View Full Version : Need help with druid planar shepard

2013-01-22, 07:55 AM
Im making a planar druid thinking druid5/planar shepard 10, my goal is not to break the game with planar bubble but the prc fits the campain like a glove!
We have an upcomming abyssal invasion and pelor has already sent in one of his agents to help out. (A cleric) and im thinking that either pelor decides to help out more or some other deity joins the fight to restore the balance.

My problem is that im a novice when it comes to the planes, im thinking this guy needs to be neutral good, and needs to be attuned to a plane like that. But wich planes is good and where do I find info, on what beasts/outsiders/elementals is tied to this plane?
I have tried 3.5 planar handbook and the planar shepard handbook gives some suggestions to the planes, but its not sufficiant for me to get it...and i cant find the scources to his info, so i can learn more on my own.

Yes it would be cool to be able to turn into an angel, with the syrania plane, but so far I can only find 3 types, what els can I turn into if i use this plane, because im pretty sure a Solar will be unavaliable for me since we wont go into epic levels, so is there better planes for me with good lower level creatures?
Please help!

2013-01-22, 04:23 PM
First, you need to know which set of planes your campaign is most similar to.

Forgotten Realms's?

A different one? Then we can give you the most relevant answers...