View Full Version : Moronic YouTube comments

2013-01-20, 09:34 PM
Anyone who's been online will testify that the Internet has its share of idiots out there. YouTube is by no means an exception. Everywhere you go: "Thumbs up if you hate [pop artist name here]", "[number of dislikers] are idiots", Trolls, people who bring up politics where it doesn't belong, homophobic remarks...the list goes on and on and ON.

Then there are people who are just insensitive to say the least. For example, on this video about the 1989 earthquake in San Fransisco, there's a commenter who says "Yes! die American." I'm not kidding. There's even someone who says the collapse of the Cypress Structure (which killed 42 people) was "EPIC". Don't believe me? See it for yourself (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkx-vO9I8r8). Makes me wish there was a way to send Explosive Runes over the net. :furious:

Anyone else have frustrating experiences with these dummkopfs?

2013-01-20, 09:45 PM

2013-01-20, 09:51 PM
Yeah, I ignore most of it. though sometimes you stumble across something so hilariously idiotic that you end up sharing it with your friends.

2013-01-20, 09:56 PM
I try to ignore those comments as much as possible, too. But while I'm also very aware of the aforementioned GIFT theory, that still doesn't make those comments any less rediculous or outrageous.

Hiro Protagonest
2013-01-20, 09:56 PM
"how do I join shack tactical". "Red Alert 3 was s**t". "All your complaints are based on realism, stop ruining our fun" (I'm paraphrasing this one, I can't remember exactly, but that was the general tone that was conveyed). "Oh my god I can't believe this video has over 100k views, there's way better Dota 2 players out there".

The first is from [insert ArmA vid from Dslyecxi here]. The second one is from a Red Alert 2 playthrough. The third is from Totalbiscuit's impressions of Far Cry 3 (for the record, it's half-wrong. Two out of four complaints are based on realism. Guns having no recoil and the crafting rules being arbitrary. The other two are that this rich fratboy who's never shot a gun suddenly becomes a badass, which is consistency, not realism, and the fact that unlike S.T.A.L.K.E.R., where you start out with the crappiest pistol ever and are consistently gaining ever-improving guns, you pretty quickly gain all the good weapons, like the PKM and the flamethrower). The fouth is also from Totalbiscuit, in one of the vids in the series titled "DotA 2: Hyper-Incompetent Single-Draft" (he's good at LoL, but apparently that doesn't translate to DotA).

Yeah, I tend not to go to YouTube for watching vids about world events. I mostly watch gaming channels. I'm subbed to Dslyecxi, Beaglerush, AngryJoeShow, and J2JonJeremy (not entirely sure about that last one, might unsubscribe. Might also subscribe to Totalhalibut, which is Totalbiscuit's channel).

2013-01-20, 09:58 PM


Yeah, I ignore most of it. though sometimes you stumble across something so hilariously idiotic that you end up sharing it with your friends.

Also QFT.

Occasionally you find a question, but, really, the comments are almost entirely there to be ignored or for people to argue with one another in a futile attempt at mutual trolling.

I'd be impressed more by a comment with a point to it than a pointless conversation sans trolling, I suppose.

2013-01-20, 10:26 PM
YouTube commenters are snake eating troglodytes devoid of interesting character in all cases, 100% of the time. They're not useless, though, and I'm glad YouTube videos have comments. My connection is slow and I usually check them to find out if the video I'm about to watch is secretly an '80s one hit wonder or not.

2013-01-20, 10:42 PM
Anyone who's been online will testify that the Internet has its share of idiots out there. YouTube is by no means an exception.

Understatement of the week. If anything else, Youtube commenters DEFINE internet stupidity. Hard to get lower than them. Not impossible, but hard.

2013-01-20, 10:46 PM
Understatement of the week. If anything else, Youtube commenters DEFINE internet stupidity. Hard to get lower than them. Not impossible, but hard.

Maybe /b/.

2013-01-20, 10:52 PM
YouTube commenters are snake eating troglodytes devoid of interesting character in all cases, 100% of the time.
Gotta watch out for the snake eating ones. Trog has cousins that were snake eaters. Family reunions were a load of fun.

