View Full Version : Anyone recommend me a good Tactics game for PC?

2013-01-23, 10:35 PM
So, I love turn based strategy games... unfortunately I don't own any consoles. I've played Battle for Wesnoth, which is alright, and I've got XCOM and have played that quite a bit...

But I need something new. Unfortunately my platform of choice is pretty barren of turn based tactics games, at least as far as I'm aware. Anyone have any ideas? Or am I pretty much out of luck?

(For the record I'm anxiously anticipating Mechwarrior Tactics later this year; but I need something to hold me off until then >.<)

Hiro Protagonest
2013-01-23, 10:53 PM
Jagged Alliance 2 always works.

And, as always, Steam has the original X-COM. It's pretty good, except for all the tedious micromanagement (it doesn't have personalized weapons and misc gear) and the trap research (although after one playthrough, you generally find out what's important fast). There's also the fact that your starting base sucks, and you should immediately build two new hangars in the top two corners, then pay for more general stores, labs, workshops, living quarters, and an alien containment. Then you wait. Make sure to dismantle the old hangars in the bottom corners after the new ones are built.

Also, in old X-COM, USE THE GRAPHS. About ten days into the month, the graphs become really good for figuring out what direction you should point your aircraft in for patrolling (patrolling gives you a radar of 600 NM around the aircraft, and you can spot enemy ships along the way. Major amounts of activity may also indicate an alien base being built as supply ships come through in large numbers).

2013-01-23, 10:57 PM
D'oh, forgot to mention that I already have the original X-Com games hehe >_< I played em back when they first came out; and bought em on Steam as soon as they became available there. (Great suggestion there though!)

I've heard good things about JA2, never did play it though. Wonder if GOG has it. *goes hunting*

warty goblin
2013-01-23, 11:41 PM
I rather like Elven Legacy. A bit larger scale than the XCOMs, but it's a very solid game about commanding units of elves to kill everything. Plus the plot turns out to be good.

Age of Wonders is also marvelous. I lost more hours of my youth to that game than I care to contemplate.

2013-01-24, 12:02 AM
I've had recommendations for Fallout Tactics, though I haven't tried it myself.

2013-01-24, 12:04 AM
Forgot to mention that one too >_< I own that one as well. (Pretty interesting game, though I'm not a huge fan of the Fallout universe myself. /weirdo)

@wartygoblin - will have to look into those <^_^> thank you.

2013-01-24, 12:26 AM
I was going to recommend a bunch of 20 year old tactical games for long-dead consoles that you can play in your PC with any number of free emulators, but if you are aware of fallout tactics and the original xcom, you probably also know about Langrisser and Shinning Force.

Grey Wolf

2013-01-24, 10:06 AM
If you like World War 2 then I'd recommend Battlefront's Combat Mission: Normandy and its addons.

You can run it turn based or real time...Extremely detailed physics modelling for round penetration and such. There is no base building or such, but there are linked scenarios for the campaign and a LARGE scenario and graphical modding community.


2013-01-24, 11:07 AM
I'm guessing you already cleared out the Heroes of Might and Magic series?

2013-01-24, 11:26 AM
Silent Storm. You can get it at GoG with its expansion.

It is really awesome.

2013-01-24, 02:52 PM
@Gray_Wolf_c - Believe it or not, I've never been much of a Console person; so while I know some of the old console tactics games (Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance) - I really don't know that many; feel free to toss out some recommendations if you feel like it.

@Jonzac - *adding to list* <^_^> Thank you!

@Cespnar - I've played them all through V yeah - not really a huge fan of it either for whatever reason. It has all the elements I like, but for some reason it just doesn't do it for me. Weird I know. Same issue with the new King's Bounty games; well I haven't tried Warriors of the North I guess, but still.

@Elaborigen - Already own it >_<; (I should have made a thorough list at the start, sorry) - it is indeed a pretty great game; though I find the Panzerklein's annoying. (Hooray for mods to get rid of them!)

2013-01-24, 05:39 PM
Then I'll second warty goblin with elven legacy. If you want a mix between strategy and tactical in the same style (might even be the same dev, not sure) you could try warlock:master of the arcane. It's kind of a mix between elven legacy and civ5.

warty goblin
2013-01-24, 06:07 PM
Then I'll second warty goblin with elven legacy. If you want a mix between strategy and tactical in the same style (might even be the same dev, not sure) you could try warlock:master of the arcane. It's kind of a mix between elven legacy and civ5.

Yep, same developer, after they got bought up by 1C - publisher of many things weird, Russian and variably wonderful. Different universe though, rather unfortunately. They were doing some unusual and interesting things with Elven Legacy that the Majesty' games' archtypical to the last detail by design world wouldn't support quite as well.

