View Full Version : Seizure of Silara IC

2013-01-23, 07:01 PM
The freighter jolts slightly as it exits hyperspace.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We have just arrived in the Silara system, and should reach the dock inside of half an hour. Please gather your belongings, and be ready to exit the ship in a timely manner."

There is a sudden bustle as people pack together their kit, form into groups, and generally prepare for arrival.

2013-01-23, 09:02 PM
Dennisk looks up from his holo-chess, a bit thankful that the Wookie had only played one-Dennisk wasn't sure he'd have survived thrashing a Wookie at chess twice-besides, he wasn't sure that he was going to survive the trip down anyway. Aside from ship problems, Dennisk saw a group of strangers talking in a corner, but they didn't act like strangers. Dennisk didn't like any conspiracy- well, that he wasn't a part of, anyway. Speaking of which, he glanced around the ship and saw his conspiracy doing a fantastic job of staying indiscreet- nobody should suspect anything or anyone of being a Republic task force. Except maybe those strangers in the corner. Could the Republic have sent a second team, as insurance, or even to watch the first....?

The ship jolts Dennisk out of his reverie as it exits hyperspace, and he deactivates the chess set, gathers his belongings, checks his watch, and tries to look inconspicuous out of habit. He keeps an eye out for his team and joins the correct departure group.

2013-01-24, 12:07 AM
As Carud got up and said his goodbyes to the wroonian female he'd been trying to get to know and falinig in his estimation he refelcted, Kal'buir said he was preparing us for anything, but i think he may have missed some things. Carud collects his things and get in position to disembark from the ship.

2013-01-24, 02:09 AM
Lucien, having completed meditation shortly before the announcement, finally stood to stretch out his legs. It felt like this new training routine his master taught was actually working. He could feel a stronger connection to the force, and his body moved with a lightness that wasn't there a few hours ago.

He began packing up his belongings in preparation for arrival at their destination. "I should probably see out my master after I'm done packing," he thought.

2013-01-24, 02:15 AM
Geoffrey was passing time working on a bit of code for a custom operating system he'd been writing. 'Only twenty-six more errors I must correct before...'

The Ryn stands up from reflex as the ship recoils from hyperspace travel-

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking..."

Closing the applet in his bracer computer, he picks up his gear bag and heads for the ship's central antechamber.

2013-01-24, 07:07 AM
The dark skinned young man rolled off his cot at the sound of the captain's voice. He ran a palm over his bald pate, to help shake off the cobwebs of sleep. He stumbled to the washroom, and splashed some water on his face to complete the job, then stumbled back to his bunk, gathered his belongings, strapped on his weapon, and stumbled into the common area to prepare to debark.

2013-01-24, 07:27 AM
The ship suddenly shakes again, causing many passengers to stumble.

The intercom system again crackles into life.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my apologies. We have just been locked in the tractor beam of a Federation cruiser, and I have been ordered to transmit the following message."

There is a wash of static, and worried murmers which immediately die into silence when a new voice comes on.

"Intelligence informs us that the Jedi Knights Kerere, Maeve Elisi, and Por La are aboard this vessel."

"Jedi! Hear this! Unless you immediately give yourselves up, this vessel will be summarily destroyed."

"You have 10 minutes to report to the docking bay, where a prison shuttle is now docking."

"I repeat, if you are not at the docking bay in 10 minutes, this vessel will be destroyed."

In the aftermath of this announcement, there is shocked silence, and then the sound of general panic. Passengers futilely scramble for the escape pods, while bounty hunters prep for vacuum.

The intercom once again sounds, cutting through the hubbub. The captain's voice, even in these circumstances, remains calm and reassuring.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please remain calm. You are advised that all escape pods have been locked down, so attempting to flee is useless. To allow the Jedi greater freedom through the ship, please return to your cabins immediately."

Surprisingly, the scared passengers mostly obey him, although shouts still ring through the ship, calling on the Jedi to give themselves up.

2013-01-24, 07:42 AM
Vo Dusk

Vo Dusk heads down to the docking bay. This could end up being a good show, and he wasn't one to miss a good show.

2013-01-24, 08:29 AM
Gingerly placed his belongings back in his pack, he took a moment to examine the contents. His mind wandered back home, and how far he's come since leaving Alpheridies. "I wonder how the everyone's doing," his mind wondered.

After a moment, he shook his head. "Where has Master gotten to," he spoke aloud. His packing complete, Lucien slung the mesh pack onto his back and stepped out into the hallway. Just then a shift in the force, a woman walking by lost her balance as the ship shuddered. Lucien reached out to brace her, his balance supported by the door frame.

"Are you alright?" he asked, the glow of the force indicating her particular aura. Static from the comms blared interrupting her response, followed by the message...

"I should seek Master post haste," he thought as the throng of people surged towards the escape pods.

2013-01-24, 10:12 AM

As the captor's voice talked, Viridian grabbed his blaster and start looking around, as if not knowing what to do. Then he began moving to the docking bay, trying not to attract extra attention. He knew, that his master will contact him if he's needed, and meanwhile, the best he can do is to maintain his cover.

2013-01-24, 11:05 AM
Carud cursing to himself, Fierfek we haven't even made it to the frakkin LZ yet and the plans going to osik. Carud UN-slings his blaster rifle and quickly looks around and then heads to the docking bay, thinking, If the Clankers wanted the Generals there going to get a fight as well.

2013-01-24, 12:27 PM
'Ooh, this might be a bit more interesting than I'd hoped for,' Geoffrey thought as he hears the demands of the Federation. He then continues to the docking bay to get a front row seat.

2013-01-24, 12:30 PM
Dennsik is surprised, but surmises that he should have seen it coming. That group in the corner! Knew they were up to something, the shebs. Well, at least the passengers are clear- but what if somebody else tries something....either way, no way I'm going to let the Jedi down-they're probably on their way to surrender right now.

Dennisk quickly arms himself and sneaks to the docking bay, careful to stay out of sight.
He catches himself, and calls upon his experience and training, being exceptionally careful to not be detected.
28 as rolled in OOC

2013-01-24, 12:52 PM
As Viridian turned towards the docking bay, he felt a hand on his shoulder. His master stood behind him, shaking her head.

Looking around, he saw the other two Jedi talking in hushed tones, while Lucien stood nearby.

Most people seem to want to avoid the docking bay, and anything to do with the current situation. However, many of the more dangerous characters on the ship seem to think this is worth seeing, and a small crowd of people has gathered in one end of the docking bay. At the other end sits an attack shuttle, surrounded by a screen of at least 20 battle droids.

2013-01-24, 12:58 PM
Dennisk sees the familiar jawline (OOC: or something. He's been in the army for years, I am sure he can recognize a Fett clone when he sees one.) of a clone trooper and calls in Mandalorian over the comlink that a strike team assuredly set up frequencies for in advance.

There are only twenty of the metal shabs, and we have Jedi. You think we can take them, maybe pirate ourselves a shuttle once this bucket of bolts is clear?

2013-01-24, 01:38 PM
As Vi felt his master's presence, he turned to her and bowed respectfully - it looked strange, coming from him in his cover, but still. He then nodded, showing, he understood Kerere's will, and asked
- Would you rather have me be somewhere in particular, Master?

2013-01-24, 02:17 PM
Dennisk sneaks around the edge of the room, trying to get a good look inside the attack shuttle. He looks around, then gets back on the com:

I wouldn't try anything until we are inside and they have no reason to blow the transport-they ship's cannons are manned. I count 28 of them, plus whoever is manning the guns and the helm. Fortunately, I think they are all that same battle droid, but I've frankly seen better odds. Anybody have a plan?

2013-01-24, 03:23 PM
Carud acknowledged the two message and replays, I don't know, there are to many civilians to risk and we have no way of knowing, who the less savory type aboard will side with us or the Clankers, i just know we can't just surrender the Jedi.

2013-01-24, 05:01 PM

On the one had, Havrok didn't want to be anywhere near ship combat. One wrong shot and as far as he knew, the whole room might explode into space. On the other, a battle with jedi could be interesting. "With the ship in danger, they'll probably just surrender anyways." He decides to just get his belongings ready to disembark and wait in his quarters.

2013-01-24, 07:50 PM
The Jedi straighten from their discussion, and activate their comm-links, speaking to all members of their team.

"Realistically, we only have a few choices."

"We can ignore the threat, but there was no hesitation in the threat we heard. There are 30,000 lives on this ship, and that would condemn them all."

"We can fight for control of the shuttle. However, facing the risk of the ship being destroyed, it is likely the mercenaries would turn against us. Also, even if we should succeed in taking the shuttle, we would have no chance of escaping from the cruiser behind us."

"Or, we can give ourselves in. We shall face an unknown fate, but the lives on this ship will be spared, and there is no risk to the other members of this task force."

"We know that you - all of you - would gladly lay down your lives fighting for our sakes."

"However, unless any of you can see an escape from this that we have missed, we ask that you let us go."

2013-01-24, 08:30 PM
Sir this Sargent Carud sir, I think we can take that shuttle, I've just been approached by one of the mercenary because of my Armour an informed and i quot.

"We ain't gonna go down without a fight. If the Jedi don't show soon, we're takin' that shuttle. Pass the word."

i did a quick head count and 30 or so mercenary's are ready to fight, if we time it right, with there help we can take that shuttle once we control it may be can use it sneak on to that cruiser.

2013-01-24, 09:00 PM
Good thought, Craud, but that still means that the rest of the cruiser dies. Sirs, do you suppose we could sneak the whole task force in there? I could get in, and I think another few could, but.....anyway, my plan is this- You surrender-maybe with your padawans, if they don't think they can sneak up here- and we leave the cruiser so that the 'feds don't blow it up. Once in space, we take the shuttle and head for the surface, and whoever doesn't make it on board will rendezvous when we get to land. I don't make a habit of trusting people who have a tractor beam on my ship- who says they won't blow it up once you leave, anyway? If they are willing to kill 30,000 civs for just you three, no offence, what makes the civilians safe once you leave? Letting those civilians die is unacceptable- but I don't want you to throw your lives away, either.

2013-01-24, 10:56 PM

While the three brightly glowing Jedi Knights debated the next course of action, "There has to be another way," he thought, "how safe will they be if they continue with this course of thought?"

Lucien calmed his breathing. Going into a deep meditative state, he reached out his mind to secure a link with his Master's aura.

Images of the past, present, and future flew through his mind in a flurry. "Steady," he sighed.

Lucien is using the Farseeing power with Visions talent to see into his Master's near future fate if they surrender themselves.

[roll0] | UtF: +16 vs Target's Will

-1 Force Point, temp Farseeing Power expended.

With a start, Lucien dropped out of his trance. Beads of sweat slid down his cheeks. Activating his own commlink "I think we should at least attempt to take the shuttle. They wouldn't destroy this ship while they have men on this ship would they?" he said while approaching his master.

2013-01-25, 12:09 AM
'This is serious,' Geoffrey thought, 'if the jedi don't give themselves up, this ship is done for. On the other hand, if the jedi do go without a fuss, then this ship is still a possible bargaining chip. The safest place to be is wherever the jedi go--even if it means that shuttle.'

With that thought, Geoffrey started to meander as close to the shuttle as he could manage without drawing suspicion.

Stealth check [if needed]: [roll0]

2013-01-25, 01:35 AM
Koron Dloo made his way through the ship from another passenger's cabin where he was in the middle of learning a strange Holochex strategy. The second announcement gave good reason to drop the lesson. Coordinating through comlinks, Koron found the jedi knights as Dennisk was finishing his idea.

"I don't think they'll destroy the craft if our masters surrender. There are many of their citizens on board, and it's not as if any of them harbored us intentionally. Complying may be the best option unless we can get a full force to combat them. With the promise of jedi knights on their side, I'm certain that some of the citizens with weapons will join. How many droids are there?"

Koron searches for more answers from the Force as a plan is made.
Search Feelings application of UtF with a Kel Dor reroll (for better) to see if attacking the shuttle with a force of at least 20 people from the bay and us could have a good outcome.

2013-01-25, 10:40 AM
"Even if we do take the shuttle, what then? Anyone who boards it with us will just share our death sentence. At least this way, the rest of you may go free."

"Also, there is no guarantee that they won't open fire on the ship as soon as we attack the shuttle, or that the shuttle isn't fitted with some kind of self-destruct mechanism. And if the shuttle should be damaged in the firefight, we would be trapped on this ship, having doomed its passengers to death."

