View Full Version : Arcane hierophant getting a standard action sna?

2013-01-22, 11:37 AM
I'm playing an arcane hierophant and I was wondering if there are any ways to get your sna down to a standard action(mainly because i want to pull a funny trick with the permission of my dm). I know shifter druid gets it at level 14 but that's not really an option as an arcane hierophant except for well into epic levels.

2013-01-22, 12:35 PM
I'm playing an arcane hierophant and I was wondering if there are any ways to get your sna down to a standard action(mainly because i want to pull a funny trick with the permission of my dm). I know shifter druid gets it at level 14 but that's not really an option as an arcane hierophant except for well into epic levels.

Golden Desert Honey. Complete Mage p. 136.

2013-01-22, 04:19 PM
You could do it for "summon monster" spells with the "Rapid Summoning" ACF for conjurers.