Also they got rid of the distinction between casualties and KIA, which was a cool little mechanic. Which isn't to diss Warlock, I think it's still the best TBS-thing released this year.

2013-01-25, 04:28 AM
Warlock is quite nice. I've liked it more than Elemental: Fallen Enchantress and Elven Legacy myself.

2013-01-25, 06:20 AM
Sword Of The Stars is all kinds of sci fi awesome. Imagine a cross between a 4X game and a real-time-pause space combat tactics game. Available on Steam.

(Don't get SOTS2.)

2013-01-25, 06:33 AM
Of course, I'm ethically obligated to mention Master of Magic and Master of Orion 2 as well.

2013-01-25, 08:28 AM
Already got SoTS <^_^> Indeed it is a bucket of awesome! (Not sure I'd call it a tactics game though; very much a 4x with it's own unique awesome though)

Thanks for all the recommendations folks <^_^> I've picked up Elven Legacy and will probably snag a couple others in short order. Some of this is stuff I'd just never heard of, or been wary to try for one reason or other. Been a big help!

2013-01-25, 11:09 AM
I know you specifically mentioned Turn-based, but Warty pointed me to 7.62mm High Calibre, which while not turn-based, is pausable. You might like that, though from what I've heard it's a little crashy.

warty goblin
2013-01-25, 11:14 AM
I know you specifically mentioned Turn-based, but Warty pointed me to 7.62mm High Calibre, which while not turn-based, is pausable. You might like that, though from what I've heard it's a little crashy.

7.62 is pretty much a game only worth playing if you crave the absolute most in-depth fireteam level tactics modeling seen in videogaming. If you aren't after that, it's actually fairly bad. If you do want that, there's nothing else that even comes close - this is a game that models change in reload time based on where you store your ammunition.

Never had problems with it crashing though.

edit: that said, you can get many of the benefits of moving from turn based to real-time tactics with Jagged Alliance: Back in Action. Its modeling is nowhere near as in depth as 7.62, but the interface is rather more intelligible, and it eliminates most of the stupid artifacts of turn-based combat.

Also, I have a spare copy of 7.62 on GamersGate if anybody wants it.

2013-01-26, 07:03 AM
I'd like that copy. I've only played a friends version but it's fan translated from Russian.

I keep watching for a sale but never have cash and sale at the same time.

warty goblin
2013-01-26, 10:07 AM
I'd like that copy. I've only played a friends version but it's fan translated from Russian.

I keep watching for a sale but never have cash and sale at the same time.

Sure thing. Just PM me your GamersGate account name and it's yours.

2013-01-26, 11:40 AM
MOO2 got mentioned as it well should, may I suggest MOO3? Wait I know what you are thinking, MOO3 is awful...and so it is. However with the fan mods Vanilla Ice Cream it is very good, and Strawberry Ice Cream is excellent as well. Much less annoying micromanaging, most of the good stuff you would expect in MOO.

2013-01-26, 02:58 PM
There's Banner Saga: Factions (http://stoicstudio.com/forum/the-banner-saga-factions.php), which will be free once it's done, but is currently in paid beta.

2013-01-26, 03:13 PM
The Medieval Total War series might be right up your alley. Its you against the world, where the goal is to take over the world. Among other things. Turn based empire building.

2013-01-26, 03:18 PM
There's Banner Saga: Factions (http://stoicstudio.com/forum/the-banner-saga-factions.php), which will be free once it's done, but is currently in paid beta.

This intrigues me <o.O> I will be keeping an eye on it I think.

@Traab - I'm a huge Total War fan hehe <^_^> I have every Total War game except the first Medieval. Good stuff that.

2013-01-26, 06:49 PM
I just thought of another couple of games. Titans of Steel: Warring Suns is one I played for a while and seemed interesting, but I found it a little hard to get into.

The other one that I just remembered, even though the icon is staring at me on my desktop, is UFO: Alien Invasion. It's right in the middle of it's 2.4>2.5 dev transition, but it's still a fantastic game based on the old X-Com. Turn based and very deep. It's also very much Nintendo Hard.

Expect to die. Often.

2013-01-26, 07:52 PM
Oh wait. OMG, no one has yet mentioned Frozen Synapse. Available on Steam.
You'll want the soundtrack version.
For example... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz3K3GBXmEs)

2013-01-26, 11:06 PM
@Gray_Wolf_c - Believe it or not, I've never been much of a Console person; so while I know some of the old console tactics games (Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance) - I really don't know that many; feel free to toss out some recommendations if you feel like it.