"Remember that Jedi are not soldiers, nor are they generals. We are guardians. We fight to protect others, and even give our lives for them if necessary. If you would risk your life to protect ten people, how can you complain about giving it up to save ten thousand?"

2013-01-25, 11:32 AM
Dennisk thinks about this for a few minutes, then gets on the com.
Sir, with your permission, I could take your lightsaber and surrender, posing as you. The Jedi, as you said, are not soldiers or generals, and we will need you once this mess is finished. What need will there be for an old trooper at the end of it all? Let me go. The confederates will be happy to have their Jedi, and you won't have to go like this-besides, the mission, at least in part, is to win the hearts of the people, for the Republic, and I know of nobody more qualified for that than the Jedi Order.

2013-01-25, 11:54 AM
"Unfortunately, if our foes know our names, they most certainly know our faces. It is noble of you to offer, but this path is ours to walk."

2013-01-25, 12:06 PM
Dennisk looks at the comm for a few seconds, sighs, and begins to move away from the shuttle.

....Then may the Force be with you. It has been an honor, and far too short.

2013-01-25, 06:55 PM
The Jedi briefly split up to say a final farewell to their padawans.

Maeve walks up to you, and smiles sadly.
"I am sorry that we did not get a chance to know each other better, and that I cannot train you. I am sure that you would have been a very fine padawan..."

Kerere walks up to you. Though you look downcast, she smiles.
"It has come time for us to part. Here is one final lesson for you to meditate over."
She cants a riddle-poem in Fosh.

"I hide in your heart // and haunt your soul
Your deeds direct // your doubts control
Reveal the road // to rage and hate
But faced, I fall // set free your fate"

Sorry this is kind of crappy. I was in a hurry, so although I got the alliteration and rhyming, the meter is absolutely shot. If you solve it, drop me a PM with what you think the answer is ^^
Then she turns to go, and you see a look of sadness pass across her face.

"The mission is in your hands now, and you are in great danger. However they found us out, it is likely you will be targeted. Remain strong in heart, and I am sure you will prevail."

"May the Force be with you, and remain with you, always..."

The intercom comes to life once more. Even the captain now sounds slightly concerned.

"The cruiser has just informed me that they will open fire in five minutes time. Jedi, if you can hear me, I know it is selfish, but... please."

"And that's our cue to leave."

Heads held high, the Jedi walk together towards the docking bay.

2013-01-25, 08:24 PM
Dennisk quickly re-arranges his weapons, gear, and other things, and smears oil over his fur, darkening his tone. (basically, he performs a snappy disguise check) Dennisk then emerges from hiding, and stands next to the shuttle in the docking bay. He snaps to a semblance of a military attention, and holds a salute until the Jedi board.

Rolling Deception check for disguise.

2013-01-25, 11:01 PM
This isn't right, but i can't think of an alternative other then to storm that ship, I feel like I'm failing them. Says Carud. Carud then reaches into his his gear bag and removes and puts on his helmet. and prepares to do something stupid.

2013-01-26, 02:11 AM
"The mission is in your hands now, and you are in great danger. However they found us out, it is likely you will be targeted. Remain strong in heart, and I am sure you will prevail."

"May the Force be with you, and remain with you, always..."


Lucien reached out to grab Por La's arm. "But, you're going to die! I've seen it, you won't make it onto the shuttle once you've given yourselves up..." he pleaded. "There has to be another way!" A look of desperation crossed his face, though he has no eyes the creases behind his eye shields were quite noticeable.

2013-01-26, 03:02 AM
Koron tried his best to keep composure, but this was simply not supposed to happen. Three jedi knights would likely die today, and there was nothing he could think to do. It tore him up inside to think that he was powerless to save a single one. The stress was clearly seen on his face, even through the mask.

"May the force be with you." was all he could say to the brave knights before him. He wanted to tell them that they would be rescued, that a task force would be rallied, but he knew that the separatists would not risk three jedi to droids. They would die as Lucien saw.

2013-01-26, 09:40 AM
Por La gently uncurled Lucien's fingers from his arm, and inclined his head slightly.

"Indeed. But remember your teachings. There is no death..."

2013-01-26, 11:13 AM
Carud thinking of the old axiom Fortune Favors the Bold, Carud Raise his rifle and shouts out in Mandalorian "Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur." As he opens fire on the shuttle guards.

Initiative [roll0]
Ranged: blaster rifle [roll1] (3d8+2)

(Mandalorian saying: Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur. - "Today is a good day for someone else to die.")

Edit: Damage roll as posted in OOC (3d8+2)[18]

2013-01-26, 12:05 PM
Vo Dusk

Well, why not...

Vo snapped his wrist forward, drawing his blaster from its specially designed holster and flipping the safety off in one deft move, and fired off a shot at another one of the guards.

initiative: [roll0]
attack: [roll1]
damage: [roll2]
+1/+1 if in point blank range. Dusk will move behind cover after firing, assuming there is cover to be found.

2013-01-26, 12:42 PM
The captain's announcement sets the mercenaries on edge. Murmurs spread through the crowd. "The Jedi aren't coming..." "This is our only chance..."

Carud's shot slams into, and brings down, one of the droids. This is the tipping point, taken as a signal to attack.

"That's it boys! Let's get 'em!"

With a mighty roar, the mercenaries charge at the shuttle, unleashing a barrage of fire. Vo's shot takes down another droid, and the combined blaster fire of the rest of the mob downs fully nine more, but then they turn to attack, raising their weapons. Eight mercenaries are cut down by blaster fire.

The shuttle's cannon fire massive blasts. One goes wide, destroying nothing but a bulkhead, but the other slams straight into the mass of mercenaries, sending four more mercenaries flying. Carud is also caught in the blast, and is knocked backwards, taking 35 damage.

A shout rises above the fray. "Someone take those cannons out, or we're all toast!"

A shimmer appears around the shuttle as its shields activate, and the boarding ramp begins to slowly close.

Great, mass battles in the d20 system. I didn't really want this to happen, but ah well.

I really hope you have a plan for dealing with the shuttle's cannons...

Droids left: 17
Mercenaries left: 18
Shuttle cannons operational.
Shuttle ramp closes in 2 rounds.

2013-01-26, 12:54 PM
Geoffrey looks past the fray and towards the shuttle. He tries to spot a terminal that controls the cannons.


2013-01-26, 01:37 PM
As the sounds of blaster fire and explosions echo through the ship, the Jedi look at one another, then break into a run, heading towards the docking bay.

2013-01-26, 01:42 PM

As the guns fired, Vi took a glance on the miniature Fosh women running towards the docking bay. It seems, someone on this ship has a different opinion on where our ways lie, master Kerere - he said, following the Jedi knights without hestitation.

2013-01-26, 02:21 PM
Geoffrey looks back at the mercenaries, 'I'll need both cover fire and a group to board with me if we want to make this happen!'

He then pulls out his pulse-wave pistol and fires at the nearest droid.
Free action: Rally mercenaries: Persuasion: [roll0]
Move action: Draw pistol
Standard action: Shoot a droid [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]


2013-01-26, 02:54 PM
As the fighting breaks out around him, nobody apparently notices (or cares) about the Bothan saluting at the boarding ramp. As a battle droid goes down, and the ramp begins to rise, he realizes that they might be using his plan after all- or a variation, anyway.

Dennisk pulls his blaster rifle up from his side and fires at one of the droids blocking the ramp (roll in OOC), then sprints up and looks for a way to jam the ramp mechanism.

The shot barely hits the droid, but it crumples under the shots nonetheless.

2013-01-26, 04:07 PM
Carud tries to shake off the hit as best he can but knows he's hurt, Carud advance to the best cover he can find and again fires on the droids

Ranged: blaster rifle [roll0] [roll1]

Edit: forght to -1 off the attack, result is 18 then not 19

2013-01-26, 04:44 PM
Dennisk looks at the four droids in front of him-no way he will be able to destroy them all before the ramp closes. Time for plan B.

Dennisk jumps into the air, firing his jetpack and flying over the droids into the ship, being as evasive as possible while doing so, not even bothering to attack.

Pilot check (if needed to fly over their heads, but still into the ship)

Note that my flight speed is 6, as opposed to my land speed of 8.
Dennisk is fighting defensively without attacking, +5 to reflex defense for a total REF 25.

2013-01-26, 04:46 PM
As Dennisk flies over the droids, they fire upwards at him. He dodges two of the shots, and another glances off his armor, but even droids can hit at this range. The last round slams into his side, dealing 12 damage.

The remaining droids continue to fire at the mercenaries, many of whom look like they are losing their nerve. 5 more fall under their steady fire.

Most of the mercenaries scatter to whatever cover they can to avoid the cannons, taking only a few poorly aimed shots at the droids. One group of them forms up behind Geoffrey as he advances, focusing their fire on the droids firing at Dennisk. As they fire upwards, paying no attention to the battlefield, all four of them are cut down.

However, this gathering now becomes a prime target for the shuttle's cannons. One of the shots is again high, flying over the heads of the group, but the other impacts in their midst. When the smoke clears, not one of them is left standing.

The captain's urgent voice comes over the intercom, barely audible over the sounds of battle.
"If the attack on the shuttle is not ceased immediately, this ship will be destroyed. I repeat, to all those in the docking bay, if the attack on the shuttle is not ceased immediately, this ship will be destroyed."

Droids left: 10
Mercenaries left: 8 (almost breaking)
Shuttle cannons operational.
Shuttle ramp closes in 1 round.

2013-01-26, 06:18 PM
The sight of the mercenaries giving up their lives to back up Geoffrey moves him to take action. He runs toward the ramp and tries to jump onto it behind the droids. 'We need a frag on these droids! I'll get the ramp and shields down,' he yells as he runs up and into the shuttle.
Move action to get to the ramp
Acrobatics check as a part of the move action to tumble onto the ramp: [roll0]
Second move action to move further onto the ship.

[Can I use a full-round run and incorporate my acrobatics into it? If so, then assume I did that.]

2013-01-26, 06:39 PM
Geoffrey sprints away from the explosion behind him, and tries to dodge and tumble past the wall of droids in front of him. However, he stumbles, and slams into a row of metal bodies. Looking up, he realises that he is now alone, in the open, staring down ten B1s at point-blank range.

2013-01-26, 08:09 PM
Vo Dusk

Vo sprints around to the side of the shuttle, behind some crates, in an attempt to get out of the blaster cannon's firing arc. Then, he squeezes off another shot, this one aimed at the shuttle's weaponry, before dropping prone behind the crates. He hears the announcement from the captain and waits to see if the rest of the mercenaries, and the droids, cease fire.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
+1/+1 if in point blank range.

2013-01-26, 08:21 PM
Vo's blaster shot breaks through the shuttle's shields, but then dissipates harmlessly against the armored plating of the cupola.

2013-01-26, 09:54 PM
(OOC: I am going to go ahead and post now, since I am the only one inside. This is for the next combat round, I suppose. If you are confused, just check the posts.)

Dennisk lands with a thud, stumbling from the wound in his side.
Blaster burns are never fun...Better open that ramp back up, though, or that one will have friends.
He mutters as he puts out the small fire in his fur. Glancing around, Dennisk spots the ladder to the cockpit, and takes off again, swapping weapons to his spear as he flies up, not wanting to risk blaster bolts bouncing around and destroying vital controls.

2013-01-26, 10:53 PM
Carud seeing Geoffrey prdicament quickly tries to sow some confussuion by yelling to the droid Look the Jedi!! as he move foward, Carud also fire at them.

useing a force point with the Deception check.

Deception: [roll0] Force Point: [roll1]
Ranged: blaster rifle [roll2] [roll3]

2013-01-26, 11:24 PM

Dennisk flies up the access to the cockpit, spear readied. As he emerges, he sees four figures. A pilot droid is manipulating the controls, restoring power to the weakened shields. A commander droid is recieving orders from a hologram he recognises as General Doren. The last figure is a standard battle droid, which is guarding the hatch. All of them are taken completely by surprise as the bothan bursts into the cockpit, already thrusting with his spear. Although it strikes the droid squarely, it merely staggers it. The transmission cuts off, and the other droids reach for their blasters.

Suddenly, the shuttle shudders violently.


The battle droids look up in surprise and confusion on hearing Carud's shout.