That said, when it comes to YouTube comments just remember to... (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-FdNn9FamylM/TYgNjciieKI/AAAAAAAAIxM/zkWmmMHMwuk/s1600/dude-abideS.jpg)

2013-01-20, 10:59 PM
Every time I go to YouTube, usually while waiting for a video to load, I scroll down to look at the comments. I regret it. Every. Single. Time. I always promise myself I won't do it again, but it's like a compulsion.

I'm sure there are worse places, but I avoid those that I know about. The YouTube comments section is, ignoring the odd jpeg, the worst place on the internet I can recall having been.

Very, very occasionally, there's an informed commenter who posts an interesting factoid or whatever and adds to the sum of my knowledge. It's not worth wading through the rest of it to find those rare comments.

2013-01-20, 11:04 PM
I always promise myself I won't do it again, but it's like a compulsion.

I guess it's like rubbernecking: It may not look pleasant, but you can't help but stare in horror.

2013-01-21, 01:54 AM
These people are called "trolls". They're trying to get other people angry. They want the validation that they can effect another person's emotions... That they can control & thusly have power, by saying such things. When you see such a comment, understand what a small person they had to be to make it, and ignore it's contents.

In my experience, people who are truly into such things as death or the like do not act like that online. They'll more often link to the video in a forum that has others like themselves and do their commenting there, which will be far more detailed & in-depth than "Yay death!" They'll more often comment on it like they were art connoisseurs looking at a painting or incorporate it into a fantasy of theirs... You'd be surprised how nice they most often are.

2013-01-21, 02:37 AM
Yeah, I tend not to go to YouTube for watching vids about world events. I mostly watch gaming channels. I'm subbed to Dslyecxi, Beaglerush, AngryJoeShow, and J2JonJeremy (not entirely sure about that last one, might unsubscribe. Might also subscribe to Totalhalibut, which is Totalbiscuit's channel).

Well, if you're looking for some suggestions (Considering the topic is YouTube trolls, I think that this is tangentially related enough), I might suggest ThatOneVideoGamer (http://www.youtube.com/user/ThatOneVideoGamer), PeanutButterGamer (http://www.youtube.com/user/PeanutButterGamer), or JonTron (http://www.youtube.com/user/JonTronShow), they're all pretty funny.

On topic, I've seen some pretty vitriolic stuff on YouTube, but I have a video that's received just over six hundred thousand views as of this writing (I'm not going to link to it, I'm providing context, not adverting, the video isn't monetized anyway), and I've never gotten anything really bad in the thousand comments I've gotten, but I suppose I'm just lucky.

Bulldog Psion
2013-01-21, 03:10 AM
Yes, it's usually best not to look at the comments. :smallwink:

2013-01-21, 03:20 AM
Usually the comments at the top--e.g. the ones that have been upvoted the most times--are actually fairly sensible and often address a shortcoming in the video. Or at least don't make you think they're posted from a padded room with KILL written in crayon on every available surface. I usually only go on a comment crawl if I'm trying to find out something that's not made clear in the video, and I always do it with the brain bleach close at hand...

2013-01-21, 05:49 AM
Trolls on YouTube really annoy me as well. Just... why? Why make the effort to annoy someone over the Internet? Often they reuse the same comments from other trolls. Or they could all be the same guy.
If we're reccomending YouTube channels, the Yogscast have some of the most hilarious videos on YouTube. Look for the Sumotori vid. However, the comments in many of their videos are really bad. Repeated pestering to join the show-from people with about five CoD vids to their name. That and persistent requests for them to finish a series they started a while back.

2013-01-21, 06:12 AM
I have little trouble ignoring the stupid comments, and a reasonably large minority actually prove interesting or useful to me on some level. I enjoy commenting on videos myself, and in most cases try to be constructive in doing so.

The Succubus
2013-01-21, 06:41 AM
YouTube commenters are snake eating troglodytes devoid of interesting character in all cases, 100% of the time. They're not useless, though, and I'm glad YouTube videos have comments. My connection is slow and I usually check them to find out if the video I'm about to watch is secretly an '80s one hit wonder or not.

You do our resident trogoldytes a great disservice.

It largely depends on the video, though. I'm currently watching a Let's Play of one of my favourite games. The game in question is highly arty and philosophical and most of the the Youtube comments I've read have embraced the spirit of the game and the video series.

