View Full Version : Fire Genasi Monk/Disiple Of Mephistopheles

2013-01-22, 10:18 AM
Hey Guys,

I have had a bit of break from DnD recently (my DM has been on a long holiday in Canada). So as such I'm excited for the campaign when he comes back.

So i have a couple of ideas for characters but i actually like the look of the Disiple of Mephistopheles. I think a fire Genasi and maybe a monk combo with this class could be cool but i would like some input from all you guys as to what you think.

I would be starting at lvl 4 and i have access to a decent amount of books. however no Tomb Of Battle stuff I'm afraid. The campaign will be set in faerun and i think we should go up to lvl 20 if it goes well.

Thanks in advance for any input.

2013-01-22, 11:06 AM
Well, character wise and RP wise it could be cool. Long as your group doesn't mind you dipping onto the cackling evil categories and such. Though I'd consider both Monk and Disciple of Mephistopheles on the Low End of the power scale. Your rewards that you get for the Prestige Class might have been okay, if you entered it at an impossibly low level. Even then I'm kinda iffy on if your rewards for leveling up the class would feel really good. I mean you're getting power wise, the equivalent of what other characters would have had 2-5 levels ago. There's a few standout ones, like summoning. Always nice to be able to pull a monster out your sleeve.

Just feels like it's not much bang for your buck. And and gives very little benefit to your Monk training either, so mechanically it's kinda meh.

Storyline wise though? It might be pretty damned cool. And could be a lot of fun playing it up in some Akuma like fashion. Just don't feel too bad when your teammates outpace you.

2013-01-23, 03:41 AM
Yeah i was thinking that to be honest. It's still just an idea at the moment so i will see how i feel when it gets closer to the time. Thanks for the reply