"I don't see any Jedi."
"He must mean that he's a Jedi!"
"Blast him!"

Shots spark around the crates Carud has taken cover behind. He ducks back down, but not quickly enough - an errant shot blasts through the visor of his helmet.

Natural 20s always hit. For double damage.
You take 42 damage, falling a step down the condition track.
Then you must spend another force point, causing you to survive (but fall unconscious) and move a further five steps down the condition track.
You are out of the fight, and will go down with the ship unless one of your teammates has the presence of mind to drag you onto the shuttle (hint hint).
As his body falls, warning klaxons sound all over the ship, which shudders at a great impact.
"This is your captain speaking. All hands to escape pods. I repeat, all hands to escape pods. I have removed the lockdown; the threat of our destruction if any launched is somewhat moot now. I will buy you all as much time as I possibly can. Captain Basil out."
The ship shakes again as her weapons futilely sound, and her engines roar as she tries to escape from the tractor beam.

2013-01-26, 11:27 PM
As the hatch comes within stabbing range, Dennisk sees the figure of a droid-presumably the pilot. He stabs out with his spear, solidly catching the droid in the brain-case.
Well, that makes up for earlier, but a little to the left could have been perfect.
He thinks, then notices that the hit, though nearly perfectly accurate, didn't quite have the strength to actually kill the droid.
This could be awkward...

Dennisk flies above the hatch and looks around the cockpit, to see what else is there, and to look for a control scheme for the ramp and a communications station.

Well, it wasn't the pilot. I may want to get my blaster back out soon.

2013-01-26, 11:38 PM
The mercenaries are well and truly broken now; they sprint for the doors, or cower behind whatever meagre cover they can find. Blasts from the cannons blow through crates, armor, and flesh alike, taking down two more of them.

Droids left: 9
Mercenaries left: 6 (broken)
Shuttle cannons operational.
Shuttle ramp closes this round.

2013-01-27, 12:56 AM
With the unlocking of the escape pods, Havrok starts making his way to the shuttle bay. Apparently the jedi aren't surrendering, so Havrok decides to watch the show.

2013-01-27, 01:34 AM
Vo Dusk

From the side of the shuttle, Vo staggered as the ship shuddered from the assault.

They're leaving the droids behind... this is my chance!

Vo attempts to duck behind the droids and slip into the shuttle's rapidly closing boarding ramp.

Full defense for DC26 to hit, Vo attempts to slip behind the droids as they focus on mopping up the rest of the mercenaries.

2013-01-27, 12:24 PM
The screen of droids holds position, but Dusk has managed to get around to their side. With a burst of speed, he races past them, and throws himself onto the almost-closed ramp of the shuttle.

2013-01-27, 03:05 PM
After falling headfirst into the group of battle droids, Carud distracts them momentarily which offered a narrow chance to untangle. He tumbles to the ramp and gets up and on it.
Acrobatics to stand up as a swift action: [roll0]
Stealth to slip away from the battle droids while distracted: [roll1]
Move action to get up and on the ramp.
Knowledge [technology] as a swift action to know where the controls for the ramp are: [roll2]

2013-01-27, 03:23 PM
While the droids' attention is distracted, Geoffrey scrambles to his feet. Tumbling past them, he leaps for the shuttle's ramp, and manages to haul himself on board just before it closes.

The Jedi enter the bay, followed by their padawans and a curious-looking Felucian. A couple of mercenaries scramble past them on their desperate flight from the bay.

2013-01-27, 04:04 PM
Dennisk stabs the droid again (standard), then cuts the power to his Jetpack (swift action), lands just inside the cockpit, and pulls his knife to a place where he can access it better (move action), in case he needs to drop his spear.

if crit

2013-01-27, 06:13 PM
Geoffrey remembers the blaster cannons and decides to disable them first. He sees the ladders next to the boarding ramp and goes up one with Pointbreach drawn. When he gets to the top, he finds two droids and shoots the one defending the gunner.
Move action to climb the ladder
Standard action to attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

+1 atk, +1 dmg for point blank shot
+1 atk, +1 die dmg from zero range
+4 dmg from pulse-wave special quality w/in point blank range

2013-01-27, 07:05 PM
Vo Dusk

Dusk clambers up into the cockpit of the shuttle, poking his head out of the hatch, and takes a shot at a battle droid if he can see one, otherwise he'll just shoot the nearest droid.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2013-01-27, 07:38 PM
Inside the shuttle:

In the cupola, the droid gunner ignores the death of its guard, choosing instead to focus on the enemies it can see outside.

In the cockpit, the pilot crumples under a blaster shot , and the battle droid under a blow from a spear. The droid commander hoses down both of its attackers on automatic, dealing 9 damage to each.

2013-01-27, 08:52 PM
Inside the cockpit, Vo Dusk

"That all you got?" Vo grunts as the concentrated plasma singes his arm.

He returns fire at the droid commander.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
If the droid commander goes down this round, Dusk will make his way to the blaster turrets. If he doesn't, the mercenary will simply duck back down a rung or two down the ladder to get out of sight.

2013-01-28, 12:12 AM
EDIT: The below happens in the next combat round.

Oww, that stings! Hey, new guy. He can shoot, but looks like we are on the same side for now-though it might be a ruse.

Dennisk, seeing that he has backup, elects not to get into melee. He advances a bit, and stabs from 10 ft with his trusty spear, assuming the commander has survived the mercenary's salvo.
"Thanks for the aid, gunslinger. Nice shot.


My reflex defense has returned to normal this round.

If the commander was downed before my attack, I instead get to the controls, open the ramp, and familiarize myself with the control scheme- thrusters, weapons, comm, everything. I especially look for a way to control the guns from the pilots chair.

2013-01-28, 01:07 AM

Not sure if we need it but
Initiative: (1d20)[11] + 5

Upon entering the dock, Lucien draws and ignites his lightsaber. Then, he quickly scans the room for signs of injured. If able, he'll move to the nearest with the intent to treat wounds when he's able.

2013-01-28, 06:42 AM
Koron Dloo arrives on scene and walks closer to his droid foes. A quick wave of his hand, as one droid on the ramp is tossed into another, trying to clear a path.

Move Object Damage - [roll0]

"It was wrong to just surrender. Action truly can make a strong difference."

2013-01-28, 10:44 AM
Por La charges forwards and summons the force, projecting it outwards as a massive blast. Five B1s hurl backwards, sparks flying, and crumple as they strike the walls or shuttle.

Maeve lights her saber and charges the remaining droids, effortlessly cutting them both down.

Kerere moves over to the two mercenaries cowering together behind the crates, and persuades them that they are doomed if they stay, and the shuttle is the safest place for them.

This is why I didn't want to adventure with Jedi in the party...

Looking around the battlefield, Lucien is horrified by the carnage. Almost all of the fallen he can see are clearly dead; the shuttle's cannons are not gentle. One mercenary is clearly not dead, as he is clutching a ruined leg and moaning; Lucien also recognises the armor of their clone companion lying prone behind some crates.

The shuttle's cannons bark death; based on their targets, you can conclude that having a lit lightsaber is not a safe course of action. The first one, aimed at Lucien, is a good way off target; however the second one strikes true. Maeve blocks the blast, but the explosion still throws her backwards. She retains her footing, but is clearly seriously, if not critically, injured.

2013-01-28, 11:08 AM
Inside the turret, Geoffrey steps up behind the gunner, places Pointbreach against it's head and pulls the trigger.
I'll take a free five foot step to reach him, and if that's not enough, I'll use my move action.
Standard action to attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If I didn't use my move action, I'll use it here to get to and down the ladder as far as I can.

2013-01-28, 06:21 PM

Lucien moves to the still breathing merc and drags him to cover with one arm so that he may properly treat the leg wound. He keeps a firm grip on his lightsaber in his other hand should they come underfire on the way.

<Did that second cannon hit or did Maeve deflect it? They are lasercannons right?>
<I'm attempting to move the Merc at L-9 to I-8.>

Treat Injury to heal damage:
[roll0] + 10

2013-01-28, 08:16 PM
In the cockpit, as the droid commander ducks under Dennisk's spear, it leaves an opening, and Vo Dusk quickly blasts it. As it collapses, he slides back down the ladder.

In the cupola, Geoffrey executes the gunner droid, and then also returns to the main deck. Together with the gunslinger, he prepares to assault the last turret.

Out in the hangar bay, Lucien drags the wounded mercenary behind cover and quickly patches the wound in his leg. The mercenary gives him a grateful smile and staggers to his feet, but he is still clearly badly hurt.

Both of the shuttle's cannons have now stopped tracking targets, so those in the bay can do whatever they want (relatively) safely. However, warning klaxons continue to sound, and the shaking of the ship has only increased. Moving at more than half speed now requires a DC 15 balance check; if you fail it, you fall prone.

2013-01-29, 01:39 PM
Dennisk continues to familiarize himself with the controls of the shuttle and opens the ramp to let the rest of the party in, or just to facilitate access.

2013-01-29, 02:36 PM
Viridian enters the hangar with his blaster ready in case of unexpected surprises. He carefuly inspects the place and then looks towards the Jedi, waiting for their desicion. It was already clear, that things were spinning out of control, and something was neede to be done with it
Would someone care to explain, what's happening? - he asked, adressing no-one in particular

2013-01-29, 04:37 PM
With a grown Carud returns to the wakened world, the last thing Carud remember is firing at one of the droids and then what felt like a speeder truck and hot poker hitting him in the left side of his head,the left side of his face still felt like it was burning and felt swollen too, making it hard to see out of his left eye. it takes a moment for the fact that Carud no longer hears any blaster fire, but can still feel the rhythmic vibration of a ship under fire, with no clue as to how long he was out for, Carud unsteadily gets to his feet with his blaster in hand, and looks a round in a sort of sell shocked sort a way.

2013-01-29, 07:10 PM
Vo Dusk

Vo moves to secure the shuttle, blasting any droid opposition he finds.

As he passes the now open gangway, he'll yell to anyone in the hangar: "Come on! We haven't got all day!"

atk: [roll0]
dmg: [roll1]

If you want to say we just mop up the rest of the droids with the Jedi's help, I'm more than happy to end combat.

2013-01-29, 07:36 PM
Koron Dloo runs inside the entrance to the shuttle and calls out, hoping that the cockpit was under control, "Contact the federation freighter, and tell them to cease fire! The jedi are here and willing to surrender. Negotiate us delivering them peacefully." That ship should have never needed to open fire. Koron looks around to see Carud getting to his feet. Hopefully he'll have some answers as to what happened here.

2013-01-29, 08:04 PM
The Jedi, and all of the surviving mercenaries, run for the cover of the shuttle. As they enter, Por La briefly braces himself at the base of the cupola ladder, then leaps up, landing acrobatically among the falling remains of the two droids.

So that you don't have to all say you get on the shuttle before we can continue, I here assume that everyone runs aboard the shuttle.
The Jedi join Dennisk on the command deck as he opens a channel to the capital ship, and preps the shuttle for takeoff.

"This is Captain Nav'ran. To whom am I speaking?"

2013-01-29, 11:09 PM
....is this thing on? okay...

Denissk clears his throat.

Hello, Captain. I am called Dennisk, and I part of the group of soldiers of fortune who, in fear for our lives, attacked and captured this shuttle. I am making this call due to a change in events that I thought you should be...informed of. You see, the Jedi have decided to surrender in the interest of the lives of the civilians on-board this vessel. They request that you cease fire, and have requested that I negotiate for passage to your quite impressive ship.

(OOC: Nothing I said there was a lie, or even really deceptive, so I don't think I need to make a deception check.)

2013-01-30, 12:59 AM
"Dennisk, you said? It is unfortunate that you decided to take the shuttle, but impressive that you and your men managed to against a full squad of battle droids. We will, of course, have to confirm the identities of the Jedi before we can release the cruiser; however, for now, I will give the order to cease fire. A tractor beam will lock onto this shuttle once you exit the freighter, and guide you to a landing bay, where I will be waiting to take the Jedi off your hands."

"However, there is a risk that this is a Jedi ruse. Know that if it is, you and your crew, as well as the lives on the cruiser, will be forfeit. Also due to this, we will continue to destroy any and all escape pods which are launched, so if you care for the lives of the people on the freighter, I suggest that you hurry."

