View Full Version : [PF/3.5(?)] At -1 Hit points

Chained Birds
2013-01-21, 11:01 AM
So I was just wondering what would be the state of a character who reaches the negatives but is Stabile.

I was looking up the rules for Dying and got how to stabilize, but then I went to the Disabled section which would mean that a Stabile character at -1 (Or less) can still take actions.

But then I looked under unconsciousness and found it didn't say it was removed if the character was stabilized, though a stabile character at -1 is disabled and allowed to take some actions.

So... I think I'm reading the statuses wrong or something. Can someone clear this up for me please?

Is my character Disabled + Still Unconscious if he/she is Stabilized, or does he/she remove the Unconsciousness status upon Stabilizing?

2013-01-21, 11:07 AM
You become stable but remain unconcious. One hour after being stabalized by an ally you have a 10% chance to become concious again, but remain disabled until you're above 0hp's.

The odds of regaining conciousness and survival should you stabalize on your own are slim enough to not really warrant contemplation; 10% chance to become concious each hour followed by a 10% chance per day to begin naturally healing. Since this is competing with the 70-ish% minimum chance that you'll have a random encounter in the same day and any hot or cold weather that may be present, luck plays an enormous role in being the sole survivor of an encounter.

Chained Birds
2013-01-21, 11:19 AM
You become stable but remain unconcious. One hour after being stabalized by an ally you have a 10% chance to become concious again, but remain disabled until you're above 0hp's.

The odds of regaining conciousness and survival should you stabalize on your own are slim enough to not really warrant contemplation; 10% chance to become concious each hour followed by a 10% chance per day to begin naturally healing.

It's all outlined right there on pgs 145-146 of the PHB.

Thanks for the answer. I missed that portion about the 10% deal due to just looking up what each status does.

2013-01-21, 11:22 AM
Added a note to my previous post about -why- contemplating naturally surviving a near death experience isn't usually worth considering.