View Full Version : Building a Dragonfire Adept [3.5]

2013-01-23, 01:24 PM
Now before people link to this (http://coboard.wikia.com/wiki/The_New_Dragonfire_Adept_Handbook!), I have already read through this. I actually have decided on DFA 1-20, or more correctly, 3-13/20 (depending on the DM's mood on the campaign).

I am torn between 2 races, and thus two different builds:

The first is a Dragonmarked Human DFA who is a blend of caster and BW Control-Blaster. This build focuses mostly on using a dragonmark to qualify me early (level 3) for Breath of Siberys and focus on switching between Invocations to make me and my party look good and using my Entangling Exhalation to make the pathetic motrals who stand against me die very quickly.

The second is a Magic-Blooded Dragonborn Mongrelfolk who almost exclusively focuses on his Breath Weapon for my turn-to-turn actions. With this version, I care less about the Invocations and more about boosting the Breath Weapon.

So which one would be my best choice here?

2013-01-23, 02:30 PM
I'd say it really comes down to what they party needs based on the current make up. If the group is in need of battlefield control, then that would be most helpful. If that is covered, then focusing on the breath weapon should be fine.

2013-01-23, 02:56 PM
Ok, here's the Party:

A Rogue who is focused on being a trap-springer and catcher of every single arrow in the room

A Swordsage who is focused on making one hit and making it count

A Cleric who is there to effectively wee themselves whenever undead come within 100', heal, and generally take up space (note: this is an exalted PC)

A Paladin who is there to be a damage sponge

& A Barbarian who is there to hit things really hard.

2013-01-23, 07:20 PM
Do the dragonmarked character. DFAs don't really need that many feats to be effective (hint: Entangling Exhalation), and I've always loved the flavour of dragonmarks.

2013-01-23, 09:10 PM
Do the dragonmarked character. DFAs don't really need that many feats to be effective (hint: Entangling Exhalation), and I've always loved the flavour of dragonmarks.

OK. I know that DFAs benefit from Heir of Siberys, but I just don't want to wait until whenever I can qualify to grab Breath of Siberys. I'd rather blow 3 feats to grab the Dragonmarks up to Greater and be happy.

What Dragonmark is probably my best option?