As you exit the freighter, a horrific sight meets your eyes. The battleship lies at rest immediately above its hapless prey, and seems undamaged. The freighter has not fared well in the engagement; her shields have failed completely, and great rents have been torn in her hull. Clouds of debris surround the ship, testament to the scores of escape pods which have attempted to launch; even as you watch, the battleship's point defence cannons destroy another. Squads of vulture droids circle the freighter at a greater distance, apparently waiting to pick off any pods which should, by some fluke, evade the battleship's weaponry.

2013-01-30, 02:06 AM
Carud who had been standing, well more leaning against the back bulkhead of the cockpit or he'd was sure to fall down other wise, looked out at the carnage that his actions had caused and cursed, Osi'kyr! meg'nar ni ani!!.

((OOC: basic translation: Oh Poodoo what have i done.))

2013-01-30, 04:03 AM
OoCI'm sorry that I haven't been posting. Lots of events Havrok wouldn't do a lot in but watch, and I've been very occupied. I did not honestly expect things to happen so fast. Hopefully, I'll be picking up post rate. Really intrigued in the turn of events this game is taking so early on in the game.

Havrok puts enough pieces together and boarded the shuttle. Despite the possibility of suicidal bounty hunters and mercs being on this flight, he hopes to follow the guns-blazing group to excitement on the planet below - or wherever they're going! This is exactly the situation he left home to experience. Once on the shuttle, he searches for places to stow himself, should the need arise.
Perception check to search the shuttle [roll0]
Keeping in mind Phase and Cloak when searching for a suitable hiding place.

2013-01-30, 04:14 AM
Geoffrey sits in the cargo hold against the wall, hoping nothing more goes wrong. 'Make sure the captain of the cruiser knows not to release any escape pods!' he shouts into the cockpit, 'The last thing we need is more death.'

2013-01-30, 04:28 AM
Viridian runs into the shuttle in the last moment. Seeing, that nobody cared to answer his question, he decide tojust follow his mentor. Once in the shuttle, he hides himself somewhere near the engine room and awaits further action in meditation.

Stealth [roll0]
Use the Force to *search my feelings* for this assault on shuttle - DC15 passed automatically
Use the Force to *sence Force* for Force users in 100 km's - [roll1]

2013-01-30, 10:45 AM
It would be my pleasure, Captain. Taking off presently, I look forward to meeting you soon.

Dennisk signs off the communicator, then closes the ramp and preps the shuttle for space flight and calls down the hatch:

Anybody else on here, we are lifting off now. Please man all stations- we'll need two gunners, a shield operator, and a co-pilot-an engineer would be helpful, too, if we have enough men. I don't expect to have the opportunity to fight, and I don't want to, but I don't want to be caught with our pants down, either, and I'd like to at least put on a good show before we go down in the event of a fight.

So saying, Dennisk diverts power to the engines, and lifts off once people are in position. The ship felt happily familiar to his old LAAT-i, and he smoothly guided it out of the hanger, where he felt the tractor beam wrest control of his ship from him. He resignedly pulls his hands from the ship's controls and waits for the tractor beams to guide her into the docking bay, hoping that the Jedi thought it was worth it.

2013-01-30, 11:33 AM
Vo Dusk hopped into one of the turrets.

"Sure would have liked to use this to blast away those droids, but, here's hoping I don't have to pull the trigger," he said.

2013-01-30, 11:58 AM
Carud take the copilot's seat to help out.

2013-01-30, 12:17 PM
Geoffrey walks to the cockpit and sits in the shield operator's seat, wincing at the sight of the battlefield, 'I'll take care of shields.'

2013-01-30, 05:22 PM
A couple of the mercenaries who are tagging along with you scamper up the ladder to the other cannon, and await further orders.

As the shuttle glides towards the cruiser, one of the Jedi activates the communicator and begins a frantic exchange with the freighter's captain. In the end, given that he is no longer under fire, he agrees to lock down the escape pods again, but he takes some convincing.

Despite the tension in the air, the ride to the cruiser is completely peaceful. The tractor beam guides you into a bay set into one arm of the massive battleship, in which you see an army assembled to meet you. A human stands at the front, with a neimoidian to his left. The pair is flanked by a quartet of MagnaGuards. Battle droids and super battle droids, interspersed with droideka and droids with heavier weapons, have formed into a half-circle around the place where the shuttle is to land, and although they are not aiming directly at the shuttle or its occupants, they manage to exude an aura of menace.

As the shuttle enters the bay, it is released from the tractor beam, and Dennisk guides it down to a flawless landing at the indicated point. The human, presumably captain Nav'ran, waits patiently for the shuttle to open, and the Jedi to step out. They are politely requested to surrender their lightsabers, which they do, and to permit themselves to be shackled, which they do.

The neimoidian then steps forwards, producing a strange device from within the folds of his robe. He holds it up to each of the Jedi in turn, and looks satisfied when it beeps each time. That done, he returns to the captain and quietly confers with him.

The captain nods once, then... "Open fire."

Blaster fire fills the air, and the Jedi stagger back and collapse under the countless impacts; blaster fire continues to pour into their fallen bodies. At length, the captain seems satisfied, and holds up his hand. Immediately, the firing ceases. Most of the droids disperse; the neimoidian departs; and a trio of droids emerge from the crowd and begin to drag the corpses away. The captain, still flanked by his guards, issues orders that the freighter be released.

Then he turns to Dennisk and smiles pleasantly.

"Thank you for your assistance with this matter. Do you have a moment to discuss some business?"

Given that Dennisk has, up till now, presented himself as the leader of the mercenaries, I assumed he would come outside the shuttle. If anyone else has done so, please tell me (IC or OOC).

2013-01-30, 05:42 PM
Even after all he had seen in the war, Dennisk still had to stop himself from flinching at the massacre in front of him. He maintained control of his face, though, like a good Bothan, and remembered his role-and his mission.

"I always have time for business."
He replies in a reasonable and smooth tone.
"How may I be of service?"

2013-01-30, 06:03 PM
The captain smiles. Calmly, as though he were discussing drink selection at a dinner party, he begins to talk.

"If it would not have been costly to us, you would have died here with the Jedi. The fact that you took the shuttle indicates some degree of competence, but that would not have mattered, in the long run."

"As it stands now, there is absolutely no reason that I should let you live. It would cost me nothing to order the point defence cannons to fire, at point blank range, as you flew out of the docking bay."

"I will spare your lives, and permit you to keep the shuttle - taking it back would be difficult in any case - but I will want a favor in exchange."

He folds his arms and stares at you, appraising your reactions.

2013-01-30, 06:12 PM
Name your price, then, Captain.

Dennisk says, appreciative of the immense firepower at the human's command and more than a little disgusted at how easy he was finding it to play mercenary.

2013-01-31, 01:11 AM
Vo Dusk

Vo listens in from the turret.

Good, looks like we can still get paid, heheheh.

2013-01-31, 02:02 PM
"Good, good. Now then, my proposition is simple. I am in charge of the search for the refugee King. However, all I have been given to search with are droids."

"My terms are simple. I will provide you with whatever help you reasonably desire; you will find the renegade and bring him to justice."

"I currently have a team working on his last known hideout. Why don't you rendezvous with them. Here are the coordinates, and a way to contact me. I shall inform them to expect you."

He hands you a datapad, then turns to leave. A few steps later, he turns back.

"I will be able to contact you via the shuttle. If you disable the radio, or in any other way prevent me from contacting you, I will assume that you have fled, and I will come after you. Dismissed."

2013-01-31, 04:53 PM
Dennisk turns around, gets into the shuttle, and takes off, headed for the coordinates he was given (assuming that nobody has anything else that they want to do.) Once in space...
Carud, can you take helm for a while? I want to see exactly what this little ship is made of. Also, she needs a name- anybody have any ideas?

Dennisk hands off the controls, and carefully searches the ship, taking all the time he needs looking for mechanical capabilities, any possible problems, and anything else of interest- hidden compartments, electronic bugs, anything.

(OOC: I take 20 on a search check of the entire craft, looking for electronic bugs, hidden compartments, and determining the capabilities of the craft to the best of my ability. Taking 20, I get a perception check of 20+10 = 30)

2013-01-31, 07:47 PM
Vo Dusk

"Hey skippy, can I have a word with you?" Dusk asked Dennisk as he strode by the turret, falling into step with him.

"I don't trust that captain, the guy was laughin' about something," he said, once they were alone, "probably laughin' about us, and how stupid we are, and how he's gonna wax us just like he did those Jedi, once we do his dirty work for him."

"Just keep yer eyes, and yer options, open, 'sall I'm saying," he added.

"By the way, name's Dusk, Vo Dusk," he said, stopping and holding out a hand.

2013-01-31, 09:43 PM
Bri-yon, Dennisk Bri-yon.
Dennisk says, taking Dusk's hand for a quick, firm shake.
And I am afraid my options are pretty limited- My loyalties have been placed long ago. There is some information that I think everybody needs to hear, especially if they plan on traveling with us. First, this shuttle has a few redundant tracking beacons on it. I, or somebody else, could remove them pretty easily, but that would let the good Captain know that we know about them, and might be seen as a sign of defiance. We should wait to disable them until an appropriate time. Second- to the best of my knowledge and ability to search, there are no visual or audio recording devices planted on this shuttle- it should be safe to talk so far as we keep the radio off. Third-I don't trust the Captain either, and I am not sure he will wait until we have done his job to off us. It would be in our best interests, I think, if we were to 'die' at some point. He says he'll come after us, but he's going after the King, too, and he needs us for that. It is a big planet, after all, and disappearing isn't hard. I think we should play along for now, but soon, things may change. Oh, and Dusk, great to meet you. This should be an exciting ride.

Dennisk isn't sure how much to tell these people- the mission, his status as a Republic Agent, who the rest of the team is-anything. He decides to talk to the remnants of the original squad first. They need more men, especially with the Jedi dead, and these fighters seemed competent, extraordinarily so for mercenaries, but they were just that-mercenary. How would he know if one of them sold out the mission-and the King? That reminds him- he needs to contact his controller, let the Republic know what happened. They'd probably give up on the mission, with the Jedi dead- Silara isn't big enough for two teams, let alone a fleet- but Dennisk wasn't ready to call it quits yet. If he couldn't make any progress, he thought, surely the Republic could at spare a Citadel Cruiser for evac of the squad.

2013-01-31, 10:24 PM
Viridian appeared from one of the access panel with his hands up - a rather bad idea, considering, what happened to the last surrendering creatures - but still, it was his best bet. Of course, there was no death - only the Force, but Vi really didn't wanted to check for himself THAT part of the code - there was enough Jedi deathes for today. Still, sooner or later, he had to deal with those mercs, as well as the Republic soldiers, and he preferred to show up, then to be found.
Err, hi guys. I kinda caught a ride, when all the shooting started, and I was wondering - maybe I can be a bit useful for you? Well I understand, it's a little strange, but what choise do I have now? You can take my blaster and comlink, if you suspect anything...oh, by the way, the name's Vi - the padawan mostly played idiot for the unrelated mercs - he was sure, that the republic agent and fellow padawan will recognize him, and hoped, the former will think of something to avoid suspicion.
Decieve check just in case [roll0]
Stealth check to conseal the lightsaber [roll1] - omg, nat 20

2013-02-01, 12:23 AM
Vo Dusk

"Why would we take your blaster and comlink?" Vo asked.

"Let me rephrase that... you can keep your blaster if you know how to use it," he added with a smirk.

He turned back to Dennisk.

"Dennisk huh, alright, nice to meet you," Vo said.
"Pretty handy with that spear, got loyalties already? That's fine by me. I happen to be in the market for an employer. Maybe you can put in a good word when all's said and done."

2013-02-01, 12:57 AM
Dusk's got it right, hold on to your gear- from the looks of things, we just might need another blaster. Vi, you said? Welcome aboard, Vi.

Dennisk was impressed at how well the Padawan acted. Heck, he felt like he had never seen him before, after that bit of talking. He just hoped that the rest of his team-mates could keep their mouths shut that well, at least until they had the measure of their new crewmembers.

2013-02-01, 02:24 AM
Dennisk: Carud, can you take helm for a while? I want to see exactly what this little ship is made of. Also, she needs a name- anybody have any ideas?

OK but make sure your back by in time for landing Because i doubt i can land this bird in my condition, i can barley see out my left eye.

