View Full Version : need help building 6 dwarf npc

2013-01-21, 12:03 AM
Dm asked me to help. We are to escort a group of dwarves through a dwarven complex to repair the main gate and open it so the king and his army can retake it. He wants 6 dwarves that stand out as the best of the best for them. All lvl 10, but must fit the dwarven idea. He said nothing really strange. So far, I built fighter 6/ barbarian 2/ rogue 2. Spike chain tripper with good dex and AoO build. 2nd is cloistered cleric straight 10 lvl with knowledge devotion. 3rd I think will be melee type cleric of Clangadin. Need a sneak/ scout type I think. Last I think we need a couple that would be able to contribute to the party, but be able to fix the gate and such.

Our pcs are my wiz 9/scm 5/ arch mage 1. A shaman 13 strait, and a druid 15.

2013-01-21, 12:56 AM
Fabricate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fabricate.htm) would seriously trivialize this task, and any of these dwarves could be capable of casting it. The Dwarf, Greed, and Trade domains all have that as their 5th level spell. Cleric drinks a Potion of Invisibility, casts Guidance of the Avatar (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a), and then struts over and Fabricates it in less than a minute. Problem solved. The other five can be focused on keeping the goblin/orc/uruk-hai hordes at bay while he works.

I'd make one a Wizard (+PrCs) 7/ Effigy Master 3 with one or more construct pets. Maybe even do some sort of nanobot shenanigans (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19870890/Updated_Nanobots_Conquer_D38;D_%28AC,_Attack,_and_ Skill_Records%29).

Make a Warblade 5/ Bloodstorm Blade 4/ Exotic Weapon Master 1, with Uncanny Blow from EWM. Two flaws: Bravado (http://alt.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=258440#30) and Individualist (Dragon 329, penalty to hit and increased armor check penalty with weapons/armor he didn't craft himself). Feats should be Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Focus: Dwarven Waraxe, Shield Specialization, Shield Ward, Quick-Draw, Power Attack, Weapon Specialization, and Melee Weapon Mastery: Slashing. He should wear Armbands of Might and always Power Attack for -2 for +6 damage one-handed, and get max ranks in Craft: Weaponsmith and Craft: Armorsmith.

2013-01-21, 09:18 AM
A couple of "simple" builds:

Wizard 4 / fighter 1 / Runemaster 5
Artificer 10
Warblade 10
Crusader 10 (Reach weapon, combat reflexes, standstill, mage slayer, thicket of blades)
Duskblade 10
Crusader 1 / Cleric 4 / Ruby knight vindicator 5
Barbarian 2 / Dungeoncrasher fighter 6 / Deepwarden 2 (charge and bull rush focus)
Psychic warrior 5 / Iron mind 5

2013-01-21, 09:19 AM
I had an opportunity to build an amusing dwarf character a while back for a very specific purpose and I think it might just fit in here. The character was a hill dwarf who had joined a mountain dwarf community. Rogue 3/Fighter 1/Stoneblessed 3/Dark Hunter 2/Dungeon Delver 4. (I would have taken levels of Dwarf Paragon if UA had been allowed in the campaign.) The character had all of the dwarven characteristics enhanced to the max - Stonecunning, Craft and Appraise bonuses, Darkvision, bonuses versus giants, orcs and goblinoids, etc.

2013-01-21, 10:54 AM
Gully Dwarf (Dragonlance CS) - Weapon Finesse
1: Psychic Warrior 1 - Exotic Weapon Proficiency Spiked Chain, Power = Expansion
2: Shadow Hand 1
3: Shadow Hand 2 (For Assassin's Stance), Feat = Shadow Blade
4: Barbarian 1 - Pounce, Whirling Frenzy
5: Barbarian 2 - Improved Trip
6: Barbarian 3 - Feat = Combat Reflexes
7: Barbarian 4
8: Barbarian 5
9: Cleric 1 - Madness Domain - Feat = Frantic Rage
10: Fighter 1 - Power Attack

+2 to Dex and Con (Penalty to Intelligence and Charisma), Dex to Attack, Wisdom score gets you ability to use Expansion to increase to Medium size when you need to make everything count, EWP is obvious, Shadow Hand 1 and 2 gives Wis Bonus to AC as well as all useful Abilities, but mostly for Assassins Stance for Sneak Attack Damage and Dex to Damage from the Feat, Barbarian gives Whirling Frenzy, Pounce, Improved Trip, at 3rd you take Combat Reflexes, 4 and 5 are "dead" levels in the build, Madness is a slight reduction in your Wisdom (-0.5, so take an odd level in Wisdom), for the ability to take the Frantic Rage feat for Rage's strength bonus to Dexterity, Fighter 1 gives you Power Attack.

I know you've done a Spiked Chain tripper, but this could be similar; although of course, 10th Level holy dip-o-rama.