View Full Version : Let's talk items of an epic variety

2013-01-21, 06:12 PM
first off, a question. Does anyone know of epic items that were not in the epic level handbook? it feels like there is too little before you have to delve into custom rules.

Second, what are your favorite items? of any variety mind you, be it mundane, magic, epic, alchemical, psionic, arms and armor, tools and supplies, anything that comes to mind really

Third, and this ties in with the second question, what are some neat applications of an item you yourself have pulled off? how have you used your best items for reasons which they were not intended?

2013-01-21, 09:53 PM
1)I think there's the occasional epic item lying around, but more often then not they're lumped with lesser artifacts for convinced sake. Not that the rules are lacking for making your own epic items.

2) Ah so many choices... At the moment Gate Key comes to mind, though it's not vary original

3) gate 15' in front of this key, open when key is in mouth, tied to neck, in font left pocket, or any other simple bit. Open another gate where that one pops out linking it to say 90' from the gate. Woohoo, free range :smalltongue: also makes for fun battlefield terrain mechanics when you get down to it. Sort of "the classic hall of mirrors damn it they're all portals!" type area. :smallwink:

2013-01-22, 11:06 AM
I've been playing a high-levelled game where the McGuffin was an actual weapon; an epic one. The night before, the DM made sure we watched Indian Jones :Last Crusade together, then proceeded to have us slay a dragon. Killed Dragon after a hard fought victory, and then discovered that there was a rampaging army on the way, and we had to get out while we still could, but deny the wealth and whatnot to the enemy, so we began to trap the way into the lair, and then the Wizard went all "detect magic" to get the weapon.

We found 6 such weapons, picked them all up and proceeded to hunt down the BBEG, while the mountain blew up behind us all hollywood style, trapping the invading ThriKeen underneath the ground.

The BBEG was completely invulnerable, and TPK's us. WHAT? We're hitting you with McGufffin we say. No, we're hitting him with magic metal swords he is immune to (Super Duper Greater Ironguard). Apparently, the lonely decorative wooden sword without a magic aura was an epic weapon protected from Detect Magic. That's all it was that stopped us from locating it, but there we were, dead as a doorknob.

And tbh, I like the item creation rules.

As for that, I do like making my own Epic Staffs up and seeing what stupidity I can come up with after I apply a few enchants with it to turn it into a proper melee weapon.