among those who remain - they're all shooting eachother glances, as if waiting for someone to tell them what to do.

"Not lacking for confidence I see," the cloaked adversary smirks. "Like any callow youth."

He shifts his arm, readying to swing with the ball and chain... then his leg strikes out at Pedro's ankle, pulling back to take it off the ground before the giant can regain his footing from swinging his deadly flashing blade. The force is enough, and the mountain falls to the ground. ((Athletics 15 vs Pedro's Passive Agility 12 to perform a Knockdown, under Advanced Combat Actions.))

"You shall grow no older," he threatens, before swinging. The ball on the chain's end struck shield, and tore through, leaving a gap behind as it found its mark in Pedro's breastplate. Meanwhile the blade in his left hand emerged, and stabbed a gap between two plates. ((OOC: Fighting 26 VS Pedro's CD 15, made possible by the Knockdown and no small amount of luck. Pedro takes 27 damage before armour, and drops to CD 13 until he can get his shield repaired. Tower shield at +4.))

There is a look of mild surprise in the man's exposed eyes as he realises that the "callow youth" survived that, but it soon passes, replaced by an increased focus.

2013-02-17, 03:27 PM
"Callow youth? I'm wielding a greatsword in one hand."

With that, Pedro gets up, and swings out at the man attacking him.


2013-02-18, 12:25 PM
Mikoll slipped off his horse, welcoming the firmness of the ground, if not the swirling melee around him. Ignoring the closer combatants, he instead aimed his shot at the bandit fleeing into the woods. Roland had asked for a prisoner, so instead aiming for the heart, he aimed for a leg.

"No promises, Roland."

Get off the horse, which I think is a lesser, and then shoot, which is another lesser. Attempting to hit the target in the leg, if not...:smalltongue:

2013-02-18, 11:34 PM
Venture went after another man, this one seemed to be quaking in his proverbial (because he wasn't wearing any) boots. Slashing at him with his offhand weapon only Venture tried not to kill him.
[roll0] +1

2013-02-19, 01:33 PM
The runaway targeted by Mikoll falls to the ground, screaming but alive and in no immediate mortal danger, as he takes an arrow to the knee. ((Good news, Longbows stopped being Vicious in AGoT Edition))

The only opponent to be obviously filled with fear had just taken a lesson at the point of Roland's blade; a swipe from Venture's sends him to the floor with a soft groan of pain and despair.

((MORE courage checks...))

The mournful sound is not enough to break any of his friends however.

The party hear a moan in the same voice as the prior scream, from the same direction as it, Pedro, the crunch, and the thump.

Even from the floor, the flash of Pedro's blade is enough to cut through metal plating and into flesh. The assailant moans, and as he steps back, staggered from the blow's force, something tugs on something and the mask hiding his face falls away. The revealed visage is scarred, but more importantly ancient - the lines, and the grey eyebrows, speak volumes to contradict his performance thus far in combat. ((OOC: That's another Wound...))

Before he can compose himself to command his minions again, they've already followed through with his previous orders, unhooking very special axes from their belts. In the twilight they at first look like the kind of battleaxe one might expect in raider's hands, but as they swing down it becomes clear that they are tools for destroying materials, not flesh, their great weight focused upon one single point.

The first swing comes close to doing something meaningful. Close, but not close enough - the chunk it takes out of Pedro's shield is palpable, not so much the dent it leaves in his armour. ((Shield loses 1 Defensive, reducing Pedro's CD to 12; damage is not enough to penetrate AR 7))

The second has largely similar results - the disadvantage of choosing tools for breaking rocks when one means to break people. ((Shield loses 1 Defensive, Perdo has CD 11; damage fails to breach his armour))

Simultaneously there seems to be some kind of commotion and screaming in a nearby patch of woodland. The two crowbill bearers look alarmed, but retain their composure as they are shot pained, determined glances from their venerable commander.

2013-02-20, 12:15 PM
Mikoll chuckled as the wounded man let out a scream. He had to shout over the din of combat.

"There is your captive wolf, Roland! Hear how he howls! Ha!"

Talking is a free action :3

2013-02-22, 01:58 PM
Garlan's flail knocks out the bandit threatening Regival's horse, leaving only the axe throwers and the man failing to threaten Venture. The threat removed, Regival is able to switch weapons without incident.

Two of the axemen break at the sight, fleeing in a similar direction to their arrowed comrade. The sound of their boots breaks the courage of the third, and all on his own, the mace wielder thinks better of trying to stand and fight, instead joining his friends in cowardly departure.

