View Full Version : Post Count No Longer Increases

2006-11-05, 06:04 PM
I've been posting quite a bit and my post count never goes past 11 even though my post history shows up just fine and well exceeds 11 posts. I was a barbarian before the switch but until this gets fixed I shall be a pixie for all of eternity! Eep!

Thanks for reading!
~Ms Elaneous

2006-11-05, 06:09 PM
I've been posting quite a bit and my post count never goes past 11 even though my post history shows up just fine and well exceeds 11 posts. I was a barbarian before the switch but until this gets fixed I shall be a pixie for all of eternity! Eep!

Thanks for reading!
~Ms Elaneous
First, talking about post count is against the rules, and I personally am against caring at all about having a high post count...

Anyway, it might be that posts in the Silly Message Board and the Town no longer count towards your post count, though they do come up when you search for your posts.

2006-11-05, 06:27 PM
I've been posting quite a bit and my post count never goes past 11 even though my post history shows up just fine and well exceeds 11 posts. I was a barbarian before the switch but until this gets fixed I shall be a pixie for all of eternity! Eep!

Thanks for reading!
~Ms Elaneous

Yeah, as Gorbash said, the Town and the SMBG boards were accountable for something like 3/4 of the bandwidth used by the old message board, especailly as people refreshed over and over to see if anyone had added to a specific thread. The debate was had on how to handle this, and more than one member of the staff suggested to me that they be shut down entirely. I decided that this was too drastic, and that they SMBG and Town specifically did deserve a place here.

However, they ARE prone to quick, thoughtless posts for the purpose of running up a post count. I'm not saying everyone who posts there does that--far from it--but come on, you're kidding yourself if you think there aren't a fair number who do. I made the decision to turn off post counting on the theory that the people who really enjoy the games will not care, because they are here to play first and foremost, and the people who want to just boost their post count will not continue to drain the resources of the new server, because they won't be getting their precious post count anymore.

Regarding the picture/word limit, yeah, I didn't see that before. I'll try to change that now.

And as far as smilies...look for a distinctly unique replacement for them in the near future.

While discussions of post counts are against the rules, so is vigilante moderating. This thread is locked.