There are good comments out there. :smallsmile:

2013-01-21, 07:23 AM
I find this chrome plugin helps. (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/herp-derp-for-youtube/ioomnmgjblnnolpdgdhebainmfbipjoh)

It turns all youtube comments into varying forms of Herp and Derp, and if you really want to see a comment, you click on a herp to make the comment visible.

2013-01-21, 03:06 PM
Gotta watch out for the snake eating ones. Trog has cousins that were snake eaters. Family reunions were a load of fun.
You do our resident trogoldytes a great disservice.
They're snake eating troglodytes who, in spite of being snake eating troglodytes, have no interesting character. Being a snake eating troglodyte is an amazing, remarkable thing to be--it's a life full of hardship and danger; their awfulness superseding that defines them as being particularly awful.

It largely depends on the video, though. I'm currently watching a Let's Play of one of my favourite games. The game in question is highly arty and philosophical and most of the the Youtube comments I've read have embraced the spirit of the game and the video series.

There are good comments out there. :smallsmile:

I have never experienced this. I have watched YouTube videos for about seven or eight years now, and I have never experienced this. I don't think you're lying, but I also don't believe you.

2013-01-21, 03:55 PM
I've heard them compared to the necronomicon of our generation, where sanity goes to die and the sheer gravity of the Elder Ones outside our existence tears off chunks of our natural laws and logic.

I think it's a bit of an understatement, but eh.

Giggling Ghast
2013-01-21, 05:56 PM
What's really inexplicable to me is the people who volley insults back and forth in the Youtube comments. Who's going to actually win an argument in 500 characters or less?

2013-01-21, 06:19 PM
What's really inexplicable to me is the people who volley insults back and forth in the Youtube comments. Who's going to actually win an argument in 500 characters or less?

You have to remember that these people are operating under the belief that arguments are won by whoever yells the loudest.

2013-01-21, 06:32 PM
I once found an argument about whether or not Russia fought on the Western front of WWII. This isn't quite as stupid as it sounds because in Russia Western front= Germany, Poland, etc and Eastern front= Japan, and in America/Britain Western front= France, parts of Germany, Italy, etc and Eastern front= Russia, Poland Germany etc.

2013-01-21, 06:33 PM
YT comments are the single most entertaining thing about the site and I will hear no ill spoken of them!

2013-01-21, 06:42 PM
What's really inexplicable to me is the people who volley insults back and forth in the Youtube comments. Who's going to actually win an argument in 500 characters or less?
Well, you know, arguing on the internet is rather akin to taking a dump in the urinal. What you made is going to sit there, stinking up the place for everyone else, who will hate you for it, and you look really dumb doing it. And yelling at those who do it violates the "no talking in the restroom" rule. So, really, no one wins.

2013-01-21, 07:23 PM
My main annoyance is, I cant watch a Queen video, or def leppard without seeing the standard, "Omg, how can beiber get 300 million views while QUEEN only gets 3 mill? " Or other garbage along those lines. Its because most of the people who trawl youtube werent even alive when those songs came out people. Yes to use they are the greatest ever. But to your parents they were noisy bastards with no talent and they want to know why you arent up voting bing crosby.

2013-01-21, 07:52 PM
What's really inexplicable to me is the people who volley insults back and forth in the Youtube comments. Who's going to actually win an argument in 500 characters or less?

I win internet arguments all the time :smallsmile:

Nah, it isn't about winning. It about keeping your internet street cred.

Mercenary Pen
2013-01-21, 08:03 PM
I find there are some channels where the comments don't devolve into flame/troll rinse repeat, but they do tend to be some of the smaller channels where the uploader stands some sort of chance of knowing the commenters. Unfortunately, there are enough channels in the other category to irritate me when I find them.

Actually, irritate may be an understatement for behaviour involving a sledgehammer and the fingers of the person commenting...

2013-01-22, 10:34 AM
I shall admit that occasionally I'm guilty of pointing and laughing at trolls on youtube.
when I'm particularily bored I always go back to the nokia advert..the one "with bruce lee" to make fun of the people who argue for and against it actually being bruce lee in the advert.