Of course, they take a little while to realise their hopeless situation... ((Mikoll still gets to act before the remaining warriors start running like sissy little cowards.))

Before Pedro's blade can flash out again, the old captain swings again, sending steel crashing down upon steel and flesh. There's a shattering sound as the bruised and beaten tower shield at last gives out, and a crunching sound as Pedro's flesh and bone crack.
((The shield is destroyed, though it can be repaired at significantly reduced cost if one has the old materials.
The attack does 14 damage before factoring in Pedro's AR 7. Pedro's taken a total of 27 damage while "only" having 21 hits - injuries, or a wound?))

Then the screams of panic and sounds of boots reach his ears from the forest, and something in his expression changes.

"We're done here," he says, through lips twisted by pain, making a careful retreat towards his horse. His minions are sufficiently slow-witted to not act in time to deprive Pedro of all chances to improve the day. ((Lesser Action move, 5 yards.))

2013-02-22, 07:09 PM
Riding towards the fleeing axemen, Roland calls out to them "Stop and lay down your arms, and you may just survive this", attacking one who doesn't stop

Damage 4

2013-02-25, 12:47 PM
Mikoll noticed that the bandits were fleeing toward the sounds of fighting echoing out of the woods, and he likewise moved into the woods in order to see what was happening. He moved as quickly and quietly as possible, bow at the ready, hoping to catch a glimpse of who had been fighting.

Lesser to move into the woods, and depending on the result of my awareness, I would like to get a shot off.
Awareness: [roll0] (No negs for darkness)
Stealth: [roll1]

2013-02-27, 04:08 AM
Venture chases after one of the fleeing bandits on foot with the intent of hamstringing him.

Assuming i can reach a bandit on a charge, i'll use that. Going non-lethal so apply penalties if needed.
So double weapon charge [roll0] +1
for 8 dmg woooooooooooo.

2013-03-02, 11:55 AM
Venture's swipe cuts a vital muscle, and the bandit he was after drops. Roland's target is a little more lucky, the blow from Lord Hubris' blade being somewhat blunted by a lump of steel, however it's enough to make him rethink his strategy. His breathless flight falters, and finally halts, short of where the first man to flee had got to, and his weapon falls from a grip already loose from blood loss.

((That leaves two opponents - and counting Garlan, two allies who haven't yet struck.))

As there's no one particularly hiding, you can discern the remains of Pedro's heraldry, a man moving unhurriedly towards a horse, and two men with picks standing over Pedro's still-on-the-floor form. You can hear half-shouted orders in an authoritative voice, and might guess it's from the only potential rider in the trio.

((I'll let you roll if you still want to shoot the leader or the poor rounsey.))

2013-03-02, 01:21 PM
Mikoll frowned. He could have put an arrow in the leader, but the robes made it hard to tell the shape of his body. It wouldn't do just to nick him. The horse however...
Southerner's called it dishonourable to shoot a man's horse out from under him. Mikoll may have felt a twinge of regret, but he was not a Southerner. He knocked an arrow and breathed a prayer.

"Old Ones, forgive me. Though he be innocent, I send thy son to greener pastures."

He aimed for the the horse's vitals and loosed.

Shooting the horse, because Mikoll gives zero figs about honor. 'Darkvision', Accurate.

2013-03-07, 11:14 AM
Had the bandit lord had a little longer, he might have been able to mount his horse before it died. Instead, it died as he approached it, an inconvenience to be sure.

2013-03-13, 01:23 AM
Mikoll smiled grimly and gingerly knocked another arrow. The more the bandit moved, the easier it would be to see where to place his next shot. The two other bandits looked fairly shaken from here. Ser Mountain could handle himself.

2013-03-15, 01:57 PM
Pedro attempted to stand up, before whacking the nearest man - whether or not he had managed to stand.

If I fail this, I'm staying put:


And then my retardedly good fighting check:


2013-03-22, 05:38 AM
The pattern of minions simply dying from the enormous man's blade is repeated in the unfortunate that Pedro attacks; the other simply disengages as ordered, building up momentum to flee, the orders of his lord now supplemented by fear and despair. ((OOC: Double Move away from Pedro, and I doubt anything short of killing him will make him do anything but Sprint away next turn.))

Said lord, for his part, frowns at the death of an enemy about to flee combined with the death of his horse - but only for a moment.