((OOC: intil i rest for 8 hours, or get some medical help -10 to all skill checks))

2013-02-01, 04:00 AM
Standing in the cargo bay of the assault shuttle is a gaunt-faced male Ryn with short hair, long eyebrows, ashen-brown skin and yellow-green eyes in dark eye sockets. He wears a white durafiber vest with a pale yellow sleeved shirt, grey spacers trousers and russet bantha fur boots. On his thigh and below his left arm are two pistols.

'Does anyone here really want to work for this piece of s***? It's hard enough to have lost so many people, we don't need to die as well. I don't belong on a leash held by the federation.'

'Also, my name is Geoffrey Bears.'

2013-02-01, 07:09 AM
Vo Dusk

"Well Bears, I don't particularly want to work for them, but they seem to be the only ones hiring, and they _do_ have the option of blowing us to space dust," Dusk replied, "at the current moment, anyway, so it seems our choices are a bit limited, ya know?"

"And as for so many people dyin' ya can blame the Jedi for not surrenderin' right away, and some poor sap who started the firefight in the hangar," Dusk said, "who was then gunned down, may he, and the Jedi, for that matter, rest in peace. So it's kinda tough to take it up with either of them."

"Oh, and the Confed tin cans for starting the whole thing and doing the actual gunning, let's not forget them," he adds, "but like I said before, they've got the space dust option, so what's say we take it up with them later, eh?"

2013-02-01, 11:47 AM
'Well I have a few ideas about that, but we can talk about it planetside. Anybody know anything about this king business?

2013-02-01, 02:30 PM
Well, here's what I've heard. This dump was once an independent system, ruled by a popular king- maybe they got a set-up like Naboo, I don't know. Some confederate general decides that farming planets are the new black, and breaks off from the fleet to take it over, declares himself a warlord, and is now kicking back. From what I can tell, the Republic wants to protect its own interests first, the CIS can't spare the troops to fight their own, and the people want their king back-which is probably how he is hiding so well. Heck, there is probably a movement to get the man back on the throne, planetside. Finding out about them should be our first move after we make this rendezvous, whether to hunt the King or to kick the shutta warlord back into space.

2013-02-01, 02:32 PM
'So where does this captain come in? Is he the warlord? If not, why is he looking for the deposed king?'

2013-02-01, 08:53 PM
Vo Dusk

"Right," Vo said, "does anyone know the relationship between the CIS captain and the warlord? Are they skirmishing with each other, working together, ignoring each other?"

"Then again, I guess we could just go down to the planet and ask someone," he added, hooking his thumbs into his belt and leaning against a bulkhead.

2013-02-01, 11:17 PM
My guess is that they are on the same team. Planet's too small for two warlords, I think he'd just go conquer his own backwater farming planet. If he's got ambition, he may coup eventually, but I don't think we are seeing that now. As far as there being more info planetside, you are probably right.

2013-02-02, 06:26 AM
Vo Dusk

"Right then, let's get going, unless anyone else has anything to say?" Vo said.

2013-02-02, 06:58 AM
Ready as you are - Vi replied with a rather detached tone. After his introduction to the merc team he just sat somewhere, where he wouldn't get in the way and stared into something distant. Guy looked somewhat sad, yet he looked struggling to hide his sadness under the mask of tough guy

2013-02-02, 02:25 PM
Dennisk finishes his search of the ship- looks up to specs, to him, though the two trackers bothered him, and he'd need to find time to remove the droid rack- no way he was going to let them put battle droids on his ship- but he decided that the ship was, in a word, fine.

Dennisk climbs back to the cockpit, prepping the ship for landing.
Thanks, Carud. I've got her from here.
Hey, anybody have name ideas? I'm thinking Fearless. Or maybe Audacity.

2013-02-02, 02:34 PM
Yeah How about Sheer Insanity, for the name say Carud as he hand over the controls.

2013-02-02, 03:18 PM
Koron can't manage to sit still, walking around the ship with no intent. His mind is focused on the feeling he got when his master died. He searched for there to be more, a further presence of her within the force, finding nothing. Koron could not understand the will of the force, but he went on. Things would become clear with meditation. Unfortunately, his mind was ablaze with stress, and he could not center himself to meditate.

Koron continued his wandering into the cockpit, "I'll agree with Carud on this one. A perfect definition of everything that's happened leading up to this ship."

2013-02-02, 03:52 PM
Dennisk chuckles.
Heh, I like it. Sheer Insanity she is. Good news is, it will probably be perfectly descriptive in the future, too.

2013-02-02, 04:00 PM
When Carud exits the cockpit, Geoffrey pulls him aside and asks, 'Do you need some help with that wound? I have a medkit on me, and I could do something, although you'll need to seek the help of a professional.'

2013-02-02, 05:31 PM
Dennisk chuckles.
Heh, I like it. Sheer Insanity she is. Good news is, it will probably be perfectly descriptive in the future, too.

Yes, and in a way it how i got my name too.

When Carud exits the cockpit, Geoffrey pulls him aside and asks, 'Do you need some help with that wound? I have a med kit on me, and I could do something, although you'll need to seek the help of a professional.'

thank you Geoffrey, say Carud as he removes his damaged helmet for the first time since the fight, revealing a badly burned ans swollen left eye area.

2013-02-02, 05:38 PM
Geoffrey slightly winces at the sight of Carud's damaged eye. 'I'll see what I can do about this. Hold still.

Treat Injury:

'I forgot to tell you thanks for that distraction back there. If you hadn't, it's likely I'd have ended up looking much like yourself.'

'This is beyond my skill, I'm afraid.'

2013-02-02, 07:30 PM
I still appreciate the attempt, once we land i look forr a doctor.

2013-02-02, 08:39 PM
Vo Dusk

"Hey Bears," Vo said, spying the Ryn attempting to treat one of the wounded, "who do you got there, I thought we met every-"

Dusk caught sight of Carud and recognition clicked in his mind.

"You survived?" he said, with a mix of incredulity and awe.

"Vo Dusk," he said, once Carud was sitting up, "pleased to meet, you, ya crazy gundark."

Dusk smirked.

"Let me see what we can do about that eye," Dusk said, "can't have you without depth perception, you might _actually_ get yourself killed instead of just trying. Bears, gimme a hand, if you would."

treat injury: [roll0]

2013-02-02, 09:14 PM
Yeah thanks, names Carud Darfett, but just call me Carud. Answers Carud with a smirke also.

2013-02-02, 10:51 PM
Dennisk guides the newly-christened Sheer Insanity to a neat landing in the garage at the coordinates he was given. A uniformed woman stands at attention by the entrance to the bay, waiting for the mercenaries to emerge.

Members of the republic team notice that you have landed very near to the site of King Archer's transmission.

2013-02-03, 12:40 AM
As they near their coordinates, Havrok moves to the exit with others, "Any of you know how that thing in the loading bay started up? I managed to miss the good bits."

Havrok had a datapad out with a slightly dramatized version of the events he was aware of, starting with his boarding of the passenger freighter. He eagerly listened to find out the beginning of the chaotic battle.

2013-02-03, 02:10 AM
Vo Dusk

Vo glanced at the Felucian.

I'll have to look that species up later...

"Pre-emptive strike," Vo replied, "one of the mercenaries shot at the droids, and all hell broke loose."

2013-02-03, 03:41 AM
Bout sums it up, from what I saw. Any rate, we are expected out there- be polite, but don't agree to anything you don't have to. I'd like to keep our... engagement with these people as short as possible.

So saying, Dennisk lowers the ship to the ground, locks down the controls, and prepares to open the ramp.

Everybody ready?

2013-02-03, 10:42 AM
Geoffrey puts on his blue gundark skin flight jacket and walks to the lowering ramp and walks off with the rest of the crew.

2013-02-03, 12:32 PM
Carud puts his helmet back on, thanks to Vo the swollen went down some and he could see a little better, I'm ready,and once we get this over with if you don't mind helping me find a doctor to fix up my eye and face.

2013-02-03, 01:45 PM
"Don't worry, I won't be speaking, much less agreeing to anything. I'm not so delicate in these sorts of situations." Havrok jots down some notes and activates his recording device from his waist.

2013-02-03, 02:01 PM
As you form up and file out of the shuttle, you get a closer look at the woman awaiting you. She seems young; barely out of the training academy, most likely; and keen. A crimson ribbon in her hair stands out incongruously from her otherwise drab uniform. Catching sight of the bothan, she steps forwards and salutes sharply.

"I am Lieutenant Lestat. Captain Nav'ran told me to meet you here, and provide whatever assistance you may require. The investigation site is this way, if you would care to follow me."

2013-02-03, 03:43 PM
Dennisk smiles at the hairless human.
Charmed to meet you, Lieutenant. Please, lead the way.

2013-02-03, 04:12 PM
Without waiting for a reply from the others, the lieutenant turns and walks briskly out of the docking bay. As she does, she starts summarizing for the bothan.

"So far, we haven't found any leads. The transmitter was commercially purchased by a legitimate company, and then rerouted to the King by an unknown sympathiser within the organization. The building was leased in cash by an unknown party. No traces have been found on site - but then, the search was carried out by battle droids..."

With the last statement, she looks slightly disgusted. While she talks, she either doesn't notice or doesn't care as a couple of mercenaries split off from the tail of your party and vanish into the crowd.

2013-02-03, 04:41 PM
OOC: Do I notice? If so, which mercenaries?

In that case, I would like a look at the site, myself. Do you have any forensic equipment? I take it, then, that the king has been in contact with the media, people, or holonet, if he was using a transmitter...Is the transmitter still on site?

Dennisk continues to talk business with her as they walk, learning everything he can about the King's activities, the planet, and the organization that the female belongs to.

2013-02-03, 07:59 PM
Vo Dusk

Dusk nudges Carud and gives him a knowing wink, then fell into step beside Viridian.

"Hey kid, get a load of the trailer on that one," he said quietly, nodding towards the lieutenant's rear profile.

"See, survivin's got its perks," he continued, "an' I bet she's the type who likes to take command in all situations, in or out of uniform, if ya catch my drift."

2013-02-03, 11:25 PM
Havok continues to take note on his datapad of the conversation and note of his new adventuring party as he learns more. With his elbarm*, he pans his camera, getting a full view of the area.

*Felucians have a small limb at their elbow. It has no name, so I named it elbarm... >.>

2013-02-04, 12:59 AM
The lieutenant looks gratified that you are taking your job seriously.

"Of course you are expected to examine the site yourself. I don't now what you can turn up. We have all the usual equipment; DNA and fingerprint scanners, chemical analysers, the works. But we already know the king was present there, so learning that doesn't help us. We need to find out where he is now."

"The transmitter is still on site; it is a long-range transmitter, and so too bulky to easily move around. However, short-range transmitters are very easy to get hold of. And since we don't monitor every call that is made, we have no way of knowing if he has contacted any people or media. He would have to be very careful because of the large reward out on him, but evidently he has been. We haven't heard a peep."

As you continue to walk, you eventually manoeuvre her around to the topic of what happened when the invasion came.

"Once our scanners picked up the invasion fleet, we realised resistance was hopeless. Our army is made up of many discrete groups, each controlled by a noble, or by the king. King Archer ordered the army and navy to stand down, and then disappeared."

"I was a member of the King's forces; a captain, in fact. When this warlord crowned himself, he merged the King's forces with his own, and with the police force. Most of the army was reassigned to menial jobs; the officers were demoted, given some rudimentary training, and placed in charge of units of droids."

"The nobles were allowed to keep their private armies, in part to keep them happy and in part because they were not a real threat. Doren realises that, if he keeps the nobles on his side, the peasants don't have a prayer. So while the ordinary people suffer under higher taxes and restrictive laws, the nobles are allowed to flourish and line their own pockets."

2013-02-04, 01:54 AM
Dennisk notes to himself that the female doesn't sound too thrilled about the turn of events- and why would she be? She was demoted, after all, and from her description of the nobles, not happy with how the civilians were treated....but she was still in the enemy's military. If she didn't like her new boss, she wouldn't be hunting her old one.

I think one of the important things here is the size of the King's regimen. It is a lot easier for a dozen men to hide than a hundred, after all, and knowing the size of the group we are seeking may make it easier to find them.
As far as the nobles, who leads them, if anyone, now that the King is in hiding? How are they governed? Who among them is ambitious enough to make some sort of play for more power? Should the King regain his throne, anybody who helps is likely to be well remembered- and a wealthy benefactor, unconnected to the King's personal assets, could aid him in his hiding.
Concerning you, a drop from Captain can't have been easy. You look young for a captain, though it's hard to tell, on humans. You must have been moving rather quickly on the command ladder. Was this where you saw yourself ten years ago, Lieutenant Lestat?