2013-01-23, 11:04 PM
YouTube commenters are snake eating troglodytes devoid of interesting character in all cases, 100% of the time. They're not useless, though, and I'm glad YouTube videos have comments. My connection is slow and I usually check them to find out if the video I'm about to watch is secretly an '80s one hit wonder or not.

Plus, you know, if YouTube didn't have a comments section then odds are, people wouldn't be sucked into posting them there. They would post them elsewhere! At Lear this way we know where the sinkhole is, as Sony need to step in it.

YT comments are the single most entertaining thing about the site and I will hear no ill spoken of them!

don't read this tread out loud then, and you'll be fine ;)

Seriously though YouTube comments suck.

Killer Angel
2013-01-24, 03:27 AM
Seriously though YouTube comments suck.

This is an excessive generalization. Some comments on YT may be funny and, depending on the video, they can be the majority.

2013-01-24, 03:47 AM
I tend to run into a particular brand of ignorance since I reply to Apollo hoax conspiracy theorists, debunking the ridiculous myths. I don't think I have a chance in heck of convincing them, they'll just Gish gallop out more, but I like to think it will help with the fence sitters.
It doesn't help my sanity that I do my best to avert GIFT in my own comments.

2013-01-24, 03:54 AM
This is an excessive generalization. Some comments on YT may be funny and, depending on the video, they can be the majority.

I don't understand. Excessive Generalization, that feels redundant. I mean, of course it's a generalization. It was a joke.

Do you mean it is so general as to be inapplicable? Because it sounds from the unanimous declaration of agreement from all the people who have educated opinions on the subject, and that it is a binary subject (either they do or do not, in fact, suck) then generalizing into a yes or no isn't overly general.

This probably sounds antagonistic, but in truth I honestly don't get it. Am I wrong in my basis?

Killer Angel
2013-01-24, 04:55 AM
I don't understand. Excessive Generalization, that feels redundant.

Well, a generalization, means that you extend a the concept to less-specific criteria. Excessive generalization, means that you go beyond the necessary, doing your generalization. I've read your "YouTube comments suck" as a firm and convinced statement regarding all the comment on that media... which was (imo) "excessive".
Of course:

I mean, of course it's a generalization. It was a joke.

I didn't catch the joke (probably for the presence of the word "seriously"?), otherwise I would not have commented it in such a way. :smallredface:

For example, this post you was quoting

YouTube commenters are snake eating troglodytes devoid of interesting character in all cases, 100% of the time.
to me was a brilliant parody of many YT comment.
But maybe I'm wrong, and it was serious...

2013-01-24, 04:57 AM
I find this chrome plugin helps. (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/herp-derp-for-youtube/ioomnmgjblnnolpdgdhebainmfbipjoh)

It turns all youtube comments into varying forms of Herp and Derp, and if you really want to see a comment, you click on a herp to make the comment visible.
I am also a proud user of this plugin. I'd give it an upvote, but, uh... :smalltongue:

2013-01-24, 05:14 AM
I tend to run into a particular brand of ignorance since I reply to Apollo hoax conspiracy theorists, debunking the ridiculous myths. I don't think I have a chance in heck of convincing them, they'll just Gish gallop out more, but I like to think it will help with the fence sitters.
It doesn't help my sanity that I do my best to avert GIFT in my own comments.

conspiracy theorists are the most fun to have a go at... as long as you don't get too involved in the debate, because the sheer stupidity some of them display in their circular reasoning is frustrating.. and it might be catching.

2013-01-24, 05:15 AM
First, I want to say that plugin is amazing. I wish I could use it, but I prefer firefox.

Secondly: Yeah. Youtube generates about 40% awesome comments, 50% absolute jerks. The last 10% are usually pointless non-********ed comments.
I tend to watch the video and leave without reading comments.
Keeps the need for brain bleach to only things I expect to need it for.

2013-01-24, 05:33 AM
I am proud to say that I attribute to about half of these moronic youtube comments. By taking part in comment wars. Sometimes with retards, though I'm fully aware that by having a war with them, I myself act retarded. And I don't care.
I'm curtin1107. Yay.

