View Full Version : Summon Nature's Ally cheatsheet?

2013-01-22, 02:17 PM
I'm new to playing a druid, and I was hoping someone had a cheatsheet for the different animals that can be summoned via Summon Nature's Ally spells? Ideally with Augment Summoning already applied - I want to be able to put them into play without bogging down the game.

Eventually I'll be looking for a similar cheatsheet for Wild Shapes, but that will come later...

Thanks so much!

2013-02-01, 06:26 AM
Hi there,

I'd also be interested in this as I'm starting a 10th level druid with the Staff of Fauna (Please see Complete Divine) Most likely summoning a lot of animals and with the Animal Growth Charges to make them more powerful. So a sheet of all the stats from the summoning spell would be amazing!


2013-02-01, 07:32 AM
There's a ferociously large number of possible SNA summons, so I'm not sure this would be at all practical. By "ferociously large" I mean "80-100 before throwing in the variations from Greenbound Summoning, Augment Summoning, Rashemi whatever-it-is, and so forth".

Instead, you might benefit from a handbook summarizing the reasons to summon different creatures; unfortunately, you'll probably need to gather the stats yourself.

2013-02-01, 01:07 PM
This has augmented SNA stats through SNA 4.


If you google around, there are sites that already have all the stats for the base monsters of the SM and SNA line.

Here's one with the base monsters:

2013-03-11, 08:25 PM
Whoever made that first list forgot to increase con based save dcs based on the increased con from the feat. Otherwise it's very useful.

Edit: It looks like he forgot more than that (trip modifiers, etc.) I'd contact him but he has no contact info on the page and it was last updated in 2009. I realize I'm a bit late in replying, but if you're still relying on that info for your game you might consider going over the information yourself, just to double check it.

2013-03-11, 09:27 PM
I have an Excel spreadsheet from my druiding days, which I worked up with a selection of options for wild shape. Since our campaign was set in the Silver Marches, I based my druid's wildshaping around creatures from the Pacific Northwest, more or less.

A number of the wildshape options would also work as summoned critters, so I'd be glad to search through my files and send the spreadsheet if it would be useful. Note these are plain-vanilla stats, however, rather than anything augmented.

2013-03-11, 09:46 PM
This kinda stuff is always a problem for druids. There are just so many permutations of potential summoning aids, that a regular list is rarely enough. I ended up just making up character sheets for all the ones I use regularly, with augment, ashbound, and when relevant, rashemi added in. I also put together ones for wild shapes one for the animal companion. It's not that hard to put some together when you get into the swing of it, and I hate using a summon without an actual sheet behind it. There's just so much piddly obscure stuff that a summons can do.