2013-02-04, 03:17 AM
Archer could be hiding anywhere, with anyone. We really do not know. Among the common people, he most likely has countless allies, and no-one would think a scruffy ill-dressed vagabond was the King in hiding. However, we think that is unlikely. If he contacted the Republic, asking for aid, it is likely he is trying to gather support on his own.

As for the size of his current guard; he retained his household guards when he went into hiding. All are well-trained, well equipped, and absolutely loyal, and at the time of the invasion they numbered 60. In the hideout we are now approaching, we estimate there were at most four with him; however, hunting down the guards is low priority, as they will cease to be a threat once the King is dealt with.

Amongst the nobles, there is no real leader. All of the nobles are below Mal Doren, but they have no distinct hierarchy. Some are more powerful and respected than others, retaining more land and larger armies. The single most powerful noble is Duke Barris; his standing army was more powerful than the King's, and he holds several large estates. In fact, now that Mal Doren is in charge, his power has likely grown.

Most of the nobles, I think, are happier under their new ruler than they ever were under King Archer. They can now move much more freely, with fewer checks on their power, and no-one safeguarding the liberties of the people. I could pull up a list of those more likely to side with him, but it would be a tedious task and, without searching hundreds of estates, could have no benefit.

As for the questions about myself; I am the fourth daughter of Baron Lestat. Given that only the first born child may inherit, the army was the logical choice. Most noble children join the army or navy, where they are almost guaranteed an officer posting. Battles are rare, so it is also a fairly safe occupation.

Given that the army plays host to hundreds of royal children, anyone with some tactical talent is likely to be promoted fairly quickly. I graduated top in my class from officer training, and have been promoted twice in the four years I have been in service. Most officers will be in the same boat as me; having no real experience; although mock battles are not uncommon.

I considered going into freelance work; becoming a mercenary, like yourself; but in the end I decided against it. What made you decide to work independently as opposed to joining the armed services - either those of the Republic or the CIS?

2013-02-04, 02:42 PM
I started my work before the war had started. I didn't join the Republic because I didn't want to deal with all the bureaucracy, and the group I was in did mostly safe stuff- escorting shipments, guarding the houses of panicking nobles, the occasion "recovery" of stolen goods- it was all fine. When the war broke out, I had no particular inclination to put myself on the bottom rung of the chain of command, so I didn't join either side. Besides, the galaxy will need mercenaries no matter who wins, so job security is as good as my aim.

So, the nobles probably won't help him, but the people will...and he's got a small party of powerful, loyal companions. Hang on a second. Why do we need to find this guy, again? Your warlord already has the planet, and he's got enough firepower that the King's five men aren't going to take him out. Is this just a pride thing, now?

2013-02-04, 07:20 PM
"Because the King stands as a symbol. As long as he lives, the people will have hope - and it is rumoured that Jedi will come to their aid. As long as he lives, none of the nobles can be fully trusted, as who knows where their loyalties lie. As long as he lives, Mal Doren's grip on this world is tenuous. And he knows it."

As she talks, you arrive outside a run-down building on the outskirts of the city. A squad of battle droids guards the entrance, but they ignore you as you are led inside.

"The transmitter was found in this room," she says, leading you into a large room just of the entranceway. Unlike what you have seen of the rest of the building, it has been freshly painted, and looks somewhat homey. A few bunks are stacked up against one wall, and a large transmitter dominates the centre of the room.

2013-02-04, 07:25 PM
Got it. Thanks for explaining, and good luck.

Dennisk turns and examines the transmitter, connecting his datapad to it and trying to dredge up records and anything else he can find.

Use computer check:

If it is okay with you, I think I am going to post a tad less frequent;y for the next few days. The limelight is getting in my eyes, I want the rest of the party to play, too.

2013-02-04, 08:51 PM
Koron senses something strange and moves to investigate without a word. He follows the wall behind the beds, looking for a door to the room beyond.

Upon finding a door, he'll search his feelings to determine if entering the room at this time is a safe decision. Species reroll for the better result.

2013-02-05, 03:48 AM
The lieutenant looks at Koron, a strange expression on her face.

"I don't know what you're looking for there, but if there was some sort of hidden compartment, our scans would have found it. We were quite thorough."

Okay, apparently you have completely the wrong idea. You find no secret door, although it is conceivable all crevices and seams were filled in and then it was painted over.

Searching your feelings about letting the L.T. see whatever you discover: it would not have any immediate ill effects, no.

2013-02-05, 05:43 AM
So far so good, Viridian was silent. He listened to the conversation, but focused more on his own feelings - he believed, republic agent will handle the locals, while Vi himself will try to take the matters of the Force
Trying to localise/make the strange feeling more clear
UtF roll[roll0]
And while he was listening to himself, he almost missed when he got Vo Dusk adressing to himself.
- Eh, what?

OOC: sorry for deleting and editing, got roll codes messed up

2013-02-05, 06:40 AM
Vo Dusk

"'Eh what', he says," Vo replied, "never mind, just keep your wits about you and try not to daydream too much."

The mercenary motions for Viridian to step into the safehouse first, then follows behind.

"Uhm, Lieutenant, we've got wounded here," Vo Dusk piped up from the doorway at the entrance of the room, "I mean, I know you can't tell because of his helmet, but Carud nearly got his face blown off, and I've got a second degree burn on my shoulder that chafes something awful. Is there any medical facility around where we can get patched up?"

2013-02-05, 05:50 PM
"Oh, you have wounded. I had not realised. We have adequate medical facilities at our local headquarters, a short journey away. Shall I lead you all there now, or would some of you prefer to stay here and look around while I escort the wounded?"

Woooh splitting the party woooh

2013-02-05, 09:25 PM
Carud looks to both Vo and Dennisk, and says, it's up to you Dennisk you in command, do we stay or go with the Lieutenant.

((OOC: @Blaknic can i sagest you also bold your spoken text to make it easier to read. ))

2013-02-05, 09:36 PM
Vo Dusk

"Your call, cyclops," Dusk said to Carud.

"Everyone else, let's trade com codes, so we can find each other again in case we get separated," he said.

2013-02-05, 11:15 PM
Dennisk looks at the group, then at the squad of battle droids standing guard over the room.
Let's keep the group together, at least for now. Lieutenant, lead on, please.

Letting the enemy, whether she knew it or not, lead the party's wounded away by themselves seemed foolish to Dennisk.

2013-02-05, 11:20 PM
We go then, I'd like to see strait again. says Carud

2013-02-06, 05:05 PM
"Of course. I have taken the liberty of procuring transportation. If you will follow me, a pilot droid awaits to take us to headquarters. I will slave him to your group's use for now, so that I need not accompany you wherever you go."

You follow her through the building and into a garage, where a landspeeder awaits. As you walk, another mercenary melts away from the group; again, no-one seems to pay any notice. Approaching the pilot, the lieutenant speaks too softly for you to hear.

The pilot droid buzzes. "Acknowledged. Control transferred from Lieutenant Lestat to Captain Dennisk. Orders, sir?"

"This droid is programmed to navigate to anywhere in this city. Before you think about fleeing in it, I should tell you that the speeder is coded to only obey his inputs, and he is hardwired not to leave the city."

With a sweet, slightly menacing smile, she climbs into the landspeeder.

2013-02-06, 10:44 PM
Vo Dusk

"Riiight," Vo replied, "c'mon, let's go get patched up."

The mercenary climbed into the speeder.

2013-02-07, 03:12 AM
Dennisk didn't like leaving the shuttle behind, and especially didn't like flying in a droid-piloted ship. But, he knew that trying to park a shuttle in the middle of a city was neither reasonable nor covert-and Carud needed medical attention. He could use some, too, come to think of it- the pair of blaster burns in his side liked eachother, and from the looks of it, were planning on having some nasty scar-shaped kids. He nodded at the female, and climbed into the speeder.

2013-02-07, 03:57 PM
Carud also climbed into the speeder.

2013-02-07, 03:58 PM
Once all of the mercenaries are in the vehicle, it smoothly lifts off the ground and heads deeper into the centre of town, eventually stopping in front of an ornate building fronted by a marble colonnade. Rather than battle droids, a pair of human officers stand outside, and you can see more activity within.

Getting out of the car, the lieutenant begins to walk up the steps into the building. The guards recognise her, and salute as she passes.

Following her, you file into the building, entering a large foyer. She gestures.

"Medical is that way; dorms are over there. If you need me, you can ask at the desk or contact me at this code. I expect regular updates on the status of your investigations."

With that, she walks away, heels clicking on the marble.

2013-02-07, 04:44 PM
All right, then. Gentlemen, we should get patched up, and then prepare for tomorrow. Finding the King, is, after all, the top priority.
Dennisk says this last bit a tad pointedly- he didn't know who was listening, but he wanted to let the task force know that he remembered their mission for the Republic-despite any appearances to the contrary. He decided that they would figure it out, even if they never had a chance to discuss it. The task force knew he was a Republic soldier, and a Bothan. Maybe that part of his cultural reputation would do him a favor.
Maybe not. He would need to talk with the task force, and their new companions, sometime soon.

2013-02-08, 04:57 AM
Vo Dusk

"Hey Dennisk," Vo said, motioning for the Bothan to come closer.

"Did you hear what those soldiers called the good Lieutenant?" he asked.

"Might have been just my imagination, but I'm pretty sure they called her Captain, for what it's worth," he said.

2013-02-08, 11:06 AM
Once in the speeder, Vi adressed Dennisk in Bothese
Chief, there's something fishy about that site. It could be useful to return there ASAP

2013-02-08, 11:23 AM
Yes medic and then talk sounds like a plan, Carud follows the others.

2013-02-08, 11:47 AM
Dennisk responds to Vo in Huttese- he though he'd heard the man use it on the transport, and while any droids up to scratch could figure it out, it might help.
Yeah, Dusk, I heard that,too. I am not sure what to make of it, yet-but keep your ears open. Good work picking that up- somebody is trying to pull one over on us, just need to find out who-and why.

He looks at Vi with a hint of surprise flickering over his fur, and responds in kind.
I didn't know you knew Bothese, Vi. I agree, though. A thorough investigation is merited-preferably without, ah, supervision.

2013-02-09, 06:35 AM
The following morning, the company assembles in the hallway outside the dorms. To their general surprise and concealed dismay, the lieutenant again meets them there.

"My apologies. I know you were supposed to have free reign in your investigations, but there were reports of a disturbance last night after we left, and I am obliged to investigate."

A short speeder ride later sees you to the investigation site. Walking into the room with the transmitter, you immediately notice a difference. Someone has carelessly scraped a section of wall clean of paint, and there is a pyramidal indentation in it where something has been removed.

Padawans, you no longer sense anything in the force here.
Biting off an exclamation of surprise, the lieutenant whirls and hurries out of the room. Down the hall, you can faintly hear her talking to tactical droid.

2013-02-09, 08:05 PM
Koron moves closer to the captain and the droid, trying to pick up on what they're discussing without giving his intent away.

2013-02-09, 08:51 PM
Dennisk searches the hole in the wall, while straining his ears to try to make out what the droid is saying.

2013-02-09, 11:29 PM
Geoffrey sidles next to Dennisk, seeing if he can't think of something that might've been in that spot in the wall.
Knowledge [technology]:[roll1]
Knowledge [galactic lore]:[roll2]

2013-02-10, 10:26 AM
The lieutenant is talking in a hushed voice, so you can't make out much of what she is saying. A few snatches of the conversation reach your ears; apparently, no intruder was seen, and the disturbance came from an alleyway a fair distance from the main building.

Turning again, the lieutenant walks back to you.

"By the looks of things I would say that the Jedi have been and gone. I have to go and file an incident report; you are welcome to continue your investigation, or you may terminate your contract if you feel that your task is now impossible. Of course, in the latter case, you will not receive whatever payment you were promised."