Bearing in mind that these games are now in their 20s (i.e. don't expect modern graphics), I would say that these are the greatest of their generation:

Shinning Force 2: the game that introduced me to the genre. Great cast of characters, quite unique, with hidden evolutions. Once at full strength, you'll command 12 units per battle.

Langrisser 2 (aka warsong 2): Interesting mechanics in which your generals hire disposable troops at start battle. You start battles with something like 50 units (8 generals, 6 troops each), and the game encourages you to accept losses of the hired troops, making it rather unique in the genre.

Fire Emblem: permadeath & non-repeatable battles makes this game a bit of a nightmare: you strive to earn every last morsel of XP. A whole series of it, they are still being produced. In my experience, the newer games are much easier.

Grey Wolf

2013-01-27, 12:45 AM
Oh wait. OMG, no one has yet mentioned Frozen Synapse. Available on Steam.
You'll want the soundtrack version.
For example... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz3K3GBXmEs)

Great game, I love it although I suck at it...HARD.

2013-01-27, 12:53 AM
Yeah, I got Frozen Synapse during one of the Humble Indie Bundle deals <^_^> Great game, and I too am terrible at it. (It's painful how bad I am at it really; especially since I'm usually fairly adept at this kind of thing!)

@Grey_Wolf_c - I shall add them to the list! <^-^> Thank you, this is all most helpful!

2013-01-27, 07:33 PM
The Medieval Total War series might be right up your alley. Its you against the world, where the goal is to take over the world. Among other things. Turn based empire building.

My first thought. Empire Total War is my favorite so far. I have not played the newer ones. The combat is in real time but it is adjustable. The strategic part is turn based.

2013-01-27, 10:27 PM
Sorry if someone else already mentioned it..
but there is an open source game out there by the name of

Battle for Wesnoth


It may not have the best graphics/whatever.. but it is a rather solid game, with a lot of mods out there that really change up the game.

Another game I thought of.. rather old, but still a lot of fun (if you like fantasy):

Medieval Conquest

2013-01-28, 12:03 AM
Sorry if someone else already mentioned it..
but there is an open source game out there by the name of

Battle for Wesnoth

The OP did, actually.

Tactical turn-based games are more of a console thing. PC gaming either goes real time, or ups the scale so much it's less tactics and more strategy.

2013-01-28, 12:17 AM
Ever played the original Laser Squad?
The lead designer made an indie sequel. Laser Squad Nemesis.


Imagine Frozen Synapse but with older graphics (sprite-based, but better than old X-Com's), and you select from 1 of 4 factions (Humans, Skynet, Zerg, and Greys). Frozen Synapse took this game's gameplay innovation and made it its own (and made it more complex... you might say too complex).

2013-01-28, 12:21 AM
I'd heard of Laser Squad Nemesis - haven't tried it yet. May have to see about changing that however!

2013-01-28, 08:57 PM
I know you said turn-based but while skimming through my Library, I noticed I had a copy of the now free to play Mech Commander 2. It's not a perfect game, but it is very fun, although it's not turn based.

Also, 7.62 is way more realistic and fun than it has any right to be. It even allows for 'Shotgun Surprise' which is nice.

Shotgun Surprise: Hear an enemy on the next floor but have no clear way up without getting shot in the head? Shoot them through the floor. Also works on walls.

2013-01-28, 09:02 PM
Funny, every time I try something like that, it costs me a merc from the ricochet. Of course, that game is insanely buggy, what with the AI being able to walk through walls at times.

2013-01-29, 05:12 AM
Ooh, just remembered an "old but gold". Shadow Watch. I doubt if anyone else has played it, though.

2013-01-29, 06:44 AM
'Watch your angles marines!' - X3TC marine chatter.

Plus it helps I was doing it with a single merc and shooting at an angle.

Also, Arm>Drop>Slam door works well.

2013-01-29, 11:17 AM
Oh, Shadow Watch. That was fun. I never got a chance to finish it, but I loved the concept...now that you mention it the current XCOM takes some of the combat elements from SW.

Hum, haven't thought of that game in a looooooooog time.

2013-01-29, 05:34 PM
Ooh, just remembered an "old but gold". Shadow Watch. I doubt if anyone else has played it, though.

Never heard of it... <@.@> Adding to the list though!

2013-01-30, 05:39 AM
Never heard of it... <@.@> Adding to the list though!

I'm surprised that another soul has heard of it as well.

2013-01-30, 10:03 AM
Shadow Watch was a pretty good game. Very atmospheric for the time. Pacing was sometimes a little uneven, and you definitely couldn't let someone charge out into no-man's land as a sacrificial spotter.