2013-01-24, 05:59 AM
I had to stop visiting YouTube for a while because I kept getting pulled into comment flame wars which, in hindsight, were pretty much feeding the hateful trolls. I guess the student of history in me just couldn't keep quiet in the face of racism-driven historical revisionists. The point is, they weren't there to discuss. In a genuine discussion, there's always the option that you are wrong and are willing to modify your own stance based on new points of view. Those weren't discussions; they were there to find someone to bounce off their hate from. And I was unwittingly obliging.

After that experience, though, I try to get out of discussions that turn into flame wars. To use a farmyard analogy, it's an accident if you slip in pig crap, but you don't have to keep wallowing in it.

Lady Serpentine
2013-01-24, 06:02 AM
YouTube commenters are snake eating troglodytes devoid of interesting character in all cases, 100% of the time. They're not useless, though, and I'm glad YouTube videos have comments. My connection is slow and I usually check them to find out if the video I'm about to watch is secretly an '80s one hit wonder or not.

Mm. I tend to see some reasonably good people commenting, though sadly they are, in fact, mixed in with idiots much of the time. But I hang out in the areas of the site where most people have no interest in going, for the most part, so that probably has something to do with it...

There are some exceptions, such as the occasional religious troll who stumbles into the dark reaches of the site and decides that what they've found is evil, but they tend to be pretty universally ignored and/or shouted down, as well as relatively rare.

2013-01-24, 06:30 AM
conspiracy theorists are the most fun to have a go at... as long as you don't get too involved in the debate, because the sheer stupidity some of them display in their circular reasoning is frustrating.. and it might be catching.
Eh, I am pretty deep in the effluent, though I still abide by my code.

2013-01-24, 06:58 AM
Eh, I am pretty deep in the effluent, though I still abide by my code.

don't get me wrong..there's nothing wrong with conspiracy theories per se.. it's the unwillingness many supporters have to accept that some of the claims they make are not supported by fact, that makes it all rather funny.

there's an interesting book (http://www.amazon.com/Voodoo-Histories-Conspiracy-Shaping-History/dp/1594484988/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpt_1)on the topic of how conspiracy theories contribute to making History as much as ..well.. History

2013-01-24, 07:07 AM
don't get me wrong..there's nothing wrong with conspiracy theories per se.. it's the unwillingness many supporters have to accept that some of the claims they make are not supported by fact, that makes it all rather funny.

Funny, perhaps. Sad, more so. I have a code for Internet. Every human deserves some respect and courtesy, even if I don't get it in return. These people sorely test that code.

there's an interesting book (http://www.amazon.com/Voodoo-Histories-Conspiracy-Shaping-History/dp/1594484988/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpt_1)on the topic of how conspiracy theories contribute to making History as much as ..well.. History
Interesting. Thank you.

2013-01-24, 08:06 AM
to me was a brilliant parody of many YT comment.
But maybe I'm wrong, and it was serious...

nah, he was joking. He's good at that.

Killer Angel
2013-01-24, 09:06 AM
nah, he was joking. He's good at that.

I'm glad my irony-detector isn't completely fubar... :smallwink:

2013-01-24, 09:43 AM
If I had to divide the yt comments up, it would likely be like this.

50% Redundancy - By this I mean an endless stream of comments like, "Omg Freddie Mercury = god!" "I love you Freddy!" "Queen is the greatest!" "Queen rules!" etc etc etc

40% Homophobic arguments. Some tool makes a gay bashing comment and suddenly there are 20 pages of replies to replies of replies about how freddie is awesome and anyone who hates him is an idiot interspersed by reported as spam troll comments about how he is burning in hell for being gay blah blah blah

10% Silly. In this I include the generic mentions of beiber, puns based off the song title, "Hur hur 27 people dont want to live forever" and joke comments. "I want it all but I forgot the lube! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!"

Now, when I watch nostalgia critic, its generally pretty clean. At worst you have nit picking trolls pointing out errors in the video, "Omg it was a hugenought 4600 not 4500! IDIOT!!!" or some real mistakes, "Uh, anastazia was a GIRL, not a guy." (Im making this up btw) But most of it is comments laughing at particularly good lines and such.

I think its because I generally visit youtube areas that arent really troll bait for the most part. Ill watch justice league and batman tas clips, hellsing ultimate, classic rock, stuff like that. People go to these places because they like it, not to try and troll fights.