2013-02-10, 08:14 PM
After taking a long look at the imprint on the wall, Geoffrey walks up to the transmitter, taking out a blank datacard and putting it into the transmitter. He then works quickly to gather as much information about who used this console when to do what. If the information is found, he will download relevant data onto the card.
Standard action to Improve Access to the terminal (if necessary):[roll0]
Access Information, (who used this, who was contacted, what was said):[roll1]

2013-02-10, 09:20 PM
Vo Dusk

"Jedi? I thought they were executed above the planet," Vo said, "You mean there are more of them?"

2013-02-11, 12:00 AM
Dennisk looks startled at the mention of Jedi- he had thought that the Republic had only sent the ones that were executed in orbit. If there are more Jedi, this mission just got a lot easier. Contacting them should be our next move. Should I get out of this job with the confederates?

Dennisk speaks to take advantage of the out he had been given, making his fur stand on end, just a bit, giving an appearance of surprise or mild fear to anyone who knew to look for it.
Jedi? Listen, I wasn't comfortable holding the Jedi up there- Dennisk points a finger to the sky- - and they had surrendered. I don't want to think about actually hunting Jedi. What is- Dennisk visibly calms himself. Lieutenant, I would be....grateful if you told me everything you know about these Jedi.

2013-02-11, 01:43 AM
"Executed?! Wait, what? How do you know this?"
She looks shocked, and more than a little shaken, at hearing this news. Regaining her composure, she begins to explain.
"The reason this site is under guard is that we assumed Jedi would come in response to the King's distress call. Therefore, when an unknown person broke into the site, retrieved..." she gestures to the hole in the wall "something, and left without a trace, I assumed it was the Jedi."
Explanation finished, she pauses, parsing what Dennisk said.
"Holding... You captured Jedi, and sold them to the invaders? What happened up there?!"

2013-02-11, 08:43 AM
Vo Dusk

"Whoa whoa whoa," Vo replied, "we didn't _sell_ them to the invaders, so much as they gave themselves up on account of the confederates threatening to destroy the entire transport unless they surrendered."

He stood up straight, taking a half-step away from the wall he had been leaning on.

"And we weren't holding them so much as ferrying them between the transport and the confed capital ship," he said.

"Wrong place at the wrong time," he added, "or right place at the right time, depending on how you look at it, I guess."

2013-02-11, 12:49 PM
The lieutenant looks at Vo Dusk strangely.
"Wait here. I have to talk to command."
She turns and again hurries out of the room, this time pausing to instruct a nearby battle droid.
"Keep them in this room."

2013-02-11, 02:38 PM
Well, well, isn't that interesting....

Dennisk muses for a second.
Any bets on whether the 'Lieutenant' makes it out of this talk with her career intact?

Dennisk glances at the droid- combat model, unlikely to have translator units.
Dennisk speaks in Bothese, then quickly repeats himself in Mando'a and Huttese, wanting to get a plan together before the female returned and knowing that that could be soon.

Or her life. The female looked startled at the though of the Jedi dead- If I had to guess, she may have been hoping that the Jedi would save her and the planet. Remember, she is in the 'invaded' party, even if she is working for the Confederates. I don't trust her, though I wouldn't be surprised if we find her in the King's party when we contact the King. Speaking of which, we need to contact the King as soon as possible. Anybody have ideas? I don't want to use that transmitter, but we could if we need to.

2013-02-11, 10:08 PM
Vo Dusk

<huttese> "She called them invaders," Vo Dusk replied, "that's all I need to know. I'm about to ask her about a job, honestly."

2013-02-11, 10:27 PM
Dennisk considered his companion's words.
We are 'mercenaries', so go for it. My gut is with you, but she did lie to us about her rank....Go for it, Dusk. Let's see what happens.

2013-02-11, 11:43 PM
<huttese>'I'm not too good with words, but I think someone ought to make this gal an inside contact. Play off her loyalties.'

2013-02-12, 10:52 AM
<Mando'a & Huttese> I think as a precaution we send a distress call of are own requesting a task force to rum the separatist ship off, while we still have access to this transmitter.

2013-02-12, 05:08 PM
<mando'a>Kinda ironic, Carud. I don't think the Republic will send good money after bad, with the Jedi dead. But you have a point, they do need to know what has happened so far. But we are the task force.

2013-02-12, 07:15 PM
Havrok returns to the king's old hide out, hoping to find the investigation party. He is met by droids guarding the door. Rather than dealing with them, he goes around to the back of the building and out of sight.

"You sense them, right?" he asks Corwin. After confirmation, he submerges himself into the white current and flows through the wall. He looks through the building for the padawans and company, finding them grouped together.

"Hi." he introduces himself to the party, "My name is Havrok. Is this a safe time to discuss private matters?" Havrok speaks cheerily with a friendly tone, as if his random appearance isn't strange.

2013-02-12, 08:25 PM
Dennisk bites back a mild expletive when he hears the strangely happy voice from behind him, then turns to face the Felucian.

As safe as any. That is to say, no.

However, I am not sure how much choice we have. Say your piece.

<Mando'a>Carud, I think contacting the Rep- our friends might have to wait a few minutes.

2013-02-12, 10:10 PM
Vo Dusk

"Call a task force?" Dusk was about to say, until the sudden appearance of Havrok.

"Ca-... what the!" Vo Dusk exclaimed, and drew his blaster in the blink of an eye.

At the friendly tone of Havrok's voice, however, he lowered the weapon's aim to the floor.

"Obviously it's not safe to talk," he said, inclining his head towards the battle droid guarding the door.

"And where'd you come from?" he asked.

2013-02-13, 12:35 AM
Carud reacts Just like Vo did, but decides to let the other talk.

2013-02-13, 02:08 AM
Havrok began to reach into his bag, but takes a look beyond the party to the battle droid. "Oh. Uhh, right. And never mind how I got in here, let's not stay." He pulls his hand out of his bag and gestures for those in front of him to lead on.

2013-02-13, 02:18 AM
Vo Dusk

"The droid's instructed to keep us in the room until the good Lieutenant returns, so you might as well make yourself comfortable," he replied, holstering his pistol.

<huttese> "What's this about a task force?" he asked, casually leaning against the wall again.

2013-02-13, 02:46 AM
While the rest of the group was discussing something in obscure languages, Vi approached the scene of the theft. He observed carefuly, what was left from the site
taking 20 for Perception to aquire more information, if possible 29 total
Then, he moved to the fellow padawan and whispered rigth into KelDor's...ears, or whatever he had instead of them
A holocron was here. And someone using a lightsaber had stolen it. And since the Jedi are dead - he still maintained the act and avoided mentioning any personal reference to their mentors. - it could get just a little bit more tricky, don't you think?

2013-02-13, 05:26 AM
In a hushed voice, Koron replied "Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting? If that's the case, we will most definitely need aid." His mind went to Sith, since there weren't supposed to be any other jedi on this planet. Perhaps there was another jedi on a covert mission. Though that would be great, it felt unlikely.

2013-02-13, 07:29 AM
<whisper> Right now, I'm not suggesting anything. Too little evidence. But we'll need to stay careful

2013-02-13, 07:37 AM
"Oh, well then I'll just get to it if you're stuck here. I found..err, took this." He pulls out the pyramid-shaped device, being sure to shield it from the droid's view. "Apparently two of you were supposed to find it. Well, not you exactly, but, uh, you know..." Havrok holds out a holocron for examination. Much more quietly, he adds "I believe he knows something of the missing man."

2013-02-13, 12:11 PM
Dennisk parroted softly, unable to stop himself from glancing at his Padawan companions. He doesn't know much about the force, and he doesn't know anything about a pyramid device, but this newcomer was acting like it was important, so his best guess was that they were related.

I don't know when the Lieutenant will return. If she comes back, either hide or we can just pretend you were always here- it isn't like the female has been paying much attention. Either way, you have my attention, if not more.

2013-02-13, 09:44 PM
Vo Dusk

"Alright you four," he said, "we need to have a little conversation once we're not in a room guarded by a battle droid... after I ask Lestat about a job."

2013-02-14, 01:04 AM
"Everything will be explained later. We definitely shouldn't activate it now." Havrok puts the holocron back into his bag and takes a seat on a cot, "Unless you guys have a plan to leave, I'll wait here with you."

2013-02-15, 10:20 AM
The sound of approaching footsteps heralds the return of the lieutenant... and, if the racket is anything to go by, a fair number of battle droids.

The room you are in has only one exit, so if you want to get out, you should go quickly. Of course, if you want to use the transmitter...

2013-02-15, 10:58 AM
Vo Dusk

"Well, that doesn't sound good," Dusk commented to nobody in particular.

The dark-skinned human attempted to get a look at the approaching droids, from a window or perhaps past the droid guarding the door, to try and get an idea of whether fighting was a viable option.

2013-02-15, 12:26 PM
<huttese> 'This is our last chance,' Geoffrey begins in a hushed and hurried tone, 'I'm not sure what she wants, but I know those droids only mean trouble. We can get out of here if we move quickly. I believe I might be able to 'redial' on this transmitter to find out who the king contacted. From there, we ought to head back to the ship. Anyone with me?'

2013-02-15, 02:21 PM
Havrok is up at the sound of droids. "I don't think she's here for job applications, so I'm interested in leaving before she tells us we can't. How many do you see? Does she look mad? I bet she's mad." His nerves were jumping, and he wanted out. The duress was plainly visible on his face and in his shaking hands. It would make for bad video, but his mind was far from that.

2013-02-15, 09:54 PM
Vo Dusk

<huttese>"Time to go," Vo said, pulling back from the doorway as a fullisade of blaster bolts impacts the structure, scattering a few stones across the entrance.

"At least six super battle droids. Can anyone reprogram these B1's by the door? Get them to hold off the other droids for a bit?" he asked, fingering his blaster.

"The rest of you, let's see if we can't find a back door to this place, otherwise I hope some of you have some explosives," he said.

Vo looks around for an escape route, either out the side of the building or through one of the back walls, out of sight of the B1's guarding the door.

2013-02-17, 07:25 AM
"I doubt that we have time to reprogram droids. Besides, I'm not certain that we need to run."

Koron moves closer to the door and shouts down the hall, "What's all this business with blasters about, captain? I believe that we seek the same end to this whole ordeal on your planet." He hopes that his assumptions are right about her and changes his tone to a more calming one, "If you'll let me, I'd like to discuss the situation. No one needs to die here."

2013-02-17, 10:14 AM
Dennisk jumps at the sound of blasters slamming into the wall.
Six super battle droids....I've seen worse. Gentlemen, I believe that remaining in this employment is a poor decision. If you will excuse me, I think there is a call I should make.

Dennisk briskly walks to the transmitter, activates it, and opens a channel to his Republic controller.

2013-02-17, 11:10 AM
"You have no right to call me captain. And, while you may be right that I would love to see our oppressors toppled, I will not easily disobey a direct order. Now that there is no possibility of using you to find the king, you are liabilities in possession of sensitive information."

"However, feel free to 'discuss' the situation. Perhaps you can make a compelling argument. I have you trapped, so I lose nothing by hearing you out."

The sound of the advancing droids stops abruptly.

Dennisk enters his codes, and the machine hums to life. After a short pause, the figure of a Republic officer appears, projected in miniature. He glances up, then snaps a reprimand.

"Bri-yon! You know better than to call on an unsecured channel!"

His finger moves to terminate the call, then pauses.

"This had better be important."

2013-02-17, 11:52 AM
Havrok takes a spot near the door, "Hi. My name is Havrok. I hate to tell someone with an inkling to kill me that they're wrong, but we are most definitely necessary. I have the object from the wall which will lead us straight to King Archer. The catch, he'll only tell two of the people in this room." he resists his obnoxious urge to prove Lestat wrong on having him trapped and focuses on the important matters. "Call off your droids and we'll prove it."

Havrok moves back a step from the droids at the door and pulls the holocron out. Much more quietly, he says "Corwin Archer - the guy in this pyramid - says two of you are padawhatevers. You'll need to show him your swords before he will reveal anything."

Not activating the holocron just yet.

2013-02-17, 12:19 PM
"I really wish you hadn't said that in front of my droids..."

"We'll take our chances on being able to extract the king's location. New deal. Hand over that object, or die."

2013-02-17, 12:43 PM
Dennisk speaks into the transmitter, having heard the argument from the door, first giving operational codes, then beginning his report in a louder tone.

Good morning, Adamska! The seventh sailor smoothly sings. Commander Bri-yon with a report for any available officer.
We have landed successively on planet Silara, and have located a device that should lead us to the deposed King in short notice. Jedi Knights Kerere, La, and Elisi were captured and executed by Captain Nav'ran of the Warlord en route, but the rest of the squad evaded capture by posing as mercenary soldiers. We were 'hired' by the Captain, and were given admittance to the Warlord's search for the King, during which we have encountered an individual whom provided us with the aforementioned device. The device appears to be a square pyramid, but is apparently highly resonant within the force. The mission is still a 'go'.

Dennisk delivered the report professionally, and succinctly, while standing at attention, then dropped his tone and relaxed some.

On a more personal note, the execution of the Jedi Knights was conducted brutally and coldly.
Dennisk briefly describes the execution.
As the agent on the field, it is my opinion that this Warlord, or at least his subordinates, are despicable beings. There is little I presently want more than to see them brought to the Justice of the Republic. I would prefer that Justice to be in the form of a small battle group, if it can be spared.

Commander Bri-yon out.

(If the transmitter is two way, Dennisk waits for a reply instead of signing off. Also, note that talking is a free action :smallwink:)

2013-02-17, 03:40 PM
"Report received and acknowledged. Your request for reinforcements will be taken into consideration, but no response may be given on this channel. Out."

2013-02-17, 09:10 PM
Vo Dusk

Two of you are padawhatevers...
"Really...", Dusk says, raising an eyebrow and glancing around at the various assorted motley crew arrayed about the room.

Hand over the item, or die.

Vo snorted.

"Alright, far as I'm concerned, the Lieutenant is being held hostage by the droids," Vo said.

"And the Bothan wasn't fully honest either, big surprise," Vo added with a smirk once Dennisk finished his report.

"So I say one of the two 'padawhatevers' cut us a hole out of the back of this building, the other stands near the front to cut up any droids that get inside, while the rest of us shoot the droids as they come into view," Vo said, "and maybe we holler for the Lieutenant to take cover or something."

"Let's just hope they don't have grenades," Vo muttered.

"Well what are you waiting for, start cutting!" Vo said, to nobody in particular.

2013-02-17, 09:55 PM
Dennisk walks around the transmitter toward the door, blaster rifle in hand, and calls to the female in the hallway.
Ms. Lestat, whatever your rank is, if you wish to declare your loyalties, now would be an appropriate time. There is, I am afraid, little chance of a peaceful resolution to this, and our group is prepared for combat.

Dennisk turns to his companions.
Dusk, I'd apologize for the deception, but I in no way regret it. Either way, things are going to happen fast, so you may want to put your head on this side of the door.

Koron, his plan is solid-start cutting a hole in the back wall, if you please.
Vi, I think you should start this off. You hit the one on the left, I'll get the one on the right.
Havok, if I remember correctly, keep the thing safe.

Everybody else- let's make some scrap metal.

2013-02-18, 04:47 AM
Vo Dusk

"What, me? Insulted?" Vo says with a smirk.

The mercenary draws his blaster again and steps to one side of the droids, out of their line of sight, and prepares to fire on whichever one survives the initial assault.

2013-02-19, 02:42 AM
"Maybe, maybe, I would have changed sides for the sake of the Jedi. But they died in orbit, didn't they. You are just the cast-off remains of the Republic task force, not even judged enough of a threat to bother killing. Open fire!"

As she gave that order, Vo Dusk realised, almost too late, that the cover he had ducked back behind was actually an armed battle droid. He flung himself backwards as blaster fire seared through the space he had occupied mere moments before. The other battle droid swung its blaster around to target Koron, but he had a bit of warning and easily dodged the shot.

As the party turns to meet this new threat, a small object rolls into the room, already beginning to pour forth a cloud of smoke. Though you cannot see anything through it, you can hear the noise of droids moving into position.

If you are adjacent to a target in the smoke cloud, they have partial concealment; if they are separated from you by at least one hex of smoke, they have total concealment.

Since you no longer know their positions, I've removed the lieutenant and the B2s from the map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhPSfbShTjmkdHFrU2dEdEhoX3pNOFFXY1kwdUxzd kE&usp=sharing#gid=0). Those of you whose positions are not marked, please place your characters.

Neither Jedi posted, so I don't know what's happening on that front. Is one of you cutting through the back wall? Do either of you have your lightsabers out?

2013-02-19, 02:49 AM
Dennsik blasts the B1 droid in front of him.

Your funeral, traitor.



If Crit

2013-02-19, 03:15 AM
Seeing the smoke grenade, Geoffrey thinks things went awfully wrong. He pulls out his pulse-wave pistol, adjusts the grip and regulates the power flow from the power supply, being ready in case his words don't do the trick, 'Whoa! Let's calm down just a bit and talk for a moment in private! We have some information that could be very valuable to you!

2013-02-19, 03:16 AM
Vo Dusk

"C'mon padawhatevers, aren't you supposed to make chopped gundark out of droids?" Dusk yelled.

He considered tossing the smoke canister out the door, but figured that wouldn't do any good.
Can't go wrong with shooting things...

(counter)attack the adjacent B1.
atk: [roll0] (concealment and PBS taken into account)
dmg: [roll1]

2013-02-19, 05:32 AM
"So much for the cover operation" - Vi murmured, as he blasted the nearest droid.

Attack (with all modifiers and battle strike) [roll0]
dmg [roll1] sonic + [roll2] Force

2013-02-19, 07:40 AM
Havrok moves himself away from the door and draws his pulse wave rifle, waiting for the droids to come into view. He listens through the walls he's against for activity and possibly a count of the obnoxiously loud droids.

Talking would have to wait until the droids were dispatched. No point in trying to reason with someone who is unable to speak back freely.

Don't actually have the standard action to listen.

2013-02-19, 10:34 AM
Koron takes the opportunity provided by the smoke to set up a retreat, should they need it. He draws what appeared to be a metal sword from the scabbard at his side and ignites his saber to begin the doorway.

2013-02-19, 12:15 PM
In the smoke, Dennisk's shot goes wide, missing the droid in front of him. Before he can adjust his aim, however, shots from his companions take down both of the B1s.

Firing blind, the B2s begin to pour blaster fire into the room. Most of the shots slam harmlessly into the walls, but one catches Koron in the back, dealing 10 damage.

Suddenly, the firing stops. A shift in the swirling smoke alerts Vo too late of the attack, and, before he can react, a sabre slashes into his side for 11 damage. Through the smoke, he can see the lieutenant in a dueling stance, already swinging her sword around to attack again.

2013-02-19, 12:23 PM
Dennisk grimaces as his shot misses. Smoke...well, won't try that again.
He (move action) grabs his spear and stabs into the doorway, knowing foes would be there.



2013-02-19, 11:37 PM
Havrok readies himself to fire upon the first droid that comes through the smoke.

Readied action, or whatever it is to shoot the next droid he can. Not interested in shooting Lestat.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]+[roll2]

2013-02-19, 11:42 PM
Geoffrey ducks behind the transmitter, thinking it might offer some cover. He then aims Pointbreach at the cloud of smoke and readies an attack versus the first thing that shows itself.

2013-02-20, 12:50 AM
Vo Dusk grunts in pain as Lestat's sabre bloodies his side. He aims his blaster at her, then thinks better of pulling the trigger.

"First one's free, Captain," he said, before withdrawing back to where the Jedi should be just about finished cutting them an exit.

Edit: The mercenary stepped through the neatly sliced hole in the wall and onto the street, looking around for signs of hostiles.

2013-02-20, 05:22 AM
The wall now has a large hole to travel through. "I'm going to scout the retreat." Koron steps into the next room. Going out the front might not be the best idea, since they have no idea how many droids the good captain left out there. He moves to the hall and sees that it is the same corridor Lestat and company occupy. Koron moves up to approach the battle from a different side.

2013-02-20, 09:00 PM
The cloud of smoke begins to disperse and become tenuous, but it still defeats all attempts to see what is happening in the doorway - until a host of battle droids comes charging out of it.

The first goes down to a powerful blast from the Felucian in the corner, and the second to a hail of fire from Geoffrey and Viridian. As they charge towards him, Dennisk stabs at one with his spear, but the tip just slides off the its chest plate. Despite this, they just keep coming, firing as they do. Most of the shots go wide, but one strikes Havrok squarely on the chest, causing 8 damage.

The smoke disperses at the end of this round. I strongly suggest running for the hole in the wall.

Wow, you really have terrible luck with that thing, don't you.

I was bored of waiting. Hopefully you just did what most of the others did and readied an attack on the first person to come out.

2013-02-20, 10:20 PM
"Ohh, bad idea." Koron quickly turns around, passing Vo "Not that way" and goes into the nearest room with what is hopefully an exterior wall.

Koron moves up and around the corner, right up to the first droid in the formation and sends a powerful wave of Force energy down the hall. If the the droids were out of the way, maybe the captain would speak more freely. Koron isn't the type to waste an opportunity.

If they live and get up to shoot, I'll activate Force Shield (roll in OoC). If possible, I'd like to activate Negate Energy too. They're both reactions, so I don't know how that works. If not possible, Force Shield is preferred.

2013-02-20, 10:45 PM
Carud standing near the newly cut exit, with his blaster riffle at the ready, Carud switch it to auto fire and begins firing at the droids, providing covering fire so his team mates can escape thought the hole. Carud, will be the last one thought the hole.

Ranged: blaster rifle [roll0] [roll1] with autofire

2013-02-21, 12:37 AM
Seeing only a minor impact in the torrent of battle droids coming in through the doorway, Geoffrey decides to run out of the hole and into the next room.

2013-02-21, 01:25 PM
Dennisk curses mildly, and moves for the door, stopping on the way to stab again, aiming for the lieutenant if he can see her, otherwise for a B2.
(move action: GTFO. Attack :standard action. I can move before and after my attack, so yeah.)
Let's get out of here!

(If I am allowed, I edit my action to reflect the following. Otherwise, whatever the rules say that I can do that approximates the below.)
Dennisk stops as the Jedi unleash the force on their foes.
Cast-off remains or the Republic task force, mind you.
He stabs at a downed droid and moves a (5 foot) step closer to the captain.



2013-02-22, 01:04 AM
Havrok hears the calamity from the hall and follows suit, ignoring the greater sound at the other end. After moving into position, he replicates the move, sending the droids in the room to the ground. "Someone grab the captain!"

Not sure if I need Sense Surroundings for those within the smoke. Either way, the action is available, and it's an instant success.
Sense Surroundings: [roll0]
Force Slam UtF: [roll1]
Force Slam damage: [roll2]

2013-02-22, 02:42 AM
With an incoherent bellow, Koron unleashes a mighty blast of energy, throwing every droid in the hallway backwards to crumple against the floor.

Inside the room, Carud softens the droids up with a burst of autofire, before Havrok finishes the job with a Force Slam of his own, handily dispersing the fading cloud of smoke.

The lieutenant climbed to her feet. Seeing that she was now outnumbered and surrounded, she retreated back through the doorway, only to stop and stare in astonishment at the carnage before her. Turning to look at Koron, who still holds his lit lightsaber, she stutters out a few incoherent words.

"But... you... he said..."

Regaining some of her composure, she turns towards him, swinging her sword in an obvious, slow arc. As it is easily blocked, she hisses at him.

"Jedi! You have to get out of here! Now!"

Behind her, the column of droids continues its inexorable advance, droids trampling over their fallen comrades. The lieutenant's position prevents them from firing on Koron, but they keep their blasters leveled and ready.

2013-02-24, 07:16 PM
Vo Dusk

Vo moved into the next room, next to Viridian, and covered the entrance while the others followed.

"C'mon kid, cut us an exit, pronto," he said.

ready an action to fire on any droids which follow us

2013-02-26, 07:47 AM
Koron replies in a hushed voice, "We'll find him." and makes his leave out the back with everyone else.

2013-02-26, 12:33 PM
Havrok makes the move to the exit.

2013-02-26, 04:22 PM
Carud follows the other out of the room.

2013-02-27, 08:32 AM
Viridian finishes cutting a hole in the wall, and shoves out a cylinder of permacrete. Behind him, the rest of the group ducks through the hole and into a small alleyway.

In the front of the building, an MTT is parked, still disgorging a column of droids into the building. However, the back of the building seems clear.

2013-02-28, 10:38 PM
Carud exits the building thought the newly opened door, seeing the back way is clear head that way to cover, and the covers the other exit and will follow others back to the ship.