2013-01-24, 10:15 AM
If I had to divide the yt comments up, it would likely be like this.

50% Redundancy - By this I mean an endless stream of comments like, "Omg Freddie Mercury = god!" "I love you Freddy!" "Queen is the greatest!" "Queen rules!" etc etc etc

40% Homophobic arguments. Some tool makes a gay bashing comment and suddenly there are 20 pages of replies to replies of replies about how freddie is awesome and anyone who hates him is an idiot interspersed by reported as spam troll comments about how he is burning in hell for being gay blah blah blah

10% Silly. In this I include the generic mentions of beiber, puns based off the song title, "Hur hur 27 people dont want to live forever" and joke comments. "I want it all but I forgot the lube! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!"

Now, when I watch nostalgia critic, its generally pretty clean. At worst you have nit picking trolls pointing out errors in the video, "Omg it was a hugenought 4600 not 4500! IDIOT!!!" or some real mistakes, "Uh, anastazia was a GIRL, not a guy." (Im making this up btw) But most of it is comments laughing at particularly good lines and such.

I think its because I generally visit youtube areas that arent really troll bait for the most part. Ill watch justice league and batman tas clips, hellsing ultimate, classic rock, stuff like that. People go to these places because they like it, not to try and troll fights.

There are still NC videos on Youtube? As far as I remember he switched everything to his site now (thatguywiththeglasses.com). Although having stopped NC at all.

2013-01-24, 10:49 AM
I frequently get a chuckle out of the comments.

But then, I work in IT, and I believe finding the idiocy of the human species entertaining is a defense mechanism. (http://irishjackie.blogspot.ca/2010/05/people-are-generally-idiots-and-i-am.html)

2013-01-24, 03:33 PM
There are still NC videos on Youtube? As far as I remember he switched everything to his site now (thatguywiththeglasses.com). Although having stopped NC at all.

This (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEYfZ89ovxg) is a collection of his first 10 old versus new. They arent hosted by him, they are just there. And there are a LOT of them. Single episodes and compilations. For example, look up nostalgia critic disneycember. Its several hours covering all the disney movies. Or at least one hell of a lot of them.

2013-01-24, 05:13 PM
At Lear this way we know where the sinkhole is, as Sony need to step in it.

Well that was downright cryptic. You really are a witch!

2013-01-24, 05:23 PM
First, I want to say that plugin is amazing. I wish I could use it, but I prefer firefox.
The developer (http://www.tannr.com/herp-derp-youtube-comments/) just happens to have a FireFox compatible extension. Also Opera and Safari, for anyone else in a similar situation.

2013-01-24, 05:35 PM
While there is a vast majority of stupid or nonsensical comments on youtube I feel there is still a considerable amount of decent ones, too. A lot depends on the video you watch but as someone who posts videos himself once in a while even a simple "nice vid" feels good if it's your own work your publishing (more than a like, somehow. Though, proper constructive criticism is always more useful)
And then there are videos that just scream for flame war comments... but then the uploader probably knew what he got him/herself into.

Lady Serpentine
2013-01-24, 07:13 PM
Well that was downright cryptic. You really are a witch!

'At least this way we know where the sinkhole is, and see no need to step in it.'? I dunno. That's what I've been able to come up with since last night, at least.

2013-01-24, 07:19 PM
Well that was downright cryptic. You really are a witch!

Wow. Yes. Yes it was.

Huh. Could have sworn this was written in English? Ah well.

2013-01-24, 08:59 PM
So how exactly are you guys viewing the comments that you're actually finding good ones rather than vapid ones or trolls?

2013-01-25, 01:02 AM
Never log in, never scroll down. Haven't made a Youtube comment in years, and I'm proud of it.

2013-02-02, 06:09 AM
I rather enjoyed the argument with ClassicJukebox here (http://youtu.be/3qF26MbYgOA). Unlike many of those who take his position, he seems to be reasonably intelligent, and a lot more civil than many of those arguing with him. I don't agree but I'm somewhat impressed.

Amidus Drexel
2013-02-02, 10:13 AM
I actually saw an argument on youtube the other day where both guys (or girls, I suppose) took a step back, calmed down, and apologized to each other. I was shocked.